ICSBAP :: Volume #2

#194: The plot revealed

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Qi Yue controlling causes the great seal, just wants to follow up a victory with hot pursuit, result that monster alligator. 齐岳驭使大印,正想乘胜追击,结果那妖鳄。 But at this time. 但这时候。 Luo Yan has appeared side the monster alligator. 罗阎已出现在妖鳄身旁。 Only falls, that monster alligator then head disruption, did not have the sound directly. 只一脚落下,那妖鳄便头颅碎裂,直接没了动静。 Then. 而后。 His body changes into the remnant shadow. 他身子化为残影。 A fuzziness, appears by the small monster alligator of that whole body roaring flame. 一个模糊,又出现在那头浑身烈焰的小妖鳄旁。 Only listens to ‚’. 只听‘唰’的一声。 That monster alligator is common just like the rubber ball, departs ten meter/rice directly, suffers a relapse again on the ground, similarly did not have the sound. 那妖鳄宛如皮球一般,直接飞出十来米,重重落在地上,同样没了动静。 Begins from Luo Yan, finished to the fight, but several breath time. 罗阎动手,到战斗结束,不过几个呼吸时间。 The Luo Yan facial expression is indifferent. 罗阎神情淡然。 Patted clapping, seeming to eat meal to drink water to be the same, did an extremely ordinary matter. 拍了拍手,好似吃饭喝水一样,做了件极其普通的事。 But Sun Zhuo three people, then the look is shocking, on the face was disclosing does not dare to believe. 孙卓三人,则眼神震惊,脸上透露着一丝不敢置信。 The monster alligator caused heavy losses right. 妖鳄被重创没错。 But that is the monster beast. 但那可是妖兽。 The defense is astonishing, aggressive inexplicable. 防御惊人,凶悍莫名。 Even if caused heavy losses, is not good to kill. 纵然被重创,也不是那么好杀死的。 Their previous time comes, is so, first bends down to kill by Geng gold/metal Jianzhen, then personally conclusion. 他们上次过来,也是这般,先以庚金剑阵伏杀,再亲自收尾。 But each time, must spend for several minutes, can rub these monster beasts. 但每一次,都需花费数分钟,才能磨死这些妖兽。 But now. 而如今。 Merely several breath...... four monster alligators then such as kill the chicken to butcher the duck to kill directly. 仅仅数个呼吸……四头妖鳄便如杀鸡宰鸭般都直接杀死。 Luo fellow daoist, cannot think that your strength is so powerful.” Qi Yue holds breath a cold air/Qi, the recording tape is astonished. “罗道友,想不到你实力这般强大。”齐岳倒吸一口冷气,音带惊异。 He has to see body cultivator. 他不是没见过体修 But looks like Luo Yan so, kills the monster beast such as to butcher the chicken the fierce person, he has not seen! 但像罗阎这般,杀妖兽如宰鸡的猛人,他还从来没见过! Does not seem to use Geng gold/metal Jianzhen, Luo fellow daoist to massacre these four monster alligators.” The Yue Youlan eyeground reveals the color of worship, the extraordinary splendor lingers, some small face slightly flushed. “好像不用庚金剑阵,罗道友一人就能杀掉这四头妖鳄。”月幽兰眼底露出崇拜之色,异彩流连,小脸都微有些潮红。 She discovered that Luo Yan not only fresh handsome, the body has the invisible makings, making her be crazy, and more wrote is deeper. 她发现罗阎不仅生的英俊,身上更具无形气质,令她着迷,且越写越深。 Only has Sun Zhuo. 只有孙卓 The eyelid beats unceasingly. 眼皮不断跳动。 For a long time, recovering from Luo Yan this ominous prestige, in the surface shows the forced smile. 许久,才从罗阎这股凶威中的回过神来,面上露出牵强笑容。 Before I also looked down upon Luo fellow daoist, does not think that Luo fellow daoist strength is so powerful. Now looked like...... three of us to pour the burden.” “之前我还看不起罗道友,不想罗道友实力这般强大。现在看来……我们三人倒成了累赘。” He smiles bitterly, actually yes sees oneself with the Luo Yan disparity. 他苦笑一声,却是看出自己跟罗阎的差距。 The strategy that he is proud, can only cause heavy losses to the monster alligator, but Luo Yan, three fist two feet then kill the monster alligator. 他引以为傲的阵法,只能重创妖鳄,但罗阎,三拳两脚便将妖鳄打死。 And the disparity, can be inferred. 其中差距,可见一斑。 Otherwise, these monster alligators first caused heavy losses to the strategy by the grandson fellow daoist, I can be so relaxed.” Luo Yan shakes the head, the manner is tranquil. “不然,那些妖鳄先被孙道友以阵法重创,我才能如此轻松。”罗阎摇头,神态平静。 Sun Zhuo forced smile. 孙卓苦笑。 This and other modest words, listens to be good, if takes seriously, he was really stupid. 这等谦虚话语,听听就行了,若当真,那他就是真蠢了。 He thinks, said: Or, harvests to redistribute, my does, put out 1/3 to give Luo again the fellow daoist?” 他想了想,道:“要不,收获重新分配,我那一份,再拿出三分之一给罗道友?” Does not use, normally good assignment on line.” Luo Yan rushes to reject. “不用,就按说好的分配就行。”罗阎赶忙拒绝。 He does not plan to mix the team for a long time. 他不打算长期混队伍。 If will also come next time, he definitely will choose single Shua. 若下次还来,他必然会选择单刷。 Therefore, according to the type of distribution of beforehand reaching an agreement assigns quite well. 所以,还是按事先说好的分配方式去分配比较好。 This......” “这……” Sun Zhuo slightly one hesitant, nods finally: Good.” 孙卓略一犹豫,终是点头:“那好吧。” Hehe, Luo fellow daoist upholds justice, I have not really misread the person.” Qi Yue cracks into a smile. “嘿嘿,罗道友仗义,我果然没看错人。”齐岳咧嘴一笑。 Asks Luo fellow daoist to work as the teammate, was looks.” Yue Youlan also shows the smile. “找罗道友当队友,算是找对人了。”月幽兰同样露出微笑。 By the Luo Yan strength, even if takes away 1/3 harvests from Sun Zhuo, they will not say anything. 罗阎的实力,就算从孙卓那儿拿走三分之一收获,他们也不会说些什么。 But Luo Yan actually opens the mouth to reject. 罗阎却开口拒绝。 This boldness, lets two people to the Luo Yan favorable impression. 这份魄力,让二人对罗阎好感更甚。 The Luo Yan smile did not speak, then a voice revolution, asked: How do these monster alligator corpses process?” 罗阎微笑不语,而后话音一转,问道:“这些妖鳄尸体如何处理?” Squeezes in storage bag directly, after going back, sells out on the line directly.” “直接塞入储物袋,等回去后,直接卖掉就行。” Pitifully, black scale scarlet pupil alligator most valuable is scales, the scales of these four monster alligators were cut by Geng gold/metal Jianqi, the value buckle is at least common.” “可惜,黑鳞赤瞳鳄最值钱的就是一身鳞甲,这四头妖鳄的鳞甲都被庚金剑气划破,价值至少折损一般。” Yue Youlan looks at four monster alligator corpses, in the pupil is revealing a sympathetical color. 月幽兰望着四头妖鳄尸体,眸中流露一丝惋惜之色。 The monster beast whole body is the treasure. 妖兽浑身是宝。 Flesh refine the pill of immortality. 血肉可炼丹。 Scales and muscle skin refiner. 鳞甲、筋皮可炼器。 Resembles the grown black scale scarlet pupil alligator, if the corpse is complete, at least can sell 100 spirit stones. 似成年的黑鳞赤瞳鳄,若尸体完整,一头至少能卖一百灵石。 But these four monster alligator corpses, the scales are stave, the corpse is incomplete, the monster blood also drains much, can sell 50 spirit stones is the limit. 但这四具妖鳄尸体,鳞甲破碎,尸体残缺,妖血也流失不少,能卖五十块灵石便已是极限。 Hears the Yue Youlan words, the Luo Yan vision flashes, said: „, Monster beast corpse, best complete.” 听到月幽兰的话,罗阎目光一闪,道:“如此说来,妖兽尸体,最好完整。” Yes. But these monster alligators are fierce, where do I and others dare to keep the hand?” Qi Yue forced smile. “是啊。但这些妖鳄凶猛,我等哪敢留手?”齐岳苦笑。 If some elect. 若有的选。 They also want certainly to keep an entire corpse to the monster beast. 他们当然也想给妖兽留一个全尸。 If they are thinking keeps the whole body to the monster beast, they possibly could not leave behind the entire corpse. 只是他们若想着给妖兽留全身,他们自己可能就留不下全尸了。 Luo Yan looked at the residing temporarily badly-damaged monster alligator corpse, hesitates little, said: Like this, will bring in the monster alligator next time, the activation confuses line to surround the monster alligator, I have a look whether to leave behind a complete corpse to them.” 罗阎看了眼寄居残破不堪的妖鳄尸体,沉吟少许,道:“这样,下次引来妖鳄,就激活迷行阵困住妖鳄,我看看能否给它们留下一具全尸。” Hears this word. 听闻此言。 Yue Youlan and Qi Yue nod, the facial expression quite approves. 月幽兰齐岳都点了点头,神情颇为认同。 The Luo Yan strength they have experienced, can indeed try 12. 罗阎的实力他们见识过,的确可以尝试一二。 Sun Zhuo knits the brows, said: Was too dangerous? If the monster alligator causes heavy losses without Geng gold/metal Jianzhen, the strength is very strong.” 孙卓皱了皱眉,道:“是不是太危险了?妖鳄若未经庚金剑阵重创,实力可是很强的。” Brother Sun, makes fellow daoist first try. If not good, displays Geng gold/metal Jianzhen again is.” Yue Youlan opens the mouth to persuade. “孙大哥,就让罗道友先试试。若不行,再施展庚金剑阵便是。”月幽兰开口劝说。 Yes Sun Zhuo, first tries. The complete monster alligator corpse is much more valuable.” Qi Yue also said. “是啊孙卓,就先试试呗。完整的妖鳄尸体可贵得多。”齐岳也道。 Sees two people to open the mouth to persuade, Sun Zhuo selects the brow , can only should under. 见二人都开口劝说,孙卓一挑眉头,也只能应下。 Good, the next wave of monster alligator, I only rouse confuse line, making fellow daoist try.” Sun Zhuo shot a look at Luo Yan, then selfish walks toward four monster alligator corpses. “那好,下一波妖鳄,我只勾动迷行阵,让罗道友一人试试。”孙卓瞥了眼罗阎,便自顾自朝四具妖鳄尸体走去。 First receives storage bag the monster alligator corpse, then puts out several lysimachia foenumgraecums, puts in the middle of confusing line. 先是将妖鳄尸体收入储物袋,而后又拿出几根灵香草,摆在迷行阵当中。 Completes all. 做完一切。 Then. 接下来。 Four people return to the original position , to continue to wait. 四人回到原处,继续等待。 Soon, three black scale scarlet pupil alligators climb up the shore from the sea water one after another, starts to gnaw the food lysimachia foenumgraecum. 不多久,陆陆续续又有三头黑鳞赤瞳鳄从海水中爬上岸,开始啃食灵香草。 Grandson fellow daoist, the troublesome activation confuses line.” Luo Yan passes message. “孙道友,麻烦激活迷行阵。”罗阎传音。 Sun Zhuo nods, rouses confuses line. 孙卓点头,勾动迷行阵。 The entire sand beach yellow sand is billowing, the sensation is confused. 整个沙滩黄沙滚滚,感知错乱。 But three monster alligators all are detected that danger, starts to shout scurries about. 而三头妖鳄皆是察觉到了危险,开始嘶吼乱窜。 Their vitality is astonishing, sways from side to side the body each time, the tail is similar to the iron whip, the air that pulls out sends out the low and deep fulmination. 它们气血惊人,每次扭动身子,尾巴都如同铁鞭,抽的空气发出低沉爆鸣。 In Luo Yan none flashes, is staring at the build biggest monster alligator, leapt up directly. 罗阎目中精光一闪,盯着体型最大的妖鳄,直接蹿了出去。 Death!” “死!” His speed to the pinnacle, such as the startled great wild goose, the twinkling appears in front of the monster alligator quickly together, in the monster alligator stunned alarmed and afraid look, a palm pats outrageously. 他速度快到极致,如一道惊鸿,瞬息出现在妖鳄面前,在妖鳄错愕惊惧的眼神当中,一掌悍然拍下。 Bang!” “砰!” A dull thumping sound. 一声闷响。 The monster alligator maintains the leans forward posture. 妖鳄保持前倾姿势。 The head hangs in the midair, had not been patted second half. But the whole body actually shakes suddenly, a pair of vertical pupil, instantaneous hyperemia suddenly/violently Tu. 脑袋悬在半空,未曾被拍下半点。但浑身却猛然一震,一双竖瞳,瞬间充血暴突。 Actually is Luo Yan uses the half vigor. 却是罗阎用出隔山劲。 A palm gets down, just like half hits the cow to be the same, the monster alligator scales skin had not been injured by the least bit, but the brain under scales had been shaken the bean waste by Luo Yan inner vigor! 一掌下去,宛如隔山打牛一般,妖鳄鳞甲皮肤未曾受到半点伤害,但鳞甲下的大脑已然被罗阎内劲震成了豆腐渣! Roar!” “吼!” When Luo Yan flickers kills this monster alligator, other two monster alligator eyes scarlet throws toward him. 罗阎瞬杀这头妖鳄时,其余两头妖鳄眼睛猩红的朝他扑来。 That big mouth fishy smell wind is intermittent. 那血盆大口腥风阵阵。 Then has the odor aura to transmit by far, making the Luo Yan brow wrinkle. 远远便有恶臭气息传来,令罗阎眉头皱起。 „!” “唰!” Luo Yan is sideways, from two monster alligators, has evaded killing of monster alligator. 罗阎一个侧身,从两只妖鳄中间而过,躲过妖鳄的扑杀。 When two monster alligators scrape past, his palm finds out suddenly, holds directly a tail of monster alligator. 在两只妖鳄擦身而过时,他一只手掌猛然探出,直接抓住其中一头妖鳄的尾巴。 But another hand slightly revolving, just like just scratching the surface, touches with the head of another monster alligator leaves. 而另一只手则微一旋转,宛如蜻蜓点水,与另一只妖鳄的头颅一触即离。 The palm takes back, that monster alligator castrates has not stopped. 手掌收回,那妖鳄去势未止。 Has slid ten meter/rice forward, falls on the ground, does not have the least bit sound. 一直向前滑出十来米,才落在地上,已是没有半点动静。 But was held the monster alligator of tail by Luo Yan, turns around in in the air one, then shouting, is nipping directly to the Luo Yan head. 而被罗阎抓住尾巴的妖鳄,则在空中一个转身,而后嘶吼着,直接咬向罗阎脑袋。 The Luo Yan corners of the mouth exude to sneer. 罗阎嘴角泛起冷笑。 The arm makes an effort fiercely, the big mouth of that monster alligator is then far away rapidly, came a close contact with the ground directly. 手臂猛一用力,那妖鳄的血盆大口便迅速远离,直接与地面来了个亲密接触。 Bang!” “砰!” A dull thumping sound. 一声闷响。 On the monster alligator head the scales are stave, flow out the stained bloodstain. 妖鳄脑袋上鳞甲破碎,流出斑斑血迹。 The Luo Yan pupil belt/bring regretted, rushes to make up a palm, result liao. 罗阎眸带惋惜,赶忙补上一掌,结果此獠。 He is raising the tail of monster alligator, from the sky rocks to size up. 他提着妖鳄的尾巴,在空中晃动打量。 Except that on the head broke some scales, the corpse but actually is also complete. 除了脑袋上破了些鳞甲,尸体倒也算是完整。 „Did this...... finish?” “这就……结束了?” The Sun Zhuo three people stand, dumbfounded. 孙卓三人站在旁边,目瞪口呆。 Only depending on the mortal body, kills three to be equivalent to the refining 45 monster beasts, even also left behind three nearly complete corpses. 仅凭肉身,杀死三头相当于炼气四五层的妖兽,甚至还留下了三具近乎完整的尸体。 This...... 这…… Is body cultivator? 就是体修 Suddenly, they give birth unexpectedly impulsive, after going back, then seeks for the body cultivator merit law! 一时间,他们竟生出冲动,回去后便寻找体修功法! ~ monster beast that I hunt and kill not 100 also 80, but no head, can leave behind the so complete corpse.” “哇~我猎杀的妖兽没有一百也有八十,但没有一头,能留下如此完整的尸体。” Yue Youlan runs up to by a monster alligator corpse, strokes the monster alligator corpse carefully, in the pupil is completely the unbelievable color. 月幽兰跑到一具妖鳄尸体旁,细细抚摸妖鳄尸体,眸中尽是难以置信之色。 Also on this monster alligator eyes violent suddenly hyperemia. 也就这妖鳄双眼暴突充血。 If closes one's eyes. 若闭着眼。 She thinks mostly this monster alligator is taking a nap! 她多半会以为这妖鳄是在假寐! Luo fellow daoist strength is really astonishing! This and other complete monster beast corpses, with turning head, at least can sell 110 spirit stones!” Qi Yue was shocked. “罗道友实力真是惊人!这等完整的妖兽尸体,拿回头,一头至少能卖一百一十块灵石!”齐岳惊呆了。 Kills the monster alligator is not difficult alone. 单独杀死妖鳄不难。 The second kills three monster alligators is not difficult. 秒杀三头妖鳄也不难。 So long as cultivation base is enough, he can also achieve. 只要修为足够,他也能做到。 But, alone second at the same time of killing three monster alligators, but can also not keep any wound, he cannot think, in Monster Hunter Pavilion who can achieve. 但,单独秒杀三头妖鳄的同时,还能不留任何伤口,他想不到,猎妖阁中有谁能做到。 Even that refining ten Uncle Li are not good! 即便是那炼气十层的黎叔都不行! Luo Yan looks at three monster alligator corpses, in the surface shows the satisfactory facial expression. 罗阎看着三具妖鳄尸体,面上露出满意神情。 His martial arts. 他之武道。 Actually applies here. 在此处却是派上了用场。 Luo fellow daoist, how do you achieve?” A Yue Youlan face jumps for joy, runs up to side Luo Yan, in a pair of pupil is completely curious. “罗道友,你怎么做到的?”月幽兰一脸雀跃,跑到罗阎身边,一双眸子中尽是好奇。 In her heart to the Luo Yan favorable impression. 她心中对罗阎好感更甚。 At the same time, is the attraction of Blackwater flood dragon bloodlines. 一方面,是黑水蛟血脉的吸引力。 Also other aspect, as a result of Luo Yan strength and charm. 另一面,也是由于罗阎本身的实力和魅力。 Luo Yan explained with a smile: What I depend is the strength, in brief, separates the brain of spatial destruction monster alligator.” 罗阎笑着解释:“我靠的是劲力,简而言之,就是隔空破坏妖鳄的大脑。” Also can like this?” Yue Youlan looks stunned. “还能这样?”月幽兰神情错愕。 Distant place. 远处。 Sun Zhuo is looking at distant place excited Yue Youlan and Qi Yue, looked at the eye to be indifferent, was encircled by two people in middle Luo Yan, the eyeground flashes through haze. 孙卓望着远处激动的月幽兰齐岳,又看了眼淡然自若,被二人围在中间的罗阎,眼底闪过一丝阴霾。 Spirit strength fluctuates so small and weakly, at most only then refining two cultivation base.” “灵力波动这般弱小,至多只有炼气二层修为。” This grade of cultivation base, has this grade of strength, his bloodlines, are inevitably extraordinary, background, is inevitably enormous.” “这等修为,却拥有这等实力,他的血脉,必然非凡,来头,也必然极大。” But why, can such person, come to struggle with me? Can snatch my crest of wave?” “但为何,这样的人,要来跟我争?要来抢我风头?” Sun Zhuo hides the fist in sleeve robe pinches giggle makes noise. 孙卓藏在袖袍中的拳头捏的咯咯作响。 He is looking at Luo Yan, deeply inspires, as if the greatest determination was ordinary, walks to go forward, received three monster alligator corpses with storage bag. 他望着罗阎,深吸一口气,仿佛下了莫大决心一般,走上前,用储物袋将三头妖鳄尸体收了起来。 Luo fellow daoist, these three monster alligator corpses gives you.” Sun Zhuo arrives in front of Luo Yan, gives Luo Yan storage bag. “罗道友,这三头妖鳄尸体给你。”孙卓来到罗阎面前,将储物袋递给罗阎 Grandson fellow daoist this is......” the Luo Yan facial expression is accidental/surprised. “孙道友这是……”罗阎神情意外。 Taking, this is you should result.” The Sun Zhuo tone is unquestionable. “拿着,这是你该得的。”孙卓语气不容置疑。 Luo Yan is looking at Sun Zhuo, seeing its expression is firm, after silent several seconds, is the nod receives finally. 罗阎望着孙卓,见其表情坚决,静默几秒后,终是点头接下。 Luo fellow daoist is powerful, oneself can hunt and kill the monster beast, does not need to bring three burdens. Takes the thing, leaves.” Saw Luo Yan to accept storage bag, the Sun Zhuo lip sipped sipping, cold sound said. “罗道友实力强大,自己就能猎杀妖兽,没必要带着三个累赘。拿着东西,离开吧。”见罗阎收下储物袋,孙卓嘴唇抿了抿,冷声说道。 Such remarks. 此言一出。 Yue Youlan and Qi Yue stare, then rushes to persuade. 月幽兰齐岳都是一愣,而后赶忙劝说。 „Does Brother Sun , well suddenly why you catch up with the person?” “孙大哥,好好的,你忽然赶人干吗?” Sun Zhuo, what nerve does your boy violate?” 孙卓,你小子犯什么神经?” Two people frown, look to Sun Zhuo. 两人都皱起眉头,望向孙卓 Sun Zhuo complexion ice-cold, looked at Yue Youlan and destiny, coldly said: How long knows, do you help him speak?” 孙卓面色冰冷,看了眼月幽兰和气运,冷冷道:“才认识多久,你们就帮他说话?” Good, you shut out me, that follows him!” “好啊,你们嫌弃我,那就跟他走!” In his eye emerges the blood threads, hides the palm in sleeve robe shivers slightly. 他眼中涌现血丝,藏在袖袍中的手掌微微颤抖。 Three people come out to hunt for the monster. 三人出来猎妖。 He works as the main force. 他当主力。 It seems like that hunts for the harvest of monster he to take the big end each time. 看似每次猎妖的收获他都拿大头。 But in fact, these harvests, but also insufficiently he makes a plate! 但实际上,那些收获,还不够他制造阵盘! He regards two people are the best friend, having two people to go to sea to hunt for the monster, pays greatly? 他视二人为至交好友,带着二人出海猎妖,付出何等巨大? But now, two people is a bystander speak! 而现在,二人却为一个外人说话! This lets in his heart the grief and indignation, direct broken guards. 这让他心中悲愤,直接破防。 This...... Sun Zhuo, where will I shut out you? This matter......” “这……孙卓,我哪会嫌弃你?只是这事……” A Qi Yue face compels ignorant. 齐岳一脸懵逼。 He thought that now makes Luo Yan leave the ranks to be not quite good, how to shut out Sun Zhuo? 他就是觉得现在让罗阎离队不太好,怎么就嫌弃孙卓了? Half that his words saying, was waved to break by Luo Yan. 他话说的一半,被罗阎挥手打断。 Ok, I leave then am.” “算了,我离开便是。” In the Luo Yan heart sighed. 罗阎心中叹息。 In this Sun Zhuo heart is thinking anything, his many saw several points. 孙卓心中在想什么,他多少看出了几分。 Blames him. 怪他。 Blamed him to grow gracefully, making Sun Zhuo feel the threat. 怪他长得太帅了,让孙卓感受到了威胁。 Blames him. 怪他。 Blames him not to care about the feeling of Sun Zhuo, snatched the Sun Zhuo crest of wave, making Sun Zhuo broken guard. 怪他没顾忌孙卓的感受,抢了孙卓的风头,让孙卓破防。 Blames him. 都怪他。 In the Luo Yan eye emerges a helplessness, in storage bag stopper hand to Qi Yue, looks to Sun Zhuo: Grandson fellow daoist, I first walked, you were careful.” 罗阎眼中涌现一丝无奈,将手中储物袋塞给齐岳,又望向孙卓:“孙道友,我先走了,你们自己小心。” Then, he turns around to depart directly. 说罢,他径直转身离去。 Luo fellow daoist......” “罗道友……” Yue Youlan puts out a hand, wants to detain Luo Yan. 月幽兰伸手,想要挽留罗阎 But the Luo Yan surging waves go, just like the startled great wild goose, does not return together, goes far away fast. 罗阎凌波而去,宛如一道惊鸿,头也不回,快速远去。 Looks back that Luo Yan is going far away gradually, she smiles bitterly and astringently, said: Brother Sun, why is your?” 望着罗阎渐渐远去的背影,她苦涩一笑,道:“孙大哥,你这又是何必呢?” Yes, Luo fellow daoist is powerful, we lie down number money is not good, can drive away others?” Qi Yue both hands one, the facial expression is also very puzzled. “就是,罗道友实力强大,我们躺着数钱不好吗,非得把人家赶走?”齐岳双手一摊,神情也很不解。 Hopes with great difficulty a powerful teammate, was actually expelled. 好不容易盼来一个强力队友,却被赶走了。 Really yes...... 实在是…… His facial expression is disappointed, helpless sighed. 他神情怅然,无奈叹息。 Sun Zhuo static standing there, sees the meaning that two people have not departed, after silent several seconds, said lightly: I do not want to implicate Luo fellow daoist.” 孙卓静静的站在那儿,见二人没有离去的意思,沉默几秒后,淡淡道:“我只是不想拖累罗道友罢了。” Said. 说完。 He squats, from storage bag with the going forth to battle plate, starts to manipulate. 他蹲下来,从储物袋拿出阵盘,开始摆弄起来。 Yue Youlan and Qi Yue look at each other one, sighed again. 月幽兰齐岳对视一眼,再次叹了口气。 Sun Zhuo, what to do if Luo fellow daoist did become angry out of shame a moment ago to you begins? You hit wins him?” Qi Yue arrives at side Sun Zhuo, asked low voice. 孙卓,要是刚才罗道友恼羞成怒对你动手怎么办?你打的赢他?”齐岳走到孙卓身边,小声问道。 I......” Sun Zhuo complexion one red, takes together a winding mountain road: I make him leave, he is insufficient to begin to me.” “我……”孙卓脸色一红,拿着一块阵盘道:“我只是让他离开,他不至于对我动手。” That is because Luo fellow daoist is a good person!” “那是因为罗道友是个好人!” Qi Yue coldly smiles, stops for two seconds, passes on the sound said: I know that you feared he robs orchid, but you were too impulsive, this time is the luck is good, what met is Luo fellow daoist such good person, next time...... cannot do this.” 齐岳冷冷一笑,停顿两秒,又传音道:“我知道你怕他抢走幽兰,但你太冲动了,这次是运气好,遇上的是罗道友这样的好人,下次……万万不能在这样做了。” Sun Zhuo feels the concern in Qi Yue eye, purses the lips, nods layer on layer/heavily: Good.” 孙卓感受到齐岳眼中的关怀,抿了抿嘴,重重点了点头:“好。” Un, continued to hunt and kill the monster beast, Luo fellow daoist walked, arranged two sword, so as to avoid met in the sewers to capsize.” Qi Yue patted the Sun Zhuo shoulder, gives his storage bag to give Qi Yue the Luo Yan stopper. “嗯,继续猎杀妖兽了,罗道友走了,多布置两个剑阵,免得等会阴沟里翻船。”齐岳拍了拍孙卓肩膀,将罗阎塞给他的储物袋交给齐岳 He is planning to set out. 他正打算起身。 But at this time, calling out in alarm of Yue Youlan resounded suddenly. 但这时候,月幽兰的惊呼骤然响起。 Was not good, has the monster to guarantee the member to come!” “不好,有妖保修士过来了!” Likes me being able to strengthen adds the point to ask everyone to collect:() I can strengthen add the refresh rate to be quickest. 喜欢我能强化加点请大家收藏:()我能强化加点更新速度最快。
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