ICSBAP :: Volume #2

#192: Monster Hunter Pavilion

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Luo Yan secret nod. 罗阎暗暗点头。 Closes the curtain screen, in the heart starts to ponder over. 关上帘子,心中开始琢磨。 The refine the pill of immortality, he will only build up the mediocre compounded drug. 炼丹,他只会炼凡俗丹药。 spirit stones that the compounded drug of immortal cultivator use, pill furnace and place the fire and pill prescription...... need to invest ahead of time were too many, he cannot rent the cave mansion, where has money to invest the refine the pill of immortality? 修仙者使用的丹药,丹炉、地火、丹方……需要提前投入的灵石太多了,他连洞府都租不起,哪有钱去投资炼丹? But the refiner, cultivates plants the spirit beast spirit, is the similar truth. 而炼器,培育灵植灵兽,都是同样道理。 Earlier invests is too big, he cannot play now. 前期投入太大,他现在根本玩不起。 As for giving person, when the guard consecrates...... does not need the qualification right, but thinks apparent, bringing in money is extremely inevitably slow, does not meet his requirement. 至于给人当护卫供奉……不需要本钱没错,但想想便知,来钱必然极慢,不符合他的要求。 Therefore. 所以。 He meets the illegal work either, either goes to the overseas to hunt and kill the monster beast. 他要么去接黑活,要么去海外猎杀妖兽。 The so-called illegal work, is assassinates and other mostly the shameful deals. 所谓黑活,多半是暗杀等见不得人的勾当。 The danger did not say. 危险不说。 Wants Luo Yan for money, kills unknown person, he cannot achieve. 罗阎为了钱,去杀素不相识之人,他根本做不到。 Hunts and kills the monster beast as for the overseas. 至于海外猎杀妖兽。 When he and Wei Ming chatted, once talked about the topic of monster beast. 他和魏明闲聊时,就曾聊起过妖兽的话题。 In this side boundary. 这方地界中。 Some many sea area monster beasts are in vogue, that and other sea areas, are occupying the terrifying Dao Foundation boundary big monster even Yuan Pill boundary big monster generally. 有不少海域妖兽盛行,那等海域,一般都盘踞着恐怖的道基境大妖甚至元丹境大妖。 Is centered on that and other terrifying big monsters. 以那等恐怖大妖为中心。 The surrounding sea area, the monster beast will also be extremely numerous. 周围海域,妖兽也会极多。 These monster beasts, the personality tyrannical bloodthirsty, attacks the islands frequently, swallows the man-eater. 这些妖兽,性情暴虐嗜血,常常进攻岛屿,吞食人族。 But the person clan naturally also encircles frequently kills to hunt for the monster beast, trades the monster animal bones carnosine blood, the receiving in exchange cultivation resources. 而人族自然也常常围杀捕猎妖兽,贩卖妖兽骨肉精血,换取修炼资源。 The atmosphere of hunting monster beast, in the chaotic demon sea of this day star sea even next door, always runs wild very much. 狩猎妖兽的风气,在这天星海甚至隔壁的乱魔海中,一向都很盛行。 Now. 只是如今。 On this day star sea presented named ‚a monster insurance organization. 这天星海出现了一个叫做‘妖保’的组织。 Threatened to slaughter the monster beast, will enrage is dormant the big monster in deep sea, caused the extremely terrifying consequence. 扬言屠杀妖兽,会激怒蛰伏在深海中的大妖,导致极其恐怖的后果。 They do not permit the member hunting monster beast. 他们不准修士狩猎妖兽。 Even will do an inspection everywhere. 甚至会四处巡查。 Once bumps into has the member to step into the sea area that the monster beast is in vogue, they will extort a giant spirit stones, if not give money, light then drives away, heavy kills. 一旦碰上有修士踏入妖兽盛行的海域,他们就会勒索一笔巨大灵石,若不给钱,轻则驱赶,重则打杀。 In brief, this monster insurance Organization is arbitrary and overbearing. 总之,这妖保组织蛮横而霸道。 Let go to sea the hunting monster beast to increase many risks. 让出海狩猎妖兽又增加了不少风险。 When this is Luo Yan with Wei Ming chatted listens, originally works as an amusing thing, cheerful cheerful , is also bound by a common cause with him now unexpectedly. 这是罗阎魏明闲聊时听来的,本是当一件趣事,乐呵乐呵,没想到,现在竟也和他休戚相关。 „, Hunting monster beast.” “也罢,就去狩猎妖兽吧。” The hunting monster beast, the danger is extremely definitely high. 狩猎妖兽,肯定危险极高。 Luo Yan is also safe, but the security cannot make money. 罗阎也想安全,但安全赚不到钱啊。 Without the qualification, his money Shengqian cannot achieve. 没有本钱,他连钱生钱都做不到。 After deciding, Luo Yan looks to the youngster, asked: How to go to sea the hunting monster beast?” 打定主意后,罗阎又看向少年,问道:“如何出海狩猎妖兽?” In his heart worried. 他心中苦恼。 Cultivated virtue in order to become an immortal to sprout/moe to his comes newly, but also really has no idea, anything does not know. 对他这等修仙萌新而来,还真是两眼一抹黑,什么都不知道。 Others told him the hunting monster beast. 别人告诉他去狩猎妖兽。 But which he goes to hunt does not know. 但他连去哪儿狩猎都不知道。 Simple, in the city has Monster Hunter Pavilion, only needs ten spirit stones, can join Monster Hunter Pavilion, becomes hunts for the monster master.” “简单,城中有一座猎妖阁,只需十块灵石,就能加入猎妖阁,成为猎妖师。” Monster Hunter Pavilion will not only bring both sides together, making the immortal masters form a team, will also send and pick up immortal master Men to hunt for the monster sea area and fierce Yang Dao back and forth.” 猎妖阁不仅会牵线搭桥,让仙师们组队,还会接送仙师们来回猎妖海域和烈阳岛。” Comes in the circuit, Monster Hunter Pavilion may guarantee the immortal masters safe. Naturally, immortal master Men must put out 30% harvests, gives Monster Hunter Pavilion.” “来回路上,猎妖阁可保仙师们安全无虞。当然,仙师们也需拿出30%收获,交给猎妖阁。” The youngster tell, no hesitation. 少年娓娓道来,没有一丝犹豫。 Hears youth's reply. 听到少年的回答。 The Luo Yan brow selects. 罗阎眉头一挑。 The monster guaranteed also even, now comes Monster Hunter Pavilion? 妖保也就算了,现在又来个猎妖阁 He frowns saying: Can't go?” 他蹙眉道:“难道不能自己去?” Probably Ok, but back and forth the danger is it is said enormous.” The youngster said truthfully. “好像可以,不过据说来回危险极大。”少年如实道。 These news, are his hearsay, how, will he where know specifically? 这些消息,都是他道听途说的,具体如何,他哪会知晓? I knew.” “我知道了。” Luo Yan nods, in the heart sighed. 罗阎点头,心中叹了口气。 Monster Hunter Pavilion on Monster Hunter Pavilion. 猎妖阁猎妖阁吧。 At the worst, when he was familiar with the monster beast sea area and back and forth the route, oneself go again alone is. 大不了,等他熟悉了妖兽海域和来回路线,再自己单独前往便是。 Quick. 很快。 Fierce Yangshan arrived. 烈阳山就到了。 Luo Yan wields draws back that youngster, looks toward fierce Yangshan. 罗阎挥退那少年,朝烈阳山望去。 Stands in front of fierce Yangshan, discovers the mountain wall of fierce Yangshan not vertical, but presents about 70 degrees corner/horn. 站在烈阳山面前,才发现烈阳山的山壁并非是垂直的,而是呈现七十度角左右。 On the mountain wall, every several hundred meters, then has a cave mansion. 山壁上,每隔数百米,便有一间洞府。 Is ordinary just like the stair. 宛如台阶一般。 Rows of upward spreads. 一排排向上蔓延。 But on more, the spiritual energy density is then higher. 而越上面的,灵气浓度便越高。 At this moment when dusk. 此刻正值黄昏。 Luo Yan sees the member in several difference cave mansions, has a mind to chitchat, but sees several people of facial colors ice-cold, looks but not see him, has to extinguish this idea. 罗阎看到几个出入洞府的修士,有心上去攀谈一番,但见几人面色冰冷,对他视而不见,也只好熄了这一想法。 He puts out the jade pendant, swept the eye above number, then according to number, seeks own cave mansion. 他拿出玉佩,扫了眼上面的号码,而后按照号码,去寻自己的洞府。 Soon.. 不多久。。 Before he arrived at oneself cave mansion . 他来到了自己洞府前。 Downward look, below also has the Sancengdong mansion. 往下看,下面还有三层洞府。 But looks upward, enough 20 multi-layers. 但往上看,足足二十多层。 His cave mansion in the position, even the mountains center is not, can only be the foot. 他洞府所在位置,连山中央都算不上,只能算是山脚。 He shrugs, looks to oneself cave mansion. 他耸了耸肩,看向自己洞府。 Sees only a stone door to stand erect at present, protrudes the mountain wall high. 只见一座石门矗立在眼前,高凸出山壁。 At first sight. 乍一看。 Looks like standing erect the giant tombstone to be the same. 就像是竖立着的巨大墓碑一般。 Luo Yan shakes the head again, looks around two in stone door, then takes the jade pendant, in a hollow place toward stone door presses. 罗阎再度摇了摇头,在石门上张望两眼,而后拿着玉佩,朝石门上的一个凹陷处按去。 Jade pendant conjunction. 玉佩契合。 The strategy in stone door was roused. 石门上的阵法被勾动。 Bang!” “轰隆!” With thunders low and deep, the dust fills the air, heavy/thick stone door opens wide slowly. 伴随着低沉轰鸣,灰尘弥漫,厚重的石门缓缓洞开。 Luo Yan looks toward the cave mansion. 罗阎朝洞府内望去。 Sees only a gloomy corridor to go nonstop to the mountain massif. 只见一条阴森过道直通山体内部。 Indistinct within, may see the deep place is a stone chamber. 隐约间,可看到深处是一间石室。 Luo Yan walks inward, first closes stone door, then across ten meter/rice corridors, resists in the middle of the stone chamber. 罗阎朝里走去,先关上石门,而后穿过十来米长的过道,抵挡石室当中。 The stone chamber is crude. 石室简陋。 A stone table, several chairs. 一张石桌,几张椅子。 Besides this stone chamber, the deep place stone chamber, among is also placing together the rush cushion, a stone bed, in addition no other otherness. 除了这间石室外,更深处还有一间石室,其内摆放着一块蒲团,一张石床,除此之外别无他物。 The cave mansion is clean, the internal nearly fine dust does not dye. 洞府干净,内部近乎纤尘不染。 Also is extremely crude, can look specially is prepares for the member. 也极其简陋,看得上来是专门为修士准备。 The member practices. 修士修行。 Absorption world spiritual energy. 吸收天地灵气。 The spiritual energy nourishes the whole body, does not need the sleep, does not need the diet. 灵气滋养全身,无需睡眠,也无需饮食。 Only needs the concise supernatural power then. 只需凝练法力即可。 Therefore the member shuts a pass/test, is three years two years, naturally does not need the cave mansion to have luxuriously luxurious. 因而修士闭一关,就是三年两载,自然不需要洞府有多奢侈豪华。 Luo Yan sizes up the cave mansion, simultaneously disperses divine consciousness, feels the surrounding spiritual energy. 罗阎打量洞府,同时发散神念,感受周围灵气。 Sees only grains of spiritual energy granules to cheer, density unexpectedly compared with cave mansion outside high enough 40%, was high one time continued compared with the Yuan dark green island. 只见一粒粒灵气粒子欢呼雀跃,浓度竟比洞府外高了足足40%,比元苍岛更是高了一倍都不止。 Wealth companion law place, this place , is extremely indeed important.” “财侣法地,这地,的确也极其重要。” A Luo Yan eye of reveal is sigh with emotion. 罗阎目露感慨。 Do not despise a time of this number. 别小看一倍这个数字。 If elongated looked, resembled Wei Ming that and other member, in the Yuan dark green island cultivation sixty year cycle, achieved refining five, if in the middle of this cave mansion, he only took 30 years, can achieve refining five. 若拉长了看,似魏明那等修士,在元苍岛修炼一甲子,才达到炼气五层,若是在这洞府当中,他只需三十年,就能达到炼气五层。 Can shorten half the time! 足足能将时间缩短一半! But the life of refining member, there are several 30 years?! 而炼气修士的一生,又有几个三十年?! Low-grade cave mansion, outside spiritual energy density on high 40% compared with cave mansion, that high-grade cave mansion......” “下品洞府,就比洞府外的灵气浓度高上40%,那上品洞府……” Luo Yan palpitates with excitement. 罗阎怦然心动。 Strengthened itself to go to sea the plan of hunting monster beast. 更加坚定了自己出海狩猎妖兽的打算。 He must gain one in a big way, then moves into the high-grade cave mansion to cultivate, waits for ten years later Heavenly Star Palace safely recruits the disciple! 他要赚一笔大的,然后搬入上品洞府安心修炼,等待十年后天星宫招收弟子! Early tomorrow morning, goes to that Monster Hunter Pavilion. Tonight, first goes to that downtown streets to have a look.” “明日一早,就去那猎妖阁。今夜,先去那坊市看看。” Luo Yan stabilizes. 罗阎安定下来。 Arrives on the inner room rush cushion, sits cross-legged to sit down, the concise supernatural power, waits for the night arrival simultaneously. 来到内室蒲团上,盘膝坐下,凝练法力,同时等待夜晚的到来。 The time passes gradually. 时间渐渐流逝。 At night arrives quietly. 夜晚悄然降临。 Some time, Luo Yan has a feeling suddenly, a force of traction never may the place of knowledge raid, covers his whole body. 某时刻,罗阎忽有所感,一股牵引力从不可知之地袭来,将他全身笼罩。 He may resist. 他可抗拒。 Also may obey. 也可顺从。 This should be the force of traction of that downtown streets.” “这应该就是那坊市的牵引力。” Luo Yan hear of Wei Ming have said. 罗阎魏明说过。 Stays on fierce Yang Dao, so long as within the body has the supernatural power, will be towed in the evening. 呆在烈阳岛上,只要体内有法力,在晚上都会受到牵引。 So long as amenable, can enter the downtown streets. 只要顺从,就能进入坊市。 Luo Yan was curious to this downtown streets, therefore the direct selection obeys. 罗阎对这坊市本就好奇,故而直接选择顺从。 Next second. 下一秒。 He at present is one black. 他眼前便是一黑。 When getting back one's composure, has appeared in gray fog dim places. 等回过神时,已是出现在一片灰雾朦胧之地。 „Is this downtown streets?” “这就是坊市?” Luo Yan stands firm, looks toward all around. 罗阎站定,朝四周望去。 Everywhere is the strange gray fog, the day so, so. 到处都是诡异灰雾,天如此,地也如此。 In the middle of this gray fog, all member cover gray fog similarly, sees only that person, the strength build appearance even sex knows nothing. 在这灰雾当中,所有修士同样笼罩一层灰雾,只见其人,实力体型样貌甚至性别都一无所知。 Interesting.” “有趣。” Luo Yan muttered, felt novel. 罗阎喃喃,感到新奇。 The words exit|to speak, he discovered that changed a tune including oneself voice. 话出口,他发现连自己声音都变了一个腔调。 So method, no wonder this fierce Yang Dao can attract nearby member to gather, becomes the core of surrounding sea area.” “如此手段,难怪这烈阳岛能吸引附近修士聚集,成为周围一片海域的核心。” Luo Yan fully realizes the safe importance. 罗阎深知安全的重要性。 Safe, everyone will come with admiration, coming to your here to conduct the business. 安全,大家才会慕名而来,来你这儿进行买卖。 But everyone came, this fierce Yang Dao prosperously will be naturally lively. 而大家来了,这烈阳岛自然就会兴盛繁华起来。 He sighs with emotion one, then strolled in the downtown streets. 他感慨一句,然后在坊市中逛了起来。 Symbol?. 符?。 Buddhist musical instrument. 法器。 Spirit beast. 灵兽。 Cauldron furnace. 鼎炉。 All kinds of day material treasure. 各种各样的天材地宝。 Luo Yan strolled for quite a while, looked dazzling. 罗阎逛了半天,看的眼花缭乱。 All sorts of spirit beasts that especially trades, is to make him broaden the outlook. 尤其是贩卖的种种灵兽,更是让他大开眼界。 For example can increase the luck that the luck transports/fortunes to transport the toad. 比如能增加福运的福运蟾。 The singing sound is tactful, rouses the soul, only has a mermaid of palm size. 歌声委婉,勾动灵魂,只有一掌大小的美人鱼。 Sending greetings spiral that in the thousand li (500 km), can send greetings wait/etc. 千里之内,可以传音的传音螺等等。 Even, Luo Yan also settled on one type to call to make trouble the spirit insect of ice crystal silkworm. 甚至,罗阎还看中了一种叫做鬼面冰晶蚕的灵虫。 After this spirit insect is grown, can the emitting ice crystal silk. 这种灵虫成年之后,就能喷吐冰晶蚕丝。 But the ice crystal silk may be used to refine the law robe, is an extremely precious spirit material. 而冰晶蚕丝可用于炼制法袍,是一种极其珍贵的灵材。 He planned that buys some ovums to go back, slowly cultivates, earns an extra income. 他本打算买些虫卵回去,慢慢培育,赚点外快。 Besides this ghost surface ice crystal silkworm. 除了这鬼面冰晶蚕外。 Luo Yan still selected one to call in fierce Yang Shanghui does Day ghost bright king body body cultivator merit law. 罗阎还在烈阳商会中挑中了一门唤做【天煞明王身】的体修功法。 This merit law is divided into three. 这功法共分三层。 Every time realizes one, may be risen dramatically one time by own strength. 每练成一层,可让自身力量暴增一倍。 Only pitifully. 只可惜。 On him is only left over 13 spirit stones, tomorrow will go to Monster Hunter Pavilion also to spend ten , can only the eye addiction. 他身上仅剩下十三块灵石,明天去猎妖阁还需花费十块,也只能过过眼瘾。 After strolling the half day . 逛了半日后。 The Luo Yan intention moves, is separated from the downtown streets, returns to the middle of the cave mansion. 罗阎心念一动,自坊市中脱离,回到洞府当中。 Looks at present the silent crude cave mansion, thinks the lively scene in downtown streets again. 看着眼前寂静简陋的洞府,再想想坊市中的热闹景象。 Suddenly, Luo Yan has a being as if in a dream feeling unexpectedly. 一时间,罗阎竟有种恍然如梦的感觉。 He shakes the head. 他摇了摇头。 Sits cross-legged to sit down, then closes the eyes, starts by Small sidereal revolution expiration and inspiration technique Concise supernatural power. 盘膝坐下,而后闭上双眼,开始以【小周天吐纳术】凝练法力。 ...... …… ...... …… Next morning. 翌日清晨。 Before Luo Yan arrives at Monster Hunter Pavilion, early. 罗阎早早来到猎妖阁前。 Monster Hunter Pavilion is situated near the harbor, has three fully, is huge, splendid. 猎妖阁坐落在港口边上,足有三层,规模巨大,富丽堂皇。 Luo Yan just walked, then before one , after being raised , the maidservant who curls upwards welcomed. 罗阎刚走进去,便有一前凸后翘的侍女迎了上来。 „Does this immortal master, you want to become to hunt for the monster master?” “这位仙师,您可是想要成为猎妖师?” Maidservant pupil light circulation, language temperature glutinous, is a refining female cultivates unexpectedly. 侍女眸光流转,语气温糯,竟是一位炼气女修。 Yes.” Luo Yan nods. “是。”罗阎点头。 Immortal master comes with me.” The maidservants turn around, walks toward the counter. “仙师跟我来。”侍女转身,朝柜台走去。 Luo Yan follows in her behind. 罗阎跟在她身后。 Shortly, then before arriving at the counter . 没多久,便来到柜台前。 After the counter, has a middle-aged man, a spirit strength fluctuation is astonishing, sits there, just like side Haiyan, around unceasing turnover spiritual energy. 柜台后有一个中年男子,一身灵力波动惊人,坐在那儿,宛如一方海眼,不断吞吐周围灵气。 The Luo Yan eyelid beats slightly. 罗阎眼皮微微跳动。 This refine the Qigong law. 这等炼气功法。 This and other spirit strength fluctuate. 这等灵力波动。 cultivation base of this middle-aged man...... 这中年男子的修为…… Only fears greatly completely already to refining boundary ten! 只怕已至炼气境十层大圆满! In his heart is flabbergasted secretly. 他心中暗暗咂舌。 Has not actually thought that Monster Hunter Pavilion will have background so. 却是没想到猎妖阁会有这般底蕴。 Uncle Li, this immortal master wants to become hunts for the monster master.” The maidservants look to that middle-aged man, the sound is clever. “黎叔,这位仙师想成为猎妖师。”侍女看向那中年男子,声音乖巧恭敬。 Boy, hands over ten spirit stones, you were my Monster Hunter Pavilion person.” The middle-aged man has not looked at the maidservant, looks directly to Luo Yan. “小子,交十块灵石,你就是我猎妖阁的人了。”中年男子没看侍女,直接望向罗阎 Yes, senior.” “是,前辈。” Luo Yan not hesitant, puts out ten spirit stones, sets up in an array, places on the counter. 罗阎没有犹豫,拿出十块灵石,一字排开,放在柜台上。 Calls makes Uncle Li's middle-aged man sleeve robe one volume to whirl away spirit stones, then loses to the Luo Yan together token, said: This hunts for the faith token of monster, depending on this number and route plate, may go together the hunting monster beast along with my Monster Hunter Pavilion.” 唤做黎叔的中年男子袖袍一卷卷走灵石,而后丢给罗阎一块令牌,道:“这是猎妖师的信物,凭这腰牌,可随我猎妖阁一同前去狩猎妖兽。” Saying. 说着。 He also said: In my Monster Hunter Pavilion also many good things, for example the lysimachia foenumgraecum of attraction monster beast, for example surrounds fan line of monster beast, do you need?” 他又道:“我猎妖阁中还有不少好东西,比如吸引妖兽的灵香草,比如困住妖兽的迷行阵,你需要吗?” Lysimachia foenumgraecum? Confuses line of?” The Luo Yan facial expression is curious. “灵香草?迷行阵?”罗阎神情好奇。 Visits you are young, hasn't gone to sea to hunt the monster beast?” Uncle Li hehe smiles, the expression somewhat ponders. “一看你就是雏儿,还没出海狩猎过妖兽吧?”黎叔呵呵一笑,表情有些玩味。 Yes.” “是。” Luo Yan nods, then cups one hand in the other across the chest, respectful opens the mouth: Asked the senior to dispel doubt.” 罗阎点头,而后拱手,恭敬开口:“请前辈解惑。” Seeing Luo Yan is so respectful, Uncle Li sits the straight body, starts to tell. 罗阎这般恭敬,黎叔坐直身子,开始娓娓道来。 You think that the overseas monster beast are many?” “你以为海外妖兽很多?” Without the lysimachia foenumgraecum fishes the monster beast to come, you planned where seeks for the monster beast?” “没灵香草钓妖兽过来,你打算去哪儿寻找妖兽?” Has not confused the line of inversion monster beast sensations, making the monster beast turning circle circle, the monster beast escape based on this, can you be able to catch up?” “没有迷行阵颠倒妖兽感知,让妖兽在一定范围内转圈圈,妖兽逃跑,你能追得上?” This two kinds thing, hunts for the monster master necessary item.” “这两样东西,都是猎妖师必备的道具。” „Do other items, for example specifically aim at the big might Buddhist musical instrument and symbol of monster beast?, Even makes the monster beast swallow, can weaken directly poisonous pill who even kills the monster beast.” “还有其它一些道具,比如专门针对妖兽的大威力法器和符?,甚至一些让妖兽吞服,可以削弱甚至直接杀死妖兽的毒丹。” Does not want me to think, you do not have money to buy these things.” “不要我想,你也没钱买这些东西。” Uncle Li is looking at Luo Yan with a laugh, as if has seen through general Luo Yan. 黎叔笑呵呵的望着罗阎,似乎早已将罗阎看穿一般。 Senior, that lysimachia foenumgraecums and fan line, value how much?” Luo Yan considers the moment, asked low voice. “前辈,那灵香草和迷行阵,价值几何?”罗阎斟酌片刻,小声问道。 He thought that this Uncle Li said right. 他觉得这黎叔说得对。 Confuses line of not to want, the lysimachia foenumgraecum must arrange. 迷行阵可以不要,灵香草必然要备好。 Otherwise. 不然。 Does not have the bait on such as fishing. 就如钓鱼无饵。 Learns from Jiang Taigong, hoping swallows the bait? 学姜太公,愿者上钩? The difficulty is too big! 难度实在太大! Lysimachia foenumgraecum ten spirit stones one bunches, confuse line of 100 spirit stones flags.” Uncle Li points at taps the counter, narrows the eyes to focus to say. “灵香草十块灵石一捆,迷行阵一百灵石一副阵旗。”黎叔手指轻敲柜台,眯着眼说道。 „......” “……” In the Luo Yan heart smiles bitterly. 罗阎心中苦笑。 This thinks that the hunting monster beast depended on a oneself pair of fist on the line. 本以为狩猎妖兽靠自己一双拳头就行了。 Asks for money. 没想到,还是要钱。 „, Without the lysimachia foenumgraecum , there would be no lysimachia foenumgraecum. Waited till the place, asked that the peer fellow daoist borrows several is.” “罢了,没有灵香草就没有灵香草。等到了地方,问同行道友借几株便是。” Luo Yan decides, plans to depart. 罗阎打定主意,打算离去。 At this time, Uncle Li opened the mouth again. 这时候,黎叔再次开口。 If cannot afford the lysimachia foenumgraecums and fan line, you can also join others' hunting for monster squad.” “要是买不起灵香草和迷行阵,你也可以加入别人的猎妖小队。” Hears this saying, a Luo Yan slightly thinking, then turns around to look to Uncle Li: Senior can introduce that I do join to hunt for the monster squad?” 听到这话,罗阎微一思索,便转身看向黎叔:“前辈能介绍我加入猎妖小队?” He likes acting alone. 他喜欢独行。 But now he absorbs the monster beast the lysimachia foenumgraecum unable to afford, is quite good with the team, considers the first time, first gains in the accumulation experience. 但如今他连吸收妖兽的灵香草都买不起,还是跟队比较好,就当是第一次,先积累积累经验。 You first said, your strength how? What excels at?” “你先说说,你实力如何?擅长些什么?” Uncle Li selected the eyebrow, high and low sizes up Luo Yan one, said: I observe on you spiritual energy to fluctuate am extremely weak, but a vitality is good. Is it possible that what walked is the body cultivator path?” 黎叔挑了挑眉,上下打量罗阎一眼,又道:“我观你身上灵气波动极弱,但一身气血还算不错。莫非,走的是体修的路子?” Senior mental perception like torch.” “前辈慧眼如炬。” Luo Yan maintains composure, thinks highly of one, said: „The strength of younger generation, approximately on refining about 56, excels at the mortal body fight, the attack and defense may.” 罗阎不动声色,恭维一声,又道:“晚辈的实力,大约在炼气五六层左右,擅长肉身搏斗,攻击和防御都可。” This......” Uncle Li nods, said: Met me to help you introduce a team, you are first waiting in the one side, when the time arrived, depart.” “这样……”黎叔点了点头,道:“等会我帮你介绍一个队伍,你先在一旁候着,等时间到了,一齐出发。” Many thanks senior.” Luo Yan expressed gratitude submissively. “多谢前辈。”罗阎拱手道谢。 This is my Monster Hunter Pavilion should do , there is nothing to express gratitude.” Uncle Li beckons with the hand, thinking otherwise of face. “这是我猎妖阁该做的,没什么好道谢的。”黎叔摆了摆手,一脸的不以为然。 Then. 接下来。 Luo Yan waits for in Monster Hunter Pavilion. 罗阎就在猎妖阁中等待。 Along with the member who he waits for together are many, has all alone, there are in threes and twos. 随他一同等待的修士不少,有孤身一人的,也有三两成群的。 These member spiritual energy fluctuations of are quite powerful. 这些修士身上的灵气波动都颇为强大。 Luo Yan is supposing, majority on refining four to refining eight. 罗阎估摸着,大部分都在炼气四层到炼气八层之间。 This is also normal. 这也正常。 Downward, the strength is faint, it is estimated that does not have the courage to go to the overseas hunting monster beast. 往下,实力低弱,估计没胆子去海外狩猎妖兽。 Upward, is powerful, has been able to go alone, does not need to go with Monster Hunter Pavilion together, even white give away 30% harvests. 往上,实力强大,已能独自前往,也没必要跟猎妖阁一同前往,平白让出30%收获。 Boy, are you in Uncle Li kou that refine the body cultivator gentleman?” “小子,你就是黎叔口中的那个炼体修士?” Luo Yan is shutting the pupil refining. 罗阎正闭眸炼气。 Side, broadcasts together the negligent sound suddenly. 身旁,忽然传来一道大咧咧的声音。 He opens eyes to look in the sound direction, sees only three people to accompany. 他睁眼朝声音方向望去,只见三人结伴而来。 Two male and one female. 两男一女。 A stature short pillar, somewhat simple and honest guy. 一个身材矮墩,有些憨厚的大汉。 A figure is thin, makings supple youth. 一个身形消瘦,气质阴柔的青年。 As for last, is one wears the apricot yellow long gown, fresh composed female. 至于最后一个,则是一个身穿杏黄长袍,清新婉约的女子。 Is I.” Luo Yan nods, sizes up three people carefully. “是我。”罗阎点头,仔细打量三人。 From three people of faint spirit strength fluctuations, three people of strengths, should on refining about 56. 从三人身上隐隐的灵力波动来看,三人的实力,应该在炼气五六层左右。 While Luo Yan sizes up three people, three people are also sizing up Luo Yan. 罗阎打量三人的同时,三人也在打量罗阎 That wears the apricot yellow long gown the female sees Luo Yan brightly, the eye pupil slightly one. 那身穿杏黄长袍的的女子见到罗阎,眼眸微微一亮。 The guys see the Luo Yan body to be sturdy, satisfaction nods. 大汉见罗阎身体壮实,也满意点了点头。 Only the youth, looked at a female, a brow directly slightly wrinkle. 只有那青年,看了眼女子,眉头直接微微一皱。 Muscle is sturdy, can likely anti-......” “肌肉蛮壮实的,像个能抗的……” The guy opens the mouth, just wants to agree that Luo Yan joins the team. 大汉开口,正想同意罗阎加入队伍。 But his words have not said, was broken by the youth directly. 但他话还没说完,就被青年直接打断。 I think actually, his cultivation base was too low.” “我倒是觉得不行,他的修为太低了。” The youth deep frown, lift the pupil to look to Luo Yan, inquired lightly: „Do you have refining three?” 青年眉头紧锁,抬眸望向罗阎,淡淡询问:“你有炼气三层吗?” Luo Yan selected the brow. 罗阎挑了挑眉头。 But shakes the head, said truthfully: No, but I major in the body and spirit, the strength should be similar to the fellow daoist phase difference.” 但还是摇了摇头,如实道:“没有,但我主修体魄,实力应该和道友相差仿佛。” Sun Zhuo, is this fellow daoist refining up the body cultivator gentleman, how could the strength uses cultivation base to weigh?” The female opens the mouth, the recording tape rebukes. 孙卓,这位道友是炼体修士,实力岂能用修为去衡量?”女子开口,音带嗔怪。 In her opinion, Luo Yan is the excellent teammate, can anti- live in the monster beast for them. 在她看来,罗阎是极好的队友,可以替他们抗住妖兽。 Refining up the body? Even refining three do not have, can his mortal body strong? How can, when our teammates?” Sun Zhuo cold sound said. “炼体?连炼气三层都没有,他的肉身能有多强?如何能当我们队友?”孙卓冷声道。 His voice is enormous, suddenly, many member looked, high and low carefully examines Luo Yan. 他声音极大,一时间,许多修士望了过来,上下审视罗阎 Refining three, without doubt are extremely low cultivation base. 炼气三层,无疑是一个极低的修为 Therefore quick, the surroundings then transmit laugh intermittently. 因而很快,周围便传来阵阵嗤笑。 Makes a mistake? Refining three do not have, wants to go to sea to hunt for the monster?” “有没有搞错?炼气三层都没有,也想出海猎妖?” This was cultivation base too also low?” “这修为也太低了吧?” This miss, is it possible that you are looked that this person of leather bag is splendid, spoke for this person?” “这位姑娘,你莫非是看此人皮囊出色,才替此人说话的?” Miss, I advised politely you to change a teammate, this person of cultivation base was too low, where can the strength strong to go?” “姑娘,我奉劝你还是换个队友吧,这人修为太低,实力能强到哪去?” Evidently, probably is an rookie.” “看样子,好像还是个新人。” Suddenly, teased the sound to rise from all directions. 一时间,调侃声四起。 About Luo Yan looks around two, the brow slightly wrinkle, has not said anything. 罗阎左右张望两眼,眉头微皱,没有说什么。 The female complexion blushes, is somewhat vexed and ashamed. 那女子脸色发红,有些恼羞。 Only then that Sun Zhuo, sees the surrounding member to echo own opinion, in the heart somewhat is self-satisfied. 只有那孙卓,见周围修士都附和自己的意见,心中不由有些得意。 However in the surface, he is a face indifferent free. 不过表面上,他还是一脸的淡然自若。 orchid, the vision of fellow daoist will not have the mistake, goes to sea the hunting, the danger is enormous, we should choose a reliable teammate.” “幽兰,诸位道友的眼光不会有错,出海狩猎,危险极大,我们应该挑选一个可靠的队友。” As for this fellow daoist......” “至于这位道友……” He looks to Luo Yan, the expression is sincere: Does not do right by, the words, possibly offended to say you a moment ago.” 他看向罗阎,表情诚恳:“对不住,刚才一番话,可能冒犯道你了。” But I am those words, goes to sea the hunting, the danger is enormous. A your rookie, cultivation base is also too low, is the careful consideration is clear, decided again goes to sea is quite good.” “但我还是那句话,出海狩猎,危险极大。你一个新人,修为又太低,还是仔细考虑清楚,再决定出不出海比较好。” The Sun Zhuo voice falls. 孙卓话音落下。 Also surroundings, resounds the voices of several other member. 周围,又响起几道其他修士的声音。 Yes the little brother, goes to sea to hunt for monster you not to think is so easy.” “是啊小兄弟,出海猎妖没你想的那么容易。” Listens to this Sun Zhuo fellow daoist, when your cultivation base raised, went to sea again is not late.” “就听这位孙卓道友的吧,等你修为提上去了,再出海也不迟。” Luo Yan listens to words that periphery is transmitting, in the surface to exude a helplessness. His lip moves, is preparing to open the mouth to explain. 罗阎听着周围传来的一句句话语,面上泛起一丝无奈。他嘴唇一动,正准备开口解释。 At this time, the distant place broadcast Uncle Li's voice. 这时候,远处传来黎叔的声音。 One crowd of waste, first manage well you, your cultivation base, can catch a little brother fist to succeed even!” “一群废物,先管好你们自己,就你们那点修为,能接住小兄弟一拳就算成功!” His cold snort/hum, said: Didn't have refining three? This little brother bloodlines are extraordinary, the mortal body is powerful. Others depending on the mortal body, do not use a supernatural power, can kill you.” 他冷哼一声,又道:“没有炼气三层怎么了?这位小兄弟血脉非凡,肉身强大。人家光凭肉身,不动用一点法力,就能打死你们。” Uncle Li opens the mouth, one group of people stare slightly, then all recovers. 黎叔开口,一群人微微一愣,而后全都回过神来。 The vision flashes, opens the mouth one after another. 目光闪动间,一个个接连开口。 „Are bloodlines extraordinary? Is it possible that just like the island lords, has the special bloodlines?” “血脉非凡?莫非,和岛主一样,拥有特殊血脉?” Hiss ~ unexpectedly is the special bloodlines, no wonder...... has the member of special bloodlines, the strength cannot weigh with cultivation base.” “嘶~竟然是特殊血脉,难怪……拥有特殊血脉的修士,实力本就不能用修为去衡量。” Actually our my faulty vision.” “倒是我们眼拙了。” One crowd of belated actions! This little brother dares to go to sea, naturally has own energy, having a need for you coming to worry blindly?” “一群马后炮!这小兄弟敢出海,自然有自己的底气,用得着你们来瞎操心?” Suddenly. 一时间。 The public opinion reverses to Luo Yan again. 舆论再次倒向罗阎这边。 Luo Yan touches the nose, hands over a grateful look to Uncle Li. 罗阎摸了摸鼻子,给黎叔递去一个感激眼神。 But that Sun Zhuo, the smile actually became forced. 而那孙卓,笑容却变得勉强了起来。 He looked at some complexion incorrect females, the vision flashed, arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest toward Luo Yan simply: 他看了眼脸色有些不对的女子,目光一闪,干脆朝罗阎拱了拱手: It seems like I belittled the fellow daoist, since Uncle Li opened the mouth, you joined our squad.” “看来是我小觑了道友,既然黎叔开口,那你就加入我们小队吧。” Beforehand reaches an agreement, we need you to withstand/top in the frontline, anti- lives in the monster beast for us.” “不过事先说好,我们需要你顶在最前方,为我们抗住妖兽。” Luo Yan thinks, the nod should under: Ok.” 罗阎想了想,点头应下:“可以。” Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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