ICSBAP :: Volume #2

#179: Going to sea

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I can strengthen add a https:// 我能强化加点https:// Zhang Yuchan walks toward Luo Yan, wants to gather the Luo Yan soul with the profound Yin streamer. 张玉禅罗阎走去,欲以玄阴幡收取罗阎魂魄。 The profound Yin streamer may receive the person soul. 玄阴幡可收人魂魄。 However because refines the material the reason, can only cultivate the malicious ghost the profound Yin virgin, but looks like the Luo Yan so powerful martial artist soul, can only act as the nourishment. 不过由于炼制材料的缘故,只能将玄阴处子培育成恶鬼,而像罗阎这般强大武者的魂魄,只能充当养料。 He gathers the Luo Yan soul, wants to gather nourishment, swallows to several malicious ghosts who in the streamer only save, builds up one's health. 他收取罗阎魂魄,自是想收取一份养料,给幡内仅存的几头恶鬼吞食,补补身子。 „The next generation remembers that do not offend immortal cultivator.” “下辈子记得别得罪修仙者。” He sneers, arrives at the Luo Yan body side, then wants to shake the black streamer, gathers the soul. 他冷笑一声,走到罗阎身侧,便欲摇动黑幡,收取魂魄。 However lifts the hand to flicker in him, in the ground the Luo Yan leaning head of lying down corpse, the terrifying blood light comes unexpectedly swiftly together air-splitting, he still made the response without enough time, the forehead is then pierced by the blood light. 然而就在他抬手一瞬,地面上躺尸的罗阎竟倏然偏头,一道恐怖的血光破空而来,他尚来不及做出反应,眉心便被血光洞穿。 That blood light from downward, has cut to his thigh root, this gives up. 那血光自上往下,一直切割至他的大腿根部,这才罢休。 But his complexion expression, is coagulating instantaneously. 而他脸色表情,在瞬间凝固。 You?!” “你?!” Zhang Yuchan directs Luo Yan, looks stunned, combining one is alarmed and afraid and despairs. 张玉禅指点罗阎,神情错愕,混杂一丝惊惧和绝望。 Has not actually thought that this person is actually feigning death. 却是没想到这人竟然在装死。 Finishing speaking. 话音刚落。 Then sees the blood line to reappear among his bodies together, then the body is divided into two halves directly, goes toward about but actually, the internal organs and blood fell everywhere. 便见一道血线自其身体中间浮现,而后身体直接分为两半,朝左右倒去,内脏和鲜血落了满地。 „.” “咳咳。” Luo Yan coughs lightly two, struggled to crawl from the ground. 罗阎轻咳两声,挣扎着从地上爬了起来。 Looked down a chest, saw only the flesh erosion, dense obvious white bones. 低头看了眼胸膛,只见血肉糜烂,森然可见白骨。 Luckily this boy has no experience. If bumps into a slippery customer, makes up the blade in the distant place, I also can only stampede.” “幸亏这小子没什么经验。若是碰到一个老油子,在远处补刀,那我也只能狼狈逃窜了。” In his eye reveals the lucky color, puts out two grains to live flesh Dantun to enter in the abdomen. 他眼中流露侥幸之色,拿出两粒生肌丹吞入腹中。 Only pitifully, with the mortal body is even more powerful. 只可惜,随着肉身越发强大。 This can live the therapy treasure medicine of white bones, to his function already even more slightly vast. 这等可以生白骨的疗伤宝药,对他的作用已经越发微渺。 He looked at the corpse of ground, tries to find out rapidly, squeezes in all things the bosom, then takes up that black streamer, then the rapid towards oneself dwelling plunders. 他看了眼地上的尸体,迅速摸索一番,将所有东西塞入怀中,而后又拿起那杆黑幡,便飞速朝自己住处掠去。 This time cuts to kill the Zhang Yuchan sound to be big. 此番斩杀张玉禅动静不小。 Not long, some people will then catch up. 不用多久,便会有人赶来。 He not only need leave this crime scene, but also needs to leave Baiyue Province as soon as possible. 他不仅要离开这个案发现场,还需要尽快离开百越府 Because. 因为。 Blood Cloth Cult and blood god army relate ambiguous. 血衣教和血神军关系暧昧。 That Zhang Yuchan, perhaps is the blood god sect disciple. 张玉禅,或许就是血神宗弟子。 The homicide falls Zhang Yuchan, is equal to offend the blood god sect. 他杀掉张玉禅,等同于得罪血神宗。 Although Zhou Country is big, only feared that is also difficult the place of his taking shelter. 周国虽大,只怕也难有他容身之处。 Does not know that I was marked?” “也不知道我被标记了没有?” His look glitters secretly, in heart worried. 他眼神暗暗闪烁,心中大为苦恼。 He had not been marked, naturally does not know that was marked the feeling, can be what seed/type felt. 他没被标记过,自然不知道被标记有没有感觉,又会是何种感觉。 But this unknown, is his worried root. 而这种未知,就是他苦恼的根源。 „, Cuts that Fang Yan a while, naturally can know that was marked is what seed/type felt.” “罢了,等会儿斩掉那方岩,自然会知道被标记是何种感觉。” He is so thinking, plunders, while opens Mind Searching Record. 他这般想着,一边掠进,一边打开搜神录 Turns to the last page, under Zhang Yuchan that lifelike design, three lines of writing glitter. 翻到最后一页,张玉禅那栩栩如生的图案下,三行文字闪烁。 Small sidereal revolution expiration and inspiration technique 【小周天吐纳术】 Picks makes up Yang technique Yin 【采阴补阳术】 Spirit shield technique 【灵盾术】 Luo Yan swept the eye sketchily, a brow then slightly wrinkle. 罗阎粗略扫了眼,眉头便微微一皱。 Three magic arts, have not attacked the magic arts unexpectedly together. 三道法术,竟没有一道攻击法术。 He feels three methods carefully, the small sidereal revolution expiration and inspiration technique is one compared with some expiration and inspiration technique exquisite merit laws, may collect the world spiritual energy, concise supernatural power. 他细细感受三道法门,小周天吐纳术是一门比吐纳术精妙些许的功法,可采集天地灵气,凝练自身法力。 But picks makes up Yang technique Yin, is side door magic arts that promotes the supernatural power. 而采阴补阳术,则是一门增进法力的旁门法术。 This side door magic arts drawback is enormous, picks to make up each time, will make immortal cultivator even more supple. 这旁门法术弊端极大,每次采补,都会让修仙者变得愈发阴柔。 As for the spirit shield technique, intent such as its, is extremely ordinary defense magic arts. 至于灵盾术,意如其名,是一门极其普通的防御法术。 Actually fireball technique grade of common goods do not even have.” “竟然连火球术这等大路货都没有。” Luo Yan deeply frowned. 罗阎眉头紧锁。 To come in him, as immortal cultivator, the fireball technique should be the standard configuration is right. 在他想来,身为修仙者,火球术应该是标配才对。 As everyone knows, in immortal cultivation world, the fireball technique may not be common goods, that is only then the body has with the magic arts that immortal cultivator of flame related bloodlines can cultivation and use. 殊不知,在修仙界中,火球术可并非大路货,那是只有身具和火焰有关血脉的修仙者才能修炼并使用的法术。 But resembles Zhang Yuchan this most preliminary innate bloodlines. 而似张玉禅这等最低级的先天血脉。 The supernatural power does not have the attribute, even if studies the attack magic arts, the might also is extremely relatively speaking ordinary. 法力没有属性,纵然学习攻击法术,威力相对而言也极其一般。 Such being the case, with its consumption energy learn/study magic arts, might as well the direct purchase Buddhist musical instrument, defend with the Buddhist musical instrument. 既然如此,与其耗费精力学习法术,还不如直接购买法器,以法器御敌。 Luo Yan hesitates little, chooses the spirit shield technique. 罗阎沉吟少许,选择灵盾术。 Although is unable to use, but also better than nothing. 虽无法使用,但也聊胜于无。 Quick. 很快。 He then returns to the secret room. 他便回到密室之中。 Felt when he comes back the sound, the Fang Yan wooden opens the mouth, makes the mechanical sound: Killed......” 感觉到他回来时的动静,方岩木然开口,发出机械声音:“杀了……” Finishes barely the words, he then must recompense to hope, was tapped the broken head by a Luo Yan palm conveniently. 话音未落,他便得偿所愿,被罗阎随手一掌拍碎脑袋。 Luo Yan has not looked at his one eyes. 罗阎没有多看他一眼。 Feels itself carefully, discovered that indeed has anything to enter his within the body. 细细感受自身,发现的确有什么东西钻进他体内。 But that thing is pure, even cannot break through protects his soul the canteen, then diverges like the mist directly. 但那东西淳弱,甚至未能突破守护他灵魂的水壶,便直接如云烟般散去。 „Is this mark that Fang Yan said? But probably failed...” “这就是方岩所说的标记?但好像失败了…” Luo Yan look suddenly, at once relaxed one breath. 罗阎眼神恍然,旋即轻松一口气。 Has the feeling. 有感觉。 In other words, he kills that Zhang Yuchan, had not been marked. 也就是说,他杀死那张玉禅,并没有被标记。 This to him, without doubt is a good news. 这对他而言,无疑是一个好消息。 But for all this. 但尽管如此。 He arrives at the counter, turns out the knife wound medicinal powder end to spread in the chest, then takes up the two burdens, then hurries to the sea direction. 他还是走到柜台边,翻出金创药粉末涂在胸口,而后又拿起两个包袱,便朝大海方向赶去。 The gentlemen are not built on under the danger wall. 君子不立于危墙之下。 Facing method unknown immortal cultivator, escaping is the best choice. 面对手段未知的修仙者,逃是最好的选择。 Let alone, he had the meaning of departure, even the burden packed one month ahead of schedule. 更何况,他本就有离去之意,甚至连包袱都提前一个多月打包好了。 Without the ship, that can only look for these pirates.” “没有船,那就只能去找那些海盗了。” Luo Yan goes out of the secret room, the look narrows the eyes slightly. 罗阎走出密室,眼神微微一眯。 As the pirate, occupies the sea for a long time, decides however has the ship. 作为海盗,长期盘踞大海,定然有船。 Moreover, pirate who these go to sea frequently, but can also act as the crew to him, making him be insufficient to lose the direction. 而且,那些经常出海的海盗,还能给他充当船员,让他不至于迷失方向。 The Valuable Peace King body dies, his constructing ship great undertaking half-way stops , can only offer this bad plan. 宝泰王身死,他的建船大业半道中止,也就只能出此下策了。 He opens Mind Searching Record again, turns to the last page. 他再次打开搜神录,翻到最后一页。 Under the Fang Yan body, three lines of writing glitter slightly. 方岩身下,三行文字微微闪烁。 Searches for soul technique 【搜魂术】 Conduction technique 【传导术】 Nihility touches to raid 【虚无触袭】 Luo Yan looked at the eye three magic arts, the look somewhat is inspired. 罗阎看了眼三门法术,眼神微有些振奋。 These three magic arts, light/only look at the name, can see that on good is too more than Zhang Yuchan common goods. 这三门法术,光看名字,就能看出比张玉禅身上的大路货好上太多。 However in several seconds, his corners of the mouth then pulls out slightly, in the surface appears, helpless smiles bitterly. 然而没过几秒,他嘴角便微微一抽,面上浮现出无奈苦笑。 These three magic arts, may search for the person soul, may be enlightened, may drag into the illusory space, is the extremely rare and splendid magic arts. 这三门法术,一门可搜人魂魄,一门可给人醍醐灌顶,一门可将人拉入虚幻空间,都是极其罕见且出色的法术。 However. 然而。 To practice three magic arts, must first have the Chu Race bloodlines, the volume fresh synapse is good. 想要修行三门法术,首先得具备触族血脉,额生突触才行。 If no Chu Race bloodlines, even if his achievement innate body, is unable to cultivate. 若无触族血脉,哪怕他成就先天之体,还是无法修炼。 These magic arts, really have the limit.” In the Luo Yan heart sighed, the direct selection nihility touched to raid. “这些法术,竟然都有限制。”罗阎心中叹息,直接选择虚无触袭。 Since is unable to cultivate, that naturally elects well, understands 12, is good to him. 既然无法修炼,那当然选最好的,了解一二,对他也有好处。 After all knows oneself and other side, can be undefeated in many battles. 毕竟知己知彼,才能百战不殆。 Closes Mind Searching Record, Luo Yan with the aid of the dim light of night, then goes out of town quickly, arrives at the sea. 关闭搜神录,罗阎借助夜色,很快便出了城,来到大海边上。 He reviews to look. 他回眸望去。 The look somewhat sobbed. 眼神有些唏嘘。 Few several immortal cultivator, can mix one wars that fluctuates several hundreds of millions mortals. 寥寥数位修仙者,就能搅动一场波动数亿凡人的大战。 Although after several people, is standing two large amounts. 虽说几人身后站着两个大宗。 As long as person's position in immortal cultivator eye, thinks that can know. 但凡人在修仙者眼中的地位,想想就能知道。 Heard that Bell Divine Tower was about to defeat. Also does not know that Zhou Country under blood god sect rule, can be what kind of scene?” “听说钟神楼快败了。也不知周国在血神宗统治下,会是何等光景?” His thought tumbles, immediately the deep sigh one breath, turns around to look to the sea. 他念头翻滚,随即长叹一口气,转身看向大海。 The pirate trail is hard to search, even if he , can only stand in the seashore, waits for gains without pains, waits for the pirate ship to appear. 海盗踪迹难以寻觅,纵然是他,也只能站在海边,守株待兔,等海盗船出现。 Is good because. 好在。 He is quite lucky, after two double-hour, then sees the distant place to drive a brilliantly illuminated pirate ship. 他颇为幸运,两个时辰后,便见远处驶来一艘灯火通明的海盗船。 This seeks the immortal, either dies on seeking the immortal road, either makes a name for oneself. This whole life, should not come back.” “此去寻仙,要么死在寻仙路上,要么功成名就。这辈子,应该是不会回来了。” He is so thinking, finally turn head looked at eye behind land, then walks into the sea, plunders rapidly toward the pirate ship of distant place. 他这般想着,最后回头看了眼身后的陆地,便走入大海,朝远处的海盗船飞速掠去。 ...... …… On pirate ship. 海盗船上。 The Giant Whale Pirate second in command waterspout sits well in the room, is staring at the map on table. 巨鲸盗二当家龙吸水端坐在房间中,正凝望桌上的地图。 Now the Baiyue Province chaos caused by war just subsides. 如今百越府战乱刚刚平息。 Wealth and grain, even the woman, was plundered by the army. 财富、粮食,甚至女人,都被军队掠夺一空。 This also causes their pirate nowhere to take by force, the day was getting more and more sad. 这也导致他们海盗无处打劫,日子越来越难过了。 These district and Huai county's blood god army just withdrew, only hopes that these blood god army are not the generations of being greedy, will leave behind some perquisites.” “这余县和淮县的血神军刚刚撤走,只希望这些血神军不是雁过拔毛之辈,会留下些油水。” The waterspout is looking at carefully the two counties on map, the look is especially dignified. 龙吸水端详着地图上的两个县城,眼神格外凝重。 These two counties, are their Giant Whale Pirate tonight goals. 这两个县城,便是他们巨鲸盗今夜的目标。 A night fights in two counties, this when the past, was absolutely impossible, because they looted the county city, but must enjoy some pleasure. 一夜转战两座县城,这在以往,是绝对不可能的,因为他们洗劫县城之时,还要享受些乐子。 But now, is compelled, they also can only tired. 但如今,生计所迫,他们也只能累一点。 He is so thinking, the closing up map, the closing one's eyes pupil, prepares to conserve strength, prepares for the tonight's war. 他如此想着,合拢地图,闭上眼眸,准备养精蓄锐,为今晚大战做准备。 But in the meantime. 可就在此时。 Suddenly resounds together the faint sound. 身后,忽然响起一道淡漠声音。 Your Giant Whale Pirate supreme headquarters where?” “你们巨鲸盗的大本营在何处?” Hears this word. 听闻此言。 Waterspout fine hair is but actually vertical, in heart panic-stricken to pinnacle. 龙吸水身上汗毛倒竖,心中惊恐到了极致。 Is he for the day after tomorrow initial period expert, one generation of masters, the sensation keen? 他为后天初期高手,一代宗师,感知何等敏锐? But until now, he actually had not felt that behind has the person! 可直到现在,他竟然都没感觉到身后有人! His body is stiff, turns the head slowly, looks at always the person, is difficult to cover in the eye panic-stricken: „Is your excellency?” 他身躯僵硬,缓缓转头,望向来人,难掩眼中惊恐:“阁下是?” „Are you Captain Giant Whale Pirate?” Luo Yan had not replied, stands after the gate, high and low is sizing up the waterspout. “你是巨鲸盗首领吗?”罗阎没有回答,站在门后,上下打量着龙吸水。 I...... I called the waterspout, was only the Giant Whale Pirate second in command.” “我……我叫龙吸水,只是巨鲸盗二当家。” The waterspout cannot completely understand the Luo Yan details, does not understand the Luo Yan intention. 龙吸水看不透罗阎底细,更不明白罗阎的意图。 After considering one, does not dare to pretend to be Captain Giant Whale Pirate. 斟酌一番后,还是没敢冒充巨鲸盗首领。 Leads me to see your leaders.” “带我去见你们首领。” Luo Yan shot a look at a waterspout, the selfish arriving window sits down, looks to the sea level under dim light of night. 罗阎瞥了眼龙吸水,自顾自的来到窗边坐下,望向夜色下的海面。 His voice not ruthless severe, is not aggressive, has not shown the strong strength. 他声音并不狠厉,也未咄咄逼人,更不曾展现自己强大的实力。 However the waterspout actually heart with amazement, does not dare to reject. 然而龙吸水却心头骇然,不敢拒绝。 He looked at Luo Yan, then arrives at the gate, cautious rocking bell. 他看了眼罗阎,而后走到门边,小心翼翼的晃动铃铛。 The bell sound gets up. 铃铛声响起。 Soon, then hears the sound of footsteps that martial artist catches up with rapidly. 不多久,便听到武者飞速赶来的脚步声。 The waterspout looked at Luo Yan cautiously, for fear that Luo Yan misunderstands anything. 龙吸水小心翼翼的看了眼罗阎,生怕罗阎误会什么。 Is good because, Luo Yan has not returned, but looks at the sea of out of the window. 好在,罗阎头也没回,只是看着窗外的大海。 Second in command, what matter?” “二当家,什么事?” Out of the door broadcasts the pirate voice. 门外传来海盗声音。 Instantly returns, returns to the sulphur dioxide island.” The waterspout order said. “即刻返航,返回硫烟岛。”龙吸水命令道。 „Doesn't second in command, act tonight?” “二当家,今晚不行动了?” The pirate recording tape is discontented. 海盗音带不满。 They sharpened the knife to the pig sheep, the blade rub, now isn't dry? 他们磨刀霍霍向猪羊,刀都磨好了,现在不干了? I said that instantly returns!” “我说了,即刻返航!” Waterspout cold sound opens the mouth, unquestionable. 龙吸水冷声开口,不容置疑。 He believes oneself feeling, if not listen to that youth, the consequence will be very serious. 他相信自己的感觉,若不听那青年的话,后果会很严重。 Yes!” “是!” Seeing the waterspout is so firm. 见龙吸水如此坚决。 Although pirate felt bad, but also can only nod should under. 门外海盗虽然心中不快,但也只能点头应下。 Soon. 不多久。 The pirate ship then transfers the direction, drives to the sea deep place. 海盗船便调转方向,向大海深处驶去。 The waterspout arrives in front of Luo Yan, reveals to think highly of the smile: How did young master call?” 龙吸水来到罗阎面前,露出恭维笑容:“公子如何称呼?” „my name is Luo.” Luo Yan shot a look at a waterspout, said lightly. “我姓罗。”罗阎瞥了眼龙吸水,淡淡说道。 Originally is Young Master Luo.” “原来是罗公子。” Facing Luo Yan, waterspout inexplicable unease sitting or standing. 面对罗阎,龙吸水莫名的坐立不安。 He moved the buttocks, makes itself comfortable as far as possible: Young Master Luo looks for my big brother, what matter has?” 他挪了挪屁股,尽量让自己舒适:“罗公子找我大哥,有什么事吗?” Comes out to mix, is fastidious about a righteousness character. 出来混,讲究一个义字。 If this cherish evil thought surnamed Luo, he also can only give self up to die for a righteous cause, with its one and is buried in the sea. 若这姓罗的心怀歹意,那他也只能舍身成仁,与其一并葬身大海。 „Can you take responsibility?” “你能做主?” Luo Yan looks at the present pirate. 罗阎看着眼前的海盗。 This pirate appearance is rogue, actually not like the appearance that can take responsibility. 这海盗模样凶恶,却不像能做主的样子。 This......” waterspout looks to hesitate. “这……”龙吸水面露迟疑。 You told that might also as well. I asked you, why can you know your strength card at the beginning of the day after tomorrow?” The Luo Yan body leans forward, in the surface shows the mysterious smile. “跟你说也无妨。我问你,你可知你的实力为何卡在后天初期?”罗阎身躯前倾,面上露出神秘笑容。 This......” a waterspout face compels ignorant. “这……”龙吸水一脸懵逼。 His strength progress is slow, naturally is because lacks the resources. 他实力进步缓慢,当然是因为缺少资源。 Because of your my boundary, underground not spirit vein.” Luo Yan opening tricks **. “因为你我所处的地界,地下并无灵脉。”罗阎开启忽悠**。 The military force is unable to be convincing. 武力无法使人心悦诚服。 But tricks. 但忽悠可以。 His goes to the chaotic demon sea, is far away, inevitably extremely bad risk. 他此去乱魔海,路途遥远,一路必然极其凶险。 If controls this group of pirates by the military force, if this group of pirates give him to come a fight in which both sides perish on the halfway, or Yin his, has many twists and turns unavoidably. 若以武力控制这群海盗,万一这群海盗在半路上给他来个鱼死网破,或者阴他一下,免不了生出许多波折。 Therefore. 故而。 He ponders over, decides to compile a excuse, instigates these pirates and he goes to the chaotic demon sea together. 他思前想后,决定编造一个借口,唆使这些海盗与他一同前往乱魔海。 Then, everyone goal is the same. 如此一来,大家目的相同。 These pirates will also go all out works to him. 这些海盗也会更加卖力的给他干活。 spirit vein?” The waterspout vision flashes slightly. 灵脉?”龙吸水目光微微闪动。 Right, is spirit vein. These immortal cultivator, then live in the boundary above spirit vein.” Luo Yan smiles , to continue saying: “没错,就是灵脉。那些修仙者,便居住在灵脉之上的地界当中。”罗阎神秘一笑,继续道: Boundary that so long as spirit vein had, under the world spiritual energy nourishes, your my strength can rise suddenly, even could become immortal cultivator in legend.” “只要到了灵脉存在的地界,天地灵气滋养下,你我实力便可暴涨,甚至有望成为传说中的修仙者。” immortal cultivator......” waterspout lives to yearn. 修仙者……”龙吸水目生向往。 Regarding immortal cultivator, he has naturally heard many legends. 对于修仙者,他自然听过不少传说。 That is can control the forces of nature, dominates above the mortal, has existence of big mighty force. 那是能呼风唤雨,凌驾在凡人之上,拥有大伟力的存在。 He even heard, immortal cultivator all various illnesses not fresh, lives forever. 他甚至听说,修仙者百病不生,长生不老。 Read and here, he looked to Luo Yan, the tone roasts the heat passage: Young Master Luo, what you said is really?” 念及此处,他看向罗阎,语气炙热道:“罗公子,你说的可是真的?” Naturally real.” “当然是真的。” Luo Yan is saying, puts out Yuan Yiyang that map from the bosom, is placed on the table: Second in command please read this map.” 罗阎说着,从怀中拿出袁易阳的那张地图,摆在桌上:“二当家请看这张地图。” This map, is I searches for from immortal cultivator, on the route following map, can go to the boundary of that immortal cultivator life.” “这张地图,是我从一个修仙者身上搜出来的,顺着地图上的路线,便可前往那修仙者生活的地界。” That is one piece with us in the barren land entirely different boundary, lives in human, inborn uncommon.” “那是一片和我们所在贫瘠之地截然不同的地界,生活在其中的人类,都天生不凡。” They compared with us, are not only the boundary of life compared with our productivity......” “他们并非比我们强,只是生活的地界比我们丰饶而已……” We, so long as achieves this stretch of boundary, the strength then can progress by leaps and bounds.” “我们只要达到这片地界,实力便能突飞猛进。” He said with certainty, is influential. 他言之凿凿,极具感染力。 In a few words, then makes the waterspout have the fantasy, in the mind appears together the deity paradise, so long as if steps into, can the achievement innate, aspires to seize the immortal saying that takes the road of eternal life. 三言两语,便让龙吸水心生幻想,脑海中浮现出一块神仙乐土,仿佛只要踏入其中,就能成就先天,问鼎仙道,走上永生之路。 His eyeground reappearing burning hot earnestly seeks. 他眼底浮现炙热渴求。 Xu family, has gotten back one's composure, swallows the saliva: Young Master Luo, is important, this matter must wait for me to go back, discussed with the big brother, can make the decision.” 许家,才回过神,吞了吞口水:“罗公子,事关重大,这件事要等我回去,和大哥商量商量,才能做决定。” Said. 说罢。 He lowers the head, wants to look at map two again. 他低下头,想再多看地图两眼。 However at this time, the map had been received by Luo Yan fast. 然而此时,地图已被罗阎快速收了回去。 Luo Yan said lightly: Quick. I kill that immortal cultivator to have the background greatly, if not leave as soon as possible, only feared that will have the pursuing troops to attack.” 罗阎淡淡道:“得快。我所杀那修仙者大有来头,若不尽早离开,只怕会有追兵来袭。” Yes, I certainly as soon as possible.” “是,我一定尽快。” The waterspout rushes to nod. 龙吸水赶忙点头。 Simultaneously an eye of belt/bring is astonished. 同时目带惊异。 This surnamed Luo, cut to kill immortal cultivator unexpectedly, its martial arts strength, only feared that the peak has made. 这姓罗的,竟然斩杀了一位修仙者,其武道实力,只怕已顶峰造极。 So thinking. 这般想着。 He rushes to urge that picks up the speed hand/subordinate. 他赶忙催促手下们加快速度。 Likes me being able to strengthen adds the point to ask everyone to collect:() I can strengthen add the refresh rate to be quickest. 喜欢我能强化加点请大家收藏:()我能强化加点更新速度最快。
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