Icanstrengthenadd a https://
我能强化加点https://Tao Qianlooked atQiaotiger.陶谦看了眼乔虎。Recallsthisperson of origin.
忆起这人的来历。Thispersonis the lord of someBao'an Countyfaction, thistimegoes through the expeditionalong with the bloodgodarmy, set upmanymerit, dividestomanythick soup.
但……Finallyoneday after tomorrowinitial periodgrandmaster, isusing the grandmaster of heresyachievement.
The realstrength, onlyfeared that evenachievementgold/metalboneBone Refinementmartial artistdid not defeatlater.
他眉头微皱。Having a mindletsunderthisQiaoHutui.
有心让这乔虎退下。Butlooked that Qiaotigerfoughtintentspiritedstandingon the field, onlyin the good intentionsighed, nodded assent.
但看乔虎都战意昂扬的站在场上了,也只好心中一叹,点头应允。„Good, youcarefully.”
“那好,你小心点。”RegardingQiaotiger, hedoes not have the greatanticipation.
对于乔虎,他没有多大期待。Onlyhopes that itcaninsist for severalseconds, makinghimseethatLuo Yandetails.
After defeatingLuo Yan, hecantake responsibility, to the Qiaotiger1/3merit.
等战胜罗阎后,他可以做主,给乔虎三分之一功劳。Naturally, thisisunderpremise that inQiaotigercanlive.
当然,这是在乔虎能活下来的前提下。„Many thanksSir!”
“多谢大人!”Regarding the idea of Tao Qian, Qiaotigercompletelydoes not know.
对于陶谦的想法,乔虎全然不知。Heonlyknows,oneselfhad the opportunityto revengepersonally.
他只知道,自己有机会亲手报仇了。„Luo Yan, does not seefor a long time, youalsobecame the grandmaster.”Heis sizing upLuo Yanup and down, bringscarefully examining, bringscontemptuously.
“罗阎,许久不见,你也成宗师了啊。”他上下打量着罗阎,带着审视,带着轻蔑。martial artsrequires the timeto practice, goesgradually.武学是需要时间去练习,去浸淫的。Without the precipitation of time, even ifbecomes the grandmaster, that is also only the uselessstraw bag.
没有时间的沉淀,纵然成为宗师,那也只是不中用的草包。Heis self-confident, the martial artsexperience of oneselfhalf a lifetime, decideshoweverfarultraLuo Yan.
他自信,自己半辈子的武道经验,定然远超罗阎。Inheart, naturefearless.
心中,自然无惧。„Luo does young friend, heandyouhave a grudge?”
“罗小友,他与你有仇?”Valuable Peace Kinglooked atQiaotiger, immediatelysmiles, to sayin a low voice: „If there is a grudge, killsdirectly might also as well, allhavemeto take on.”宝泰王看了眼乔虎,随即轻轻一笑,低声道:“要是有仇的话,直接打杀也无妨,一切有我担着。”Luo Yandid not speak.罗阎不语。Faces forwardto walk, arrives in front ofQiaotiger.
只是朝前走去,来到乔虎面前。„The Qiao Ganglord, killedyour sonon the same day, is notLuohopes, the realityisheis extremely aggressive.”Luo Yanholds the fist in the other handto cup one hand in the other across the chest, the toneis sincere.
“乔帮主,当日打死你儿子,并非罗某所愿,实乃他太过咄咄逼人。”罗阎抱拳拱手,语气诚恳。„Littlespoke the idle talk, kills the enmity of child, absolutely irreconcilable, todayImustkillyou, toconsolemysonsoul in heaven!”Qiaotigeris serious, murderous aurato wreak havoc.
“少说废话,杀子之仇,不共戴天,今日我必杀你,以慰吾儿在天之灵!”乔虎面色肃然,杀气肆虐。Hurried that hecomes.
他来的匆忙。Onlyheard that mustcompete with.
只听说要比试。Has not actually heardValuable Peace Kingto letwords of Luo Yanperson of alonewar.
却没听到宝泰王让罗阎一人独战的话。Otherwise, heonlyfeared that does not havethisenergyto saythiswords.
要不然,他只怕也没这底气说出这种话。Luo Yanpurses the lips, the eyepupilhangs downslightly.罗阎抿了抿嘴,眼眸微微低垂下去。„Old manmakesyoufirstbegin, so as to avoidotherssaid that myQiaotigerbullies the weak.”Qiaotigerlooks atLuo Yan, pourslost/carryingboth hands, the grandmasterbearingis imposing.
“老夫让你先动手,免得别人说我乔虎以大欺小。”乔虎看着罗阎,倒负双手,宗师气度凛然。„The seniorfirstbegins.” The Luo Yanchuckleshakes the head.
A fame and profitdrinksto resound.
一声利喝响起。Sees onlyin the fieldQiaotigerfiguresuddenlybecomesillusory, forms a remnantshadow, appearsbefore the Luo Yanbodyunexpectedlyinstantaneously.
只见场中乔虎身形猛然变得虚幻,形成一道残影,竟瞬间出现在罗阎身前。But the broadsword in hishand the sheath, has made the sound of tiger's roar, points to the Luo Yanhead, resembling to chopLuo Yanistwo!
而其手中的大刀已然出鞘,发出虎啸之音,直指罗阎头颅,似要将罗阎一劈为二!Tigerdivine blade!
The fierce tigersdescend the mountain!
猛虎下山!Thismove, is onlyinner vigormartial arts.
这一招,只是内劲武学。ButQiaotigertempersgradually for dozensyears, is superb, is powerful, amazing.
“好!”Developsaround the martial stage.
演武场周围。Has the martial artsapprenticebrightlyat presentone.
有武道学徒眼前一亮。Thisblade, is quite splendid, not onlyhas the bladeto be rapidandviolent, the sound of thattiger's roarhas the shock and awemindeffect.
这一刀,极为精彩,不仅出刀迅速、猛烈,那虎啸之音更是拥有震慑心神的效果。Theystandin the distant place, feels the heartslightlyonecold.
他们站在远处,都感到心头微微一凛。Luo Yan under thatblade, onlyfeared that twoearshumming sound, have been in a state in the middle ofdelay.
The bladelightlike the waterfall, chopsruthlessly, bringsbone-chilling coldsound that letspersonscalp tingles.
刀光如瀑,狠狠劈下,带着让人头皮发麻的凛冽之音。ButQiaotigercomplexionis fierce, looksfrontmotionlessly, probablywas scaredgeneralLuo Yan, in the eye seems the ominouslightturnover, on the faceis exudingdensesneering.
而乔虎脸色狰狞,看着前方一动不动,像是被吓傻一般的罗阎,眼中似有凶光吞吐,脸上泛着森然的冷笑。„Myson, the fatherrevengedtoyou!”
“吾儿,爹给你报仇了!”He is so thinking, onlythinks that inhearthappy, adhered to stick cohere the strengthonbladealsoto be bigseveralpoints.
“铮!”Butatthis time, a gratingZhengcalledinhisearbankresounds.
可就在这时候,一声刺耳铮鸣在他耳畔响起。Helooks stunned, the pupilshrinksat once.
他神情错愕,旋即瞳孔一缩。Whenactuallydoes not know, his unprecedented, resembling to choptwo halvesLuo Yan the long blade, was metbytwofingersbythatLuo Yandirectly!
The rapidness of thespeed, heevenonlysees clearly the Luo Yanliftinghandmovement!
“你?!”Qiaotigerboth handsare grasping the hilt,
乔虎双手握着刀柄,Pair of armmuscleties tight, continuously the tremor, the strength and true qirapidgathering. However.
The long bladeis unable as before the moveslightest.
见到这一幕。Tao Qianandbehindseveralmasters, complexionsimultaneous/uniformsimultaneous/uniformchanges, the looksomewhatis dignified.陶谦及其身后几个宗师,面色齐齐一变,眼神都有些凝重。Qiaotigeris bad, that is also a grandmaster.
乔虎再不济,那也是宗师。Eventhey to, must whole-heartedly, so as to avoidin the sewerscapsizes.
即便他们对上,也要全力以赴,免得阴沟里翻船。ButthisLuo Yan, stretches outtwofingersmerely, thencaughtQiaotigerto exhaust a full powerbladesuperficially.
但这罗阎,仅仅伸出两根手指,便轻描淡写的接住了乔虎用尽全力的一刀。Theshows the strength that presents, alreadytosituation of shocking everybody!
其所表现出现的实力,已是到了惊世骇俗的地步!„Haha, worthilyisLuoyoung friend!”
“哈哈,不愧是罗小友!”Tao Qianand the othershad a heavy heart, Valuable Peace Kingactuallywent badhappily, immediatelyopens the mouthto praise.陶谦等人心情沉重,宝泰王却是高兴坏了,当即开口夸赞。ButQiaotiger.
而乔虎。Thenisin the hearttrembles, the complexionbecomesghostwhite such as snowinstantaneously.
A bladechopsthisLuo Yanistwo, then the matterflicked the sleeve, deepconcealedmeritandname.
一刀将这罗阎一劈为二,然后事了拂衣去,深藏功与名。Does not think, a bladecuts, hediscoveredunexpectedlythisLuo Yanstrengthterrifying, farexceedshistentimes!
不想,一刀斩出,他竟发现这罗阎实力恐怖,远超他十倍!Underthisgrade of disparity.
这等差距下。So long asLuo Yanbegins, heonly has the dead endinevitably.罗阎只要动手,他必然只有死路一条。Hischeekshivers, the corners of the mouthtwitch, soon, pulls a forcedsmile: „Luo Yan, afterthisblade, yourmygratitude and grudges, write off, how?”
The Luo Yanlookponders.罗阎眼神玩味。Helookedappearance that thisQiaotigerthreatens, but alsothinks that itszheng zheng the iron bone, does not diewithcontinuous.
他看这乔虎气势汹汹的样子,还以为其铮铮铁骨,和自己不死不休呢。Unexpectedly is also a soft egg.
没想到,竟然也是个软蛋。„Kills the enmity of child, absolutely irreconcilable. Qiao Ganglord, thiswasyousays. Youhave not killedme, how can the gratitude and grudgescancel?” The Luo Yancorners of the mouthcurl upwards, shake the head the rejection.
“杀子之仇,不共戴天。乔帮主,这是你说的。你还没打死我,恩怨怎能勾销?”罗阎嘴角微翘,摇头拒绝。„Isaidcasually, BrotherLuodo not needto care. Actually, this period of time, Ihad hadtwosons.”QiaoHutunsaliva, inheartfear, indescribable.
说完。Hefliesto draw backdirectlybackward, simultaneouslyhighsound said: „Ithrow......”
唰!‚Falling’characterhas not exported, hethensees the remnantshadowto raidtogetherinstantaneously.
‘降’字尚未出口,他便见一道残影瞬间袭来。Isthatblade that hediscards!
是他舍弃的那把刀!Inhisheart thought that just likespringwells up.
他心中念头,宛如泉涌。Firstthenagitatesinner vigorandtrue qiprotectsto behave the body, is thinkingmoves asideto gotoside.
第一时间便鼓动内劲和真气护持己身,想着向旁边躲闪而去。What a pity.
可惜。Hisideaare many, the bodyactuallycannot achieve.
The bladelightis dazzling, brings the sound of tremblingcry, pierceshischestinstantaneously, the remaining prestigedoes not reduce, bringshisbody, departs more than tenzhang (3.33 m)directlyhorizontally, nails tighthimon a practicing martial artsringsidereasonbig tree.
The surroundedbloodgodarmysoldierscomplexionbig change, simultaneous/uniformsimultaneous/uniformshouted loudly, hadseveralQiaotigertrusted subordinate, instantaneouslytowardQiaoHuweiin the past.
围观的血神军兵卒面色大变,齐齐高呼,更有几个乔虎的亲信,瞬间朝乔虎围了过去。Qiaotigerwas sewnon the tree, the lift-offhaszhang (3.33 m)highfully.
乔虎被钉在树上,离地足有丈高。Hiseyepupilshiversfiercely, in the mouthbraves the blood, extendsboth hands, graspsto the hilt, as ifmustpull outfromownchest the long blade.
他眼眸剧烈颤动,口中嗬嗬冒着鲜血,伸出双手,抓向刀柄,似乎要将长刀从自己胸膛拔出来。Howeverhisboth handsjustgripped the hilt.
然而他双手刚握住刀柄。Thenundergaze of onegroup of soldiers, headonecrooked, the four limbspull out, did not have the aurathoroughly.
便在一群士卒的注视下,脑袋一歪,四肢一抽,彻底没了气息。Thispictureis influential.
这画面极具冲击力。Ascends the time, onecrowd of soldierseyesare then red, combativelookstoLuo Yan.
“杀了他!”„Kills! Revengesfor the master!”
The long bladehas the hole, has the soldiersto put out the arbalest.
长刀出窍,更有士卒拿出劲弩。„Draws back!”
“退下!”Butin the meantime.
The icecoldpiercingsoundresounds.
冰寒刺骨的声音响起。Tao Qianswepteyethatseveralcombativesoldiersindifferently.陶谦冷眼扫了眼那几个杀气腾腾的士卒。Severalsoldiershad been sweptbyhisvision, in the hearttrembles, instantaneouscomessoberly.
是啊。Tao Qianhas not opened the mouth, share that somewheretheyspoke?陶谦都没开口,哪有他们说话的份?Let alone, theirhow manyare small, howis the opponent of grandmaster?
更何况,他们几个小喽喽,如何是宗师的对手?Alsodaresto draw a swordto the grandmasterunexpectedly?
竟然还敢向宗师拔刀?Readandhere, theyretreatedhastilybackward, in the surroundingsoldiersdespisedunder the gaze of ridicule, onlyfeelsshamefacedlyto be hard to take, wishes one couldto dig a tunnelto bury.
“哼。”Tao Qiancoldsnort/hum, looksimmediatelyindifferentlytoLuo Yan, coldsound said: „Hehas surrendered, do youalsomake a moveto killhimunexpectedly?”陶谦冷哼,随即冷眼看向罗阎,寒声道:“他都已投降,你竟还出手杀他?”„Ideliverhimto gowithhis sonto reunite.”Luo Yanshrugged, an innocent person of face.
The voicefalls.
话音落下。Helicked the lip, the complexion is a little slightly excited: „Next, does anyone of youget up?”
他又舔了舔嘴唇,面色略有点兴奋:“下一个,你们谁上?”Hisvisionhas sweptTao Qianbehindseveralmasters, finallyfallsonTao Qian, such as the huntersees the preyto be common.
他目光扫过陶谦身后的几个宗师,最后落在陶谦身上,就如猎手见到猎物一般。Thatvision, making the Tao Qiancomplexionugly/difficult to look at.
那目光,令陶谦面色难看。Thatwar, thisLuo Yansimplyhad not exposedanymartial artstracea moment ago, onlyby the purestrength, nearly the secondkilledQiaotiger.
刚才那一战,这罗阎根本没暴露出任何武学痕迹,仅靠纯粹实力,就近乎秒杀了乔虎。The one whomadeinhisheartheavywas, thisLuo Yanvicious tendencieswere astonishing, killing the heartwas extremely heavy, commandedtooneselfthisbloodgodarmycompletelydoes not have the least bitto awe.
The person who hesends out if not beat, will be killedmostlydirectly!
他派出的人要是不敌,多半会被直接打死!Even ifheon, thisLuo Yanonlyfearedpersonallywill not keep the hand!
就算是他亲自上,这罗阎只怕也不会留手!Youngfrivolousandcruelcruel, does not know that the awe, is powerful.
年少轻狂、残忍暴戾、不知敬畏、却实力强大。Thisis he impressiontoLuo Yan.
他看向身后几个宗师。Byhisvisiongaze, severalgrandmastereyespupilswere shrunk, reveal the meaning of flinching.
被他目光注视,几个宗师眼眸都是一缩,露出退缩之意。Everyonecansee that Luo Yanis powerfulandcruel.
谁都能看出罗阎强大且暴戾。No onewants dead.
谁都不想死。Tao Qiansighed, finallylookedtoonejust like the meatmountain-likefatty.陶谦叹了口气,最终看向一个宛如肉山般的胖子。„Xu Chi, yougoes.”
必须要有人上。Even ifloses, must loseattractive.
就算输,也要输的好看点。„I?”CallsmakesXu Chi'sfattycheekto tremble, fatdirect productionmeatwave.
“我?”唤做徐迟的胖子面皮一颤,肥肉直接形成肉浪。Tao Qianlooked atXu Chi, immediatelyturns the head, looksindifferentlytoLuo YanandValuable Peace King: „Thistime, the point, ifdares the killer under again, Iwill not putyouto live.”陶谦看了眼徐迟,随即转头,冷眼看向罗阎和宝泰王:“这一次,点到为止,若再敢下杀手,我绝不会放你们活着回去。”Heclenches jaws, the murderous intentionis imposing.
他咬牙切齿,杀机凛然。Valuable Peace Kinghearsword, the browselects, has not saidanything.宝泰王闻言,眉头一挑,却也没说些什么。Luo Yanis the facial expressionis indifferent.罗阎则是神情淡然。
The person of hisnon-bloodthirsty, killsthatQiaotiger, is only they have a grudge.
他非嗜杀之人,杀死那乔虎,也只是两人有仇而已。„Xu Chi, careful, if not beat, directsurrender.”Tao QianpattedXu Chi'sshoulder, the toneconcernsaid.
The surroundinggrandmaster, throws to show loving care for the visionsimilarly.
“是。”Xu Chirelaxes, walkstowardLuo Yan.
徐迟松了口气,朝罗阎走去。Soon, arrivesdevelops the martial stagecenter.
不多时,就来到演武场中央。Heholds the fist in the other handto cup one hand in the other across the chesttowardLuo Yan, the toneis friendly: „Xu Chi, asking the little friendto advise.”
他朝罗阎抱拳拱手,语气友善:“徐迟,请小友指教。”Luo Yannods, looks atthisXu Chitranquilly.罗阎点头,平静看着这徐迟。
This Xu Chivitalityis astonishing, alreadyto the day after tomorrowin the middle period, butis away fromhim, stillhad a bigdistance.
这徐迟一身气血惊人,已至后天中期,但距离他,仍有不小距离。Butthis, is onlyoutwardlyondisparity.
而这,只是明面上的差距。„Was careful, Iwantedon.”Xu Chiopens the mouthslowly.
“小心了,我要上了。”徐迟缓缓开口。At once the browtwists, true qigushes out from within the body, appearsin the body surface, tremblesjust like the boiling water.
旋即眉头一拧,真气从体内涌出,浮现在体表,宛如沸水般震颤。true qitremblesshortly.真气震颤没多久。Palm of the handbigscaleshave then taken shape, hiswhole bodypackage, combines an airtightbrightyellowarmor.
一块块巴掌大的鳞甲便已成型,将他浑身包裹,组合成一件密不透风的明黄铠甲。Histhat the extremelygrandiosebody, becomeshuge.
他那本就极其壮硕的身体,变得更加庞大。Is ordinaryjust like the giant, hasis withstanding great pressure the fearfulimposing manner.
宛如巨人一般,带着泰山压顶般的可怕气势。true qimartial arts, rockarmor!真气武学,岩铠!
The rockarmorjust a formation, thenhad the invisiblestormto be centered on Xu Chi, takes away as many things as possibletoall around.
下一秒。Xu Chichanges intotogether the yellowremnantshadow, charges intoLuo Yandirectly.
徐迟化为一道黄色残影,直接冲向罗阎。Hisspeedto the pinnacle, faint traceinvisibletrue qifrom the skyinterweavesquickly, the personhas not approached, interweavingtrue qideadlocksLuo Yanbodyweekallspaces, presses the Luo Yanbodyto sink, seemsshoulders a thousandjin (0.5 kg)mountain.
The Luo Yanlookis astonished.罗阎眼神惊异。ThisXu Chi, has no qualms the veterangrandmaster.
这徐迟,无愧老牌宗师。To the utilization of true qi, alreadytosuperbboundary.
只可惜……In the face of the absolutestrength, anyskill, is onlyin the flowergaudy.
在绝对的实力面前,任何的技巧,都只是花里花哨而已。Hestaresis firing intooneselfXu Chirapidlyrapidly, the right handlike the electricity, a racket, collideswith the fist that Xu Chiwieldssuddenlysuddenlytogether.
A dull thumping sound.
The terrifyingstrengthforms the storm, the volumetoall around.
The Luo Yanbodyshakes, immediatelyis entirely still.罗阎身体一震,随即纹丝不动。ButXu Chithatrockarmordrastic fluctuation, piece by piecescalesare uncertainjust likewavegeneralfluctuating.
而徐迟那身岩铠则剧烈波动,一片片鳞甲宛如波浪一般起伏不定。Xu Chieyesshrinksuddenly, the whole bodyfine hairraises up.
徐迟双眼骤缩,浑身汗毛竖起。FeelsLuo Yanthatnot to have after the strength that maylook disdainfully, keeps offthento planto withdrawbackward.
感受到罗阎那无可睥睨的力量后,挡下便打算向后撤去。Buthas not waited forhimto make the nextmovement, a handisappearsin his eyes, thenpressesruthlesslyonhischest.
砰!Thatpalmfive fingersare fair, is not sturdy.
那手掌五指白皙,不算粗壮。Greatstrength that butabovecontains, is actually abovehisimagination.
A as ifcarelesspalm, madehisrockarmormore violentfluctuation, as ifmustbe scattereddirectly.
仿佛漫不经心的一掌,令他身上的岩铠更加剧烈的波动,仿佛要被直接打散。Buthe himselfafterthrowsfliesto go, has flown upside down45zhang (3.33 m), controls the bodyreluctantly, fallingstaggeringon the ground.
而他自己更是朝后抛飞而去,一直倒飞出四五丈,才勉强控制住身体,踉踉跄跄的落在地上。„This rockarmorbeginning of the universebody, duringscalesfluctuating, canremove the strengthunexpectedly.”
“这岩铠混元一体,鳞甲起伏间,竟能卸去劲力。”Xu Chi who Luo Yanlooks at the distant place, inheartastonished.罗阎看着远处的徐迟,心中惊异。If the part of great bearprotects the body, his palmgets down, astralair/Qiprotects the shieldonlyto fear that has broken.
若是天罡护体,他一掌下去,罡气护盾只怕早已破碎。Butthisrockarmor, defendedunexpectedly.
显然。Thisrockarmorregarding the true qiapplication, protects the bodyto be exquisiter than hispart of great bear.
这岩铠对于真气的运用方式,比他的天罡护体更加精妙。„Very powerful!”
After Xu Chifalls to the ground, draws backcontinuallythreesteps, cannot bearopen the mouthto call out in alarm.
徐迟落地后,连退三步,忍不住开口惊呼。Hea moment ago, alreadywhole-heartedly. A fist that sticks out suddenly, holdslayer upon layerin the rockarmortrue qiin addition, fistheavy lossesintermediatemartial artist, will actually be metby a Luo Yancarelesspalmsufficientlythe day after tomorrowdirectly.
他刚才,已经全力以赴。那暴起的一拳,在岩铠层层真气的加持下,足以一拳重创后天中期武者,却被罗阎漫不经心的一掌直接接了下来。Thisletsinhisheartscared, does not have the least bitto fightintentagain.
这让他心中胆寒,再无半点战意。However, feelsbehindTao Qianthatbrilliantvision, heclenches teeth, actsagain.
His tumble, appearsinLuo Yanbeyondtwozhang (3.33 m).
The groundchaps, the air wavesweeps acrosstowardall around.
地面皲裂,气浪朝四周席卷。„Feathersstartledgreat wild goose!”
“飞羽惊鸿!”WithXu Chi'scalling outsoundgets up.
随着徐迟的暴喝声响起。Therockarmorfalls offunexpectedlydirectly, changes tobrightyellowthinlong swordair/Qi, fluctuatesto walk randomlyaroundhim.
随即。By the incomparablybone-chilling coldpotential, goestoward the Luo Yanlasing.
以无比凛冽之势,朝罗阎激射而去。„true qisword?”
The Luo Yanbrowselects.罗阎眉头一挑。Thismethod, flashy but lacking substance, generally speaking, nomight.
这种手段,华而不实,一般来说,都没什么威力。ButXu Chithismoveobviousdifferent.
但徐迟这一招显然不一样。Itcontroltotrue qifinein every way possible.
其对真气的控制精细入微。ThisbrightyellowJianqi, is unexpectedly ordinaryjust like the small-scalerocket.
这一柄柄明黄剑气,竟宛如小型的火箭一般。Reartrue qiby the spiral-shapedrapidcombustion, constantlyadvances.
后方真气以螺旋状飞速燃烧,不断推进。But the might of frontsword bladeeven moreis astonishing.
而前方剑身的威力则愈发惊人。Thathissing the sound, as ifmusttear the spaceto be common, letspersonscalp tingles, not cold, butmillet.
那嘶嘶之音,仿佛要撕裂空间一般,让人头皮发麻,不寒而粟。„Thistrue qisword...... Xu Chi, has been hiding one's incompetence by remaining silent.”
“这手真气化剑……徐迟,一直在藏拙了啊。”„Thismight, evenI, still can only chooseto yield and withdrawmostly.”
“这威力,即便是我,多半也只能选择退避三舍。”Somemasterssmile bitterly, sigh with emotionXu Chi'sgreat strength.
有宗师苦笑,感慨徐迟的强大。EvenTao Qian, the pupilstillshrinksheartsomeslightlywith amazement.
即便是陶谦,瞳孔也是微微一缩心底有些骇然。Butfaces directlythisinnumerableswordair/QiLuo Yan, the facial expression is still calm.
而直面这无数剑气的罗阎,神情却依然淡定。Helifts a hand, true qiroars in within the body, thenfrom the palm, formsbrightyellowto protect the shieldin a flashturbulently.
The swordair/Qiandprotects the shieldto bump into!
“哗啦啦……”gold/metalironhands over the sound of dagger-axeto resoundunceasingly.
金铁交戈之音不断响起。Protectsabove the shield, just likewelcominggust of windrainstorm, rippleslivesto extinguishrapidly, actuallycannotpunctureprotects the shield, the Luo Yan of after woundtoprotectingshield.
护盾之上,宛如迎来一阵疾风暴雨,一个个涟漪飞速生灭,却始终未能刺破护盾,伤到护盾后的罗阎。„What?!”Xu Chihas a big shock.
“什么?!”徐迟大惊失色。Owncard in a hand, unexpectedlybythisLuo Yansoeasilyonfollowing?
自己的底牌,竟然被这罗阎这般轻易就接下来?In the field others change colorsimilarlyslightly, lookto the Luo Yanvision, thoroughdifferent.
匪夷所思的强。Onlyfeared that endured the grandmaster who the day after tomorrowis more complete.
只怕堪比后天圆满的宗师了。Theyreallycannot think through, thissmallBaiyue Province, whenwas born the soterrifyingpowerhouse.
The Luo Yanlookis indifferent, after putting outtwocharacterstranquilly, the straightenedarmties tightsuddenly.罗阎眼神淡然,平静吐出两个字后,伸直的手臂猛然紧绷。Faint tracetrue qi, is ordinaryjust like the silk thread, takes shapeinhispalms, immediatelyis rapidspreadsforward.
一丝丝真气,宛如丝线一般,在他手掌间成型,随即飞速向前蔓延。Onlyisa blink.
仅是一眨眼。Xu Chithencomplexiongreat change, whole personbodyoneshort, had been fetteredbyinvisibletrue qi.
徐迟便脸色巨变,整个人身子一矮,已是被无形真气所束缚。Thattrue qisilk threadspreadsrapidly, in an instantonhimdoes not knowentangledmanylevels.
那真气丝线飞速蔓延,转眼间就在他身上不知缠了多少层。He seemed stranded the cicadaincocoon, againdifficultmoveslightest!
他就仿佛被困在茧中的蝉,再难动弹分毫!„true qiisextending of strength, the application of strength, similarlycanuseontrue qi.”
The Luo Yaneyepupilmoves slightly.罗阎眼眸微动。ActuallyisthisXu Chi'sapplicationto the true qi, gavehim the inspiration.
却是这徐迟对真气的运用方式,给了他灵感。Has tosay.
不得不说。Is used for the oppressivevegetable/dish, very welluses.
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