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The dark cloudspressurefalls, along with the low and deepwhalecry that goes far awaygradually, the torrential downpourdrops from the clouds, whipsruthlesslyin the blackbluesea level.
The sea levelraisedthick fog, allcoversall.
某时候。In the blackbluesea level, drills a headsuddenly.
黑蓝海面上,忽然钻出一颗脑袋。Luo Yansurfaces.罗阎浮出海面。Looks at present the scene of heavy rainheavy rain, the facial expressionis complex, somewhatrejoiced, but alsosomewhatshocks.
看着眼前大雨瓢泼的景象,神情复杂,有些庆幸,还有些震撼。Beforeor the clear and boundless sky, the sunnyfine weather, has not thoughtin an instant, is cloudyunexpectedly, rains hard.
之前还是晴空万里,阳光明媚的好天气,没想到转眼之间,竟然乌云密布,下起了大雨。Thatgiant beast, as ifalsoinfluentialcelestial phenomenonability.
那巨兽,似乎还有影响天象的能力。„Can it be that a bigmonster?”
“莫不是一尊大妖?”Luo Yanlicked the lip, the eyegroundflashed throughwipes the burning hot.罗阎舔了舔嘴唇,眼底闪过一抹炙热。Thisand otherbigmonsters, in the Zhou Countryboundary, is almost impossibleto exist.
这等大妖,在周国地界,几乎不可能存在。Hemeetsnow, explained that thissea area, is notZhou Countrythatand other barren land.
这般想着。Helookstowardall around, wantsto have a lookalsoto have the living witness.
他又朝四周望去,想看看还有没有活口。Howeverin all directions is the thick fog, byhiseyesight, except forseeingJuwhale a wreckage of pile of reappearingsea levels, does not seeFeng Kunand other randomperson.
然而四处皆是浓雾,以他的目力,除了看到一堆浮现海面的巨鲸号残骸,不见冯坤等任意一人。Thinks that is also.
想想也是。Thatocean wavesraid, heis separated by more than tenli (0.5 km), was pattednot to know the deepseabed.
那海浪袭来,他相隔十余里,都被拍进不知多深的海底。ButFeng Kunand otherpiratesonisland, upfrontheavy, was not cranked up the bloodfogto succeedeven, the probability of living, onlyfeared that is about equal tozero.
而冯坤等海盗就在岛上,正面遭重,不被拍成血雾就算成功,活下来的概率,只怕约等于零。„Yeah, the good wordsare difficult the ghost who urged to die.”
“哎,好言难劝要死的鬼。”Luo Yanshakes the head.罗阎摇头。Thenlookstoonefloats the bathtub on water surface, swamfastin the past.
而后望向一个浮到水面上的澡盆,快速游了过去。Hestraightened up the bathtub, sat.
他将澡盆扶正,坐了进去。Juwhaleonlyremainspile of wreckage, thisbathtubis unexpectedly perfect, the qualitycan be inferred.
The bathtubafter all is only a bathtub, along with the ocean wavesjoltsfluctuating, was inferioreventuallyJuwhaleis like that steadfast.
只是澡盆毕竟只是澡盆,随海浪颠簸起伏,终究不如巨鲸号那般踏实。Butnow, is beyond controlheto pick.
但如今,也由不得他挑三拣四。Hesits cross-leggedto sitin the bathtub, startsto inventorything.
他盘膝坐在澡盆中,开始盘点身上的东西。Juwhaleis buried in the sea, mostresources that the azurecicada, true qipilland othersheprepareddo not know the trace, the blackstreamer that even obtained fromZhang Yuchanalsovanisheswithout the shadow.
巨鲸号葬身大海,青蝉、真气丹等他准备的大部分资源都不知所踪,甚至连那从张玉禅身上得到的黑幡也消失无影。Only thenseveraltypes of things of hispersonalcollection, preservedas before.
只有他贴身收藏的几样东西,依旧留存了下来。Twocloth sacks, a wooden box, a map.
首先。Twobrocade sackcloth sacks, hefrom the Fang Yanmouth, has known that thisisimmortal cultivatorusestorage bag, mustardXumi, smallbag, bigspace.
其中必然藏了不少好东西。Onlypitifully, storage bagneeds the supernatural power to open, thereforehehas not examinedwith enough time, has only collectedpersonal.
只可惜,储物袋需要法力才能打开,所以他都还没来得及查看,只一直贴身收藏。Hehidescarefullystorage bag, takes upthatsmallwooden box.
Among openslooks, sees onlylays aside more than tenbloodbottles.
打开一看,只见其内放置十余个血瓶。Thisbloodbottle the sourceblood that extractsfromFang Yanwithin the body.
这血瓶是从方岩体内萃取出来的源血。Hadover a hundredbottles.
原本有上百瓶。What a pity, majorityhidesin the middle of the room, along withJuwhaleburies togetherinto the sea, is only left over more than tenbottles that thiscarriesalong.
可惜,大部分都藏在房间当中,随巨鲸号一并葬入大海,只剩下这随身携带的十余瓶。Hesighs with sadness.
他悲叹一声。Takes uponebottle of bloodbottles, swallows.
The stomachjust likeburning down, then the bodycourage vigorsurges, true qiis billowingandfresh.
胃部宛如火烧,而后身上血气涌动,真气滚滚而生。In a flash, hisstrengthhas then restoredto the peak.
The Luo Yanlongstretch/leisurelyone breath, after the bloodbottlereturns the wooden box, spreads out the finalmapcarefullyto examine.罗阎长舒一口气,将血瓶放回木盒后,摊开最后的地图仔细查看。
The shipdid not have.
船没了。Hemustlook forislandsto repair and maintain12.
他得找一座岛屿修整一二。Againbad, mustmanufacture a wooden raft.
再不济,也要制作一艘木筏。Cannotdepend on the sitting downbathtubto go to the chaoticdemonsea......
他便锁定一座岛屿。„Yuandark greenisland.”
“元苍岛。”Helooks at the position of Yuandark greenisland.
他看着元苍岛的位置。ThisYuandark greenisland, onmap, fromhispresentpositionalsoontwofingers of lengths.
这座元苍岛,在地图上,距离他如今的位置也就两指长短。Ifroamingin the past.
然而若游过去。Even ifhewatches, at leastalsowantshalf a month.
哪怕他不眠不休,至少也要半个月。„For half a month......”
“半个月……”Luo Yanlifted the eyebrow.罗阎抬了抬眉。
The timewas too long, beforefrom the floatislandroamingin the past, was only twodays, thenalmostpressed outto dohim.
时间太长了,之前从浮游岛游过去,仅是两天不到,便几乎将他榨干。Butfor half a month, heis almost impossibleto achieve.
而半个月,他几乎不可能做到。Let alone, he must preserve the physical strength,
更何况,他也需保存体力,Deals withmomentarily the possibledanger. Sothinking.
应对随时可能出现的危险。如此想着。Helooked atbathtub under the body, looked ataround the eyeJuwhale the wreckage.
他看了眼身下的澡盆,又看了眼周围巨鲸号的残骸。Puts out a handto attract, twoplankswere then inhaledin the handbyhim, thenandrefers tolike the sword, cutting, twosimpleoarsthenmake.
伸手一吸,两块木板便被他吸入手中,而后并指如剑,一番切割,两根简易船桨便制造完毕。Hedistinguishes the ocean current, the judgmentdirection.
他辨别洋流,判断方向。Laterthenpaddles the oar.
“哗!”Ashepaddles the oarslowly, the bathtubwondark greenislanddirectionslides.
……Half a monthin an instant.
半月转眼而过。Under the burning hotsunlight, Luo Yanis red the upper arm, sits wellin the bathtub, the facial expressionis indifferent, solemngrandmasterbearing.
炙热阳光下,罗阎赤着膀子,端坐在澡盆上,神情淡然自若,俨然宗师气度。Distant place.
A sea fishjumps onto the sea level, but alsowithoutreturns to the seawith enough time, was coercedbytrue qi, flies to the Luo Yanhand.
一条海鱼跃上海面,还没来得及回到海中,便被一股真气裹挟,飞往罗阎手中。Luo Yangrabs the sea fish, casts off the head, squeezes in the mouthdirectly.罗阎抓着海鱼,摘掉脑袋,直接塞入嘴中。
The mouthshuts, the sea fishscalesboneallbecomes the powder, was swallowedbyhim.
嘴巴一闭,海鱼鳞甲连带骨头皆成粉末,被他咽了下去。„Theseordinarysea fish, fleshunexpectedlyalsogood, enduresto compareBlood-Strengthening Pill, it seems like that this sea areais the immortal cultivatorboundary.”
“这些普通海鱼,血肉竟也不俗,堪比血壮丹,看来这片海域已属于修仙者地界。”Luo Yaneven moreis assuredownguess.罗阎越发笃定自己的猜测。Then, heopens mouthattracts, drankseveralsea water.
说罢,他张嘴一吸,又喝了几口海水。Hesuckedbeing flabbergasted, carefulpersonal status.
The ordinarysea fishendurescompared withBlood-Strengthening Pill, butthissea water, haseffectiveness that nourishes the mortal body.
普通海鱼堪比血壮丹,而这海水,同样具有滋养肉身的效用。Thiseffectslightlyvast, is uselesstohim.
这效果微渺,对他无用。ButregardingZhou Countrytheseaverage people, calls it the spiritspring is not overrated.
但对于周国那些普通人而言,称之为灵泉都不为过。„Sidewater and soilraisessidepeople. Was borninthisgrade of boundary, even ifdid not practice martial arts, the body and spirit can also strong.”
The Luo Yanfacial expressionsobbed.罗阎神情唏嘘。Thissideboundary, even the airwas indeed more fragrant.
这方地界,的确连空气都香甜了许多呢。Hecaughttwosea fishto fill the belly, paddled the bathtubagain, the wondark greenislanddirectionslid.
他又抓了两条海鱼填饱肚子,才再度划动澡盆,朝元苍岛方向滑去。Butin the meantime.
但就在此时。Hislookconcentratessuddenly, shows the great happinessexpression.
他忽然眼神一凝,露出大喜表情。Sees only the distant place, presents a steamshipunexpectedly, indistinct, but can also seein the deckthatcrewindistinctly.
The Luo Yangreat happiness, rushesto paddle the twin screw, directly soarsthatsteamshipto go.罗阎大喜,赶忙划动双桨,直奔那大船而去。Hediscovered the ship.
他发现了船。On the ship the personnaturallyalsosawhim.
船上人自然也看到了他。„Youlook, what is that?”
“你们看,那是什么?”„Bathtub? Abovehas the personprobably.”
“澡盆?上面好像有人。”„Haha, youmisread, thisseawas boundless, but alsowhotook a bathinadequatelyin the bathtub?”
“哈哈,你看错了吧,这大海茫茫的,还有谁在澡盆里洗澡不成?”„Reallyhas the person, moreover...... is the sheepperson.”
“真的有人,而且……还是个羊人。”„Sheepperson? Can't?”
“羊人?不会吧?”„Really is the sheepperson......”
“真是羊人……”„Met the sheeppersonunexpectedly, wanderedin the sea, it is estimated thatwas the bloodlinesdegenerates, was sent into exile.”
甲板上。Severalcreware looking atLuo Yan, somefacial expressiondislike. In their opinion.
The sheepperson who thisbloodlinesdegenerate, shouldkillwhen the birthdirectly.
“他好像在向我们这边靠近。”„Goes, withbow and arrow.”
“去,拿弓箭来。”Soon, the crewthenbring the bow and arrow, the nockingdraw the string, toward the bathtubgesture of distant place.
不多时,船员们便拿来弓箭,撘箭拉弦,朝远处的澡盆比划。„Wecompare, does a person of arrow, whomlook atfirst?”Somecrewproposed.
“我们比一比,一人一箭,看谁先中?”有船员提议。„Selects the good luck?”Anotherpersonopens the mouth.
“就一百符钱如何?”„Good, Ifirstcome!”
“好,我先来!”Thatcrewlaughingopens the mouth, aims at the bathtub under Luo Yanbody, bends the bow the nocking, an arrowprojects.
“飕!”Benefits the arrowto goair-splitting.
利箭破空而去。Luo Yansits wellin the bathtubmountain, feelsadvantagearrow that towards oneselfflies, a browwrinkle, lifts the handto holdthisarrowarrow.罗阎端坐在澡盆山,感受到朝自己飞来的利箭,眉头一皱,抬手抓住这根箭矢。„Why do thesepeopleshootme?”
“这些人为何射我?”Hedeeply frowned.
他眉头紧锁。Properly speaking, runs intomeeting misfortunein the sea, shouldn'tsave others?
按理说,在大海上遇到落难者,不是应该救人吗?Hegrabs the arrowarrow, thinks, stands up, simultaneouslyhighsound said: „, Is well-meant below, onlyhopes that canmakemeembark, waitsto arrive in the land, Ileave.”
他抓着箭矢,想了想,站起身来,同时高声道:“诸位,在下没有恶意,只希望诸位能让我上船,等抵达陆地,我就离开。”Hisvoiceis abundant, passes toabove the steamshipseveralli (0.5 km) away clearly.
他声音雄厚,清晰传到数里外的大船之上。Severalcrewhearsword, the complexionsinks.
几个船员闻言,面色都是一沉。ThissheepRenjing does alsothinkontheirship?
这羊人竟还想上他们的船?„Iron pole, you were thatarrowa moment ago soft? Did the strengthallconsumeonXiaofangbelly?” A crewdisgruntledlooked at the eyeto shoot arrowsa moment ago the iron pole that simultaneouslytightened the bowstring, an arrowshot atLuo Yan.
An iron polefacecompelsignorant.
To dispute, butlooked that the arrow of companionshot , can only choosesilently, howhad a look atcompanionarrowmight.
想辩驳一下,但看同伴的箭都射出去了,也只能选择静默,看看同伴这一箭威力如何。Soon, thenleavesfinally.
不多久,结果便出。Just likehim, put out a handto holdbythatsheeppeople.
和他一样,同样被那羊人伸手抓住。Helaughs atone, taunted: „Bigcow, where doesn't your arrowmighthave to goin a big way?”
他嗤笑一声,嘲讽道:“大牛,你这箭威力也没大到哪去啊?”„Is impossible, Idrawthousandjin (0.5 kg), prestige of the arrow, opensstone tabletLieshisufficiently!”
The bigcowdoes not dareto believe that drew the bowstringagain.
The bowstringis extremely heavy, heneeds the full power, candraw the full, valuablebowso, arrow that shootspossiblysoft and weak?
弓弦极重,他需全力,才能拉满,这般的宝弓,射出去的箭怎可能软弱无力?Thenonly has a possibility...
那么只有一个可能…Hislookconcentrates, sinkingsound said: „Thatsheeppersonstrength does not seem ordinary.”
他眼神微凝,沉声道:“那羊人实力似乎不一般。”Hefinishes speaking, thenhearsin the deckto resoundseveralto call out in alarm.
他话音刚落,便听到甲板上响起几道惊呼。„It is not good, hecame!”
“不好,他过来了!”„Quickly, takes the weapon!”
“快,取武器!”„Do not lethimembark!”
“别让他上船!”„Informs the Sir!”
“去通知大人!”Luo Yansteps on the bathtub, the whole personsoars, fliestoward the steamship.罗阎踩踏澡盆,整个人腾空而起,朝大船飞去。Meanwhile, hecalls loudly: „, Iam well-meant, do not begin.”
同时,他高声喊道:“诸位,我没有恶意,不要动手。”Hisvoiceis sincere.
他声音诚恳。But a numerouscrewactuallyimitates, ifhas not heard, takes up the harpoon, thenforkstowardhim.
“拦下他!”„Damnsheepperson, rolls!”
The crewlookdislike, does not keep the hand, the harpoonunceasingforktoLuo Yan, every exhausts the full power.
船员们眼神厌恶,毫不留手,鱼叉不断叉向罗阎,每一下都用尽全力。In the Luo Yanheartemergesanger.罗阎心中涌现一丝怒意。Thesepeopleshothimalsoeven, nowalsoforkshimunexpectedly?
这些人射他也就算了,现在竟然还叉他?Hiscoldsnort/hum, sleeverobeonevolume, true qisweeps awaydirectly.
他冷哼一声,袖袍一卷,真气直接横扫而出。Ascends the time, a pirateis off their feet, allfallsfallson the ground.
“疼!”Theysend out the pain.
他们发出痛苦。Luo Yanfallson the shipfloating, is looking atthem, faintsay/way: „Yourcaptains? Lethimcome out.”罗阎则是飘然落在船上,望着他们,淡漠道:“你们船长呢?让他出来。”
The body and spirit of thesecrew, enduresto compareBlood Refinementmartial artist.
这些船员的体魄,也就堪比炼血武者。Withhim, waves to kill.
与他而言,挥手便可打杀。He the sleeverobeflunga moment ago, had receivedmoststrengths.
他刚才袖袍一甩,已经收了大部分力气。Otherwise, thesepeoplewere not off their feetare so simple.
要不然,这些人就不是人仰马翻那么简单了。„Snort, your excellencygoodskill, daringto injuremycrew?”
“哼,阁下好本事,竟敢伤我船员?”Severalcrewhad not replied,thenhas being inwardly angrysoundtogetherto transmitfrom the cabin.
几个船员尚未回答,便有一道愠怒声音从船舱内传来。Luo Yanfixes the eyes onto look.罗阎定睛望去。Saw only a middle-aged manto walkfrom the cabin, viewitsvitalityfluctuated, onBone Refinementhigh and low, butgavehisfeeling, was extremely similar to Fang YanZhang Yuchan.
只见一个中年男子从船舱内走了出来,观其气血波动,也就炼骨上下,但给他的感觉,却和方岩张玉禅极其相似。„immortal cultivator?”
“修仙者?”In the Luo Yanheartmoves, holds the fist in the other handto cup one hand in the other across the chesttoward the middle-aged man: „Acted according to the special circumstancesa moment ago, but alsolooks atyour excellencyto excuse me.”罗阎心中一动,朝中年男子抱拳拱手:“刚才事急从权,还望阁下见谅。”Heopens the mouthto apologize, in the middle-aged maneyesloathesactuallydoes not reduce the slightest, looked ateyeseveralinjuredcrew, soundextremelycoldsaying: „Injuresmycrew, but alsowantsmeto excuse me? In the world wheresomeddlesome!”
说罢。HetowardLuo Yan, flings the sleeves.
他朝着罗阎,同样一甩衣袖。Actuallymustalsomake the body of that personwith the say/way of that person!
The strong windsraid.
The Luo Yanblack hairchaoticdance, the clothingflap flapmakes noise, but the bodyis actually entirely still.罗阎黑发乱舞,衣衫猎猎作响,但身体却纹丝不动。Hestared at the middle-aged man, the complexionwas sinking: „Underyourhandcrewdoes not distinguish between right and wrong, firstactstome, firstshootsmewith the bow and arrow, thenalsotakes the harpoonto forkme, hasn't permittedmeto revolt?”
他盯着中年男子,脸色沉了下来:“你手底下的船员不分青红皂白,先对我出手,先是拿弓箭射我,而后又拿鱼叉叉我,还不准我反抗?”„Does father'sship, howfirstmake a movetoyou?”
The middle-aged manseessleevesnot to blowto flyLuo Yan, as iffeelsto lose face, the lookis inwardly angryimmediately, the intentionmoves, before the body, thenpresents a shining whitelong sword.
中年男子见一衣袖没吹飞罗阎,似乎感到丢脸,眼神顿时愠怒,心念一动,身前便出现一柄莹白长剑。Thatshining whitelong swordfloatsbaselessbeforeits.
那莹白长剑凭空漂浮在其身前。Trembleslightly, changes into a white lightunexpectedlydirectly, toward the Luo Yanlasing.
The swordlightis radiant, just likebolt of white silk.
剑光璀璨,宛若匹练。Suddenly, the surroundingscrewfacial expressionrouses, applaudsloudly.
一时间,周围船员都神情振奋,大声叫好。„Didn't your excellencythisplanto speakwell?”
“阁下这是不打算好好说话了?”Luo Yanalsocame the temperament.罗阎也来了脾气。Thesepeoplecome upunder the killertohim, nowisaggressive, is it possible thatbullieshimto be small and weak?
这些人一上来就对他下杀手,现在更是咄咄逼人,莫非欺负他弱小?If notnewly-arrived, hedoes not wantto stir up trouble......
若非初来乍到,他不想惹事……Hestares atthatlong sword, the palmis searching, thenholds the sword blade.
The resoundingsoundgets upsuddenly.
The Luo Yanfive fingerspress firmly between the fingers the sword blade, makes an effortfiercely, pinchestwo halves the long sworddirectly.罗阎五指捏住剑身,猛一用力,直接将长剑捏成两半。„Looks at the sword!”
“看剑!”Hissurfacefloodsneers, counts on the fingers the even/includingto shootforwardtwo.
他面泛冷笑,屈指向前连弹两下。Exchangestwolong swordsto transfer the direction, in the wink of an eye, thenarrives in front of the middle-aged man.
“我的白鳞剑!”Middle-aged manlookmeatpain, somewith amazement.
His long sword, is the low-gradeBuddhist musical instrument, does not know that has killedmanypeople.
他这长剑,乃是下品法器,不知杀过多少人。Yet now, broke offby the meatpalmby a sheeppersonunexpectedly.
可如今,竟然被一个羊人以肉掌生生折断。Thisletshisashamedat the same time, in the heartalsoemerges a fear.
这让他羞愧的同时,心中也涌现出一丝恐惧。Hehideshastilyto the one side, simultaneouslygreat shout: „On, isthissheeppeopletogether!”
“打他蛋!”Hearsshouting of middle-aged man, a numerouscrewlooked likehits the chickenbloodto be common, is lifting the harpoon, encircledagain.
The Luo Yancomplexionis even more cold.罗阎面色越发冷冽。Thesepeople, insmellystonelikelatrine pit.
这些人,就像茅坑里的臭石头。Incorrigibly obstinate!
顽固不化!Cannot withstandignorantly!
愚昧不堪!Cannot see, hisLuo'sstrength?
难道看不出,他罗某人的实力?„Good! Youbrought about own destruction, thatno wondermyLuo.” The Luo Yanlookiceis cold.
“好!尔等自寻死路,那就怪不得我罗某人了。”罗阎眼神冰寒。Hestands one's ground steadfastly, but the terrifyingauraactuallyrapidemergesfromhim, changes into the air wave, towardfrontwells upto goviolently.
他岿然不动,但恐怖的气息却迅速从他身上涌现,化为气浪,朝前方激涌而去。Seeing only the air waveis billowing.
The grounddeckmakeswū wū the sound, as ifwailsin the pain.
地上甲板发出呜呜之音,仿佛在痛苦哀嚎。Crewnearbody that crowdto/clashes, had not been struckto flyby the air wave, incomparablydistressedfallingtodistant place.
那群冲上来的船员还未近身,一个个已是被气浪击飞,无比狼狈的摔向远处。Has, even, the directcrashsea, splashes the hugespray.
更有甚至,直接坠落大海,溅起巨大浪花。„Is thissheepperson...... sohow terrorist?”
“这羊人……怎如此恐怖?”Having the crewis fearful and apprehensive.
The sheeppersonis rare, butalsohas.
羊人少见,但也不是没有。Therethem, separates for severalyearsto have the lifeto have the sheepperson who the bloodlinesdegenerate.
The sheepperson but who lives, was usually drown to deathdirectly, cangrow uprarely.
但生出来的羊人,通常都直接溺死了,罕有能够长大的。Evengrows up.
即便是长大。Alsois the generations of pureweakbeing unable to withstand.
也都是淳弱不堪之辈。Let alonetheirthesecapableadults, eight -year-old young child, canbullyevencasually.
别说他们这些精壮的成年人,就算是八岁小儿,都能随便欺侮。Unexpectedly.没想到。Thesheepperson who todaymeetsis unexpectedly terrifyingin this way!
今日遇上的这羊人竟然恐怖如斯!Thatmiddle-aged manis also alarmed and afraid, at this timelooks atLuo Yanto be irresistible, has not admitted defeatunexpectedly, butisin the colorcommand the common perillasaid:
那中年男子同样惊惧,此时看罗阎势不可挡,竟也没服软,而是色令内荏道:„Yoursheepperson, ifdaresto killus, waitsto be chased downbyYuandark greenislandWei Jia!”
“你个羊人,若敢杀我们,等着被元苍岛魏家追杀吧!”„Yuandark greenislandWei?”
“元苍岛魏家?”Luo Yanselects the eyebrow, sneers saying: „Ipour have a look, can Wei in yourmouth, for your peopletakes up arms, comes the boundlessbignautical fathomI.”罗阎一挑眉,冷笑道:“那我倒也看看,你口中的魏家,会不会为了你们这些人大动干戈,来茫茫大海寻我。”Inhisheartis inwardly angry.
他心中愠怒至极。Thesepeople, are malicioustohim, opens the mouthsilentsheeppeople.
这些人,对他恶意满满,更张口闭口羊人。Even ifhisrighteous qi, the temperamentis filled with excellent, at this timein the heartalsogave birthkilledintent.
纵然他正气满腔,脾气极好,此时心中也生出了杀意。„Shows mercy!”
“手下留情!”In the meantime, a magnificent dressson of the influentialappearsfrom the cabinin a hurry.
就在此时,一个华服公子哥匆匆从船舱中出现。Hesteps onto the deck, firstiscold the faceis lookingto the middle-aged man, scoldedin a low voice: „DingChanggui, whomakesyoudisrespecttothisbrothers? Hasn't giventhisbrothersto apologize?”
说罢。HelookstoLuo Yan, beaming: „Thisbrothers, the house slaveteachdeficient, the place of offending, but alsolooks at the brothersto be broad-minded.”
他又看向罗阎,春风满面:“这位兄弟,家奴缺乏管教,得罪之处,还望兄弟海涵。”Hisvoiceis sincere, the voicefalls, middle-aged man who alsostaresto be calledDingChanggui.
“得罪了。”Under the intently watch of magnificent dressyoung master, DingChangguiarchedcupping one hand in the other across the chesttowardLuo Yan, is onlyviewitsfacial expressionmanner, manysomewhatis perfunctory.
在华服公子的逼视下,丁长贵朝罗阎拱了拱手,只是观其神情举止,多少有几分敷衍。Likesmebeing ableto strengthenadds the pointto askeveryoneto collect:() Icanstrengthenadd the refresh rateto be quickest.
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