ICSBAP :: Volume #2

#185: 2 females

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I can strengthen add a https:// 我能强化加点https:// „Can nearby sea area, have the name?” “附近这块海域,可有称呼?” Fierce Yang Dao in your mouth, where is also? In island strength how?” “你口中的烈阳岛,又是何地?岛上实力如何?” Luo Yan thinks, asked curiously. 罗阎想了想,好奇问道。 Day star sea?” “天星海?” Wei Ming pulls the hair, the tone is somewhat scruple. 魏明抓了抓头发,语气有些迟疑。 Does he is not very definite Yuan dark green island belong to a day of star sea, can only determine that fierce Yang Dao belongs to a day of star sea. 他也不是很确定元苍岛属不属于天星海,只能确定那烈阳岛是属于天星海的。 He said that after several seconds, then said: 他说完,顿了几秒后,又接着道: As for fierce Yang Dao, is a big island of day of western Xinghai, his wielding is fierce Yang Hua family, the day lighting a fire lineage/vein, controllable raging fire.” “至于烈阳岛,是天星海西部的一座大岛,其执掌者为烈阳火家,天生火脉,可控烈火。” Hua family has the Dao Foundation big member to assume personal command, therefore fierce Yang Dao is lively, in the island the communication member is also extremely numerous, even every night, will also open the immortal cultivation downtown streets, tows all immortal cultivator to enter.” 火家道基大修士坐镇,所以烈阳岛繁华,岛上来往修士也极多,甚至每天晚上,还会打开修仙坊市,牵引所有修仙者进入。” Goes to fierce Yang Dao from our Yuan dark green island, travels by boat to need about half a month. My every integer moon/month, will go by boat to go to the fierce Yang Daomai fish.” “从我们元苍岛前往烈阳岛,坐船需半月左右。我每个数月,就会乘船前往烈阳岛卖鱼。” Dao Foundation. 道基 Hot lineage/vein. 火脉。 In the Luo Yan eye none flashes. 罗阎眼中精光一闪。 Dao Foundation is the immortal cultivator second boundary, the strength compared with it refining, will have the tremendous changes. 道基修仙者第二境,实力比之炼气,会产生翻天覆地的变化。 Even if he, facing Dao Foundation, only feared that is also difficult to keep off a Dao Foundation finger. 纵然是他,面对道基,只怕也难挡道基一根手指头。 As for the hot lineage/vein...... should be the flame bloodlines. 至于火脉……应该是火焰血脉。 Flame bloodlines, the pure attack bloodlines, immortal cultivator of this grade of bloodlines, only feared that is more powerful than Fang Yan that Chu Race bloodlines.” “火焰血脉,纯粹的攻击血脉,这等血脉的修仙者,只怕比方岩触族血脉强大许多。” „, That fierce Yang Dao, was side big an influence.” “如此说来,那烈阳岛,也算是一方大势力了。” Luo Yan is digesting the information, moment, asked: 罗阎消化着信息,顿了片刻,又问道: That chaotic demon sea? To this place far?” “那乱魔海呢?离此地又有多远?” Chaotic demon sea?” “乱魔海?” In the Wei Ming eye appears panic-stricken: Crossed a day of star sea, is the chaotic demon sea. That is place of bad people running wild, the member is all powerful, and method is cruel.” 魏明眼中浮现一丝惊恐:“过了天星海,就是乱魔海。那是一片群魔乱舞之地,修士个个实力强大,且手段残忍。” Before once had the chaotic demon sea member to flee in all directions, short on the 3rd, then slaughter five islands, over ten thousand population.” “之前曾有乱魔海修士流窜过来,短短三日,便屠了五座岛屿,上万人口。” I heard that chaotic demon sea member has three heads and six arms, the forehead also has an eye, is just like the demon god in that legend.” “我听说那乱魔海修士三头六臂,眉心还有只眼,就好比那传说中的魔神。” Even if member Dao Foundation, is difficult to keep off its moment.” “纵然道基修士,也难挡其片刻。” „After member slaughter five islands, the interest is waning, this racket the buttocks, swaggered away!” “那修士屠了五座岛屿后,意兴阑珊了,这才拍拍屁股,扬长而去!” He said that while the gesture, as if experiences personally general. 他一边说,一边比划,仿佛身临其境一般。 The hearsay that however in fact, these matters are he sells fish hear. 然而事实上,这些事不过是他卖鱼时听到的传闻罢了。 Luo Yan selects the eyebrow, is surprised the different way: „Doesn't Heavenly Star Palace act?” 罗阎挑眉,诧异道:“天星宫不出面吗?” The Wei Ming forced smile, said: Chaotic demon sea member are all powerful, making one be panic at the news, what was Heavenly Star Palace considered as?” 魏明苦笑,道:“乱魔海修士个个强大,令人闻风丧胆,天星宫又算得了什么?” Right?” Some Luo Yan suspicions. “是吗?”罗阎有些怀疑。 The Heavenly Star Palace good and evil is the day of star sea overlord, is insufficient being unable to withstand that like that looked like Wei Ming saying that came the chaotic demon sea member to be able in day star sea to be unscrupulous casually. 天星宫好歹是天星海霸主,不至于像魏明说的那般不堪,随便来个乱魔海修士就能在天星海肆无忌惮。 Chaotic demon day star sea lively powerful is the affirmation. 只是,乱魔海比天星海繁华强大是肯定的。 The Luo Yan look flashes slightly. 罗阎眼神微微闪动。 His original destination, is the chaotic demon sea. 他原本的目的地,就是乱魔海。 Luckily, has an accident in midway, otherwise he toward the chaotic demon sea, was seized by that side member...... 幸好,中途出了事,要不然他直往乱魔海,被那边修士逮住…… That side member, will not look like Wei Ming so to lack the strength to truss up a chicken obviously. 那边修士,显然不会像魏明这般手无缚鸡之力。 His eyeground flashes through one to rejoice. 他眼底闪过一丝庆幸。 Then looks to Wei Ming, told: You select a place in the back side of the mountain retreat, helping me cultivate/repair a log cabin, when the place of my living in seclusion.” 而后看向魏明,吩咐道:“你在后山僻静处挑一块地方,帮我修一间木屋,当我隐居之地。” As for the present, the active law magic arts and related immortal cultivator ancient book will bring.” “至于现在,将所有功法法术和有关修仙者的典籍拿过来。” Good.” “好。” Wei Ming nods, after setting out, asked: Right, has not known that the little friend said.” 魏明点头,起身后又问道:“对了,还不知小友称呼。” „my name is Luo.” Luo Yan tranquil say/way. “我姓罗。”罗阎平静道。 Wei Ming hears the reply, busy say/way: Young Master Luo waits a bit, I urge to go faster return.” 魏明听到回答,忙道:“罗公子稍等,我去去就回。” He looked at Wei Xu, hints passes together. 他看了眼魏旭,示意一起过去。 Wei Xu gawked, immediately sets out, follows Wei Ming to depart. 魏旭愣了下,马上起身,跟随魏明离去。 Two people get to the entrance. 两人走到门口。 At this time, near the ear resounded Luo Yan that tranquil sound. 这时候,耳边又响起罗阎那平静的声音。 Don't and that Ding Zhen is equally stupid, has any crooked thoughts.” “别和那丁震一样蠢,起什么歪心思。” I only have one person, but when your Wei, is only I come in sees, has 37 people.” “我只有一人,而你魏家,光是我进来时看见的,就足足有三十七人。” Listens to the words of Luo Yan this concealment threat, the Wei Ming body to shake, only thinks absolutely terrifiedly. 听着罗阎这隐含威胁的话语,魏明身子一抖,只觉毛骨悚然。 He turns head hastily, 他连忙回头, Scratched head cold sweat: Young Master Luo chatted, the young master forgives me, is the huge kindness, how dare do I render good for evil?” Wei Xu also keeps silent, speaks incoherently saying: Does not dare, we do not dare.” 擦了擦头上冷汗:“罗公子说笑了,公子饶过我,已是天大恩德,我怎敢以德报怨?”魏旭也噤若寒蝉,语无伦次道:“不敢,我们不敢。” How you did not say importantly, I only looked how you do.” “你们如何说不重要,我只看你们如何做。” The Luo Yan tone is faint, then waves, said: Takes the merit law ancient book. I do not like killing people, your Wei Jia cannot want the crooked thoughts, I will not move your Wei slightest. Even, will also help the position of your Wei stable island lord.” 罗阎语气淡漠,而后挥了挥手,道:“去取功法典籍吧。我这人不喜欢杀人,你魏家只要不起歪心思,我也不会动你魏家分毫。甚至,还会助你魏家稳固岛主之位。” Yes.” “是。” Two people depart finally. 二人终于离去。 Outside one is in chaotic situation, one group of wife and concubines servants encircled only, asks this and that. 外面一番鸡飞狗跳,无外乎一群妻妾下人围了上来,问这问那。 Wei and his son are perfunctory. 魏家父子敷衍过去。 Soon, then holds one pile of ancient books to return to the room. 不多久,便捧着一堆典籍回到房间。 Young Master Luo, the banquet has arranged, the young master first enters the feast, first reads the ancient book.” “罗公子,宴席已经备好,公子是先入宴,还是先看典籍。” Wei Ming puts on the ancient book the table, cautious asking. 魏明将典籍放到桌上,小心翼翼的问道。 Luo Yan thinks, said: 罗阎想了想,道: Took a seat exempted, so as to avoid frightened the person of your Wei Residence, some of your casual end meals came to be able.” “入席就免了,免得吓到你魏府之人,你随便端些饭菜来便可。” Enters this Wei Residence, these people looked where his look does not have to go well. 进入这魏府,那些人看他的眼神也没好到哪去。 He is also disinclined to bring upon oneself dully, was loathed. 他也懒得自找没趣,被人厌恶。 Wei Ming nods, turns around to urge the son: Goes to some end meals to come.” 魏明点头,转身叮嘱儿子:“去端些饭菜过来。” „.” “哦。” Wei Xu saw that Luo Yan feared, if at this moment hears the pardon, is too busy to push the door. 魏旭看到罗阎就怕,此刻如闻大赦,忙不迭推门而出。 Before long. 不一会儿。 One table of fine meals then suspend to Luo Yan in front. 一桌精致的饭菜便摆到罗阎面前。 Luo Yan eats to the heart's content, sweeps across all meals. 罗阎大快朵颐,将所有饭菜席卷一空。 This meal taste is common. 这饭菜滋味一般。 But the food is good. 但食材皆为上佳。 Especially that red-roast fish, unexpectedly by a spirit fish cooking. 尤其是那红烧鱼,竟是由一尾灵鱼烹饪而成。 Swallows into the abdomen, immediately changes into the raging flame, made his courage vigor slightly, only thinks that the whole body was insightful. 吞入腹中,登时化为熊熊烈火,令他血气微张,只觉浑身通透舒畅。 Finished eating the food, washing bathed. 吃完饭,又洗漱沐浴。 The sky is exudes fish-belly white. 天空已是泛起鱼肚白。 Luo Yan sends away Wei and his son, resides in the backyard room, starts these ancient books that glance through Wei and his son to assume. 罗阎屏退魏家父子,居于后院房间中,开始翻阅魏家父子呈上来的这些典籍。 First. 首先。 Is a merit law, three magic arts. 是一功法,三法术。 Luo Yan careful reading. 罗阎细细阅读。 Discovery Cultivating vital energy secret art Slightly some were inferior compared with it expiration and inspiration technique, is far compared with it small sidereal revolution expiration and inspiration technique. 发现【养气诀】比之吐纳术稍有不如,比之小周天吐纳术更是相差甚远。 The method cannot withstand vulgarly, may be called the expiration and inspiration technique and small sidereal revolution expiration and inspiration technique simple. 其法门粗鄙不堪,堪称吐纳术和小周天吐纳术的简易般。 Naturally, is good simply. 当然,简单也有好处。 Is a easier seat of honor. 就是更加容易上手。 These foundation merit laws, the first step, is the luck enters the body. But this step, does not seem easy. Otherwise, in this island not only then few several immortal cultivator.” Luo Yan glances through the cultivating vital energy secret art, the facial expression looking pensive. “这些基础功法,第一步,就是引气入体。但这一步,似乎并不容易。要不然,这岛上不会只有寥寥数位修仙者。”罗阎翻阅养气诀,神情若有所思。 Perhaps. 或许。 Is also related with the aptitude. 跟资质也有关。 The bloodlines are stronger, the aptitude is better. 血脉越强,资质越佳。 But the same bloodlines, the aptitude also has the division of fit and unfit quality. 而同一种血脉,资质也有优劣之分。 The quite outstanding innate bloodlines, can the luck enter the body. 较为优异的先天血脉,能够引气入体。 But the bad innate bloodlines, even the luck enters the body to be difficult. 而较差的先天血脉,连引气入体都难。 Except that the luck enters the body, which step following can arrive, can walk far, only feared that also has the enormous relations with the bloodlines aptitude. 除了引气入体,后续能走到哪一步,能走多远,只怕跟血脉资质也有极大关系。 So thinking. 这般想着。 He closes Cultivating vital energy secret art, Also looks to other three magic arts. 他合上【养气诀】,又看向其他三门法术。 Arc light cuts, Spirit shield technique With light-body technique. 【弧光斩】、【灵盾术】和【轻身术】。 And the spirit shield technique, he has grasped. 其中灵盾术,他已掌握。 After he glances through, discovered that this spirit shield technique grasps compared with him simpler. 他翻阅之后,发现这灵盾术比他掌握的更加简易些。 As for light-body the technique and arc light cuts, similarly quite simple, is only the common goods. 至于轻身术和弧光斩,同样较为简易,只是大路货。 The Luo Yan careful reading, the pupil belt/bring was a pity. 罗阎仔细阅读,眸带可惜。 Three magic arts, although simple, but he wants to study similarly. 三门法术,虽然简易,但他同样想学。 Only pitifully, he not the dantian, does not have the supernatural power now...... 只可惜,他如今并无丹田,更无法力…… „......” “不过……” In the Luo Yan mind appears the arc light to cut the method, the thought rotates slightly. 罗阎脑海中浮现出弧光斩法门,念头微微转动。 Bang!” “轰!” true qi gushes out. 真气涌出。 The arc light appears together instantaneously, fluctuates in his whole body. 一道弧光瞬间浮现,在他周身起伏。 This has not calculated. 这还不算完。 Quick, second, third, even the fourth arc light, condensed. 很快,第二道,第三道,甚至第四道弧光,也凝聚了出来。 Four arc light fluctuate before his body. 四道弧光在他身前起伏。 Then, such as the arm refers, goes toward the distant place lasing, turns back in the midair, before returning to his body . 而后,如臂所指,朝远处激射而去,又在半空折返,回到他身前。 If Wei Ming sees this, decides however must startled fall down close to. 魏明看到这一幕,定然要惊掉下巴。 Even if he, can only control two arc light simultaneously, but Luo Yan, actually by sheep person body, positive governing four arc light! 纵然是他,都只能同时控制两道弧光,而罗阎,却以‘羊人’之躯,直接控制四道弧光! martial arts mostly is simplified to come by the magic arts. This arc light cuts, similarly may simplify is martial arts, only need the supernatural power replace be true qi can.” 武学大多由法术简化而来。这弧光斩,同样可简化为武学,只需将法力替换为真气便可。” Moreover, my true qi, may not be been weak by the supernatural power.” “而且,我的真气,不一定会被法力弱。” Luo Yan does not know many martial arts experiences now. 罗阎如今不知得了多少武道经验。 The attainments on mediocre martial arts, said that the first person is not overrated through the ages. 凡俗武道上的造诣,称之古往今来第一人都不为过。 Takes the magic arts as the template, founds martial arts, him, but is changes mind. 以法术为模板,开创一门武学,于他而言,不过是转念之间。 He smiles, diverges the arc light. 他轻轻一笑,散去弧光。 Also then, took up other ancient books to look. 而后,又拿起其他典籍看了起来。 slaughter dragon legend 【屠龙传奇】 Yuan immortal travel notes 【元大仙游记】 Fishing said 【捕鱼者说】 100 ways of fishing 【钓鱼的一百种方式】 First-order spirit fish comprehensive work 【一阶灵鱼大全】 ...... …… These ancient books, either are the novel biographies, either with fishing related knowledge. 这些典籍,要么是小说传记,要么是跟钓鱼有关的知识。 He carefully read. 他仔细阅读。 Pouring also understood local conditions and social customs of this side boundary reluctantly. 倒也勉强算是了解了此方地界的风土人情。 Only pitifully, no with bloodlines related knowledge. 只可惜,其中没有一丝和血脉有关的知识。 It seems like, can only make that Wei Ming go to fierce Yang Dao to try to find the solution.” “看来,只能让那魏明去烈阳岛想想办法了。” „...... spirit stones.” “还有……灵石。” Luo Yan rubbed the forehead. 罗阎揉了揉眉心。 Wei Ming sells the fish man, along with the reason makes money, thinks to know that in the hand does not have many spirit stones. 魏明一个卖鱼佬,随缘赚钱,想想就知道手中没多少灵石。 Buys the merit law spirit stones, but must he come. 买功法的灵石,还得他来出。 Read and here, he put out two storage bag from the bosom. 念及此处,他从怀中拿出两个储物袋 storage bag must open by the supernatural power, he does not have the supernatural power, but that Wei Xu has. 储物袋需以法力打开,他没有法力,但那魏旭有。 ...... …… ...... …… ...... …… Luo Yan goes by boat for a half year in the sea, while bathtub drift half a month, the mortal body is tired, the vigor also has been exhausted. 罗阎在海中乘船半年,又乘澡盆漂流半月,肉身倦怠,精气神也已疲惫不堪。 Reads the ancient book. 看完典籍。 He then to the end heavy goes off. 他便倒头沉沉睡去。 This rests, has rested from afternoon next morning. 这一睡,一直从下午睡到第二天清晨。 He wakes up shortly. 他醒来没多久。 Wei and his son then receive the message, caught up in a hurry. 魏家父子便收到消息,匆匆赶了过来。 Following also has three females. 随之而来的还有三个女子。 And, he also looks familiar extremely, impressively is that Ding Zhen lovely wife Chinese parasol tree. 其中一个,他还极为眼熟,赫然是那丁震的娇妻梧桐。 Young Master Luo, you awakes.” “罗公子,您醒啦。” The Wei Ming facial expression is humble, says with a smile: Yesterday was hurried, has not provided the servants to you with enough time.” 魏明神情谦卑,笑道:“昨日匆忙,未来得及给你配备奴婢。” Look selected two water spirit girls to you specially, possibly does not enter the young master discernment, but is the clean virgin, the young master makes to put up with suddenly.” “这不,特意给你挑了两个水灵的姑娘,可能不入公子法眼,但都是干净处子,公子将就一下。” Luo Yan looks to that two young girls. 罗阎看向那两个少女。 Two females seem like roughly 13 or 14-year-old, actually like the flower bud, can see several points of beautiful woman embryo faintly. 两女看上去约莫十三四岁,却如花骨朵般,隐隐能看出几分美人胚子。 And an oval face, quite selects high, at this moment lowers the head, the facial expression is somewhat cautious. 其中一个瓜子脸,较为高挑,此刻低着头,神情有些拘谨。 Another cheek is clear, at present is also hanging several grains of light freckles, sees him to look, the pitch-black eye is even more nimble and resourceful, is ordinary just like the black gem. 另一个则脸蛋圆润,眼下还挂着几粒淡淡的雀斑,见他望来,乌黑的眼睛越发灵动,宛如黑宝石一般。 Two people attire is simple. 两人衣着朴素。 Thinks on the knowledge. 想想就知。 Definitely is in the island the miss of which family/home, was seized by this Wei and his son in a hurry. 肯定是岛上谁家的姑娘,被这魏家父子匆匆掳了过来。 Luo Yan thinks. 罗阎想了想。 He on this Yuan dark green island, only feared that must linger for a long time. 他在这元苍岛上,只怕要盘桓许久。 In the future will be admitted to the back side of the mountain, indeed needs individual and this Wei Ming father and son relates. 日后住进后山,的确需要个人与这魏明父子联系。 But only needs one person then. 但只需一人即可。 So thinking. 这般想着。 He looks to two young girls, tranquil say/way: Anyone of you wants to remain.” 他看向两个少女,平静道:“你们谁想留下来。” Facing his inquiry. 面对他的提问。 That selects the young girl to lower the head high, is biting the lip, did not say a word. 那高挑少女低着头,咬着嘴唇,一言不发。 But that freckle young girl jumps for joy saying: I am willing to stay behind, serve the immortal master.” 而那雀斑少女则雀跃道:“我愿留下,侍奉仙师。” Her voice is clear, is quite decisive. 她声音清脆,极为果断。 Good, you stay behind.” “好,那你留下。” Luo Yan nods, looks to nearby Wei Ming: Returns to side this miss her parents, do not create obstacles for her.” 罗阎点头,看向一旁的魏明:“将这位姑娘送回她父母身边,别刁难她。” Good.” Wei Ming rushes to nod. “好。”魏明赶忙点头。 That selects the young girl to see that high, the long stretch/leisurely one breath, in the eye appears a happiness. 那高挑少女见状,长舒一口气,眼中浮现一丝欢愉。 This sheep people made her feel sick. 这羊人令她作呕。 Luckily, has not chosen her...... 幸亏,没选择她…… In her heart rejoiced, has almost not jumped directly. 她心中庆幸,差点没直接蹦起来。 But that freckle young girl facial expression rouses, is looking at carefully Luo Yan carefully. 而那雀斑少女则神情振奋,仔细端详着罗阎 She can feel that Luo Yan aura, ill-flavored, is the lowly sheep person. 她能感觉到罗阎身上的气息,令人反感,是卑贱的羊人。 But sheep people how? 但羊人又如何? Even Wei Ming this grade of immortal master is respectful, even if sheep people, that is also not the ordinary sheep person! 魏明这等仙师都恭恭敬敬,纵然是羊人,那也是不一般的羊人! In brief. 总之。 Follows side Luo Yan, compared with following definitely to be stronger side immortal master Wei Ming! 跟在罗阎身边,比跟在仙师魏明身边肯定要强! Luo Yan has not paid attention to the wishful thinkings of two young girls, looked that to Chinese parasol tree that likes a cat on hot bricks, said lightly: Wei Senior, do you lead her to do really?” 罗阎没理会两个少女的小心思,又看向那局促不安的梧桐,淡淡道:“魏前辈,你带她过来作甚?” Likes me being able to strengthen adds the point to ask everyone to collect:() I can strengthen add the refresh rate to be quickest. 喜欢我能强化加点请大家收藏:()我能强化加点更新速度最快。
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