ICSBAP :: Volume #2

#176: Instigation

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Prefectural city. 府城。 City east some secluded yard. 城东某僻静小院。 Underground five zhang (3.33 m), in the middle of secret room. 地下五丈,密室当中。 The secret room is gloomy, jet black does not see the five fingers. 密室阴暗,漆黑不见五指。 Luo Yan throws Fang Yan on the most middle stone bed conveniently, immediately the eye pupil hangs, looks at the eyeball indifferently rumble rotation Fang Yan. 罗阎随手将方岩扔在最中间的石床上,随即眼眸微垂,漠然看着眼珠咕噜噜转动的方岩 Fang Yan cannot move. 方岩动弹不得。 But the forehead cold sweat flows, the eye pupil shivers unceasingly. 但额头冷汗流淌,眼眸不断颤动。 That terrified, can be seen in speech and appearance ~ 那种惶恐,溢于言表~ As if Luo Yan is not a person, but is the devil is ordinary. 仿佛罗阎不是人,而是魔鬼一般。 I came back.” “等我回来。” The Luo Yan sound is faint, combines a fierceness. 罗阎声音淡漠,混杂一丝狰狞。 Finally deeply looked at Fang Yan, then turned around to leave the secret room. 最后深深看了眼方岩,便转身离开了密室。 The footsteps go far away gradually. 脚步渐渐远去。 Vanishes at the sound of footsteps flickers. 在脚步声消失的一瞬。 On the stone bed, terrified desperate Fang Yan, unexpectedly instantaneously becomes calm. 石床上,原本惶恐绝望的方岩,竟瞬间变得冷静起来。 Good wonderful acupuncture, can make me lose the control unexpectedly to the body.” “好神妙的针法,竟然能让我失去对身体的控制。” In the Fang Yan heart sighs with emotion. 方岩心中感慨。 Controls own divine consciousness, starts to wipe out to insert in oneself silver needle. 控制自己的神念,开始拔除插在自己身上的银针。 Snort! Eventually is only the mortal.” “哼!终究只是凡人罢了。” His heart is somewhat self-satisfied. 他心底有些得意。 He is immortal cultivator, divine consciousness can the direct attack, is used to act as the third hand, wipes out silver needle also to have what difficulty? 他乃修仙者,神念都能直接攻击,用来充当第三只手,拔除身上的银针又有何难? Does the trivial silver needle, want to block him? 区区银针,就想封死他? Sees only him to lie on the bed moves also motionless. 只见他躺在床上动也不动。 But silver needle was actually pulled out slowly, then falls by the body. 但身上的一根根银针却慢慢被拔了出来,然后落在身体两侧。 Soon. 不多时。 His right hand takes the lead to get rid of the imprisonment, neatly and quickly, then captured complete silver needle. 他的右手率先摆脱禁锢,三下五除二,便拔掉了身上全部银针。 „The mortal this time departs, is prepares the tool inevitably, plans to concoct me. I need to leave as soon as possible, temporarily evades the point......” “那凡人此番离去,必然是去准备工具,打算炮制我。我需要尽快离开,暂避锋芒……” Fang Yan is covering the lower abdomen, the jumping down bed of looking fierce, then plunders rapidly outward. 方岩捂着小腹,龇牙咧嘴的跳下床,而后飞速朝外掠去。 He plans to leave the prefectural city as soon as possible. 他打算尽快离开府城。 Waits to return next time, he decides however wants this Luo Yan to be attractive. 等下次归来,他定然要这罗阎好看。 But he just plundered the stone chamber, then the feeling presents together the remnant shadow at present. 可他刚掠出石室,便感觉眼前出现一道残影。 The next second, direct such as was hit hard, a lower abdomen pain, the whole person then flies upside down, falls layer on layer/heavily on behind wall. 下一秒,直接如遭重击,小腹一痛,整个人便倒飞而出,重重摔在身后的墙壁上。 That huge strength, the wall cracks continually directly. 那巨大的力道,连身后墙壁都直接崩裂。 But he is the facial expression pain, felt oneself seem like penetrated general. 而他更是神情痛苦,感觉自己像是被击穿一般。 Has not waited for him to get back one's composure. 还没等他回过神。 Severe pain one after another then transmits from the four limbs. 接连的剧痛便从四肢传来。 „!” “啊!” Kills the pig pitiful yell to resound. 杀猪般的惨叫响起。 The Fang Yan complexion is fierce, the cold sweat rinses to fall. 方岩脸色狰狞,冷汗漱漱落下。 He looked at eye oneself four limbs, sees only the four limbs to twist, was wrenched apart unexpectedly forcefully directly. 他瞄了眼自己的四肢,只见四肢扭曲,竟是被硬生生直接扭断了。 But before the body . 而身前。 A big form slowly from darkness. 一道高大身影缓缓从黑暗中走了出来。 It seems like, was I belittled immortal cultivator.” “看来,是我小觑了修仙者。” The Luo Yan facial features appear intermittently in the darkness, occupying a commanding position is overlooking the ground like beach mud general Fang Yan. 罗阎的面容在黑暗中隐现,居高临下的俯视着地上如同一滩烂泥一般的方岩 You have not walked, has defended is exporting?” “你没走,一直守在出口?” Fang Yan raised the head. 方岩抬头。 Incomparable hatred is staring at Luo Yan. 无比怨毒的盯着罗阎 In will the world, how have the so disgusting person? 世上,怎会有这般恶心的人? Obviously is the enemy, deceives him unexpectedly one after another. 明明是敌人,竟然还接二连三的欺骗他。 First was said that must to him a fist, in fact actually sneak off directly. 先是说要给他一拳,实际上却直接开溜。 The surface sneaks off, in fact is actually thinking makes no one locate to solve him. 表面开溜,实际上却是想着把他引到无人处解决。 After solving him, said that must leave, actually defends as before is exporting, but also restrained the vitality fluctuation, like waiting for gains without pains general, when he escapes from the stone chamber, gives him again a fist. 解决他后,说要离开,却依旧守在出口,还收敛了气血波动,如同守株待兔一般,等他逃出石室,再给他一拳。 When I said can leave?” “我何时说了要离开?” The Luo Yan expression is faint, raises Fang Yan, enters the stone chamber, throws on it the bed again. 罗阎表情淡漠,提起方岩,走进石室,将其再次扔到床上。 „.” “啊。” Fang Yan called out pitifully again. 方岩再次惨叫。 He lies on the bed, looks four limbs that eye twisted, looked at Luo Yan of bedside, in heart thorough desperate. 他躺在床上,看了眼自己扭曲的四肢,又看了眼床边的罗阎,心中彻底绝望。 The four limbs break off, cannot move. 四肢折断,动弹不得。 He now, cannot escape. 他现在,是跑不了了。 Luo Yan stands side Fang Yan, starts to try to find out. 罗阎站在方岩身边,开始摸索起来。 Without a while, found a palm of the hand size the brocade sack. 没一会儿,就找到一个巴掌大小的锦囊。 The brocade sack presents the dull purple, the feel icy cold, just like stroking ice silk. 锦囊呈现暗紫色,手感冰凉,宛如抚摸冰丝。 In his heart moves slightly. 他心中微微一动。 Looks to Fang Yan, tranquil opens the mouth: What is this?” 看向方岩,平静开口:“这是什么?” Fang Yan cold snort/hum, without the reply, turns directly the head one side. 方岩冷哼一声,没有回答,直接将脑袋扭到一边。 He knows, Luo Yan will not let off itself. 他知道,罗阎不会放过自己。 Such being the case, why did he also answer the Luo Yan issue? 既然如此,他又何必回答罗阎的问题? Luo Yan saw Fang Yan not saying that also without vitality/angry, but received personal the brocade sack, then tranquil turning around walked outward. 罗阎方岩不说,也没有生气,只是将锦囊贴身收好,便平静的转身朝外走去。 Has a lot of time for that he believes that will happen one day, this Fang Yan will open the mouth. 来日方长,他相信,终有一天,这方岩会开口的。 After leaving the stone chamber . 离开石室后。 In Luo Yan quiet return medicine work place yard. 罗阎悄无声息的回到药坊小院中。 All usual, does not have any sound. 一切如常,没有任何动静。 He enters in the room, will sweep cleanly, then the sitting cross-legged close pupil returns to the bed, starts to wait patiently. 他走进屋内,将地扫干净,便盘膝闭眸回到床上,开始耐心等候。 He thinks. 他本以为。 The ancient forest or Gu Santong saw that Fang Yan has not turned over to for a very long time, will come back to look for him. 古林或是古三通见到方岩久久未归,会回来找他。 However until night, has not seen two people of trails. 然而直到深夜,也没见到二人踪迹。 Gave up?” “放弃了吗?” In his heart muttered, a brow wrinkle. 他心中喃喃,眉头不由一皱。 ancient forest and the others, only feared that discarded Fang Yan to depart directly. 古林等人,只怕直接舍弃方岩离去了。 But Fang Yan is missing, without dying, he is also the biggest suspect. 方岩失踪,哪怕没死,他也是最大的怀疑对象。 His fearless Gu and Lin. 他无惧古林二人。 Dreads Bell Divine Tower only. 唯独忌惮钟神楼 If Bell Divine Tower intends to verify the truth, then first looks inevitably is he. 钟神楼有意查明真相,那么第一个找上的必然是他。 Also planned side knocks the side-pushing, asks position of that Fang Yan in Bell Divine Tower mind......” “原本还打算旁敲侧推,问问那方岩钟神楼心目中的地位……” He lowers the head to hesitate. 他低头沉吟。 Finally decides, changes a place to live. 最终打定主意,换个地方住。 Gu Santong and Fang Yan class/flow immortal cultivator is mediocre, but cannot, because two people are small and weak, belittles all immortal cultivator. 古三通方岩之流的修仙者不过如此,但不能因为两人弱小,就小觑所有修仙者 After he ponders the moment . 他沉思片刻后。 The azure cicada and other valuables 11 packs, then under concealing of dim light of night, graze to go to outward. 将青蝉等贵重物品一一打包,便在夜色的掩饰下,朝外飞掠而去。 So-called a crafty person has several ways out. 所谓狡兔三窟。 He in the middle of the prefectural city, is only the courtyard has seven, is not under his name, actually belongs to him. 他在府城当中,光是院落就有七座,不在他名下,却归他所有。 His hiding in, no one can know. 他藏身其中,无人能知道。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Valuable Peace Palace. 宝泰王府 In the middle of the study room of ancient color unrefined resin, Valuable Peace King sits respectfully, is talking with a youth. 古色生香的书房当中,宝泰王正襟危坐,正在与一青年交谈。 The youth facial features are outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted, two wisps of temples send from the ear let fall, is seemingly gentle and humble, abundant god like jade. 青年面容阴柔,两缕鬓发从耳边垂落,看上去温良恭俭,丰神如玉。 Opens the founder, you late at night come visiting, what matter doesn't know behavior?” “张教主,您深夜来访,不知所为何事?” Valuable Peace King looks at the youth, the recording tape is curious. 宝泰王看着青年,音带好奇。 This youth, is the Blood Cloth Cult founder, Zhang Yuchan. 这青年,便是血衣教教主,张玉禅 As the Blood Cloth Cult founder, one of the immortal cultivator, even if Zhang Yuchan deeply occupies to be shallow, the given name was known by Valuable Peace King. 身为血衣教教主,修仙者之一,哪怕张玉禅深居浅出,名号还是被宝泰王所知晓。 „Does the prince want to work as this Baiyue Province protectorate?” Zhang Yuchan is holding appreciatively the teacup in hand, looked at Valuable Peace King. “王爷想当这百越府镇守吗?”张玉禅把玩着手中的茶杯,看了眼宝泰王 protectorate?” 镇守?” Valuable Peace King complexion one austere, said hastily: Opening founder this is what intent?” 宝泰王面色一肃,连忙道:“张教主这是何意?” I think that you let you, when protectorate.” Zhang Yuchan lifted the eyelid, careless saying. “我想你让你当镇守。”张玉禅抬了抬眼皮,漫不经心的说道。 Takes seriously?” Some Valuable Peace King eyeground meanings move. “当真?”宝泰王眼底有些意动。 The prince is only a prince. 王爷只是王爷。 If can hold a concurrent post of protectorate, he not impedes again, this Baiyue Province, then became his domain thoroughly. Naturally takes seriously.” Zhang Yuchan puts down the teacup, the chuckle nods. 若能兼任镇守,那他再无掣肘,这百越府,便彻底成了他的地盘。“自然是当真。”张玉禅放下茶杯,轻笑点头。 What that...... this king does need make?” “那……本王需要做些什么?” The space has not fallen the pie the good deed. 天上没有掉馅饼的好事。 He knows, Zhang Yuchan looks for itself, definitely has own goal. 他知道,张玉禅找上自己,肯定有自己的目的。 And other Zhou Country wars settle down, I will remain, assumes Baiyue Province. I need an obedient person.” Zhang Yuchan is brief and to the point. “等周国战事尘埃落定,我会留下来,坐镇百越府。我需要一个听话的人。”张玉禅言简意赅。 Hears this word. 听闻此言。 In the Valuable Peace King eye flashes through a surprise, but nods. 宝泰王眼中闪过一丝诧异,但还是点了点头。 If Zhang Yuchan stays behind assumes personal command, representative is the blood god sect. 张玉禅若留下坐镇,代表的就是血神宗。 Even if has not given him the advantage, he does not dare obedient. 就算没给他好处,他也不敢不听话啊。 In addition, I also want you to help me kill a person.” Zhang Yuchan opens the mouth again. “除此之外,我还要你帮我杀一个人。”张玉禅再度开口。 Who?” “谁?” Luo Yan.” Zhang Yuchan said. 罗阎。”张玉禅说道。 What?” “什么?” The Valuable Peace King eyelid jumps, after hesitating little, in the surface exudes a forced smile: stretch/open Jiaozhu chatted, that Luo Yan is powerful, where did I kill him?” 宝泰王眼皮一跳,迟疑少许后,面上泛起一丝苦笑:“张教主说笑了,那罗阎实力强大,我哪杀得了他?” In his heart frightens. 他心中惊吓。 Makes him kill Luo Yan unexpectedly...... 竟然让他去杀罗阎…… Does not raise him now and Luo Yan relates still permissible, is the Luo Yan that terrifying strength, makes him fearful and apprehensive sufficiently, shrinks back at the sight. 不提他现在和罗阎关系尚可,就是罗阎那恐怖的实力,就足以让他心惊胆战,望而却步。 Sees Valuable Peace King to turn down. 宝泰王婉拒。 Zhang Yuchan selected the eyebrow coldly, the complexion, resembles somewhat disgruntledly: You know why I look for you, doesn't look for Tao Qian?” 张玉禅挑了挑眉,面色冷了下去,似有些不悦:“你知道我为何找你,不找陶谦吗?” Why?” Valuable Peace King looked at Zhang Yuchan cautiously. “为何?”宝泰王小心翼翼的看了眼张玉禅 He also thinks of this point. 他也想到这一点。 Tao Qian is the big hero, is the person on one's own side. 陶谦是大功臣,又是自己人。 This Zhang Yuchan does not look for Tao Qian, instead looks for itself, is very indeed strange. 张玉禅不找陶谦,反而找上自己,的确很奇怪。 Because he could not cope with that Luo Yan, but you can.” Zhang Yuchan cold sound said. “因为他对付不了那罗阎,但你可以。”张玉禅冷声道。 „Can I?” Valuable Peace King is stunned. “我可以?”宝泰王一脸错愕。 Copes with Luo Yan? 对付罗阎 Can he? 他可以吗? In his heart beats a drum, but facing the Zhang Yuchan cold vision. 他心中直打鼓,但面对张玉禅冷冽的目光。 He smiles bitterly, asked: Opens the founder, is your meaning?” 他苦笑一声,还是问道:“张教主,您的意思是?” That Luo Yan is strong, eventually is only one person. He so trusts you, no matter you intoxicate or bend down to kill, removes his opportunity is very big.” Zhang Yuchan light opens the mouth. “那罗阎再强,终究只是一人。他这般信任你,你不管下毒还是伏杀,除掉他的机会都很大。”张玉禅淡淡开口。 His meaning is obvious. 他的意思明显。 Is makes Valuable Peace King make a move, to intoxicate the way that bends down to kill to remove Luo Yan. 就是让宝泰王出手,以下毒伏杀的方式除掉罗阎 Trust?” “信任?” Valuable Peace King ponders over these two characters, scratched head cold sweat, moment, cautious asking: Opens the founder, why can you remove that Luo Yan? He...... eventually is only a mortal, should not threaten you?” 宝泰王琢磨这两个字,擦了擦头上的冷汗,顿了片刻,小心翼翼的问道:“张教主,您为何一定要除掉那罗阎?他……终究只是个凡人,应该威胁不到您吧?” „Does murder need the reason?” Zhang Yuchan coldly shot a look at Valuable Peace King, said: Intoxicates, bends down to kill. No matter I you use what method, in brief, massacres that Luo Yan, I then let you, when Baiyue Province protectorate.” “杀人需要理由吗?”张玉禅冷冷瞥了眼宝泰王,道:“下毒,伏杀。我不管你用何种手段,总之,杀掉那罗阎,我便让你当百越府镇守。” I......” the Valuable Peace King smile is bitter and astringent. “我……”宝泰王笑容苦涩。 This Zhang Yuchan is immortal cultivator, his elder sister is Zhang Yanyan, is the Xue Shen Zi trusted subordinate. 张玉禅乃是修仙者,其姐姐更是张烟烟,是血神子的亲信。 This had the opens the mouth, can he reject? 这等存在开口,他能拒绝吗? In his heart sighed. 他心中叹息。 Indecisive. 犹豫不决。 But at this time, Zhang Yuchan opened the mouth again. 而这时候,张玉禅再次开口了。 I know that you do not want to offend that Luo Yan.” “我知道你不想得罪那罗阎。” But I may disclose a news ahead of time to you.” “但我可提前透露一个消息给你。” „After and other blood god sect rules Zhou Country, each five years, will have held bloody trial a time, select several young powerful martial artist, grant Immortal Ascension Pill, join the blood god sect.” “等我血神宗统治周国后,每过五年,都会举行一次血腥试炼,选出几个年轻强大的武者,赠与升仙丹,加入血神宗。” Mansion protectorate, has the selection power, can decide existence of quota.” “一府镇守,是拥有选拔权,能够决定名额的存在。” I remember that you have a son, you do not think, making there you child immortal cultivator, joins my blood god sect?” “我记得你有一个儿子,难道你就不想,让你那儿子成为修仙者,加入我血神宗?” Said, you do want to give Tao Qian this opportunity?” “还是说,你想把这个机会让给陶谦?” Valuable Peace King more listens to more heart to be startled. 宝泰王越听越心惊。 Bloody trial? 血腥试炼? Selection young powerful martial artist, grants Immortal Ascension Pill, joins the blood god sect?! 选拔年轻强大的武者,赠与升仙丹,加入血神宗?! But as protectorate, has the right of decision quota! 而身为镇守,拥有决定名额的权利! If becomes protectorate, I can passing send in the blood god sect, I hundred jump over among Zhou, in the middle of direct descendant and collateral branch , many martial arts seedlings.” “若当上镇守,我便可将通儿送入血神宗,我百越周家当中,嫡系和旁系当中,也有许多武道苗子。” He more thinks the heart within, more burning hot. 他越想心中越炙热。 If really such as Zhang Yuchan said that this protectorate, he must work as. 若真如张玉禅所说,那这镇守,他一定要当。 He deeply inspires, represses the excitement in heart, the sinking sound said: stretch/open Jiaozhu felt relieved, I help certainly you remove that Luo Yan!” 他深吸一口气,按捺住心中的激动,沉声道:“张教主放心,我一定帮你除掉那罗阎!” I and other good news.” “我等你的好消息。” Zhang Yuchan as if expects Valuable Peace King to comply early. 张玉禅似乎早料到宝泰王会答应。 He smiles. 他轻轻一笑。 Then sets out, departs directly. 而后起身,径直离去。 Opens the founder to walk slowly.” “张教主慢走。” Valuable Peace King sets out, gazes after Zhang Yuchan to go far away, inspired wielded the fist. 宝泰王起身,目送张玉禅远去,振奋的挥了挥拳头。 Grand Pure Sect control Zhou Country, always governs by non-interference, was concerned with their these mortal martial artist. 太清宗统御周国,向来是无为而治,对他们这些凡人武者不闻不问。 Does not think. 不想。 After this blood god sect rules Zhou Country, must hold the trial unexpectedly, chooses martial artist, received the gate. 这血神宗统治周国后,竟然还要举行试炼,挑选武者,收入门中。 When this is the family rises, soaring. 此乃家族崛起之时,腾飞之际。 Really is...... makes him rouse, is hard to take excitedly. 实在是……令他大为振奋,激动难耐。 Excited. 激动过后。 He thinks of Luo Yan, in the eye none twinkle. 他又想到罗阎,眼中精光闪烁。 Luo Yan is powerful, even if bends down to kill, his still odds of success slightly vast. 罗阎实力强大,就算伏杀,他也胜算微渺。 Therefore, can only intoxicate! 所以,只能下毒! Luo Yan, do not blame me, is really he gives are too many.” Valuable Peace King said silently the sentence was sorry, then thought of Tao Qian. 罗阎,别怪我,实在是他给的太多。”宝泰王默默说了句抱歉,而后又想到了陶谦 protectorate only has one. 镇守只有一个。 But Tao Qian is his competitor. 陶谦是他的竞争对手。 This Zhang Yuchan late at night comes visiting, sows dissension, wants me to kill Luo Yan, can be that Tao Qian instigates?” “这张玉禅深夜来访,挑拨离间,要我杀罗阎,会不会是那陶谦唆使的?” Is impossible! Zhang Yuchan solemn immortal cultivator, must kill me, must kill Luo Yan, do oneself begin then, why to move unnecessarily?” “不可能!张玉禅堂堂修仙者,要杀我,要杀罗阎,自己动手即可,何必多此一举?” But, provides against contingencies, I must first remove Tao Qian, so as to avoid made him pick the peach.” “不过,以防万一,我必须先除掉陶谦,免得让他摘了桃子。” He decides, in the surface exudes to sneer. 他打定主意,面上泛起冷笑。 No matter how. 不管如何。 Tao Qian must predecease! 陶谦要先死! Another side. 另一边。 Zhang Yuchan had/left the palace, then boarded a carriage. 张玉禅出了王府,便上了一辆马车。 But in compartment. 而车厢中。 The Tao Qian facial expression is humble, has waited for a long time. 陶谦神情谦卑,已等待许久。 Sees Zhang Yuchan to return, he rushes to lower the head, respectful sound asked: „Did founder, how that Tao Qian say?” 见到张玉禅归来,他赶忙低头,恭声问道:“教主,那陶谦如何说?” He complied.” Zhang Yuchan light say/way. “他答应了。”张玉禅淡淡道。 Haha.” Tao Qian laughs, thinks highly saying: Founder move of sowing dissension, is really wise. How that Valuable Peace King does not think, when he removes that Luo Yan, his time of death also arrived.” “哈哈。”陶谦大笑,恭维道:“教主这招挑拨离间,实在高明。那宝泰王如何都不会想到,等他除掉那罗阎,他的死期也就到了。” Zhang Yuchan shows a faint smile, says nothing pro or con. 张玉禅微微一笑,未置可否。 He does not kill that Luo Yan. 他不杀那罗阎 Is because is unable to begin. 是因为无法自己动手。 After all, that calls is the Luo Yan mortal, has the life-saving efforts to Xi Hongyuan. 毕竟,那唤做罗阎的凡人,对席红鸢有救命之恩。 But Xi Hongyuan is existence that and his elder sister is equal , the potential even also wants on the high frontline compared with his elder sister. 席红鸢是和他姐姐等同的存在,潜力甚至比他姐姐还要高上一线。 If he begins, must bear a grudge by that Xi Hongyuan unavoidably. 他若自己动手,免不了要被那席红鸢记恨。 Right, how did I make the matter that you handled you manage?” Zhang Yuchan opens the mouth suddenly. “对了,我让你办的事你办得如何了?”张玉禅忽然开口。 Returns to the founder, according to your request, has caught females between about 300 14 to 20 years old, is the look is all attractive, the powder carves the porcelain doll that the jade carves. However initiation Lord discernment, but also wants founder to look is good.” A Tao Qian face flattered. “回教主,按照您的要求,已经抓了近三百个14到20岁之间的女子,俱是相貌漂亮,粉雕玉琢的瓷娃娃。不过能否入教主法眼,还要教主自己看过才行。”陶谦一脸谄媚。 „After, I then have a look.” “等回去后,我便去看看。” The Zhang Yuchan eye narrowed narrowing the eyes. 张玉禅眼睛眯了眯。 Beautiful springtime changed/easy, the young person is ephemerus. 韶华易老,红颜易逝。 Beautiful leather bag, is difficult to arrive at the time the baptism. 再美的皮囊,也难抵时光的洗礼。 But, makes the artware, that did not have this to worry. 但,做成艺术品,那就没这个担忧了。 ...... …… Time like running water. 时光如流水。 In an instant, two months passed by. 转眼间,两个多月过去了。 Since these two months, as the blood god army are in charge of the prefectural city, the major influences were shuffled again. 这两个月以来,随着血神军入主府城,各大势力再一次被洗牌。 The turbulence continues for nearly two months, subsides slowly. 动荡持续近两个月,才慢慢平息下来。 And. 其中。 In two important matters. 发生了两件大事。 The first matter, Tao Qian was poisoned to death, died above the bed bottom, when the servant discovered, the whole body flesh erosion, the maggot along with the odor, directly the servant smokes to faint. 第一件事,陶谦中毒身亡,死在床底之上,被下人发现时,浑身血肉糜烂,蛆虫伴随着恶臭,直接将下人熏晕了过去。 The second matter, Valuable Peace King becomes Baiyue Province new protectorate. 第二件事,宝泰王成为百越府新一任镇守 Regarding Baiyue Province, two matters undoubtedly have a great influence. 对于百越府而言,两件事无疑影响巨大。 But regarding most people, actually does not have affects. 但对于大部分人而言,其实根本无甚影响。 But Luo Yan, is one of them. 罗阎,就是其中之一。 These two months, he lives in seclusion. 这两个月来,他深居简出。 Whole time, concoct Fang Yan in the secret room. 大部分时间,都在密室中炮制方岩 Even if goes out, should still change external appearances only, no one knows is he. 就算出去,也会改头换面,无人知晓是他。 He lives in the prefectural city, actually drifts away beside everyone, looking like the transparent person is ordinary, low key to pinnacle. 他居住在府城当中,却又游离在所有人之外,就像是透明人一般,低调到了极致。 Likes me being able to strengthen adds the point to ask everyone to collect:() I can strengthen add the wonderful brush pavilion refresh rate to be quickest. 喜欢我能强化加点请大家收藏:()我能强化加点妙笔阁更新速度最快。
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