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„ The dim light of nightis deep, covers the skyjust like a theater curtain.
The fishing boatnavigatesseveraldouble-hour, finallysaw a Yuandark greenisland.
渔船航行数个时辰,终于见到了元苍岛。Luo Yanstandsin the deck, is sizing upinthissea the islands.罗阎站在甲板上,打量着这座海中岛屿。Under the moonlight, canlook at the cleanupplaceislandsindistinctly.
月光下,隐约能看清整座岛屿。Welcomedharborside is quite lively, the housewas scattered, the lighttwinkle star, has spreadto the summit.
迎着港口的一面较为繁华,房屋错落有序,灯光星星点点,一直蔓延至山顶。Thatsummitis brilliantly illuminated, obviously the dwellingis giant.
那山顶灯火通明,可见宅院巨大。Butother side, is the desolatedwoods, is steep, does not see the least bitflame.
而另一面,则是荒芜的树林,地势陡峭,不见半点火光。Luo Yanis looking at the brilliantly illuminatedsummit, is surprised the different way:罗阎望着灯火通明的山顶,诧异道:„Thatliveson the summit, isWei?”
“那住在山顶上的,就是魏家?”„Right, Weithenliveson the summit.”
“没错,魏家便居住在山顶上。”Ding Zhenshows a faint smile.丁震微微一笑。Weiis the immortal cultivationfamily.
魏家乃修仙家族。But the Weihead of household, is the Yuandark greenislandislandlord.
而魏家家主,便是元苍岛岛主。Theis powerful, a personsuppresses the entireislands, no onedaresto disobey, is similar toemperorexistence.
其实力强大,一人镇压整座岛屿,无人敢违逆,是如同皇帝般的存在。Luo Yannods, at onceasks:罗阎点头,旋即问道:„Young MasterDingand are Weiripe? Whether to recommend12forme?”
The Ding Zhenstrengthis too weak.丁震实力太弱。Hewants the meritlaw, can only startfromWei Jiamostly.
The Ding Zhensurfacefloodsurprise, is then forcedsmiles, says: „SinceLuobrotherwantsto pay a visitWei, Iwill then go toWei Jiato passtomorrowreport, has a look atWeiwhetheris willingto seeyou.”丁震面泛诧异,而后牵强一笑,开口说道:“既然罗兄想拜见魏家,那我明日便去魏家通禀一下,看看魏家是否愿意见你。”„Un.”
“嗯。”Luo Yannods, smilestoDing Zhengenially.罗阎点头,对丁震和善一笑。Healsoknows himselfis a mortal, is not mostly popular.
他也知自己是凡人,多半不受待见。IfDing Zhenrecommended the failure, hethenthoughtitslawin addition, badto the Kaiyuandark greenisland, otherfrontplacessought for the meritlawagain is.
The fishing boatapproaches shore.
渔船靠岸。Immediatelythenhad the stevedoreto welcome, mounted the deck, the transportingfishattains.
马上便有码头工人迎了上来,登上甲板,搬运鱼获。TheseworkersseeLuo Yan, allgawkedstaring, thenallreveals the repugnance and dislikeexpression.
只是这些工人见到罗阎,全都愣了愣,而后全都露出反感、厌恶的表情。Thatexpressionnot covers up, immediatelythenlets a Luo Yanbrowslightlywrinkle.
那表情不加掩饰,当即便让罗阎眉头微微一皱。„Luobrother, heregavelongexpensive/noblewas good, wewalked, tonightgoes tomyyour family placeto rest a evening, tomorrowIwill helpyourecommendWeiagain.”Ding Zhensees that sends out the invitationhastily, simultaneouslystaresDingChanggui.
“罗兄,这里交给长贵就行了,我们走,今晚去我府上歇息一晚,明天我再帮你引荐魏家。”丁震见状,连忙发出邀请,同时瞪了眼丁长贵。DingChangguihas gotten back one's composure, startsto call the stevedore.
丁长贵回过神,开始招呼码头工人。Luo Yanlooks at the worker who bustles about, the nodshouldunder.罗阎看着忙碌起来的工人,点头应下。
The weatheris late, heindeedhas no destinationnow.
天色已晚,他现在的确没什么去处。HefollowsinDing Zhenbehind, steps the Yuandark greenisland.
The islandsare not big.
岛屿不大。Butlooks at the house and environment, personlife on thisislandsshouldbe good, at leastis betteronmanythan the Zhou Countrycounty city.
After the quarter of an hour, two peopledecidein a mansionadvance party.
一刻钟后,两人在一座府邸前站定。Luo Yanraised the head, sees only the Ding Residencetwocharactersto heave in sight.罗阎抬头,只见丁府二字映入眼帘。
The mansionis not luxurious, butcompared with the surroundinghouse, is actually finegorgeous.
府邸不算奢华,但和周围房屋相比,却已是精致华美。„Masteryoucame back.”
“老爷您回来了。”Has the servantto go forwardto greet.
有下人上前迎接。Luo YanfollowsDing Zhento enterDing Residence, has not walkedtwosteps, firstfacilitatesto welcomeoneto wear the greensilk fabricswomen's clothingfemale.罗阎跟着丁震走进丁府,没走两步,前方便迎来一个身穿绿绸缎衣裙女子。Femaleskinsnow white, the beautyis excellent, staturealsoextremelywonderful.
女子皮肤雪白,姿色过人,身材也极为妙曼。Under the dim light of night, on the faceis exuding the attractivecrimson, is unique.
在夜色之下,脸上泛着诱人的绯红,颇具风情。„Does master, howcome backnow?” The femaleshold the Ding Zhenarm, the soundis somewhat charmingly angry.
The voicefalls, looked atDing ZhenLuo Yan, a willow eyebrowsslightlywrinkle.
话音落下,又看了眼丁震身边的罗阎,柳眉微微一皱。„Todaychanged a placeto fish, come backevening.”
The Ding Zhengentle voicecomforted, looked at some femaleslightlybulgelower abdomens, quitesomewhatconcernedblame:丁震柔声安慰,看了眼女子微有些凸起的小腹,又颇有些关切的责备道:„Next timeI, ifcame backlate, yourestedearlier, don'tbecause ofI, butis injuring the body.”
“下次我要是回来晚了,你就早点睡,千万别因为等我而伤着身子。”„Where don't youcome backme to fall asleep?” The femaleshonk the mouth, somewhatacted like a spoiled bratmeaning.
“你不回来我哪睡得着?”女子嘟了嘟嘴,有些撒娇意味。„Ok, guest.”
“行了,客人在呢。”Ding Zhencoughslightlytwo, said: „Youfirstreturn to the room, IentertainLuobrother, immediatelyon the past.”丁震轻咳两声,道:“你先回房去,我招待一下罗兄,马上就过去。”„Youas soon as possible.”
The femalesurgedone, looked atLuo Yan, thenturned aroundto depart.
女子叮嘱一句,又看了眼罗阎,便转身离去。Luo Yanlooks at the back that the femaleis departing, sprinkleshoweversmiles: „Is thisyourmadame?”罗阎望着女子离去的背影,洒然一笑:“这是你夫人?”„Yes, shecalled the Chinese parasol tree, wegot married for a halfyear.”
“是啊,她叫梧桐,我们成亲才半年。”In the Ding Zhenpupilrevealstender feelings,丁震眸中流露一丝柔情,Said with a smilelightly: „Walks, Ileadyouto go to the room, will have anything to saytomorrowagain.”Heonecompelsirritable, leads into a guest roomLuo Yan, thencalls a young male servant, awaitsto dispatch, thendepartedhurriedly.
轻笑道:“走吧,我带你去房间,有什么事明天再说。”他一脸急迫,将罗阎带入一间客房,而后又唤来一个小厮,听候差遣,便匆忙离去了。Luo Yancloses the door.罗阎关上门。Arrives at the bedsideto sit down.
来到床边坐下。Hewantsto wash, butthinks that bigevening, is not goodto troubleothers, thenextinguishedthis thought that sits cross-leggedto sitsimply, startsto contemplate.
他本想洗漱一下,但想到大晚上的,不好麻烦别人,便熄了这念头,干脆盘膝而坐,开始冥想。Another side.
另一边。Ding Zhenreturns to the roomin a hurry, justopened the door, was fluttered the neckby the Chinese parasol treetwosprouts.丁震匆匆回到房间,刚打开门,便被梧桐两只柔荑勾住脖子。
The warmfragrantsoft jadeenters the bosom, in additionfieryaura.
温香软玉入怀,加上火热气息。Ifusually, Ding Zhenmustpractice fraudunavoidably, withownlovely wifeattentive.
若是平时,丁震免不了要上下其手,跟自家娇妻温存一番。Butnow, heactuallyput out a handto shove open the lovely wife.
但如今,他却伸手将娇妻推开了。„Madameis patient, waitsto go outalong withme.”
“夫人稍安勿躁,等会随我出门一趟。”„Bigevening, goes outdoesreally?”
“大晚上的,出门作甚?”Chinese parasol treehearsword, hugs the Ding Zhenneck, the lookis rebuking.
梧桐闻言,勾着丁震脖子,眼神嗔怪。„Alsois notthatsheeppeople.”
A Ding Zhenbrowwrinkle, the eyegroundflashes through a cold light.丁震眉头一皱,眼底闪过一丝冷光。„A moment agothatperson?”
The Chinese parasol treesuddenly, then the surfacefloodsneers, blames: „Ilook atyouto treatthatsheeppeopleattitude, but alsothinks that youdo prepareto entertainthatsheeppeopleonewell?”
梧桐恍然,而后面泛冷笑,责备道:“我看你待那羊人的态度,还以为你准备好好招待那羊人一番呢?”„Entertainmentwhat? Ifhitswonhim, myearlyhomicide.”
“招待什么?若打的赢他,我早把他杀了。”Ding Zhencoldsnort/hum, lowers the sound saying:丁震冷哼,压低声音道:„Iandheemptywithwinding a day, perhapsvarioustypesfollowinghim, heare still readingmygoodnow.”
“我和他虚与委蛇了一天,各种顺着他,他现在说不定还在念我的好呢。”„Metmeto go toWeito request reinforcements, makingthemextinguishkillsthissheeppeople.”
“等会我就去魏家求援,让他们来灭杀这羊人。”„You...... will go outalong withmeas for the madametogether, tonightis hiding outside, so as to avoidwill hitthatsheeppeopleto act out of desperation, affectsyou.”
“至于夫人你……等会随我一起出去,今晚就在外边躲着,免得等会打起来那羊人狗急跳墙,波及到你。”The matter cannot be delayed.
If not removeyoursheeppeopleas soon as possible.
若不尽快除掉你羊人。Underhishandthatgroup of peoplerefer toannoyingwhattrickerratically.
他手底下那群人指不定会惹出什么幺蛾子。EspeciallyDingChanggui, actuallystillscreamson the ship, letshimfar away fromthatsheeppeople.
尤其是那丁长贵,竟然还在船上大声嚷嚷,让他远离那羊人。At that timehelistened, almostdid not have a Palestinianslap dead thatgoods.
当时他听了,就差点没一巴掌扇死那货。Alsodoes not think.
也不想想。Ifwere heardbythatsheeppeople, canbewhat kind ofconsequence.
若是被那羊人听到了,会是何等后果。Chinese parasol treewillow eyebrowsslightlypressed, said: „Wei Jiaacts, sheep can peoplealsorevoltinadequately? Doesn't need the sobigtopicslightlyto do?”
梧桐柳眉微蹙,道:“魏家出手,那羊人还能反抗不成?不用如此大题小做吧?”Weiis powerful, suppresses a sheeppersonalsoto havewhatdifficulty?
魏家实力强大,镇压一个羊人又有何难?„Does not fear10,000, fears the eventuality, considersfor the child of belly.”
The Ding Zhensoundis gentle, puts out a handto trace the belly of Chinese parasol tree.丁震声音轻柔,伸手摸了摸梧桐的肚子。Hehas experienced the Luo Yanstrength.
The strength, at leastendurescompared with the refiningfourmemberlike that.
那般实力,至少堪比炼气四层修士。Ifpresents the mistake, had not been flickeredto kill...... him unable to make the child who the lovely wifeandhas not been bornrun risks, even ifa little.
若出现差池,未被瞬杀……他不能让娇妻和未出世的孩子冒风险,哪怕只有一点儿。Looked at the Ding Zhenconcernedlook, the Chinese parasol treewas wrinkling the nose, the choicecompromise: „Good.”
望着丁震关切的眼神,梧桐皱了皱鼻子,选择妥协:“那好吧。”Sheis unable to understand that sheeppeoplewill havewhatthreat.
她无法理解羊人会有何威胁。But the masteris so firm, shealso can only chooseto obey.
但相公如此坚决,她也只能选择顺从。„Un, wearsclothes, do not catch cold, wego outnow.”
“嗯,多穿件衣服,别着凉了,我们现在就出去。”Ding Zhenputs out a coatfrom the closet, throws overin the lovely wifebehind, is then hugging the lovely wife, silentleavesDing Residence.丁震从衣柜中拿出一件大衣,披在娇妻身后,而后搂着娇妻,无声离开丁府。Hefirstdelivers the expredd greatparents of son or daughter-in-lawtemporary reside the lovely wife.
他先是将娇妻送至表亲家暂居。Laterthenhurries totowardsummitWei Jiadirectly.
The Yuandark greenislandis not big, considering everything, onseveral hundredfamilies.
元苍岛不大,满打满算,也就几百户人家。Naturallyhas the extremely numerousrelations by marriagerelations.
这其中,自然存在极多的姻亲关系。Buthisbiologicalelder sister, now is the Weieldest son'swife.
有这层关系在。LetWei Jiamake a move, extinguisheskills a sheepperson, naturallyis not the majorproblem.
让魏家出手,灭杀一个羊人,自然不是什么大问题。Let alone.
更何况。To an island, powerfulsheeppeople, is an unstabilizing factor.
对一座小岛而言,一个强大羊人,便是一个不稳定因素。Wei Jiaasin the island the overlord, even if no relations by marriageto relatewithDing Zhen, canthinkremovesLuo Yan.
The sea breezehowls.
海风呼啸。Darknesslikeblack ink.
天黑如墨。Whenthisfrom the dawnalsohalfdouble-hour, Luo Yansits wellon the bedas before, sits cross-leggedvisualizeCrouching Tiger Chart.
在这距离天亮还有半个时辰的时候,罗阎依旧端坐在床上,盘膝观想虎踞图。Crouching Tiger Chartis useless.虎踞图早已无用。But the custommakes it so, oftenstabilizes, he will then sit in meditationvisualize.
某时刻。Hisopening eyespupil, puts outstorage bagfrom the bosomsuddenly.
他忽然睁开眼眸,从怀中拿出一个储物袋。Hisanddoes not have anyvaluablething.
他身上并没有什么值钱东西。Ifwill achieve wishestomorrow, canvisitWei, hethentakesthisstorage bagas the price, askingWei Jiato helphimseek for the bloodlinesmeritlaw.
这般想着。Hethought ofthatrune/symbolmoney.
他又想到了那符钱。„Thissideboundary, the average personshouldtradebyrune/symbolmoney, does not know whether the gold-foilcan changesomerune/symbolmoney.”
“此方地界,普通人应该以符钱交易,不知金叶子能否换些符钱。”Not havingmoneyis difficult.
无钱寸步难行。Ifthissideboundarydoes not recognize the gold, hemustfind the way first laneto selectmoneyCaihang.
若此方地界不认金子,那他得想办法先弄点钱才行。„TomorrowvisitsWei, thensettles, makes money, understandingthis timelocal conditions and social customs of boundary,...... peripherymajorinfluences.”
The Luo Yanclosing one's eyespupil, plansto continuevisualizeagain.罗阎再次闭上眼眸,打算继续观想。Butat this time, hisearmovedswiftly, hears the sound of footsteps that severalapproachedrapidly.
但这时候,他耳朵倏然一动,听到几道飞速靠近的脚步声。Thatsound of footstepsis cautious, is nearly silent, with the ground contact, receivedeach timeextremelyquickly.
那脚步声小心翼翼,近乎无声无息,每次和地面接触,都极快的收了回去。Hearsthissound of footsteps.
听到这脚步声。Luo Yanstares the eyes, in the eyeappears a astonishment.罗阎瞪开双眼,眼中浮现一丝惊异。„Even doesn't the Dingservant, usesocautiously?”
“就算是丁家下人,也不用这般小心翼翼吧?”Inhisheartpondered over,at oncelooks at the window that openstonot far awaygreatly, thinks, the bodysoars, departsout of the windowfloating.
After falling to the ground, hisanotherverticalleaps, jumping upfence.
落地之后,他又一个纵跃,跳上围墙。Looks as far as the eye can seeto look, sees onlyDing Zhento leadtwo peopleto walkin the roomtowardhim.
纵目望去,只见丁震带着两人正朝他所在房间走来。Twois a gray-hairedold man, anotheras ifcompared withDing Zhenoldtwo years old, isyouth who wears the black robe.
那两人一人是个头发灰白的老者,另一个似乎比丁震年长两岁,是个身穿黑袍的青年。Butwithout exception, isimmortal cultivator, moreovercompared withDing Zheninmany!
但无一例外,都是修仙者,而且比丁震强上不少!At this moment.
此刻。Threepeople in Luo Yantofencehas not thoughtquite the same as.
三人对围墙上的罗阎浑然未觉。Ding Zhenis looking at the old man, lowers the sound:丁震望着老者,压低声音:„Uncle Wei, frontisthatsheeppeopledwelling. sheeppeoplewas powerful, only the handthenbroke offlongexpensive/noblewhiteLinjian, youand otherswill act, mustwhole-heartedly.”
The old menhave not spoken, the black robeyouthhas opened the mouth.
老者尚未说话,黑袍青年已率先开口。Hesmileslightly, thinks otherwise saying:
他淡淡一笑,不以为然道:„Slightlyshakesdoes not needto be worried,myfatheris the refiningfivebigmember, has the mid-gradeBuddhist musical instrumentgold/metaltrap, is the strengthso strong? Deals withonlysheepperson, howalsoto let slip?”
“小震无需担心,我父乃炼气五层大修士,更具中品法器金罗网,实力何等之强?对付区区一个羊人,又岂会失手?”Old manhearsword, smiles, smallsound said: „Rising sun, thisyoumustwithslightlyshakestudystudy, so-calleddoes not have the blundercarefully, deals withanyenemy, mustwhole-heartedly. Otherwise, youwill suffer a losssooner or later.”
老者闻言,同样笑了笑,小声道:“旭儿,这点你要跟小震学学,所谓小心无大错,对付任何敌人,都要全力以赴。要不然,你迟早会吃亏。”Histonealwayssaid,resembleswas warning.
他语气老道,似在告诫。Observesitsfacial expression, does not havecolorwhole-heartedly.
只是观其神情,却无全力以赴之色。„Whatfatherteachesis.”Wei Xurushesto open the mouth, acknowledgmentmistake.
“父亲教训的是。”魏旭赶忙开口,承认错误。„Knowscanchangemistakenly, goodgreatest......”
The old menalsowantto sayanything.
老者还想多说点什么。Butin the meantime, helifts the headsuddenly, looksto the bodyside, simultaneouslycalls out in alarmsaid: „Be careful!”
但就在此时,他忽然抬首,望向身侧,同时惊呼道:“小心!”Finishing barely the words.
话音未落。Thenlistens to‚bang’, the bodyspandrel wallbodysuch aswas hit hard, the infinitestonedustraidstowardthreepeople.
The old menstimulate to movement the supernatural powerhastily, scatters the presentstonepowder.
老者连忙催动法力,驱散眼前的土石粉末。Simultaneously the palmturns, the mid-gradeBuddhist musical instrumentgold/metaltrapthenpresentshimin the hand.
同时手掌一翻,中品法器金罗网便出现他在手中。Howeverhas not waited for the nextmovement, thenhearstransmitsbehindcalls out pitifullytogethersad and shrill.
The pitiful yellis astonishing, incomparablepain.
惨叫惊人,无比痛苦。Hisbodyshakes, lookstoward the rear area.
他身子一抖,朝后方看去。Sees onlyownsonto be pressed firmly between the fingers the neckby a black clothesman, mentionedin the middle of the midairdirectly.
只见自己的儿子已是被一个黑衣男子捏住脖子,直接提到了半空当中。At this time the eyeturnswhite, the both legstreadis straight, the soundis even hardto send outunexpectedly!
此时眼睛翻白,双腿蹬直,竟连声音都难以发出!„Your excellency, has the wordsto say!”
The old manlookis panic-stricken, opens the mouthto beg for mercyhastily.
老者眼神惊恐,连忙开口求饶。Ding Zhen is also the whole bodytrembles, loses colorinstantaneously.丁震也是浑身一哆嗦,瞬间面无血色。HishowUnexpectedly.
他如何都没想到。ThisLuo Yanleft the roomunexpectedly, andsneak attackedthem!
这罗阎竟然离开了房间,并且偷袭了他们!Luo Yangrabs the neck of Wei Xu, has not paid attention to the old man, onlytranquilis looking atDing Zhen: „Why? Irescueyouronetime, do youactuallywantto return evil for good?”罗阎抓着魏旭的脖子,没有理会老者,只平静的望着丁震:“为什么?我救你一次,你却要恩将仇报?”Heis somewhat puzzled.
他有些不解。Obviously, heexerted the completegood intentionstothisDing Zhen.
The Ding Zheneyepupilshiversfiercely.丁震眼眸剧烈颤动。For a long time, heswallows the saliva, is trying the explanation:
许久,他咽了咽口水,试着解释:„Luobrother, youonlyfeared that misunderstood, don't youwantto visitWei? ThisseniorisWeihead of householdWei Ming, Iaskedhimto come, was notharmsyour.”
An old maneyeballrevolution, saidhastily: „Yes the little friend, I am without any malicious intent, is patientcarefully, putsquicklyrising sun.”
“呵。”Luo Yancoldlysmiles.罗阎冷冷一笑。Arrivedthissideboundary, hemakes concessionsandshow good willoriginallyagain and again.
自来到这方地界,他几次三番退让、示好。Thisthinks,oneselfoffers the good intentions, others will also return toitwith the good intentions.
The resulthas not thought,thisDing Zhenactuallyasked the person of Weito comesuppress and killdirectly!
结果没想到,这丁震竟然直接请魏家之人来镇杀自己!Now, actuallyalso the full mouthlie, said that anythingis well-meant!
现在,竟然还满口谎言,说什么没有恶意!Hiseyepupilhangs, deeplyinspires, shaking the headsmiles helplessly:
他眼眸微垂,深吸一口气,摇头无奈一笑:„It seems like, wasmyLuois good.”
他早就应该想到。This time the person of boundary, andrepugnanceto the evil intentionfrombone of his grade of mortal, howalsopossiblyto harbor the good intentionstohim?
此番地界之人,对他这等凡人的恶意和反感源自骨子里,又怎可能对他怀有善意呢?Beforetreatedhimlike the guest, butis awed byhisstrength, emptyandwinding.
之前待他如宾客,不过是慑于他的实力,虚与委蛇罢了。„Luobrother, do not impulse, wesitto discusswell. Whatinyourhandis the Wei Mingsenioronlyson, ifyoukilledhim, WeiSeniorwill certainly not let offyou!”„WeiSenioris the refiningfivebigmember. Is powerful, youcannotimagine.”
“罗兄,别冲动,我们坐下来好好谈。你手上的是魏明前辈唯一的儿子,你若杀了他,魏前辈一定不会放过你!”“魏前辈乃炼气五层大修士。实力强大,非你所能想象。”„Youmustthink things over carefully before acting!”
The Ding Zhenartillerylanguageis continuous, the nervousunceasingpersuasion, for fear thatLuo Yanchoked to deathWei Xuincautiously.丁震炮语连珠,神情紧张的不断劝说,生怕罗阎一不小心掐死了魏旭。Do not look atWei Mingto be friendly.
别看魏明和和气气的。IfWei Xudied.
若魏旭死了。He must get downto be buried along with the deadtoWei Xumostly!
他多半也要下去给魏旭陪葬!„Little friend, putrising sun, howyoumust, Ipromiseyou.” The Wei Mingcorner of the eyejumpscrazily, saidanxiously.
The immortal cultivatorbirthheiris not easy.修仙者诞生子嗣不易。His more than tenroom/housewife and concubines, may such a son, but alsocounted on that the soninherits the Yuandark greenisland, takes care of parentstohim.
“好啊。”Luo Yantwists the mouth sidewise the corners of the mouth, looked atDing Zhen: „Troublesomeseniorfirstmassacreshim.”罗阎咧开嘴角,看了眼丁震:“麻烦前辈先杀掉他。”Smellsthisword.
The Wei Mingcheekpulls outslightly, immediatelycomplexion gloomylookstoDing Zhen, the visionflashesunceasingly.魏明面皮微微一抽,随即脸色阴沉的看向丁震,目光不断闪动。ButDing Zhen the ghostallbraves, to tread the treadtreadto draw backin a twinklingcontinuallythreesteps, resists the courtyard wall, vigilantlooks atWei Ming:
而丁震霎时间亡魂皆冒,蹬蹬蹬连退三步,抵住院墙,警惕的看着魏明:„Uncle Wei, do not believethissheeppeoplewords. His ismustsow dissension, even ifUncle Weiyoukilledme, hewill not let offElder BrotherXu.”
“魏叔,别信这羊人的话。他这是要挑拨离间,就算魏叔您杀了我,他也不会放过旭哥的。”„You, butdon'thisidea.”
“您,可千万别中他的计。”„Youare the refiningfivebigmember, killshim, ifkills the chicken, certainlyhas the means...... to have the meansto makehimadmit defeat!”
“您可是炼气五层大修士,杀他如杀鸡,一定有办法……有办法让他服软!”Hiswhole bodyshakessuch asshakes chaff, the pea-sizedbeads of sweatfallfrom the cheek.
他浑身抖如筛糠,豆大的汗珠从面颊滑落。Luo Yanleaningleaninghead, did not say a word, onlyponderedlooks attwopeople.罗阎偏了偏脑袋,一言不发,只玩味的看着二人。Refiningfive?
炼气五层?He is quite afraid.
他好害怕哦。Hereallydoes not know, courage where thesepeoplecome?
他实在不知,这几人哪来的勇气?Becausehiswithin the bodyflowsiseveryblood?
他是所谓的‘羊人’?Butso-called‚sheepperson’, is the strengthcertainlyverybad?
而所谓的‘羊人’,实力就一定很差?Heshakes the head, anti-did not urge: „Hurry up, Iam patientsomewhat.”
他摇了摇头,不耐催促:“快点,我耐心有些。”Wei Mingdid not speak, is staring atDing Zhen, approachedstep by step:魏明不语,盯着丁震,步步逼近:„The matter of today, because ofyou.”
“今日之事,因你而起。”„Thislittle friendtakes a confessionnow, thatonly thenbyyourlife, gives the little friendto confess.”
“这位小友如今要一个交代,那么只有以你之命,来给小友交代。”„Youfelt relieved. After youdie, yourlovely wife, I am self-supportiveit.”
The Ding Zheneyepupilshiversfiercely, brings the weeping voice: „Uncle Wei, does not want......”丁震眼眸剧烈颤动,带着哭腔:“魏叔,不要……”„Do not blameUncle Wei, strangeto blameyourselfto court disaster.”
“别怪魏叔,怪就怪你自己惹了祸。”Wei Mingstandsbefore the Ding Zhenbody, an eye of revealrecalls, hangs the pupilsigh.魏明站在丁震身前,目露缅怀,垂眸叹息。Butin the meantime.
The mutationlivessteep.
异变陡生。Sees onlyDing Zhento actsuddenly, the silver whitelongneedletrembleslightly, in an instant, pierces the Wei Minglower abdomenunexpectedlydirectly.
“死!”Ding Zhenangrily roars, inhandlongneedle, shiversunceasingly, evenbecomesboiling hotblushes, submerges a pointagain.丁震怒吼,手中长针,不断颤动,甚至变得滚烫发红,再度没入一分。„Brokenlawneedle?!”
A dull thumping sound, Ding Zhenwas flownby a Wei Mingpalmracket, the bangputs on the fence.
一声闷响,丁震被魏明一掌拍飞,轰穿围墙。Butjustfell to the ground, hethencrawledrolling, thenruns awayto goto the distant placerapidly.
但刚落地,他便一骨碌爬了起来,而后飞速向远处逃窜而去。„Snort! Does the little thing, sneak attackmeunexpectedly?!”
The Wei Mingviolent anger, puts out a handto wield, a goldenbig netthenflew, from a Ding Zhencapunder.魏明暴怒,伸手一挥,一张金色大网便飞了出去,自丁震头顶罩下。Likesmebeing ableto strengthenadds the pointto askeveryoneto collect:() Icanstrengthenadd the refresh rateto be quickest.
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