Is looking atdelightedWei Xu, the Luo Yanpolitesay/way: „Ifthere is an opportunity, mustexperience.”
望着眉飞色舞的魏旭,罗阎客气道:“若有机会,一定要见识见识。”„Hua Jinfengalsohas the possibility.”
“火金凤还有可能。”„As forHuo JinzhiandFei Qingshu, onlyfeared that was difficult.”
“至于火金枝和斐青姝,只怕就难了。”Wei Xusaidimmediately, revealed that helplessexpression.魏旭马上接话,露出无奈表情。„Why?”Luo Yanasked.
“为何?”罗阎问道。„Huo Jinzhidoes obeisanceintoHeavenly Star Palace, practicesinHeavenly Star Palace. As forthatFei Qingshu, had a concubineby the fire, livesonsummitfierceYangGong, Iand otherswherehad the qualificationsto come up?”
“火金枝拜入天星宫,在天星宫中修行。至于那斐青姝,被火蛮金屋藏娇,住在山顶烈阳宫上,我等哪有资格上去?”Wei Xudoes not knowmustcome the news that fromwhere, assured of face.魏旭也不知从何处得来的消息,一脸的笃定。„Thatwas a pity.”Luo Yanlooksto regret.
“那可惜了。”罗阎面露惋惜。„Yes.” The Wei Xusamefaceis regrettable, quiteapprovesto the Luo Yanwords.
The timepassesgradually.
时间渐渐流逝。How longalsodoes not know.
也不知过来多久。Suddenlysomeshipscatch uptoward the small fishing boat that the Luo Yantwopeople of institutesare.
忽然有船朝罗阎二人所在的小渔船赶来。Luo Yanhears the sound, has not actually paid attention.罗阎听见动静,却未加理会。
The surroundingshipsare numerous, coming and going, is very normal , there is nothing to make much ado about nothing.
周围船只众多,来来往往,十分正常,没什么好大惊小怪的。Butthistime, ship seems to be unusual.
The Wei Xufacial expressionhurries, sets outhastily, simultaneouslypasses messagetoLuo Yan: „Young MasterLuo, isfierceYanghealth/guardroutinedoes an inspection, waitsto meetyounot to say a word.”魏旭神情慌忙,连忙起身,同时传音给罗阎:“罗公子,是烈阳卫例行巡查,等会你别做声。”„Un.”
“嗯。”Luo Yannodslayer on layer/heavily.罗阎重重点头。Displaysto lock the bloodsecret art, the hiddenvitalityfluctuates, does not make itselfextremelyconspicuousas far as possible.
施展锁血诀,隐藏气血波动,尽量不让自己太过显眼。FierceYanghealth/guardison the fierceYangDaoguardstrength.
烈阳卫是烈阳岛上的守卫力量。Itis representingfierceYangDao, inthisfierceYangDaorange, no onedaresto offend.
“砰!”Onlylistens to the bowto sink, twofierceYanghealth/guardjumpsto the fishing boaton.
只听船头一沉,两个烈阳卫跳到渔船上。„TwoSirs, is your?”Wei Xurushesto move forward to meet somebody, is terrified-looking.
“两位大人,你们这是?”魏旭赶忙迎了上去,一脸惶恐。„Routine inspection.”
“例行检查。”TwofierceYanghealth/guardwears the mail-armor and helmet, the arroganceis threatening.
两个烈阳卫身穿甲胄,气焰逼人。And a buildis grandiose, just likehill, althoughnon-immortal cultivator, but a courage vigoris astonishing, onlyfeared that alsoonly has the one pacefrom the martial artsinnateboundary.
其中一个体型壮硕,宛如小山,虽非修仙者,但一身血气惊人,只怕距离武道先天境也只有一步之遥。Butanotheris a thin and tallyouth, the bodytransmits the supernatural powerto fluctuatefaintly, isimmortal cultivator.
而另一个则是一个瘦高青年,身上隐隐传来法力波动,是个修仙者。Thisfishing boatwas small and narrow.
这渔船本就窄小。Two peoplelift the curtain screen, the cabinscenethentake in everything at a glance, sawstayedLuo Yanincabin.
两人掀开帘子,船舱景象便一览无余,同时也看到了呆在船舱中的罗阎。Immediately, thatthin and tallyoutheyesnarrow the eyes: „Sheepperson?”
顿时,那瘦高青年眼睛一眯:“羊人?”„, Unexpectedlysheepperson.”Thatgrandiosemalesimilareyesbelt/bringsurprise, is staring atLuo Yan.
“啧啧,竟然还有个羊人。”那壮硕男子同样眼带诧异,凝望着罗阎。„TwoSirs, thisismy familyservant, Ihave not steppedfierceYangDao, should...... should nothingimproper?”Wei Xuis sayingcautiously, the both legsare hittingtrembling, alreadystartledtopinnacle.
“二位大人,这是我家奴仆,我并没有踏上烈阳岛,应该……应该没什么不妥吧?”魏旭小心翼翼的说着,双腿打着哆嗦,已经惊慌到了极致。„! Carriessheeppeople, is the capital crime, has not knelt down!” The grandiosemaleboard the cheek, is opening the mouthcoldreprimand.
The menfinish barely the words, Wei Xuhas then knelton the groundlayer on layer/heavily, bang bang bangkowtowsunceasingly, the foreheadknockedto bleed.
男子话音未落,魏旭便已重重跪在地上,砰砰砰不断磕头,额头都磕出血来了。„Sirforgives! The Sirforgives!”
“大人饶命!大人饶命!”Follows the terrifiedbegging for mercysound, urineshowtaste, transmitsfrom the Wei Xupants crotch.
伴随惶恐的求饶声,还有一阵尿骚味,从魏旭裤裆传来。In the Luo Yanheartshakes the head.罗阎心中摇头。Thatgrandiosemanclarifiesis frightening the person, thisWei Xu, accepted as trueunexpectedlydirectly.
那壮硕男子摆明是在吓唬人,这魏旭,竟直接信以为真了。Sure enough.
果不其然。SeesWei Xuthisto instigate the type, the grandiosemantightcheek of pulls outinstantaneously, at oncelaughs loudly: „Ijokewithyou. How does yourboyfrighten?”
见魏旭这怂样,壮硕男子紧绷的面皮瞬间一抽,旋即捧腹大笑:“我跟你开玩笑的。你小子怎么这么不禁吓?”HeraisedWei Xu.
他将魏旭提了起来。Thenpatted the cheek of Wei Xu, is smiling saying: „Ok, did not playwithyou, hurriesto changepants.”
说完。Helooks at each otheronewiththatthin and tallyouth, is laughingswaggering away.
他和那瘦高青年对视一眼,大笑着扬长而去。As forLuo Yan, twopeoplemanagedo not have the principle, moststartslooked atone.
至于罗阎,二人理都没理,也就最开始的时候看了一眼。„I...... I......”
“我……我……”Wei Xustays in same place, the complexionbecomes flushed.魏旭呆在原地,脸色涨红。For a long time, has gotten back one's composure, dejecteddanglinghead.
许久,才回过神,颓然垂下脑袋。Was bullied, henaturallywantsto revenge.
被人欺侮,他自然想报仇。ButothersarefierceYanghealth/guard, whatrepresentedisfierceYangDao, hiswherehas the qualificationsto revenge?
但人家是烈阳卫,代表的是烈阳岛,他哪有资格报仇?„Changespants.” The Luo Yanbackpasses away.
烈阳岛。Civilianinn, someside building.
平民客栈,某间厢房。Wei Mingsits cross-leggedto sit.魏明盘膝而坐。Sometime, heopens the eyes, puts outundergrain of essenceDantun,
某时刻,他睁开双眼,拿出一粒精气丹吞下,Thendisplays the cultivating vital energysecret art. Essencepillturns into the supernatural power, flowsinhismeridians.
而后施展养气诀。精气丹化成法力,于他经脉中流淌。„Howto have come?”
“怎么还没来?”Hedeeply frowned.
If not come, onlyfeared that musttake a grain of essencepill.
In his thoughtappears, strength of the hauling, covershimsuddenly.
面对这熟悉感觉。Hiscomplexiononehappy, rushesto chooseto obey.
下一秒。Heat present is a flower, when opens eyesagain, has appearedingray fogdimplaces.
他眼前便是一花,再睁开眼时,已是出现在一片灰雾朦胧之地。Thisis a broadstreet.
这是一条宽阔街道。By the streetis each familystore.
街道两旁则是一家家商铺。At this time.
空气淡淡的雾气。Heis standingin the crowd, besideshim, manypeople, was all coveredby the gray fog, is hardto see clearly the sex and figure.
他正站在人群中,除他之外,还有不少人,也全都被灰雾笼罩,难以看清性别和身形。Hehas gotten back one's composure.
他才回过神。Thenhas the memberto sitdirectly, puts outevery kindrune/symbolLu, Buddhist musical instrument, the daymaterialtreasureto place the ground, startsto callto sell.
便有修士直接席地而坐,拿出一样样符箓、法器、天材地宝等放在地上,开始吆喝售卖。„Sellsfirst-orderrune/symbolLu, the high-gradefire dragonsymbol, the high-gradeswings the demonsymbol, the high-gradegodgoodsymbol......”
“出售一阶符箓,上品火龙符,上品荡魔符,上品神行符……”„Has the first-orderspiritbeastdemonhylarana guentheri!”
“出一阶灵兽魔沼蛙!”„Purchasepure yin the virgin, at leastwants the refining over fourcauldronfurnaces, aftertrainingfirst.”
“收购纯阴处子,至少要炼气四层以上的鼎炉,经过调教的优先。”Sets up a stallon the roaddirectly, generallyisLoose cultivator.
The Loose cultivatorall-round strengthis weak, butwill also possibly have1-2powerfulevildoer/monstrous talent.散修综合实力较弱,但也可能会有1-2强大的妖孽。
The thing in theirstall, is mostly excellent in quality and reasonable in price.
他们地摊上的东西,大都物美价廉。Butalsohasto size upLoose cultivatorto liketaking substandard products as fine products, wants to have a lion's share, withouteyesight, unavoidably by theirpit.
但也有打量散修喜欢以次充好,狮子大开口,若没有眼力,免不了被他们坑上一顿。Ifin the past.
若是往常。Wei Mingwill also situnavoidably, puts out the fishbasket, and surroundingvendorchatted, whilesold the fish.魏明免不了也会席地而坐,拿出鱼篓,一边和周围摊主闲聊,一边卖鱼。Butnow.
但现在。Hehas the heavy responsibilityin the body.
他有重任在身。Ifputs out the fishbasket, hisstatusdefinitelywill expose.
若拿出鱼篓,他身份必然会暴露。Therefore his timehas not plannedto sell the fish, takes outstorage bagdirectly, thensixprofoundYangQina, was placedbefore the body.
故而他这次没打算卖鱼,直接取出储物袋,而后将六杆玄阳旗拿了出来,摆在身前。„JieJie! Sellbest quality goodsBuddhist musical instrumentprofoundYangQi, comeseagle-eyed!”
“桀桀!出售极品法器玄阳旗,来个有眼力的!”Hisvoiceis loud and clear, the tonesomewhatis dense, as ifcruelcruelfor many years the olddemonis ordinary.
他声音洪亮,语气却有些森然,仿佛残忍暴戾的积年老魔一般。„Best quality goodsBuddhist musical instrument?”
人群骚动。Before long, before Wei Mingbody, thenencircledcompletely the member.
不一会儿,魏明身前便围满了修士。„Is thisBuddhist musical instrumentcalledprofoundYangQi? Is indeed uncommon. Thatflagpoleishundredyears of firecloudwoodtree heartmakes, the flagseems like the giant silkwormsilk-weavingbecomes, aboveflamedesign, isstems fromeveryone the hand, the spiritmarkis smooth, the revolutionis free.”
“这法器叫做玄阳旗?啧啧,的确不凡。那旗杆是百年火云木的木心制成,旗帜似乎是天蚕丝织成,上面的火焰图案,也是出自大家之手,灵纹流畅,运转自如。”„Yes, thisprofoundYangQi, is indeed uncommon.”
“是啊,这玄阳旗,的确不凡。”„But, above the banonly hastwo, is not the best quality goodsBuddhist musical instrument, is onlyoneset of high-gradeBuddhist musical instrument.”„Althoughis the high-gradeBuddhist musical instrument, butasoneset of combinationBuddhist musical instrument, itsmight, has no timeto letcompared withitcommonbest quality goodsBuddhist musical instrument.”
周围。Immediatelythenhas the refinermasterto show off the knowledge, the opens the mouthreview.
当即便有炼器师卖弄学识,开口点评。But the surroundingmemberhears the review, all the visionflashes, inheartburning hot.
而周围修士听到点评,全都目光闪动,心中炙热。Wei Mingwas pierced, is not ashamed, insteadJieJiesmiles, densesay/way: „Littlespoke the idle talk, wantsto buysays the integer, cannot affordgets the hell outtome!”魏明被人戳穿,丝毫不羞愧,反而桀桀一笑,森然道:“少说废话,想买的说个数,买不起的都给我滚蛋!”Histoneis overbearing.
The surroundingmembercompletelyhas not actually been serious.
周围修士却也全然没当回事。In the middle of the downtown streets, everyonecovers the gray fog, no oneknowsanyone.
坊市当中,大家都笼罩灰雾,谁也不认识谁。Also the pignoseinsertshas, plays the role the pig that the scallionfeigns ignoranceeats the tigerhas, theyhave become accustomed.
After silentmoment .
The surroundingmemberopens the mouthto offerone after another.
周围修士陆陆续续开口报价。„100spirit stones.”
“一百块灵石。”„100? Don't youdie? Ihave500!”
“一百?你怎么不去死?我出五百!”„Compelspoorly, thisyoung masterhas800!”
“穷逼,本公子出八百!”„1000spirit stones, thisset of profoundYangQi, Iwanted!”
“一千块灵石,这套玄阳旗,我要了!”At this time, a youth who wore the profoundhotbrocadeclothesfromcrowd.
这时候,一个身着玄火锦衣的青年从人群中走了进来。Hissuch as the hotred hairthrows overon the shoulder.
The doublepupilis red, just likeflame of beat.
双瞳赤红,宛如跳动的火焰。Especiallythatpair of eyebrow, seemingabove the combustiontowardslantingis common, hasincomparablyoverbearingmakings.
尤其是那双眉毛,好似向着斜上方燃烧一般,带着一股无比霸道的气质。Whatis most surprising, onthisyouthhas not covered the gray fog!
最令人惊讶的是,这青年身上并未笼罩灰雾!„Huo Yaoyu!”
“火耀羽!”„Unexpectedlyis the hotyoung master!”
“竟然是火公子!”„Hotyoung masteris only15 years old, seems like not a bit like.”
“火公子才十五岁吧,看上去有点不太像。”„Hotyoung masterbloodlinesare rich, is a Hua familyhundredyears of raretalent, is longer is very much normal. Also, do not look that the hotyoung masteris young, hetwo days beforehas then promotedrefiningfive, rapidness that alsoevenpromotescompared withMissHua Jinfeng!”
“火公子血脉浓郁,为火家百年难得一见的天才,长得快些很正常。再说了,你别看火公子年龄小,他前两日便已晋升炼气五层,甚至比火金凤小姐晋升的还快!”„Hiss~thishad the member of specialbloodlines is really the terrifying. 15-year-oldrefiningfive, the hotyoung masteronlyfeared that has the capital of immortal.”
“嘶~这等拥有特殊血脉的修士真是恐怖。15岁的炼气五层,火公子只怕有仙人之资吧。”„Pū! Do not think that the gray fogadds the bodyto be mystifying, perhapsHua familyhas the specialmethod, canlook through the gray fog.”
“噗!你别以为灰雾加身就可以阴阳怪气,说不定火家有特殊法门,能看破灰雾呢。”„Haha, Icrack a joke.”
The surroundingmemberpupilbelt/bringis curious, talks in whispers.
周围修士眸带好奇,窃窃私语。But before Huo Yaoyuhas arrived at the Wei Mingbody, puts out a hand a move, sixflagsthenfall intohishand.
而火耀羽已走到魏明身前,伸手一招,六杆阵旗便落入他手。„Qualityis good, agrees with thisyoung master.”
“质量不错,与本公子也契合。”Hisopening the mouthreview, has not paid attention toWei Mingimmediately, puts out a handto wield, sixflagsthenfly the midair, an anchoragesidespace.
The flame of burning hotappearsamong the flags, changes into a sidesea of firein a flash.
炙热的火焰自阵旗间浮现,转瞬间化为一方火海。Surroundingmember, hastilyafterretreats, lookshockingis looking atthatsidesea of fire in sky.
The sea of firesurges, has the terrifyingmight.
火海涌动,带着恐怖威力。Iftheyare involved, will only fearin the wink of an eye, is built upto change into the hard coke.
他们若是置身其中,只怕瞬息之间,就会被炼化为焦炭。„Haha, good!”
“哈哈,好!”Seeing the profoundYangQimightis astonishing.
The Huo Yaoyugreat happiness, putting out a handis.火耀羽大喜,伸手又是一点。Sees only the giantflameto collectsuddenly, changes into a dark redfire dragon.
只见巨大的火焰猛然收束,化为一条暗红火龙。Thatfire dragonface upwardsto roar, the heat wavesweeps across, the surroundingsmemberretrocedesagain, onlyfeels the whole bodyboiling hot, hasto plantto be burntas the feeling of burned body.
那火龙仰天咆哮,热浪席卷而出,周围修士再次后退,只感觉浑身滚烫,有种被焚为焦尸之感。„This...... this...... this!”
“这……这……这!”Wei Minglooks atthatterrifyingfire dragon, the lipcannot be stoppingto tremble.魏明望着那恐怖火龙,嘴唇止不住哆嗦。Luo Yanhas confessedhim.罗阎可是交代过他。Thisflaghas not offered a sacrifice to refine, is unable directlyto use.
这阵旗还未祭炼,无法直接使用。Butnow, thisHuo Yaoyustimulated to movement a flagunexpectedlydirectly, evenalsosummonedthisfire dragon.
但如今,这火耀羽竟直接催动了阵旗,甚至还召唤出了这头火龙。Thismakesinhisheartshock, a headblank.
这让他心中震惊,脑袋一片空白。Hedoes not know.
The average mendo not pass through the sacrificeto refine, directlyusesprofoundYangQi, will backlashby the high temperature, degenerates into the burned body.
常人不经祭炼,直接使用玄阳旗,会被高温反噬,沦为焦尸。ButHuo Yaoyudaylighting a firelineage/vein.
但火耀羽天生火脉。May be called the child of flame.
堪称火焰之子。Somehigh temperaturesbacklash, what was also considered as?
“好宝贝!”Huo Yaoyuplayedenough, diverged the fire dragon, put out a hand a move, sixflagsreturned to hishandagain.火耀羽玩够了,散去火龙,伸手一招,六杆阵旗再次回到他手中。He a flagwill receivestorage bag.
他将阵旗收入储物袋。ThenlookstoWei Ming, towardtoldbehindhand/subordinate: „Giveshimspirit stones.”
A gray fogmangoes forwardonestep, dispatchesstorage bag.
一个灰雾男子上前一步,递出一个储物袋。Wei Mingrushedto receive, divine consciousnessswept, discovered that insideonly had999spirit stones.魏明赶忙接过,神念一扫,发现里面只有九百九十九块灵石。Ifusually.
若平时。He must dispute.
他必然要争执一番。ButfacingHuo Yaoyu, healso can only suffer loss without redress, pretendsanythingnot to know.
但面对火耀羽,他也只能吃个哑巴亏,装作什么都不知道。„Haha, thisprofoundYangQi, even if the elder sisterhasrefiningsixcultivation base, nowcannot fightme.” The Huo Yaoyugreat happinessdeparts.
“哈哈,得此玄阳旗,就算姐姐拥有炼气六层修为,现在也斗不过我了。”火耀羽大喜离去。Wei Mingdoes not haveexcessivelyto stop over.魏明也没有过多逗留。Waits forHuo Yaoyuto depart, histhencoldsnort/hum, sets outto walktowardboth sidesstoredirectly.
很快。Hethenentersoneto callmakes the store of fierceYangchamber of commerce.
他便走进一间唤做烈阳商会的商铺。„NowIhave not remembered incorrectly, sells the monstershapetechniqueisthisfierceYangchamber of commerce.”
“如今我没记错,售卖妖形术的就是这烈阳商会。”Hewalks intodirectly, thenfeigns the person of high skill, arrives at the counter: „Storekeeper, that【Monstershapetechnique】Brings.”
他径直走入,而后佯装高人,走到柜台边:“掌柜的,将那【妖形术】取来。”„Monstershapetechnique? The customerswait a bit.”
The storekeepersthrow a yellowingbookbefore the Wei Mingbody, said: „Honestbenefit, 250spirit stones.”
掌柜将一本泛黄的册子丢在魏明身前,道:“诚惠,二百五十块灵石。”„250? Isn't200? Howto rise in prices?”Wei Mingcomplexiononeblack.
“二百五?不是两百吗?怎么涨价了?”魏明脸色一黑。Thisstorekeeper, wants to have a lion's shareunexpectedly, can it be thatto lookhequitedoes bully?
这掌柜,竟然还狮子大开口,莫不是看他好欺负?„MyfierceYangchamber of commerceiswith honest price tag displayed, 200spirit stonesthatwere several years ago prices...... thisbiographylawancient book, butneedsto maintain.” The storekeeperssmileto say.
“那好吧。”Wei Mingis helpless.魏明无奈。Also can only several250spirit stones, givethisstorekeeper.
也只能数出两百五十块灵石,交给这掌柜。Hereceives the monstershapetechniquecarefully, asked: „Your can here, haveto suitcultivates the monsterclansourceblood of thismonstershapetechnique?”
“妖族源血……”Storekeepersstrangelooked atWei Ming.
掌柜古怪的看了眼魏明。Hereallydoes not thinkclearly, thispersonwellwhycancultivation the monstershapetechnique?
他实在想不明白,这人好好的要修炼妖形术干吗?„Monsterclanis not the monsterbeast, monsterclanthatmayhasmyhumanbuilduniquerace, evenweakmonsterclan, strengthstillpowerfulis above the imagination.”
“他们的源血……”Heshakes the head, high and lowcarefully examinesWei Ming, saidin a low voice: „MyfierceYangstoreindeedonebottle, is onlythatprice......”
他摇了摇头,上下审视魏明,低声道:“我烈阳商铺的确有一瓶,只是那价格……”At this point, heis looking atWei Ming, someshaking the head of exclusion.
显然。Did not thinkWei Mingcanspendthissum of money.
是不觉得魏明能拿出这笔钱。„Moneyis not the issue! Andyousaidthatsourceblood.”Wei Mingstrikes one's chest, saidwithout hesitation.
His time, ishelpsLuo Yanhave a look atseveralseedling sourceblood, does not planto buy.
„ Blackwaterflood dragonstorekeeperlipmoves slightly, passes messagedirectlydenselyinto.
The Wei Mingwhole bodytrembles.魏明浑身一哆嗦。Blackwaterflood dragon?
黑水蛟?Thatisintheirdaystar sea an illustriousmonsterclan.
那可是他们天星海中赫赫有名的一支妖族。Hispresent agehead of the clan, evenstillholds the post of an elderdutyinHeavenly Star Palace!
其当代族长,甚至还在天星宫担任长老一职!„. Thiswordsyouknowmeto know, do not letothersknow.” The storekeeperssend greetings the warningagain.
“嘘。此话你知我知,千万别让别人知道。”掌柜再度传音警告。He is also looked that thispersonbought the monstershapetechnique, thought that perhapsthispersonneeds, will disclose12.
他也是看这人买了妖形术,觉得此人或许需要,才会透露一二。„, Thathow muchmoney?”
The Wei Mingeyelidjumpsasking that.魏明眼皮一跳一跳的问道。„Are not many, 2000spirit stonesthen.” The storekeepersstretch out a finger, smilesto say.
两千。Does not calculatetooexcessive.
The Blackwaterflood dragonis the bastardbloodlines, is almost the most preliminarymonsterclan, onlyvalueprice.
这般想着。Wei Mingsaidsimply: „Igo backto collectspirit stones, thissourcebloodyou, andremainstome.”魏明干脆道:“我回去筹集灵石,这源血你且给我留着。”„Good, the honored guest thought that rememberedearlier. The sourceblood of thisBlackwaterflood dragon, butonly hasone.”
在掌柜诱人的声音中。Wei Minggoes out of the fierceYangchamber of commerce, scrapes pastwith a member.魏明走出烈阳商会,和一修士擦身而过。At this time.
这时候。Hegawkedsuddenly, thenbodyoneshort, takes up the groundtogetherspirit stones, calmsqueezing instorage bag.
他忽然愣了下,而后身子一矮,抄起地上一块灵石,不动声色的塞入储物袋。Alllike the passing clouds and flowing water, spirit stonesthenput in the bagtogether.
一切如行云流水,一块灵石便收入囊中。„Alsosomepeoplefallspirit stonesunexpectedly.”
“竟然还有人掉灵石。”Hiscomplexiononehappy, onlythinksoneselfare lucky.
他面色一喜,只觉自己幸运。Sothinking, heris lookingtowardall around, thenwalkstowardanotherstore, planned that helpsLuo Yanhave a lookalsoto haveothermonsterclansourceblood.
这般想着,她又朝四周望了望,而后向另一间商铺走去,打算帮罗阎看看还有没有其他妖族源血。Hehad not detectedslightly.
他丝毫没发觉。Beforeis standingwith the member who hescraped pastin the distant placeis staring athim, sent outsilentsneers.
之前和他擦身而过的修士正站在远处盯着他,发出无声冷笑。Likesmebeing ableto strengthenadds the pointto askeveryoneto collect:() Icanstrengthenadd the refresh rateto be quickest.
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