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“真漂亮。”Ingloomysecret room.
阴暗的密室中。Luo Yansitsunder the kerosene lamp, is looking at the transparentsmalljadebottle in hand, the visionsomewhatis blurred.罗阎坐在煤油灯下,望着手中的透明小玉瓶,目光微有些迷离。In the smalljadebottle, thinks ofjust like the rubyliquid, sends out the brilliantcolorunder the light.
小玉瓶中,装着宛如红宝石般的液体,在灯光下散发出绚烂色彩。Butthisliquid, is he Chu Racesourceblood that extractsfromFang Yan.
而这液体,就是他从方岩身上萃取出来的触族源血。Swallows the sourceblood, maystrong and healthy body.
吞服源血,可强身健体。Theeffect, strongerontentimesto continuecompared with the azurecicadaandtrue qipillclass/flow.
其效果,比青蝉、真气丹之流要强上十倍不止。These days.
这段时间。HeunceasinglyfromFang Yanwithin the bodyextractionsourceblood.
他不断从方岩体内萃取源血。Now, resembles the bloodbottleso, has reachedhundrednumbers.
如今,似这般的血瓶,已经多达百数。Thisisgiantresources, maymakehisstrengthgo a step further, close to‚limit’.
这是一笔巨大的资源,可让他的实力更进一步,接近‘极限’。Helooksto the bodyside.
他看向身侧。On the stonebed, Fang Yandescribedwithered, the surfacelike the dying embers, the lookwas the cavity.
石床上,方岩形容枯槁,面如死灰,眼神更是空洞。As ifno longeris a person, butis a puppetis ordinary.
仿佛不再是一个人,而是一个傀儡一般。„immortal cultivatorandmortal, indeedaretwodifferentspecies.”
“修仙者和凡人,的确是两个不同的物种。”Luo Yansecretfeeling.罗阎暗暗感慨。Hisachievementten thousandgold metallurgybones, almostcanunearth the limit of mortal.
如今虽还未至‘极限’。Buthecanfeel that ‚limit’will soon approach, butclose to the limit, the speed that hegrows strongerbecomesslower.
但他能感觉到‘极限’即将来临,而越是临近极限,他变强的速度就变得越慢。Eveneven/includingQingchanandtrue qipill, are minimaltohishelp.
甚至连青蝉和真气丹,对他的助益都已经微乎其微。ButthisFang Yan.
而这方岩。Every dayfeedsseveralgrains of courage vigorpill, intwomonths, producedunexpectedlysocanproduce the sourceblood of hugehelptohim.
每日喂上几粒血气丹,两个月内,竟然产生了如此多能对他产生巨大助益的源血。If notlooks atthisFang Yanappearanceeven morewithered, authenticity that hemustsuspect the law of conservation of energy.
若非看这方岩容貌越发枯槁,他都要怀疑能量守恒定律的真实性了。„Askedyou...... to killme.”
“求求你……杀了我。”On the stonebed, Fang Yanshoutswooden.
“对不起。”Luo Yanopens the mouthto apologize.罗阎开口道歉。Hedoes not wantto sufferthisFang Yan, was really thisfellowdied, on the meeting symboloneself, mightbring inBell Divine Tower.
他也不想折磨这方岩,实在是这家伙死去,就会标记自己,有可能引来钟神楼。For security, hedoes not have the means.
为了安全,他也没办法。Helooks atFang Yan, supplesound said: „Relax, not long, Iwill makeyouextricate.”
他看着方岩,柔声道:“放心,不用多久,我就会让你解脱。”Saying, himis breaking off the Fang Yanmouth, squeezes intwograins of courage vigorpill.
说着,他掰开方岩嘴巴,塞入两粒血气丹。Fang Yanhas not resisted, whateverLuo Yanacts, the corner of the eye, fallstwodrops of tears.方岩没有抗拒,任由罗阎施为,眼角,滑落两滴眼泪。Luo Yanwipes the tears of corner of the eyeforFang Yan.罗阎替方岩擦去眼角的泪水。Thensets out, outwardwalks.
而后起身,朝外走去。Twomonthspassed by, hemusturgeValuable Peace King, makingitmaketo be goodhisshipas soon as possible.
两个月过去了,他得去催催宝泰王,让其尽快将他的船造好才行。So-calleddoes not wait for us.
所谓时不我待。Goes to the chaoticdemonsea, naturallythe quicker the better.
前往乱魔海,当然是越快越好。ButleavesBaiyue Provincethatday, when ishedelivers the Fang Yanextrication.
The dim light of nightis deep.
A Luo Yanblack clothes, standsoutside the palacestudy room.罗阎一袭黑衣,站在王府书房外。Hislookdoubts, actuallyfoundseveralplaces, had not foundValuable Peace King.
他眼神疑惑,却是找了数个地方,都没找到宝泰王。„Strange, bigevening, Valuable Peace Kingnotinbedroomnotinstudy room, that where?”
“奇怪,大晚上的,宝泰王不在卧房也不在书房,那会在何处?”Luo Yanis wary.罗阎心生疑虑。Immediatelygoes outfrom the darkness, arrives in front of a guard.
随即自黑暗处走出,来到一个侍卫面前。Hepossiblystares atnowbyBell Divine Tower, this timecomes, comessecretly, originally the planandValuable Peace Kingcannot meetsecretlywalk.
他现在可能被钟神楼盯上,此番前来,是偷偷过来的,本打算和宝泰王偷偷见上一面就走。Butcannot seekValuable Peace King , can only look forhimto askhand/subordinate.
The guardhas a big shock, after seeing clearlyLuo Yan, immediatelyrespectfulsoundcups one hand in the other across the chest: „OriginallyisMasterLuo.”
那侍卫大惊失色,等看清罗阎后,当即恭声拱手:“原来是罗宗师。”Heis responsible for the Valuable Peace Kingguardingstudy room, oncehad metLuo Yanseveral, is not strangetoLuo Yan.
他负责替宝泰王看守书房,曾见过罗阎数面,对罗阎并不陌生。Luo Yannods, asks: „Prince?”罗阎点头,问道:“王爷呢?”„Prince?”
The guardsstare, immediatelysmiles bitterly saying: „The princebighalf a monthhas not made an appearance. Verypossibly......”
侍卫一愣,随即苦笑道:“王爷已经大半月没露面了。很可能……”Hestarts to speak but hesitates.
他欲言又止。In the Luo Yanheartactuallysinksslightly.罗阎心中却是微微一沉。In the work placeshas the rumor, the Tao Qianbodydies, Valuable Peace Kingbecomesprotectorate.
坊间有传言,陶谦身死,宝泰王成为镇守。Asprotectorate, ifValuable Peace Kinghas died, howpossibly a news?
身为镇守,若宝泰王已死,怎可能一点消息都没有?Helooksto the guard, the sinkingsoundasks: „When Icome, looked that thispalaceis quiet, notlike the appearance of a group of people without a leader. IfValuable Peace Kingdied, the palaceshould notsotranquillybe.”
他看向侍卫,沉声问道:“我进来时,看这王府平静,不像群龙无首的样子。若宝泰王死了,王府不该这般平静才是。”„Sirhasnot to know. Nowthispalace, has become the Blood Cloth Cultdomain. ThatBlood Cloth CultfounderlivesinfollowingCloud Billow Pavilion, where are wedissolute?”
“大人有所不知。如今这王府,已经成了血衣教的地盘。那血衣教教主就居住在后面的云澜阁中,我们哪敢放肆?”In the guardeyesappears an alarmed and afraidcolor.
Since the Blood Cloth Cultfounderis admitted toCloud Billow Pavilion .
自从血衣教教主住进云澜阁后。ThenpursuedinCloud Billow Pavilionmostservants, onlyleaves behindfewyoungprettyfemales.
现如今。Cloud Billow Pavilionhas become the restricted area, the surrounding areatenli (0.5 km), prohibiting others from entering.云澜阁已成禁地,方圆十里,禁止他人进入。Istheirthesepalaceold people, inquiryanynews in Cloud Billow Pavilion.
The guardslookhesitant, thento set firm resolveprobablygeneral, aboutlooks aroundtwo, saidin a low voice: „Sir, actually the princelivesafter the Blood Cloth Cultfounderis missing. Isuspect......”
侍卫面露犹豫,而后像是下定决心一般,左右张望两眼,低声道:“大人,其实王爷就是从血衣教教主住进来后失踪的。我怀疑……”Hiswordshave not said.
他话没说完。But the spearheadactuallypoints to the Blood Cloth Cultfounder.
但矛头却直指血衣教教主。„Blood Cloth Cultfounder...”
The Luo Yanlookflashes.罗阎眼神闪动。
The name of Blood Cloth Cult, hehashearingearly.血衣教之名,他早有耳闻。
The sect that immortal cultivatorfounds, is recruiting the young girlfollowernowwantonly, heard that mustselect the so-calledsaintess.
一个修仙者创建的教派,如今正在大肆招募少女信徒,听说要从中选拔出所谓的圣女。In the work placesis the rumor, oncebecomes the saintess, canbecome an immortalto go, henceforthcuts off the bustling place, free and unrestrained.
坊间更是传言,一旦成为圣女,便可登仙而去,从此斩断红尘,逍遥自在。Theserumors, Luo Yannaturallysnorts contemptuously.
这些流言,罗阎自然嗤之以鼻。But the founderisimmortal cultivator......
但创建者为修仙者……Luo Yanhesitateslittle, said: „Iknew, after a period of time, Ivisit the princeagain.”罗阎沉吟少许,道:“我知道了,过段时间,我再来拜访王爷。”Said.
说罢。Heturns arounddirectly, bold, thenvanishesafter the fence.
The guardfacial expressiondelay, a handstretches outforward, stopsin the midair.
那侍卫神情呆滞,一只手向前伸出,停在半空。Hewantsto askLuo Yanto go toCloud Billow Pavilionto have a look, having a look athisfamily/homeprinces dead, Luo Yanunexpectedlywas never expected that direct.
他本想拜托罗阎去云澜阁看看,看看他家王爷到底死了没有,没想到罗阎竟然直接走了。Thismakeshimbe unexpected, dullfor a long time, is smiling bitterlyshaking the head.
这让他始料未及,呆愣许久,才苦笑着摇了摇头。Another side.
另一边。Luo YanisdivessilentlytoCloud Billow Pavilion.罗阎已是无声无息向云澜阁潜去。Hemustgo toCloud Billow Pavilion, butdoes not wantto disclosetothatguard.
他要去云澜阁,但不想对那侍卫透露。„Arrives atthismortal worldimmortal cultivator, exceptthatBell Divine TowerandXue Shen Zi, otherclasses, shouldbe the lifeunpleasantgeneration, the strengthwill not be strong.”
“来到这凡世间的修仙者,除开那钟神楼和血神子,其余之流,应该都是生活不如意之辈,实力不会太强。”„The strength of thatBlood Cloth Cultfounder, mostlywithFang Yan about the same.”
“那血衣教教主的实力,多半和方岩在伯仲之间。”Hewantsto goto find out.
他想去一探究竟。Tonot seek forValuable Peace King.
不是为了寻找宝泰王。Butas a result ofowncuriosity.
而是由于自己的好奇心。After all, thispiece of boundaryimmortal cultivatorare extremely few, thatFang Yanisone, thisBlood Cloth Cultfounder is also one.
毕竟,这片地界修仙者极少,那方岩算一个,这血衣教教主也算一个。Hisspeedis extremely fast.
他速度极快。Soon, thensteps into the Cloud Billow Pavilionrange.
不多时,便踏入云澜阁范围。Cloud Billow Pavilionis the Valuable Peace Kinglarge sum of moneyconstruction, the small bridge over the flowing stream, the environmentis refined.云澜阁是宝泰王重金建造,其中小桥流水,环境雅致。Thisshouldbe the human worldmagnificent scene.
这本该是人间盛景。Howevernow, the bigred lanternis hanging, entireCloud Billow Paviliondoes not seeoneperson, during is quiet, disclosedseveralpoints of gloomystrangeauraunexpectedly. AlthoughLuo Yan the surprise, the facial expressiondoes not havemanychanges.
然而如今,大红灯笼悬挂,整座云澜阁不见一人,静谧之中,竟透露出几分阴森诡异的气息。罗阎虽然诧异,神情却无多少变化。immortal cultivatorregards the bustling placelike the purgatory.修仙者视红尘如炼狱。
The Blood Cloth Cultfounderasimmortal cultivator, disperses the mortal, is reallynormal, noquitestrange.血衣教教主身为修仙者,驱散凡人,实属正常,没什么好奇怪的。Let alone, hethis timesneakssecretly, no oneis just right forhisintention.
不多久。Hethenarrives atoutside a garret, looksfrom afarby the window,sees onlyindistinctly, seems manypeople.
他便来到一座阁楼外,透过窗户远远看去,只见其中影影绰绰,似有不少人。Hearrives at the window, lookstoward the room.
他来到窗边,朝屋内望去。Seeing only the young girlwinning smilesis sweet, is situated invariousplaces, is ordinaryjust like the porcelain doll.
只见一个个少女巧笑嫣然,立于各处,宛如瓷娃娃一般。Theseyoung girls, allcan be called the human worldto be outstandingly beautiful, undercontrast of clothing, complements each other, too beautiful to behold.
这些少女,皆称得上人间绝色,在身上衣物的衬托下,更是相得益彰,美不胜收。Is expectedyoung girls in room, in the Luo Yanheartnot to exclaim in surprise, only thenfrightens.
可望着屋内的一个个少女,罗阎心中没有惊叹,只有惊吓。Theseyoung girls, are seemingly sweet and pretty, in fact is actually similar to the carefuldressed uppuppetis ordinary, without the least bitvitality/angry.
这些少女,看似娇美,实际上却如同被精心打扮的玩偶一般,没有半点生气。„Thesefemales, alldied.”
The Luo Yanspiritis powerful, the sensationis especially astonishing.罗阎精神强大,感知格外惊人。Under, thensaw that in the room the femalehad all died, andwas madehuman puppet.
The manufacturemethodis wise, thereforethesecorpsesare lifelike.
而且……Looked that thishuman puppetfacial expressionmanneroccasionallyandplaces the position.
看这一个人偶偶的神情举止和摆放位置。As if, thesepuppet, are the holding that Blood Cloth Cultfoundermakesspeciallyare common.
似乎,这些玩偶,是那血衣教教主特意弄出来的藏品一般。Butthisroom, is the boxroom that carefullydesigns.
而这间屋子,便是一间精心设计出来的收藏室。Hisheartis imposing.
他心头凛然。Has not enteredthisgarret, butcontinuesto walktoward the Cloud Billow Paviliondeep place.
没有走进这座阁楼,而是继续朝云澜阁深处走去。Thismorewalks, inhisheartis then heavier.
花园。Withhisthorough, human puppet that seesare getting more and more.
随着他的深入,一路所见的人偶越来越多。Onlyishesaw that thenhas40-50.
光是他见到的,便有40-50之多。„ThatBlood Cloth Cultfounderdoesthis, onlytosatisfyoneselfspecialpsychologyfondness?”
The Luo Yanlookis dignified.罗阎眼神凝重。Manyunderstandsseveralpoints of thatBlood Cloth Cultfounderarrives at the Zhou Countryreason.
多少明白了几分那血衣教教主来到周国的原因。Asimmortal cultivator.
作为修仙者。In the immortal cultivationboundary, hisstrengthis extremely weak, is hardto satisfyownfondness.
在修仙地界,他实力极弱,难以满足自己的癖好。Butinthismortalboundary, heis powerful, naturallycanrecklessly the unseemly behavior, doesallcrueldisgustingdeals.
但在这凡人地界,他实力强大,自然可以肆意妄为,干一切阴损恶心的勾当。„Hasyoung girlhuman puppet, thatValuable Peace King? Canalsobe madehuman puppet?”
“有少女人偶,那宝泰王呢?会不会也被制成了人偶?”Luo Yancontinues.罗阎继续前行。Sure enough.
果不其然。In a while, hethendiscoveredValuable Peace Kingin a main hall.
没过多久,他便在一间大殿中发现了宝泰王。Valuable Peace Kingsits respectfully, does not get angryfrom the prestige.宝泰王正襟危坐,不怒自威。But the expression of thatsolidification, is actually notliving personall, similarlyishuman puppet.
可那凝固的表情,却不是活人所有,同样是一具人偶。HeadunderValuable Peace King.
在宝泰王下首。ThechildZhou Tong is also general, is hands tiedandvertical, had died.
其子周通也是一般,束手而立,早已死去。Butbesidesthispair of father and son, inroomalso many Valuable Peace Kingtrusted subordinates, severalmasters, severalBone Refinementlateexperts.
而除了这对父子外,房间中还有不少宝泰王的亲信,几个宗师,几个炼骨后期的高手。At this time.
此时。Alsowas madehuman puppet, is situated inby the main hall.
也被人制成了人偶,立于大殿两旁。„Palacebackbone, thiswascatches the whole lot in a dragnet.”
“王府骨干,这是被一网打尽了啊。”Looks at more than tenhuman puppet in main hall, Luo Yanis flabbergastedsecretly.
看着大殿中的十余具人偶,罗阎暗暗咋舌。Thiscrowd of palacebackbones , he ifacts, easily accomplished, is then resolvable.
这一群王府骨干,他若出手,摧枯拉朽,便可解决。Maystay behind, can only be a remnantcorpse of place, butnotlikeat present, perfect, does not have the least bitnon-nature the facial expression.
显然。ThatBlood Cloth Cultfounderstrengthis extremely strong.
那血衣教教主实力极强。Readandhere, Luo Yanhasto draw backintent.
敌人实力未知。Ifhecontinuesto look, ifturns over, thatpoor lifemaynot guarantee.
他若继续找上去,万一翻车,那小命可就不保了。Heturns around, wantsto leave.
他转身,就欲离开。But when heturns the head, the familiarform, mapshisviewtogethersuddenly.
可就在他转头之际,一道熟悉的身影,忽然映入他眼帘。Luo Yanstares, immediatelyfixes the eyes onto look.罗阎一愣,随即定睛望去。Sees only the corridorendin the pavilion, a young girlwears the scarletclothes, leans onnear the parapet.
只见走廊尽头的凉亭上,一个少女身穿大红衣裳,倚靠在栏杆边上。Thatprofileis familiar.
After helooks at carefullycarefully, suddenlyselects the eyebrow, finallyrecalls the status of thisyoung girl.
他仔细端详后,忽的一挑眉,终于忆起这少女的身份。Thisyoung girl, impressively is thatZheng ChidaughterZhengXiaoyi!
“郑小伊?”Luo Yanfrowns, rushesto go forwardto examine.罗阎眉头一蹙,赶忙上前查看。Sees onlyZhengXiaoyifacial featuresbelt/bringto smile, is staring atlotus pond outside pavilion, itsfacial expressionis naive, smart-aleckylively.
The whole bodyis icy cold, does not have the half a pointaura.
浑身冰凉,早已没了半分气息。Looksis madehuman puppetZhengXiaoyi, Luo Yanis silent.
望着被制成人偶的郑小伊,罗阎默然。ZhengXiaoyiworships the Blood Cloth Cultfounderextremely.
郑小伊极其崇拜血衣教教主。Nowfallsto such position, calculates that itshas only self to blame.
如今落到此等境地,也算其咎由自取。Sheafter all is the Zheng Chidaughter, butZheng Chihelpedhismanyfor these years.
只是,她终归是郑叱的女儿,而郑叱这几年又帮了他许多。„IfmakesZheng Chiknow that his daughterhas died, onlyfeared that wantedinsanely.”
“若让郑叱知道他女儿已死,只怕要疯了去。”In the Luo Yanheartsighed.罗阎心中叹息。ButholdsZhengXiaoyi, plunderssilentlyoutward.
The surroundingsare quiet.
周围静谧。Hechoosesno oneto locate, quick, thenreturns toValuable Peace Pharmacy, before the Zheng Chigate .
他挑选无人处,很快,便回到宝泰药坊,郑叱门前。„Thump thump thump.”
“咚咚咚。”Hesounds the door.
他敲响房门。Soon , the doorthenopens from, revealsZheng Chithatthin and paleface.
不多久,房门便从内打开,露出郑叱那张憔悴的脸。Zheng Chifirstsawin the Luo Yanbosomthatjust like the sleeping beautydaughter.郑叱第一眼就看见了罗阎怀中那宛如睡美人般的女儿。Helongrelaxes, askedlow voice: „Littlehe/she did shefall asleep?”
他长松一口气,小声问道:“小伊她睡着了?”ZhengXiaoyiwas missinghalf a month.
For half a month, hehas been seeking, what a pityhas achieved nothing.
这半个月来,他一直在寻找,可惜一无所获。Hethinks the daughterhad died.
他原本以为女儿已经死去。Does not think,today is actually broughtbyLuo Yan.
不想,今日竟然被罗阎带了回来。Thisletsinhisheartrejoicesat the same time, was full of the gratitudetoLuo Yan.
这让他心中庆幸的同时,对罗阎也充满了感激。HoweverLuo Yannext, makeshimsuch asbe struck by lightning.
然而罗阎的下一句,却让他如遭雷击。„Shedied.”Luo Yanis brief and to the point, the sounddoes not have the least bitto fluctuate.
“她死了。”罗阎言简意赅,声音没有半点波动。Zheng Chihearsword, the headbuzz, becomes the blankdirectly.郑叱闻言,脑袋嗡的一声,直接变得空白。For a long time.
许久。Hestretches out the palm, touchesZhengXiaoyicheek.
他才伸出手掌,摸了摸郑小伊的脸蛋。Feelsthatlike the icecool feeling, hisbodyshiversslightly, the eyeinstantaneouslybecomesred.
感受到那份如冰般的凉意,他身子微微颤动,眼睛瞬间变得通红。„Luo Yan, how does littlehe/shedie?”Zheng Chitrembling soundto ask.
“罗阎,小伊是怎么死的?”郑叱颤声问道。„Good that ifIguess, shouldbethatBlood Cloth Cultteaches the trunk. Iwent tohisdwelling, seesmanyappearancefinehuman puppet. Littlehe/she...... is one of them.”
“如果我猜的不错,应该是那位血衣教教主干的。我去了趟他的住处,看到不少模样精致的人偶。小伊……就是其中之一。”Luo Yanhas thoughtweaves a happylie, deceivesZheng Chi.罗阎想过编织一个美好的谎言,欺骗郑叱。Butinexplicable, hesaid the truth.
但莫名的,他还是将真相说了出来。„Blood Cloth Cult?”
“血衣教?”In the Zheng Chieyereveals the piercinghatred: „I have long known that Blood Cloth Cultis not the goodplace, butlittlehe/sheshedoes not listen. Blamesme, ifIwere firmerinitially, does not letherandBlood Cloth Cultthatgroup of peoplemixes the same place......”郑叱眼中流露出刺骨恨意:“我早就知道,那血衣教不是什么好地方,可小伊她偏偏不听。都怪我,要是我当初坚决一些,不让她和血衣教那群人掺和到一起……”Hisvoiceregretted, facial featuresincomparablepain.
他声音懊悔,面容无比痛苦。Luo Yanwill not comfort the person , can only pathisshoulder.罗阎不会安慰人,也只能拍了拍他的肩膀。Although he non-father, actually can also understand that the fatherloses the sorrow of children.
他虽非人父,却也能理解人父失去子女的悲痛。In the meantime.
That Zheng Chileaps, kneltunexpectedlydirectly.郑叱腾的一声,竟直接跪了下来。„Luo Yan, askingyouto helpmerevenge!”Hislookresented, the soundunexpectedlybecomeshoarse.
“罗阎,求你帮我报仇!”他眼神愤恨,声音竟变得沙哑。Luo Yansupports by the armhimhastily, holdsfrom the groundhim.罗阎连忙搀住他,将他从地上扶起来。Heopenednow the Zheng Chiopens the mouth and otherZheng Chi, henaturallynods assent: „Youcould rest assured that Iwill helplittlehe/sherevenge.”
说罢。Hepatted the shoulder of Zheng Chiagain, thentoitsmiles, thento turn arounddirectly, hurries totoward the palace.
他再度拍了拍郑叱的肩膀,而后对其轻轻一笑,便径直转身,朝王府赶去。Thisgoes, kills people!
很快。Hethenreturns to Cloud Billow Pavilion.
他便回到云澜阁中。„It seems likeIalsoverylikeminding others' business.”
“看来我还挺喜欢多管闲事。”Smiling of Luo Yanself-ridicules, quietplunderstowardCloud Billow Pavilion.罗阎自嘲的笑了笑,悄无声息的朝云澜阁掠去。
When Cloud Billow Paviliononesuch ashisprevioustimecomes the common, bigred lanternis hanging, in the deathly stillnessis disclosing the gloomyaura.云澜阁一如他上次来时一般,大红灯笼悬挂,死寂中透露着阴森气息。Butthistime.
When Luo Yanjustarrived at thatgarret, felt not right.罗阎刚走到那座阁楼边时,就感觉到了不对。Just like the garret in boxroomin the middle, reallyhad the women'seuphoniouslaughterto pass on.
宛如收藏室的阁楼当中,竟然有女子银铃般的笑声传了出来。Then, thenseesseveralyoung girlclothessleeveto fly fastto fly, is ordinaryjust like the flyingimmortal, fliestowardhim.
而后,便见几个少女衣袂翩飞,宛如飞仙一般,朝他飞来。„Plays tricks.”
The Luo YanlookYinoffense, sleeverobeonevolume, terrifyingtrue qithensweeps across.罗阎眼神阴戾,袖袍一卷,恐怖的真气便席卷而出。Severalyoung girlhuman puppet that to/clashes, immediatelyshatter, changes into a beachfleshmud.
那冲过来的几个少女人偶,登时从中破碎,化为一滩血肉烂泥。To him, the ordinarymortal, has no difference from the softpasta.
对他而言,普通的凡人,和柔软的面团没有任何区别。Althoughtheseyoung girlswere refinedhuman puppet, but is like the mortal, does not have anyunique element.
The distant place, hears the clapping the handssound.
远处,传来拍掌声。Immediatelyistogether the youthvoice.
随即是一道青年声音。„Isaid that iswhocomesmyCloud Billow Pavilionto be a guest, originallyisLuo YanYoung MasterLuo.”
The soundis outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted, as iftransmitsfromninedaysbeyond.
The Luo Yanbrowselects, looksin the direction that the soundconveys.罗阎眉头一挑,朝声音传来的方向望去。Sees only an suppleyouthto standon the roof of distant place, under the brightmoonlight, his bloodstained clothingflies fastto fly, unexpectedlyjust likeexiling the immortal, severalbranches outdustmeaning.
只见一个阴柔青年站在远处的房顶上,皎洁的月光下,他一身血衣翩飞,竟宛如谪仙,有几分出尘意味。Likesmebeing ableto strengthenadds the pointto askeveryoneto collect:() Icanstrengthenadd the refresh rateto be quickest.
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