star envoycollected taxes.星使来收税了。Luo Yandoes not have the choiceto make an appearance, evenalsoopens the ding ling, hiddirectly.罗阎没有选择露面,甚至还支开丁灵,直接躲了起来。Untilhenoticed that star envoytakes the flyingboat, after departingtwodouble-hour, hereturns to the middle of the log cabinslowly.
直到他看到那星使乘坐飞舟,离去两个时辰后,他才慢悠悠回到木屋当中。At this moment.
The ding lingandWei and his sonstayin the room, as ifwaitsfor a long time.
丁灵和魏家父子都呆在屋内,似乎等候已久。„Did Young MasterLuo, yougoa moment ago?”Wei MingseesLuo Yanto push the doorto come, pupilbelt/bringcuriousasking.
“罗公子,您刚才去哪儿?”魏明见罗阎推门进来,眸带好奇的问道。„Swam the swimming.”Luo Yanmaintains composure, thenasked:
“去游了游泳。”罗阎不动声色,而后问道:„WasHeavenly Star Palacestar envoycamea moment ago?”
“刚才是天星宫星使来了吗?”„Yes, pulled outto emptymyfamily propertydirectly, 20spirit stones, my fishing netharpoon, allreceiving. LuckilyIam smart, beforehandhid the fishing boat.”Wei Mingsmiles, someexpressionquitebrokers.
“是啊,把我家底直接掏空了,二十块灵石,还有我那渔网鱼叉,全给收上去了。幸亏我机灵,事先把渔船藏了起来。”魏明嘿嘿一笑,表情颇有些市侩。So long asIsufficeto be poor.
只要我够穷。star envoyalsotakesmenot to have the means.星使也拿我没办法。„What did star envoyask?”Asking that Luo Yanmaintains composure.
“星使问了些什么吗?”罗阎不动声色的问道。„No, comes upto wantmeto make a payment.”Wei Mingfeels the chin, slightly a stop, said:
“没,上来就要我交钱。”魏明摸着下巴,略一停顿,又道:„star envoydeparts, but alsoleaves behinda few words.”
“不过星使离去的时候,还留下一句话。”„Said that nexttenyears, theirHeavenly Star Palacewill receive the discipleonfierceYangDaobroadly.”
“说下一个十年,他们天星宫将在烈阳岛上广收门徒。”„The member within everyHeavenly Star Palacesphere of influence, maypass, attended the trial.”
Does Heavenly Star Palaceaccept the disciple?天星宫收徒?In the Luo Yanheartmoves slightly.罗阎心中微动。Heavenly Star Palaceis the overlord in this daystar sea, is a largeinfluence.天星宫是这天星海上的霸主,算是一个颇大的势力。Ifhecanbe involved, the advantageis inevitably extremely numerous.
若他能加入其中,好处必然极多。„Can star envoysaywhatrequest?” The Luo Yanheartmovespleasingly, immediatelyasked.
To comeinhim.
在他想来。Heavenly Star Palaceaccepts the disciple, definitelywill have the limit.天星宫收徒,必然会有限制。For exampleage, cultivation baseandrootfoot, evenis the bloodlinesaptitude.
“没有。”Wei Mingshakes the head, sees the Luo Yanfacial expressionsurprise, a voicerevolution, said: „Heavenly Star PalaceseveralDao Foundationassume personal command, is the strengthpowerful? Wantsthrough the trial that theysuppose, the difficultyonlyto fearenormously.”魏明摇头,见罗阎神情诧异,话音一转,又说道:“不过天星宫数位道基坐镇,实力何等强大?想要通过他们设下的试炼,难度只怕极大。”„Thistrial, is the biggestrequest.”
“这试炼,就已是最大要求。”„But, resembles the young mastersocharacter, passes the trial, is inevitably easy as pie.”
“不过,似公子这般人物,通过试炼,必然易如反掌。”Hespoke offinally, has not forgottento boastLuo Yan.
他说到最后,还不忘吹嘘罗阎一番。Naturally, is the sincerety, inhisheartsothinks.
当然,都是真情实意,他心中就是这般想的。SeesLuo Yanwhole faceintentto move, healsosaid with a smile: „Young masterishoversninedays of realdragons, but a Yuandark greenislandis only a smallpond, in the pondcannot raise the realdragon, the young mastermustgo to the wanderersooner or later.”
见罗阎满脸意动,他又笑道:“公子是翱翔九天的真龙,而元苍岛只是个小池塘,池塘里养不出真龙,公子是迟早要去外界闯荡的。”„To the young master, joinsHeavenly Star Palace, might as wellbe a goodchoice.”
The Wei Minglookflashesslightly.魏明眼神微微闪动。HasLuo Yanto cover, the security sensehas the security sense.
有罗阎罩着,安全感是有安全感。But the headhas a mountainto press, was short ofsomefreedoms.
但头上有座大山压着,也少了些自由。A halfyearpasses by, hethought that the freedomis better.
半年过去,他觉得还是自由更好一些。Luo Yanunderstands that the meaning of Wei Ming, looked atWei Xu, said: „Heavenly Star PalaceInaturallymustjoin. Mythistimeaskedyouto come, cameto say goodbyewithyou.”罗阎明白魏明的意思,看了眼魏旭,道:“天星宫我自然要加入。我这次叫你们过来,就是来跟你们道别的。”„Does young masterwalknow?”Wei Minggawkedunder.
“公子现在就走?”魏明愣了下。HeexpectsLuo Yanto walk, butnever expected thatLuo Yanwalksis so quick.
他料到罗阎会走,但没想到罗阎走的这么快。Wei Xu and ding linglooksurprise, the expressionsomewhatis also complex.魏旭和丁灵也眼神诧异,表情有些复杂。„Yes, thisplacespiritual energydensityis too low, the cultivationefficiencyis too slow, Iplanned that fierceYangDaosettles down, WeiDaozhuknows that whatcustomonthatfierceYangDaohasto abstain?”Luo YanlookstoWei Xu.
“是,此地灵气浓度太低,修炼效率太慢,我打算去烈阳岛定居,魏岛主知道那烈阳岛上有什么规矩忌讳吗?”罗阎望向魏旭。To him, fierceYangDaoiscompletelystrangeplaces.
对他来说,烈阳岛就是一片完全陌生之地。In whichcustom, hecompletelydoes not know.
其中的规矩,他全然不知。Beforedeparture, firstascertainsquitewell.
在离开前,还是先问清楚比较好。„Doesn't permitto cause troubleis?”Wei Mingtouches the nose.
“不准闹事算不算?”魏明摸了摸鼻子。Luo Yansmiles, relaxesactually.罗阎莞尔,倒是松了口气。FierceYangDaohas nothingexcessivelywell-mannered, a thatactuallygooddestination.
烈阳岛没什么过分规矩,那倒是一个好去处。He may also infierceonYangsettle down , to promote cultivation base, prepares the tenyears later smelting trials.
他也可在烈阳上定居下来,提升修为,准备十年后的试炼。„Iplanto walktomorrow, thesemagic arts, considerWeiDaozhu more than half a yearfor the reward that Ihandle matters.”
“我打算明天就走,这几门法术,就当是魏岛主这大半年来为我办事的报酬。”Luo Yantakes outseveralnotebooks, givesWei Ming.罗阎取出几本簿册,交给魏明。Thesethinbook, allarehewhen the magic arts that time of quietwrites down, respectivelyis the spiritshieldtechnique, the scarletghostblade and governingwatersecret art.
这几本薄册,皆是他在夜深人静时写下来的法术,分别是灵盾术、赤煞刀和御水诀。And the scarletghostblade and governingwatersecret artundergohisrevision, the might and usabilitygo a step further, in the common goodscompared withmarketis betteronmany.
其中赤煞刀和御水诀经过他的修改,威力和实用性都更进一步,比市面上的大路货要好上不少。Seesseveralmagic arts, the Wei Mingfacial expressiongreat happiness, rushesto cup one hand in the other across the chest: „Many thanksYoung MasterLuo.”
见到几门法术,魏明神情大喜,赶忙拱手:“多谢罗公子。”InfierceYangDaodowntown streets.
烈阳岛坊市中。Forbidsto sellto show off one's merits the lawmagic artssecretly.
禁止私自贩卖功法法术。Oncediscovered,will be chased downbyfierceYangGongdirectly!
The memberwantsto purchase the meritlawmagic arts, can only go tofierceYangShanghuito purchase.
而价格……Generallyis100spirit stonesstarts!
The magic artsare precious.
法术珍贵。Luo Yanbestowsthreemagic artsnow, even ifhedoes not practice, can still be usedto enrichhisWeibackground, giveshisgeneration after generationto practice.罗阎如今赠送三门法术,就算他不练,也能用来充实他魏家底蕴,给他子子孙孙练啊。„LuoXianshi, can Ipasswithyoutogether?” The ding lingopens the mouthsuddenly, in the surfacereveals the color of notabandoning.
“罗仙师,我能跟你一起过去吗?”丁灵忽然开口,面上流露不舍之色。„Cannot.”Luo Yanshakes the head.
His goes tofierceYangDao, oneselfare unfamiliar with the people and place, howpossiblyto lead a personagain?
他此去烈阳岛,自己都人生地不熟,怎可能再带一个人?„Good.” The ding lingcomplexionis desolate, dejecteddanglinghead.
“好吧。”丁灵脸色落寞,颓然垂下脑袋。„WeiDaozhu, after Ideparts, treats the ding lingwell, cannot, becausesheisimmortal cultivator, butplansherto feel embarrassedher, clear?”Luo YanlookstoWei Ming.
“魏岛主,我离去后,好好对待丁灵,切不能因为她是修仙者,而算计她为难她,明白吗?”罗阎又看向魏明。Wei Mingis an old fox.魏明是只老狐狸。For the six months, built upseveralrefiningmemberto be missing.
半年来,起家中的几个炼气修士先后失踪。Obviously, isWei Mingfeared that severalpeoplehinderoneselfposition, finding the wayto solvequietly.
显然,是魏明怕那几人妨碍到自己的地位,想办法悄悄解决了。Luo Yandoes not hope, after hedeparts, thisWei Minglikedealing withthatseveralpeoplewill cope with the ding ling.罗阎不希望,他离去后,这魏明会像对付那几人一样对付丁灵。„Yes, Weiwill not planDingmiss.”Wei Mingrushesto guarantee.
“是,魏某绝不会算计丁姑娘的。”魏明赶忙保证。„Good. Early tomorrow morning, Ileave.”Luo Yanopens the mouth, lookstoWei Xu, said: „Wei Xu, after Ileave, looks atyouto put best into it.”
“那好。明天一早,我就离开。”罗阎开口,又望向魏旭,道:“魏旭,我离开后,望你好自为之。”„.” The Wei Xuembarrassedgraspinghair, feelssomewhatshamefacedly.
“哦。”魏旭不好意思的抓了抓头发,感到有些羞愧。Heknows the meaning of Luo Yan.
他知道罗阎的意思。Buthedoes not think, sleepsevery day, Iam thinkingtomorrowmusttry hard, after mayawake, anythingdoes not wantto do.
但他也不想啊,每天睡觉时,我都想着明天一定要努力,可睡醒后,又什么都不想干。Red light district, heroictomb.
温柔乡,英雄冢。Hewantsto try hard, buthisSecond Brotherdoes not comply.
他是想努力,但他的二弟不答应啊。„Ok, youdrew back.”Luo Yanwaves, expels the log cabinthreepeople.
“好了,你们退下去。”罗阎挥手,将三人赶出木屋。Allsettle down, Wei Minggoes out of the log cabin, the facial expressionsomewhatsobsunexpectedly.
一切尘埃落定,魏明走出木屋,神情竟有些唏嘘。Heturn headlooked at the eyecloseddoor, thenlooksto the ding ling, shows the temperatesmile: „Does Dingmiss, howyoufeelrising sun?”
“别。”Dingnimblebigsupercilious look, dislikeshot a look atWei Xu, directauthorities: „Do not hitmeto pay attention, have waited for twoyears, Igrow upagain, Iwill leave, will not hinderyourfather and sontwointhisYuandark greenislandbeing swindledemperor.”
丁灵翻了个大大的白眼,厌恶的瞥了眼魏旭,直截了当道:“你别打我注意,等过两年,我再长大些,我就会离开,不会妨碍你们父子两在这元苍岛上当皇帝的。”Then, sheentersoneselflog cabindirectly, bangclosed the door.
说完,她径直走进自己的木屋,砰的一声关上了房门。„Hehe, DingMisschatted, Isaidcasually.”Smiling of Wei Mingthinks otherwise, in the heartactuallyrelaxes.
两年而已。He can also wait.
他还等得起。Iftwoyearslater, thisding lingdoes not leave, evenLuo Yanhas urged, he must causesomemethodsunavoidably.
若两年后,这丁灵再不离开,即便罗阎叮嘱过,他也免不了要使些手段。„Walks, along withmegoes back, do not forgetYoung MasterLuo'sinstruction, latermustcultivationwell.”Wei Minglooked ateyebehindWei Xu, expecting too much of face.
“走吧,随我回去,别忘了罗公子的教诲,以后要好好修炼。”魏明又看了眼身后的魏旭,一脸的恨铁不成钢。ThinkshisWei Ming, lord of the island, is what kind ofpersonoutstanding?
想他魏明,一岛之主,何等人杰?Hadsuchonlyto know that unexpectedlyplayed the pustule of woman.
竟生出了这么个只知道玩女人的脓包。Ifinoneselfpast yearsused, livedtwo, livedoneastutely, nowis also insufficientto worry that was threatened the positionby a daughterbaby.
要是自己当年中用点,多生两个,生一个精明点的,现在也不至于担忧被一个小女娃娃威胁到地位。Thinks ofhere, inhisheartdisappointedsigh.
想到此处,他心中怅然叹息。Butquick, inhiseyenoneflashes.
但很快,他眼中又精光一闪。Hehad once seen the doublecultivatinglawin the downtown streets, sincethisboylikesdallying with the womanso much.
他曾在坊市见过双修之法,既然这小子这么喜欢玩女人。Perhaps, hecanfind the wayto make a pair of cultivatinglawto come back.
只是那价格……„In my treasury, but alsohid300spirit stones. The crowding, shouldbe quickagain.”
“我那金库中,还藏了三百块灵石。再攒攒,应该快了。”He is so thinking, the tightfacerelaxesa fewfinally.
他这般想着,紧绷的面庞总算缓和少数。Helooked at the eyebehindWei Xu, inWei Xuthatpupil, reflectshispresentappearance.
他又看了眼身后魏旭,魏旭那瞳孔中,倒映出他如今的模样。ChickenskinHefa, unexpectedlyevensomefigurerickets.
鸡皮鹤发,竟连身形都有些佝偻了。„Yeah, the dantianwas broken, thisoldwas actually getting quicker and quicker.”
……Half a month later.
A Luo Yanblack clothes, steps the fierceYangDaoharbor.罗阎一袭黑衣,踏上烈阳岛港口。Heis looking at presentthiscity, the lookis somewhat inspired.
他望着眼前这座城市,眼神有些振奋。Without the accident/surprise, over the following ten years, hewill passonthisisland.
The Yuandark greenislandis the beginning that heimmortal cultivation.
元苍岛是他修仙的起点。ButthisfierceYangDao, ishewill integrate the immortal cultivation worldplace.
而这烈阳岛,将是他融入修仙界的地方。Luo Yanonjustharbor.罗阎刚上港口。Then the 11 or 12-year-oldyoungsterwelcomed, asking that the facial expressionflatters: „Thisimmortalmaster, do youneed the guide? Onlymusttogetherspirit stones, Ioneat your serviceall day.”
便有一个十一二岁的少年迎了上来,神情讨好的问道:“这位仙师,请问您需要向导吗?只需一块灵石,我就会为您服务一整天。”„OnthisfierceYangDao, secret that but alsowithoutmedoes not know!”
The youngsterblow own horn, actuallywatches a person's every mood, sees the curiosity between Luo Yanfacial features.
少年自吹自擂,却是察言观色,看出罗阎眉眼间的好奇。Thisgrade of person, the first time iscamefierceYangDaoinevitably.
这等人,必然是第一次来烈阳岛。„Right? Andyousaid,Iwantto settle downinthisplace, howshoulddo?”Luo Yanlowers the head, takes a look at the youngstercarefully.
The youngsterare sporty, the eyesare bright, althoughnon-immortal cultivator, butactuallystrongercompared with the average manonmany.
少年活力十足,双眼有神,虽非修仙者,但比常人却要强上不少。„ImmortalmasterRuoxiang does settle downon the island? Thatgoes certainly to the broker.”
“仙师若想在岛上定居?那当然是去牙行。”„The house that the brokerprovidesis divided into the differenttypes.”
“不过牙行提供的房屋分为许多不同的种类。”„Someare the average personlive, only need spendsomesymbolmoney to rentor the purchase.”
“有些是普通人住的,只需花费些符钱就能租住或是购买。”„Alsosomeareprovideto the immortal cultivatorhousingcave mansion, thatand otherin the cave mansions, the spiritual energyis rich, onhighat least30%compared withotherfierceYangDaoplaces!”
“也有些是提供给修仙者居住的洞府,那等洞府中,灵气浓郁,比烈阳岛其余地方高上至少30%!”„Did immortalnormal universityperson, youseeonfierceYangGongthatsolardisc?”
The youngsteraim atthatwheel on fierceYangDaocentralmountain peak‚Sun’, saidproudly:
少年指向烈阳岛中央山峰上的那轮‘太阳’,傲然道:„Thatsolardiscisoneenormousgatheringspirit, but the cave mansion, constructsunder the disc, onfierceYangshanthatsteepmountain wall.”
“那太阳圆盘就是一个极大的聚灵阵,而洞府,就建在圆盘下,烈阳山那陡峭的山壁上。”„Moreapproaches the cave mansion of solardisc, the spiritual energyis richer. Naturally, thisprice is also naturally higher.”
The youngstertell, during the spoken languagesfloodsthisto meanproudly.
显然。AsfierceYangislander, healsowithhavingglory.
身为烈阳岛人,他也与有荣焉。Butlistened toyouth'sintroduction, in the Luo Yanheartto have the idea.
而听着少年的介绍,罗阎心中已是有了主意。Lives in the cave mansion!
住洞府!Moreovermustlive in the bestcave mansion!
而且要住最好的洞府!Hispresentboundaryis too low, mustseize every second and minute, raisesto be goodas soon as possible!
他现在境界太低,必须分秒必争,尽快提上去才行!„The price of cave mansion?”Luo Yanalsoasked.
“洞府的价格吗?”罗阎又问。Saying, throws toyoungstertogetherspirit stones.
The youngsterreceivedspirit stones, bitone, theninfacial expressionpleasantly surprisedsqueezing inbosom:
那少年接过灵石,咬了一口,而后神情惊喜的塞入怀中:„Knows, the cave mansiondivideshigh, middle, and lowthird-class, inferiorcave mansion20spirit stones one year, middle-gradecave mansion50spirit stones one year, superiorcave mansion200spirit stones one year.”
“知道,洞府分上中下三等,下等洞府二十块灵石一年,中等洞府五十块灵石一年,上等洞府两百块灵石一年。”200spirit stones!
两百块灵石!In the Luo Yanheartmoves slightly, divine consciousnessdrills intostorage bag, swept the eyecarefully.罗阎心中微动,神念钻入储物袋,仔细扫了眼。Henow, only has33spirit stones.
他现在,只有三十三块灵石。Thisisin the background, the member who butchersonenot to keep eyes open the attemptmurder of seizes the treasure to come.
要不然。Hisspirit stonesnotoverten!
他身上的灵石不会超过十块!spirit stonesinsufficient......
灵石不够……„Canpay monthly?”Luo Yanselects the eyebrow, asking of maintaining composure.
“可以月付吗?”罗阎一挑眉,不动声色的问道。„This......”youngstersmilestagnates, thinking of touching own ears and cheeks, saidscruple: „ThisIdo not know that or does the immortalmasterfirstgo to the brokerto ask?”
“这……”少年笑容一滞,抓耳挠腮的想了想,迟疑道:“这我就不知道了,要不仙师先去牙行问问?”„Good.”Luo Yannods.
“好吧。”罗阎点头。„Immortalnormal universityperson, onmycarriage.”
“仙师大人,上我马车。”Under the youngsterleads, Luo Yanseats a finecarriage.
A spirit stones, is not worth mentioningtoLuo Yanthisgrade of character.
一枚灵石,对罗阎这等人物来说不值一提。Buttoyoungstergrade of average person, is actually a sky-high price.
The youngstergo all outto draw the carriage.
少年卖力拉着马车。Soon, stopsin front ofbroker.
不多久,就停在一家牙行门前。„Immortalnormal universityperson, broker.”Outside the carriagebroadcasts the youngstervoice.
“仙师大人,牙行到了。”马车外传来少年声音。Luo Yansets out, goes down the carriage, making the youngsterwaitinout of the door, thenenters the brokerdirectly.罗阎起身,走下马车,让少年在门外候着,便径直走进牙行。Justentered the broker, someyoung male servantswelcomed, Luo Yanreported the brightpurpose in coming, the young male servantthenbringsLuo Yan, entered a house.
刚进牙行,就有小厮迎了上来,罗阎禀明来意,小厮便带着罗阎,走进了一间房屋。Aftertakes into the roomLuo Yan, the young male servantthenturns aroundto depart.
在将罗阎带进房间后,小厮便转身离去。In the roomhas an old man.
屋内有一老者。Luo Yanlookstothatold man.罗阎则看向那老者。Old manspiritstrengthfluctuationis intense.
老者身上灵力波动强烈。He estimated that the boundary of thisold manshouldlater period of the refining.
他估计,这老者的境界应该在炼气后期。„Thisfellow daoist, yousaid that youdo wantto rent a high-gradecave mansion?”
“这位道友,你说你想租一座上品洞府?”Thatwhite hairold mansits wellafter the counter, similarlysizes upLuo Yanup and down.
那白发老者端坐在柜台后,同样上下打量罗阎。„Right.”Luo Yannods.
“没错。”罗阎点头。„Rents for severalyears?” The old menasked.
“租几年?”老者问。„Firstrents for a month.”Luo Yansaidwithout hesitation.
“先租一个月吧。”罗阎不假思索道。„A month?”
The old manwhite eyebrowstrembles, carefully examinesLuo Yan, opens the mouthto turn down: „Excuse me, the cave mansion on thisfierceYangshan, gets upto rent for at leastoneyear.”
老者白眉一颤,审视罗阎,开口婉拒:“不好意思,这烈阳山上的洞府,起租至少一年。”„Seniorwhether to stretch the rules?”Luo Yanknits the browsto say.
“前辈能否通融一下?”罗阎皱眉道。„Fellow Daoistchatted, if the fellow daoisthas the refininglatercultivation base, stretching the rulesis notmay notsuddenly. But the fellow daoist......”old manshakes the head, surfacefloodforced smile.
区区炼气一层。Alsowantsto live in the cave mansions in 200spirit stones.
还想住两百块灵石的洞府。Alsodoes not have a look at itself, hasthisstrength?
Can oneyearmake20spirit stonesnot?
一年能挣二十块灵石不?He does businessafter all, is not goodto tauntLuo Yandirectly, access road/simply said:
他毕竟是做生意的,也不好直接嘲讽罗阎,便道:„Fellow Daoist, ifinpouchshy, might as wellfirstrents a low-gradecave mansion.”
“道友若囊中羞涩,不妨先租一座下品洞府。”„After and other fellow daoistaccumulatedenoughrentsspirit stones of high-gradecave mansion, mayat any timecometo exchange, only need make up the price differencethen.”
“等道友攒够租住上品洞府的灵石后,可随时过来调换,只需补上差价即可。”Then, heis calm and composed even in press of workis looking atLuo Yan, waits for the reply of Luo Yan.
说完,他好整以暇的望着罗阎,等待罗阎的回答。„This......”Luo Yandeeply frowned.
The ideais very wonderful.
The high-gradecave mansion, heindeedcannot livenow.
上品洞府,他现在的确住不起。Hesighed, put out20spirit stones, set up in an array, is placedon the table: „Thatgivesmeto come to a low-gradecave mansion, remembers to best.”
他叹了口气,拿出二十块灵石,一字排开,摆在桌上:“那就给我来一间下品洞府吧,记得要最好的。”„Thatisnatural, the old manwill be impossible the badcave mansionto giveyou.” The old menhehesmile, pleasant to hear that words saying, in the heartactuallythinks otherwise.
“那是自然,老夫也不可能将差的洞府给你。”老者呵呵一笑,话说的好听,心中却不以为然。Casually after Luo Yanregistersonenext, thenputs out a jade pendant, losttoLuo Yan.
随便给罗阎登记一下后,便拿出一枚玉佩,丢给了罗阎。„Cave mansionnumberon the jade pendant, heldthisjade pendantin the past, canopen the strategy, entered the cave mansion.”
The old menurgedone, saw the Luo Yanbut actuallyalsosomewhatbearing, thenalsoreminded: „Thiscave mansionis only the most commoncave mansion. If the fellow daoistmeets the refinerrefine the pill of immortality, mayrent a cave mansion that has the fire chamber.”
老者叮嘱一句,见罗阎倒也有几分气度,便又提醒道:“这洞府只是最普通的洞府。若道友会炼器炼丹,可租住一间拥有地火室的洞府。”„Naturally, the pricenaturally must enhance.”
“当然,价格自然也要提高。”Fire chamber?
地火室?In the Luo Yanheartmoves, takes up the jade pendantto hold into the bosom, said with a smile: „Temporarilydoes not use, the seniorsaid goodbye.”罗阎心中一动,拿起玉佩揣入怀中,笑道:“暂时不用了,前辈告辞。”„Fellow Daoistwalksslowly.”
“道友慢走。”In the seeing offsound of old man, Luo Yanwas sent out the brokerby the young male servant.
The youngsterstillwaited foroutside the broker, seeLuo Yanto come out, immediatelywelcomed: „Immortalnormal universityperson, did matterhandle?”
“嗯。”Luo Yannods, steps onto the carriage: „Goes tofierceYangshan.”罗阎点头,走上马车:“去烈阳山。”Althoughis the low-gradecave mansion, butheis also impatient, wantsto have a look atowncave mansioniswhatappearance.
The carriagesails toslowly.
马车缓缓驶进。Luo Yansits well, knits the browsto rack one's brains.罗阎端坐其中,皱眉苦思。spirit stonesspirit stones.
灵石啊灵石。Immortal Cultivationis the money of cultivating.
The money of hisassistant company commanderhouse rentdoes not have, but how alsoto purchase the resources, is usedto cultivate?
It is not good, must make money!
不行,必须得赚钱!Hestartsto calculate.
The first thought that isrewards virtue and punishes vice.
第一个念头,就是去惩恶扬善。Butchanges mindreads, the rewarding virtue and punishing viceriskis too big, turns overdid not fear,at leastcanescape, feared that feareddid not butcher the backgroundastonishingfellowcarefully.
但转念一念,惩恶扬善风险太大,翻车不怕,至少能逃,怕就怕不小心宰了个背景惊人的家伙。Looks for a propertrade is quite credible.
还是找一门正经行当比较靠谱。Sothinking, himis lifting the curtain screen, asked the driving a cartyoungster: „The memberlikeme, earnsspirit stonesbywhatgenerally?”
这般想着,他掀开帘子,问赶车少年:“像我这样的修士,一般靠什么赚取灵石?”Regardingimmortal cultivation, heispuresprouting/moeis new.
对于修仙,他就是一个纯粹的萌新。Knows, might as wellyoungsterlike thisin the fierceYangDaolocally bornaverage person.
所知道的,还不如少年这样在烈阳岛土生土长的普通人。„Makes money? The immortalmastermakes money, generallyby the immortal cultivationtechnique, for example the refinerandrefine the pill of immortality, cultivatesplants the spiritbeastspirit , can the cityin the respected family, when the guardconsecrates, earns the salary. If the immortalmasteris powerful, but can also meetsomeillegal work, orgoes to the overseasto hunt and kill the monsterbeast.”
The youngstersmile, is clear.
少年嘿嘿一笑,头脑清晰。Pleaserememberthisbookfirst rounddomain name:. Apexnovelcell phoneversionreadingwebsite:
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