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“我投降。”Xu Chirushesto open the mouth.
徐迟赶忙开口。Hiscomplexionbecomes flushed, onlyfelt that the whole bodymustbe pushedto explodegeneral.
The Luo Yanlightopens the mouth, the voicefalls, twinesthendissipatesinXu Chitrue qiinstantaneously, vanishes into thin air.罗阎淡淡开口,话音落下,缠绕在徐迟身上的真气便瞬间消散,化为乌有。Helookssuch asheardXu Chi who pardon, in the eyeflashes throughsenseless.
他看着如闻大赦的徐迟,眼中闪过一丝无趣。Regardingtrue qi.
对于真气。HecontrolsXu Chiobviouslyis better.
他比徐迟控制的显然更好。Onlypitifully, hedid not haveto trywith enough timetwo, thisXu Chihas then surrenderedto admit defeat.
只可惜,他还没来得及多试两下,这徐迟便已投降认输。Does not enjoy oneself to the full.
不尽兴啊。Nownot long, will obtainImmortal Ascension Pill, transformsinto the innatebody, transformstrue qias the supernatural power, herestoredindifferently, the lookbecomes the ancient well without ripples.
现在自己不用多久,就将得到升仙丹,蜕变为先天之体,将一身真气转化为法力,他又恢复了淡然,眼神重新变得古井无波。Opposite, Xu ChiseesLuo Yannot to continueto act, relaxedtone.
对面,徐迟见罗阎没有继续出手,轻松了口气。„Sir, the subordinatemade contribution.”
“大人,属下尽力了。”Hegave a Tao Qianapologylook, thenreturnsTao Qianbehind.
The Valuable Peace Kingfacial expressionrouses, is looking atTao Qian, highsound said: „Tao does brother, whomthenyousendto get up?”宝泰王神情振奋,望着陶谦,高声道:“陶兄,接下来你派谁上?”Hisdoublelooklightdeepdeep, the Luo Yanstrength, makinghimconfident.
The Tao Qianexpressionis calm.陶谦表情平静。Hehas not continuedto send, butlookstoLuo Yan: „Luoyoung friendstrengthexcels, does not know that canhave the ideato handle mattersforme?”
他没有继续派人,而是看向罗阎:“罗小友实力高强,不知可有想法为我办事?”Hesaid with certainty,has the boldness.
他言之凿凿,极具魄力。Thiswordsjustexported, the Valuable Peace Kingcorner of the eyepulls outsuddenly, is somewhat breathless.
此话刚出口,宝泰王眼角就猛然一抽,有些气急败坏。ThisTao Qian, is in front ofhisto stir up rebellionLuo Yanunexpectedly!
这陶谦,竟然当着他的面策反罗阎!Helooked atLuo Yananxiously.
他紧张的看了眼罗阎。Luo Yanaskedcalmly: „What can yougiveme?”罗阎则平静问道:“你能给我什么?”„I can yourunsurpassedpower and influence, the woman, the wealth...... youwant, Icangiveyou.” The Tao Qiancorners of the mouthcurl upwards, saidself-confidently.
“我能给你无上的权势,女人,财富……你想要的,我都能给你。”陶谦嘴角一翘,自信说道。„The universe, said a reality.”Luo Yanshakes the head.
“太虚了,说点实际的。”罗阎摇头。Power and influence, womanandwealth?
权势、女人、财富?Whatpower and influence? Underprotectorate the firstperson?
什么权势?镇守之下第一人?Whatwealth? Thesepaper money that print?
Does heneedthese?
他需要那些?„Later, IforBaiyue Provinceprotectorate, Icanguarantee, inBaiyue Province, youonlyunderme.” The Tao Qianbrowtwists, is actually felt that of Luo Yaneyegrounddisdains.
“不日之后,我为百越府镇守,我可以保证,在百越府中,你只在我之下。”陶谦眉头一拧,却是感觉到罗阎眼底的那丝不屑。Luo Yanshakes the headagain.罗阎再度摇头。Reallythinkswithoneself is the same.
果然和自己想的一样。But are these, usefultohim?
但这些,对他有什么用?Might as wellValuable Peace Kingazurecicada.
还不如宝泰王的青蝉呢。Heis looking atTao Qian, saidlightly: „Sirsends fordirectly.”
The Tao Qianlooksinks.陶谦眼神一沉。ThisLuo Yan, reallydoes not know good from bad.
这罗阎,实在是不知好歹。Is it possible thatfeltownstrengthexcels, cannot commandto placein the eye his bloodgodarmy?
莫非觉得自己实力高强,就可以不把他这位血神军统帅放在眼中?Inhisheartkillsintentto reappear.
他心中杀意浮现。In the surface, actuallymaintains composure, knitting the browsopens the mouth: „Luoyoung friendis powerful, thiscompetition, mybloodgodarmyadmit defeat.”
The Luo Yanstrengthis obvious to all.罗阎的实力有目共睹。Continuesto hit, will only bring contempt upon oneself.
继续打下去,也只会自取其辱。„Haha, thatthiscontract......” the Valuable Peace Kingfacial expressionis self-satisfied, laughsto ask.
“哈哈,那这契约……”宝泰王神情得意,大笑问道。„Pressessketch that yousaid. YourValuable Peace King, as beforeis the Baiyue Provinceprince.”Tao Qianshot a look atValuable Peace King, complexion gloomysaying.
接下来。Onegroup of peoplereturn to the tent/accountagain.
一群人再次回到帐中。Spenttwodouble-hour, a peacecontractdraws up.
足足花了两个时辰,一份和平契约才拟定完毕。Under the testimonies of more than tenmasters, Tao QianandValuable Peace Kingcover the sealrespectively.
The negotiationsended.
谈判结束。Valuable Peace Kinghappilyreturns.宝泰王得意归去。But the Tao Qianlookis gloomy, such ascandrop the water leakageto come.
而陶谦则眼神阴沉,如能滴出水来。AfterValuable Peace Kingand the othersdeparted, his palmpats, the table of discussing official businesschanges into the fragmentpowderdirectly, scatterseverywhere.
在宝泰王等人离去后,他一掌拍下,议事的桌子直接化为齑粉,飘散满地。„Sirappeases anger.”Somemastersopen the mouth, have a scare.
“大人息怒。”有宗师开口,吓了一大跳。„How do youmakemeappease anger? IforZhang Yanyanexpeditionbattlefield, after saddlelead horse, how manymattersdid? Now, sheactuallygivesthatValuable Peace Kingto support!”
“你让我如何息怒?我为张烟烟征战沙场,鞍前马后做了多少事?如今,她却给那宝泰王撑腰!”Tao Qianeyeblood red, clenches teeth saying: „Her isdismantles the bridge after crossing!”陶谦眼睛血红,咬牙道:“她这是过河拆桥!”„Sircautiousword!”
The words of thisgrade of treason and heresy, ifmadeZhang Yanyanhear, theyonly had the dead end.
这等大逆不道的话,若是让张烟烟听到了,他们只有死路一条。„Sir, thatValuable Peace Kingoffered an immortalironafter all.”
„ Howthat does Valuable Peace Kingobtain the smokesmokeSirto support? The smokesmokeSirwill walksooner or later,
“那宝泰王得到烟烟大人撑腰又如何?烟烟大人迟早会走,Whensheleaves, wefrommaycope withthatValuable Peace Kingslowly. ” Listens tosuggestion, in the Tao Qianheartangrynot to reduce the slightest.
等她离开,我们自可慢慢对付那宝泰王。”听着手下的建议,陶谦心中愤怒不减分毫。Waits forZhang Yanyanto leave?
The worldis bustling, allcomesfor the advantage, is the advantagetoward.
天下熙熙攘攘,皆为利来,皆为利往。ThatValuable Peace King, butoperateshundredyears of local bullyinBaiyue Province, even/includingXiantietakemake a move, the backgrounddoes not knowdeeply.
那宝泰王,可是在百越府经营百年的地头蛇,连仙铁都拿得出手,底蕴不知有多深。Hispoor and pedanticprotectorate, withwhatwith the Valuable Peace Kingfight?
他一个穷酸镇守,拿什么跟宝泰王斗?„Mustget rid ofValuable Peace King!”
“必须要干掉宝泰王!”Tao Qianrubbed the forehead, lookstoownseveraltrusted aides: „Do youhave the means?”陶谦揉了揉眉心,看向自己的几个心腹:“你们有办法吗?”Onthatseveralgrandmasterfacesreveals the color of thinking.
那几个宗师脸上露出思索之色。For a long time, person of low voiceopens the mouth: „Sir, orlooks for a Zhang Yuchanfounder?”
许久,有一人小声开口:“大人要不找找张玉禅张教主?”„Zhang Yuchan?”
“张玉禅?”In the Tao Qianeyenoneflashes.陶谦眼中精光一闪。
……Luo Yanonegroup of return to the palace, naturallyonecelebratesunavoidablywantonly.罗阎一行人回到王府,自然免不了一番大肆庆祝。
After the glee feast .
庆功宴后。Luo Yanis raising200jin (0.5 kg)azurecicada, returns to the dwelling, startsto wait for the arrival of Immortal Ascension Pill.罗阎提着两百斤青蝉,回到自己住处,开始等待升仙丹的到来。These days.
这段时间。Shen Biluoinvitedhimto go outseveral timesplays, was rejectedbyhim.沈碧落数次邀请他出门游玩,都被他拒绝。Butafterwardonetime, Shen Biluounder the pretext of the ancientforest forminvited, makeshimto go tosomeinnyard.
但后来一次,沈碧落以古林相邀为借口,约他前往某座客栈小院。Hekeeps an appointmenton time.
他按时赴约。Has not actually thought,simplydoes not have the ancientforest, someare onlyShen Biluo.
却没想到,根本没有古林,有的只是沈碧落。Heat the appointed time, Shen Biluois happen to bathing, the fragrantshoulderhalfreveal, particularlyarouses.
他到时,沈碧落正好在沐浴,香肩半露,分外撩人。Luo Yanafter all is a normal person, thatand other atmosphere of fluttering flags, in additionShen Biluointendsto instigate, two peoplenaturally, thenrolled the bed sheet.罗阎毕竟是正常人,那等旖旎的气氛,再加上沈碧落有意挑拨,两人自然而然,便滚上了床单。Fait accompli, healsohasto allow nature to take its course.
木已成舟,他也只好顺其自然。Whatmadehimnot think, thatShen Biluowas seemingly solemn, was actually a charmingsmallseductress/evil spirit.
七天后。Incitysomesecludedwaterside pavilion.
城内某座僻静水榭。Near the pavilionstone table, Luo Yansits respectfully, the facial expressionis somewhat excited, is somewhat excited.
凉亭石桌边,罗阎正襟危坐,神情有些兴奋,又有些激动。„Attends to the senior, thatImmortal Ascension Pill......”
“顾前辈,那升仙丹……”Hereceives the notice, thatBell Divine Towerhas sent peopleto meetancientforest.
他收到通知,那钟神楼已经派人来接古林。Butsends the person, similarlyisimmortal cultivator, but alsocarriedImmortal Ascension Pill.
而派来之人,同样是一位修仙者,还携带了升仙丹。Thistime, hethenbyinvitation of ancientforest, is takenImmortal Ascension Pill.
此次,他便是受古林之邀,来取升仙丹的。„Little friendis not anxious.”On the ancientforestfacehas the temperatehappy expression, the palmto turn, a smalljadebottlethenappearson the stone table.
“小友莫急。”古林脸上带着温和笑意,手掌一翻,一个小玉瓶便出现在石桌上。Hepushes toLuo Yan the jadebottle, said: „This is Immortal Ascension Pill.”
他将玉瓶推向罗阎,道:“这便是升仙丹。”Looks atLuo Yanthatburning hotlook, hissmileis even more bright.
看着罗阎那炙热眼神,他笑容越发灿烂。He are so.
他这人便是这般。Having the graciousnessmustreport!
有恩必报!Luo Yanrescues his lifeindirectly, heputs down the cheek, helpingLuo YandemandthisImmortal Ascension Pill.罗阎间接救他一命,那他就放下面皮,帮罗阎索要来这升仙丹。„Many thankssenior.”
“多谢前辈。”In the Luo Yanheartfeels grateful, takes up the small bottle, impatientextractioncompounded drug. Sees onlyin the bottle the compounded drugroughlydragon eyesize, presents the pure whitecolor, does not needto put the tip of the nose, cansmell the delicate fragrance that heads on, as ifentirebodyenlivenedsome.罗阎心中感激,拿起小瓶,迫不及待的取出其中丹药。只见瓶中丹药约莫龙眼大小,呈现纯白之色,不用放到鼻尖,就能嗅到那扑面而来的清香,仿佛整个身体都活跃了些许。„Swallowsdirectlythen. ThisImmortal Ascension Pill, mayawakenyourinnatebloodlines, andaccelerates the bloodlinesto recover, lets you achievementinnatebodyinhalfquarter!” The ancientforestopens the mouthto explain.
“好。”Luo Yanno longerhesitates, immediatelysqueezes in Immortal Ascension Pill the mouth.罗阎不再犹豫,当即将升仙丹塞入口中。
The compounded drugenters the abdomen.
丹药入腹。Heonlythinks that the bodychanges to the stoveto be common, the skinbecomesred, sweatbillowing, inhistop of the head, forms the naked eyeobviousmist.
他只觉身体化作火炉一般,皮肤变得通红,汗水滚滚而出,在他头顶,形成肉眼可见的雾气。Thisburning hotis astonishing, might burncompletelyhis every inchsflesheachblood vessel.
这炙热惊人,像是要焚尽他每一寸血肉每一根血管。Hisblue veinsstick out suddenly, are clenching teeth, resiststhisstronglyseemsmustburnhimfor the burning hotfeeling of ashes.
他知道。Thisis the Immortal Ascension Pillefficacyis becoming effective.
这是升仙丹的药力在生效。Is tappinghisbloodlinespotential, awakens the innatebloodlines of deep sleep, andaccelerates the bloodlinesrecovery!
在挖掘他的血脉潜力,唤醒沉睡的先天血脉,并加速血脉复苏!Thistransformationprocess, is very without doubt painful.
The timeas ifbecomeslong.
……Opposite, ancientLindingLuo Yan, is readyfrequently.
对面,古林盯着罗阎,时刻做好准备。martial artistswallowsImmortal Ascension Pill, does not have the risk.武者吞服升仙丹,并非没有风险。If the mortal bodyis not strong, was burnt downby the Immortal Ascension Pillefficacyvery mucheasilydirectly, the fleshdries up dead.
当然。In his opinion, the Luo Yanmortal bodyhas attained a designated standard, withstands the Immortal Ascension Pillefficacyto have more than enough to spare.
在他看来,罗阎的肉身早已达标,承受升仙丹的药力绰绰有余。Heis staring atLuo Yan, buttoprovide against contingencies.
然而。Hemorelooked,complexionmoreis not right.
It is not Luo Yanis unable to withstand the efficacy, butis...... the body of Luo Yan, nottowardinnatebodytransformation!
并非罗阎无法承受药力,而是……罗阎的身体,并没有朝着先天之体转变!Quarterin an instant.
一刻钟转眼而过。Luo Yannearlytook off/escaped the strength, the clothingis soakedby the sweat, whistlingis breathing heavily.罗阎近乎脱力,衣衫早已被汗水浸透,呼呼喘着粗气。Heis feeling himself, inheartsomedoubts.
A fleshnotchange.
血肉没有一丝变化。Has not opened the dantian in legend.
更没有开辟出传说中的丹田。Under after clothing/takingImmortal Ascension Pill, hewithoriginal is the same.
服下升仙丹后,他还和原来一样。Was similar, burnt a loneliness!
就仿佛,燃烧了个寂寞!Heraised the head, puzzledlooksto the ancientforest: „Can't senior, howIfeelownchange?”
The ancientforestcomplexionis wooden.
古林面色木然。For a long time, hesighs deeply the one breath: „Immortal Ascension Pillcannotmakeyoutransform, youonlyfearareinten thousanddo not have a purebloodmortal.”
“纯血凡人?”In the Luo Yanheartthump, thinks that whole bodybigsolutionaboutbloodlinesview, indeedhaspurebloodmortalview.罗阎心中一个咯噔,想到周身大解关于血脉的说法中,的确有纯血凡人这一说法。
The purebloodmortal, the ancestorhas not had the follower, within the body is completely everyblood.
纯血凡人,祖上并未出过修炼者,体内尽是凡血。Hiseyepupilshivers, covers a despair.
他眼眸颤动,笼罩一层绝望。Immortal Ascension Pillis useless.升仙丹都没用。Hisbeing doomedimmortalwaycuts off, can only work asmartial artistinthismortal world?
那他岂不是注定仙途断绝,只能在这凡世间当一个武者?„Senior, I......”Luo Yanwantsto askanything.
“前辈,我……”罗阎想要开口问些什么。But an opens the mouth , can only slow of speechspeechless.
“哎。”ancientforestsighed, lookedto the Luo Yanvision, havingoneto regret: „The principle of Immortal Ascension Pill, istaps the bloodlinespotential, the innatebloodlines that the activationhidden. So long as the ancestorhas had the immortal, can the achievementinnatebody.”
古林叹息,看向罗阎的目光中,带着一丝惋惜:“升仙丹的原理,是挖掘血脉潜力,激活隐藏的先天血脉。只要祖上出过仙人,都能成就先天之体。”„Butpitifully, youare the purebloodmortal. But the pureblood, does not haveanypotential.”
“但可惜,你是纯血凡人。而纯血,不具任何潜力。”HefavoredLuo Yanextremely.
他本来极其看好罗阎。Evenis thinkingittransformedafter the innatebody, helpingitjoinGrand Pure Sect.
但现在……Some of hisevenregretsareLuo Yanwastegrain of Immortal Ascension Pill.
他甚至有些后悔为罗阎浪费一粒升仙丹。„Youwalk.” The ancientforestwaves, the complexionis somewhat exhausted.
“你走吧。”古林挥了挥手,脸色有些疲惫。Luo Yanis silent.罗阎静默。For a long time, heholds the fist in the other handto cup one hand in the other across the chesttoward the ancientforest: „Younger generationsaid goodbye.”
说罢。Heturns around, walksdirectlyoutward, shortly afterthenvanishesin the pathend.
The white clothingperson's shadowthenappearsinhisoriginalpositiontogether.
一道白衣人影便出现在他原本的位置上。Thisis a doubletemplegrayingmiddle-aged man, the bearingis calm, the pure, obviously is also immortal cultivator.
这是一个双鬓斑白的中年男子,气度从容,不染纤尘,显然也是一位修仙者。„Is Senior Brothermoodvery bad?” The middle-aged mantooneself. the liquor, the smilesomewhatpondered the cup
“师兄心情很差?”中年男子给自己倒了杯酒,笑容有些玩味。„Otherwise.” The ancientforestcomplexionis gloomy.
“不然呢。”古林脸色阴沉。Immortal Ascension Pillis not cheap.升仙丹可不便宜。Having the graciousnessmustreportis a matter, butheis also thinkingahead of timebets, becomes friends withthisLuo Yan.
有恩必报是一回事,可他也想着提前下注,结交这罗阎。Does not think,unexpectedlyis a puremortal, wastedgrain of Immortal Ascension Pillin vain.
不想,竟然是个纯粹的凡人,白白的浪费了一粒升仙丹。„senior brotherlistened tomymanygoodinitially, givesthreeimperial princesthisgrain of Immortal Ascension Pill, the receiving in exchangetogetherfallinggalvanized iron, at leastalso a valueBuddhist musical instrument.” The middle-aged manpupilbelt/bringwas a pity.
“师兄当初听我的多好,将这粒升仙丹让给三皇子,换取一块陨星铁,至少也值一件法器。”中年男子眸带可惜。„Snort! Whocanthink that Luo Yanunexpectedlyis the purebloodmortal?” The ancientforestgets more mad.
“哼!谁能想到那罗阎竟然是个纯血凡人?”古林越想越气。Inten thousanddoes not have a probability, was bumped intobyhimunexpectedly.
万中无一的几率,竟然都被他碰上了。„Purebloodmortal, thisbloodlinesinten thousanddo not haveone, was rare. senior brother, your yearsmildewtransportedis very thick, won't offendthatcrowd of EcuadoranRaces?” The middle-aged manexpressionbecomesstrange.
“纯血凡人,这种血脉万中无一,本就罕见。师兄,你这几年霉运很浓啊,不会得罪了那群厄族吧?”中年男子表情变得古怪起来。„Mywherehas the qualificationsto offend the EcuadoranClan?” The ancientforestshakes the head.
“我哪有资格得罪厄族?”古林摇了摇头。Ifoffends the EcuadoranClan, hediesnowearlyseveral hundredchapters.
The middle-aged mansmilesnot to speak, sipped a liquor, said: „WhenSenior Brotherplansto walk.”
中年男子笑而不语,抿了口酒,又道:“师兄打算什么时候走。”„Tomorrowwill walk.”ancientforestwithout hesitation.
“明天就走。”古林毫不犹豫。Thisbustling placefurnace, hedoes not wantto stayagain for oneminute.
这红尘熔炉,他不想再多呆一分钟。Even if, after going back, will be punishedbyBell Divine Tower.
The middle-aged mannods, suddenly the visionflashes, opens the mouthto ask: „You said that can a boypurebloodmortal, why20years old achievementgrandmaster?”
The ancientforesteyelidtrembles, in the eyealsorevealsdoubts.
是啊。Hethinks,thisLuo YancanMasterto become, bebecause the bloodlinesare recoveringslowly.
他本以为,这罗阎能成宗师,是因为血脉在慢慢复苏。But looking back now, obviouslyis not.
但现在看来,显然不是。Hehesitateslittle, said: „Martial artsitself/Benopensfor the mortal, so long as the resourcesare sufficient, 20 -year-old achievementgrandmasteris not the difficult matter.”
“是吗?”In the middle-aged maneyesnoneflashes, the corners of the mouthcurl upwards saying: „ButIfelt, onhim, mayhave the secret.”
中年男子眼中精光一闪,嘴角微翘道:“可我觉得,他身上,或许会有秘密。”„How does Junior Brotherplan?” The ancientforestlooksto the middle-aged man.
“师弟打算如何?”古林看向中年男子。„Happen, Ijust the learnedsearched for the technique of soul...... middle-aged mancorners of the mouthto be fiercerecently”, saying, on the foreheadis emittingtwoslightlytremorsunexpectedly the synapses.
“正好,我最近刚学会搜魂之术……”中年男子嘴角狰狞,说着,额头上竟冒出两个微微颤动的突触。Hisbodyhas the Chu Racebloodlines.
他身具触族血脉。ButChu Race, excels atreading the heart, to excel atteachingandexcelling atsearching for the soul.
The middle-aged manfinishes barely the words, ancientforestis the complexionbig change: „Junior Brother, thatLuo Yanonlymortal, searched for the soulbyyou, thatpureweaksoul, onlycould not fear that severalseconds, thenmeetcollapsedestroys.”
中年男子话音未落,古林已是脸色大变:“师弟,那罗阎区区一个凡人,被你搜魂,那淳弱的灵魂,只怕不出几秒,便会崩毁。”Althoughheno longerhas the favorable impressiontoLuo Yan, buthas not wantedto massacreLuo Yan.
他虽不再对罗阎具有好感,可也没想要杀掉罗阎。„senior brother, won't youwantto blockmychance?” The middle-aged manis smiling the say/way.
The ancientforestcomplexionseveralchange.
古林脸色几变。Hispresentstrengthreducesgreatly, wantsto preventoneselfthisJunior Brother is not not possible. „It is not Iwantsto preventyou, butisZhang Yanyan of thatbloodgodsect.”Hemade up wild stories a excuse, plansto guaranteeLuo Yan.
The middle-aged manselects the brow, said: „senior brother, ifdreads, after thatand othertomorrowwent out of town, Itouchagainsecretly, gets rid ofthatLuo Yan. senior brother, thisgeneral headquarters?”
中年男子一挑眉头,道:“师兄若是畏惧,那就等明天出城后,我再偷偷摸回来,干掉那罗阎。师兄,这总行了吧?”„As you like.”
The wordsspeaking ofthis, ancientforestalso can only sigh, makingLuo Yanstrive forfortunately.
……Another side, the Luo Yancomplexionis gloomy, goes out of the ancientforestyard.
另一边,罗阎面色阴沉,走出古林小院。Justwent out of the front gate, the front surfacebumps intoGu Santong.
刚走出院门,迎面就碰到古三通。„YanXiaozi, can Immortal Ascension Pillsucceed in obtaining?”Gu Santongis all smiles, makingonebathe in fresh air.
“阎小子,升仙丹可到手了?”古三通笑容满面,令人如沐春风。Luo Yanraised the head, the corners of the mouthpull the forcedsmile, difficultnod.罗阎抬头,嘴角扯出牵强笑容,艰难的点了点头。„Sincesucceeded in obtaining, whysmilesoreluctantly?” The Gu Santongpupilbelt/bringis curious.
“既然到手了,为何笑容这般勉强?”古三通眸带好奇。„Senior, Iam the purebloodmortal, transforms the innatebody, failed.” The Luo Yansilentmoment, speaks the truthfinally.
The purebloodmortalinten thousanddoes not haveone.
为何偏偏是他?„What?!”On the Gu Santongfacereveals the color of shock.
“什么?!”古三通脸上露出震惊之色。For a long time, has gotten back one's composure, somepityingpatted the shoulder of Luo Yan: „Working as the mortalis also good, byyourstrength, the glory, splendor, riches and honor, enjoysnot.”
说罢。HeandLuo Yanscrapes past, departsdirectly.
他和罗阎擦身而过,径直离去。Gu Santonghas not spoken any words of despising, evenalsocomfortedLuo Yantwo.古三通没说任何鄙视的话语,甚至还安慰了罗阎两句。ButLuo Yanfelt like actually despisedto tauntgenerally.
但罗阎却感觉像是被人鄙视嘲讽了一般。Helowers the head.
他低着头。Grips the tightfistruthlessly.
狠狠攥紧拳头。Bloodebullition, true qi in within the bodyrebellion.
The terrifyingstrengthis fermenting.
恐怖的力量在酝酿。Hewantsto bellow, ventsbeing unwilling in heartwithangry.
他想大吼,发泄心中的不甘和愤怒。Butfinally, healso can only the dejectedlooseningfist.
The surroundingswill certainlybe earth-shaking.
周围必将天翻地覆。Thisisothers'place, the surroundingsare the flowers and plants.
It is not good.
不好。Likesmebeing ableto strengthenadds the pointto askeveryoneto collect:() Icanstrengthenadd the refresh rateto be quickest.
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