„Haha, welcomefellow daoistjoinsus.”
“哈哈,欢迎道友加入我们。”Guys in threepeople of group are very actually satisfied with Luo Yan.
三人组中的大汉其实对罗阎十分满意。body cultivatoris rare, mortal bodypowerfulbody cultivator, cananti-live in the monsterbeast that brings, makes the outputspaceforothermember, is extremely always popularinMonster Hunter Pavilion.体修罕见,一个肉身强大的体修,能抗住引来的妖兽,为其他修士制造输出空间,在猎妖阁中向来极受欢迎。Hehas not thought,Sun Zhuowill open the mouthto questionunexpectedly.
只是他没想到,孙卓竟然会开口质疑。Is goodbecause.
好在。Nowsettles down, Sun ZhuoalsoagreedLuo Yanjoins the team.
The guysaim atSun Zhuo, introduced: „HecalledSun Zhuo, a master, wasourmain forces. Hewas well-meanta moment ago, do not mind.”
大汉指向孙卓,介绍道:“他叫孙卓,一位阵法师,也是我们的主力。刚才他没恶意,你别介意。”Sun Zhuohearsword, archedcupping one hand in the other across the chesttowardLuo Yan.孙卓闻言,朝罗阎拱了拱手。„Has seen the grandsonfellow daoist.”
“见过孙道友。”Luo Yanlooked atSun Zhuo, narrows the eyesto focusto nod.罗阎看了眼孙卓,眯着眼点了点头。„As forthisbeautiful woman, isourteamfavors, Yue Youlanmiss.” The guysaim at the female, saidwith a smile.
“至于这位美女,是我们队宠,月幽兰姑娘。”大汉又指向女子,笑着说道。„Has seen the fellow daoist.” The Yue Youlansoundis gentle, to the Luo Yangracefulluck.
“见过道友。”月幽兰声音轻柔,对罗阎盈盈一福。Shelooks atLuo Yan, in the pupilis revealing the extraordinary splendorfaintly, is onlyextremelycareful, evenLuo Yanhad not detected.
她望着罗阎,眸中隐隐流露异彩,只是极其小心,甚至连罗阎自己都没发觉。„Has seen the moon/monthfellow daoist.”Luo Yanrespondedsubmissively.
“见过月道友。”罗阎拱手回应。„FinallywasI, IcalledQi Yue, do not visitmestrongly, in factIwas delicate, wantedyouto resist the monsterbeast.”Qi Yuecracks into a smile, made an effortto pat the shoulder of Luo Yan.
A palm of the handclaps.
一巴掌拍完。Luo Yanhad not felt.罗阎没甚感觉。Qi Yue, only the sleep/feltpatsactuallyon the pig irongeneral, sorelooking fierce.
倒是齐岳自己,只觉拍在生铁上一般,疼的龇牙咧嘴。Howeverhisnatural dispositionis careless, on the facehas not revealed the least bitbailiff, throughoutisappearancewith a laugh.
不过他生性大大咧咧,脸上没露出半点捕快,始终是笑呵呵的模样。„Has seen the simultaneous/uniformfellow daoist.”In the Luo Yansurfaceshows the smile, looked at the eyethreepeople, introduced oneself: „Below Luo Yan, goes to seato hunt for the monster for the first time, hopes that threefellow daoistlook.”
“见过齐道友。”罗阎面上露出笑容,又看了眼三人,自我介绍道:“在下罗阎,第一次出海猎妖,希望三位道友多照顾一下。”Hisvoiceis sincere, threepeoplenod.
After knowingonemutually .
互相认识一番后。Fourpeoplearrive atside, looked for a tableto take a seatin turn.
刚坐下来。Sun Zhuothenlooks at carefullyLuo Yan, opens the mouthto askagain:孙卓便端详罗阎,再次开口问道:„Uncle Liis a guarantor , the strength of Luofellow daoistI believe that but the courage...... the monsterbeastcompared withmypersonclan, each oneis not huge, the ominousprestigeis astonishing. Drug addict'sfirstgoing to sea, whenwill hunt for the monster, butbe not flushedby the monsterbeast, flees to the wildernessdirectly.”
“黎叔作保,罗道友的实力我信,但胆子嘛……妖兽不比我人族,个个体型庞大,凶威惊人。道友第一次出海,等会猎妖时,可千万别被妖兽一冲,直接就落荒而逃。”Hesaidthese wordsin the tone of joke, but the wordsmeaning of question can actually be seen in speech and appearance.
他以玩笑的语气说出这番话,但话中的质疑之意却溢于言表。„If the monsterbeast is extremely really scary, Luostrengthis mean , can only escape. Actuallygrandsonfellow daoiststrategy, even ifmeets the danger, can still preservemeinevitablyand others. Luo must rely upon the grandsonfellow daoistis.” The Luo Yancomplexionis invariable, saidwith a smile.
“若妖兽真太过吓人,罗某实力低微,也只能逃。倒是孙道友阵法了得,即便遇上危险,必然也能保全我等。罗某还需仰仗孙道友才是。”罗阎面色不变,笑着说道。„WhatLuofellow daoist said that Sun Zhuoisourcoremain forces. HisGenggold/metalJianzhenis powerful, everyfirst-ordermonsterbeast, comingoneto killone.”
“罗道友说的是,孙卓是我们的核心主力。他的庚金剑阵威力巨大,凡是一阶妖兽,来一个杀一个。”Qi Yuelaughs.齐岳大笑。First-ordermonsterbeast.
对应炼气修士。And the strengthstrong and weakspans the scopeto be huge.
其中实力强弱跨越幅度巨大。Histhese words, somewhatexaggeratewithout doubt.
他这番话,无疑有些夸大其词。HoweverSun Zhuoquiteenjoys, in the surfacereveals a colorproudly.
不过孙卓还是颇为受用,面上露出一丝傲然之色。„Yes, Brother Sun'sGenggold/metalJianzhenisonecertainly.”Yue Youlanpulled a round of silk, the pupillightspread, with a smileis looking atSun Zhuo.
“是啊,孙大哥的庚金剑阵可是一绝。”月幽兰挽了挽发丝,眸光流传,笑吟吟的望着孙卓。„Withoutyousaidis so fierce. Ifmeetsskincoarse meat the thickmonsterbeast, wantsyouto make up the blade.”Sun Zhuomodest, somequitedemeanor.
接下来。Fourpeoplestartto chat.
四人开始闲聊。MajoritywasQi YueandYue Youlanwas saying.
The Sun Zhuowordsare few, generallyis meeting the Yue Youlanwords.孙卓话较少,一般都是在接月幽兰的话。Butopens the moutheach time, mustcome outto teaseunavoidablywithLuo Yan, sounds , seemed caring that Luo Yanis ordinary.
但每次开口,都免不了要拿罗阎出来调侃一番,偏偏听上去,又仿佛在关心罗阎一般。Luo Yancanfeelduring the Sun Zhuospoken languagesthatfainthostility.罗阎能感受到孙卓言语间那份隐隐的敌意。Inhisheartguessed.
他心中猜测。Mostlyisbecause the appearanceis handsome, makingthisSun Zhuofeel the threat, thisSun Zhuohas aimed at itself.
多半是由于自己长相英俊,令这孙卓感受到了威胁,这孙卓才会一直针对自己。Regarding this, inhisheartsighed , can only feignunconsciously.
对此,他心中叹息,也只能佯装不觉。„Double-hourhas arrived, preparesdepart!”
“时辰已到,准备出发!”How longfourpeoplehave not chatted, thenhearsout of the doorto broadcastUncle Li'svoice.
四人没聊多久,便听到门外传来黎叔的声音。„Walks, goes to seato hunt for the monster!”
“走,出海猎妖!”„Hopes that thistimeallsmooth, canhunttwomonsterbeasts.”
The memberallset out, followinUncle Libehind,
修士们全都起身,跟在黎叔身后,Outwardwalks. Nearharbor.
A large shipapproaches shoreto anchor.
The large shippresents the quietblackcolor, an ice-coldheavy/thickfeeling.
楼船呈现幽黑之色,给人一种冰冷厚重的感觉。Thematerialis extraordinary, has a markto past, is sending out the lightspiritstrengthfluctuation, the way of faintly visibleBuddhist musical instrument.
其材料非凡,有阵纹流转,散发着淡淡的灵力波动,隐隐可见法器的路数。Buttoplarge ship.
The giantflagflies upwardsagainst the wind.
The blood redhunting formonstertwocharactersengraveabove the flag, the tipis swift and fierce, makingonebe awed at the sight.
血红色的猎妖二字镌刻在旗帜之上,笔锋凌厉,令人望而生畏。This is the Monster Hunter Pavilionhunting formonstership.
这便是猎妖阁的猎妖船。At this moment.
The shorememberis numerous, is embarking.
岸边修士众多,都在上船。Indistinctwithin, but can also seemanyhorse-drawn vehicles, has the member from.
隐约间,还能看到不少马车,有修士从上下来。„Walks, Ihave a hutonsecond, that side wego.”Sun Zhuosaidlightly, thensteps the steps, plansto embark.
“走吧,我在第二层有一间小屋,我们去那边。”孙卓淡淡道了一句,便踏上阶梯,打算上船。Butat this time.
但这时候。Extendsbig handsuddenly, pushesdirectlytoward the one sidehim.
The soundis faint.
声音淡漠。Sun Zhuoonlythinks that a greatstrengthtransmitsfrom the bodyside, cannot help but, retreatstowardsideunexpectedly.孙卓只觉一股巨力从身侧传来,竟不由自主,朝旁边退去。Finallyevenalsostaggerstwosteps, has almost not saton the ground.
The Sun Zhuocoming to a stopfigure, the complexionis ugly, visiongloomylookstopushing his person.孙卓站稳身形,脸色难看,目光阴沉的看向推他那人。But the wordstold only half,put out a handto hold onbyLuo Yan.
但话说到一半,就被罗阎伸手拉住了。„Brother Sun, is the Hua familyperson.”Yue Youlanrushesto send greetings, on the smallfacedisclosed that color of the intensefear, for fear that the Sun Zhuospeaking incorrectlywords, offendHua family.
“孙大哥,是火家的人。”月幽兰赶忙传音,小脸上透露出一丝紧张畏惧之色,生怕孙卓说错话,得罪火家。„Hua family?”
“火家?”Sun Zhuoalmostbecomes angry out of shame, hearsthisword, immediatelyquickly grasps the meaning of something, is busy attowardpushing his personlooks.孙卓差点恼羞成怒,闻听此言,当即一个激灵,忙朝推他那人望去。Sees onlythatpersonalsoto be in sight itself.
只见那人也在望自己。But after the person, a fiery redlong hair, is not looking askancejust like the porcelain dollbeautifulyoung girl, walkstoward the large shipon.
而那人身后,一个一头火红长发,宛如瓷娃娃般的绝美少女正目不斜视,朝楼船上走去。„Hua Jinfeng?!”
“火金凤?!”Sun Zhuohas a scare.孙卓吓了一大跳。Helived for nearly20yearsonfierceYangDao, beforehad naturally seenHua Jinfeng.
他在烈阳岛上生活了近二十年,之前自然见过火金凤。At this momentonlysees a back.
此刻只见到一个背影。Butthatfamiliarfigure and makings, areHua Jinfengwithout doubt.
但那熟悉的身形和气质,是火金凤无疑。ButHua Jinfeng, isHua familydirect descendant, fierceYangDaodaolordfiredaughter.
而火金凤,可是火家嫡系,烈阳岛岛主火蛮的女儿。A moment ago......
刚才……Almost, heoffendedHua family.
差一点,他就得罪火家了。Sun Zhuoswallowed a saliva, in the heart the lingering fear.孙卓咽了口口水,心中后怕不已。Hestands, dullis looking atHua Jinfengandtwosubordinatesdeparts.
他站在旁边,呆呆的望着火金凤及其两个手下离去。Untilthreepeoplevanishin the middle of the large ship, hehas gotten back one's composure, scratchedheadcold sweat.
直到三人消失在楼船当中,他才回过神,擦了擦头上的冷汗。„Sun Zhuo, yourluckis really bad.”Qi Yuelooks the forced smile, poutstowardSun Zhuobehindsedan chair. Hua Jinfengwhat kind ofperson?
“孙卓,你运气真差。”齐岳面露苦笑,朝孙卓身后的轿子努了努嘴。火金凤何等人也?Iffrank and upright, walkson the road.
若是光明正大,走在路上。Sun Zhuoevenagainnegligent, should still definitely avoidahead of time.孙卓就算再大意,也必然会提前避开。Butwhocanthink,Hua Jinfengdoes drillsuddenlyfrom the sedan chair?
可谁又能想到,火金凤忽然从轿子里钻出来呢?„Can Hua Jinfengalsogo to seato hunt for the monster?”Yue Youlanfacial expressionsurprise.
The Hua Jinfengpositionis honored, wherecanbyhunting for the monstermakes money?火金凤地位尊贵,哪需靠猎妖赚钱?Nowalong withthemembarkstogether, makingherhave an impracticalfeeling.
现在随他们一同上船,令她有种不切实际之感。„Perhapsis onlyon the way?”Luo Yancarvesto tread around the millstone.
“或许只是顺路吧?”罗阎琢磨道。„Has nothing to dowithusin any case. Walks, wecome up.”Sun Zhuofelt that somewhatloses face.
“反正跟我们无关。走吧,我们上去。”孙卓感到有些丢脸。Butwhatafter allfacesisHua Jinfeng, healso can only destroy the toothto swallowtoward, when anything has not happened.
但毕竟面对的是火金凤,他也只能打碎牙齿往里吞,当什么事都没发生过。Fourpeopleboarded the large ship.
The log cabinis narrow, butaccommodatesfourpeopleto have more than enough to spare.
After fourpeopleembark, chattedat willtwo, thenallsits cross-leggedto sit, starts the concisesupernatural power.
四人上船之后,随意闲聊了两句,便全都盘膝而坐,开始凝练法力。Thisgoes to the journeyto be long, the memberdependto practiceto kill the time.
……Safe/without matter.
After the half a month, during Luo Yanis sitting in meditation, hears the loud and clearsoundto resoundsuddenlytogether, spreads over the entirelarge ship.
半月后,罗阎尚在入定当中,忽听一道洪亮声音响起,传遍整个楼船。„Placearrived, thisshipwill stay for tendaysinthisplace, tendayslaterpunctualreturn.”
“地方到了,本船将在此地停留十天,十天后准时返航。”„Withintenday that wantsto go backcomes back, obsoletedoes not wait!”
The soundresounds.
The Sun Zhuothreepeoplealsoopened eyes, stood.孙卓三人也睁开眼,站了起来。„Walks, disembarks.”
“走吧,下船。”Sun Zhuopushes to the front, having the Luo Yanthreepeopleto walkoutward.孙卓一马当先,带着罗阎三人朝外走去。Sees onlymemberto be centered on the large ship, scatters in all directionsto gotowardall around.
只见一个个修士以楼船为中心,朝四周四散而去。Perhapscontrollingcauses the Buddhist musical instrument, pastes the sea levelto flytogoing far away, controlflyingboat, upper airnavigation, somewhattakes the fishing boat, towardgoing far awayto drive.
甚至。Luo Yanalsosaw that a memberlies downin the middle of a shuttleshapeBuddhist musical instrument, thensinks to the seabedunexpectedlydirectly, vanishesdoes not see.罗阎还看到一个修士躺进一个梭状法器当中,而后竟直接沉入海底,消失不见。Hislookadmired.
他眼神艳羡。Turned the headthento seeQi Yueto emit a sideflyingboat: „Comes up.”
转头便见齐岳放出了一方飞舟:“上来。”Threepeoplestep the Qi Yueflyingboat.
三人踏上齐岳飞舟。Sees onlyQi Yueto squeeze intogetherspirit stonesin the actuationstrategy.
The flyingboatin a flash, in a direction, rushes oversuddenly.
飞舟一晃,朝着一个方向,猛然冲了过去。„Is staring, has a lookto have the tailwithcoming upbehind.” The Qi Yueopens the mouth, the soundis dignified.
“都盯着点,看看身后有没有尾巴跟上来。”齐岳开口,声音凝重。Leaves the large ship.
离开楼船。Allbecome the danger.
一切都变得危险起来。Not is only the monsterbeast in sea, in the member who thissea areasways.
不仅是海中的妖兽,还有在这片海域晃荡的修士。Robs the monsterbeast, the murderseizes the treasure, is not rare.
抢夺妖兽,杀人夺宝,都不少见。Yue Youlantowardlooksbehind, after the moment, replied: „Has not seen the tail.”月幽兰朝身后望去,片刻后答道:“没看到有尾巴。”„Snort, somepeoplehow? Under the handsees the true factsfinally.”Sun Zhuosurfacefloodfierce, coldlysmiles.
The team member in his teamhas tradeddid not knowmanywheels.
为何?Has the part, is the uneven distribution of the illicit money, departsindignantly.
有部分,是分赃不均,愤愤离去。Alsothere is a part, isbrings in the monsterbeast is too strong, is buried in the abdomen of monsterbeast.
也有部分,是引来妖兽太强,葬身妖兽之腹。Butis biggerpart, is being sparredto fall from the skydirectly, was cutto killby others.
但更大一部分,都是在斗法中直接陨落,被他人斩杀。Sincedaresto come outto hunt for the monster, thatallnaturesspokeby the strength!
既然敢出来猎妖,那一切自然以实力说话!„Brother Sun, thistimeprevious place?” The Yue Youlanopens the mouth, lookstoSun Zhuo.
“孙大哥,这次还是老地方吗?”月幽兰开口,望向孙卓。„Un. LittleKuroshima. The smallKuroshimaperipheralblackscalescarletpupilalligatoris extremely numerous, whenkillswas similar, wechange the placeagain.”Sun Zhuohangs the pupilto say.
“嗯。还是小黑岛。小黑岛周边的黑鳞赤瞳鳄极多,等杀的差不多了,我们再换地方。”孙卓垂眸道。„Hopes that thistimedo not meet the monsterto guarantee the memberagain.”Sun Zhuosigh.
“希望这次不要再遇上妖保修士了。”孙卓叹息。Theirprevioustimehunts for the monsterthreedaysinlittleKuroshima, thenmeets the person of monsterinsurance, has tofleedirectly.
他们上次在小黑岛猎妖三天,便遇上妖保之人,不得不直接遁逃。If this is not the case.
若非如此。Earlythatflock of blackscalescarletpupilalligators of littleKuroshima, were killedbythemwas similar.
小黑岛的那群黑鳞赤瞳鳄,早被他们杀的差不多了。„Does monsterguarantee the memberto be very strong?”Luo Yanselects the eyebrow, askedcuriously.
“强?”Sun Zhuofinger/refers of oneself, scoffto say with a smile: „I am also the monsterguarantee the member!”孙卓一指自己,嗤笑道:“我也是妖保修士!”„Luofellow daoist, so-calledmonsterinsurance, butis a excuse. But the monsterguarantees the member, refers todepending the monsterto guarantee the name, blocks the waymember who takes by forceorkills peopleto seize the treasure.”
“罗道友,所谓妖保,不过是一个借口。而妖保修士,指的是仗着妖保名义,拦路打劫或是杀人夺宝的修士。”„Youcanbe the monsterguarantee the member, I can also be the monsterguarantee the member, everyonecanbe the monsterguarantees the member.”
“你可以是妖保修士,我也可以是妖保修士,大家都可以是妖保修士。”Yue Youlanexplainedwith a smile.月幽兰笑着解释。Monsterinsurance?
妖保?Howeverkills peopleto seize the treasureto find an excuseforoneself.
不过是为自己杀人夺宝找一个借口罢了。„So that's how it is.”Luo Yanunderstood.
“原来如此。”罗阎懂了。It‘s nothingmonsterinsuranceOrganization.
根本没什么妖保组织。Ifwantsto kill peopleto seize the treasure, is the monsterguarantees the member.
若想杀人夺宝,便是妖保修士。„Overall, the monsterguarantees the memberto be definitely stronger. Ifnot, othersseeyouto runwithout enough time, does the courage where comesclash?”Qi Yuesaidwith a smile.
“总体而言,妖保修士肯定更强。要是不强,人家看到你跑都来不及,哪来的胆子冲上来?”齐岳笑着说道。„Luofellow daoistdoes not needto worry,thissidesea areais giant, generally speaking, the fortnightcannot bump into a person, absurdlybymonsterinsurance?”
“罗道友不必担心,这方海域巨大,一般而言,十天半月都碰不上一个人,更妄论妖保?”„Iand othershunted for the monstersafelyon the line.”
“我等安心猎妖就行。”Yue Youlanwear a look ofhappy expression.月幽兰面带笑意。Shehunts for the monsterfiveyears, meets the monsterto guarantee the number of times of memberto be few.
她猎妖五年,遇到妖保修士的次数屈指可数。So-calledmonsterinsurance, absolutelydoes not havein the rumorlike thatterrifying.
所谓妖保,根本就没有外界传言中的那般恐怖。Luo Yansecretnod, asked: „Thathunts for the harvest of monster, howto assign?”罗阎暗暗点头,又问道:“那猎妖的收获呢,如何进行分配?”Such remarks.
The Sun Zhuothreepeoplegawked, thenfalls intosilent.孙卓三人都愣了下,而后陷入沉默。Threepeoplelook at each othermutually, seems passes messagediscussed.
三人互相对视,似乎在传音商量。ButLuo Yanis calm and composed even in press of work, staticwaiting.
而罗阎则好整以暇,静静等待。For a long time.
许久。Yue Youlanblinks, looks atLuo Yan saying: „Brother Sunarranges the strategy, provides the lysimachia foenumgraecum, the expenditureis huge. Hunts for the monsterharvest, heaccounts forhalf. As forthree of us, accounts forrespectivelyremaining1/3.”月幽兰眨了眨眼,望着罗阎说道:“孙大哥布置阵法,提供灵香草,花费巨大。猎妖收获,他占一半。至于我们三人,各自占剩下的三分之一。”„How does fellow daoistfeel?”
“道友觉得如何?”Her words saying,Sun ZhuoandQi YuelooktoLuo Yan.
显然。Thisis the result that threepeoplediscussed.
这是三人商量下来的结果。Luo Yantouches the chin, the nodsaid: „Ok.”罗阎摸了摸下巴,点头道:“可以。”Hesuffers a lossindifferently.
The firsttime, considered the accumulationexperience.
第一次,就当是积累经验了。SeesLuo Yanto nod, Yue YoulanandQi Yuerelaxquietly.
见罗阎点头,月幽兰和齐岳悄然松了口气。Theyfeared that fearedmeetsthatto come upon the teammate of wanting to have a lion's share.
他们怕就怕遇上那等一上来就狮子大开口的队友。Thereforetheywere then discussinga moment ago, ifLuo Yanwants to have a lion's share, andpersists innot yielding, theyemptywithwinding, waitedto hunt for the monsterto finish, tore to pieces the facial skindirectly, removedLuo Yan.
因而他们刚才便在商量,若罗阎狮子大开口,并且坚持不让步,那他们就虚与委蛇,等猎妖结束,直接撕破脸皮,除掉罗阎。Thisis the plan of one after next.
这是下下之策。Is goodbecause, has not arrivedthisstep.
好在,没走到这一步。Flyingboatsuch astogetherelectric light, speedquicklytopinnacle.
飞舟如一道电光,速度快到极致。Shortly, thenarrivesabove an island.
没多久,便降临在一座小岛之上。Thisislandsurrounding arealength and breadthnotover500meters.
这小岛方圆长宽不超过五百米。Saidisislands, insteadis more like a reef.
说是岛屿,反而更像是一座岛礁。Butthisisland, islittleKuroshima in threepopulation.
而这小岛,就是三人口中的小黑岛。„Unevenfellow daoist, thatblackscalescarletpupilalligatorstrengthhow?”Luo Yaninquired,jumps downfrom the flyingboat.
“齐道友,那黑鳞赤瞳鳄实力如何?”罗阎询问,从飞舟上跳了下来。„Blackscalescarletpupilalligatoris the first-ordermonsterbeast, the strength and refining of 45membergrownbodyare equivalent.”
“黑鳞赤瞳鳄是一阶妖兽,成年体的实力和炼气四五层修士相当。”„The blackscalescarletpupilalligatorscalesare tenacious, defendextremelystrongly, ifbyhisnearbody, will have the danger.” The Qi Yuepatientexplanation, receives the launchingboat, addedwith a smile: „Webeginning, are not waiting forSun Zhuoto arrange the strategyanxiously, firstcauses heavy losses to the monsteralligator, webegin is not lateagain.”
“不过黑鳞赤瞳鳄鳞甲坚韧,防御极强,若被其近身,还是会有危险。”齐岳耐心解释,收起飞舟,又笑着补充道:“我们不急着动手,等孙卓布置阵法,先将妖鳄重创,我们再动手也不迟。”Sun Zhuostood, looked atLuo Yan, directauthorities: „Youfirsttake a break, whenIarrange the strategy.”孙卓站在旁边,望了眼罗阎,直截了当道:“你们先休息片刻,等我布置阵法。”Threepeopleare headed bySun Zhuoobviously.
接下来。Sun Zhuostartsto bustle about.孙卓开始忙碌起来。
The Luo Yanthreepeoplewait for the one side, staticwaiting.罗阎三人则守候一旁,静静等待。Luo Yanknows nothingto the strategy, butalsosees, Sun Zhuoarrangementis the one-offstrategy.罗阎对阵法一窍不通,但也看出,孙卓布置的都是一次性阵法。Thisstrategy, only need lay down a plate, rousesby the supernatural poweragain, the strategywill then be activated.
这种阵法,只需埋下阵盘,再以法力勾动,阵法便会被激活。According toYue Youlan.
据月幽兰介绍。WhatSun ZhuoarrangementisGenggold/metalJianzhen, onceactivates, in the strategy the swordair/Qiwreaks havoc, the mightis astonishing, even ifrefininglatermember, is difficultto escapedies.孙卓布置的是庚金剑阵,一旦激活,阵法内剑气肆虐,威力惊人,纵然炼气后期修士,也难逃一死。Naturally.
当然。Thatisbecause the refiningmembermortal bodyis pure.
那是由于炼气修士肉身淳弱。Ifcallsmakes the mortal bodypowerfulmonsterbeast, thatwas also different.
若唤做肉身强大的妖兽,那又不一样了。Sun ZhuoarrangedtenGenggold/metalJianzhencontinually.孙卓一连布置了十来个庚金剑阵。Finallyputs outseveralflags, insertsin the islandsfour directions.
最后又拿出几根阵旗,插在岛屿四方。Thisthenconfusesline, so long asactivates, butthen the confusedsensation, making the monsterbeastlose the direction, spinsin the strategy.
A sleepiness, kills.
The strategyarranges.
阵法布置完毕。Sun Zhuoputs out the lysimachia foenumgraecumfromstorage bag, are placedin the middle of the strategy.孙卓又从储物袋拿出灵香草,一根根摆在阵法当中。Comesto the personclan, the lysimachia foenumgraecumis only the low rankspirit of smelldelicate fragranceplants.
对人族而来,灵香草只是气味清香的低阶灵植。Butto the monsterbeast, the lysimachia foenumgraecumis ordinaryjust like the opium poppy, hasto be above the enormousappeal of imagination.
但对妖兽而言,灵香草就宛如罂粟一般,有着超乎想象的巨大吸引力。So long asis placed the lysimachia foenumgraecum here, does not have/leave the moment, the surroundingsmonsterbeastwill then act as soon as one gets the news, was attracted.
只要将灵香草摆在这儿,不出片刻,周围妖兽便会闻风而动,被吸引过来。„Walks, wego to the distant placeto hide.”
“走,我们去远处躲好。”Sun Zhuogreetedone.孙卓招呼一声。Fourpeoplehide in the distant place, Yue Youlanuseoneto collect the breathsymbol, covers upfourpeople of aura, then started the staticwaiting.
After halfquarter .
半刻钟后。Luo Yansaw that a heightabouttwometersmonsteralligatorcrawledfrom the sea water, thatmonsteralligatorscalesare fierce, a pair of verticalpupiljust like the flame, presents the dazzlingdark redcolor.罗阎看到一头身长近两米的妖鳄从海水中爬了出来,那妖鳄鳞甲狰狞,一双竖瞳宛如火焰,呈现刺目的深红之色。Hisvisionflashes, thenwantsto set out, andput out a handto hold onbyYue Youlan.
他目光一闪,便欲起身,且被月幽兰伸手拉住了。„Waitsagain, the blackscalescarletpupilalligatorlives in groups the monsterbeast, is impossibleto only have a head.” The earhears the Yue Youlanpasses messagesound.
“再等等,黑鳞赤瞳鳄是群居妖兽,不可能只有一头。”耳边传来月幽兰的传音声。Luo Yanhearssound, is peaceful, staticwaiting.罗阎闻声,安静下来,静静等待。Sure enough.
果不其然。Soon, the sea waterrocks.
A head, twoheads, threeheads......
一头,两头,三头……Alsothreeblackscalescarletpupilalligatorsclimb up the sand beach, startsto gnaw the foodlysimachia foenumgraecum.
又有三头黑鳞赤瞳鳄爬上沙滩,开始啃食灵香草。Fourmonsteralligators, threelengths of bodyare close totwometers, has grown up.
四头妖鳄,三头体长接近两米,已经成年。Only thenlasthead, heightonly then about onemeter, the scalesalsoonlypresent the grey, is only the youngliving body.
只有最后一头,身长只有一米左右,鳞甲也只呈现灰色,只是幼生体。At this time, thissmallmonsteralligatoris followingto randomly callafter a grownmonsteralligator, probablyis acting like a spoiled bratgeneral.
“动手!”At this time, Sun Zhuosent out the advantageto drinksuddenly.
这时候,孙卓忽然发出利喝。Sees onlyitslawsecret artto pinch.
The steeptime, confusesline of thento be started.
陡时间,迷行阵便被启动。Seeing onlyin the yellow sandis billowing, the dustflies upwards, butfourblackscalescarletpupilalligatorsfeel the danger, startsto get angry the soundto roar, scurries about.
The terrifyingthundersto transmit.
恐怖轰鸣传来。Agegold/metalJianzhenalsostimulated to movement.
庚金剑阵也被催动。ExplainedtogetheryellowJianqiscurries about, thencauses heavy losses to the blackscalescarletpupilalligatorin a flash, is the whole bodyblood, the painis all miserable.
After threebreath .
The swordair/Qivanishes.
剑气消失。„Luofellow daoist, on!”
“罗道友,上!”Alsodoes not know that whocalledone.
也不知谁叫了一声。Resoundsin the soundflickers, Luo Yannearstrategyhas then crashed in directly.
在声音响起一瞬,已经在阵法边的罗阎便直接冲进阵中。Hedirectlytoward a blackscalescarletpupilalligatorflushes away.
他径直朝其中一头黑鳞赤瞳鳄冲去。Thatmonsteralligatorseeshimto come, the angrysoundroared, thenopened the big mouth, resembling to swallowhisone.
The monsteralligatorspeedis too slow.
A Luo Yanacceleration, changes intotogether the remnantshadow, appearsabove the monsteralligatordirectly.罗阎一个加速,化为一道残影,直接出现在妖鳄上方。Then, a foottreadsruthlessly.
The monsteralligatorhead, falls into the middle of the sanddirectly.
A thatabouttwometersbody, was buriedby the sand, is only left overthicktailreveal outside, strugglesto rockunceasingly, laterlets fallweak.
连带那近两米长的身子,都被沙子掩埋,只剩下一条粗大尾巴露在外面,不断挣扎晃动,随后无力垂落。„Be careful!”
“小心!”Calls out in alarmgets upsuddenly.
惊呼骤起。Isanothermonsteralligatorsoarsto gounexpectedly, bitestoward the Luo Yanhead..
The fishy smellwindcaresses the face, thatbigmouthlikebasin, terrifyingto the extreme.
腥风扑面,那大口如盆,恐怖到了极点。Luo Yantwists the mouth sidewise the corners of the mouth, in the surfacereveals a fierceness.罗阎咧开嘴角,面上露出一丝狰狞。Whenthatmonsteralligatornearbody, both handsjust like the lightning, hold the jaws of monsteralligatordirectly.
“撕拉!”Under the terrifyinggreatstrength, the monsteralligatorlower jawwas torn, the monsterbloodsprinkles, strikes the eyeastonishingly.
恐怖的巨力之下,妖鳄下颚被撕裂,妖血洒落,触目惊人。Thislookedto stay the Sun Zhuothreepeople.
这一幕看呆了孙卓三人。Luo Yananti-lives in the monsteralligatorto besiege to understand,after all the monsteralligatorhad caused heavy losses tobyGenggold/metalJianzhen, the whole bodyis the wound, the dripping with blood.罗阎抗住妖鳄围攻能够理解,毕竟妖鳄已被庚金剑阵重创,浑身是伤,鲜血淋漓。But.
但。Steps on the alligatorheadlike the Luo Yansofoot, the handrips the alligatormouth, theirfirstseeing!
像罗阎这般脚踩鳄头,手撕鳄嘴的,他们还是第一次见!Thiswas too bloody.
这太血腥了。Alsotoooverwhelming power.
The body of human, is unexpectedly more powerful than the monsterbeast!
The Luo Yansupernatural poweris pure, cultivation baseis extremely low!罗阎法力淳弱,修为极低!Theystartled, have gotten back one's composureslightlyquickly.
他们微微愕然,很快回过神。Yue Youlanoffers a sacrifice to a scarletbottle gourd, sees onlythatbottle gourdto soar, the roaring flamefrom the bottle gourdmouth, fallsonthatunderagemonsteralligatortogetherturbulently.月幽兰祭出一个赤红葫芦,只见那葫芦腾空而起,一道烈焰自葫芦嘴中汹涌而出,落在那未成年妖鳄身上。Ascends the time, thatmonsteralligatorthencalled out pitifullyagain and again, continuouslyin the sand beachtumbles.
登时间,那妖鳄便惨叫连连,不住在沙滩翻滚。Howeverinthatbottle-gourd the roaring flameis extraordinary, ifunexpectedly the boneattaches the maggot, tothatmonsteralligatorlike the tumbling, has not extinguished.
然而那葫中烈焰非凡,竟如骨附蛆,任凭那妖鳄如翻滚,始终没有熄灭。ButQi Yuealsoputs out a sidegreat seal.
而齐岳也拿出一方大印。Sees onlyhimto put out a handto throw, thatgreat sealthenpoundstowardanothermonsteralligator.
The great sealcoerces the supernatural power, just like a mountain.
Under shoots down.
一击落下。Poundedthatmonsteralligatorfigurestagnates, the scalesare stave, send out a pitiful yell.
砸的那妖鳄身形一滞,鳞甲破碎,发出一声惨叫。Likesmebeing ableto strengthenadds the pointto askeveryoneto collect:() Icanstrengthenadd the refresh rateto be quickest.
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