ICSBAP :: Volume #2

#175: Seizes

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I can strengthen add a https:// 我能强化加点https:// „Is this bloodlines magical powers?” “这是血脉神通?” The bloodlines magical powers, inherit from the bloodlines. 血脉神通,是源自血脉中传承。 The operation requirements are quite severe, but has the big might generally. 使用要求极为严苛,但一般都具备较大威力。 But has the bloodlines of bloodlines magical powers, inevitably honored uncommon. 而具备血脉神通的血脉,必然尊贵不凡。 In other words. 也就是说。 This white clothing man non- general immortal cultivator! 这白衣男子非一般修仙者 Luo Yan is so guessing, under the foot, then overruns toward the mirror violent. 罗阎这般猜测着,足下一点,便朝镜子暴冲过去。 He can feel, this is not the main body of white clothing man, but together similar thought and so on existence. 他能感觉的出,这并非白衣男子的本体,而是一道类似意念之类的存在。 But no matter anything, first killed said again! 但不管是什么东西,先打死再说! His speed is extremely fast, changes into the remnant shadow directly. 他速度极快,直接化为残影。 What may make him shock, no matter how he accelerates, the present mirror surface, consistently maintains certain distance with him unexpectedly! 可令他震惊的是,不管他如何加速,眼前的镜面,竟始终和他保持一定距离! Isn't able to touch? Is this imaginary technique?” “无法触碰?这是幻术?” In the Luo Yan heart sank, stopped, planned carefully to observe. 罗阎心中微沉,停了下来,打算仔细观察。 At this time. 这时候。 The white clothing man corners of the mouth in mirror curl upwards suddenly, stretch out the arms: Welcome arrives at my world!” 镜中的白衣男子忽然嘴角一翘,张开双臂:“欢迎来到我的世界!” Un?” “嗯?” Luo Yan stares. 罗阎一愣。 Without he had gotten back one's composure, the feeling whole body sinks, a strong pressure drops from the clouds suddenly. 没等他回过神,就感觉周身一沉,一股强大的压力骤然从天而降。 This great stress. 这压力巨大。 On his only sleep/felt shoulders a big cauldron, the ability to act cuts in half directly. 他只觉身上背负一座大鼎,行动能力直接减半。 Hole empty demon light!” “洞虚魔光!” Startled, Luo Yan mouth, true qi changes into the blood sex fiend light/only, spans ten zhang (3.33 m) instantaneously, falls to the distant place. 惊慌之下,罗阎嘴巴一张,真气化为血色魔光,瞬间跨越十丈,落向远方。 However. 然而。 When this blood light projects from his mouth, still had the baby arm to be thick. 这血光从他嘴中射出时,尚有婴儿手臂粗。 When may arrive in the mirror surface, has reduced to directly not have. 可抵达镜面时,已经直接缩小为无。 A hole empty demon light, in front of arriving at the mirror was then worn down completely, cannot cause the least bit damage to the white clothing man. 一记洞虚魔光,在到达镜面前便被消磨殆尽,未能对白衣男子造成半点伤害。 Useless, this is situated between is illusory the space, I for empty, you are solid. Your attack, could not cause any damage to me.” “没用的,这是介于虚幻间的空间,我为虚,你是实。你的攻击,对我造成不了任何伤害。” The white clothing man laughs. 白衣男子大笑。 He is Chu Race, the Chu Race bloodlines are honored, the descendants are numerous, disperse in entire immortal cultivation world. 他乃触族,触族血脉尊贵,族裔众多,分散在整个修仙界 Their Chu Race, may construct the illusory space situated in actual situation. 他们触族,可构建介于虚实之间的虚幻空间。 Chu Race and space for empty, but enters this illusory space other person and the thing is the reality. 触族和空间为虚,但进入这虚幻空间的其他人和物皆为实。 This ability, mostly were utilized by the downtown streets, chamber of commerce, is used to give other immortal cultivator to provide a secret trade place. 这种能力,大多被坊市、商会等运用,用来给其他修仙者提供一个隐秘的交易场所。 For example downtown streets. 比如坊市。 So long as immortal cultivator enters the downtown streets, regardless of places downtown streets where, some time, will enter this illusory space automatically. 修仙者只要进入坊市,无论身处坊市何处,某时间,就会自动进入这虚幻空间。 But at this time, the downtown streets and immortal cultivator can buy and sell certain things in this illusory space. 而这时候,坊市和修仙者能在这虚幻空间中买卖某些东西。 Waits for the space to dissipate. 等空间消散。 immortal cultivator departs respectively. 修仙者各自离去。 Because places in the big downtown streets, others do not know that who bought anything. 由于身处偌大的坊市中,别人根本不知道谁买了什么东西。 The immortal cultivator security, is assured. 修仙者的安全,得以保证。 If more powerful Chu Race, but may also be constant the illusory space, acts as certain influences the secrets according to the place. 若强大一些触族,还可将虚幻空间恒定,充当某些势力的秘密据地。 As a result of this use. 由于这个用处。 Many member capture and kill Chu Race, captures their synapses, is used to arrange the strategy, constructs the illusory space. 不少修士捕杀触族,夺取他们的突触,用来布置阵法,构建虚幻空间。 However. 然而。 immortal cultivator mostly will neglect. 修仙者大多都会忽略。 The illusory space that Chu Race constructs, is hard the transaction space besides acting and secret that searches according to the place, actually can also kill people. 触族构建出的虚幻空间,除了充当难以寻觅的交易空间、秘密据地外,其实也能杀人。 Because, in this space, Chu Race is empty. 因为,在这空间当中,触族是虚。 As exists illusory, the idea of Chu Race, can directly affect as the person of entity! 作为虚幻存在,触族的想法,可以直接影响作为实体的人! Naturally, the premise is Chu Race soul enough! 当然,前提是触族的灵魂足够强! But, the Chu Race soul intensity, actually also only compares in general innate bloodlines the frontline. 而偏偏,触族的灵魂强度,其实也只比一般的先天血脉强上一线。 Therefore, in most immortal cultivator eyes. 故而,在大多数修仙者眼中。 Chu Race is the swine, is the treasure of walk, their synapses, were cut, to take away to sell for money frequently. 触族都是猪猡,是行走的奇珍,他们的突触,常常被人割下,拿去卖钱。 My Chu Race was regarded as the swine by immortal cultivator, but only mortal......” “我触族修仙者视为猪猡,但区区一个凡人……” Among the white clothing man facial features exudes to sneer. 白衣男子眉眼间泛起冷笑。 During the intention rotations, above Luo Yan, a giant meteorite appears, coerces the flaming roaring flame, flies toward Luo Yan at the inconceivable speed. 心念转动间,罗阎上方,一块巨大陨石浮现,裹挟熊熊烈焰,以不可思议的速度朝罗阎飞去。 Grass!” “艹!” Luo Yan felt the meteorite that above that flew rapidly, the eyelid jumps crazily, cannot bear explode a swearing. 罗阎感受上空的那急速飞来的陨石,眼皮狂跳,忍不住爆了个粗口。 He wants to avoid. 他想躲避。 , Is going against the pressure, plunders the hundred zhang (333 m). 唰的一声,顶着压力,掠出百丈。 However the meteorite is closely associated. 然而陨石如影随形。 The aura of that burning hot, 那炙热的气息, Make him feel that the whole body imitates , if burning. That huge constriction, just like heavenly prestige, lets his heart alarm bell erupts. 让他感觉全身仿若在燃烧。那巨大的压迫感,更是宛如天威,让他心头警铃大作。 Facing the meteorite of this bringing lock. 面对这自带锁头的陨石。 He clenches teeth, knees one crooked, both hands hold the day. 他一咬牙,双膝一歪,双手托天。 The part of great bear protects the body! 天罡护体! Buzz!” “嗡!” collapse Teng of true qi from the meridians, changes to the huge golden color to protect the shield, covers his whole body. 真气从经脉中崩腾而出,化作巨大的金色护盾,将他周身笼罩。 His black hair chaotic dance, the clothing flap flap makes noise, is maintaining the posture that holds the day is motionless. 他黑发乱舞,衣衫猎猎作响,保持着托天的姿势一动不动。 Increases in his eye pupil just like the fireball meteorite rapidly. 宛如火球般的陨石在他眼眸中飞速变大。 From the fist size, becomes the bathtub size, finally just like great mountain. 从拳头大小,变为澡盆大小,最后宛如巨山。 heavenly prestige with amazement, in his heart desperate, only felt one will be annihilated, changes into the flying ash directly. 天威骇然,他心中绝望,只感觉自身将被湮灭,直接化为飞灰。 Next second, along with rumbling loud sound. 下一秒,伴随着‘轰轰’巨响。 The meteorite, collides with his both hands! 陨石,与他的双手碰撞! „?” “?” His look is astonished, is actually merely knees one curved, easily received this meteorite. 他眼神惊异,却是自己仅仅双膝一弯,就轻易的接下了这块陨石。 As he receives this meteorite. 而随着他接下这陨石。 Then just like the great mountain -like meteorite, vanishes into thin air unexpectedly suddenly, changed into destroyed. 那宛如巨山般的陨石,竟然眨眼间就烟消云散,化为了乌有。 False?” “假的?” Luo Yan look suddenly. 罗阎眼神恍然。 Does not wait for him to have what movement, the innumerable sharp blade then from bloom at present, toward his lasing. 不等他有何动作,无数利刃便自眼前绽放,朝他激射而来。 This time. 这一次。 His facial expression is indifferent, the part of great bear protects under the body, the seemingly fearsome sharp blade merely on protecting the shield starts some ripples, then dissipates again. 他神情淡然,天罡护体之下,看似可怖的利刃仅仅在护盾上掀起些许涟漪,便再度消散。 He even more assured own speculation. 他愈发笃定自己的猜测。 Looks to the white clothing man in mirror, the corners of the mouth brings back, ridicules: Originally is the imaginary technique, like this imaginary technique, displaying to be easy?” 看向镜中的白衣男子,嘴角勾起,嘲弄道:“原来是幻术,这样的幻术,施展起来不容易吧?” Imaginary technique? 幻术? This lowly mortal actually said that his Chu Race magical powers are the imaginary technique?! 这卑贱的凡人竟然说他触族神通是幻术?! Can the trivial imaginary technique, how place on a par with his Chu Race magical powers? 区区幻术,怎能跟他触族神通相提并论? This obviously is he by the attack that divine consciousness displays! 这明明是他以神念施展出的攻击! The white clothing man corner of the eye twitches, is burning with anger. 白衣男子眼角抽搐,怒火中烧。 Is moved. 动念间。 A more terrifying scene appears in the Luo Yan whole body. 更加恐怖的景象在罗阎周身浮现。 Death!” “死!” He angrily roars. 他怒吼一声。 The scarlet flame is turbulent, the Luo Yan package. 赤焰汹涌,将罗阎包裹。 The blade light just like the big day, appeared in the Luo Yan top of the head, resembling to chop two halves Luo Yan. 刀光宛若大日,浮现在罗阎头顶,似要将罗阎一劈两半。 The black energy ball toward the Luo Yan lasing, brings to pierce all terrifying prestige energies. 一个个黑色能量球朝罗阎激射而出,带着洞穿一切的恐怖威能。 These attacks, the power and influence is all astonishing. 这些攻击,全都威势惊人。 However Luo Yan stands one's ground steadfastly. 然而罗阎岿然不动。 These seem like that power and influence astonishing attack, falls on him, in his tolerance range, was all protected the sleeve to defend by the part of great bear by him. 这些看似威势惊人的攻击,落在他身上,全在他承受范围之内,被他以天罡护体完全防御下来。 Almost.” “差不多得了。” Luo Yan under part of great bear protection, looks at the distant place breathless white clothing man, even if the whole body attack are innumerable, he is also indifferent free. 天罡守护下的罗阎,看着远处气急败坏的白衣男子,哪怕周身攻击无数,他也淡然自若。 He has looked to understand all. This white clothing man drags into an illusory space him using the magical powers, oneself are in an impregnable position right, but all attacks, are big thunder , little rain, is unable to become the threat to other party. 他已看明白一切。这白衣男子利用神通将他拉入一个虚幻空间,自身立于不败之地没错,但所有攻击,都是雷声大雨点小,无法对他造成威胁。 But displays these attacks, even maintains the illusory space, to the white clothing man, needs greatly to consume. 而施展这些攻击,甚至维持虚幻空间本身,对白衣男子来说,都需要巨大消耗。 He only need defend. 他只需防御。 This illusory space, can collapse of itself. 这虚幻空间,便可不攻自破。 You?!” “你?!” The white clothing man clenches teeth. 白衣男子咬牙。 Sees own attack unable to break against Luo Yan, stopped simply. 见自己的攻击无法破防罗阎,干脆停了下来。 On his face exudes to sneer, cold sound said: We compare, is I am more lasting, is you are more lasting.” 他脸上泛起冷笑,冷声道:“那我们就来比一比,是我更持久,还是你更持久。” In his opinion, Luo Yan maintains to change the body, the consumption decides enormously however. 在他看来,罗阎维持变身,消耗定然也极大。 He only need surround Luo Yan, waits for Luo Yan to change the body to vanish. 他只需困住罗阎,等罗阎变身消失。 By that time, who won who lost/carrying is still the unknown number! 到了那时,孰胜孰负尚是未知之数! Good.” “好啊。” Luo Yan nods joyfully. 罗阎欣然点头。 Saying, his figure is invariable, but a courage vigor, actually dropped several levels suddenly. 说着,他身形不变,但一身血气,却陡然下降了几个层次。 Actually in the knowledge by whole body big solution, reduced own consumption directly. 却是以周身大解中的知识,直接降低了自身的消耗。 A time point passes. 时间点点流逝。 The white clothing man the self-confidence of most starting, shivers to the look slightly. 白衣男子从最开始的自信,到眼神微微颤动。 After half quarter, his face ghost white such as snow, the trim space has been trembling the distortion, seems momentarily stave. 半刻钟后,他一张脸已经煞白如雪,连带整片空间都在震颤扭曲,仿佛随时都要破碎。 In reality. 现实中。 His eyes shut tightly, motionless standing on the spot. 他双眼紧闭,一动不动的站在原地。 The forehead two synapses, stretch straightly, and is slightly thick, is sending out the strange strength. 额头两根突触,绷得笔直,并且微微粗大,散发着奇异的力量。 But at this time. 但此时。 His whole body sweats profusely, complexion already palely like white paper. 他浑身大汗淋漓,面色早已苍白如白纸。 Next second. 下一秒。 His body trembles suddenly, the forehead synapse droops all of a sudden, the soft loach probably is the same, even also reduced three points. 他身子猛然一颤,额头突触一下子耷拉下来,软的像是泥鳅一样,甚至还缩小了三分。 Damn!” “该死!” He stares the eyelid, in the pupil, Luo Yan that huge build is close rapidly. 他瞪开眼皮,瞳孔之中,罗阎那巨大体型正飞速接近。 He has not made any response with enough time, if were hit hard, whole person instantaneous bow like prawn. 他还没来得及做出任何反应,便如遭重击,整个人瞬间弓如大虾。 !” “噗!” The blood spurts crazily, the whole piece face twists directly. 鲜血狂喷,整张脸直接扭曲。 It seems like your endurance not Taihang.” Luo Yan is breathing heavily, on the face is hanging the somewhat exciting crimson. “看来你的持久力不太行啊。”罗阎喘着粗气,脸上挂着有些兴奋的绯红。 His fist bang in white clothing man lower abdomen. 他一只拳头轰在白衣男子小腹。 Another big hand holds his neck, probably raises the chicken to be the same, raised it. 另一只大手则抓住其脖子,像是提小鸡一般,将其提了起来。 Then. 然后。 Dozens silver needles insert the white clothing men's whole body acupuncture point swiftly. 数十根银针倏然插进白衣男子周身穴位。 Imprisons the white clothing man directly, blocks its all abilities to act. 直接将白衣男子禁锢,封死其一切行动能力。 Told me, who were you?” “告诉我,你是谁?” Luo Yan is entraining the back of the head of white clothing man, it mentioned oneself at present. 罗阎拽着白衣男子的后脑,将其提到自己眼前。 The white clothing man is trying struggling. 白衣男子试着挣扎。 Actually the discovery besides can open the mouth and blink, other spots pass out unexpectedly completely. 却发现除了能开口和眨眼外,其余部位竟全部失去知觉。 In his heart panic-stricken, but is quick, then restores calmly, orthoptic present Luo Yan. 他心中惊恐,但很快,便恢复镇定,直视眼前的罗阎 I am the Grand Pure Sect entrance door disciple, Fang Yan!” “我乃太清宗外门弟子,方岩!” Fang Yan is struggling the opens the mouth. 方岩挣扎着开口。 A speech, the fresh bloody stool flows out, is seemingly astonishing. 一说话,鲜血便嗬嗬流出,看上去触目心惊。 His eyes shiver, has not actually begged for mercy, even the sound has zheng zheng meaning, as if lofty and unyielding character as if made by Heaven. 他双眼颤动,却没有求饶,甚至声音都带着铮铮意味,仿佛傲骨天成。 Grand Pure Sect.” 太清宗。” Luo Yan repeats, the look is suddenly dignified. 罗阎重复一遍,眼神陡然凝重起来。 Grand Pure Sect...... 太清宗…… Isn't this person, will meet ancient forest that? 这人,不会就是来接古林的那位吧? Right, I am the Grand Pure Sect disciple!” “没错,我乃太清宗弟子!” Fang Yan opens the mouth again, loud and clear, the meaning is self-evident. 方岩再次开口,掷地有声,意思不言而喻。 Is Grand Pure Sect powerful? 太清宗何等强大? This big Zhou Country, is Grand Pure Sect control one of the in countless mortal state. 这偌大的周国,也不过是太清宗统御的无数凡人国度中的一个。 To Zhou Country everyone. 周国所有人而言。 Grand Pure Sect, is the day! 太清宗,就是天! He does not believe that this person dares to offend heavenly prestige, kills itself! 他不信,这人敢触犯天威,杀死自己! Your excellency unexpectedly is the Grand Pure Sect disciple.” “阁下竟然是太清宗弟子。” The Luo Yan complexion with deep veneration, pair of straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards could not bear select selecting. 罗阎脸色肃然,一双剑眉忍不住挑了挑。 Yes, I am the Grand Pure Sect disciple.” “是啊,我是太清宗弟子。” Fang Yan third redundant, twists the mouth sidewise the corners of the mouth immediately, reveals a tooth that is combining the motley blood, slightly somewhat meant fiercely: You kill me, Senior Brother bell will definitely receive the message, my soul before dissipation, will mark you.” 方岩第三次重复,随即咧开嘴角,露出一口混杂着斑驳血液的牙齿,略有些狰狞意味:“你杀我,钟师兄必然会收到消息,我的灵魂在消散前,也会将你标记。” Even if you escape the ends of the earth, Senior Brother bell will also find you.” “纵然你逃到天涯海角,钟师兄也会找到你。” Bell Divine Tower? He strong?” Luo Yan selects the eyebrow to ask. 钟神楼?他有多强?”罗阎挑眉问道。 Strong?” “多强?” The Fang Yan eyeball rotates slightly, even if were grabbed the back of the head by Luo Yan, raises in the midair, in his eye appears as before contemptuous: That is your grade of mortal not unimaginable great strength.” 方岩眼珠微微转动,纵然被罗阎抓着后脑,提在半空,他眼中依旧浮现出一丝轻蔑:“那是你这等凡人无法想象的强大。” I killed you, certainly will be killed by him?” Luo Yan pounded smacking the lips. “我杀了你,一定会被他打死吧?”罗阎砸了咂嘴。 That is natural! I come out to make the duty with Senior Brother bell, if died, Senior Brother bell the face does put toward where?” The Fang Yan eye stares, natural saying. “那是当然!我是跟钟师兄出来做任务的,若死了,钟师兄脸面往何处放?”方岩眼睛一瞪,理所当然的说道。 Said. 说罢。 He clenches jaws saying: You put me, I take an oath by the heart, will not ask you to trouble again.” 他咬牙切齿道:“你放了我,我以道心起誓,不会再找你麻烦。” What saying the heart is?” Luo Yan crooked the head, the curiosity was full. “道心是什么?”罗阎歪了歪脑袋,好奇心满满。 Said the heart to the heart of say/way! If said that the heart is not very firm and resolute, is easy to receive outside the demon invasion!” “道心就是向道之心!若道心不够坚毅,容易受到外魔入侵!” Fang Yan some are impatient, urge: I take an oath by the heart, if violates, in the future by outside demon attack, living to might as well die. Therefore you hurried to put me. ancient Senior Brother forest also in flying boat superior me.” 方岩有些不耐烦,催促道:“我以道心起誓,若违背,日后会被外魔侵袭,生不如死。所以你赶紧放了我。古林师兄还在飞舟上等我呢。” I have several issues.” “我还有几个问题。” After silent moment, Luo Yan opens the mouth slowly. 沉默片刻后,罗阎缓缓开口。 Said!” “说!” Was raised by Luo Yan obviously in the hand, Fang Yan really has condescending meaning. 明明被罗阎提在手中,方岩竟然有种居高临下的意味。 „The ancient forest...... he knows that you do kill me?” The Luo Yan eye pupil dangles, facial expression is somewhat low-spirited. “古林……他知道你来杀我吗?”罗阎眼眸垂下,神情似有些黯然。 Naturally knows.” “当然知道。” Fang Yan nods, a voice revolution, quite saying of regret: He has also urged me, making me give your way out. What a pity, I if initially listened his to be good.” 方岩点头,话音一转,又颇为后悔的说道:“他还劝过我,让我放你一条生路。可惜,我当初若是听他的就好了。” Right?” “是吗?” Luo Yan raised the head, complexion attractive little. 罗阎抬头,脸色好看少许。 He smiles, asked the second question: Why do you want to seize me?” 他笑了笑,问出第二个问题:“你为何要擒我?” You are so young, can be so powerful. I seize you, but wants to have a look at you to be able the so powerful reason.” Fang Yan carefully examines Luo Yan, even more assured own guess. “你这般年轻,就能如此强大。我擒下你,不过是想看看你能如此强大的原因。”方岩审视罗阎,越发笃定自己的猜测。 This Luo Yan, even his grade of refining five immortal cultivator can defeat, the body definitely has the secret. 罗阎,连他这等炼气五层的修仙者都能击败,身上肯定有秘密。 Searches for the soul?” Luo Yan selects the eyebrow. “搜魂?”罗阎挑眉。 You also know that searches for the soul?” “你也知道搜魂?” Fang Yan gawked, explained: This is my Chu Race talent, you also know, peeps, curiously, seeking knowledge, everyone has. My body has the talent, can search for the soul, is naturally thinking sees a person to search for a soul of person.” 方岩愣了下,解释道:“这是我触族的天赋,你也知道,窥视、好奇、求知等,每个人都有。我身具天赋,能够搜魂,自然想着见一个人搜一个人的魂。” You do not know when that type by the vision of third party, appreciates a person of lifetime feeling...... the wedding night and young girl......, although mostly is the torn to pieces picture......” “你不知道,那种以第三者的目光,欣赏一人一生的感觉……新婚之夜、少女之时……虽然大多都是支离破碎的画面……” In his eye emerges one strangely excited, but at this time. 他眼中涌现一丝怪异的兴奋但这时候。 His ear bank, resounds the Luo Yan third issue suddenly. 他耳畔,忽然响起罗阎第三个问题。 Is I do not kill you, I not by your soul mark? Couldn't Bell Divine Tower find me?” “是不是我不杀你,我就不会被你的灵魂标记?钟神楼就找不到我?” This sound just like a sharp sword, straight thrust Fang Yan heart. 这声音宛如一柄利剑,直刺方岩心脏。 In his eye excited dissipates suddenly. 他眼中的兴奋陡然消散。 First is stunned, immediately becomes terrified. 先是错愕,随即变得惶恐。 Luo Yan sees on his face the expression, grins says with a smile: Evidently, I should guess right.” 罗阎见其脸上表情,咧嘴一笑道:“看样子,我应该猜对了。” Told you a secret, actually, I have not been thinking killed you.” “告诉你一个秘密,其实,我本就没想着杀你。” You are immortal cultivator, how good experiment material. How I give up, massacres you directly.” “你可是修仙者,多么好的实验材料啊。我怎么舍得,直接将你杀掉呢。” You?!” Fang Yan yelled panic-stricken, wanted to continue anything. “你?!”方岩惊恐大叫,想要继续说些什么。 But an silver needle from its lower jaw insertion, he has only thought a tongue hemp, the mouth becomes cannot move. 但一根银针已是从其下颌插入,他只觉舌头一麻,嘴巴也变得动弹不得。 Only is left over a pair of eyes bead, rumble rotation. 只剩下一双眼珠子,咕噜噜转动。 Probably will speak, begs for mercy general in the panic-stricken opens the mouth. 像是会说话,在惊恐的开口求饶一般。 Chu Race...... has this experiment material, is bad, extracts a Chu Race source blood should no issue.” 触族……有此实验材料,再不济,萃取出一支触族源血应该没什么问题。” Thinks in the whole body big solution the knowledge of related bloodlines. 想到周身大解中有关血脉的知识。 Luo Yan could not bear lick the lip. 罗阎就忍不住舔了舔嘴唇。 In the whole body big solution, can by the bloodlines that the clan names, is not ordinary. 在周身大解中,能以族命名的血脉,都不一般。 After extracting a Chu Race source blood, is then bad, can selling point money. 萃取一支触族源血后,再不济,也能卖点钱。 So thinking. 这般想着。 His look moves, is raising Fang Yan, then walks toward the mountain forest deep place. 他眼神一动,提着方岩,便向山林深处走去。 He must find a place, hides temporarily this Fang Yan. 他要找个地方,将这方岩暂时藏起来。 Such as. 就如。 Yuan Yiyang copes with itself general. 袁易阳对付自己一般。 He must concoct this Fang Yan slowly, studies the difference of immortal cultivator and mortal. 他要慢慢炮制这方岩,研究修仙者和凡人的不同。 Likes me being able to strengthen adds the point to ask everyone to collect:() I can strengthen add the refresh rate to be quickest. 喜欢我能强化加点请大家收藏:()我能强化加点更新速度最快。
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