ICSBAP :: Volume #2

#182: Fishing

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I can strengthen add a https:// 我能强化加点https:// In deck. 甲板上。 One crowd of crew crawled fiercely, takes the harpoon, virulent is looking at Luo Yan. 一群船员龇牙咧嘴的爬了起来,拿着鱼叉,都充满敌意的望着罗阎 This inexplicable hostility, Khet Stoeng Treng long expensive/noble that is perfunctory apology again, lets the Luo Yan complexion gloomy as before. 这种莫名的敌意,再加上丁长贵那敷衍至极的道歉,让罗阎脸色阴沉依旧。 He did not say a word. 他一言不发。 Only sees the magnificent dress young master. 只看着华服公子。 The sound, this person not possible not to have heard. 刚才的动静,这人不可能没听见。 Until now comes out, obviously tacitly consented to hand/subordinate the beforehand action. 直到现在才出来,显然是默许了手下们之前的举动。 Snort! If not this brothers show mercy, you have died. Also encircles in the nearby does really? Has not hurried to get the hell out!” “哼!若非这位兄弟手下留情,你们早就死了。还围在边上作甚?还不赶紧滚蛋!” The magnificent dress young master scolded one toward one crowd of crew ill-humoredly, then arrives at side Luo Yan, the forced smile said: 华服公子没好气朝一群船员骂了一句,而后走到罗阎身边,苦笑道: Brothers, do not lower oneself to the same level with them. Can the servant who one crowd of what do not understand, what pattern have?” “兄弟,别跟他们一般见识。一群什么都不懂的下人,能有什么格局?” The crew diverges. 船员散去。 But still in the distant place gazed at Luo Yan. 但仍在远方注视罗阎 Luo Yan thought rotation. 罗阎念头转动。 Has a mind to give this crowd of person lessons, but considering here after all is the immortal cultivation boundary, the multi- incident is inferior to few incident. 有心给这群人一个教训,但考虑到这里毕竟是修仙地界,多一事不如少一事。 Then selected the eyebrow, the sinking sound asked: They why to my hostility such big?” 便挑了挑眉,沉声问道:“他们为何对我敌意如此之大?” Why can also? Because the brothers you are sheep people.” magnificent dress young master one both hands, straightforward saying. “还能为何?因为兄弟你是羊人啊。”华服公子一摊双手,直截了当的说道。 Sheep person...... I do not like this name.” Luo Yan light say/way. “羊人……我不喜欢这个称呼。”罗阎淡淡道。 Haha, I do not like, but everyone said like this.” “哈哈,我也不喜欢,但大家都这样说。” The magnificent dress young master shrugs, looks to one crowd of crew, helpless said: 华服公子耸了耸肩,望向一群船员,无奈道: Sheep person inborn pure weak, gives birth to sheep people, the entire family will be shamed. Moreover sheep people will multiply the evil strength, it is reported that on behalf of misfortune and disaster tribulation. Therefore facing the sheep person, most people will choose to eliminate it to be then quick.” “羊人天生淳弱,生出羊人,整个家族都会蒙羞。而且羊人会滋生孽力,据传代表厄运和灾劫。因而面对羊人,大部分人都会选择除之而后快。” This view?” Luo Yan look surprise. “还有这种说法?”罗阎眼神诧异。 „Don't brothers you know?” magnificent dress young master similar surprise looked at Luo Yan. “兄弟你不知道?”华服公子同样诧异的看了眼罗阎 In Luo Yan heart one tight, maintains composure: Is only has not thought of the crew on your ship to harbor the so big hostility to me.” 罗阎心中一紧,不动声色:“只是没想到你船上的船员会对我怀有如此大敌意。” In his heart heavy. 他心中沉重。 sheep Renji refers to their these mortals, if the immortal cultivation boundary, everyone harbors the evil intention to him, he is difficult, is chased by all? 羊人即指他们这些凡人,若修仙地界,人人都对他怀有恶意,那他岂不是寸步难行,人人喊打? One group of illiterates, the brothers do not need to care.” “一群愚民罢了,兄弟不必放在心上。” The magnificent dress young master cracks into a smile, the pupil belt/bring is curious: Has not known the brothers Gao given name, why will also reduce to so the position?” 华服公子咧嘴一笑,眸带好奇:“还不知道兄弟高姓大名,又为何会沦落到这般境地?” Although he does not have first to come out. 他虽没第一时间出来。 But in the deck all matters, got a panoramic view by him. 但甲板上发生的一切事,都被他尽收眼底。 Rides the bathtub including Luo Yan, the drift. 包括罗阎乘坐澡盆,漂流而来。 „my name is Luo.” “我姓罗。” Luo Yan said the surname, has not said the reason that oneself rode the bathtub. 罗阎说出自己姓氏,却并没有说出自己乘坐澡盆的原因。 Originally is Luo brother.” “原来是罗兄。” The magnificent dress young master has not closely examined, smiles saying: „Below surnamed Ding, single-character personal name shakes the child. Does Luo brother, along with me drink one cup?” 华服公子没有追问,笑眯眯道:“在下姓丁,单名一个震子。罗兄,随我下去喝一杯?” Good.” “好。” Luo Yan thinks, at the invitation of below Ding Zhen, along with its under to the cabin, enters a side building. 罗阎想了想,应下丁震邀请,随其下到船舱,走进一间厢房。 In deck. 甲板上。 Ding Changgui sees Luo Yan to enter the cabin, turns around to look to the crew: Do not be in a daze, should tidy up, scratched to me the deck cleanly.” 丁长贵见罗阎进入船舱,转身看向船员们:“别发呆,该收拾收拾,把甲板给我擦干净了。” His mood is extremely bad. 他心情极差。 Today definitely will be spread by way of these crew by the matter of sheep person humiliation, but he becomes the laughingstock inevitably, was ridiculed by many people. 今日被羊人折辱之事必然会经由这些船员传开,而他必然成为笑柄,被许多人嘲笑。 Although, sheep people is powerful, but will laugh at his these people not to manage these. 虽然,那羊人实力强大,但笑话他的那些人可不会管这些。 Thinks that my Ding Changgui solemn refining two big member, could not cope unexpectedly including sheep people.” “想我丁长贵堂堂炼气二层大修士,竟然连一羊人都对付不了。” Ding Changgui pulls a long face, feels particularly uncomfortably. 丁长贵绷着脸,感到分外难受。 What makes his uncomfortable is, his white Linjian broke off. 更让他难受的是,他的白鳞剑被折断了。 His white Linjian is a low-grade Buddhist musical instrument, value two spirit stones. 要知道,他的白鳞剑可是一把下品法器,值两块灵石呢。 ...... …… Ding Zhen discussed extremely good, chatted enough half double-hour with Luo Yan, said goodbye to depart. 丁震极为善谈,和罗阎聊了足足半个时辰,才告辞离去。 In these half double-hour. 这半个时辰内。 Luo Yan knew that Ding Zhen stems from a little family on Yuan dark green island, takes fishing as to live. 罗阎得知丁震出自元苍岛上的一个小家族,以捕鱼为生。 Their this time goes to sea, then to fish. 他们此次出海,便是为了捕鱼。 Ding Zhen added. 丁震还说。 After fishing finished, will then return to the Yuan dark green island, may take him to pass. 等捕鱼结束后,便会返回元苍岛,也可捎他过去。 Regarding this. 对此。 Luo Yan naturally expressed gratitude, proposed gives the reward, was only the Ding Zhen rejection. 罗阎自然道谢一番,提出给予报酬,只是丁震拒绝了。 These crew, “那些船员, Has the innate body. But their strengths, from the martial arts innate boundary, are actually far...... ” Luo Yan to lower the head, are lost in thought. 都具有先天之体。但他们的实力,距离武道先天境,却相差甚远……”罗阎低头,陷入沉思。 He has met many immortal cultivator, even has also fought with three immortal cultivator. 他遇到过不少修仙者,甚至还和三个修仙者交过手。 Respectively was Fang Yan and Zhang Yuchan as well as a moment ago that Ding Changgui. 分别是方岩张玉禅以及刚才那丁长贵。 Gives his feeling. 给他的感受。 Although these person of mortal bodies compared with the Zhou Country mortal powerful for a long time, but compared with his martial artist so, was actually well below. 这些人肉身虽比周国凡人强大许久,但比他这般的武者,却又远远不如。 Ding Changgui does not raise for the time being. 丁长贵暂且不提。 Said that Zhang Yuchan, condenses the supernatural power to protect the shield conveniently, his fist is hard to shake full power broken. 就说那张玉禅,随手凝聚法力护盾,他全力一拳都难以撼碎。 But loses protects the shield, spat the breath to cut two halves by his demon god unexpectedly directly. 但失去护盾,竟直接被他一记魔神吐息切割成两半。 The mortal body defense, obviously generally. 其肉身防御,显然一般。 Also, has the innate body, not can become immortal cultivator.” “还有,拥有先天之体,也并非都能成为修仙者。” Luo Yan makes the judgment. 罗阎又做出判断。 On this ship the population reaches more than ten people much, but only Ding Changgui and Ding Zhen are immortal cultivator. 这船上人数多达十余人,但只有那丁长贵和丁震修仙者 Other crew, even the body does not have the trace that the least bit practices martial art, is body and spirit slightly mortal, comes Zhou Country Blood Refinement martial artist to kill casually. 其余船员,甚至身上都没有半点习武的痕迹,也就是体魄稍强些的凡人,随便来个周国炼血武者就可打杀。 The Luo Yan itself/Ben thinks. 罗阎本以为。 This immortal cultivation boundary, everyone can immortal cultivation, and becomes immortal cultivator. 这修仙地界,所有人都能修仙,并且成为修仙者 Now looks like, was he thinks the branch. 现在看来,是他想岔了。 Even if there is innate body, becoming immortal cultivator is not easy. 哪怕拥有先天之体,成为修仙者也没那么容易。 . 只是。 Not innate body...... 没有先天之体…… Luo Yan thinks that own bitter experience, in the heart sinks slightly. 罗阎想到自己的这番遭遇,心中微微一沉。 First goes to the Yuan dark green island, then seeks to make the bloodlines variation the merit law, the variation have the immortal cultivation physique.” “先去元苍岛,而后寻找能让血脉变异的功法,变异出修仙体质。” He can feel on the ship the hostilities of others. 他能感觉到船上其余人的敌意。 That hostility not covers up, carves contemptuous and repugnance in bone. 那敌意不加掩饰,是刻在骨子里的轻蔑和反感。 But all these. 而这一切。 Because only he is every blood, does not have the innate body, is in these population sheep person. 只因为他是凡血,不具备先天之体,是那些人口中的‘羊人’。 Thinks these crew look to his hostility look, in his heart is extremely not then quick. 一想到那些船员看向他的仇视眼神,他心中便极其不快。 His really Unexpectedly. 他实在没想到。 This person of side boundary, is so hostile toward the mortal unexpectedly. 此方地界之人,竟这般仇视凡人。 At this time. 这时候。 He hears in the deck to transmit the sound suddenly, seemed like starts to fish. 他忽然听到甲板上传来动静,似乎是开始捕鱼了。 In his heart moves, pushes the door simply, walks toward the deck. 他心中一动,干脆推门而出,朝甲板走去。 An upper deck. 一上甲板。 He sees the deck to open wide a fish hold. 他就看到甲板洞开一个鱼舱。 But one crowd of crew are drawing a big net, is shouting the worker's chant, while drags toward the fish hold in the fishing net. 而一群船员正拉着一张大网,一边喊着号子,一边将渔网往鱼舱中拖。 That fishing net is extraordinary, is woven by the gray-black silk thread, seems especially tenacious. 那渔网非凡,由灰黑色丝线编织而成,似乎格外坚韧。 But that fish hold four walls all are the metals, obviously is also specially makes, wants to defend astonishingly. 而那鱼舱四壁皆是金属,显然也是特制而成,想来防御惊人。 Perhaps. 或许。 Is the Buddhist musical instruments. Tries harder!” 都是法器。“加把劲!” Quite heavy, this time got rich.” “好重啊,这次发财了。” I saw gold/metal scale, probably four product Lingyu gold/metal scale blade crucian carp!” “我看到了金鳞,好像是四品灵鱼金鳞刀鲫!” The crew stripped, go all out to draw the fishing net. 船员们光着膀子,卖力拉着渔网。 But the Ding Zhen stand , then directs in the fish hold: Tries harder, if there is a variation spirit fish, this going to sea wages add 500 rune/symbol money again!” 丁震站则在鱼舱边指挥:“加把劲,若有异种灵鱼,这次出海的工钱再加五百符钱!” Young master atmosphere!” “公子大气!” Many thanks young master!” “多谢公子!” One crowd of crew rush to express gratitude, pulling up fishing net that even more goes all out. 一群船员赶忙道谢,越发卖力的拉起渔网。 Luo Yan stays in side, looks that one crowd of crew drag into the fish hold the fishing net, then one but actually, massive sea fish then fall into the fish hold gently, some fish direct fleeing upper decks, jump for joy in the deck. 罗阎呆在旁边,看着一群船员将渔网拉入鱼舱,而后轻轻一倒,大量海鱼便落入鱼舱,更有些鱼直接窜上甲板,在甲板上活蹦乱跳。 But in the meantime. 但就在此时。 The golden light in the lasing from the school of fish, points to the Ding Zhen surface gate together suddenly. 一道金光忽然自鱼群中激射而出,直指丁震面门。 That golden light speed quickly to pinnacle. 那金光速度快到极致。 The surrounding crew, reacts radically without enough time. 周围的船员,根本来不及做出反应。 „It is not good, is gold/metal Lindao the crucian carp!” “不好,是金鳞刀鲫!” Ding Changgui calls out in alarm the opens the mouth, the complexion big change. 丁长贵惊呼开口,脸色大变。 gold/metal Lindao the crucian carp is four product Lingyu, endures compared with the refining four member. 金鳞刀鲫乃四品灵鱼,堪比炼气四层修士。 The build is not big, but the strength is astonishing. 其体型不大,但力量惊人。 Stared by it, the member under refining four, basically only have the dead end. 被其盯上,炼气四层之下的修士,基本上只有死路一条。 Whish!” “飕!” gold/metal Lindao the crucian carp changes into together gold/metal rainbow, suddenly before then arrives at the Ding Zhen body . 金鳞刀鲫化为一道金虹,眨眼间便来到丁震身前。 The Ding Zhen pupil shrinks suddenly, hasty, rushes to use the spirit shield technique, condenses to protect the shield at the same time. 丁震瞳孔骤缩,仓促之下,赶忙施展灵盾术,凝聚出一面护盾。 But facing the gold/metal scale blade crucian carp, that protects the shield to be unexpectedly crisp like the flimsy, was then pierced instantly. 但面对金鳞刀鲫,那护盾竟脆如薄纸,刹那便被洞穿。 Bad!” “糟了!” The Ding Zhen facial expression despairs, he and Ding Changgui is the same, only then refining two cultivation base, facing this and other grown gold/metal scale blade crucian carps, where has the strength of resistance? 丁震神情绝望,他和丁长贵一样,只有炼气二层修为,面对这等成年的金鳞刀鲫,哪有反抗之力? Saw that gold/metal Lindao the crucian carp will pierce his forehead. 眼看金鳞刀鲫就将洞穿他眉心。 At this time, a big hand appeared from his side suddenly, was only a racket, that arrogance aggressive gold/metal scale blade crucian carp was flown by the direct racket. 这时候,一只大手忽然从他身旁出现,仅是一拍,那气焰凶悍的金鳞刀鲫就被直接拍飞。 The master of this big hand, naturally is Luo Yan. 这大手的主人,自然就是罗阎 A Luo Yan palm pats the flying gold/metal Lindao crucian carp, rescues Ding Zhen. 罗阎一掌拍飞金鳞刀鲫,救下丁震 gold/metal Lindao the crucian carp temper is obstinate, after being patted flies, unexpectedly in in the air turns, charges into Luo Yan again. 孰料那金鳞刀鲫性子执拗,被拍飞后,竟在空中一扭,再度冲向罗阎 The pair of dead fish eye ominous light reveals completely, just like gold/metal blade forehead twinkle cold glow, body, disclosed that does not die the imposing manner that has not to return to continuous. 其一双死鱼眼凶光毕露,宛如金刀般的额头闪烁寒芒,身子小小,却透露出一股不死不休、有去无回的气势。 „!” “唰!” It shoots at the Luo Yan surface gate rapidly. 它飞速射向罗阎面门。 Immediately, was grasped by a Luo Yan palm in the hand. 随即,被罗阎一掌抓在手中。 Young Master Ding, are you all right?” “丁公子,你没事吗?” Luo Yan grabs gold/metal Lindao the crucian carp, the eye belt/bring is kind, looks to side facial expression Ding Zhen suddenly. 罗阎抓着金鳞刀鲫,眼带关切,看向身边神情恍然的丁震 „...... I am all right.” “哦……我没事。” Ding Zhen touched the forehead, finally has gotten back one's composure, on the face reveals the color of gratitude: A moment ago many thanks Young Master Luo.” 丁震摸了摸眉心,终于回过神,脸上流露感激之色:“刚才多谢罗公子。” He can feel the stabbing pain that the forehead transmits. 他能感受到眉心传来的刺痛。 Is looking at the gold/metal scale blade crucian carp in Luo Yan hand, in his heart lingering fear. 望着罗阎手中的金鳞刀鲫,他心中后怕不已。 Almost, his forehead must be pierced by the gold/metal scale blade crucian carp. 就差一点,他眉心就要被金鳞刀鲫洞穿了。 Is good acts because of Luo Yan promptly...... 好在罗阎及时出手…… Young master!” “公子!” „Hasn't young master injured?” “公子没伤到吧?” Young master you may not have an accident.” “公子你可千万别出事。” Ding Changgui and a numerous crew also encircled, anxious sizing up Ding Zhen. 丁长贵和一众船员也都围了上来,紧张的打量丁震 They, all rely upon Ding Jia to eat meal. 他们这些人,全仰仗丁家吃饭。 If Ding Zhen died, even if they are living, will not have any good end. 丁震死了,他们就算活着回去,也不会有什么好下场。 I am all right, the forehead is a little merely painful.” “我没事,仅仅眉心有点痛罢了。” Ding Zhen comforts one group of subordinates, looks to Luo Yan: Luo brother, this gold/metal Lindao crucian carp is four product Lingyu, the value is striking, then grants Luo the brother, using temporarily as repays Luo brother's life-saving efforts.” 丁震安抚完一群手下,又望向罗阎:“罗兄,这尾金鳞刀鲫为四品灵鱼,价值斐然,便赠与罗兄,权当是报答罗兄的救命之恩。” Such remarks. 此言一出。 Crew xi xi su su. 船员一阵窸窸窣窣。 Spirit fish value not poor, let alone four product gold/metal scale blade crucian carp? 灵鱼价值不菲,更何况四品金鳞刀鲫? They cast 100 nets, not necessarily can the net to one! 他们撒一百次网,都不一定能网到一条! „Is this gold/metal Lindao crucian carp, very valuable?” The Luo Yan pupil belt/bring is curious, looks at carefully the small fish in hand. “这金鳞刀鲫,很值钱?”罗阎眸带好奇,端详手中的小鱼。 This fish gold/metal scale, the brute force is astonishing. 这鱼儿一身金鳞,蛮力惊人。 Even he, still needs to go all-out, can grasp it in the hand. 即便是他,也需用尽全力,才能将其抓在手中。 Naturally valuable. This is the spirit fish, one is the treasure, the fish eye clear vision, the fish bones therapy, the flesh may refine into the compounded drug, the scales may be used for the refiner, sells casually can sell the sky-high price!” “当然值钱。这可是灵鱼,一身是宝,鱼眼明目,鱼骨疗伤,血肉可炼制入品丹药,鳞甲可用来炼器,随便卖都能卖出天价!” This small fish, buys 10,000 you is not a problem!” “这小小的鱼儿,买下一万个你都不成问题!” This gold/metal Lindao crucian carp attains the fish market, will fight for including Wei, you said that is valuable?” “这金鳞刀鲫拿到鱼市去,连魏家都会争抢,你说值不值钱?” This is the thing of valuable no city, even if you spend many symbol money still to be useless!” “这是有价无市的东西,你就算拿出再多的符钱也没用!” A numerous crew talked at once, the sound somewhat was unhappy. 一众船员七嘴八舌,声音都有些不快。 The spirit fish that they online come with great difficulty, actually must give to this sheep person......, even if this sheep Renjiu Ding Zhen, in their hearts was still uncomfortable. 他们好不容易网上来的灵鱼,却要送给这羊人……纵然这羊人救了丁震,他们心中仍是不爽。 Luo brother, this gold/metal Lindao crucian carp is four product Lingyu, sold to Wei, may receive in exchange for three spirit stones.” “罗兄,这金鳞刀鲫是四品灵鱼,卖给魏家,可换取三块灵石。” Ding Zhen compared three hand fingers, the split vision looks at the eye gold/metal scale blade crucian carp, in the eye revealed color of the meat pain. 丁震比出三根手指头,余光瞄了眼金鳞刀鲫,眼中流露出一丝肉痛之色。 Three spirit stones. 三块灵石。 To his Ding this and other little families, is a big income. 对他丁家这等小家族而言,已经算是一笔不小收入。 Three spirit stones?” “三块灵石?” Luo Yan gawked staring. 罗阎愣了愣。 This group of people added rune/symbol money, as if is also a currency. 这群人还说了符钱,似乎也是一种货币。 In his heart looking pensive. 他心中若有所思。 rune/symbol money, is possibly same as the Zhou Country paper money, is a it does not have the value, was given value by the big influence the currency. 符钱,可能和周国银票一样,是一种本身不具备价值,被大势力赋予价值的货币。 But spirit stones, then itself then has the value, compared with so-called rune/symbol money, wants not to know many times preciously. 而灵石,则本身便具备价值,比所谓的符钱,要珍贵不知多少倍。 So thinking. 这般想着。 He said with a smile: Does not use, this gold/metal Lindao crucian carp, considered Luo's passage ticket.” 他笑道:“不用了,这金鳞刀鲫,就当是罗某的船票了。” He is newly-arrived, is unfamiliar with the people and place, naturally wants to hit to relate with this Ding Zhen. 他初来乍到,人生地不熟,自然想要与这丁震打好关系。 But before rescued Ding Zhen. 而之前救下丁震 Rejects gold/metal Lindao the crucian carp including the present, in release good intentions. 包括现在拒绝金鳞刀鲫,都是在释放善意。 This......” “这……” Ding Zhen looks to hesitate, finally nods: Good.” 丁震面露迟疑,最终还是点了点头:“那好。” This small fish brute force is astonishing, puts in the fish hold, only feared that will hold directly several holes. Long expensive/noble, goes to my room to take the fish basket to come!” “这小鱼蛮力惊人,放入鱼舱,只怕会直接捅出几个窟窿。长贵,去我房间取鱼篓来!” He turns the head to tell Ding Changgui. 他转头吩咐丁长贵。 Ding Changgui complied with the sound, runs toward the cabin, soon, then raised a metal fish basket to come back. 丁长贵应了声,朝船舱跑去,不多时,便提着一个金属鱼篓回来了。 He opens the fish basket, said: This young master, requests to put the spirit fish.” 他打开鱼篓,道:“这位公子,烦请将灵鱼放进来。” Luo Yan nods, squeezes in the fish basket the spirit fish. 罗阎点头,将灵鱼塞入鱼篓。 The spirit fish just went, Ding Changgui then rushes to close the fish basket. 灵鱼刚进去,丁长贵便赶忙关上鱼篓。 Only listens transmits hit dull thumping sounds, however fish basket actually complete such as beginning, without the least bit breakage sign. 只听其中传来一声声撞击闷响,然而鱼篓却完好如初,没有半点破损迹象。 The Luo Yan pupil belt/bring is curious. 罗阎眸带好奇。 Ding Zhen sees that received the fish basket from Ding Changgui hand, explained with a smile: „ This fish basket is a low-grade Buddhist musical instrument, the place of no mystical, is astonishing on the defense, is used to install these destructive power astonishing spirit fish. Low-grade Buddhist musical instrument...... 丁震见状,从丁长贵手中接过鱼篓,笑着解释:“这鱼篓乃是一件下品法器,没什么神异之处,也就防御惊人,用来装装这些破坏力惊人的灵鱼。下品法器…… In the Luo Yan heart moves slightly, asked curiously: This fish basket, value several spirit stones?” 罗阎心中微动,好奇问道:“这鱼篓,值几块灵石?” Together spirit stones then.” “一块灵石即可。” Ding Zhen scratched the nose, is somewhat embarrassed. 丁震擦了擦鼻子,有些不好意思。 The fish basket after all is only the most preliminary low-grade Buddhist musical instrument, does not have any technique content, how much money can also value? 鱼篓毕竟只是最低级的下品法器,没有任何技术含量,又能值几个钱? Actually white Linjian...... 倒是那白鳞剑…… He looked at Ding Changgui with no trace, rushes to take back the vision. 他不着痕迹的看了眼丁长贵,又赶忙收回目光。 Luo Yan nods, had the general impression to the value of spirit stones. 罗阎点头,对灵石的价值有了大概印象。 Then. 接下来。 Luo Yan stays in the deck, looks at one crowd of crew to reorganize the fish hold. 罗阎呆在甲板上,望着一群船员整理鱼舱。 The fish hold situated in the hull, is divided into several zones of different. 鱼舱位于船体内部,分为好几块不同区域。 But now. 而如今。 The crew need fishing for the fish attains to classify. 船员们需要将捕捞上来的鱼获分门别类。 Most importantly, has a look also to have other spirit fish. 这其中,最重要的,是看看还有没有其他灵鱼。 This time is quite as if lucky. 这次似乎颇为幸运。 Besides a four product gold/metal scale blade crucian carp, unexpectedly three product Lingyu. 除了一尾四品金鳞刀鲫外,竟然还有三尾一品灵鱼。 The harvest is rich, Ding Zhen as well as crew, all lights up with pleasure. 收获丰厚,丁震以及船员,也全都喜笑颜开。 Sun set. 日暮时分。 The fishing boat hoists the sails to set sail, starts the won dark green island to drive. 渔船扬帆起航,开始朝元苍岛驶去。 In cabin. 船舱中。 Ding Changgui stands in Ding Zhen behind. 丁长贵站在丁震身后。 He by the window, looked at the eye to stand in bow deck Luo Yan, small sound said: Young master, this sheep person has no qualms the disaster tribulation incarnation. You with him being together moment, then encountered a dead tribulation.” 他透过窗户,看了眼站在船头甲板处的罗阎,小声道:“公子,这羊人无愧灾劫化身。您跟他才相处片刻,便遭遇了一次死劫。” Un?” “嗯?” The Ding Zhen look flashes, touched the forehead again. 丁震眼神闪动,再度摸了摸眉心。 Waited till a Yuan dark green island, I looked that separate with this sheep person to as soon as possible wonderfully.” Ding Changgui proposed. “等到了元苍岛,我看还是尽快跟这羊人分开为妙。”丁长贵提议道。 Ding Zhen lowers the head to hesitate. 丁震低头沉吟。 After moment, he lifts the head, maintains composure saying: Luo brother has the life-saving efforts to me, even if sheep people how? This matter does not do to raise again.” 片刻过后,他抬起脑袋,不动声色道:“罗兄对我有救命之恩,纵然羊人又如何?此事休要再提。” Likes me being able to strengthen adds the point to ask everyone to collect:() I can strengthen add the refresh rate to be quickest. 喜欢我能强化加点请大家收藏:()我能强化加点更新速度最快。
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