ICSBAP :: Volume #2

#186: Monster shape technique

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She is that Ding Zhen wife.” Wei Ming complexion cold severe. “她就是那丁震的夫人。”魏明脸色冷厉。 If not that Ding Zhen, the lord of his solemn island, how also to fall to is so out? 若非那丁震,他堂堂一岛之主,又岂会落到这般下场? If not looked, in this female has been pregnant in the share of March/three months. 若非看在此女已怀胎三月的份上。 He has received in this woman the room! 他早就将这女人收入房中了! I know.” The Luo Yan facial expression is tranquil. “我知道。”罗阎神情平静。 „Does Young Master Luo, how you plan to handle her?” Wei Ming asks. “罗公子,那你打算如何处置她?”魏明开口询问。 This woman also calculates the Luo Yan personal enemy. 这女人也算罗阎的仇人。 He ponders over, feels or gives Luo Yan handling be quite good. 他思前想后,觉得还是交给罗阎处置比较好。 Calamity is less than the wife and children, you look at the office.” “祸不及妻儿,你看着办吧。” Luo Yan not that frequently the generation of foreign family/home extermination of the clan. 罗阎并非那等动辄夷家灭族之辈。 He only swept a Chinese parasol tree, sees the woman to keep silent, then takes back the vision, does not pay attention. 他只扫了眼梧桐,见妇人噤若寒蝉,便收回目光,不加理会。 He looks to that freckle young girl, asked: „Do you name? In the family/home can not have others?” 他又看向那雀斑少女,问道:“你叫什么名字?家中可还没有其他人?” Immortal master, I called the ding ling, in family/home only then my father, but my father was the old compulsive gambler of excessive drinking, has hit me to scold me, afterward also wants to sell to an old man me.” “仙师,我叫丁灵,家中只有我父亲一个,不过我父亲是个酗酒的老赌鬼,一直打我骂我,后来还想把我卖给一个老男人。” Therefore I hit him, ran to be admitted to the oldest maternal aunt home.” “于是我把他打了一顿,跑出来住进大姨家了。” The ding ling such as the bean is but actually common, said own family background. 丁灵如倒豆子一般,将自己的家庭背景道了出来。 The Luo Yan secret nod, told: You are waiting outside the room.” 罗阎暗暗点头,吩咐道:“你在屋外候着。” He looked at a ding ling, looks to Wei and his son, said: Two, we enter the room, discussed a matter.” 他看了眼丁灵,又望向魏家父子,道:“两位,我们进屋,谈点事情。” Good.” “好。” Wei and his son nod hastily, follow in Luo Yan behind, enters in the middle of the room. 魏家父子连忙点头,跟在罗阎身后,走进房间当中。 Creaks.” “嘎吱。” Door closure. 房门关闭。 The ding ling defends in the entrance cleverly. 丁灵乖巧守在门口。 The Luo Yan three people take a seat in turn. 罗阎三人则依次落座。 After sitting well, Luo Yan looks to Wei Ming, opens the mouth slowly: 坐定后,罗阎才望向魏明,缓缓开口: Wei Senior also knows me is sheep people. Does not know that the senior may have the means that helps me transform the innate body?” “魏前辈也知我是羊人。不知前辈可有办法,助我蜕变先天之体?” A Wei Ming slightly thinking, then replied: Sheep person wants to transform the innate body, only needs Immortal Ascension Pill then. However, the Immortal Ascension Pill refinement material is extremely special, always does not have the city valuably.” 魏明略一思索,便回答道:“羊人想蜕变先天之体,只需一枚升仙丹即可。不过,升仙丹炼制材料极其特殊,向来有价无市。” Also is Immortal Ascension Pill. 又是升仙丹 The Luo Yan eyeground flashes through disappointed. 罗阎眼底闪过一丝怅然。 He has swallowed grain of Immortal Ascension Pill. 他已吞服过一粒升仙丹 Immortal Ascension Pill is perhaps useful to other sheep people, but pure mortals to his and other, but a use does not have. 升仙丹对其他羊人或许有用,但对他这等纯粹的凡人,可是一点用处都没有。 He maintains composure , to continue to ask: Besides Immortal Ascension Pill, other means?” 他不动声色,继续问道:“除了升仙丹之外,还有其他办法吗?” Other means......” “其他办法……” The Wei Ming dangling head, falls into hesitates. 魏明垂下脑袋,陷入沉吟。 For a long time, he raised the head, tone scruple saying: Hears among the life and death, there is sheep people to be stimulated, meets the bloodlines recovery.” 许久,他抬头,语气迟疑的说道:“听说生死之间,有羊人受到刺激,会血脉复苏。” Luo Yan shakes the head. 罗阎摇头。 Among life and death? 生死之间? What to do if died? 万一死了怎么办? He sees Wei Ming also to have no credible means that said own idea simply: 他见魏明也没什么靠谱办法,干脆说出自己的想法: Wei Senior is experienced. May know in the market, there is a merit law of related bloodlines variation?” “魏前辈见多识广。可知市面上,有没有有关血脉变异的功法?” Is the pure variation, turns into another bloodlines, rather than the bloodlines recovery of deep sleep.” “是纯粹的变异,变成另一种血脉,而不是沉睡的血脉复苏。” He obtains the whole body big solution, knows about the bloodlines knowledge. 他得到周身大解,对血脉知识也了解一下。 Has immortal cultivator of innate bloodlines. 拥有先天血脉的修仙者 Also not necessarily for a lifetime is the innate bloodlines. 也不一定一辈子都是先天血脉。 If his within the body also has other bloodlines. 若他体内还有其它血脉。 As the strength continually is increased, his within the body hidden will be deeper, more powerful bloodlines also to recover gradually. 随着实力不断提升,他体内隐藏的更深、更强大的血脉也会渐渐复苏。 Therefore immortal cultivation world spreads a few words, is called: Bullies the youngster to be poor not. 因而修仙界流传一句话,叫做:莫欺少年穷。 Because you do not know, under the most preliminary innate bloodlines, his within the body, but also is hiding what kind of terrifying bloodlines. 因为你不知道,在最低级的先天血脉下,他的体内,还隐藏着何等恐怖的血脉。 Naturally. 当然。 The bloodlines two recoveries not only look at the luck, needs the strength, the probability minimum and that's the end. 血脉二次复苏不仅看运气,更需要实力,概率极小就是了。 Pure variation?” “纯粹变异?” Wei Ming somewhat compels ignorant. 魏明有些懵逼。 He touches own ears and cheeks, thought for a long time, not to determine saying: I have seen this together method probably, is anything is coming......” 他抓耳挠腮,想了许久,才不确定道:“我好像见到过这样一道法门,是什么来着……” He is twisting the brow, makes an effort to recall. 他拧着眉头,使劲回忆。 But Luo Yan is also anxious, the heartbeat starts to accelerate. 罗阎也紧张起来,心跳都开始加速。 Right, yes Monster shape technique!” Wei Ming taps the head, finally remembers. “对了,是【妖形术】!”魏明一拍脑袋,终于想起。 But quick. 但很快。 He as if remembered anything, looks the forced smile, starts to speak but hesitates. 他似乎又想起了什么,面露苦笑,欲言又止。 Looks at the facial expression of Luo Yan burning hot. 看着罗阎炙热的神情。 He hesitates for a long time, finally is the opens the mouth: „ Sir, this monster shape technique meets your requirement, may baseless useful the monster clan bloodlines, 他踌躇许久,终是开口:“大人,这妖形术符合您的要求,可让人凭空有用妖族血脉, But cultivates, extremely bad risk. ” But said that might as well.” Luo Yan sees the hesitation of Wei Ming, opens the mouth to urge directly. 但修炼起来,极其凶险。”“但说无妨。”罗阎看出魏明的犹豫,直接开口催促。 He is systematic. 他有系统。 What was the bad risk considered as? 凶险算得了什么? Strengthening the direction erases cultivates the risk completely is! 强化方向抹除全部修炼风险便是! Seeing the Luo Yan tone is firm, Wei Ming hesitates 12, starts to tell: 罗阎语气坚决,魏明迟疑一二,开始娓娓道来: Monster clan each one body and spirit are powerful, ominous prestige Ling correct/however. With boundary, also only then has the person clan member of powerful bloodlines to contend with 12.” “妖族个个体魄强大,凶威凌然。同境界下,也只有拥有强大血脉的人族修士能够抗衡一二。” Meanwhile, the monster clan all has the person, their bloodlines, are tolerant, particularly to our person clans.” “同时,妖族皆具人身,他们血脉,极具包容性,尤其是对我们人族而言。” This Monster shape technique, May let me and the others the clan, obtains the monster clan bloodlines, controls the monster body, thus the strength enters greatly.” “这【妖形术】,就可让我等人族,获得妖族血脉,掌控妖身,从而实力大进。” But Monster shape technique Also is not good to cultivate.” “但【妖形术】也不是那么好修炼的。” This needs to fuse the monster clan source blood.” “这需要融合妖族源血。” And does not raise the monster clan source blood to be precious, said the difficulty of bloodlines fusion......” “且不提妖族源血珍贵,就说血脉融合的难度……” Most people, the direct bloodlines repel die either, either the mortal body is unable the strength of carrying/sustaining monster clan bloodlines, to explode the body to perish.” “大部分人,要么直接血脉排斥而死,要么肉身无法承载妖族血脉的力量,爆体而亡。” Even if boiled by luck, should still cause various not controllable distortions, turns into half -and-a-half people of monster monsters, even direct monster......” “就算侥幸熬了下来,也会导致各种不可控的畸变,变成半人半妖般的怪物,甚至直接妖化……” Moreover, this monster, the reason will be covered by the beastly nature gradually, finally degenerates to lose the reason, only knows evil spirit that slaughters.” “而且,这种怪物,理智会渐渐被兽性所掩盖,最终堕落成一头失去理智,只知道杀戮的妖魔。” Wei Ming seldom, stares focuses greatly, as if sees that terrifying evil spirit to be the same. 魏明煞有其事,瞪大着眼,仿佛见过那恐怖妖魔一般。 Luo Yan was daunted by its look. 罗阎被其眼神吓住了。 Coughs lightly, said: „Have some people realized?” 轻咳一声,道:“有人练成过吗?” Wei Ming shakes the head, said: Now does not have. But hears for 200 years ago, once some people had realized......” 魏明摇头,道:“现在没有。但听说两百年前,曾有人练成过……” This.” “这样。” Luo Yan nods, inquired: On that fierce Yang Dao, can buy that monster shape technique?” 罗阎点头,询问道:“那烈阳岛上,能买到那妖形术吗?” „Does Young Master Luo plan to cultivate that monster shape technique?” Wei Ming has a scare, rushes to persuade: Young Master Luo, that monster shape technique risk is too big. You cultivation that monster shape technique with it, might as well experiences the big terrifying between life and death.” “罗公子打算修炼那妖形术?”魏明吓了一大跳,赶忙劝说道:“罗公子,那妖形术风险太大。你与其修炼那妖形术,还不如去经历生死间的大恐怖。” Wei Senior does not need to worry, I to that monster shape technique a little interest.” Luo Yan carried the teacup to sip one, saying of maintaining composure. “魏前辈无需担心,我只是对那妖形术有点兴趣罢了。”罗阎端起茶杯抿了一口,不动声色的说道。 Wei Ming thinks otherwise. 魏明不以为然。 The monster shape technique is to spend. 妖形术是要花钱的。 He will not think Luo Yan buys the monster shape technique, is only for the interest. 他可不会觉得罗阎花钱购买妖形术,只是为了兴趣。 „The fierce Yang Dao downtown streets indeed sell, I had once seen on the counter of Hua family store. That price......” “烈阳岛坊市的确有售,我曾在火家商铺的柜台上见过。只是那价格……” Wei Ming starts to speak but hesitates, somewhat awkward smiling. How many?” Luo Yan asked directly. 魏明欲言又止,有些尴尬的笑了笑。“多少?”罗阎直接问道。 200 spirit stones.” Wei Ming touches the nose. “两百块灵石。”魏明摸了摸鼻子。 200 spirit stones, is the sky-high price. 两百灵石,已是天价。 May purchase best quality goods murders the kind of mid-grade Buddhist musical instrument, even a quality bad high-grade Buddhist musical instrument! 可购买一件最极品的杀伐类中品法器,甚至一件质量较差的上品法器! Luo Yan selects the brow. 罗阎一挑眉头。 Thinks, puts out Fang Yan storage bag to be placed on the table. 想了想,拿出方岩储物袋摆在桌上。 In he imprisons in Fang Yan that days. 在他囚禁方岩那段日子里。 He asked anything, Fang Yan answered anything. 他问什么,方岩就答什么。 Therefore although he has not opened this storage bag, but also had a general impression among goods. 所以他虽然没打开过这储物袋,但对其内物品也有了个大概印象。 spirit stones certain. 灵石若干。 Ten grains of attire essence pill certain bottles. 十粒装精气丹若干瓶。 Has not refined high-grade Buddhist musical instrument one set of completing. 未炼制完成的上品法器一套。 Troubles Wei Wei Senior to open storage bag, takes completely inside thing.” Luo Yan shot a look at Wei Ming. “麻烦魏魏前辈打开储物袋,把里面东西全部取出来。”罗阎瞥了眼魏明 „.” “哦。” Wei Ming surprise looked at Luo Yan. 魏明诧异的看了眼罗阎 This storage bag, only then the supernatural power can open, definitely possibly is not Luo Yan. 储物袋,只有法力才能打开,肯定不可能是罗阎的。 That only has a possibility...... 那就只有一个可能…… In his heart shakes, is busy at diverging the distracting thoughts. 他心中一抖,忙散去杂念。 Puts out a hand to wield. 伸手一挥。 Then hears crash-bang sound to resound, on the table presents pile of goods, had goods to fall the place directly. 便听‘哗啦啦’声音响起,桌上出现一堆物品,更有都物品直接掉到了地方。 Although he was abandoned. 他虽然被废。 But is only the dantian damages, is unable to hold the supernatural power, does not represent him unable to absorb the world spiritual energy, transforms some supernatural powers to use in the meridians. 但只是丹田破损,无法容纳法力,并不代表他无法吸收天地灵气,转化些法力在经脉中使用。 This storage bag inner space about seven cubic, at least value 100 spirit stones!” Wei Ming said excitedly. “这储物袋内部空间在七立方左右,至少值一百块灵石!”魏明激动说道。 storage bag according to the internal size, the value also has the difference. 储物袋根据内部大小,价值也有区别。 His own storage bag, only has one cubic merely. 他自己的储物袋,仅仅只有一立方而已。 Right?” “是吗?” The Luo Yan chuckle, has not said anything. 罗阎轻笑,没有说什么。 But looks to the junks on table. 而是看向桌上的杂物。 He classifies. 他分门别类。 Quick, is then appropriate one pile of goods reorganizations. 很快,便将一堆物品整理妥当。 Fang Yan junks totally discard completely. 方岩的一概杂物全部舍弃。 Other, is the useful thing. 余下的,便是有用的东西。 Three spirit stones. 三块灵石。 12 bottles of essence pill. 十二瓶精气丹。 Six work fine, brings the flag of flame trace. 六杆做工精致,带着火焰纹路的阵旗。 One pile of ancient books, includes Profound Yang Qi Offers a sacrifice to the law and one building up Say/Way genuine solution. 一摞典籍,其中就包括【玄阳旗】祭炼之法和一门【器道真解】。 „Is this flag, profound Yang Qi?” “这阵旗,就是玄阳旗?” The Luo Yan pupil belt/bring surprise, glances through that law of sacrifice building up carefully. 罗阎眸带诧异,仔细翻阅那祭炼之法。 Above outstanding person in , profound Yang Qiwei high-grade Buddhist musical instrument, once activates, the roaring flame sweeps across, may attack to defend, even may melt the profound Yang fire dragon, is used to strangle to death the enemy. 其上所述,玄阳旗为上品法器中的佼佼者,一旦激活,烈焰席卷,可攻可守,甚至可化出玄阳火龙,用来绞杀敌人。 Even if the refining ten member falls into, is extremely difficult to withdraw. 纵然是炼气十层修士落入其中,都极难脱身。 This profound Yang Qi must refine by soul of sacrifice Pure Yang, can be of great success, if uncommon, the flag burning sun is aggressive, has the backlash risk. 只是,这玄阳旗还需以纯阳之魂祭炼,才能大功告成,若不凡,阵旗炎阳凶悍,有反噬风险。 But the soul of Pure Yang. 而纯阳之魂。 Can be the grown virgin, can the aggressive beast of prey. 可以是成年处男,也可以凶悍猛兽。 The Luo Yan facial expression rouses, looks to side Wei Ming: „Can this set of profound Yang Qiwei high-grade Buddhist musical instrument, how many spirit stones change?” 罗阎神情振奋,看向身旁魏明:“这套玄阳旗为上品法器,能换多少灵石?” The Wei Ming lip trembled, stares for a long time, was astonished however said: At least...... 800!” 魏明嘴唇哆嗦,愣了许久,才讶然道:“至少……八百!” Has not seen the pig to run has always eaten the pork. 没见过猪跑总吃过猪肉。 He goes to the fierce Yang Daomai fish time, frequently comes and goes out the downtown streets. 他去烈阳岛卖鱼的时候,经常出入坊市。 During this, has looked at the innumerable Buddhist musical instruments. 这期间,看过无数法器。 In he has seen in high-grade Buddhist musical instrument, but also no, can compare favorably with this profound Yang Qi. 而在他见过的上品法器中,还没有一件,能比得上这玄阳旗。 800?” “八百吗?” In the Luo Yan heart understands clearly, that Fang Yan this time arrives at Zhou Country, sells off the complete net worth mostly, is used to purchase this flag. 罗阎心中了然,那方岩此番来到周国,多半将全部身家变卖,用来购置这副阵旗。 Only pitifully. 只可惜。 Although the flag is good, he does not have the luck to enjoy. 阵旗虽好,他却无福享用。 But this flag, solves his urgent matter now. 而这阵旗,如今也解了他燃眉之急。 „Does Young Master Luo, you plan to sell out this profound Yang Qi?” Wei Ming looked at eye profound Yang Qi, in the eye revealed a curiosity. “罗公子,你打算将这玄阳旗卖掉?”魏明看了眼玄阳旗,眼中流露一丝好奇。 Can have the risk?” Luo Yan inquired. “可有风险?”罗阎询问。 Profound Yang Qi is expensive. 玄阳旗毕竟昂贵。 When Wei Ming sell, will stare mostly. 魏明出售之时,多半会被人盯上。 No.” “没有。” Wei Ming smiles self-confidently, explained: „The Hua family transaction downtown streets, establish in the illusory space, the member was towed, the whole body can cover gray fog.” 魏明自信一笑,解释道:“火家的交易坊市,建立在虚幻空间当中,修士被牵引进去,周身会笼罩一层灰雾。” Was covered by the gray fog, the figure and sound will be changed. Even divine consciousness, is unable to break through the gray fog, spies on the member.” “被灰雾笼罩,身形、声音都会被改变。甚至连神念,都无法突破灰雾,窥探到修士本身。” Therefore, trades in the Hua family transaction downtown streets, does not have the least bit risk certainly!” “所以,在火家交易坊市进行交易,绝无半点风险!” He strikes one's chest, self-confident. 他一拍胸脯,自信满满。 So good.” Luo Yan feels relaxed smiles. “如此就好。”罗阎释然一笑。 He not only needs that Monster shape technique, Needs to purchase the monster clan source blood. 他不仅需要那【妖形术】,更需要购置妖族源血。 But the monster clan source blood, the inevitable value is expensive. 而妖族源血,必然价值昂贵。 Only has to sell profound Yang Qi, he can afford the monster clan source blood. 唯有卖出玄阳旗,他才买得起妖族源血。 So thinking. 如此想着。 He looks to Wei Ming, said: Today rests for day, tomorrow our depart will go to fierce Yang Dao, purchases that monster shape technique, you help me have a look while convenient, which several monster clan source blood in the downtown streets has, is the price the how much?” 他看向魏明,道:“今天歇息一天,明天我们就出发前往烈阳岛,购买那妖形术,你顺便帮我看看,坊市中都有哪几种妖族源血,作价又是几何?” Yes!” “是!” ...... …… ...... …… Half a month later. 半个月后。 The fishing boat leads the way in the sea, stands is penetrating, by far already obviously fierce Yang Dao in Wei Ming mouth. 渔船在海中前行,站在穿透,远远已可见魏明口中的烈阳岛。 Compares in Yuancang the island, fierce Yang Dao huge ten times of good. 相较于元苍岛,烈阳岛庞大十倍不错。 Looking into the distance, the obvious mountain stands erect in the island center, above the sunlight collects, the radiant shining person, is ordinary just like the second Sun, sends out the infinite light and heat. 放眼望去,可见一座大山矗立在岛中央,其上阳光收束,璀璨耀人,宛如第二个太阳一般,散发出无穷的光和热。 But under mountain, is the close house, the person comes outside the person, is quite lively. 而大山之下,则是鳞次栉比的房屋,其中人来人外,极为热闹。 Again near-point. 再近点。 Then is the lively harbor. 则是繁华港口。 And the ships stand in great numbers, the sketchy number, then has several hundreds. 其中船只林立,粗略一数,便有数百。 In fishing boat. 渔船中。 Luo Yan rain clothes, oppose to sit with Wei and his son. 罗阎一身蓑衣,和魏家父子对立而坐。 This fishing boat is the low-grade Buddhist musical instrument, the cabin surroundings binds solid, blocks the vision, other immortal cultivator are not then able to discover Luo Yan this sheep person. 这艘渔船乃下品法器,船舱周围裹得严严实实,阻断目光,其余修仙者便无法发现罗阎这个羊人。 If by some chance there is a immortal cultivator sensation to be powerful, discovered him. 万一有修仙者感知强大,发现了他。 He has also reached an agreement with Wei and his son, said that he is the servant is then good. 他也已和魏家父子商量好,说他是奴仆便行。 He does not plan to step fierce Yang Dao. 他并不打算踏上烈阳岛。 But will keep on the ship, is waiting for Wei Ming outside the island. 而是会留在船上,在岛外等着魏明 Fierce Yang Dao arrived, Young Master Luo, I in the past.” Wei Ming sets out to say. “烈阳岛到了,罗公子,那我就过去了。”魏明起身道。 Wei Senior dantian was destroyed, but also being able to go in downtown streets?” Luo Yan asked suddenly. “魏前辈丹田被毁,还进得去坊市吗?”罗阎忽然问道。 Can go , the time arrives, I swallow a grain of essence pill, transforms some supernatural powers, was induced sufficiently.” Wei Ming rapid say/way. “进得去,时间一到,我吞下一粒精气丹,转化些法力,便足以被感应到。”魏明迅速道。 Careful.” Luo Yan urging. “小心点。”罗阎叮嘱。 Hehe, Young Master Luo felt relieved, I in fierce Yang Daomai fish 40 years, but also has not had an accident!” Wei Ming cracks into a smile, urged Wei Xu, making Wei Xu stay on the ship well, then walked outward. “嘿嘿,罗公子放心,我在烈阳岛卖鱼四十年,还从没出过事呢!”魏明咧嘴一笑,又叮嘱魏旭,让魏旭好好呆在船上,便朝外走去。 Although he becomes the disabled person, but the surging waves slightly step, treads the wave the line, does not see the least bit to be unfamiliar. 他虽成废人,但凌波微步,踏浪而行,不见半点生疏。 After moment, then comes ashore, walks toward the fierce Yang Dao deep place. 片刻过后,便上了岸,朝烈阳岛深处走去。 On fishing boat. 渔船上。 Only is left over Luo Yan and Wei Xu. 只剩下罗阎魏旭 Facing Luo Yan, Wei Xu is somewhat alarmed and afraid, obviously restless. 面对罗阎,魏旭有些惊惧,更显坐立不安。 Luo Yan thinks otherwise actually. 罗阎倒是不以为然。 He keeps this Wei Xu on the ship, is guarding against Wei Ming to travel with the great sum of money, or asked one group of member to strangle to death his sheep person. Regarding this, Wei Ming should be also well aware, the trip takes Wei Xu on own initiative, by the heart of secure Luo Yan. 他留这魏旭在船上,就是在防备魏明携巨款跑路,或是叫上一群修士来绞杀他这‘羊人’。对此,魏明应该也心知肚明,此行主动带上魏旭,以安罗阎之心。 „Has Young Master Wei, this fierce Yang Dao you gone?” Luo Yan looked at the eye in the fierce Yang Dao direction, suddenly opens the mouth to ask. “魏公子,这烈阳岛你去过吗?”罗阎朝烈阳岛方向看了眼,忽然开口问道。 Has gone.” Wei Xu rushes to nod. “去过。”魏旭赶忙点头。 Compared with a it Yuan dark green island how?” Luo Yan asked with a smile. “比之元苍岛如何?”罗阎笑着问道。 Where can a Yuan dark green island with fierce Yang Dao?” “元苍岛哪能跟烈阳岛比?” Wei Xu curls the lip, came the interest: These countrywomen on Yuan dark green island, few attractive, even female immortal cultivator does not have.” 魏旭撇了撇嘴,来了兴致:“元苍岛上的那些村妇,没几个漂亮的,甚至连个女修仙者都没有。” But this fierce Yang Daoke is different, in the island female immortal cultivator were too many, moreover anything type has.” “但这烈阳岛可不同,岛上女修仙者太多了,而且什么类型的都有。” His eyes shine, as if thought of anything, grins to laugh foolishly, the saliva must remain. 他双眼放光,似乎想到了什么,咧嘴傻笑,口水都要留下来了。 In his opinion, where can Yuan dark green island that group of countrywomen be joined to him? 在他看来,元苍岛那群村妇哪配得上他? Female immortal cultivator that only then keeps aloof, can enter his discernment. 只有高高在上的女修仙者,才能入他法眼。 Female is immortal cultivator, very attractive?” Luo Yan chuckle. “女修仙者,都很漂亮?”罗阎轻笑。 Also not complete. But the makings, the makings do you understand? That type can initiate the makings that the man conquers to want......” Wei Xu to indulge in fantasy, facial expression excited. “也不尽然。但气质,气质你懂吗?那种能引发男人征服欲的气质……”魏旭想入非非,神情激动了起来。 Admires the strong heart, the person all has it. 慕强之心,人皆有之。 He will also fantasize that has the powerful female to cultivate/repair to him adores, comes one to meet with him beautifully. 他也会幻想有强大女修对他倾心,和他来一场美丽邂逅。 Luo Yan smiles, said: Young Master Wei likes female immortal cultivator, why doesn't look for one?” 罗阎笑了笑,道:“魏公子喜欢女修仙者,为何不找一个?” His these words, look like basin cold water, made Wei Xu sober instantaneously. 他这句话,就像是一盆冷水,瞬间让魏旭清醒了过来。 Wei Xu pulls the hair, said with a smile embarrasedly: Where can they have a liking for the country bumpkin who my remote place comes out?” 魏旭抓了抓头发,讪讪笑道:“她们哪看得上我这个穷乡僻壤出来的乡巴佬?” Luo Yan smiles, feels interesting. 罗阎莞尔一笑,感到有趣。 But Wei Xu is saying. 魏旭则自顾自的说着。 Actually, female immortal cultivator indeed be more attractive than the ordinary woman.” “其实啊,女修仙者的确要比普通女人漂亮许多。” Their skins are smoother exquisitely, the waist thigh is more powerful, the stature will also be better.” “她们皮肤更加光滑细腻,腰肢大腿更加有力,身材也会更好。” The most important thing is, their old is very slow, if maintains appropriately, 80 years old look with 40 years old of no difference.” “最重要的是,她们老的很慢,若保养得当,八十岁看上去跟四十岁没什么区别。” He has the attainment, is appraising female immortal cultivator. 他极具心得,评价着女修仙者 A voice revolution, again is then excited: In this fierce Yangcheng, there are three great beauties. Does Young Master Luo want to listen?” 而后话音一转,再度兴奋起来:“这烈阳城中,有三大美人。罗公子想听听吗?” To and irrelevant woman, Luo Yan always does not dare the interest. 对和自己无关的女人,罗阎一向不敢兴趣。 But now is chatting with Wei Xu after all, he cannot refute others face, therefore asked: Which three?” 但现在毕竟在跟魏旭闲聊,他也不能驳了人家面子,故而问道:“哪三个?” Hehe, top two, naturally is Hua family double beautiful, Huo Jinzhi and Hua Jinfeng.” “嘿嘿,排在前二的,自然是火家双姝,火金枝火金凤。” I had once looked at their one eyes from afar, the red hair is floating, the scarlet pupil like the fire, that cheek, that skin, that stature, simply in the fairy maiden with the picture is the same!” “我曾远远看过她们一眼,红发飘飘,赤瞳如火,那脸蛋,那皮肤,还有那身材,简直跟画中仙子一样!” Luo Yan takes down these two names, asked: „?” 罗阎记下这两个名字,又问道:“还有一个呢?” Another? Another beyond one is this fierce Yang Daodao lord fire wife, Fei Qingshu.” “另外一个?另一外就是这烈阳岛岛主火蛮的夫人,斐青姝。” Fei Qingshu, but the Dao Foundation female cultivates, it is reported that is the fire seizes. In order to obtain the heart of Fei Qingshu, the fire even disbanded one group of wife and concubines directly.” 斐青姝可是道基女修,据传是火蛮掳回来的。为了得到斐青姝的心,火蛮甚至直接遣散了一群妻妾。” Can make the fire island Lord so, did you say that Fei Qingshu charm in a big way?” “能让火蛮岛主这般,你说那斐青姝魅力有多大?” Likes me being able to strengthen adds the point to ask everyone to collect:() I can strengthen add the refresh rate to be quickest. 喜欢我能强化加点请大家收藏:()我能强化加点更新速度最快。
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