ICSBAP :: Volume #2

#190: star envoy arrives

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Hungry!” “饿!” The Luo Yan complexion is pallid, takes up one bottle of supplement vitalities the compounded drug, such as the bean is but actually common, swallows into the abdomen wholely. 罗阎面色煞白,拿起一瓶补充气血的丹药,如倒豆子一般,囫囵吞入腹中。 Insufficiently! 不够! Continues to eat! 继续吃! The cultivation demon flood dragon body, life level jump, almost exhausts all energies in his flesh. 修炼魔蛟体,生命层级的跃进,几乎耗尽他血肉中的所有能量。 That unequalled sense of hunger. 那股无与伦比的饥饿感。 Let his direct incarnation gluttonous ti, started the crazy feed. 让他直接化身饕鬄,开始了疯狂进食。 On the table the compounded drug is insufficient. 桌上丹药不够。 He calls the ding ling, lets ding ling preparation food. 他又唤来丁灵,让丁灵准备食物。 Barrels of spicy fish. 一桶桶水煮鱼。 A basin basin steams the prawn. 一盆盆蒸大虾。 One flock of variation old mother hens that even Wei Xu raises, were slaughtered the cooking to carry. 甚至连魏旭养的一群异种老母鸡,都被宰杀烹饪端了过来。 This eats. 这一吃。 Ate enough two double-hour. 就吃了足足两个时辰。 After two double-hour, the Luo Yan paralysis on the chair, feels the sense of hunger that is going far away gradually, only thinks refreshing, the whole person is changed beyond recognition. 两个时辰后,罗阎瘫在椅子上,感受着那份渐渐远去的饥饿感,只觉神清气爽,整个人焕然一新。 His present stomach compared with the mortal, does not endure a ratio refine the pill of immortality furnace, any food falls into, will be built up fast. 他如今的胃不比凡人,堪比一座炼丹炉,任何食物落入其中,都会被快速炼化。 Otherwise. 要不然。 He only feared that has not eaten to the full, was first risen. 他只怕还没吃饱,就先被涨死。 Luo Xianshi, are you all right?” Wei Ming is asking, sizes up Luo Yan curiously. “罗仙师,你没事吧?”魏明问着,好奇打量罗阎 Might as well.” “无妨。” Luo Yan beckons with the hand, said: Troubled you a moment ago.” 罗阎摆了摆手,道:“刚才麻烦你了。” „It is not troublesome, is not troublesome.” “不麻烦,不麻烦。” Wei Ming rushes to beckon with the hand. 魏明赶忙摆手。 Some food, what was also considered as? 一些食物而已,又算得了什么? He is looking at carefully Luo Yan, cautious asking: 他端详着罗阎,小心翼翼的问道: Young Master Luo, that monster shape technique, did you cultivation successfully?” “罗公子,那妖形术,您修炼成功了?” He observes Luo Yan, has the difference. 他观罗阎,已有不同。 That was sheep people the aura not to have alone, now the whole body is flooding overbearing dignified aura, just like a monarchy, making one cannot help but want to submit, lowers the head does obeisance. 那股独属于羊人的气息没了,现在浑身充斥着一股霸道威严的气息,宛若一尊君主,令人不由自主想要臣服,纳头就拜。 Obviously. 显然。 The bloodlines of Luo Yan, have become honored, dominates above the innate bloodlines. 罗阎的血脉,已然变得尊贵,凌驾在先天血脉之上。 Monster clan. 妖族。 Has the person clan of monster beast bloodlines. 拥有妖兽血脉的人族。 Each, the bloodlines are honored, the potential is infinite. 每一个,都血脉尊贵,潜力无穷。 Success.” “成功了。” Luo Yan chuckle. 罗阎轻笑。 He now, has the difference from the beforehand feeling greatly. 他如今,和之前的感觉已经大有不同。 Coming out that he can feel. 他能感觉的出来。 After fusing Blackwater flood dragon bloodlines, his mortal body intensity rose suddenly directly one time. 在融合黑水蛟血脉后,他的肉身强度直接暴涨了一倍。 And, the upper limit was opened, he can feel that he so long as now through training hard, the mortal body can continue to grow stronger! 并且,上限被打开了,他能感觉的,他现在只要通过苦练,肉身就能继续变强! But what made his happy was. 而更令他开心的是。 He has the dantian finally, can become immortal cultivator! 他终于有丹田,可以成为修仙者了! Congratulates Young Master Luo! Young Master Luo obtains the Blackwater flood dragon bloodlines, Dao Foundation is hopeful!” In the middle of Wei Ming look, there is respectful, envies. “恭喜罗公子!罗公子获得黑水蛟血脉,道基有望啊!”魏明眼神当中,既有恭敬,也有羡慕。 The Blackwater flood dragon bloodlines, that may too be powerful more than his innate bloodlines. 黑水蛟血脉,那可比他的先天血脉强大太多。 It is reported that. 据传。 Grown descendants of Blackwater flood dragon clan, can open access generally, refine to refining ten. 黑水蛟一族的成年族裔,一般都能畅通无阻,炼至炼气十层。 But achieves refining ten. 而达到炼气十层。 Wasn't Dao Foundation hopeful? 道基不就是有望了吗? Now said that these are too early to say.” Luo Yan beckons with the hand, thinks otherwise. “现在说这些言之过早。”罗阎摆了摆手,不以为然。 Said again of pleasant to hear. 说得再好听。 He does not have the luck to enter the body now as before, needs to look like a beginner to be the same, step by step come. 他现在依旧还没引气入体,还是需要像一个入门者一般,一步一步来。 Hehe, sooner or later matter.” Wei Ming looks to think highly, only wants to enclasp the thigh of Luo Yan. “嘿嘿,迟早的事。”魏明面露恭维,只想抱紧罗阎的大腿。 Spoke these words. 说完这句话。 His slightly one hesitated, looked at eye behind Wei Xu, said: Young Master Luo, I have my presumptuous request, does not know whether the young master does comply?” 他微一沉吟,看了眼身后的魏旭,又道:“罗公子,我有一个不情之请,不知公子可否答应?” Mentioned listens.” Luo Yan selects the eyebrow. “说来听听。”罗阎挑眉。 Is the rising sun matter. Rising sun, he wants to acknowledge you as the teacher.” Wei Ming direct authorities. “是旭儿的事。旭儿,他想拜你为师。”魏明直截了当道。 Brother Luo, but also please receive me for the disciple!” The Wei Xu also knife edge, knelt on the ground directly, kowtows to Luo Yan. “罗大哥,还请收我为徒!”魏旭也支棱了起来,直接跪在地上,给罗阎磕了个头。 I...... also asked Luo immortal master to receive me for the disciple, I was very obedient, can endure hardship!” The ding ling also kneels on the ground directly, studies Wei Xu to kowtow to Luo Yan. “还有我……还请罗仙师能收我为徒,我很听话,也能吃苦!”丁灵也直接跪在地上,学着魏旭罗阎磕了个头。 Accepts the disciple?” A Luo Yan brow wrinkle, the vision has swept two people, said lightly: “收徒?”罗阎眉头一皱,目光扫过二人,淡淡道: I have not received the plan of disciple now.” “我如今没有收徒的打算。” Brother Luo, asked you, I will certainly try hard , the acknowledging as teacher ritual......” Wei Xu somewhat was flustered, put out a topaz from the bosom, both hands holds, has lifted up high the top of the head. “罗大哥,求求你了,我一定会努力的,还有,还有拜师礼……”魏旭有些慌张,从怀中拿出一枚黄玉,双手捧着,高举过头顶。 Luo Xianshi, I do not have the acknowledging as teacher ritual, but I have the sincere intention, sincere priceless.” The ding ling is saying, knocked two heads to Luo Yan. “罗仙师,我没有拜师礼,但我有诚心,诚心无价。”丁灵说着,又给罗阎磕了两个头。 Young Master Luo, this is together the spirit jade, the belt/bring on the body, may improve the physique, dispels all various illnesses, value ten spirit stones.” Wei Ming explained in the one side. “罗公子,这是一块灵玉,带在身上,可改善体质,祛除百病,价值十块灵石。”魏明在一旁解释。 I said that I have not received the disciple plan.” Luo Yan looks reluctantly. “我说了,我没有收徒打算。”罗阎面露无奈。 He builds the demon flood dragon body, oneself have not started to practice, do these two want to request him to be the master? 他才修成魔蛟体,自己都还没开始修行,这两人就要拜他为师了? Seeing two people facial expression is cramped. 见两人神情局促。 He sighed, said: Accepted the disciple to exempt, but granted you 1-2 methods, poured not yes.” 他叹了口气,道:“收徒就免了,但赐予你们1-2法门,倒也不是可以。” Method?” “法门?” Two people of hears word, facial expression all one happy. 二人闻言,神情全都一喜。 Method I wrote down from memory, gives you again. As for the present, gets down.” “法门等我默写下来,再交给你们。至于现在,都下去吧。” After making the commitment, Luo Yan waves to catch up with the person directly. 做出承诺后,罗阎直接挥手赶人。 Three people all said goodbye to depart. 三人全都告辞离去。 Only is left over Luo Yan, looked for a rush cushion to sit cross-legged to sit down, starts to feel itself to change carefully. 只剩下罗阎,找了块蒲团盘膝坐下,开始仔细感受自身变化。 Well!” “咦!” A feeling, he was just light well. 刚一感受,他便轻咦一声。 In the past, his psychic force was powerful, is indistinct to feel the body internal environment, but that was only the feeling. 以往,他精神力强大,隐约间能感受到身体内部的环境,但那只是感觉。 But now. 而现在。 He discovered that oneself steadily the third eye seemed to be common, unexpectedly clear saw own body structure! 他发现自己仿佛长了第三只眼睛一般,竟然真真切切的看到了自己的身体结构! Is it possible that is this divine consciousness in legend?!” “莫非,这就是传说中的神念?!” He feels novel. 他感到新奇。 Closes the eyes directly, then looks to all around. 直接闭上双眼,然后看向四周。 After an experiment . 一番试验后。 He discovered that this divine consciousness and eye are different. 他发现这神念和眼睛不同。 The eye looks to the front, the field of vision is vast, may look into the distant place, but will be camouflaged by the object. 眼睛望向前方,视野辽阔,可眺望极远处,但会被物体遮蔽。 But this divine consciousness, actually just like God angle of view. 而这神念,却宛如上帝视角。 So long as were covered by divine consciousness, all things, take in everything at a glance. 只要被神念笼罩,所有东西,一览无余。 The divine consciousness range is limited, his strongly full power, can cover whole body one zhang (3.33 m). 只是神念范围有限,他竭力全力,也就能笼罩周身一丈。 Really interesting.” “果然有趣。” Luo Yan by the divine consciousness observation all around, discovered that can see beyond the scene that the eye sees, in the air is fluttering grains of hovering granules. 罗阎神念观察四周,发现出了能看到眼睛看到的景象外,空气中飘荡着一粒粒游动的粒子。 That granule is extremely slight, several not obvious, but contains the marvelous strength. 那粒子极其细微,几不可见,但蕴含奇妙力量。 His divine consciousness slightly one touches, in the heart gives birth to integrate the impulsion in within the body these granules unexpectedly. 神念微一触碰,心中竟生出一股将这些粒子纳入体内的冲动。 Spiritual Energy?” “灵气?” These granules, obviously are the spiritual energies in legend. 这些粒子,显然就是传说中的灵气。 He no longer hesitates, defers to directly Small sidereal revolution expiration and inspiration technique Method, starts to try the luck to enter the body. 他不再犹豫,直接按照【小周天吐纳术】中的法门,开始尝试引气入体。 The luck enters the way of body to be simple. 引气入体的方式简单。 Enters the meridians with the divine consciousness guidance spiritual energy. 就是以神念引导灵气进入经脉。 Transforms as the supernatural power again, toward dantian gathering. 再转化为法力,朝丹田汇聚。 Finally, condenses a supernatural power seed in the dantian. 最终,在丹田中凝聚出一枚法力种子。 Seed 10%. 种子10%。 Then enters the body to be successful on behalf of the luck, may call refining immortal cultivator. To people, the luck enters the difficulty of body to be extremely high. 便代表引气入体成功,可称炼气一层修仙者。只是对一般人而言,引气入体的难度极高。 Luo Yan when the ship, had once chatted with Wei and his son. 罗阎在船上时,曾和魏家父子聊过。 Their two father and son. 他们两父子。 Sits in meditation visualize for a half year, feels the spiritual energy to exist, then the luck enters the body, spent enough in March/three months. 一个打坐观想半年,才感受到灵气存在,而后引气入体,花了足足三月。 Another visualize one year, feels the spiritual energy, enters the body as for the luck, spent unexpectedly for a year. 另一个观想一年,才感受到灵气,至于引气入体,竟也花费了一年时间。 Has learning from another's mistakes of these two father and son. 有这两父子的前车之鉴在。 Luo Yan has been ready, lives in seclusion to close up six months in this back side of the mountain, is used for the luck to enter the body. 罗阎已经做好准备,在这后山隐居闭关半年时间,用来引气入体。 But he has not thought, oneself intention moves, then has the spiritual energy of twinkle star to submerge his body. 但他没想到,自己心念一动,便有星星点点的灵气没入他身体。 According to Wei and his son. 据魏家父子所说。 They in this, spent the most time. 他们就是在这一步上,花费了大半时间的。 So simple?” “如此简单?” Luo Yan gawked, immediately has gotten back one's composure, revolves the small sidereal revolution expiration and inspiration technique, starts to transform the supernatural power. 罗阎愣了下,马上回过神,运转小周天吐纳术,开始转化法力。 The small sidereal revolution expiration and inspiration technique difficulty is quite high. 小周天吐纳术难度颇高。 Must control the spiritual energy, makes the sidereal revolution circulation in within the body, a small sidereal revolution gets down, the spiritual energy will then change into the pure supernatural power, then flows to the dantian. 需控制灵气,在体内做周天循环,一个小周天下来,灵气便会化为精纯法力,而后流向丹田。 But the Luo Yan small sidereal revolution expiration and inspiration technique can come up from the Zhang Yuchan body. 罗阎的小周天吐纳术是从张玉禅身上得来的。 That Zhang Yuchan practice did not know many years, the expiration and inspiration experience was extremely rich. 张玉禅修行了不知多少年,吐纳经验极其丰富。 His experience, is the experience of Luo Yan. 他的经验,就是罗阎的经验。 Luo Yan displays, is really ordinary just like the instinct. 罗阎施展起来,甚宛如本能一般。 Also without getting back one's composure, the spiritual energy then has pasted a small sidereal revolution in within the body, turns into the supernatural power, converged in the dantian. 还没回过神,灵气便已在体内流转一个小周天,化成法力,汇入了丹田之中。 A small sidereal revolution. 一个小周天。 Takes about three minutes. 需要三分钟左右。 But supernatural power that condenses, merely a minimum drop. 而凝聚出来的法力,仅仅只有极小的一滴。 Revolves a week small sidereal revolution, after condensing a drop of supernatural power . 运转一个周小周天,凝聚出一滴法力后。 Luo Yan opens eyes, looks by divine consciousness to own dantian. 罗阎睁开眼,以神念看向自己丹田。 Sees only in the middle of a dusky space, a drop of supernatural power is hanging in the midair, lends the powerful aura. 只见一片灰蒙蒙的空间当中,一滴法力正悬在半空,散发出强大的气息。 This is the first drop of supernatural power in dantian. 这是丹田中的第一滴法力。 Also is the so-called supernatural power seed. 也就是所谓的法力种子。 Luo Yan can feel, this supernatural power seed with his body as one, has become a part of his body continually. 罗阎能感觉的到,这法力种子已和他身体连为一体,成为他身体的一部分。 Finished?” “结束了?” Luo Yan looks stunned. 罗阎神情错愕。 He has completed the plan, closes up for a half year, the luck enters the body. 他已做好打算,闭关半年,引气入体。 Merely three minutes, his success luck enters the body, condensed the supernatural power seed. 没想到,仅仅三分钟,他就成功引气入体,凝聚出了法力种子。 This thinks with him, is the difference is too big. 这跟他所想,实在是出入太大。 Luo Yan hesitates little, thought that is year after year the visualize Crouching Tiger Chart reason. 罗阎沉吟少许,觉得是自己积年累月观想虎踞图的缘故。 Under year after year visualize, his spirit has become extremely powerful. 积年累月的观想下,他的精神已变得极其强大。 At the present obtains the Blackwater flood dragon bloodlines, the soul transforms, divine consciousness that this is born , is extremely naturally tyrannical. 而今获得黑水蛟血脉,灵魂蜕变,这诞生出来的神念,自然也极其强横。 Wei and his son also need visualize. 魏家父子还需观想 But he has completed visualize. 而他早已完成观想 In addition, the second reason, is skilled of his small sidereal revolution expiration and inspiration technique is extremely then high. 除此之外,第二个原因,便是他小周天吐纳术的熟练度极高。 The absorption spiritual energy, refining up the reduction strength, forms a coherent whole, just like instinct. 吸收灵气,炼化法力,一气呵成,宛如本能。 But Wei and his son must cross the river while feeling the stones, all are cautious. 而魏家父子则需摸着石头过河,一切都要小心翼翼。 Finally adds on the bloodlines aptitude. 最后再加上血脉资质。 Three reasons superimpose. 三个原因叠加。 These. 这其中。 The natural disparity is enormous. 自然差距极大。 Three minutes of luck enters the body, this should be a wild with joy matter, however on Luo Yan face tranquil. 三分钟引气入体,这本该是一件令人狂喜之事,然而罗阎脸上只有平静。 He has experienced the immortal cultivator strength. 他见识过修仙者的实力。 General refining five refining six, could not become any threat to other party. 一般的炼气五层炼气六层,对他造成不了任何威胁。 In other words, only depending on the mortal body strength and martial arts attainments, he can endure compared with the refining later member. 也就是说,仅凭肉身力量和武道造诣,他就能堪比炼气后期修士。 Therefore. 故而。 In future a long time, his boundary continually promotes even, his strength will not have the remarkable progress again. 在未来很长的一段时间内,就算他的境界不断提升,他的实力都不会再有明显进步。 Only if, his demon flood dragon physical ability becomes more powerful. 除非,他的魔蛟体能变得更加强大。 Perhaps...... he can also minoring in body cultivator, take the body cultivator path. 或许……他也可以兼修体修,走体修的路子。 Then, spends some time the familiar supernatural power and Blackwater flood dragon bloodlines, after being familiar, goes to fierce Yang Dao, looks for the method to make money, makes money, while promotes the cultivation base boundary.” “接下来,花一段时间熟悉法力和黑水蛟血脉,等熟悉后,就去烈阳岛,找门路赚钱,一边赚钱,一边提升修为境界。” Luo Yan planned well in the future, then to settle in this Yuan dark green island temporarily. 罗阎规划好未来,便在这元苍岛暂时安顿了下来。 In the island does not have the years. 岛上无岁月。 In an instant, a half year passes by. 转眼间,半年过去。 In the half year, Luo Yan has stayed on the Yuan dark green island. 这半年来,罗阎一直呆在元苍岛上。 The Yuan dark green island is quiet. 元苍岛平静。 Does not have the pirate to grab. 没有海盗过来劫掠。 Did not have the member to pass by, the exchange theory said. 没有修士路过,交流论道。 Even the ships of process do not have. 甚至连经过的船只都没有。 This remote island, as if isolates in the haven outside world, is only left over the years to be static. 这座偏僻的小岛,就仿佛是孤立在世界之外的桃源,只剩下岁月静好。 Back side of the mountain, before the log cabin . 后山,木屋前。 Photo of Yangguan under from the branches and leaves, sprinkles on Luo Yan. 阳关从枝叶间照下,洒落在罗阎身上。 Luo Yan stripped, the hand lifts a side grinding pan big black stone, squats down unceasingly, sets out unceasingly. 罗阎光着膀子,手举一方磨盘大黑石,不断蹲下,不断起身。 As the body catches up. 随着身体发力。 His muscle ballooning tighten, floods a swoonsome aesthetic sense. 他一块块肌肉鼓胀绷紧,充斥一种令人着迷的美感。 This black stone, from him a wonder stone that found from the seabed, the material is unclear, but is extremely heavy, therefore was lifted by him, is used to act as the dumb bells, exercises. 这黑石,从他从海底找到的一块奇石,材料不明,但却极重,于是被他抬了回来,用来充当哑铃,锻炼身体。 The demon flood dragon body potential is infinite. 魔蛟体潜力无穷。 In the half year, he restarts boiling exercises. 这半年来,他重新开始熬练身体。 Every day, exercises in a variety of ways, this effect , is extremely naturally splendid. 每天,都以各种方式锻炼,这效果,自然也极其出色。 Nowadays, his mortal body intensity, in six months ago foundation, promoted 20% again. 现如今,他的肉身强度,在半年前的基础上,再度提升了20%。 Do not despise this 20%. 别小看这20%。 In refining boundary, a small boundary, scope of strength rise , about 2-3 tenths! 炼气境中,一个小境界,实力提升的幅度,也就在2-3成左右! He is supposing, he depending on the mortal body, can devastate the common refining now casually ** level member! 他估摸着,他现在光凭肉身,就能随便蹂躏一般的炼气**层修士! !” “呼!” Some time. 某时刻。 Luo Yan discards the big black stone in hand, received the towel from the ding ling hand, cleans sweat. 罗阎扔掉手中的大黑石,从丁灵手中接过毛巾,擦拭身上汗水。 What matter does Wei Xu have today?” He looked at eye ding ling. 魏旭今天又有什么事?”他看了眼身边的丁灵。 Six months ago. 半年前。 Wei Xu he bestows Expiration and inspiration technique After is also entangling him, said that must practice the strengthen along with him. 魏旭得他赐下【吐纳术】后,又缠着他,说要随他修行变强。 He then should, only request Wei Xu to come every day, accompanies him to boil practices the bodies of two double-hour. 他便应下,只要求魏旭每天过来,陪他熬练两个时辰的身子。 Most started on several th, Wei Xu insisted actually, every day the fervor was full, practices the full double-hour. 最开始几日,魏旭倒是坚持了下来,每天激情满满,练足时辰。 But after half a month, the fervor diverges, then starts to fish three days and dry the nets two days. 但半月过后,激情散去,便开始三天打鱼两天晒网。 Either boils practices half double-hour to leave ahead of time. 要么熬练半个时辰就提前离开。 Either looks for various reasons, simply directly. 要么寻找各种理由,干脆直接不来。 Regarding this. 对此。 Luo Yan has not said anything. 罗阎也没说些什么。 Every day only asks the reason, having a look at him to find out any strange reason, using temporarily as is the seasoning of calm life. 只每日问问原因,看看他又想出什么奇怪理由,权当是平静生活的调味品。 He said that today must take a concubine.” “他说今天要纳妾。” The ding ling shows the whites of the eyes, shows the dislike facial expression. 丁灵翻了个白眼,露出厌恶神情。 That Wei Xu, always a careless appearance, she has been reprehensible. 魏旭,总一副吊儿郎当的样子,她早就看不顺眼了。 Six months, she is also many, become even more water spirit. 半年时间,她也长达不少,出落的越发水灵。 Meanwhile. 同时。 She was also granted by Luo Yan Expiration and inspiration technique, And the aptitude is still permissible, last month, then completed the luck to enter the body, becomes refining immortal cultivator. 她也被罗阎赐予了【吐纳术】,并且资质尚可,在上个月,便完成引气入体,成为了一个炼气一层修仙者 Takes a concubine? Was this he in the half year several concubine in accept?” The Luo Yan eyelid jumps slightly. “又纳妾?这是他这半年来纳的第几房小妾了?”罗阎眼皮微微一跳。 This Yuan dark green island, on 200 families about, how many females of age can have? 这元苍岛,也就两百户人家左右,能有多少适龄女子? Wei Xu must really so take a concubine, do other men on this Yuan dark green island, all want to keep bach? 魏旭要真这般纳妾下来,这元苍岛上的其他男人,岂不是全都要打光棍? Fourth.” “第四房了。” Ding ling report/give report, then smiles truthfully, said mystically: That room/house concubine who Luo Xianshi, he accepts today, before is more than half a year, comes together that with me, do you still remember?” 丁灵如实禀报,而后莞尔一笑,神秘道:“罗仙师,他今天纳的那房小妾,就是大半年前跟我一起过来那个,你还记得吗?” She reveals a small canine tooth, the smile is self-satisfied. 她露出一颗小虎牙,笑容得意。 Oneself follow Luo Yan, must bestow the immortal law, becomes the immortal master. 自己跟着罗阎,得赐仙法,成为了仙师。 But the initial partner, actually must get married, family belongings concubine. 而当初的伙伴,却要嫁为人妇,给人家当小妾。 . 要知道。 The concubine position is extremely low. 小妾地位极低。 Her that partner marries Wei Xu, must in Wei Xu that more than ten wife and concubines by the top of the head be bullied, the day will not feel better. 她那伙伴嫁给魏旭,必然要被头顶上魏旭那十几个妻妾欺侮,日子不会好过。 Remembers.” “记得。” Luo Yan nods. 罗阎点头。 He has no interest in going to the Eight Trigrams (gossip), thus after nod, then changes the topic directly: You go to Wei Residence, making Wei and his son come, said that some important matters consulted.” 他没兴趣去八卦,因而点头过后,便直接岔开话题:“你去魏府一趟,让魏家父子过来,就说有要事相商。” Six months. 半年时间。 He stays in the Yuan dark green island was also similar. 他在元苍岛呆的也差不多了。 This Yuan dark green island as the remote islands, the spiritual energy density is too low is too low, cultivating slowly too is too slow. 这元苍岛作为偏僻岛屿,灵气浓度太低太低,修炼起来太慢太慢。 His day immortal cultivation eight double-hour, incomparably diligent effort. 他一天修仙八个时辰,无比勤奋努力。 But until today, has not practiced refining two unexpectedly. 但直到今日,竟然都还没修炼到炼气二层。 He must change the place of spiritual energy density high spot. 他必须换个灵气浓度高点的地方。 Yes.” The ding ling nods, plans to depart. “是。”丁灵点头,打算离去。 In the meantime. 就在此时。 Together rainbow light suddenly from the distant place flies, at once changes into the flying boat appearance, is falling toward Wei Residence. 一道虹光忽然自远方飞来,旋即化为飞舟模样,朝魏府所在落去。 Above that flying boat, has the flag to fly upwards indistinctly, above is an abstruse mysterious complex celestial chart. 那飞舟之上,隐约有旗帜飞扬,其上是一副深奥玄妙的复杂星图。 Is looking at that celestial chart, Luo Yan quickly suddenly, looks astonishedly. 望着那星图,罗阎很快恍然,面露惊异。 Heavenly Star Palace star envoy?” 天星宫星使?” Likes me being able to strengthen adds the point to ask everyone to collect:() I can strengthen add the refresh rate to be quickest. 喜欢我能强化加点请大家收藏:()我能强化加点更新速度最快。
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