Icanstrengthenadd a https://
我能强化加点https://gold/metalLuowangcontracts, Ding Zhenstrugglesstrongly, does not have the least bituse.
金罗网收缩,丁震竭力挣扎,却没有半点用处。Soon, was bundledbecomes a steamed rice dumpling, lies downon the ground, cannot move.
不多时,便被捆成一个粽子,躺在地上,动弹不得。Thisgold/metaltrapis the mid-gradeBuddhist musical instrument.
The sizeis pleasant, is tenaciously difficultto destroy.
大小如意,坚韧难毁。Spent the Wei Ming18spirit stones, is a fishing equipment.
花了魏明十八块灵石,乃是一件渔具。Usuallyfishes, even ifsevenproductLingyuis also hardto escape, let alonerefiningtwoyoungmember?
“不错。”Luo Yanacclaimed, the lookmocked: „Thisplay is really pleasant.”罗阎赞叹,眼神讥诮:“这场戏真是赏心悦目。”Thisgold/metaltrapspeedis too slow.
这金罗网速度太慢。If the covertohim, hedoes not know where ran.
若罩向他,他早就不知跑哪里去了。Wei Xuwas seized the neckbyLuo Yan, exudeswū wū the soundunceasingly, is looking at presentthis, the lookincomparabledespair.魏旭被罗阎掐住脖子,不断发出呜呜声,望着眼前这一幕,眼神无比的绝望。Wei Mingdoes not feel bettersimilarly.魏明同样不好受。AlthoughunderseizingDing Zhen, butin an instant, oneselfcomplexionis then pallid, auraeven moredispirited.
虽擒下丁震,但转眼间,自己便面色煞白,连带气息都越发萎靡。Needleis one feet, is the outstanding person in low-gradeBuddhist musical instrument.
厄法针长一尺,为下品法器中的佼佼者。Gets down, maybreak the dantian, releases the supernatural power.
一针下去,可破丹田,泄法力。Was injuredbyneedle, the supernatural powerwill releasecompletelyafterseveralminutes.
被厄法针所伤,法力将在数分钟后全部泄完。Henceforward, degenerates into the mediocre person, only ifhas been patched the dantian the compounded drug.
自此以后,沦为庸人,除非得到修补丹田的丹药。Butthatand otherstrangemedicine, even if using the entireWei, is impossible to buy.
但那等奇药,纵然倾尽整个魏家,都不可能买得到。Hedraws outneedle, the heartlike the dying embers.
他拔出厄法针,心如死灰。Looked at the eyeinDing Zhen that in the trapwailsto weep bitterly, thenlookstoLuo Yan, the voiceis hoarse:
看了眼在罗网中哀嚎痛哭的丁震,而后望向罗阎,嗓音沙哑:„Little friend, Ding Zhen I have seized, gives the little friend, allows somebody to have his own way the little friendto handle. If the little friendalsohasotherconditions, I may also oneandcomply.”
“小友,丁震我已擒下,交给小友,听凭小友处置。若小友还有其它条件,我也可一并答应。”„Onlyhopes, the little friendcanforgiverising sun.”
“只希望,小友能饶过旭儿。”Hebecomes the disabled personnow, onlyhopesownsoncanescape death by a hair's breadth.
他现在成为废人,只希望自己儿子能幸免于难。Has not needed the Luo Yanopens the mouth.
还不待罗阎开口。Ding Zhenthensheds bitter tears saying:丁震便痛哭流涕道:„Luo Yan, youkillmeto be able, butcannotputthem.”
“罗阎,你杀我可以,但千万不能放了他们。”„ThisYuandark greenislandbelongs toHeavenly Star Palace, thatHeavenly Star Palacehas the Dao Foundationboundarybigmemberto assume personal command, ifyouputthem, theywill certainly request reinforcementstoHeavenly Star Palace.”
“这元苍岛归属天星宫,那天星宫有道基境大修士坐镇,你若放了他们,他们一定会向天星宫求援的。”immortal cultivatorbyweak, is divided into the refining, Dao Foundation, Yuan Pill.修仙者由弱至强,分为炼气、道基、元丹等。Dao Foundation, is a sideoverlord.道基,已然是一方霸主。„Youshut up!”
The Wei Mingcheekpulls out, after staringWei Xu, toLuo Yanexplained:魏明面皮一抽,瞪了眼魏旭后,又向罗阎解释:„Little frienddo not listen tohimto speak irresponsibly, Heavenly Star Palacepowerfulyesright, butwithout the advantage, wheretheywill act?”
“小友别听他乱说,天星宫实力强大是没错,但没有好处,他们哪会出手?”„Let alone, a Yuandark greenislandis onlyin the Heavenly Star Palacesphere of influence the islands of mostedge, the Heavenly Star Palacegreat persondoes not have the leisurely moodto comethisremoteplace.”
“更何况,元苍岛只是天星宫势力范围内最边缘的一座岛屿,天星宫的大人物才没闲心来这偏僻之地。”Ding Zhencounter-attacksimmediately: „Youlie! Heavenly Star Palaceeachtenyearswill have dispatchedstar envoyto come to the Yuandark greenislandto collect taxes, calculate the time, star envoywithinoneyearwill come.”丁震马上反击:“你撒谎!天星宫每过十年就会差遣星使来元苍岛收税,算算时间,星使一年之内就会过来。”Heonlywantsto get into the waterWei Mingnow.
他现在只想将魏明拖下水。Does not havehisreason, becauseonlyWei MingsaidthouwifeIraisesthese words!
他可以死。Buthiswomanandchildcannothave an accident.
但他的女人、孩子绝不能出事。Helived for more than 20yearson the island, too the mental disposition of understandingthisold thing.
他在岛上生活了二十多年,太了解这老东西的秉性了。„Where can star envoytake a liking to my and other youngmember? Except forcollecting taxes, will not manageothermatters!......”Wei Minganxiousexplanation.
The soundwas anxious.
声音急了。Cannot bearcoughscontinuallyseveral.
The abdomenflows out the blood, is even more dark red.
The appreciation that Luo Yanis calm and composed even in press of worktwopeople of performances, were looking atWei Ming, lightnod: „Ibelieveyou.”罗阎好整以暇的欣赏着二人的表演,看了眼魏明,淡淡点头:“我信你。”Hearsthisword, Wei Mingsuch ashears the pardon, longrelaxes.
听闻此言,魏明如闻大赦,长松一口气。But the Ding Zhenactuallywhole bodyshakes, even moreis then crazy: „Sheeppersoneverybody has the right to punish! Youdamnsheepperson, do not think that youlet offthisold thing, thisold thingwill let offyou!”
而丁震却浑身一震,而后越发疯狂:“羊人人人得而诛之!你个该死的羊人,别以为你放过这老东西,这老东西就会放过你!”„Hewithyouemptywithwinding, hewill find the wayto killyou!”
“他在跟你虚与委蛇,他会想办法杀了你!”„Youdo not killhim, after yourcertainmeeting,......”
“你不杀他,你一定会后……”Finishing barely the words.
A treasured swordisair-splitting, piercesitsinnermost feelings, itsnailon the ground.
The dark redbloodgushes outfromitsswordbladeedge.
The Ding Zhenlookcirclestares, stares atWei Mingstubbornly, the lipis moving, seemed saying that anythingcursed the words.丁震眼神圆瞪,死死盯着魏明,嘴唇动了动,似乎在说什么诅咒话语。Inseveralseconds.
没过几秒。Thenheadonecrooked, did not have the aurathoroughly.
便脑袋一歪,彻底没了气息。ActuallyisLuo Yanpulls out the treasured sword that the Wei Xuwaistcarries, a swordresultDing Zhen.
却是罗阎抽出魏旭腰间携带的宝剑,一剑结果了丁震。RemovesDing Zhen,
除掉丁震,HelookstoWei Ming, the lookponders: „WeiSeniorwithmeemptyandwinding?”Wei Mingshakes the headcrazily, in reverential awe: „Does not dare.”
他看向魏明,眼神玩味:“魏前辈是在跟我虚与委蛇吗?”魏明疯狂摇头,诚惶诚恐:“不敢。”Inhispresentheartonly thenregretted.
他现在心中只有后悔。Regretsto believe the Ding Zhenwords, causing the sonto be captured, oneselfbecame the disabled person, wheredaresto planLuo Yanagain?
后悔听信丁震的话,导致儿子被擒,自己成了废人,哪敢再算计罗阎?Luo YanlookstoWei Xu in hand, slightlylooseslackening offstrength: „Young MasterWei?”罗阎又看向手中的魏旭,微微松了松劲力:“魏公子呢?”„Big brother...... forgives.”
The Wei Xulookis alarmed and afraid, saiddifficultly.魏旭眼神惊惧,艰难说道。Luo Yanlooked down the Wei Xumoistpants crotch.罗阎低头看了眼魏旭湿润的裤裆。Heknows, the will of the people are instable.
他知道,人心易变。Even ifat this timethisWei and his sonadmitted defeatsincerely, in the heartdid not have the meaning of resistanceagain.
纵然此时这魏家父子诚心服软,心中再无反抗之意。Perhapsif by any chance, howhas planned on the 2nd is harminghim.
但等过两日,说不定又谋算着如何害他。Hisvisionglittersslightly, resemblesis pondering.
他目光微微闪烁,似在沉思。Wei and his sonare commonjust like the waitingtrial, the complexionis pallid, terrified.
魏家父子则宛如等待审判一般,面色煞白,惶恐不安。For a long time.
The Luo Yanlipmoves, coldlyputs outseveralcharacters: „Leadsmeto go toWei Residence.”罗阎嘴唇动了动,冷冷吐出几个字:“带我去魏府。”HediscardsWei Xuconveniently, the soundis unquestionable.
他随手扔掉魏旭,声音不容置疑。ThisWei Xu, similarlyis the refiningtwomember, antsso, hewave to kill, could not become the threattoother party.
这魏旭,同样是炼气二层修士,这般的蝼蚁,他挥手便可打杀,对他造成不了威胁。Let alone.
更何况。Thisperson of disposition, as ifalsosomeissues.
“是。”Wei Mingnodshastily , helping upWei Xu, thenturns aroundto guide, eventhatgold/metaltrapdoes not dareto receive.魏明连忙点头,扶起魏旭,便转身带路,甚至连那金罗网都不敢去收。Luo Yantakes down the gold/metaltrap, squeezes in the bosom, blindly follows suit, followsinWei Mingbehind.罗阎取下金罗网,塞入怀中,亦步亦趋,跟在魏明身后。At this time.
这时候。Surroundingsmanypeopleencircled, seesLuo Yan, visionare repugnant, mustopen the mouth.
周围不少人围了过来,见到罗阎,一个个目光反感,就要开口。Buttheyalsoopen the mouthwithout enough time, Wei Mingistakes the leadto scold.
可他们还来不及开口,魏明已是率先呵斥。„Encircles here doesreally? Allrollstome!”
“围在这儿作甚?全都给我滚!”As an islandislandlord, Wei Mingpower and influenceextremely, coldreprimand, surroundingsperson, althoughin the heartis puzzled, butalso the little darlingretreats.
很快。Threepeoplethenarrive at the summit, entersWei Residence.
三人便来到山顶,走进魏府。„Master, Young master, is your?”
Before the gate, has the servant, just asked that thenwelcomed the Wei Mingcoldvision.
门前有下人,刚开口询问,便迎来魏明冷冽目光。Wei Minglooked atLuo Yancautiously, thenturns the headto looktothatservant, coldsound said: „Honored guestvisits, but alsostaresis doing, hasn't preparedto the guestreceptiongives a welcoming dinner?”魏明小心翼翼的看了眼罗阎,而后转头看向那下人,冷声道:“贵客上门,还愣着作甚,还不准备给客人接风洗尘?”Honored guests?
贵客?Severalservantsare puzzled, after glimpsingLuo Yan, in the heartis strangeandshocking.
Did the mastermake the sheeppersoncome backunexpectedly?
老爷竟然引了个羊人回来?Added that is an honored guest?
还说是贵客?Theyare puzzled, butlooksownmasteryoung master’srespectfulappearancetothatsheeppeople, does not dareto reveal the least bitto disrespect.
他们不解,但看自家老爷公子对那羊人的恭敬模样,也不敢露出半点不敬。Luo YanfollowsinWei Mingbehind. All the way.罗阎跟在魏明身后。一路上。
The servantandWei Mingseveralroom/houseconcubineroomandWei Xuseveralroom/houseconcubinerooms, even have Wei Xupair of 2 or 3 years oldchildren, allactsto welcome.
下人、魏明的几房妾室、魏旭的几房妾室、甚至还有魏旭一双两三岁的儿女,全都出面相迎。Although the Yuandark greenislandis small.
元苍岛虽小。ButthisWei Residencewife and concubines, actuallyalsoprettylikeflower, variousis unique.
但这魏府一众妻妾,却也都貌美如花,各具风情。Wei and his sonlook nervous.
魏家父子神情紧张。For fear thatLuo Yanisthatand other immoralevil people, proposed that requestsexcessively.
生怕身后罗阎是那等淫邪恶人,提出过分要求。Is goodbecause, Luo Yanfrom beginning to endremainssilent, has not saidanything.
好在,罗阎自始至终都保持静默,没有说些什么。Instudy room.
书房中。Wei and his sonsend away the wife and concubinesservant, respectfullooksto sitLuo Yanonseat of honor.
魏家父子屏退妻妾下人,恭敬的看着坐在主位上的罗阎。„Little friend, thistimeactstoyou, isIand otherswas not right. Youhaveanythingto request, saidalthough, wesatisfiedyouas far as possible.”Wei Mingcautiousopens the mouth.
“小友,这次对你出手,是我等不对。你有什么要求,尽管说出来,我们尽量都满足你。”魏明小心翼翼的开口。Helooks pale, the lower abdomensimplewraps upmerely, stops the blood.
The Wei Xusimilarnod, puts on a long face, pitifulis looking atLuo Yan.魏旭同样点头,哭丧着脸,可怜巴巴的望着罗阎。Underfather.
他并无多少主见。Usuallyexcept forlascivious, is an overly cautious and prudentperson, simplydoes not havemanycitygovernment offices.
平时除了好色了点,也就是个老实巴交的人,根本没多少城府。At this timefacingLuo Yan, had been scared.
此时面对罗阎,早已被吓破了胆。„Ilook atWeiSeniorauradispirited, the strengthdraws backgreatly. Later, but can also continueto hold the post of the islandlord?”Luo Yandoes not havefirstto put forward requirement, butsaying that ifhas referred.
“我看魏前辈气息萎靡,实力大退。以后,还能继续担任岛主?”罗阎没有第一时间提要求,而是若有所指的说道。Hehas observed, in the middle ofthisWei Residence, besidesthistoWei and his son, threeimmortal cultivator.
他观察过,这魏府当中,除了这对魏家父子,还有三位修仙者。Threepeople of strengthsare weak, is about the same as Wei Xu.
三人实力较弱,和魏旭在伯仲之间。Ifin the past, thisWei Mingmaysuppressthreepeople.
但如今……Hears the Luo Yanwords, the Wei Mingeyelidjumpssuddenly, at oncesighsdisappointed.
听到罗阎的话,魏明眼皮猛然一跳,旋即怅然叹了口气。Luo Yansaidright.罗阎说的没错。Hebecomes the disabled personnow, onlydepending onWei Xu, has absolutely neverpossiblysuppresses the Yuandark greenisland.
他如今成为废人,仅凭魏旭,是决无可能镇压元苍岛的。In a short time, is awed byhisremaining prestige, perhaps others do not dareto begin.
短期之内,慑于他之余威,其他人或许不敢动手。Butwhenheloses the strength the newsto spread.
但等到他失去实力的消息传开。Definitelysomepeoplewill be ready to make trouble, actstohim.
必然会有人蠢蠢欲动,对他出手。Hesmiles bitterly, said: „Does little friendwantto work as the islandlords? Iam willingto give the little friend the position of islandlord, onlyhopes that the little friendcanputmeand otherway out.”
他苦笑一声,道:“小友是想当岛主吧?我愿意将岛主之位让给小友,只希望小友能放我等一条生路。”Heguesses correctly the Luo Yangoal, directauthorities.
他猜出罗阎目的,直接了当道。Luo Yangives a calm smile: „Islandlordyouto continueto work as. Iwill also be helpingyousecretly, helpingyouconsolidate the position of islandlord.”罗阎淡然一笑:“岛主你继续当。我还会在幕后助你,帮你稳固岛主之位。”„?”
“哦?”In the Wei Mingheartmoves, the lookis pleasantly surprised, is busy atpursuingasks: „What do Ineedto dofor the little friend?”魏明心中一动,眼神惊喜,忙追问道:“那我需要为小友做些什么?”„Simple, youareoutwardlyonislandlord, Iam the secretislandlord. Youmusthandle mattersforme.” The Luo Yansoundis faint.
他是所谓‘羊人’。Hisvisionfrom the surroundingperson, cansee that typecarves the repugnanceinbone.
从周围人看他的目光,就能看出那种刻在骨子里的反感。Ifheworks as the islandlord, only if the military forcesuppressesall, will otherwise definitely cause the mutiny.
若他当岛主,除非武力镇压一切,要不然肯定会引起哗变。Such being the case.
既然如此。Hehidesinsimplysecretly, acts as the white glovesbythisWei Ming.
“好。”Wei Minghas not thought that directlynod.魏明没有多想,径直点头。
The peopleunder the eaves, have tolower the head.
人在屋檐下,不得不低头。Even if the request of Luo Yanis disadvantageoustohim, healso can only comply.
纵然罗阎的要求对他再不利,他也只能答应。Actually, hehas completed the worstplan, even ifeven the Luo Yanopens the mouthdemandedownsonseveralyoungprettyconcubines, hewill still complywithout hesitationdirectly.
其实,他心里早已做好最坏的打算,甚至就算罗阎开口索要自家儿子几房年轻漂亮的小妾,他也会毫不犹豫直接答应。Lethimwork aswhite gloves, reason that hehas not naturally complied with.
让他当个白手套而已,他自然没有不答应的理由。SeesWei Mingto nod, Luo Yansatisfactionsmiles, thinks, said:
见魏明点头,罗阎满意一笑,想了想,又道:„Inthisisland the person, seesmeto be disgusted, Wei can Seniorhave the law of cover?”
“这岛上之人,见我都心生厌恶,魏前辈可有掩盖之法?”„This......”Wei Minghesitateslittle, the forced smileshakes the head:
“这……”魏明沉吟少许,苦笑摇头:„No, the sheeppersoninbornevilstrength, Iand othersseeingthencanscreen, andis disgusted.”
“没有,羊人天生孽力,我等见之便能甄别,并心生厌恶。”„Ifholds the discernment, evenmayface directly the filthyevilstrength, such as...... is ordinaryonsuch as the colorfulexcrement, flowsin the sheeppersonseven orifices.”
“若开法眼,甚至可直面污浊孽力,就如……就如五颜六色的屎一般,在羊人七窍流淌。”Hescratchedheadcold sweat.
他擦了擦头上的冷汗。sheeppeopleis the bloodlinesdegenerationspecies.
羊人是血脉退化的物种。Evenhas the hearsay, beforealsosomelots ofsheeppeopleand their grade of normal peoplemixedto occupy, oftenlived the disastertribulation, the worldwas chaotic.
甚至有传闻,以前还有大量羊人和他们这等正常人混居,常生灾劫,天地混乱。Hascandisplay the bigmagical powersgreatly, allexpelssheeppeopletoanotherboundary, canalsoworldringing the universe.
还是有大能施展大神通,将羊人全部驱逐到另外一处地界,才得以还天地一个朗朗乾坤。In brief.
在一切传闻中。sheeppeoplerepresentwickedly, representdirty, representdespicably.
羊人都代表恶、代表脏、代表卑劣。Naturally, theywill be disgustedof the sheepperson, andmaliciousfull.
自然而然,他们这些人会对羊人心生反感,且恶意满满。Luo Yanknits the brows.罗阎皱眉。It seems like that hemustfind the way the variationto be as soon as possible good, will otherwise only be unable to take a single step forwardinthissideboundary.
看来,他得想办法尽快变异才行,要不然在这方地界只会寸步难行。HelookstoWei Ming, said: „WhatWeiSeniorpracticesiswhichmeritlaw? Alsomeetsseveralmagic arts?”
他看向魏明,道:“魏前辈修行的是哪种功法?又会几门法术?”Wei Mingsaidhastily: „Imajor in the meritlawam【Cultivating vital energysecret art】, As for the magic arts, Igraspsthreenow, and they are【Arc lightcuts】, 【Spiritshieldtechnique】With【light-bodytechnique】.”魏明连忙道:“我主修功法为【养气诀】,至于法术,我如今共掌握三门,分别是【弧光斩】、【灵盾术】和【轻身术】。”„Un?”
“嗯?”Luo Yansurpriselooked atWei Ming, said: „Didn't thishave? Ilistened tothatDing Zhen saying that youwere solemn the refiningfivebigmember.”罗阎诧异的看了眼魏明,道:“这就没了?我听那丁震说,你可是堂堂炼气五层大修士。”
The Wei Mingcomplexionis embarrassed, saidembarrasedly:魏明面色窘迫,讪讪道:„Refiningfive, but the ants, maywork as not to the bigmemberthreecharacters.”
“炼气五层,不过蝼蚁,可当不得大修士三字。”„MythisYuandark greenislandpositionis remote, severalyearscannot meet a member, whichneedand do the personspar?”
“我这元苍岛位置偏僻,几年都遇不上一个修士,哪需要与人斗法?”„Can'tspar, takes the troublestudies the magic artsto dowith effortreally?”
“不需与人斗法,费心费力去学法术作甚?”„Saidagain, the magic artsare not cheap.”
“再说了,法术都不便宜。”Luo Yannods.罗阎点头。Wasunderstands.
The Yuandark greenislandis a rarepersontoremoteplace.
元苍岛就是个罕有人至的偏僻之地。ThisWei Minghumble abodedesert island, lords it over.
这魏明蜗居荒岛,称王称霸。Withoutpressure, withoutmoney, where will also goto study the magic arts?
没有压力,也没有钱,又哪会去学法术?However is also so.
不过也是这般。OneselfcansoseizethisWei Mingwith ease, andmakesthisWei Minglittle darlinggivehimto work as the white gloves.
自己才能如此轻松擒下这魏明,并且让这魏明乖乖给他当白手套。„Thatresemblesyoursomember, howto earnspirit stones?” The Luo Yanpupilbelt/bringis curious.
“那似你这般修士,如何赚取灵石?”罗阎眸带好奇。„Mynotrefiner , the refine the pill of immortality, will not pass the symbollustrategy. Earnsspirit stones, dependedspiritfish that catchesoccasionally.”
“我不会炼器,也不会炼丹,更不通符箓阵法。赚取灵石,靠的都是偶尔捕捉上来的灵鱼。”Wei Minggives answers readily.魏明对答如流。Saying, but alsotakes out a fishbasketfromstorage bag, said with a smile:
说着,还从储物袋中取出一个鱼篓,笑道:„Today the fishattainsrichly, dozensyearsare difficultto see. Thisis the spiritfish that Ding Zhenofferstoday, four, threeone. Igavehimthreespirit stones, butItake awayto trade, sellssevenspirit stones is not a problem.”
“今日鱼获丰厚,数十年难见。这是那丁震今日献上来的灵鱼,一尾四品,三尾一品。我给了他三块灵石,但我拿去贩卖,卖个七块灵石不成问题。”Originallyissells the fishman.
原来是个卖鱼佬。Luo Yanlooks atthatfamiliarfishbasket, understands clearly the nod, said: „How manytails can spiritfish...... every yearcatch?”罗阎看着那熟悉的鱼篓,了然点头,又道:“灵鱼……每年能捕多少尾?”Wei Mingsaid: „Last year the luckwas good, amounts to the net23spiritfish, threefour, otherallwereonetwo, altogetherchanged17spirit stones.”魏明道:“去年运气好,总计网上来二十三尾灵鱼,三品四尾,余下皆是一品二品,总共换了十七块块灵石。”
The spiritfishnot onlylooks atproductJie, looks at the quality and type.
灵鱼不仅看品阶,更看质量和种类。Generally speaking, productLingyu, severalcanreceive in exchange fortogetherspirit stones. „Inthatthisisland, doesn't haveotherresourcesto receive in exchange forspirit stones?”Luo Yanopens the mouthagain.
一般而言,一品灵鱼,数尾才能换取一块灵石。“那这岛上,就没有其他资源可以换取灵石?”罗阎再次开口。„No.”Wei Mingshakes the headdecisively, the forced smilesaid:
“没有。”魏明果断摇头,苦笑道:„In my islandis resource-deficient, anythingdoes not have. Ifin the islandhas the mineral lode, or the having mystical powersbeastmonsterbeast, thisislandhad been seized, whichmy can also work aswhatislandlord?”
“这般贫穷?”Luo Yandeeply frowned, thinks, said:罗阎眉头紧锁,想了想,又道:„ThatHeavenly Star Palace? Ding Zhendid not say that eachtenyears, will have hadonstar envoy the islandto collect taxes?”
“那天星宫呢?丁震不是说每过十年,就会有星使上岛收税吗?”„Youlight/onlysell the fish, does spirit stones where comes topay taxes? Bythatso-calledrune/symbolmoney?”
“你光卖鱼,哪来的灵石交税?靠那所谓的符钱?”Wei Mingtouched the beard, happilysaid:魏明摸了摸胡须,得意道:„rune/symbolmoneyusesto the average person, could not pay the tax.”
“符钱是给普通人用的,交不了税。”„As forstar envoy, hecomes is.”
“至于星使,他来便是。”„Thing that inthisYuandark greenisland, tenyearscanaccumulate, onseveralfishing equipment, dozensspirit stones.”
“这元苍岛上,十年能攒下的东西,也就几件渔具,几十块灵石。”„star envoycomeseach time, Itake the fishing equipmentandallspirit stones, thentoldthem,takescasually.”
“星使每次过来,我都将渔具和所有灵石拿出来,然后跟他们说,随便拿。”„Theytake the thing, the dullfirst halfdouble-hour, will departat most.”
“对了。”„According to the custom, the Heavenly Star Palacesubordinateislands, every ten years, needsto pay500spirit stones.”
“按照规矩,天星宫麾下岛屿,每十年,需要缴纳五百灵石。”„Ifthere arerefiningtenmemberto assume personal command, but must be more.”
“若有炼气十层修士坐镇,还要更多些。”„LikemyYuandark greenislandso, onlyhands over the islands of dozensspirit stones, thatis rare.”
“像我元苍岛这般,只交几十块灵石的岛屿,那才罕见。”Looks at the self-satisfiedappearance of Wei Mingthatdead pig is not afraid of boiling water, Luo Yanis somewhat speechless.
显然。Barefootdid not fear that puts on shoes.
The tax that Heavenly Star Palacecollectsare many, a Yuandark greenislanddoes not have, star envoyalsohas no alternative.
The Luo Yansecretnod, thenalsoasked: „Don't youusuallyexchangewithotherimmortal cultivator?”罗阎暗暗点头,而后又问道:“那你平时就不跟其他修仙者交流?”Wei Mingsaid: „Igo to the fierceYangDaomaifishtime, canchatwithotherimmortal cultivator.”魏明道:“我去烈阳岛卖鱼的时候,会和其余修仙者闲聊。”„......”
“……”In the Luo Yanheartunderstands clearly.罗阎心中了然。ThisYuandark greenisland, not only the resourcesare deficient, is extremely remote.
这元苍岛,不仅资源匮乏,极其偏僻。IsthisWei Ming, similarlyisoneextremelyfewwithimmortal cultivator that the outside worldexchanges.
就是这魏明,同样是一个极少与外界交流的修仙者。PerhapstothisWei and his son, suspendsrottenlyonthisisland, works as a local despot, is an extremelycomfortablematter.
或许对这魏家父子而言,在这岛上摆烂,当个土皇帝,就已经是一件极其舒适之事。Likesmebeing ableto strengthenadds the pointto askeveryoneto collect:() Icanstrengthenadd the refresh rateto be quickest.
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