ICSBAP :: Volume #2

#174: Back thrust

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Bang.” “轰隆。” Startling thunderclap tearing dark clouds, heavy rain heavy rain. 惊雷撕裂阴云,大雨瓢泼。 In some boudoir, Shen Biluo sits well before the dressing table, is looking in mirror. 某闺房中,沈碧落端坐在梳妆台前,望着镜中的自己。 Young lady, are you all right?” The small peach stand in Shen Biluo behind, by mirror, cautious is taking a look at the young lady. “小姐,你没事吧?”小桃站在沈碧落身后,透过镜子,小心翼翼的打量着自家小姐。 Some time ago. 就在不久前。 Has the young male servant to spread the news, told them, Luo Yan was only the pure blood mortal, transformed the innate body failure. 有小厮传来消息,告诉她们,罗阎只是个纯血凡人,蜕变先天之体失败。 As the maid, she is clear about young lady's idea. 作为婢女,她清楚自家小姐的想法。 Is thinking resists with the master, is thinking oneself chooses the path. 想着与老爷抗争,想着走自己选择道路。 Therefore chose Luo Yan. 故而选择了罗阎 But now, the Luo Yan transformation failure, all plans of young lady, naturally fail completely. 而如今,罗阎蜕变失败,小姐的一切打算,自然全部落空。 I am all right.” The Shen Biluo sound is indifferent, seems very tranquil. “我没事。”沈碧落声音淡然,似乎十分平静。 „Can that...... have a look at Young Master Luo?” The small peach are considering the tone, said that also looked at Shen Biluo, as to explain: “那……要去看看罗公子吗?”小桃斟酌着语气,说完,又看了眼沈碧落,似乎想要解释: After all we must walk tomorrow.” “毕竟我们明天就要走了。” Shen Biluo falls into silently. 沈碧落陷入静默。 After long time, her red lip opened, looked at the torrential downpour outside eye piece: Outside rain is big .” 半晌后,她红唇微启,看了眼窗外的瓢泼大雨:“外面雨大,就不去了。” „.” “哦。” The small peach honk the mouth, chose shutting up. 小桃嘟了嘟嘴,选择了闭嘴。 Shen Biluo looks in mirror, in the heart cannot bear sigh. 沈碧落看着镜中的自己,心中忍不住叹了口气。 Her going smoothly intention, chooses Luo Yan, including some reasons, then look in the Luo Yan powerful strength and great potential. 她顺遂心意,选择罗阎,其中有部分原因,便是看在罗阎的强大实力和巨大潜力上。 However the sudden sad news, makes her idea be disillusioned directly. 然而突如其来的噩耗,却让她的想法直接破灭。 She understands her father. 她了解她父亲。 If immortal cultivator, even are not many big background, still has room to maneuver. 若是修仙者,就算无多大背景,也有转圜余地。 But a mortal...... 但一个凡人…… Simply does not have the qualifications to be together with her. 是根本没资格与她相处的。 ...... …… ...... …… Another side. 另一边。 Luo Yan sits cross-legged to sit, in eye not desperate, is firm. 罗阎盘膝而坐,眼中没有绝望,只有坚定。 He has external, what does he fear? 他有外挂,他怕什么? Pure blood mortal how? 纯血凡人又如何? So long as can strengthen, he can continue to grow stronger! 只要能强化,他就能继续变强! So thinking. 这般想着。 He turns on the panel, has swept. 他打开面板,一眼扫过。 martial arts is only the style, the limit of strengthening, must in range that in my body can withstand. Therefore, only the active law, can help me becomes stronger.” Luo Yan eye none explodes shoots. 武学只是招式,强化的极限,也需在我身体能够承受的范围之内。所以,唯有功法,能助我变得更强。”罗阎眼睛精光爆射。 Looks to the panel, a merit law column. 看向面板上,功法一栏。 Rear merit law, there are Expiration and inspiration technique Three characters, present the grey, the representative is unable to cultivate. 功法最后面,有【吐纳术】三个字,呈现灰色,代表无法修炼。 This is he merit law that has from Uncle Zhou Yuyao comes. 这是他从周玉瑶大伯出得来的功法。 He estimates day and night, although is unable to cultivate, has actually also known by heart. 他日夜揣摩,虽无法修炼,却也已经倒背如流。 Strengthens the direction, can make the mortal cultivation, and can make blood transform into the innate bloodlines!” “强化方向,能让凡人修炼,并且能让凡血蜕变为先天血脉!” The thought flashes through. 念头闪过。 After expiration and inspiration technique, appears a fleeing number, 4396000. 吐纳术后,浮现一窜数字,4396000。 The Luo Yan eyelid jumps crazily. 罗阎眼皮狂跳。 His present energy surpasses 100,000, but even strengthens the odd change that needs to be insufficient! 他现在的能量超过十万,但连强化所需的零头都不够! Obviously. 显然。 This fabricated bloodlines variation, may be called goes against heaven's will. 这种无中生有的血脉变异,堪称逆天。 But he shocks at the same time, in heart, is somewhat joyful. 但他震惊的同时,心中,也有些喜悦。 Can strengthen, explained, he has the opportunity! 能强化,就说明,他有机会! I am the pure mortal, wants to obtain the immortal cultivation bloodlines, can only depend on the variation.” “我是纯粹的凡人,想要获得修仙血脉,只能靠变异。” I need to seek for the new merit law, is related with the bloodlines.” “我需要寻找新的功法,与血脉有关的。” The expiration and inspiration technique strengthens to need the energy to be astonishing, that is because side completely and bloodlines variation does not build. 吐纳术强化所需能量惊人,那是因为完全和血脉变异不搭边。 Said that is the strengthening. 说是强化。 In fact with homemade no difference. 实际上跟自创没什么区别。 If he can find one with the bloodlines related merit law. 若他能找到一门与血脉有关的功法。 Then strengthens the energy, significantly reduces inevitably. 那么强化所需的能量,必然大幅度降低。 Small target, obtains a bloodlines merit law.” “小目标,获得一门血脉功法。” Decides, the Luo Yan only sleep/felt suddenly sees the light, in the heart the haze vanishes into thin air. 打定主意,罗阎只觉豁然开朗,心中阴霾烟消云散。 At this time. 这时候。 Outside the yard broadcasts the voice of servant suddenly. 小院外忽然传来下人的声音。 Pill Master Luo, some people look for you.” 罗丹师,有人找您。” Luo Yan gawked under. 罗阎愣了下。 Rainstorm pouring, the thunder, who can look for him at this time? 暴雨倾盆,电闪雷鸣,这时候谁会来找他? Is it possible that is Shen Biluo, knew that I break through the failure, comforts me?” “莫非是沈碧落,得知我突破失败,过来安慰我?” In his heart emerges wipes the tender feeling, slightly is somewhat moved. 他心中涌现一抹温情,有些小感动。 Rushes to set out, welcomed the yard entrance personally. 赶忙起身,亲自迎到小院门口。 What may make his disappointed is, come is not Shen Biluo, but another woman. 可让他失望的是,来的不是沈碧落,而是另一个女人。 Is you?” “是你?” Luo Yan surprise looks at present the young girl, unexpectedly is that Xu Xiaosu. 罗阎诧异的看着眼前少女,竟然是那徐小粟 The small face fox charm as before, but above was actually short some crazily, were many some timid intent, is seemingly more normal, at least is pleasant. 小脸依旧狐媚,只是上面却少了一些疯狂,多了一些怯意,看上去正常许多,至少赏心悦目。 Xu Xiaosu is pinching the lower hem corner, smiles toward Luo Yan: „Hasn't Young Master Luo, disturbed you?” 徐小粟捏着衣角,朝罗阎笑了笑:“罗公子,没打扰你吧?” Her voice is very small. 她声音很小。 Looked coming out, is a quite depressed person. 看的出来,是个比较沉闷的人。 No.” “没有。” Luo Yan shakes the head, the vision doubt said: slow does Miss ask me to have the matter?” 罗阎摇头,目光狐疑道:“徐姑娘找我有事?” Un.” “嗯。” The Xu Xiaosu light point small head, looks toward Luo Yan behind. 徐小粟轻点螓首,朝罗阎身后望了望。 Came to say again.” “进来再说吧。” Luo Yan wields draws back the servant, leads into the room Xu Xiaosu, to it but actually: the hot tea, this said the cup slow does Miss come in spite of the rain, what matter looks for my behavior?” 罗阎挥退下人,将徐小粟带入房间,又给其倒了杯热茶,这才道:“徐姑娘冒雨前来,找我所为何事?” In his heart strange. 他心中奇怪。 Before Xu Xiaosu was that Yuan Yiyang is controlling. 之前徐小粟都是那袁易阳在控制。 Oneself with this Xu Xiaosu main body, but no friendship. 自己跟这徐小粟本尊,可没什么交情。 Heard that you broke through were defeated, I came to see you.” Xu Xiaosu blinks, is somewhat shy. “听说你突破失败了,我来看看你。”徐小粟眨了眨眼,有些腼腆。 Visits me?” Luo Yan strange looked at Xu Xiaosu, the chuckle opens the mouth: What's wrong, slow Miss thought that I won't be able to look on the bright side of thing?” “看我?”罗阎古怪的看了眼徐小粟,轻笑开口:“怎么,徐姑娘觉得我会想不开?” Un.” “嗯。” Xu Xiaosu nods, is staring at the eye of Luo Yan, as to look that clear Luo Yan is forcing oneself to look cheerful. 徐小粟点头,盯着罗阎的眼睛,似乎想看明白罗阎是不是在强颜欢笑。 Until confirmed that Luo Yan does not have the least bit to be happy, she relaxed one breath, reveals wipes the pure smile. 直到确认罗阎并没有半点开心,她才轻松一口气,露出一抹纯粹笑容。 slow Miss felt relieved, Luo's carrying capacity is always good.” The Luo Yan facial expression is tranquil. “徐姑娘放心,罗某的承受力一向不错。”罗阎神情平静。 „Will you also go is too beautiful with us tomorrow?” The Xu Xiaosu pupil belt/bring is curious, opens the mouth to ask. “那你明天还跟我们去太懿吗?”徐小粟眸带好奇,开口问道。 Too beautiful is the Zhou Country capital city. 太懿就是周国都城。 She is also the too beautiful person, similarly stems from some large clan, the grandfather is immortal cultivator. 她也是太懿人,同样出自某大族,爷爷就是一位修仙者 Luo Yan shakes the head. 罗阎摇头。 After he transforms the failure, he saw disappointedly from the ancient forest look. 在他蜕变失败后,他就从古林眼神中看到了失望。 He goes even, is impossible to go the same way with ancient forest one group of again. 他就算去,也不可能再跟古林一行人同路。 Let alone. 更何况。 He has not planned. 他也没打算去。 Merit law that he needs the related bloodlines, therefore plans to go to sea, takes Yuan Yiyang road, goes to the chaotic demon sea. 他需要有关血脉的功法,所以打算出海,走袁易阳的路,去乱魔海。 Good.” “好吧。” The Xu Xiaosu eyeground flashes through a disappointment, immediately the white hands enter the sleeves, puts out a crimson small snake: You, since stays behind, that this spirit beast gives you, is used to defend self.” 徐小粟眼底闪过一丝失望,随即玉手伸入衣袖,拿出一条绯红小蛇:“你既然留下,那这灵兽给你,用来防身吧。” „Is this Yuan Yiyang spirit beast?” “这是袁易阳的灵兽?” Luo Yan looks to that small snake, immediately selects the brow, in the eye reveals the color of surprise. 罗阎看向那小蛇,顿时一挑眉头,眼中流露诧异之色。 That day, he has searched for the Xu Xiaosu body, has not traced to this small snake. 那日,他可是搜过徐小粟身的,根本就没摸到这条小蛇。 He thinks, this small snake sneaked off. 他本以为,这小蛇溜走了。 Does not think, unexpectedly on this Xu Xiaosu. 不想,竟然在这徐小粟身上。 Yes, it possibly remembered my aura, has hidden in my arms.” Xu Xiaosu crooked head, is somewhat smart-alecky. Luo Yan is looking at the bloodstone snake. “是啊,它可能记住了我的气息,一直藏在我怀里。”徐小粟歪了歪脑袋,有些俏皮。罗阎望着血晶蛇。 The small snake essence occupies in the Xu Xiaosu palm, the turnover the pink wick, just like setting upright the pupil also to stare at him gem-like. 小蛇精盘踞在徐小粟掌心,吞吐着粉色的信子,宛如宝石般的竖瞳同样凝望着他。 This small snake as the spirit beast, obviously is precious. 这小蛇身为灵兽,显然珍贵。 But this Xu Xiaosu is actually willing to give to him...... 可这徐小粟却愿意送给他…… Is this is repaying my life-saving efforts? 这是在报答我的救命之恩? Luo Yan is so thinking, has not received the bloodstone snake: Does not use, it is the spirit beast, should control by immortal cultivator.” 罗阎这般想着,没有接下血晶蛇:“不用了,它是灵兽,应该由修仙者掌控。” Such as he said that he does not know how to control the bloodstone snake, making this bloodstone snake use the magic arts along with his intention. 就如他所言,他不知道如何去控制血晶蛇,让这血晶蛇随他心意施展法术。 Such being the case. 既然如此。 Might as well leaves Xu Xiaosu. 还不如留给徐小粟 Good.” “那好吧。” Seeing Luo Yan is resolute, Xu Xiaosu also can only take back the bloodstone snake. 罗阎语气坚定,徐小粟也只能收回血晶蛇。 She raised the head, looked at the Luo Yan two seconds, small sound said: If all right, I first walked.” 她抬头,又看了眼罗阎两秒,小声道:“要是没什么事,那我就先走了。” I deliver you.” “我送送你。” „......” “……” Xu Xiaosu starts to speak but hesitates. 徐小粟欲言又止。 But saw that Luo Yan has set out , can only stand, walks outward. 但看到罗阎已经起身,也只能站起来,向外走去。 Luo Yan sends out the yard Xu Xiaosu personally. 罗阎亲自将徐小粟送出小院。 Then turns around, returns to the middle of the house. 这才转身,回到房屋当中。 He feels the chin, in the heart is somewhat strange. 他摸着下巴,心中有些古怪。 But quick, he shakes the head, is not him to think. 但很快,他又摇了摇头,不做他想。 ...... …… ...... …… The startling thunderclap extinguishes. 惊雷消弭。 The heavy rain subsides. 大雨平息。 Bright bright moonlight tears to pieces the dark cloud, will scatter next month the splendor, will illuminate the night. 一轮皎洁明月撕破乌云,撒下月辉,照亮黑夜。 A night in an instant. 一夜转眼而过。 The day is unspecific fish-belly white, shortly, one round of new day then raised from the East slowly. 天空泛起鱼肚白,没多久,一轮新日便自东方冉冉升起。 A Luo Yan white clothing, stands in the city wall, is gaining ground, the vision looks out into the distance, looks at the flying boat on sky. 罗阎一袭白衣,站在城墙上,微抬着头,目光远眺,看着天空上的飞舟。 He looks with own eyes ancient forest, Shen Biluo and Xu Xiaosu and the others stepped the flying boat. 他亲眼看着古林、沈碧落徐小粟等人踏上飞舟。 Also looks with own eyes the flying boat soars, flies to the distant place. 又亲眼看着飞舟腾空,向远处飞去。 From beginning to end, he has not made an appearance, but is looking from afar. 自始至终,他都没有露面,只是远远望着。 Is looking at the flying boat of going far away, the Luo Yan facial expression is somewhat disappointed. 望着远去的飞舟,罗阎神情有些怅然。 According to his original plan, he should also be on flying boat at this moment, following ancient forest goes is too beautiful, then finds the way to join Grand Pure Sect. 按照他本来的计划,此刻他应该也是飞舟上的一员,跟随古林前往太懿,然后想办法加入太清宗 Only pitifully, the human affairs is variable, this world, always accounts for majority accidentally/surprisingly. 只可惜,世事无常,这世界,意外总是占了大多数。 He is staring at the flying boat. 他凝望着飞舟。 Until the flying boat vanishes thoroughly does not see, he turns the head, jumps down from the city wall, walks toward the palace. 直到飞舟彻底消失不见,他才转头,从城墙上一跃而下,朝王府走去。 Goes to the chaotic demon sea, needs to make the foot preparation. 前往乱魔海,需要做足准备。 First, needing a quality is high enough, can support the steamship of long-distance voyage. 首先,需要一艘质量足够高,能够支撑远航的大船。 Soon, Luo Yan then enters in the middle of the palace, then set the request. 不多时,罗阎便进入王府当中,然后提出了要求。 Raises regarding him requests, Valuable Peace King consented joyfully, complies to make a steamship for him. 对于他所提要求,宝泰王欣然应允,答应为他建造一艘大船。 After half double-hour . 半个时辰后。 Luo Yan goes home. 罗阎回到家中。 The finger just touched the door, his pupil then shrinks slightly, the look becomes dignified. 手指刚触碰到房门,他瞳孔便微微一缩,眼神变得凝重起来。 His look twinkle. 他眼神闪烁。 After several seconds, the shoving open door calmly, looks toward the room. 几秒后,若无其事的推开房门,朝屋内望去。 Sees only in the middle of the room. 只见房间当中。 A double temple graying white clothing man sits well on the chair, one cup of tea, are braving the steam on hand. 一个双鬓斑白的白衣男子端坐在椅子上,手边还有一杯茶,正冒着热气。 He can feel, on the man that type and the martial artist entirely different aura, looks like the different kind that renounces society and lives alone, is incompatible in world all. 他能感受的到,男子身上那种和武者截然不同的气息,就像是遗世独立的异类,和世间一切格格不入。 immortal cultivator?” 修仙者?” The Luo Yan vision flashes, light opens the mouth: Who is your excellency?” 罗阎目光一闪,淡淡开口:“阁下是谁?” While he takes a look at the man, the man is also sizing up Luo Yan. 在他打量男子的同时,男子也在打量罗阎 On his face leads to acclaim, without answering the Luo Yan issue, but said by the tone of review: Good, the vitality is vigorous, true qi is turbulent, indeed is rare mortal martial artist.” 他脸上带着一丝赞叹,没有回答罗阎的问题,而是以点评的口吻说道:“不错,气血雄浑,真气汹涌,的确是难得一见的凡人武者。” What most makes my surprised is, you facing me, can treat with indifference unexpectedly.” “最让我惊讶的是,你面对我,竟然能淡然处之。” What's wrong, don't you fear me?” “怎么,你不怕我?” Why do I want to fear you?” The Luo Yan facial expression indifferently, with its looking at each other, does not fear. “我为何要怕你?”罗阎神情漠然,与其对视,丝毫不惧。 Didn't fear?” “不怕?” The white clothing man corners of the mouth curl upwards, the happy expression does not reduce: Might as well, when I seize......” 白衣男子嘴角一翘,笑意不减:“无妨,等我擒下……” He finishes barely the words, then sees Luo Yan to shoot a round bead hidden weapon. 他话音未落,便见罗阎掷出一枚圆珠暗器。 That hidden weapon and collision on the ground, bang, direct blasting open, changes into the houseful the white smoke. 那暗器与地面碰撞,‘砰’的一声,直接炸裂,化为满屋的白烟。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Luo Yan that murderous aura the imposing sound also to make a sound. 罗阎那杀气凛然的声音也响了起来。 Eats my quarrying a mountain fist!” “吃我一记开山拳!” Quarrying a mountain fist? 开山拳? The fist may quarry a mountain, listens to the name on the knowledge is very overbearing Fist Arts. 拳可开山,听名字就知是很霸道的拳法。 The white clothing man complexion concentrates, is moved, the supernatural power passes the whole body. 白衣男子脸色一凝,动念之间,法力流转全身。 Even the synapse on forehead braved, the tremor, is catching periphery all changes slightly. 甚至额头上的突触都冒了出来,微微颤动,捕捉着周围一切的变化。 However. 然而。 The scene that in the imagination Luo Yan to/clashes has not happened. 想象中罗阎冲过来的场景并没有发生。 He alerts for a long time, sees the attack throughout not, instead the surroundings fall the needle to hear, in the heart is suddenly, is angry suddenly immediately: Damn, fell into a trap!” 他戒备许久,见攻击始终未至,反而周围落针可闻,心中忽是恍然,随即大怒:“该死,中计了!” Finishing barely the words. 话音未落。 His figure in a flash, has appeared in the yard. 他身形一晃,已是出现在小院中。 Looking into the distance, Luo Yan has run away the roof of distant place, and is bold, vertical leaps unceasingly, runs away to go to the distant place rapidly. 放眼望去,罗阎早已逃至极远处的屋顶,且兔起鹘落,不断纵跃,正飞速向远处逃窜而去。 Only makes a feint, escaped directly! 仅是虚晃一枪,直接逃了! Snort, can escape?” “哼,逃得掉吗?” White clothing man cold snort/hum, clothes sleeve flutters, goes toward the Luo Yan chase. 白衣男子冷哼一声,衣袂飘飞,朝罗阎追逐而去。 As soon as two people pursue escape, speed quickly to pinnacle. 两人一追一逃,速度都快到极致。 The short quarter of an hour, two people have then left the prefectural city, stepped into the middle of the jungle outside prefectural city. 短短一刻钟,两人便已离开府城,踏进了府城外的密林当中。 Damn, this mortal but actually also somewhat skill.” “该死,这凡人倒也有几分本事。” The white clothing man look is gloomy, never expected that Luo Yan so can escape, even he cannot catch up. 白衣男子眼神阴郁,没想到罗阎这般能逃,连他都追不上。 However in his heart has the energy. 不过他心中有底气。 Not long, can catch up with this Luo Yan. 不用多久,就能追上这罗阎 Because he is immortal cultivator, supernatural power continuously. 因为他乃修仙者,法力源源不绝。 On the endurance, naturally compared in mortal martial artist that consumes true qi many. 论持久力,自然要比一个消耗真气的凡人武者强上许多。 He is staring at the distant place Luo Yan back, the long and loud cry opens the mouth: Luo Yan, stops, you cannot escape. The little darlings go back with me, but can also be short by some pain.” 他盯着远处罗阎的背影,长啸开口:“罗阎,停下吧,你逃不掉的。乖乖跟我回去,还可以少受些痛苦。” His sound just like mighty bell big drum, in reverberation wooded mountains, prolonged. 他的声音宛如洪钟大鼓,回荡山林之间,经久不息。 Luo Yan did not speak, but vertical leapt, speed slow a point. 罗阎不语,只是纵跃间,速度慢了一分。 This changes slightly vast, the average man is hard to detect. 这变化微渺,常人难以发觉。 But white clothing man what kind of character, under his powerful sensation, is only one, then saw that the Luo Yan speed slowed down some. 但白衣男子何等人物,在他那强大的感知下,仅是一眼,便看出罗阎速度变慢了些许。 Snort! The mortals are the mortals, only moment multi- clocks, are not good.” “哼!凡人就是凡人,区区一刻多钟,就已经不行了。” In his heart cold snort/hum. 他心中冷哼。 Under foot, on speed again quick several points. 足下一点,速度再度快上几分。 Two people speeds start to pull closer. 两人的速度开始拉近。 Stays behind!” “留下!” Saw that Luo Yan nearly before the body, the white clothing man cried loud and long again. 眼看罗阎近在身前,白衣男子再度长啸。 This time. 这一次。 Howl just like startling thunderclap, in Luo Yan ear bank crack. 啸声宛如惊雷,在罗阎耳畔炸响。 Luo Yan only thinks the ear to buzz, even soul one trembles, seeming to be out of sorts general. 罗阎只觉耳朵嗡嗡作响,连灵魂都一阵战栗,好似要失神一般。 Is good because. 好在。 He cultivates Cauldron Heart Technique. 他修有壶心术 The invisible spiritual defense was cut off the spiritual attack of white clothing man, his figure slightly, then slow , to continue to face forward to rush. „Is soul so unexpectedly powerful?” 无形的精神防御阻隔了白衣男子的精神攻击,他身形微微一顿,便从中缓了过来,继续朝前奔去。“灵魂竟然这般强大?” In the white clothing man eyes appears a surprise. 白衣男子眼中浮现一丝诧异。 His divine consciousness is powerful, a long and loud cry, although does not have the methodicalness. 他的神念强大,一声长啸,虽无章法。 But generally the mortal, will definitely fall into absent-minded middle, is unable to continue to control own body. 但一般凡人,必然会陷入失神当中,无法继续控制自己的身体。 But this Luo Yan, actually merely was only the body. 但这罗阎,却仅仅只是身体顿了一顿。 After initial surprise, on his face reveals the color of liking. 最初的诧异后,他脸上又露出欢喜之色。 The soul is powerful. 灵魂强大。 That expressed that this person has certainly the issue. 那就表示这人一定有问题。 He proves the opportunity of say/way, perhaps in this person! 他证道之机,或许就在此人身上! „!” “唰!” Read and here, he accelerated suddenly, changes into together the remnant shadow, appeared above Luo Yan. 念及此处,他陡然加速,化为一道残影,出现在罗阎上方。 His look is excited. 他眼神兴奋。 As Chu Race, has the talent magical powers, searches for the technique of soul. 身为触族,具备天赋神通,搜魂之术。 Therefore so long as meets the goal of being interested, he can think seizes the goal, searches for the soul to have a look. 因而只要遇到感兴趣的目标,他都会想着擒下目标,搜魂看看。 Does not have him, curiosity. 无他,好奇心而已。 By this talent, he obtains many magic arts and martial skills. 凭借这一天赋,他得到不少法术和武技。 Only pitifully, the bloodlines reason, many magic arts, are unable to practice. 只可惜,血脉缘由,许多法术,无法修行。 Actually martial skill obtained from these body cultivator, he always practices, is quite skilled. 倒是从那些体修身上得到的武技,他常常练习,颇为精通。 He likes that type sincerely to the feeling of meat. 他喜欢那种拳拳到肉的感觉。 That can make him excited, and feels carefree dripping. 那能让他兴奋,并感到畅快淋漓。 Only pitifully...... 只可惜…… I need to live, cannot kill him.” The white clothing man thought flashes through, the eyeground reveals to regret the color. “我需要活的,不能打死他。”白衣男子念头闪过,眼底露出惋惜之色。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 His movement is not slow. 他的动作并不慢。 Both hands refer to the sword, the pure supernatural power gushes out, changes into the invisible sword, cuts to the shoulder of Luo Yan. 双手并指成剑,精纯法力涌出,化为无形之剑,向罗阎的肩头斩去。 This sword, silent, actually sharply. 这一剑,无声无息,却锋利至极。 If hits, only feared that the Luo Yan entire shoulder will be cut. 若命中,只怕罗阎整个肩头都会被斩下。 But in the meantime. 可就在此时。 Luo Yan body slightly one crooked, avoided this sword by a strange posture unexpectedly, near body that even is hard taking advantage of the white clothing, the backhand fought with the fists. 罗阎身子微微一歪,竟然以一个诡异姿势避开了这一剑,甚至借着白衣难以的近身,反手一拳打了过去。 What?” “什么?” The white clothing man look is stunned. 白衣男子眼神错愕。 But his response is extremely also quick, hasty , an arm stroke, protects the shield then to reappear gently at the same time suddenly, disclosed the indestructible aura. 但他的反应也极快,仓促之下,手臂轻轻一划,一面护盾便骤然浮现,透露出坚不可摧的气息。 Spirit shield technique! 灵盾术! Bang!” “砰!” With a dull thumping sound, protecting the shield is instantaneously stave. 随着一声闷响,护盾瞬间破碎。 The Luo Yan surface flood grins fiendishly, the build increases 30%, the whole body muscle ballooning, the body surface appears red traces. 罗阎面泛狞笑,体型变大30%,浑身肌肉鼓胀,体表浮现一道道赤色纹路。 His heart, is common just like the big pump, fierce beat. 他的心脏,宛如大泵一般,剧烈跳动。 The vigorous courage vigor is burning, changes into the strength, in addition holds on him. 雄浑的血气在燃烧,化为力量,加持在他身上。 Is turning around to flicker, his strength, rises suddenly directly ten times! 在转身一瞬,他的力量,直接暴涨十倍! But his speed, changes quickly nearly one time suddenly. 而他的速度,也陡然变快近乎一倍。 In a twinkling, his fist changes into the remnant shadow, is ordinary like the meteor, unceasing bang to white clothing man. 霎时间,他的拳头化为残影,如同流星一般,不断轰向白衣男子。 How possibly?” “怎么可能?” The white clothing man eyeball explodes suddenly, as if must fall general. 白衣男子眼珠爆突,仿佛要掉下来一般。 Is protecting the shield to flicker shatter, he also shakes the fist, wants to receive the attack of Luo Yan. 在护盾破碎一瞬,他同样挥拳,想要接下罗阎的攻击。 His forehead synapse shivers rapidly, catches the Luo Yan attacking track. 他额头突触飞速颤动,捕捉罗阎的攻击轨迹。 Simultaneously the facial features are fierce, both hands hold in in addition of supernatural power, just like putting on a pair of gauntlet/glove. 同时面容狰狞,双手在法力的加持下,宛如戴上了一双拳套。 Instantaneous, then collides with Luo Yan hundred times. 瞬间之间,便和罗阎碰撞百次。 No?!” “不?!” My refining five can't, how possibly win him?!” “我炼气五层,怎可能打不赢他?!” In fierce struggle. 激斗之中。 Although he receives the attack of Luo Yan reluctantly, but was being pressed him by Luo Yan, the whole person retrocedes unceasingly, the big tree does not know that collapsed many. 他虽然勉强接下罗阎的攻击,但被罗阎压着他,整个人不断后退,身后大树都不知倒塌了多少。 He is feeling just like the torn mortal body, the look becomes scarlet. 他感受着宛如被撕裂的肉身,眼神变得猩红。 Immediately. 随即。 He clenches teeth. 他一咬牙。 The supernatural power following the meridians, on the instantaneous racing Yongzhi right hand, a fist rumbles suddenly. 法力顺着经脉,瞬间奔涌至右手上,猛然一拳轰出。 Ripple fist!” “波纹拳!” Buzz!” “嗡!” This fist is aggressive. 这一拳凶悍至极。 Is centered on his fist, the ripple increases rapidly. 以他拳头为中心,波纹飞速变大。 A Luo Yan fist passes through the ripple center, but the ripple of that expansion, passes through his fist directly, bang on his body. 罗阎一拳贯穿波纹中心,但那扩大的波纹,直接穿过他的拳头,轰在他的身体上。 Ascends the time, his whole person after flies upside down to go. 登时间,他整个人朝后倒飞而去。 He has been hiding one's incompetence by remaining silent!” “他一直在藏拙!” The white clothing man sees that. 白衣男子见状。 Explodes hastily backward draws back to go, wants to spread out, runs away directly. 连忙向后爆退而去,想要拉开距离,直接逃窜。 He knows that ripple fist has the effect of repelling the enemy, does not have the prestige of killing the enemy. 他知道,那波纹拳有退敌之效,却无杀敌之威。 He wants to walk. 他想走。 But Luo Yan has not given him this opportunity. 罗阎没有给他这个机会。 Luo Yan was repelled several feet, under the foot, then stands firm the figure. 罗阎被击退数丈,足下一点,便稳住身形。 Immediately is ordinary just like the tyrannosaurus, two breath, then pursue before the white clothing man body again, just like a hill, by not to be possible to look disdainfully the potential to press. 随即宛如暴龙一般,两个呼吸,便再度追至白衣男子身前,宛如一座小山,以无可睥睨之势压了上去。 That astonishing constriction, made the white clothing man complexion great change, several wanted to suffocate. 那种惊人的压迫感,令白衣男子脸色巨变,几欲窒息。 In his heart inexplicable frightened, the palm flings, two symbol lu were then activated. 他心中莫名恐惧,手掌一甩,两张符箓便被激活。 Charm amulet. 护身符。 gold/metal Jianfu. 金剑符。 His body, was protected the shield package by one instantaneously. 他的身体,瞬间被一层护盾包裹。 Meanwhile, more than ten golden color small swords take shape instantaneously, punctures toward Luo Yan. 与此同时,十余柄金色小剑瞬间成型,朝罗阎刺去。 A Luo Yan fist bang on protecting shield, simultaneously the body turns, avoids the golden small sword that towards oneself shoots. 罗阎一拳轰在护盾上,同时身子一扭,躲避朝自己射来的金色小剑。 Protects the shield to shiver suddenly, actually not shatter. 护盾猛然颤动,却并未破碎。 But a golden color small sword pierces his left leg instantaneously, stays behind points at the thick blood hole together. 而一柄金色小剑瞬间洞穿他的左腿,留下一道手指粗的血窟窿。 The Luo Yan complexion changes. 罗阎脸色微变。 By the golden small sword hit, was also away after all is too near. 被金色小剑命中也就罢了,毕竟距离实在太近。 What may make him not think, he whole-heartedly, hits not broken this to protect the shield unexpectedly. 可令他没想到的是,他全力以赴,竟然都打不碎这护盾。 Very powerful rune/symbol Lu.” “好强的符箓。” In his mind the thought twinkle, on the wound to left leg imitates, if has not thought, the body stagnates slightly, then rushes again. 他脑海中念头闪烁,对左腿上的伤仿若未觉,身子微微一滞,便再次冲了上去。 The white clothing man complexion is very ugly. 白衣男子脸色无比难看。 He thinks, relied on own strength, seizes Luo Yan, easy as pie. 他本以为,凭自己的实力,擒下罗阎,易如反掌。 Unexpectedly compelled so distressed, even directly used two rune/symbol Lu. 没想到,竟然被逼的如此狼狈,甚至直接使用了两张符箓。 Saw that Luo Yan attacks again, protects the shield to creaky. 眼看罗阎再度攻来,护盾摇摇欲坠。 He clenches teeth, both hands grasp suddenly, the whole body supernatural power burns rapidly. 他一咬牙,双手猛然一握,浑身法力飞速燃烧。 Magical powers, the nihility touches to raid!” “神通,虚无触袭!” The voice falls. 话音落下。 Two whiskers on his forehead stretch straight. 他额头上的两根触须绷直。 But Luo Yan, protects the soul the canteen to be instantaneously stave, the figure that the violent walks also stopped directly. 罗阎,护住灵魂的水壶瞬间破碎,暴走的身形也直接停了下来。 His look is empty, only felt before own body, presented a mirror, but the inverted image in mirror, unexpectedly is that white clothing man. 他眼神空洞,只感觉自己身前出现了一面镜子,而镜中的倒影,竟然是那白衣男子。 Likes me being able to strengthen adds the point to ask everyone to collect:() 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