ICSBAP :: Volume #2

#188: Fierce Yang 3 ghosts

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The fishing boat drifts in the harbor somewhere. 渔船漂泊在港口某处。 Luo Yan and Wei Xu stay in the cabin, takes a nap in closes/obstructs eye. 罗阎魏旭呆在船舱中,都在闭眸假寐。 At this time, Wei Ming lifted the curtain screen, pushed. 这时候,魏明掀开帘子,挤了进来。 His facial expression great happiness, said to Luo Yan: Young Master Luo, the good fortune does not fail in one's mission, this is the monster shape technique.” 他神情大喜,对罗阎道:“罗公子,幸不辱命,这是妖形术。” The Luo Yan look moved, rushes to receive. 罗阎眼神一动,赶忙接过。 He glances through, while inquired: Monster clan source blood? How many types in the downtown streets has? Price how?” 他一边翻阅,一边询问道:“妖族源血呢?坊市中有几种?价格都如何?” Altogether has three types. Respectively is the source blood of Blackwater flood dragon, the hot feather chicken and dark green azure arctic fox, the Blackwater flood dragon selling price 2000, hot feather chicken 1800, dark green azure arctic fox 1500.” “共有三种。分别是黑水蛟、火羽鸡和苍青白狐的源血,黑水蛟售价两千,火羽鸡一千八,苍青白狐一千五。” Wei Ming without hesitation, said the price truthfully. 魏明毫不犹豫,如实道出价格。 In the Luo Yan eye none flashes. 罗阎眼中精光一闪。 Three seedling source blood, do not need Wei Ming to introduce, he light/only listens to the name, has the choice. 三种源血,不用魏明介绍,他光是听名字,就已是有了选择。 Naturally is the Blackwater flood dragon. 当然是黑水蛟。 spirit stones was insufficient. 只是,灵石不够了。 He thinks, takes out Zhang Yuchan storage bag from the bosom, throws to Wei Ming: 他想了想,又从怀中取出张玉禅储物袋,扔给魏明: You help me have a look, this inside thing value many spirit stones.” “你帮我看看,这里面的东西值多少灵石。” Wei Ming received, opens storage bag, thing completely everywhere. 魏明接过,打开储物袋,将东西全部到处。 He takes inventory carefully. 他仔细清点。 After moment, said with a smile bitterly and astringently: It‘s nothing the thing, is counted this storage bag, on hundred spirit stones.” 片刻过后,苦涩一笑道:“没什么好东西,算上这储物袋,也就百来块灵石。” hears word. 闻言。 A Luo Yan brow wrinkle. 罗阎眉头一皱。 That Zhang Yuchan good and evil with blood god sect to come, unexpectedly is so poor and pedantic. If his black streamer because of were good, perhaps can also change some spirit stones.” “那张玉禅好歹是跟血神宗来的,竟这般穷酸。若他那杆黑幡在就好了,或许还能换些灵石。” In his heart sighed, was only fluent: First goes back to collect spirit stones.” 他心中叹息,也只能道:“先回去筹集灵石吧。” Good.” “好。” Wei Ming nods, one and gives back to Luo Yan together with spirit stones two storage bag, then the stimulation of movement fishing boat, goes to the Yuan dark green island direction. 魏明点头,将两个储物袋连同灵石一并还给罗阎,便催动渔船,向元苍岛方向而去。 Luo Yan is looking in the hand Monster shape technique, Deeps frown. 罗阎看着手中的【妖形术】,眉头紧锁。 This monster shape technique he looked. 这妖形术他看了。 Even does not have the system, he can try 12. 就算没有系统,他都可以尝试一二。 Because of the monster clan bloodlines, is the world's most special one bloodlines, its comprehensive powerful to astonishing situation, by body of control monster clan bloodlines human, is not what difficult matter! 因为妖族血脉,是天地间最特殊的一种血脉,其包容性强大到了惊人地步,以人类之躯掌控妖族血脉,并不算什么难事! Only pitifully. 只可惜。 He currently has the law to cultivate/repair, does not have money purchase monster clan source blood. 他现在有法可修,却没钱购买妖族源血。 Does not wait for us, by selling the fish, 2000 spirit stones, when I can accumulate horse moon/month to go?” “时不我待,靠卖鱼,两千灵石,我要攒到何年马月去?” Luo Yan lowers the head, in the eye the ominous light emits. 罗阎低着头,眼中凶光喷吐。 So-called killing and torching gold belt. 所谓杀人放火金腰带。 It seems like that he needs to reward virtue and punish vice one in this nearby. 看来,他需要在这附近惩恶扬善一番了。 The small fishing boat speeds away to go. 小渔船疾驰而去。 But near the harbor, on a steamship, three member depend upon the parapet, is gazing after the small fishing boat to go far away. 而港口边,一艘大船上,三个修士依靠栏杆,正目送小渔船远去。 „Did thing, see clearly that old thing the details?” Is first member opens the mouth suddenly. “东子,看清楚那老东西的底细了吗?”为首修士忽然开口。 His azure robe, the eyes that slope outwards twinkle ominous light, impressively is refining six member. 他一身青袍,三角眼闪烁凶光,赫然是一位炼气六层修士。 Saw clearly. On that ship a total of three people, a refining two waste, is the old man who that sells profound Yang Qi, probably refining does not even have. Besides them, unexpectedly the sheep person, is really unlucky.” “看清楚了。那船上总共三人,一个炼气二层的废物,还有个就是那卖玄阳旗的老头,好像连炼气一层都没有。除他们两个外,竟然还有个羊人,真是晦气。” Sheep person?” Another fat member looks the surprise. “羊人?”另一个胖修士面露诧异。 Although sheep people is the waste, but is extremely rare. 羊人虽都是废物,但还是极其少见的。 Yes, is sheep people.” The thing nods assuredly, scoffs to say with a smile: That old thing sells that and other treasure, I also think that at least is also the refining later member, has not thought has been injured unexpectedly, now does not have refining one.” “是啊,就是羊人。”东子笃定点头,嗤笑道:“那老东西售卖那等宝贝,我还以为至少也是炼气后期修士,没想到竟受过伤,现在连炼气一层都没有。” „Do you know? He picks my spirit stones time, appearance that has a guilty conscience......, is not good, I must smile.” “你们知道吗?他捡我那块灵石的时候,那做贼心虚的模样……哈哈,不行了,我要笑死了。” That old thing, only feared that now also feels is own luck good?” “那老东西,只怕现在都还觉得自己运气好吧?” His happy laughing. 他乐的大笑。 The eyes that slope outwards member wood the face, is asking again: Has others to stare at him?” 三角眼修士则木着脸,再次问道:“有其他人盯上他吗?” Has, but was blocked by me.” Thing favorite say/way. “有,但被我拦下来了。”东子得意道。 Their repertoires are simple. 他们的套路简单。 Pathfinding. 寻找目标。 Then throws together spirit stones, or some valuable things in the face of goal. 然后丢一块灵石,或是一些值钱东西在目标面前。 These were thrown by them in the thing of ground, had been attempted to pervert, may trace the localization. 这些被他们扔在地上的东西,都被做过手脚,可追踪定位。 If the goal picks. 若是目标捡起来。 After leaving the downtown streets, they can succeed the tracing locking target. 离开坊市后,他们就能成功追踪锁定目标。 Then, coming a murder to seize the treasure. 然后,来一场杀人夺宝。 Naturally. 当然。 Can be elected by them for the goal, at least must have the net worth of 100 spirit stones. 能被他们选为目标的,至少都要有一百块灵石的身家。 Moreover now member is getting more and more intelligent. 而且现在修士越来越聪明。 Every so often, they lose the thing, the goal will not pick. 很多时候,他们丢东西,目标也不会捡。 Good!” “好!” In the eyes that slope outwards member eyes none flashes, looks at the fishing boat that is going far away gradually, the big hand wields said: Our also depart, the thing you first with, me and dive revolve two around the week, waits for the distant point to begin again, so as to avoid made the bridal clothes to others.” 三角眼修士眼中精光一闪,望着渐渐远去的渔船,大手一挥道:“我们也出发,东子你先跟上去,我和猛子在周围绕两圈,等远点再动手,免得给其他人做了嫁衣。” Nearby this, makes the murder to seize the valuable deal, may continue their three. 这附近,做杀人夺宝勾当的,可不止他们三个。 That is natural.” “那是当然。” The thing and fat member crack into a smile. 东子和胖修士都咧嘴一笑。 Three people kill people to seize the treasure for a long time, the nature understand oneself need to make anything. 三人长期杀人夺宝,自然明白自己需要做些什么。 ...... …… ...... …… The fishing boat just like the advantage arrow, has delimited the ocean waves, goes far away rapidly. 渔船宛如利箭,划过碧波,飞速远去。 In cabin. 船舱中。 Wei Ming chatted after for quite a while, finally blows own good luck, mentioned itself to pick together the matter of spirit stones in the downtown streets. 魏明聊了半天后,终于吹起自己的好运气,说起自己在坊市中捡到一块灵石之事。 However he said, saw the Luo Yan complexion becomes not right. 然而他才说完,就看到罗阎面色变得不对。 Wei has Senior, you thought, which member having will be careless, absentminded?” Luo Yan rubbed the forehead. “魏前辈,你想没想过,有哪位修士会粗心大意,丢三落四?”罗阎揉了揉眉心。 The immortal cultivator sensation is keen, will also fall spirit stones? 修仙者感知何等敏锐,还会掉灵石? This possibility? 这可能吗? The Wei Ming corner of the eye pulls out, said afraid: Perhaps is which attaches importance to face, spirit stones falls the ground, doesn't want to lower the head to pick?” 魏明眼角一抽,心虚道:“或许是哪个好面子的,灵石掉到地上,不想低头去捡?” Luo Yan did not speak. 罗阎不语。 Said directly: That spirit stones? With.” 直接道:“那块灵石呢?拿出来。” „.” “哦。” Wei Ming also knows the matter to be urgent, puts out spirit stones from the bosom hastily. 魏明也知事情紧急,连忙从怀里拿出灵石。 Has a look, does above have is fudged.” Luo Yan cold sound said. “都看看,上面有没有被人动过手脚。”罗阎冷声道。 Wei and his son encircled. 魏家父子围了上来。 After looking at carefully one carefully, Wei Xu sends out to call out in alarm suddenly: In this spirit stones has the pinhole!” 仔细端详一阵后,魏旭忽然发出惊呼:“这灵石上有小洞!” Above spirit stones, there are two pinhole pinholes. 灵石之上,有两个针孔小洞。 The Luo Yan eye narrows the eyes, takes up spirit stones, true qi sneaks in the middle of the pinhole. 罗阎眼睛一眯,拿起灵石,真气钻进小洞当中。 Next second. 下一秒。 Several small black insects then flew from the pinhole. 几只微小的黑色虫子便从小洞中飞了出来。 Black wing insect! Bad, this insect specifically is used to trace the localization.” The Wei Ming complexion great change, stood suddenly. “黑翅虫!糟了,这虫子是专门用来追踪定位的。”魏明脸色巨变,豁然站了起来。 As soon as he taps the head, is very annoying. 他一拍脑袋,无比懊恼。 Ended, blames me, was finished.” “完了,都怪我,这下完蛋了。” His head blank. 他脑袋空白。 Their this is stares, must kill people to seize the treasure. 他们这是被人盯上,要被杀人夺宝了。 But can dare this grade of deal, which also there is able to be a weak one? 而能敢这等勾当的,又有哪个会是弱者? The Luo Yan similar look was gloomy, coldly looked at Wei Ming. 罗阎同样眼神阴沉,冷冷看了眼魏明 Gazed by Luo Yan, Wei Ming such as had been divided by the lightning, the whole body shakes, rushes to explain: 罗阎注视,魏明如被闪电劈过,浑身一震,赶忙解释: Young Master Luo, I really do not make them come intentionally.” Otherwise...... you bring rising sun to hide otherwise, I alone come in ship superior them.” “罗公子,我真不是故意引他们过来的。”“要不然……要不然你带旭儿躲起来,我一个人在船上等他们来。” His facial expression is startled, speaks incoherently. 他神情惊慌,语无伦次。 Luo Yan stared at Wei Ming to look for a long time, shakes the head, said indifferently: No need.” 罗阎盯着魏明看了许久,摇了摇头,漠然道:“不必。” His true qi surges, shakes the fragment powder several black wing insects. 真气涌动,将几只黑翅虫震成齑粉。 Then takes up that spirit stones, throws into the sea directly. 而后又拿起那块灵石,直接扔进海中。 Useless, the flavor of black wing insect will proliferate, I with this fishing boat definitely compared with marking, you two......” Wei Ming is pale. “没用的,黑翅虫的味道会扩散,我和这艘渔船肯定比标记了,你们两个……”魏明脸色苍白。 Black wing insect as good treasure of tracing localization. 黑翅虫作为追踪定位的好宝贝。 Also is so can it be that easy to get rid? 又岂是这般容易摆脱? That...... that present what to do?” Wei Xu is at a loss, in a terrified way to pinnacle. “那……那现在怎么办?”魏旭六神无主,惶恐到了极致。 He looked that the murder seized the valuable much the story. 他看多了杀人夺宝的故事。 Has not actually thought, oneself will also meet unexpectedly. 却没想到,自己竟然也会遇上。 You are staying on the ship.” The Luo Yan eye narrows the eyes, decisive opens the mouth. “你们在船上呆着。”罗阎眼睛一眯,果断开口。 Then. 而后。 He lifts the curtain screen directly, goes out of the cabin, arrives at the stern. 他直接掀开帘子,走出船舱,来到船尾。 He stands in the stern, fixes the eyes on to look toward the rear area. 他站在船尾,定睛朝后方望去。 Extremely distant place. 极远处。 The small shuttle ship hangs by far in the rear area, a several tenths small sunspot. 有一艘小梭船远远吊在后方,几成一个小黑点。 Really with.” “果然跟了过来。” In the Luo Yan heart sinks, turn head looks to Wei Ming, said: „Can this ship run most quickly quickly? Can get rid of behind tail?” 罗阎心中一沉,回头看向魏明,道:“这船最快能跑多快?能摆脱身后的尾巴吗?” Wei Ming shakes the head: „It is not good, their ships by spirit stones as the fuel, my ships have one blood, actuates by the fish blood.” 魏明直摇头:“不行,他们的船以灵石作为燃料,我的船只有一个化血阵,是以鱼血驱动的。” „......” “……” The enemy strength is unclear, the safest means that naturally run. 敌人实力不明,最稳妥的办法,自然是跑。 But the sea is boundless, three people were all marked, where can run up to goes? 但大海茫茫,三人皆被标记,能跑到哪去? He abandons a ship to escape. 他弃船逃亡。 Could escape. 或许能逃。 But this Wei and his son, only have the dead end inevitably. 但这魏家父子,必然只有死路一条。 Young Master Luo, now what to do?” Wei Ming was about to cry, the sound brings the weeping voice, the eye became red. “罗公子,现在怎么办啊?”魏明快哭了,声音带着哭腔,眼睛都变得通红。 He sells the fish. 他就一卖鱼的。 Sold for a lifetime the fish, where has met so a weaponry? 卖了一辈子鱼,哪遇到过这般阵仗? Luo Yan knit the brows to look at Wei Ming, said: What fears? They come for the wealth, at the worst a while coordinates to select, will have money to put out to them, making them put our means of livelihood.” 罗阎皱眉看了眼魏明,道:“怕什么?他们为财而来,大不了等会儿配合点,将所有钱全拿出给他们,让他们放我们一条活路。” Spoke some words of praise, they should not be ruthless.” “说些好话,他们应该不会赶尽杀绝。” Wei Xu the face, was saying painstakingly: Real?” 魏旭苦着脸,道:“真的吗?” Luo Yan selects the eyebrow, said: Does not know, I guess.” 罗阎一挑眉,道:“不知道,我猜的。” Hears this saying. 听到这话。 Wei and his son complexion painstakingly. 魏家父子脸色又苦了起来。 Does this deal, which having is the kindhearted generation? 干这种勾当的,有哪个是良善之辈? Begging for mercy will be useful? 求饶会有用? Two people suspected, but also can only choose to believe Luo Yan. 两人怀疑,但也只能选择相信罗阎 Hopes the person disposition many.” Luo Yan sighed. “希望来人脾性好些。”罗阎叹了口气。 Although the calamity is Wei Ming stirs up. 祸虽是魏明惹得。 But what makes Wei Ming sell profound Yang Qi is he. 但让魏明去售卖玄阳旗的是他。 Wants him to throw down Wei and his son now, flees from calamity to depart alone, he really cannot achieve. 要他现在丢下魏家父子,独自逃难离去,他实在是做不到。 If really must be ruthless, I also can only go all out.” “若真要赶尽杀绝,那我也只能拼命了。” Luo Yan is so thinking, returns to the cabin simply, conserves strength. 罗阎这般想着,干脆回到船舱,养精蓄锐。 1000 spirit stones. 一千灵石。 It is not a small number. 不是一笔小数目。 But is not a big number. 但也不是一笔大数目。 Stares at the Wei Ming member, the strength at most only then refining ten, possibly are not member Dao Foundation. 盯上魏明的修士,实力至多只有炼气十层,绝不可能是道基修士。 But refining ten...... 而炼气十层…… I should not be struck second to kill, even if not beat, in this boundless sea, I can also move out.” “我应该不会被一击秒杀,纵然不敌,在这茫茫大海,我也能全身而退。” The sea is boundless. 大海无垠。 Sinks downward, who can hold him? 往下一沉,谁抓得住他? Naturally, this is the plan of one after next, if can spend eliminating the risk naturally is best. 当然,这是下下之策,若能花钱消灾自然是最好的。 In cabin. 船舱内。 The Luo Yan facial expression is calm, Wei and his son are fearful and apprehensive, the whole body trembles to keep. 罗阎神情镇定,魏家父子则胆战心惊,浑身哆嗦不停。 Finally. 终于。 After a half hour, the fishing boat was covered by a steamship shadow, broadcast the sound of mock. 半小时后,渔船被一艘大船阴影笼罩,传来了讥诮的声音。 Hits... hits... hits... takes by force!” “打…打…打…打劫!” The sound is incisive. 声音尖锐。 Comes the person to lengthen the sound specially, clarifying is eats to decide three people, wicked interest slowly. 来人特意拖长声音,摆明是吃定三人,恶趣味慢慢。 The sound falls. 声音落下。 The bow then sinks, drops two person's shadows. 船头便一沉,落下两道人影。 Luo Yan gave Wei and his son a look, shrinks in the cabin corner, makes the terrified shape. 罗阎给了魏家父子一个眼神,缩在船舱角落,作惶恐状。 Yo, is this does not plan to revolt?” “呦,这是不打算反抗吗?” The curtain screen was lifted, reveals a smiling young face. 帘子被掀开,露出一张嬉皮笑脸的年轻面孔。 The thing whole face ridicules looked at the Luo Yan three people, then the vision moves, falls on Wei Ming. 东子满脸揶揄的看了眼罗阎三人,而后目光微移,落在魏明身上。 Old seniors who this does not sell profound Yang Qi? Do I also think strongly? Originally this?” “这不是售卖玄阳旗的老前辈吗?我还以为多强呢?原来就这?” He laughs at the opens the mouth, the whole face disdains. 他嗤笑开口,满脸不屑。 The Wei Ming body shakes, smiles forced: Fellow Daoist, the thing... the thing on the table, requests to give our way out.” 魏明身子一抖,牵强一笑:“道友,东西…东西都在桌上,烦请放我们一条生路。” His facial features are embarrassed, only thinks shamefully. 他面容窘迫,只觉无地自容。 „. Also very coordination!” “啧。还挺配合!” The fat member also collected, looked at storage bag on table, in the surface the fat shivered, somewhat was quite fierce. 胖修士也凑了进来,看了眼桌上的储物袋,面上肥肉颤动,颇有几分狰狞。 Lets off you?” “放过你们?” The thing patted the cheek of Wei Ming, shouts toward the steamship deck in: „Does eldest child, let off them?” 东子拍了拍魏明的面颊,朝大船甲板上喊道:“老大,放过他们吗?” Killed.” “杀了。” The eyes that slope outwards faint sound resounds. 三角眼的淡漠声音响起。 So long as their fierce Yang three ghosts begin, will not leave behind the least bit future trouble. 他们烈阳三煞只要动手,就绝不会留下半点后患。 First kills people. 先杀人。 Latter seizes the treasure! 后夺宝! „.” “哦。” The thing nods, then looks to Wei Ming, both hands one, plans to continue to taunt. 东子点头,而后又望向魏明,双手一摊,打算继续嘲讽一番。 But at this time. 但这时候。 He thinks the heart to be panic-stricken suddenly, the whole body fine hair set upright instantaneously. 他忽觉心头惊骇,浑身汗毛瞬间竖了起来。 Has not waited for him to turn head. 还不等他回过头。 One and his head equally thick fierce arm pierces his chest. 一只和他脑袋一样粗的狰狞手臂已是洞穿他胸膛。 He even can see, on that giant palm, his heart, but also is beating slightly. 他甚至能看到,在那巨大的手掌上,他的心脏,还在微微跳动。 No?!” “不?!” The thing eye pupil shivers fiercely. 东子眼眸剧烈颤动。 Is that continuously by his sheep person suddenly. 是那一直被他忽然的羊人。 sheep people, unexpectedly such?! 那羊人,竟然如此之强?! His facial expression shocks, fears. 他神情震撼,无比恐惧。 What a pity, without he left behind one to regret, his body, then under the terrifying brute force, blasts open directly. 可惜,没等他留下一句遗憾,他的身子,便在恐怖蛮力之下,直接从中炸裂。 Bang!” “砰!” Flesh splash. 血肉飞溅。 All these just like electric light flint. 这一切宛如电光火石。 Acts from Luo Yan, to Dongzi body blasting open, short flickers merely. 罗阎出手,到东子身躯炸裂,仅仅只是短短一瞬。 But even if so, the eyes that slope outwards member on fat member and steamship deck also responded. 但哪怕如此,胖修士和大船甲板上的三角眼修士也反应了过来。 Damn thing!” “该死的东西!” „Did you kill the thing unexpectedly?” “你竟然杀了东子?” The fat member in the middle of the cabin, sees the brothers dead a tragic death, ascends time zi to crack, turns the hand then puts out a blood red broadsword. 胖修士本就在船舱当中,看着兄弟惨死,登时间目眦欲裂,翻手便拿出一把血红大刀。 But he has not come and brandished a blade. 可他还没来及挥刀。 Luo Yan has headed on, is ordinary just like the ominous beast, the rush cushion big palm wields, a hand holds the fat member to grasp the wrist/skill of blade, another hand presses directly on the face of fat member. 罗阎已是扑面而来,宛如凶兽一般,蒲团大的手掌挥动,一只手抓住胖修士握刀的手腕,另一只手直接摁在胖修士的脸上。 „!” “啊!” The pitiful yell resounds. 惨叫响起。 The fat member retrocedes again and again, the whole piece face becomes pile of flesh directly, even the bone was pressed hollowly. Has not waited for him the next movement. 胖修士连连后退,整张脸直接成为一堆血肉,连骨头都被按得凹陷了下去。还不等他又下一步动作。 The terrifying blood light then comes together air-splitting, pierces his forehead instantaneously. 一道恐怖血光便破空而来,瞬间将他眉心洞穿。 The pitiful yell sound stops suddenly, his body trembles, immediately but after actually goes, direct step the footsteps of thing. 惨叫声戛然而止,他身子一颤,随即直直朝后倒去,直接步了东子的后尘。 Dive!” “猛子!” Only the remaining eyes that slope outwards member shouted painful, in the pupil does not dare to believe unexpectedly. 仅剩下的三角眼修士痛呼,眸中竟是不敢置信。 Own two good brothers. 自己的两个好兄弟。 Within a breath, was killed by a sheep person unexpectedly livingly! 竟然在一个呼吸之内,被一个羊人活生生打死了! In his eye emerges the dreadful anger. 他眼中涌现滔天怒火。 Stares to Luo Yan, is preparing to put two aggressive statements. 瞪向罗阎,正准备放两句狠话。 But Luo Yan has been raising fat member that the blood-color broadsword, uttering a word to/clashes directly toward him. 罗阎已是提着胖修士那把血色大刀,一声不吭的朝他径直冲来。 That speed to the pinnacle, the body aura surges quickly, seeming the great antiquity beast of prey is ordinary. 那速度快到极致,身上气息涌动,好似洪荒猛兽一般。 Even he, somewhat is fearful and apprehensive. 即便是他,都有些心惊肉跳。 This sheep is people, so how powerful?” “这羊人,怎这般强大?” Innate body, if unearths the pinnacle, is the martial arts innate boundary. 先天之体,若挖掘到极致,便是武道先天境。 But regarding this side Dijieren, will not strengthen the body and spirit vitality generally specially, because that is the path that body cultivator can take. 但对于此方地界人而言,一般不会特意去增强体魄气血,因为那是体修才会走的路子。 Therefore. 故而。 Even if the refining five member, its mortal body intensity also only compared with Bone Refinement martial artist. 纵然是炼气五层修士,其肉身强度也只比炼骨武者 If no supernatural power to protect the body, Luo Yan, has no difference from the tofu that one pile can break up by rubbing conveniently. 若无法力护体,于罗阎而言,和一堆随手能够揉碎的豆腐没有任何区别。 Snort! Kills my brother, accept Minglai!” “哼!杀我兄弟,纳命来!” The eyes that slope outwards member angrily roars. 三角眼修士怒吼。 The time, two Buddhist musical instruments appear in his hands. 顿时间,两件法器出现在他手中。 And one, is a full moon sickle. 其中一件,是一把圆月弯刀。 The knife shining white, makes a great show of one's talents, only one revolving, then changes into the white light, cuts toward the Luo Yan front surface. 刀身莹白,锋芒毕露,只一旋转,便化为白光,朝罗阎迎面斩去。 Another, is a purple bell. 另一件,是一枚紫色铃铛。 By the eyes that slope outwards member supernatural power stimulation of movement, instantaneous the purple light, was covered the Luo Yan whole body together. 被三角眼修士法力催动,瞬间化出一道紫光,将罗阎周身笼罩。 Likes me being able to strengthen adds the point to ask everyone to collect:() I can strengthen add the refresh rate to be quickest. 喜欢我能强化加点请大家收藏:()我能强化加点更新速度最快。
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