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The sulphur dioxideislandisisolated island in the seatin the sea.
硫烟岛是一座位于大海中的孤岛。In the islandhas an active volcano, frequentlysprays the sulfur, emits the thick smoke, thereforeassigns/life the sulphur dioxideisland.
岛上有一座活火山,经常喷射硫磺,冒出浓烟,故命硫烟岛。Looksfrom afar.
The sulphur dioxideislandis desolate and uninhabited, is environmentally harsh, seems only the placedesert island.
硫烟岛荒无人烟,环境恶劣,似乎只是座荒岛。Howeverin fact, thisplace is actually the illustriousGiant Whale Piratesupreme headquarters.
The pirates of overthousandnumberslivein the sulphur dioxideislanddeep place.
超过千数的海盗居住在硫烟岛深处。And the facilityis complete, evenalsoset upgambling den and brothel, supplies the pirates on islandto seek pleasure.
其中设施齐全,甚至还设立了赌坊和青楼,供给岛上的海盗寻欢作乐。Butat this moment.
而此刻。Luo Yansitsinsomebrothelside building, opposesto sitwithCaptainGiant Whale Pirate.罗阎就坐在青楼某间厢房中,和巨鲸盗首领对立而坐。Heis looking at carefullyCaptainGiant Whale Pirate before body.
他端详着身前的巨鲸盗首领。Countrycharacterface, ancient bronzesskin, after the brain, keeps the dirtypigtail, revealsonejust like the strongsolidmuscle.
国字脸,古铜皮肤,脑后留着脏辫,露出一身宛如铁铸般的坚实肌肉。Theyoung, seems likealsoless than40, whenis in the prime of life.
其年岁不大,看上去也就不到四十,正值年富力强之际。Butitsstrength, has actually achievedthe day after tomorrowin the middle period of the boundary.
而其实力,却已达到后天境中期。Thisto a pirate, is is extremely not easy.
这对一个海盗而言,已是殊为不易。Luo Yanwantsto come, thesepirates, besidesgrabbingcoastalcounty city, shouldalsocatchin the sea the giant beast, refines the realblood , to promote the strength.罗阎想来,这些海盗,除了劫掠沿海县城外,应该还会捕捉海中巨兽,提炼真血,增进实力。Andthisis calledFeng KunCaptainGiant Whale Pirateto see the frontinLuo Yan.
The waterspoutthenalreadyand it is said the request of Luo Yan.
龙吸水便已和其说了罗阎的要求。„Young MasterLuoplanned that invitedmeto go tothatchaoticdemonseatogether?”Feng Kunshot a look atmap on the table, looks uptoLuo Yan.
The Luo Yantranquilnod, puts out the map, the boothon the table: „CaptainFengpleaselook,thisisthatchaoticdemonseais then. Goes to the chaoticdemonsea the advantage, the second in commandthinks that had toldyou, Narrosomeno longergave unnecessary detail.”罗阎平静点头,拿出地图,摊在桌上:“冯首领请看,这便是那乱魔海所在。前往乱魔海的好处,二当家想必已经跟你说了,那罗某就不再赘述了。”Feng Kunlowers the head, examines the mapcarefully.冯坤低头,仔细查看地图。For a long time, helooks uptoLuo Yan, the sinkingsound said: „MapIlooked, the chaoticdemonsealeavesremotelyour. Ifin the past, at leastneedsto spendmore than half a yeartime, thisisin the situation of bon voyage.”
The voicefalls.
话音落下。Helowers the head, stares at the map, the fingerknocks on the desktoplightly, severalseconds: „Seabad risk, whateven ifyour excellencysaidisreal, that was too still dangerous.”
他又低下头,凝望地图,手指轻叩桌面,顿了几秒:“大海凶险,就算阁下说的是真的,那也太危险了。”„Inriches and honordangerdidn't strive for?”
“富贵险中求不是吗?”Luo Yanshows a faint smile, issaw that thisCaptainGiant Whale Pirate the heartmovespleasingly.罗阎微微一笑,已是看出这巨鲸盗首领心中意动。Ifitdoes not wantto go, opens the mouthto rejectinevitablydirectly, rather than whatjourneydangerand so on.
若其不想去,必然直接开口拒绝,而不是说什么路途危险之类的话。Helooks atFeng Kun, decidesto add a fire, the access road/simply said: „Ilooked that the second in commandis willingto seek the immortalwithmeverytogether. IfCaptainFengdoes not wantto go, but alsopleasesellmyship, sellsmynavigationexperiencedcrewagain.”
他看着冯坤,决定加一把火,便道:“我看二当家十分愿意跟我一起去寻仙。若冯首领不想去,还请卖我一艘船,再卖我一些航海经验丰富的船员。”Hisvoiceis sincere.
他声音诚恳。Then, puts outonebottle of true qipillto placeon the table, said: „Thisbottle of true qipill, purchasequalitygoodshipsandsomecrewshouldhave more than enough to spare.”
说罢,拿出一瓶真气丹放在桌上,道:“这瓶真气丹,购买一艘品质上佳的船和一些船员应该绰绰有余。”Feng Kunlooks at the jadebottle on table, strokes gently the chin, is lost in thought.冯坤看着桌上的玉瓶,摩挲下巴,陷入沉思。Heindeedwantsto track downunknown, wantsto go tothischaoticdemonseawithLuo Yantogether.
他的确想去追寻未知,想跟罗阎一同前往这乱魔海。spirit veinboundary, the place of immortal cultivatorlife.灵脉地界,修仙者生活之地。Onlythinks,makeshimpalpitate with excitement.
光是想想,就让他怦然心动。Butheafter all is a leader.
但他毕竟是首领。Hewalked, underhandpiratebastardswhat to do?
他走了,手底下的海盗崽子们怎么办?Let alone, is far away, goes to the unknownplace on map, is extremely indeed dangerous.
更何况,路途遥远,前往地图上的未知之地,的确太过危险。„Young MasterLuo, whethertomeseveraldaystime, to being able to makemeconsider.”
“罗公子,能否给我几日时间,让我好好考虑考虑。”Luo Yanshakes the head, said:罗阎摇头,道:„It is not good, I said that Ikilledimmortal cultivator, kept on the 1st, on a dangerousthenhighpoint.”
“不行,我说了,我杀了修仙者,多留一日,危险便高上一分。”Hearsthissaying, Feng Kunstillsomewhatwas suddenly scruple.
听得这话,冯坤一时间仍有些迟疑。Luo Yansaidagainmany.罗阎说的再多。Whatthatso-calledchaoticdemonseadoes not seeisreal.
那所谓的乱魔海也不见的是真。But the bad risk in sea, thatis the goodsrealvalue.
但大海中的凶险,那可是货真价值的。„Feng Kun, yourpirates, isn't the goalconquers the starssea? Howto also dread the seabad risk?”Luo Yanthinks, in a tone withcuriousasking.
“冯坤,你们海盗,目标不就是征服星辰大海吗?怎还会畏惧大海凶险?”罗阎想了想,语带好奇的问道。Hisvoiceis tranquil, without the least bitprovocationprodsmeaning.
他声音平静,没有半点挑衅激将意味。HoweverFeng Kunlistened tothese words, the eyelidactuallyto pull outsuddenly.
是啊。Theirpirates, toconquerseasince birth.
Did healsodread the seabad riskto come?
他怎还畏惧大海凶险来了?Althoughhenowis in the prime of life, buthad felt that bodycertainfunctionsbecame worse and worse.
In dozensyears,
再过几十年,Hewill definitely becomepouloess. Butnow, immortalreasonbeforehim.
他必然会成为一抔黄土。而现在,仙缘就在他面前。Butthisimmortalreason, perhapsis his lifeonlyopportunity of!
而这仙缘,或许是他此生唯一的机会!Hislooktwinkle, pounds on the tableimmediately, clenches teeth saying: „Young MasterLuothismapis hard-won, such being the case, IthenaccompanyYoung MasterLuoto walkonetime.”
他眼神闪烁,随即一拍桌子,咬牙道:“罗公子这份地图来之不易,既然如此,我便陪罗公子走一遭。”Hethought through.
他想通了。ThisLuo Yanstrengthis more powerful than himdoes not knowmanytimes.
这罗阎实力比他强大不知多少倍。Ifhedoes not go, angersthisperson, giveshimdirectly a fist, hediedmostly.
若他不去,惹怒此人,直接给他一拳,他多半就死翘翘了。Let alone.
After going to sea .
出海以后。Everyoneison a ship.
大家都是一条船上的。Thissurnamed Luodoes not fear, heaspirate, what alsothere is goodto fear?
这姓罗的都不惧,他身为海盗,又有什么好怕的?„Good. Thatsettled.” The Luo Yanchuckle, thensaid: „CaptainFengpreparesas soon as possibleappropriately, so as to avoida long delay usually means many problems, regenerateswhattwists and turnsto come.”
“好。那就这么说定了。”罗阎轻笑,而后道:“不过冯首领还是尽快准备妥当,免得夜长梦多,再生出什么波折来。”„Young MasterLuofelt relieved,givesme the half daytime, tonightourdepart.”Feng Kunstraightforwardopens the mouth.
接下来。Feng Kunstartsto bustle about.冯坤开始忙碌起来。Firstis the pirate who choosesto intendto go to the chaoticdemonseatogether.
先是挑选出有意一同前往乱魔海的海盗。Thenprepares the lance and fishing net of food, the living materialsas well ascapturing and killingseabeast.
最后。Feng Kunresigns the position of leader, bringsLuo Yanas well asoneshould the pirate who plansto go to the chaoticdemonsea, stepped the pirate ship.冯坤卸任首领之位,带着罗阎以及一应打算前往乱魔海的海盗,踏上了海盗船。„Young MasterLuo, thispirate ship, named the greatwhale, is a naval battlesteamship of Zhou Countrymanufacture. So long ascloses the windows and doors, even ifbigstorm, being hardmakes the greatwhaleshipsilent.”
“罗公子,这艘海盗船,名叫巨鲸,乃是一艘周国制造的海战大船。只要关上门窗,纵然再大的风浪,也难以让巨鲸船沉默。”Feng Kunstandsin the bow, is the ship of Luo Yanintroductionjourney.冯坤站在船头,为罗阎介绍出行之船。
The sea area above Zhou Country, oftenhas the Japanese pirateto attack, tocope withtheseJapanese pirates, Zhou Countryformed a powerfulnavy.周国之上的海域,经常有倭寇侵袭,为了对付这些倭寇,周国组建了一支强大的海军。ButthisJuwhale, is he new goods that came from the navyhand.
而这艘巨鲸号,便是他从海军手中得来的新货。Thistypetofightfreshwarship, itsquality, not onlymaykeep off the storm, iseven/includingHaishouhitsmaydisregard.
这种为战而生的战船,其质量,不仅可挡风浪,更是连海兽撞击都可无视。„Cannot think that yourGiant Whale Piratereallyalsohasthisgrade of treasure.” The Luo Yanrecording tapeacclaimed.
“想不到你们巨鲸盗竟然还有这等宝贝。”罗阎音带赞叹。ThisJuwhale, can be called a steelfortress, is quite indeed uncommon.
“哈哈。”Feng Kunlaughs, thenraises the armshouts, highsound said: „Brothers, hoist the sailsto set sail, along withmehas the nautical fathomimmortal!”冯坤大笑,而后振臂一呼,高声道:“兄弟们,扬帆起航,随我出海寻仙!”„Seeks the immortal!”
“寻仙!”„Seeks the immortal!”
The pirate on deckraises the armto cheer.
甲板上的海盗振臂欢呼。InFeng Kunbehind.
在冯坤身后。AlsostandstwoGiant Whale Pirateto manage a household, just like the pirates , the facial expressionrouses.
还站着两个巨鲸盗当家,和海盗们一样,同样神情振奋。Intwopeople, one is the second in commandwaterspout. Butanother, is fivemanages a householdChenHanlang.
二人中,其中一个便是二当家龙吸水。而另一个,则是五当家陈撼浪。Manages a householdas for several other, inhearing to driftmore than half a yearin the sea, after going to the remotechaoticdemonsea, allshakes the head the rejection.
至于其他几位当家,在听说要在海上漂泊大半年,前往遥远的乱魔海后,全都摇头拒绝。As the pirate, theyunderstandnavigationmore than half a year the concept.
身为海盗,他们明白航海大半年的概念。Compared with the poor life, thesepie that Luo Yandraws, has no attractiontothem.
The peopleare ambitiousrespectively.
人各有志。Feng Kunhas not forced, but the peoplehugsay goodbye.冯坤也没有勉强,只是和众人拥抱道别。When the nightfalls.
当夜幕降临。Juwhaleleaves the coastslowly, drivesin the landoppositedirection.
The seais boundless.
枯燥而乏味。A halfyearin an instant.
半年转眼而过。In the half year, Juwhaleoncedoes not know that manytimeencounters the violent storm, under the stormcoerces, such as the small boatjoltswanderingly, does not know where moves.
这半年来,巨鲸号曾不知多少次遭遇狂风暴雨,在风浪裹挟下,如小舟般颠簸流离,不知驶向何方。Alsoonceencountered the giant beasthit, the hullinclines, almosttilts.
也曾遭遇巨兽撞击,船体倾斜,差点倾覆。Is goodbecause.
好在。With the efforts ofpirate, Juwhaleturns toward the chaoticdemonseato drivethroughoutnear.
在一众海盗的努力下,巨鲸号始终向着乱魔海驶近。A halfyearpasses by.
The piratesdo not have the fervor of moststartingto rushagain, someare onlynumbanddesperate.
The seais boundless.
大海茫茫。Difficultto see the land.
难见陆地。Inthisgrade of environment, if not the blockin the pie of horizon, theyonlyfeared that wantsto falldirectlyinsanely.
晨曦微明。Luo Yanstandsin the deck, looks atSun of distant place, the eyeis narrowing the eyesslightly.罗阎站在甲板上,望着远处的太阳,眼睛微微眯起。These days.
这段时间。Heis togetherwiththisgroup of pirates, learnedmanythings.
他跟这群海盗相处,也学会了不少东西。For exampleaccording toSun and stars, determinesownposition.
而如今。Theyjustrolled byhalf ofdistances.
他们刚刚驶过一半路程。In other words, if the speedis invariable, they must navigate for a halfyear, canarrive at the chaoticdemonsea.
也就是说,若速度不变,他们仍需航行半年,才能到达乱魔海。„Luo Yan, the brotherscould not insist.”
“罗阎,兄弟们都坚持不下去了。”Feng Kunarrives atLuo Yanbehind, the beardstretches out all four limbs, in the roughsurfacereveals the dignifiedcolor.冯坤走到罗阎身后,胡须拉茬,粗犷的面上流露凝重之色。
The fervorwill be obliteratedby the time.
激情会被时间磨灭。Butloses the fervor, is a verydreadfulmatter.
而失去激情,是一件很可怕的事情。„Distancemore than half, eventheyregretnow, stillalreadywithout enough time.” The Luo Yanfacial expressionis tranquil.
“路程已经过半,就算他们现在后悔,也已经来不及了。”罗阎神情平静。Juwhalehas navigated for a halfyearin the sea.
巨鲸号已在海上航行半年。Eventhisgroup of piratesregretted, is still beyond controlthey.
就算这群海盗后悔,也由不得他们。In the half year, hehas learned all navigational technologies of pirates, even ifon the shiponlyremainshisone, he can also set sailalone, goes to the chaoticdemonsea.
这半年来,他已经学会了海盗们的所有航海技术,纵然船上只剩他一个,他也能独自开船,前往乱魔海。At this time.
The deckfront, transmits the pirateto call out in alarmsuddenly.
“陆地!”„Fronthas the land! Isaw the immortalpalace!”
仙宫?Luo Yanfollowsthatpiratevisionto lookimmediately.罗阎当即顺着那海盗目光望去。Sees only the distant place, an islandheaves in sight.
只见极远处,一座小岛映入眼帘。Thatislandfine spring day, excellent surroundings.
那小岛鸟语花香,环境优美。But the islandcenter, iscloudZhengxiais more luxuriant, the faintly visiblemagnificent jade palace, is ordinaryjust like the immortalpalace, insevenrainbowlightpartly visible.
The sobigmeteorology, lookedto staysuddenlyLuo Yan.
这般大气象,一时间看呆了罗阎。Butquick, the canteentrembleslightly, letsinhisheartthen the alarm bellerupts, feelsfearful and apprehensiveunexpectedly.
但很快,水壶轻颤,让他心中便警铃大作,竟感到一阵心惊肉跳。Herecovers, rushesto shouttoward the piratebehind: „Transfers the direction, goes roundthisislands.”
他回过神来,赶忙朝身后海盗喊道:“调转方向,绕开这座岛屿。”„Why? Thatis the immortalpalace, perhapsIand otherimmortalreasons.”
“为何?那可是仙宫啊,说不定我等仙缘到了。”Has the pirateopens the mouth, the burning hot of whole face.
The immortalpalaceis close at hand, is bad, mustgo forwardto inquire aboutone.
仙宫近在眼前,再不济,也要上前探寻一番啊。Hestares atthatisland, as ifin the islandhaswhatattractivething, is summoninghimto gogeneral.
他凝望那海岛,仿佛岛上有什么极具吸引力之物,在呼唤他前往一般。Feng KunalsopuzzledlookstoLuo Yan: „Young MasterLuo, is it possible thatthisislandsdo havewhattrick?”冯坤也一脸疑惑的看向罗阎:“罗公子,莫非这岛屿有什么猫腻?”Heafter all is the pirateleader, pouringlike thatis not naivelikeotherpirates.
他毕竟是海盗首领,倒也不像其他海盗那般天真。Luo Yanstares atthatpirate, the nodsaid: Severalislands that „wemeetalong the road, on the mapallhave the mark, thisislanddoes not haveonly. Isn't thisstrange?”罗阎凝望那海盗,点头道:“我们沿路遇上的几座海岛,地图上皆有标记,唯独这座岛没有。这不奇怪吗?”In the sea the islandsare extremely few.
海中岛屿极少。Theynavigate for a halfyearin the sea, aftersevendesert islands.
他们在海中航行半年,经过七座荒岛。Butsevendesert islands, were labelledbyYuanYiyangon the map.
而七座荒岛,都被袁易阳标注在了地图上。But the presentislands, actuallydo not existon the map.
这很蹊跷。„Possiblywaswedrifts off coursewas uncertain.”Feng Kunlooked ateyethatislands, a facesaidscruple.
“可能是我们偏航了也不一定。”冯坤看了眼那岛屿,一脸迟疑道。„Is impossible.”
“不可能。”Luo Yanshakes the head, saidassuredly: „Mylast nightnightviewcelestial phenomenon, Juwhalehas not drifted off course.”罗阎摇头,笃定道:“我昨晚夜观天象,巨鲸号并没有偏航。”Before7 th, theypassed throughdesert island on a map, the anchorJuwhale the position.
就在七日前,他们才经过一座地图上的荒岛,锚定了巨鲸号的位置。Possiblyhowto drift off coursenow?
怎可能现在就偏航?Let alone, helooks atthatislands, has a fearful and apprehensivefeeling.
他相信自己的直觉。„Young MasterLuo, you , if not wantto go, thatmakesuspass.” The second in commandwaterspoutopens the mouth, the lookis greedy, winksis staring atthatislands that.
“罗公子,你要是不想去,那让我们过去。”二当家龙吸水开口,眼神贪婪,一眨一眨的盯着那岛屿。Thatand other will the fairylands, howhave the false?
那等仙境,怎会有假?„Young MasterLuo, youthenstop the shipinthisplace, Iand other tourshad a lookin the past, ifreallydoes not haveright, you can also run awaydirectly.”Fivemanage a householdChenHanlangvisiontwinkle, offers advicetoLuo Yan.
“罗公子,你便将船停在此地,我等游过去看看,若真有不对,你也能直接逃走。”五当家陈撼浪目光闪烁,给罗阎出了个主意。„YesYoung MasterLuo, letmeand other pasts.”
A piratealsostartsto create a disturbance.
一众海盗也开始起哄。Theysaw the immortalpalace, in the heartas if there is soundto urge: In the immortalpalacehas the immortalreason, goesquickly!
他们都看到了仙宫,同时心中仿佛有声音在催促:仙宫中有仙缘,快去!Luo Yansees that sighs: „Good wordsare difficult the ghost who urged to die, you , to go, thatwent. Buthas an accident, butIhave not remindedno wonderbeforehand.”罗阎见状,叹息道:“好言难劝要死的鬼,尔等若想去,那就去吧。但出了事,可莫怪我事先没有提醒。”„Many thanksYoung MasterLuo!”
“多谢罗公子!”Luo Yanfinishes speaking, a piratethenalljumps downfrom the deck, swims awaytoward the distant placeisland.罗阎话音刚落,一众海盗便皆从甲板上跳下,朝远处海岛游去。They seemed to be misledinexplicably.
The Luo Yanwordsare so straightforward, has not madethemhesitateunexpectedly for onesecond.罗阎的话如此直白,竟也没让他们迟疑一秒。Feng Kunthreemanage a householdto look at each otherone.冯坤三位当家对视一眼。Finally, the waterspoutandChenHanlangchoosesalong withon the piratetogetherisland.
最终,龙吸水和陈撼浪选择随海盗一同上岛。Only hasFeng Kun, the choiceremained.
只有冯坤,选择留了下来。Looks atitsfacial expressionmanner, such aslike ants on a heated panis ordinary, an anxiety of face.
只是看其神情举止,却如热锅上的蚂蚁一般,一脸的焦躁不安。„CaptainFengwantsto goto go.”Luo Yanthinks,says.
The Feng Kunlookstruggles.冯坤眼神挣扎。Hewants certainlyto go, buthe, ifalsowent, what to doLuo Yandid drive away the shipby some chance?
他当然想去,但他要是也去了,罗阎万一把船开走了怎么办?A halfyearis together, heknows that Luo Yanis notsuchperson, but against person'sheart must have......
半年相处,他知道罗阎不是那样的人,但防人之心不可无……„Good, Young MasterLuofavors the ship.”
说罢。Hethumpplunges into the sea, swims awaytowardthatislandsdirectly.
他咕咚一声跳入海中,也直接朝那岛屿游去。Thatislanddistanceis remote.
那海岛距离遥远。But a pirateismartial artist, the river characteris all excellent, thussoon, thensomepeopletake the leadto step the sand beach.
但一众海盗皆为武者,水性极好,因而不多久,便有人率先踏上沙滩。Luo Yanlooks at the pirates who thatchanges into the smallsunspot, is prompted by a sudden impulseinexplicably.罗阎看着那化为小黑点的海盗们,莫名心血来潮。Hislowering the head of suddenly, looksto the sea level.
他忽的低下头,望向海面。Sees onlyripplesto proliferateto come, to wash outwhenJuwhale the hull, has raisedzhang (3.33 m)highocean waves.
只见一圈圈涟漪扩散而来,冲刷在巨鲸号船身上时,已掀起丈高的海浪。Hiseyelidjumps, looksfollowing the direction that the ripplestransmit, impressively is the islands that immortalpalaceis at! „Was bad, aren't thisislands, inwhatsea the giant beast?”
他眼皮一跳,顺着涟漪传来的方向望去,赫然便是那仙宫所在的岛屿!“糟了,这岛屿,不会是什么海中巨兽吧?”In the seahas the giant beast, namedclamwhale.
The clamwhalefloats the sea leveldeep sleepfrequently, but the aura of itsnostrilblowout, mayformto have the hallucinationeffectivenessclamboundary, is a mirage.
蜃鲸常常漂浮海面沉睡,而其鼻孔喷出的气息,可形成拥有迷幻效用的蜃境,也就是海市蜃楼。As a rule, the clamwhalesinkseach time the dormancy, canlasted several hundred years.
During this, even ifthere isimmortal cultivatorto sparonhisbody, so long ascannotinjuretoit, itwill not regain consciousness.
The class/flow of Feng Kun, is a mortal, under the bustling placefoul aircovers, theysuch aslump of unbearable stinkexcrement.冯坤之流,皆为凡人,红尘浊气笼罩下,他们就如一坨臭不可闻的屎。How the clamwhalecanendureseverallumps of excrementto stickon the body.
The subconsciousnessshook the body, wantsto throw awayseverallumps of excrement.
下意识晃了晃身子,想甩脱几坨屎。Butithas not thought,itmoreshakes, unexpectedlytheselumps of excrementalsocrawlhappier.
可它没想到,它越晃,这几坨屎竟然还爬的越欢。At this moment.
此刻。As a piratesteps the islands, sinks the clamwhale in dormancyto be awakened, evendirectviolent anger.
随着一众海盗踏上岛屿,沉眠中的蜃鲸被惊醒,甚至直接暴怒。Luo Yanstandson the ship, onlylistens to a low and deepwhaleto resound.罗阎站在船上,只听一声低沉的鲸鸣响起。Nextsecond.
The startleddaymonstrous wavessweep acrossfrom the distant place.
惊天的巨浪从远处席卷而来。Luo Yanstillwent backto set sailwithout enough time, thatmonstrous waveshave come in waves, submergesJuwhale.罗阎尚来不及回去开船,那巨浪已是滚滚而来,将巨鲸号淹没。Nextflickers.
下一瞬。Luo Yansuch aswas hit hard, was hardto imagine the monstrous waves that to patin the middle by one entering the seawater.罗阎如遭重击,被一股难以想象的巨浪拍入海水当中。„Thisgroup of bastards!”
“这群混蛋!”Hiseye of ziwantsto crack, sent regardskindlypirate who onethatcrowdrushes to the islands.
他目眦欲裂,亲切的问候了一遍那群冲上岛屿的海盗。Thismonstrous wavesare violent.
这巨浪猛烈。Heonlythinks that the whole bodywas torn, along withJuwhale the wreckage, oneandsinkstoward the deep sea.
他只觉浑身被撕裂,随巨鲸号残骸,一并朝深海中沉去。For a long time.
许久。Hegets rid of the rapidundercurrent, stands firm the figure.
他才摆脱湍急的暗流,稳住身形。Heresides in the seabednot to know the multi-deep places, is wantingto raise the head, looksto the front.
他居于海底不知多深处,正欲抬头,看向前方。Butthisis on the rise, hispupilthenshrinkssuddenly, flickerssolidifiesimmediatelythoroughly.
可这一抬头,他瞳孔便骤然一缩,瞬随即彻底凝固。Inline of sight.
视线中。Tworoundsare staring athimjust like the fierceYang-likegianteyepupil.
两轮宛如烈阳般的巨大眼眸正凝望着他。In the raythroughthatpupil, cansee that incomparablyhugeoutlinefaintly, evencompares the entiresulphur dioxideislandto be huger.
通过那眼眸中的光线,隐隐能看到那无比巨大的轮廓,甚至比整座硫烟岛都更加巨大。Undergiant beastgaze.
巨兽注视下。Luo Yansuffocatessuddenly, the whole bodyis icy cold.罗阎陡然窒息,浑身冰凉。Whatmaymakehimnot think, after thatgiant beaststares athimtwoseconds, a pair of eyespupilunexpectedlyextremelyuser-friendlydisclosed a dislike, nausea and breathlessmood.
可令他没想到的是,那巨兽凝望他两秒后,一双眼眸竟极其人性化的透露出一丝厌恶、恶心和气急败坏的情绪。Thenturns aroundunexpectedlydirectly, suddenly, thenvanishesin the sea waterdeep place.
而后竟直接转身,眨眼之间,便消失在海水深处。Likesmebeing ableto strengthenadds the pointto askeveryoneto collect:() Icanstrengthenadd the refresh rateto be quickest.
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