ICSBAP :: Volume #2

#178: Fierce struggle

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I can strengthen add a https:// 我能强化加点https:// Blood Cloth Cult founder?” Luo Yan stared at Zhang Yuchan, the eye was narrowing narrowing the eyes slightly. 血衣教教主?”罗阎盯着张玉禅,眼睛微微眯了眯。 This place is Zhang Yuchan. Knowing me is the founder, why Young Master Luo does not kneel down?” “本座便是张玉禅。知我是教主,罗公子为何不跪下?” Zhang Yuchan opens the mouth. 张玉禅开口。 Under the complementing of bright moonlight, he unexpectedly somewhat is after death evil different, making the Luo Yan heart imposing, has almost not knelt down directly. 在身后明月的映衬下,他竟有几分邪异,令罗阎心头凛然,差点没直接跪下。 Spiritual attack?” “精神攻击?” Luo Yan looking pensive, then sneers saying: I am not the Blood Cloth Cult believer, why can kneel you?” 罗阎若有所思,而后冷笑道:“我又不是血衣教教徒,为何要跪你?” Zhang Yuchan shakes the head, resembling is somewhat disappointed about Luo Yan. 张玉禅摇了摇头,似对罗阎有些失望。 Trivial mortal, sees the immortal not to kneel, then does not know the courtesy.” His voice is chilly, just like mighty bell , makes inquiries into the Luo Yan mind greatly. “区区凡人,见仙不跪,便是不知礼数。”他声音清冷,宛如洪钟大吕,叩问罗阎心灵。 If soul insufficiently powerful person. 若灵魂不够强大之人。 Only this, then meets the self-doubt, has the sentiment of remorse compunction. 只此一句,便会自我怀疑,生出自责内疚之情。 However Luo Yan actually remains unmoved, he looks at Zhang Yuchan, scoffs to say with a smile: Sees the immortal not to kneel? I saw the real dwelling place of celestial beings not necessarily to kneel, let alone the waste in your grade of immortal cultivator.” 然而罗阎却不为所动,他看着张玉禅,嗤笑道:“见仙不跪?我见了真仙都不一定跪,更何况你这等修仙者中的废物。” He looked actually. 他倒是看出来了。 This Zhang Yuchan, likes installing to compel. 张玉禅,喜欢装逼。 No wonder as immortal cultivator, wallows in degeneration unexpectedly, arrives at this not to have the spirit vein mortal boundary. 难怪身为修仙者,竟然自甘堕落,来到这等没有灵脉的凡人地界。 After all, by this person of strength, in immortal cultivator, only feared that is also ants existence, therefore can only install to compel before the mortal. 毕竟,以这人的实力,在修仙者中,只怕也就是蝼蚁般的存在,所以只能在凡人面前装装逼。 As if was stimulated by a Luo Yan waste. 似乎被罗阎一句废物刺激到了。 The Zhang Yuchan look immediately becomes gloomy and cold, periphery does not see him to make what kind of movement, Luo Yan then hears transmits xi xi su su the sound. 张玉禅眼神顿时变得阴冷,不见他做出何等动作,罗阎便听到周围传来窸窸窣窣的声音。 The Luo Yan look concentrates, looks toward all around. 罗阎眼神一凝,朝四周看去。 Saw only human puppet to encircle, majority just like porcelain doll young girl, but also had Valuable Peace King that and other sect division level powerhouses. 只见一个个人偶围了过来,其中大部分都是宛如瓷娃娃般的少女,但也有宝泰王那等宗师级强者。 These human puppet speeds are extremely fast. 这些人偶的速度极快。 But the Luo Yan speed is faster. 罗阎的速度却更快。 Only is a blink, he has changed into together the remnant shadow, runs away to go toward the palace outside fast. 仅是一眨眼,他已化为一道残影,朝王府外飞快逃窜而去。 Zhang Yuchan, you as immortal cultivator, actually and other mortals befriended with me, is really the shame of immortal cultivator, even I for you felt that loses face.” 张玉禅,你身为修仙者,却与我等凡人为伍,实在是修仙者之耻,连我都替你感到丢脸。” Luo Yan rapid distant place. 罗阎迅速远处。 But his sound, actually just like the thunder, spreads over entire Valuable Peace Palace instantaneously. 但他的声音,却宛如雷霆,瞬间传遍整座宝泰王府 Palace one crowd of person faces compel ignorant, Zhang Yuchan is who does not know. 王府一群人一脸懵逼,连张玉禅是谁都不知道。 They only know that as if has immortal cultivator to mingle among among the mortals, then now is taunted. 他们只知道似乎有个修仙者混迹在凡人中间,然后现在被人嘲讽了。 They compel ignorant. 他们懵逼。 Zhang Yuchan is actually furious, the face twists instantaneously. 张玉禅却是震怒,面孔都瞬间扭曲。 Dissolute!” “放肆!” The Luo Yan words, touch his reverse scale without doubt, making him be stimulated greatly. 罗阎的话,无疑触碰到他的逆鳞,让他大受刺激。 His solemn immortal cultivator , can this ants mortal gesticulate can it be that? 他堂堂修仙者,又岂是这蝼蚁般的凡人能够指手画脚的? He angrily roars, brings numerous human puppet, goes toward the Luo Yan chase. 他怒吼一声,带着一众人偶,朝罗阎追逐而去。 Zhang Yuchan, your Blood Cloth Cult founder is really common, as immortal cultivator, hid from me and other mortal boundary also even, my grade of mortal could not even take unexpectedly, really ashamed to the immortal cultivator three characters.” 张玉禅,你这血衣教教主真是一般,身为修仙者,躲到我等凡人地界也就算了,竟连我这等凡人都拿不下,实在愧对修仙者三个字。” Luo Yan escapes fast toward the prefectural city outside. 罗阎朝府城外快速逃去。 Escapes, while opens the mouth to ridicule. 一边逃,一边开口讥讽。 His voice coerces the strength and true qi, each opens the mouth, the sound can spread over the surrounding area more than ten li (0.5 km). 他声音裹挟劲力和真气,每一次开口,声音都能传遍方圆十余里。 Zhang Yuchan follows close on Luo Yan behind, the complexion becomes flushed, several want to spit blood. 张玉禅紧跟在罗阎身后,脸色涨红,几欲吐血。 Luo Yan each few words, look like a blade, goes into the middle of his heart ruthlessly. 罗阎的每一句话,就像是一把刀,狠狠扎进他心脏当中。 That pain, is unable to explain, making him live to might as well die. 那种痛苦,无法言喻,令他生不如死。 Shut up!” “闭嘴!” You shut up!” “你闭嘴!” Zhang Yuchan is never so rude. 张玉禅从未如此失态过。 His can't believe, this mortal boundary, has the mortal to dare so to provoke him unexpectedly, dares so to speak to him. 无法相信,这凡人地界,竟有凡人敢这般挑衅他,敢这般对他说话。 . 要知道。 He comes this mortal boundary, but to enjoy the name reveres to make ancestor's pleasant sensation. 他来这凡人地界,可就是为了享受称尊做祖的快感啊。 Does this young mortal, dare to act against heaven? 这小小凡人,竟敢反了天? What's wrong, was stimulated by me? I said isn't right?” “怎么,被我刺激到了?难道我说的不对?” Luo Yan shoots a look at Zhang Yuchan that the eye the facial features twisted behind, on the face sneers to continue. 罗阎瞥了眼身后面容扭曲的张玉禅,脸上冷笑不止。 Deals with this person. 对付这种人。 To break his guarding with the spoken language, made its violent anger, lost the reason. 就是要以言语破他的防,令其暴怒,失去理智。 Then, waits for an opportunity to act, strikes to be killed violently! 而后,伺机出手,一击毙命! These two months, Luo Yan draws out many related immortal cultivator secrets from that Fang Yan mouth. 这两个月来,罗阎从那方岩口中套出不少有关修仙者的隐秘。 For example immortal cultivator control Buddhist musical instrument. 比如修仙者掌控法器。 The Buddhist musical instrument might is huge, 法器威力巨大, Compared with mediocre pointed weapons powerful hundred times. Once displays, resembles his martial artist so, is also hard to resist mostly. 比凡俗兵刃强大百倍。一旦施展,似他这般的武者,多半也难以抵御。 But in immortal cultivator, majority has the Buddhist musical instrument. 修仙者中,大部分都拥有法器。 Even that Fang Yan has. 甚至连那方岩都有。 The Buddhist musical instrument in Fang Yan hand the big generation by the half-finished product that buys, the plan refine by the person soul sacrifice, enabling it to reach to completely. 只是方岩手中的法器是以大代价购来的半成品,本打算以人魂祭炼,使之臻至圆满。 Does not think, but also without the action, was then seized with enough time by Luo Yan, falls short. 不想,还没来得及行动,便被罗阎擒下,功亏一篑。 Luo Yan felt, this Zhang Yuchan also has the Buddhist musical instrument mostly. 罗阎觉得,这张玉禅多半也有法器。 If near body engages in fierce battle, Zhang Yuchan is towering to use the Buddhist musical instrument, even his mortal body is powerful, still might in the sewers capsize unavoidably. 若近身鏖战,张玉禅突兀间用出法器,即便他肉身强大,也难免有可能会阴沟里翻船。 Therefore, he must choose the safest means. 因而,他必须选择最稳妥的办法。 Luo Yan, I must kill you!” 罗阎,我要杀了你!” Zhang Yuchan sound hatred, as long as is the person, all can listen to breathless. 张玉禅声音怨毒,但凡是人,皆能听出其中的气急败坏。 Can compel immortal cultivator to so the position. 能将一位修仙者逼至如此境地。 After this night, Luo Yan will certainly be famous. 此夜过后,罗阎必将声名远播。 But at this time, Luo Yan does not have the time to think these, because he discovered that behind Zhang Yuchan is picking up the speed. 而此时,罗阎却没时间去想这些,因为他发现身后的张玉禅在加快速度。 Just like benefits the arrow together. 宛如一道利箭。 The short several breath, then pulled closer dozens zhang (3.33 m) distance. 短短几个呼吸,便拉近了数十丈距离。 Next flickers. 下一瞬。 Zhang Yuchan counts on the fingers a ball, several well-illuminated silk threads then but air-splitting , the twinkling arrives at Luo Yan behind, resembling to pierce the back of Luo Yan directly. 张玉禅屈指一弹,几根通明丝线便破空而至,瞬息来到罗阎身后,似要直接洞穿罗阎的后背。 That silk thread might is astonishing. 那丝线威力惊人。 Luo Yan feels a back stabbing pain. 罗阎感到后背一阵刺痛。 Is moved, he rushes to display the martial arts day chapter, changes the body directly, then turns around suddenly, the sturdy arm stirs suddenly, entrains several silk threads directly in the hand. 动念间,他赶忙施展武道天章,直接变身,而后豁然转身,粗壮的手臂猛然一搅,直接将几根丝线拽在手中。 Snort! ** Every embryo, then wants to hold my pulls machine the silk, do you match?” “哼!**凡胎,便想抓住我的牵机丝,你配吗?” Zhang Yuchan sneers. 张玉禅冷笑。 Sees only his jade to refer to picking flowers, ascends the time, several pull machine the silk to tighten suddenly. 只见他玉指拈花,登时间,几根牵机丝猛然绷紧。 The Luo Yan only sleep/felt grasped the silk thread in hand to become the sawtooth, tore the feeling to raid, the palm of his sword difficult wound, was cut several deep openings unexpectedly instantaneously, flowed out the bright red blood. 罗阎只觉抓在手中的丝线变为了锯齿,撕裂感袭来,他那刀剑难伤的手掌,竟瞬间被切割出几道深深的口子,流出鲜红血液。 He hurries to let go. 他赶紧松手。 Simultaneously turns around floating, runs away to go far away again. 同时飘然转身,再度逃窜远去。 Escapes? Can you escape?” “逃?你逃得掉吗?” The Zhang Yuchan bloodstained clothing flutters, shows the evil charm smile, kills intent to decide. 张玉禅血衣飘飞,露出邪魅笑容,杀意已决。 Finishes barely the words, pulls equipment and lines, then raids again to Luo Yan. 话音未落,牵机线一荡,便再次袭向罗阎 Luo Yan seems like the back long eye to be the same, counts on the fingers a ball, several throwing knives project, center several pull the equipment and lines. 罗阎像是背后长眼睛一般,屈指一弹,几把飞刀射出,正中几根牵机线。 The throwing knife was shot down, but pulls the rate of progression of equipment and lines also to stagnate suddenly. 飞刀被击落,但牵机线的前进速度也猛然一滞。 But while this opportunity. 而趁此机会。 The Luo Yan body sinks downward, only listens to thump one, sinks to the middle of the rapid river water unexpectedly directly, without a trace of disappearance. Seeing that. 罗阎身躯往下一沉,只听‘咕咚’一声,竟直接沉入湍急的河水当中,消失的无影无踪。见状。 The Zhang Yuchan complexion sinks, vertical leaps, arrives on the riverside. 张玉禅面色一沉,一个纵跃,来到河边上。 He stares at the place of Luo Yan disappearance, the palm turns, a blood-color big streamer then appears in his hands. 他凝望罗阎消失之处,手掌一翻,一杆血色大幡便出现在他手中。 Trivial mortal, compels me to use the profound Yin streamer unexpectedly, you also calculate that died a worthy death.” “区区凡人,竟然逼我用出玄阴幡,你也算死得其所了。” His voice ice is cold. 他声音冰寒刺骨。 Finished barely the words, sees only a leader malicious ghost to drill from the profound Yin streamer. 话音未落,只见一头头恶鬼从玄阴幡中钻了出来。 Wears the bloodstained clothing, the gloom is threatening, lends the cruel aura that the average man is inconceivable. 一个个身披血衣,阴气逼人,散发着常人难以想象的暴戾气息。 If Luo Yan here, decides however can recognize, the facial features of these malicious ghosts, are unexpectedly exactly the same in these human puppet that in cloud Yao Pavilion sees with him. 罗阎在此,定然能认出,这些恶鬼的面容,竟和他在云瑶阁中见到的那些人偶一模一样。 Obviously. 显然。 Zhang Yuchan not only refined human puppet these young girls, pulled out their soul, refined these bloodstained clothing malicious ghosts. 张玉禅不仅将那些少女炼制成了人偶,更抽了她们的魂魄,炼制出这些血衣恶鬼。 Goes!” “去!” Zhang Yuchan toward water surface one finger/refers that Luo Yan vanishes. 张玉禅罗阎消失的水面一指。 Ascends the time, dozens bloodstained clothing malicious ghosts then change to together the terrifying blood shadow, throws toward the water surface. 登时间,数十血衣恶鬼便化作一道恐怖血影,朝水面扑去。 These bloodstained clothing malicious ghosts. 这些血衣恶鬼。 Is refined by the profound Yin virgin, after two rounds slaughters swallows, now each malicious ghost endures compared with the ordinary refining three member. 都由玄阴处子炼制而成,经过两轮厮杀吞噬后,如今每一头恶鬼都堪比普通的炼气三层修士。 In addition the malicious ghost disregards the talent of physical attack. 加上恶鬼无视物理攻击的天赋。 Even if the ordinary refining four member is nasty, let alone only mortal? 纵然是普通炼气四层修士都难以对付,更何况区区一个凡人? Zhang Yuchan stands in the shore, the careful feeling, frowns at once. 张玉禅站在岸边,细细感受,旋即眉头一蹙。 This mortal, worthily is this Baiyue Province martial arts to the powerhouse, running is actually quick enough.” “这凡人,不愧是这百越府的武道至强者,跑的倒是够快。” Pitifully, the bloodstained clothing malicious ghost has only remembered your aura, even if hides in the water, you still such as in night a beacon light.” “只可惜,血衣恶鬼早已记住你身上的气息,就算躲进水中,你也如黑夜中一盏明灯。” In his surface exudes to sneer, look Yin offense shot a look at the eye mortal martial artist that dares to surround from the distant place, in the heart sank immediately slightly. 他面上泛起冷笑,眼神阴戾的瞥了眼从远处敢来围观的凡人武者,心中顿时微微一沉。 These mortals, should kneel in his, lies prostrate in worship. 这些凡人,就该跪在他脚下,顶礼膜拜。 Dares to watch his good play unexpectedly? 竟然敢来看他的好戏? His intention moves, pulls the equipment and lines to depart, passes through several mortal martial artist forehead instantaneously. 他心念一动,牵机线飞出,瞬间贯穿几个凡人武者的眉心。 After removing several people, conveniently. 随手除掉几人后。 His cold snort/hum, grasps the profound Yin streamer, following the river bank, pursues again in the Luo Yan fleeing direction. 他冷哼一声,手持玄阴幡,顺着河岸,再度朝罗阎遁逃方向追去。 In river water. 河水中。 Luo Yan firepower full, is ordinary just like the sea-monster, runs away rapidly. 罗阎火力全开,宛如游鱼一般,飞速逃窜。 His secret heart is startled. 他暗暗心惊。 immortal cultivator is immortal cultivator, the strength cannot be underestimated. 修仙者就是修仙者,实力不容小觑。 No matter that transparent silk thread, after he plunges into the water, that black streamer that glimpses faintly, seems the Buddhist musical instruments in legend, the prestige can be good. 不管是那透明丝线,还是他跳入水中后,隐隐瞥见的那杆黑幡,似乎都是传说中的法器,威能想必不俗。 He reviews to look. 他回眸望去。 Several bloodstained clothing ghosts are closely associated, is close rapidly. 身后,几道血衣鬼影如影随形,正飞速接近。 Notice, he to get rid of Zhang Yuchan, but swims against the stream. 须知,他为了摆脱张玉禅,可是逆流而上。 But these bloodstained clothing ghosts, actually as if disregard the river water to be the same, the speed is faster than on several points him. 而这些血衣鬼影,却仿佛无视河水一般,速度比他还快上几分。 What ghost thing? If we had known, I should go downstream.” “什么鬼东西?早知道,我就该顺流而下的。” In the Luo Yan heart regretted. 罗阎心中懊悔。 Has not actually thought that Zhang Yuchan can also control this and other crafty thing. 却是没想到张玉禅还能操控这等诡物。 „!” “唰!” At this time, a malicious ghost is arrives at Luo Yan behind, shouted to gnaw toward the Luo Yan buttocks. 这时候,一头恶鬼已是来到罗阎身后,嘶吼着朝罗阎屁股啃去。 The Luo Yan eyelid jumps crazily, a carp swings the tail, turns around directly, simultaneously extends the big hand, presses to the head of that malicious ghost. 罗阎眼皮狂跳,一个鲤鱼摆尾,径直转身,同时伸出大手,摁向那恶鬼的脑袋。 But this presses, looks like presses in the air general. 可这一摁,就像是摁在空气中一般。 The malicious ghosts do not have matter, instead his arm stabbing pain, presses in the ice water probably general. 恶鬼无甚事,反而他手臂一阵刺痛,像是摁进冰水之中一般。 His complexion changes. 他脸色微变。 Next flickers, on his arm the vitality transpiration, the burning hot aura sweeps across. 下一瞬,他手臂上气血蒸腾,炙热气息席卷。 The malicious ghost makes the next movement without enough time, then sends out a pitiful yell, the head bursts instantaneously, can only under the headless body, struggle to twitch same place. 那恶鬼来不及做出下一步动作,便发出一声惨叫,脑袋瞬间破裂,只能下无头身躯,在原地挣扎抽搐。 Vitality rocket, really Ok.” “气血狼烟,果然可以。” The Luo Yan expression relaxes. 罗阎表情缓和。 At once the look concentrates, the vitality transpiration, forms the vitality rocket on him. 旋即眼神一凝,气血蒸腾,在他身上形成气血狼烟。 He just like putting on one battle qi fiery red, looked at the eye at present dozens malicious ghosts, then rushes over directly. 他宛如披上一层火红斗气,看了眼眼前数十头恶鬼,而后便直接冲了过去。 This burns the blood method, had been discarded by him. 这是燃血手段,本已被他舍弃。 But now , can only use. 但如今,也只能用上。 Kills!” “杀!” The homicide enters in the malicious ghost group, seems the stove of flaming combustion, so long as were hit by him, the malicious ghost body melts immediately, does not have the strength of resistance unexpectedly. 他杀进恶鬼群中,好似熊熊燃烧的火炉,只要被他命中,恶鬼身躯当即融化,竟毫无反抗之力。 But shore. 而岸边。 A leader malicious ghost who Zhang Yuchan feels own pains cultivation died rapidly, the eye pupil trembles, complexion instantaneous black like bottom of the pot. 张玉禅感受到自己苦心培育的一头头恶鬼迅速死亡,眼眸一颤,脸色瞬间黑如锅底。 Damn thing, destroys my malicious ghost unexpectedly!” “该死的东西,竟然毁我恶鬼!” He clenches jaws. 他咬牙切齿。 In the hand the black streamer raises, cold wind then sweeps across, presses the river surface to stagnate, but survival the malicious ghost submerges in the middle of the cold wind, changes into together the blood shadow, was taken back in the profound Yin streamer directly. 手中黑幡一扬,一阵阴风便席卷而出,压得河面一滞,而幸存下来的恶鬼则没入阴风当中,化为一道血影,被直接收回玄阴幡中。 He takes inventory the discovery. 他清点发现。 Goes to the hour ten bloodstained clothing malicious ghosts, when coming back, is only left over few five heads unexpectedly. 去时数十头血衣恶鬼,但回来时,竟只剩下寥寥五头。 And three heads, lacks the arm to break of leg, only feared that must absorb massive gloom, can slowly restore! 其中有三头,还是缺胳膊断腿的那种,只怕要吸收大量阴气,才能慢慢恢复! Damn! Does this lowly mortal, destroy my profound Yin streamer unexpectedly?!” “该死!这卑贱凡人,竟然毁我玄阴幡?!” His eyes seem like must drop the blood to be common. 他双眼像是要滴血一般。 The most prestige energies of this profound Yin streamer, on this bloodstained clothing malicious ghost. 这玄阴幡的大部分威能,都在这血衣恶鬼上。 But the bloodstained clothing malicious ghost, must pass through nine rounds to slaughter, can be born refining ten bloodstained clothing ghost kings. 而血衣恶鬼,需经过九轮厮杀,才能诞生出一头炼气十层的血衣鬼王。 Only the has ghost king appears, the profound Yin streamer is the sacrifice refining up, may call the high-grade Buddhist musical instrument. 只有鬼王出现,玄阴幡才算祭炼完毕,可称上品法器。 Nine rounds slaughter. 九轮厮杀。 The needed profound Yin malicious ghost may be called the huge volume. 需要的玄阴恶鬼堪称海量。 He founds Blood Cloth Cult, tosses about several years in this Baiyue Province, completes two rounds to slaughter. 他创建血衣教,在这百越府折腾数年,才堪堪完成两轮厮杀。 At the present, for several years the painstaking care, is destroyed in a moment. 而今,数年心血,毁于一旦。 How does this make him be able to accept? 这让他如何能够接受? Luo Yan, you roll to me!” 罗阎,你给我滚出来!” Zhang Yuchan shakes the black streamer. 张玉禅摇动黑幡。 Ascends the time, gloom sweep across, bang to river surface. 登时间,一道道阴气席卷,轰向河面。 River water crack, mist everywhere. 河水炸响,水雾漫天。 In an instant, on the river surface then appears the innumerable dead fish. 转眼之间,河面上便浮现无数死鱼。 Zhang Yuchan, what skill are the fish and chips? You have to plant get down, kill me.” 张玉禅,炸鱼算什么本事?你有种就下来,打死我。” The distant place, Luo Yan emits a head suddenly, shouted a few words. 远处,罗阎忽然冒出一个脑袋,喊了一句话。 Finishing speaking. 话音刚落。 Such as the marmot is then common, submerges in the middle of the river water, vanishes does not see. 便如土拨鼠一般,没入河水当中,消失不见。 „!” “唰!” Several pull the equipment and lines to go air-splitting, passes through the water surface, actually slow one step. 几根牵机线破空而去,贯穿水面,却还是慢了一步。 The Zhang Yuchan facial features have twisted. 张玉禅面容早已扭曲。 His vision inspects in the river surface, searches for the Luo Yan trace, simultaneously exclaimed lowly: You come out!” 他目光在河面巡视,搜寻罗阎的踪影,同时低吼道:“你出来!” You get down.” “你下来。” Luo Yan returns said. 罗阎回道。 If this Zhang Yuchan launches to fight with him, his odds of success, may rise dramatically at least 30%! 若这张玉禅下水跟他搏斗,他的胜算,可飙升至少30%! Good, I then such as you hope.” “好,我便如你所愿。” Zhang Yuchan is unable to endure patiently again, jumps to leap, then plunges into the river center. 张玉禅再无法忍耐,纵身一跃,便跳入河中央。 He has not entered the water. 只是他并没有入水。 But grasps the profound Yin streamer, stands above the water surface. 而是手持玄阴幡,站在水面之上。 Snort! The turtle, I thought how long you in underwater can suppress?” His cold sound, the vision like the electricity, is gazing at the sound of surrounding water surface. “哼!缩头乌龟,我看你在水下能憋多久?”他冷声一声,目光如电,注视着周围水面的动静。 He can feel the Luo Yan internal energy faintly, in underwater, has not departed. He does not believe. 他隐隐能感受到罗阎的气机,就在水下,没有离去。他不信。 This Luo Yan will never crop up! 罗阎永远不冒头! After several seconds. 几秒过后。 His look concentrates, the black streamer shakes, several black smokes sweep across, goes toward the under foot water surface lasing. 他眼神一凝,黑幡一震,几道黑烟席卷而出,朝脚下水面激射而去。 Indistinct within. 隐约间。 He noticed that the person's shadow retrocedes together rapidly, obviously is Luo Yan wants to sneak attack from below. 他看到一道人影飞速后退,显然便是罗阎想要从下偷袭。 „To sneak attack me?” “想偷袭我?” In the Zhang Yuchan surface exudes one to sneer. 张玉禅面上泛起一丝冷笑。 But he smiles general, then sees under the water spray to tumble. 可他才笑到一般,便见身下水浪翻滚。 Immediately. 随即。 The terrifying water spray raises around him. 恐怖的水浪在他周围掀起。 He just like placing oneself in the middle of difficult situation general, instantaneously by water spray package. 他宛如置身惊涛骇浪当中一般,瞬间被水浪包裹。 His look sinks. 他眼神微沉。 The body surface appears to protect the shield, prevents all water splash, simultaneously the vision like the electricity, is guarding against the sneak attack of Luo Yan. 体表浮现一层护盾,阻挡所有水花,同时目光如电,防备着罗阎的偷袭。 At this time. 这时候。 The Luo Yan in the water spray drills suddenly behind from it, a fist goes toward its head bang. 罗阎忽然从其身后水浪中钻去,一拳朝其脑袋轰去。 This fist might is astonishing. 这一拳威力惊人。 The fist , the water drop like the sharp sword, has not then taken away as many things as possible toward Zhang Yuchan. 拳未至,水珠便已如利剑,朝张玉禅席卷而去。 Snort! I am waiting for you.” “哼!我等着你呢。” Zhang Yuchan sneers, does not see him to have what movement, at the same time a sincerer supernatural power protects the shield then to take shape instantaneously, keeps off before the Luo Yan body. 张玉禅冷笑,也不见他有何动作,一面更加厚重的法力护盾便瞬间成型,挡在罗阎身前。 Bang!” “砰!” The fist of Luo Yan, is quicker than one step everywhere water spray, the bang above protecting the shield. 罗阎的拳头,比漫天水浪更快一步,轰在护盾之上。 Only listens to a dull thumping sound, protects the shield to chap, actually not direct shatter. 只听一声闷响,护盾皲裂,却未直接破碎。 Meanwhile. 同时。 Black air/Qi is common just like the rocket, instantaneous hit Luo Yan chest. 一道黑气宛如狼烟一般,瞬间命中罗阎胸膛。 Ascends the time, Luo Yan such as is hit hard, after flies upside down to go, the person in the midair, the fresh bloody stool spewed out, shot the Zhang Yuchan whole face, immediately suffered a relapse again in the shore, the head one crookedly, does not have the aura unexpectedly. 登时间,罗阎如遭重击,朝后倒飞而去,人在半空,鲜血便喷涌而出,射了张玉禅满脸,随即重重落在岸边,脑袋一歪,竟已是无了气息。 Snort! Mediocre.” “哼!不过如此。” Zhang Yuchan looked at profound Yin streamer in the hand, some eyeground meat pains. 张玉禅看了眼手中的玄阴幡,眼底有些肉痛。 That, almost exhausted in the profound Yin streamer a moment ago all gloom. 刚才那一下,几乎耗尽玄阴幡内所有阴气。 Is good because. 好在。 Strikes to be killed violently, pouring is not the waste. 一击毙命,倒也不算浪费。 He looked at ashore lying down corpse Luo Yan, stretches out a jade to refer, wipes on the face the blood, then raises the profound Yin streamer to walk toward Luo Yan. 他看了眼岸上躺尸的罗阎,伸出一根玉指,拭去脸上鲜血,而后便提着玄阴幡朝罗阎走去。 Likes me being able to strengthen adds the point to ask everyone to collect:() I can strengthen add the refresh rate to be quickest. 喜欢我能强化加点请大家收藏:()我能强化加点更新速度最快。
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