The purple lightadds the body, Luo Yanonlythinks the whole bodyto be heavy, the speed of firstflushingstagnatesinstantaneously.
紫光加身,罗阎只觉浑身沉重,前冲的速度瞬间一滞。Butthatfull moonsickleisifquicklylightning.
而那圆月弯刀更是快若闪电。‚’, Thencomes, to point tohislower abdomenair-splitting.
“哼!”Luo Yancoldsnort/hum, within the bodytrue qiflows, formsbefore the bodyprotects the shieldat the same time.罗阎冷哼,体内真气奔涌而出,于身前形成一面护盾。But the sicklemelts the white lightsuch as the armto refer tounexpectedly, sees onlythateyes that slope outwardsmemberto point at a check, thatwhite lightthenlifts offquickly, then a maneuver, plansto bypassunexpectedlyprotects the shield, cutsdirectlyto the Luo Yanback.
The white lightis quick, the Luo Yanspeedis faster.
白光快,罗阎的速度却更快。White lightjust a lift-off.
The Luo Yanwhole persongets rid of the purple light, sinkstoward the seabed.罗阎整个人已是摆脱紫光,朝海底沉去。Sea waterblasting open, the misttranspiration, camouflagedalllines of sight.
The eyes that slope outwardsmembercorners of the mouthtwitchslightly, is actually discovered that Luo Yansinks to the seabed, lost the trailthoroughly.
三角眼修士嘴角微微抽动,却是发现罗阎沉入海底,彻底失去了踪迹。Heoftenkills peopleto seize the treasure.
他常杀人夺宝。Sparsto experiencenaturallyrichly.
斗法经验当然丰富。Had seenthehidestoward the sea water, 100have not had80.
见到过的这种往海水中躲藏的,没有一百也有八十。Ifusually, theirfierceYangthreeghostsnaturallystandon the ship, is calm and composed even in press of work, plays tricks onto train.
若平常,他们烈阳三煞自然站在船上,好整以暇,戏弄调教一番。Butthatisin the goalstrengthpureweaksituation, butnow......
但那是目标实力淳弱的情况下,而如今……„ThissheepRenzen will be so terrifying? The thinganddiverefiningfive, refiningfour, were flickeredto killdirectly. Mypurpleghostabsorbs the shapebell, cannot controlhimunexpectedly.”
“这羊人怎会如此恐怖?东子和猛子一个炼气五层,一个炼气四层,被直接瞬杀。我的紫煞摄形铃,竟然也控不住他。”Inhisheartviolent angerat the same time, the look is extremely dignified.
他心中暴怒的同时,眼神却万分凝重。He the human, saw the body cultivatortracehenceforthfaintly.
The purpleghostabsorbs the shapebellis the mid-gradeBuddhist musical instrument, refiningfour, a purpleghostlawlightphoto, by the anchoragefigure, will be been then difficultto move.
紫煞摄形铃为中品法器,炼气四层一下,紫煞法光一照,便会被定住身形,再难动弹。Howeverthisperson is actually only the speedstagnatesmerely.
The strength, can be inferred.
“该死的东子!”Heremembers the thing.
The thingis responsible forstepping on the pointto look at the person, if the goalis powerful, hasto turn overpossibly, theywill give updirectly.
东子负责踩点看人,若目标实力强大,有翻车可能,他们就会直接放弃。Generally speaking.
The goalstrengthis overrefiningfour, theywill give up.
目标实力超过炼气四层,他们就会放弃。Thistime, the thinglooked at the differenceobviously the eye!
只是这一次,东子显然看差了眼!HislookYinoffense, in the heartallscoldedthing18generations of ancestors, gives birthsomedraws backintent.
他眼神阴戾,心中将东子十八代祖宗全都骂了一遍,不由生出些许退意。Buthejustlifted a foot.
可他刚抬起一只脚。Thenhas the bigsoundto transmitfrom the body.
便有大动静从身下传来。Hullblasting open, the sea watercombines the shatterplankto shoot up to the sky, has the terrifyingperson's shadowto explodetogethershootsto come, killstowardhim.
The eyes that slope outwardsmembereyegroundflashes through a flurry.
三角眼修士眼底闪过一丝慌乱。In the hand the purpleghostabsorbs the shapebellin a flash, the purpleghostlawlightthenfalls in torrentstoward the bodyunder.
手中紫煞摄形铃一晃,紫煞法光便朝身下倾泻而出。Sea water.
钢钉。By the anchorage, was solidifieddirectlyin the midair.
都被定住,直接凝固在半空。HoweverLuo Yan, gets rid of the purpleghostlawlightdirectlycrosswise.
That thenleaps, arrived at the eyes that slope outwardsmemberbodysideunexpectedlydirectly.
The vitality and true qitranspiration, as ifominousbeastis common, has the irresistibleterrifyingimposing manner.
The eyes that slope outwardsmembercheekshivers, the stimulation of movementfull moonsickle, wantsto preventLuo Yanto be closehastily.
三角眼修士面皮颤动,连忙催动圆月弯刀,想要阻止罗阎接近。However the sicklejust a lift-off, a terrifyingbig handthenhad held downhishead.
“砰!”Resoundsjust like the watermelonexplodesound.
The thing of red-whitescatters.
The eyes that slope outwardsmemberonlyhas a headlessbody.
The sicklealsospeed of Luo Yantop of the headstagnates, thendangfallsdirectlyon the ground.罗阎头顶的弯刀也速度一滞,而后咣当一声直接掉在地上。„SoMember, was too weak.”
“这般修士,也太弱了。”Luo Yancoldlysmiles.罗阎冷冷一笑。
The terrifyingbuildreducesslowly, the powerfulvitalityfluctuationalsosubsidesgradually, finallyrestores the originalappearance.
恐怖的体型缓缓缩小,强大的气血波动也渐渐平息,最后恢复成原来模样。Hismanneris gentle, evenbreathesunexpectedlyhas not had the least bitto be rapid.
他神态平和,竟连呼吸都未有半点急促。All theseare seemingly slow, in fact, passesthreebreathtime, does not even have the timeto killWei and his son on fishing boattothateyes that slope outwardsmemberquickly.
这一切看似缓慢,实际上,也就才过去三息时间而已,快到那三角眼修士甚至没时间去杀渔船上的魏家父子。Sees the matterto solve.
见事情解决。Wei and his sondrill the cabin, looksjust likedeityLuo Yan, on the faceshows the expression that is survivor of disaster.
魏家父子钻出船舱,看着宛如天神般的罗阎,脸上都露出劫后余生的表情。„Snort! Alsodaresto take by force? Wastecommonthing, but alsotakes by force! Takes by force!”
“哼!还敢打劫?废物一般的东西,还打劫!打劫!”Wei Xuleapt upruthlessly the thingremnantcorpsetwofeet, the facial expressionis self-satisfied, as if the thingbygeneral that oneselfkill.魏旭狠狠蹿了东子残尸两脚,神情得意,仿佛东子是被自己打死的一般。ButWei MingbeatssideLuo Yan,
When rejoices, saidvigilantly: „Young MasterLuo, can behind have others?”
庆幸之余,又警惕道:“罗公子,后面会不会还有其他人?”Luo Yanlooked athisoneeyes, tranquilsay/way: „Does not know.”罗阎看了他一眼,平静道:“不知道。”Is ready to cope with anything, resists by whatever means available.
兵来将挡,水来土掩。Ifalsosomepeople, thatalso can only doagain.
不过。Hefelt the bigprobabilityno one.
他觉得大概率没人了。Because the murderseizes the treasure, extremelyeasy, because the uneven distribution of the illicit moneycauses the internal strife.
因为杀人夺宝,极容易因为分赃不均而引起内讧。Threepeople, are too many.
三人,已经太多。Then, naturallyisprocesses the corpse and reorganizationharvest.
接下来,自然是处理尸体和整理收获。Wei and his sonprocess the corpse, Luo Yanreorganize the harvest.
不多久。Luo Yantakesthreestorage bag, arrives in front ofWei Ming.罗阎就拿着三个储物袋,来到魏明面前。„Openshas a look, insidethingvaluehow manyspirit stones?”Luo Yanthrowsthreestorage bagtoWei Ming.
To comeinhim, threepeoplekill peopleto seize the treasure, shouldbe extremely wealthy.
The Blackwaterflood dragonsourceblood that heneeds, shouldbe ableto collect, hedoes not needto go to the groupheroto uphold justiceagain.
“好。”Wei Mingopensstorage bag.魏明打开储物袋。
After a inventory, the pleasant surpriseis on the rise:
一番清点后,惊喜抬头:„Young MasterLuo, threepeople of net worthare rich, if countedtheseBuddhist musical instruments, in additionourremainingthesespirit stones, enoughpurchasedthatBlackwaterflood dragonsourceblood.”
“罗公子,三人身家丰厚,若算上这些法器,再加上我们剩下的那些灵石,足够购买那黑水蛟源血了。”„Such being the case, thatgoes back, buysthatsourceblood.”Luo Yanenduresin the patiencestronglyjoyful, as far as possibletranquilsaying.
“既然如此,那就回去,把那源血买来。”罗阎竭力忍耐心中喜悦,尽量平静的说道。Thatperson of bellandsickletohisnotbiguse.
那人的铃铛和弯刀对他都没多大用处。Heonlywantsto cultivate the monstershapetechniquenowas soon as possible, thenstartsimmortal cultivation.
“好。”Wei Mingsmiles, rushesto nod.魏明嘿嘿一笑,赶忙点头。StayssideLuo Yan, hefeels the securityinexplicably.
呆在罗阎身边,他莫名感到安全。„Sets saila bit faster.”
“快点开船。”Wei Xuin the one sideurging, is also pink and shiny, the facial expressionrouses.魏旭也在一旁催促,脸色红润,神情振奋。Strength.
实力。Thisis the pleasant sensation that the strengthbrings!
When thatfierceYangthreeghostsembarkto take by force, bluffing and blustering, is very rampant.
结果呢?Now is only left overthreeice-coldremnantcorpses!
现在只剩下三具冰冷残尸!„IfIalsolook likeYoung MasterLuo is so powerful, how darethattwofierceYanghealth/guarddoes insultme?”
“若我也像罗公子这般强大,那两个烈阳卫怎敢欺辱我?”Inhisheartignites the raging flame.
After the plangoes back, thenno longer and wife and concubinesfool around together.
打算回去后,便不再和妻妾们厮混。Hemusttry hardto practice, hemustgrow stronger!
The fishing boattransfers the direction, goestowardfierceYangDaoshiagain.
不多久。Thenanchorsin the fierceYangDaoharboragain.
便再次停泊在烈阳岛港口。Next daysun setten points.
第二天日暮十分。Wei Mingthengoes out of the fish hold, on the preparationagainisland.魏明便走出鱼舱,准备再次上岛。„Thistimecareful, do not leave behind any smalltailagain.” The Luo Yanurgingsaid.
“这次小心点,别再留下什么小尾巴。”罗阎叮嘱道。„Yes, thistimecannot!”
“是,这次绝不会了!”Wei Mingopens the mouthto guarantee.魏明开口保证。
The similarmistakeis impossibleto violate the secondtime. The previoustime, thatis onlyhedoes not have the experience.
同样的错不可能犯第二次。上次,那只是他没有经验罢了。Hesaid good-byeLuo Yan.
他辞别罗阎。Looked for an innto staycasually.
随便找了间客栈住下。Quick, hewas then towedagain, enters the downtown streets.
很快,他便再次受到牵引,进入坊市。Hefirstsold offallBuddhist musical instrumentjunks, then brings2000spirit stones, arrives at the fierceYangchamber of commerce, completed the transaction.
他先是将所有法器杂物变卖了出去,而后便带着二千灵石,来到烈阳商会,完成了交易。„Honored guestwalksslowly.”
The storekeeperssee offWei Mingto depart, the eyenarrows the eyesslightly.
掌柜恭送魏明离去,眼睛微微一眯。ThisBlackwaterflood dragonsourcebloodis his friendplaceshishere, makinghimsell.
A Blackwaterflood dragonclanis not affable.
黑水蛟一族可不好惹。Ifmakesthemknow,heis selling the Blackwaterflood dragonsourceblood, heis outinevitablyfrigidly.
若是让他们知道,他在售卖黑水蛟源血,他下场必然惨烈。Now the sourcebloodsells, hecanrelaxfinally.
如今源血卖出,他终于可以松口气了。„Really is a good person.”
The dim light of nightis deep.
夜色深沉。Wei Mingis raising the fishbasket, returns to the fishing boat.魏明提着鱼篓,回到渔船上。Enters the cabin, helowers the sound, the great happinesspasses messagetoLuo Yan: „Young MasterLuo, the good fortunedoes not fail in one's mission!”
一进船舱,他就压低声音,大喜的对罗阎传音:“罗公子,幸不辱命!”Heis quite discrete, thistimeeven/includingYuanxuedo not even havefirstto giveLuo Yan.
他极为谨慎,这次甚至连源血都没第一时间交给罗阎。Butfirstpasses messagetoLuo Yan, then the startfishing boat, a wondark greenislandreturns.
而是先对罗阎传音一番,而后便启动渔船,朝元苍岛返航。Until the linehundredli (0.5 km), existence that the surroundingspossiblydid not watch foragain, hecautiousputs out a bloodbottlefrom the sleeve, givesLuo Yan.
直至行出百里,周围再没有可能窥伺的存在,他才小心翼翼的从袖中拿出一个血瓶,递给罗阎。„Young master, thisisthatBlackwaterflood dragonsourceblood.”
The sourceblood in bloodbottle, is similar to the humanbloodluster, redsplendor that but the mystical, as ifflow, dazzlinglytopinnacle.
血瓶之中的源血,和人类血液色泽相仿,但又更加神异,仿佛流淌的红辉,璀璨夺目到了极致。Onlylooks atone, cansee that thissourcebloodis unusual!
只看一眼,就能看出这源血非同一般!Luo Yanhas taken the bloodbottle, placesat present, looks at carefullycarefully.罗阎拿过血瓶,放在眼前,细细端详。Meanwhile.
同时。Turns on the panel.
打开面板。Hispresentspiritis powerful, thismonstershapetechniquelooked atseveraldouble-hour, has known by heart, appearsonhispanel.
只是熟练度嘛……After allhas not practiced, is extremely inevitably lowis extremely low.
毕竟没修炼过,必然极低极低。Butis unimportant.
The monstershapetechniqueisto change the method of bloodlines, is not the sparringmethod, does not haveskilled, at mostis the cultivationtimejerky.
妖形术是改变血脉的法门,又不是斗法法门,没有熟练度,顶多是修炼的时候生涩一点。Luo Yanlooksto the monstershapetechnique, in the heartmeditates: „System, the strengthenedmonstershapetechnique, the strengtheneddirection, erases all dangers of fusionmonsterclansourceblood!”罗阎看向妖形术,心中默念:“系统,强化妖形术,强化方向,抹除融合妖族源血的一切危险!”
The panelflashes.
After severalseconds of type .
The strengtheningneeds the energyto appearon the panel.
强化所需能量出现在面板上。Heshot a look at the eye, the eyelidjumpedsuddenly.
他瞥了眼,眼皮猛然一跳。Seeing onlyafter thatisinnumerablezero, even ifheaccumulates the lasttenlifetimeto accumulate the energypoint that the insufficientstrengtheningneeds.
只见其后是无数个零,哪怕他攒上十辈子都攒不够强化所需的能量点。„Wait. Strengthens the direction, erasesfuses all dangers of Blackwaterflood dragonsourceblood.”
The thoughtappears.
念头浮现。Is ordinarywithLuo, needs the energyto startto sharply fall.
和罗所想一般,所需能量开始锐减。Soon, thensolidificationin170,000thisnumber.
“呼。”Really, is to strengthen the direction the issue.
To fuseanymonsterclanbloodlinesnot to have the least bitdangerrecklessly, the difficulty is too indeed big, needsto spend the astronomical figuresto strengthenalsoexcusable.
这般想着。Luo Yanlooked ateyeownenergy.罗阎看了眼自己的能量。
More than 180,000.
Used to strengthen the monstershapetechnique, somewhatis unexpectedly unnecessary.
用来强化妖形术,竟还有些多余。Sees that hewithout hesitation, in the heartmeditates: „Strengthening!”
下一刻。Hefalls into the spatialbrightcondition, based onmonstershapetechnique, startedto pushto spread out the strengthening.
After less than halfdouble-hour, pushedto spread outfinished, the monstershapetechnique on panelhas changed the name, turned【Demonflood dragonbody】.
小半个时辰后,推衍结束,面板上的妖形术已然换了名字,变成了【魔蛟体】。Hefeelsin the mindcarefully the method of relateddemonflood dragonbody.
The discoverycomparesinYaoxing the technique, thisdemonflood dragonbodyis exquisiter, in which the law of bloodlinesfusion, maydrop toapproximately the situation that is equal to without degree of hazard.
当然。Thisdemonflood dragonbody can only make the bloodlinestransforminto the Blackwaterflood dragonbloodlines.
这魔蛟体只能让血脉蜕变为黑水蛟血脉。Ifchanges intoothermonsterclansourceblood, thatdefinitelyisincorrect.
若换成其他妖族源血,那肯定是不行的。„Footfoot, so long ascanget rid ofeverybloodon the line.”Luo Yanhas satisfied, smiles, onlyfelt that in the heart a bigstonefalls.
这是他蜕凡之机。Cannotpresent the least bitmistake.
决不能出现半点差池。Heplansto return to the Yuandark greenisland, conserved strength on the 2nd, startedto fuse the bloodlinesagain, cultivated the demonflood dragonbody.
他打算返回元苍岛,养精蓄锐两日,再开始融合血脉,修炼魔蛟体。Decides, Luo Yanreceives the bloodbottlecarefully, opensMind Searching Record, glances throughdirectly.
打定主意,罗阎仔细收好血瓶,又打开搜神录,直接翻阅起来。OnMind Searching Record are also manythreepages.搜神录上又多出三页。Nowalreadythicklikedictionary.
如今已经厚如词典。Luo Yan11choices.罗阎一一挑选。Finally, choosesthreemagic arts.
最终,选择三门法术。【Governwatersecret art】
【赤煞刀】【Dayinsectprecious book】
The governingwatersecret art, ismagic arts that controls the liquid, cancontrolto causeworldliquid.
御水诀,是一门操控液体的法术,能驭使世间万般液体。Thisgrade of magic arts.
这等法术。Usesin the sea, it may be said thatiseven more powerful, althoughdoes not have the energy of killing the enemy, butis usedto run awayorattract the attentionto have more than enough to spare.
在大海上使用,可谓是如虎添翼,虽无杀敌之能,但用来逃窜或是吸引注意力都绰绰有余。Thisgoverningwatersecret art, fromthatfirstby the member who hekills.
这御水诀,来自那第一个被他杀死的修士。To him, is the dispensablemagic arts.
对他而言,属于可有可无的法术。After all, an ordinarymember, in the bellycanhavewhathigh-quality goods.
毕竟,一个普通修士,肚子里能有什么好货。Butscarletghostblade, is thatfatty.
而赤煞刀,则是那胖子的。Is a bladesecret art, the mightis good, butjust likethatgoverningwatersecret art, toLuo Yan, merely mediocre, might as wellheis directly bigwith the might that the brute forcecomes.
是一门刀诀,威力不俗,但和那御水诀一样,对罗阎而言,不过尔尔,还不如他直接用蛮力来的威力大。As forfinally【Dayinsectprecious book】.
至于最后的【天虫宝典】。Thenis a cultivationcontrols the method of spiritinsect, the brand markhissupernatural powerdivine consciousnessin the spiritinsect body, mayachieve the situation that such as the armrefers.
则是一门培育控制灵虫的法门,在灵虫体内烙印他法力神念,可做到如臂所指的地步。Threepeople of groupsbyblackwinginsecttracinglocalization, depended is this dayinsectprecious book.
三人组以黑翅虫追踪定位,靠的便是这天虫宝典。„Scarletghostbladeis insignificant, splendid addition that the governingwatersecret art can only also be said. Actuallyon this dayinsectprecious book, whenIrealize the demonflood dragonbody, after the luckenters the body, canattempt.”
After 20days .
二十日后。Yuandark greenislandback side of the mountain.
After returning to the Yuandark greenisland, otherLuo Yanclever talkWei and his son, were admitted to the back side of the mountainsmalllog cabin.
回到元苍岛后,罗阎便辞别魏家父子,住进了后山小木屋中。Oneat this time.
一此时。Luo Yanis just naked**, sits cross-leggedto sit.罗阎正赤身**,盘膝而坐。Ontablebeforehisbody, is placingonepile of bottles of cans.
在他身前桌上,则摆放着一堆瓶瓶罐罐。Halfare the therapycompounded drug, the other halfisto supplement the compounded drug of vitality.
一半是疗伤丹药,另一半是补充气血的丹药。Thisishecompounded drug that tofuse the Blackwaterflood dragonsourceblood, preparesspecially.
If there is whataccident/surprise.
万一出现什么意外。Alsomustbe ableto recoverpromptly.
也要能够及时补救。„Rested on the 2nd, the vigoralreadyto the peak. Starts......”
“休憩两日,精气神已至巅峰。开始吧……”Luo Yanputs out a bloodbottlefrom the bosom, the lookbecomesdignified.罗阎从怀中拿出一个血瓶,眼神变得凝重起来。Fusionbloodlines, unusual.
融合血脉,非同一般。Althoughhehasafter the strengthening, reduces the pinnacle the risk【Demonflood dragonbody】.
他虽有强化过后,将风险降低到极致的【魔蛟体】。Butskilled is insufficient, becauseif the middlehad/leftsomemistakesjerkily, similarlycanencounter the danger.
但毕竟熟练度不够,中间若是因为生涩出了些差池,同样可以遇到危险。Heis somewhat anxious, the heartbeatacceleratesslightly.
他有些紧张,心跳微微加速。Deeply after inspiring, leavesin the wrist/skilldirectlycuts open an opening.
The blood vesselexposes.
血管暴露出来。Obviouslydark redblood.
可见其中殷红鲜血。Butunder the control of Luo Yantrue qi, the bloodclass/flowhas not come outbit by bit.
但在罗阎真气的控制下,没有一点一滴血液流出来。Then, Luo Yanturns on the bloodbottle, coerces the Blackwaterflood dragonsourceblood, forms a wisp of tinybloodline, goestoward the blood vesselbut actually.
“嘶!”Luo Yanis stuffy.罗阎闷哼。
The Blackwaterflood dragonsourcebloodenters the blood vessel, thenmadehimjust likeburning down the whole bodyboiling hot, the adjustment of eyewas red.
黑水蛟源血一进血管,便令他宛如火烧浑身滚烫,连带眼睛的都变通红。Heendures patiently the pain.
他强自忍耐痛苦。According to【Demonflood dragonbody】Method, hurriesto guide the blood after fusion, dispersestovariousbodyplaces.
The Blackwaterflood dragonsourcebloodconvergesin the middle ofhisblood vessel.
黑水蛟源血汇入他的血管当中。Withhisblood, winds through the heart, winds throughvariousbodytypes.
随着他的血液,流过心脏,流过身体各种。Thenunderhiscontrol, worms one's way intotoward the bodydeep place.
而后在他的控制下,朝身体更深处钻了进去。Five internal organs, six internal organs, bone, evenis the brain!
The Luo Yanfacial expressionis fierce, the skinbecomesred, the top of the headmistcovers, a toothalmostmustbe bitten.罗阎神情狰狞,皮肤变得通红,头顶水雾笼罩,一口牙齿几乎要被咬碎。
The Blackwaterflood dragonsourcebloodwas too overbearing.
黑水蛟源血太霸道了。Powerfuldoes not knowmanytimescompared with the everyblood of hiswithin the body.
比他体内的凡血强大不知多少倍。Thereforestartsto fuseflickers, hiseverybloody stoolis defeated.
因而开始融合的一瞬,他的凡血便败下阵来。Under the function of Blackwaterflood dragonsourceblood, hisbodywas rapidly changed, startstoward being bewitchedflood dragonbodytransformation.
在黑水蛟源血的作用下,他的身体被迅速改变,开始朝着魔蛟体转变。Changefrom inside to outside.
改变由内向外。Originally the tenaciouspowerfulten thousandgold metallurgybones, the colorbecomesdeep, tends to the blackgolden colorgradually.
The five main internal organs (entrails), the whole bodymuscle, becomesmore tenacious, is more powerful.
而且。Hiswithin the body, the brand-neworganis bornrapidly.
The lower abdomenplace, the fleshoccupies, dantianmetaplasia!
小腹处,血肉盘踞,丹田化生!Thisis only the change that in the surfacecandistinguish, in addition, hiswhole body, is conducting the invisibletransformation.
It looks like the lifelevelto leap forward.
The mortal body, even the soul conducted the transformationincessantly.
不止肉身,连灵魂都进行了蜕变。Thistransformationpain, evenLuo Yan, stillwailsto continue, pitiful yellagain and again.
只是这蜕变痛苦,即便是罗阎,也哀嚎不止,惨叫连连。Thisprocess , to continue a double-hour, finallysubsides.
The Luo Yanbuild was also grandiose a point.罗阎的体型又壮硕了一分。Butunder the grandiosebuild, isindescribablehungryas well asweak!
但在壮硕的体型下,是难以言喻的饥饿以及虚弱!Likesmebeing ableto strengthenadds the pointto askeveryoneto collect:() Icanstrengthenadd the refresh rateto be quickest.
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