ICSBAP :: Volume #2

#171: Asked the Sir to permit me to revenge

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The big camp of blood god army, from prefectural city merely more than ten li (0.5 km). 血神军的大营,距离府城仅仅十余里。 Luo Yan follows in Valuable Peace King behind, has appeared in the middle of the blood god army big camp. 罗阎跟随在宝泰王身后,已是出现在血神军大营当中。 Luo Yan, waited to depend on you.” Valuable Peace King looks back, smiling looks to Luo Yan. 罗阎啊,等会靠你了。”宝泰王回首,笑眯眯的看向罗阎 Prince what meaning?” Luo Yan knits the brows. “王爷什么意思?”罗阎皱眉。 He has reached an agreement beforehand, is only responsible for the Valuable Peace King security, other things, do not manage totally. 他事先已经说好,只负责宝泰王的安全,其他事情,一概不管。 But now listens to the meaning of Valuable Peace King, as if other matters need him to do. 但如今听宝泰王的意思,似乎还有其他事需要他做。 A while, probably needs you to act, with the blood god army martial artist competition...” Valuable Peace King turns head, said low voice. “等会儿,可能需要你出面,与血神军武者比试…”宝泰王回头,小声说道。 „Does the prince seek others in addition?” Luo Yan sound indifferently. “王爷另寻他人吧?”罗阎声音漠然。 Little friend not anxiously rejection. So long as wins, I then deliver the little friend again 100 jin (0.5 kg) azure Zen.” Valuable Peace King rushes to say. “小友莫急着拒绝。只要赢一场,我便再送小友一百斤青禅。”宝泰王赶忙道。 Really?” The Luo Yan look is surprised. “真的?”罗阎眼神惊讶。 He heard that the azure Zen variation are extremely difficult to cultivate, every year output, hundred jin (0.5 kg). 他听说青禅异种极难培育,每年的产量,也就堪堪百斤。 If wins one to give hundred jin (0.5 kg), he is certainly willing to act. 若赢一场就给百斤,那他当然愿意出手。 Little friend is powerful, how dare do I deceive you?” Valuable Peace King is saying with a smile. “小友实力强大,我怎敢欺骗你?”宝泰王笑着道。 Luo Yan fell into hesitates, passed the moment, he said: Beforehand reaches an agreement, I only compete with martial artist.” 罗阎陷入沉吟,过了片刻,他开口说道:“事先说好,我只跟武者比试。” This is natural.” Valuable Peace King nods hastily. “这是自然。”宝泰王连忙点头。 In his heart relaxed tone. 他心中轻松了口气。 The Luo Yan strength he has experienced, has Luo Yan to act, then the trip, should ninety percent sure. 罗阎的实力他见识过,有罗阎出手,那么此行,应该十拿九稳。 Immediately, he nods to trusted subordinate. 当即,他对身边一个亲信点了点头。 The trusted subordinate sees that leaves the team quietly. 那亲信见状,悄悄离开队伍。 Without walking far, then Bone Refinement martial artist welcomed, as if the acquaintance, leading Valuable Peace King that trusted subordinate to walk in some direction. 没走多远,便有一个炼骨武者迎了上来,似乎还是位熟人,带着宝泰王那亲信向着某个方向走去。 Luo Yan gets a panoramic view all, discovered that in the sleeve of that departure trusted subordinate, as if hid anything. 罗阎将一切尽收眼底,发现那离去亲信的袖中,似乎藏了什么。 Obviously, this Valuable Peace King also has the relations in this blood god army, competition in its, mostly is the result after discussion. 显然,这宝泰王在这血神军中也有关系,其口中的比试,多半就是商议后的结果。 Before coming. 在来之前。 He has inquired the news of blood god army with Gu Xuan. 他已经跟顾轩打探过血神军的消息。 The blood god army position highest, naturally is that immortal cultivator Zhang Yanyan, heard that is the Xue Shen Zi trusted subordinate, the status is unusual. 血神军地位最高者,自然是那修仙者张烟烟,听说是血神子的亲信,身份非同一般。 Then downward, is the Blood Cloth Cult founder, a man named Zhang Yuchan. 往下,则是血衣教教主,一个叫做张玉禅的男子。 It is reported that is the Zhang Yanyan blood younger brother, similarly is immortal cultivator, but the temper is disagreeable, little appears in the blood god army extremely, instead establishes Blood Cloth Cult, the game human world. 据传是张烟烟的亲弟弟,同样是一位修仙者,不过性子乖戾,极少出现在血神军中,反而创立血衣教,游戏人间。 Besides two people. 除了二人外。 The one who made Luo Yan not think, Gu Xuan also mentioned the Xi Hongyuan given name. 罗阎没想到的是,顾轩还提到了席红鸢的名号。 Xi Hongyuan is very mystical, even Gu Xuan, still has only listened to her given name, to her strength and position completely does not know. 只是席红鸢十分神秘,即便是顾轩,也只听过她的名号,对她的实力和地位全然不知。 The above three people, are in the blood god army all immortal cultivator. 以上三人,便是血神军中所有的修仙者 But besides immortal cultivator. 而除了修仙者外。 Blood god army martial artist are also many. 血神军武者同样不少。 The veteran grandmaster is over ten, mostly illustrious, even if Luo Yan likes thunder reverberating in one's ears. 老牌宗师超过十位,大多都赫赫有名,即便罗阎都如雷贯耳。 And is most famous, is one calls makes Tao Qian middle-aged martial artist. 其中最出名的,是一个唤做陶谦的中年武者 He is the blood god armed forces' true command. 他是血神军的真正统帅。 Also is most likely to take over control of Baiyue Province, holds the post of the protectorate person. 也是最有可能接管百越府,担任镇守的人。 But besides the veteran grandmaster, new Master promote are also many. 而除了老牌宗师外,新晋宗师也不少。 And even also has a Luo Yan acquaintance, Qiao Gang Qiao tiger. 其中甚至还有一个罗阎的熟人,乔帮的乔虎。 Listened to Gu Xuan saying that this Qiao tiger also once on a grand scale, spread the news, said that must take in Luo Yan the head/number of people to come...... 顾轩说,这乔虎还曾大张旗鼓,放出消息,说要取罗阎项上人头来着…… Blood god army one group of masters, no one I dread.” “血神军一群宗师,无一人我畏惧。” Under soldier's leadership. 在士兵的带领下。 Quick, the group then enter in a big tent/account. 很快,一行人便走进一间大帐之中。 Just entered in the big tent/account. 刚走进大帐中。 Luo Yan then feels a pressure on head on. 罗阎便感受到一股压力扑面而来。 This is the grandmaster air/Qi the field. 这是宗师气场。 Even Bone Refinement martial artist, understanding scared, alarmed and afraid. 即便炼骨武者,都会心中胆寒,惊惧不已。 However to present him, felt that some are not carefree, the blood god military power is big, facing this grade of provocation, he has fought with the fists. 不过对如今的他而言,也就感到有些不畅快罢了,要不是血神军势大,面对这等挑衅,他早就一拳打过去了。 He looks up the blood god army people to the account. 他抬头看向账内血神军众人。 Enough nine masters, 足足九个宗师, Sits by the long table. He is somewhat disappointed. 坐在长桌两旁。他有些失望。 In these masters, unexpectedly without his acquaintance Qiao tiger. 这些宗师中,竟没有他的熟人乔虎。 Sees Valuable Peace King and the others to come , the blood god army nine masters all looked, the look is threatening, is exuding sneering. 宝泰王等人进来,血神军九位宗师全都望了过来,眼神逼人,泛着冷笑。 They not mince matter oneself air/Qi field, obviously wants to give a Valuable Peace King demonstration of authority. 他们毫不掩饰自己的气场,显然是想给宝泰王一个下马威。 However. 然而。 Valuable Peace King after all is also a grandmaster. 宝泰王毕竟也是宗师。 Although the facial expression is somewhat dignified, but the complexion does not have many changes. 神情虽有些凝重,但面色却无多少改变。 Zhou Yuanheng, do you also recognize me?” 周元恒,你还认得我吗?” In big tent/account head, a middle-aged man who fills with the blood and iron withering aura stood slowly. 大帐上首,一个充满铁血肃杀气息的中年男子缓缓站了起来。 His vision is threatening, looks straight ahead Valuable Peace King, the expression is somewhat fearless. 他目光逼人,直视宝泰王,表情有些昂然。 Tao brother given name, likes thunder reverberating in one's ears, how can I not recognize?” Valuable Peace King neither arrogant nor servile say/way. “陶兄大名,如雷贯耳,我怎会不认得?”宝泰王不卑不亢道。 I mean for 20 years ago.” Tao Qian said slowly. “我是说二十年前。”陶谦缓缓道。 20 years ago?” Valuable Peace King gawked, also responded. “二十年前?”宝泰王愣了下,却也反应过来。 Oneself have had happening together with this Tao Qian early, but he forgot. 自己早与这陶谦有过交集,只是他忘了而已。 He racks brains, careful thinking. 他绞尽脑汁,仔细思索。 But thinks the half of the day cannot find out a reason why. 但想了半天也想不出个所以然。 Tao brother was sorry, I really couldn't remember?” The Valuable Peace King sound is sincere. “陶兄抱歉,我实在记不得了?”宝泰王声音诚恳。 Couldn't remember?” “记不得了?” Tao Qian selects the brow, said: Tao reminded the prince, can the prince still remember Jiang Mingzhu?” 陶谦一挑眉头,道:“那陶某提醒一下王爷,王爷可还记得姜明珠?” Jiang Mingzhu?” 姜明珠?” Valuable Peace King hears word, doubt looked at Tao Qian, in the eye revealed the color of thinking. 宝泰王闻言,狐疑的看了眼陶谦,眼中露出思索之色。 After moment, he said suddenly: I, Milky Way martial Yuan Jiang Mingzhu, with me am a schoolfellow.” 片刻过后,他恍然道:“我记起来了,天河武院的姜明珠,和我是同窗。” He remembers. 他记得。 That Jiang Mingzhu is quite attractive, but also is together with after a period of time. 姜明珠颇为漂亮,还和自己相处过一段时间。 „Can the prince recall me to come?” Tao Qian look gloomy and cold. “那王爷可记起我来了?”陶谦眼神阴冷下来。 The Valuable Peace King facial expression is vacant, smiles bitterly a sound said: I really could not record, Tao the brother had what words to speak frankly.” 宝泰王神情茫然,苦笑一声道:“我实在记不起来了,陶兄有什么话就直说。” Words speaking of this. 话说到这份上。 He guessed that this Tao Qian mostly is his some love rival, likes that Jiang Mingzhu. 他猜测这陶谦多半是他某位情敌,也喜欢那姜明珠 Initially liked Jiang Mingzhu are too many, who he really could not recall this person is. 只是当初喜欢姜明珠的太多,他实在记不起这人是谁了。 You may still remember, after Jiang Mingzhu dies, that did scold your person in garden?” The blue vein on Tao Qian forehead beats slightly, cold sound asked. “那你可还记得,姜明珠死后,那个在花苑里骂你的人吗?”陶谦额头上的青筋微微跳动,冷声质问道。 „Did Jiang Mingzhu die?” Valuable Peace King is astonished. 姜明珠死了?”宝泰王一脸愕然。 His Jiang Mingzhu died does not know how to recall that to scold his person in garden? 他连姜明珠死了都不知道,如何记得起那个在花苑里骂他的人? Although, he guessed correctly that person is this Tao Qian. 虽然,他猜到了那人就是这陶谦 You?!” “你?!” The Tao Qian anger instead smiles extremely. 陶谦怒极反笑。 Initially he admired that Jiang Mingzhu to be sincere, saw with own eyes Jiang Mingzhu was abandoned by this Valuable Peace King, then under was sorrowful, plunged into rapid Weishuihe. 当初他爱慕那姜明珠深切,亲眼见到姜明珠被这宝泰王抛弃,然后悲痛之下,跳入湍急的渭水河中。 He is indignant, looks for this Valuable Peace King directly. 他气愤至极,直接找上这宝泰王 Has not thought that was actually stepped on by this Valuable Peace King in the under foot, shamed well. 没想到却被这宝泰王踩在脚下,好好羞辱了一番。 This negotiations, he had been ready, must have a foul odor well. 这次谈判,他本已做好准备,要好好出一口恶气。 Actually Unexpectedly. 没想到。 The matter that he engraves on one's memory, this Valuable Peace King has actually forgotten. 他铭记于心的事,这宝泰王却早已遗忘。 He wants a whole story place, but is quick, shakes the head, said indifferently: Ok, discussed the matter.” 他想要将原委道处,但很快,又摇了摇头,漠然道:“算了,谈事情吧。” If Valuable Peace King remembers, he can also take the opportunity to shame Valuable Peace King. 宝泰王记得,他还能借机羞辱宝泰王一番。 But Valuable Peace King has forgotten, if he continues to open the mouth, puts on one -man show, really likely clown. 宝泰王已然遗忘,他若继续开口,唱独角戏,委实像个小丑。 Good.” “好。” Valuable Peace King also has no interest in closely examining. 宝泰王也无心追问。 His memory to that Jiang Mingzhu, only then quite the character of attractive appearance and corrupt adore/admire power and influence. 他对那姜明珠的记忆,也只有颇为的漂亮的容貌和贪慕权势的性格而已。 Two people take a seat. 两人落座。 Valuable Peace King is staring at Tao Qian, direct authorities: „After you entered a city, I will coordinate you, is in charge of the protectorate mansion, takes over control of the entire prefectural city. But my also request.” 宝泰王盯着陶谦,直截了当道:“等你进城后,我会配合你,入主镇守府,接管整座府城。但我也有一个要求。” Said.” “说。” Tao Qian is brief and to the point, coldly puts out a character. 陶谦言简意赅,冷冷吐出一个字。 Palace as before is a palace, my subordinate influence and industry, you cannot move.” Valuable Peace King tranquil say/way. “王府依旧是王府,我麾下的势力和产业,你不能动。”宝泰王平静道。 Palace?” “王府?” Tao Qian pulled the corners of the mouth, dense say/way: What palace? The mansion of perishing country?” 陶谦扯了扯嘴角,森然道:“什么王府?亡国之府?” A Valuable Peace King brow wrinkle, said: Without my coordination, you, even if takes over control of the prefectural city, obtained still can only be a empty shell.” 宝泰王眉头一皱,道:“没有我的配合,你就算接管府城,得到的也只会是一座空壳。” Tao Qian coldly says with a smile: Who does not dare obedient, I kill. What's wrong, does the prince want to oppose with me?” 陶谦冷冷一笑道:“谁敢不听话,我就杀。怎么,王爷想跟我作对?” In his sound the murderous intention is imposing, the meaning is self-evident. 他音中杀机凛然,意思不言而喻。 In the Valuable Peace King heart sinks. 宝泰王心中微沉。 The blood god military power is big, in the situation, the condition was extremely so difficult to discuss, in addition that anything Jiang Mingzhu matter......, if not for made the preparation beforehand, he wants mostly dingily rolls, then flees from the prefectural city. 血神军势大,这般情况下,条件本就极难谈,再加上那什么姜明珠的事……若不是事先做了准备,他多半要灰溜溜的滚回去,然后逃离府城。 But...... 但…… In his heart calm. 他心中镇定。 Chooses to retreat in order to advance simply, gives Tao Qian the initiative. 干脆选择以退为进,将主动权让给陶谦 How Tao does the brother feel me should?” “那陶兄觉得我该如何?” Simple, coordinating me to take over control of the prefectural city, then leads your person, many rolls far.” Tao Qian opens the mouth indifferently, the tone is unquestionable. “简单,配合我接管府城,然后带着你的人,有多远滚多远。”陶谦漠然开口,语气不容置疑。 What?!” “什么?!” Valuable Peace King several grandmaster trusted subordinate facial colors sink behind. 宝泰王身后几个宗师亲信都面色一沉。 Only has Valuable Peace King, as stable as Mount Tai, but the brow also wrinkled the wrinkle slightly. 只有宝泰王,稳如泰山,但眉头也微微皱了皱。 According to my words does, I can take responsibility, forgive your life, otherwise......” “按照我的话做,我可以做主,饶你一命,不然……” Tao Qian looks at brow tight pressed Valuable Peace King, mocked: „The prince goes back now, has a look at my blood god army, can take over this prefectural city. Also or has a look in the city that two immortal masters, can let off you.” 陶谦看着眉头紧蹙的宝泰王,讥诮道:“王爷现在就回去,看看我血神军,能否攻下这府城。又或者看看城内那两位仙师,会不会放过你。” Valuable Peace King deeply frowned. 宝泰王眉头紧锁。 The meaning of this Tao Qian he understands, nothing but is thinking completely eradicates itself, to take over control of Baiyue Province is ready. 陶谦的意思他明白,无非是想着彻底铲除自己,为接管百越府做好准备。 After all, his strength is not weak, is precisely a local bully. 毕竟,他实力不弱,且是地头蛇。 When Zhang Yanyan and other immortal cultivator still, this Tao Qian can also suppress him. 张烟烟修仙者尚在时,这陶谦还能压制他。 Waits for Zhang Yanyan and the others to walk, wants to eradicate him again, had no possibility. 张烟烟等人一走,再想铲除他,就没什么可能了。 Luckily I am prepared early. Otherwise, but also was really eaten by this Tao Qian wipes dry/does net.” “幸亏我早有准备。不然,还真被这陶谦吃干抹净了。” The Valuable Peace King heart sneers. 宝泰王心底冷笑。 In the surface, actually maintains composure, falls into silent middle. 表面上,却不动声色,陷入沉默当中。 What's wrong, did not speak, when I you agreed.” The Tao Qian corners of the mouth go up, in heart carefree. “怎么,不说话,我就当你同意了啊。”陶谦嘴角上翘,心中畅快。 Prince? 王爷? Now hasn't been stepped on by him in the under foot? 现在还不是被他踩在脚下? Looked appearance that Valuable Peace King that is speechless, he is happy, was happy! 宝泰王那副无话可说的模样,他就开心,就高兴! But in the meantime, martial artist led a maidservant suddenly from off-balance to walk. 但就在此时,一个武者带着一个侍女忽然从帐外走了进来。 That martial artist arrives at Valuable Peace King behind, nods. 武者走到宝泰王身后,对其点了点头。 As for that maidservant. 至于那侍女。 Then arrives at side Tao Qian, spoke two words to it low voice. 则走到陶谦身边,对其小声说了两句话。 After saying, she then walks directly outward. 说完之后,她便径直朝外走去。 Before departure, but also has the profound meaning looked at Valuable Peace King. 在离开前,还颇有深意的看了眼宝泰王 The maidservants leave. 侍女离开。 Valuable Peace King is even more calm, in the surface even showed the smile. 宝泰王越发从容,面上甚至露出了笑容。 But the expression rapid change on Tao Qian face, instantaneous is gloomy. 陶谦脸上的表情迅速变化,瞬间阴沉下来。 He raised the head suddenly, stares to Valuable Peace King, cold sound said: Prince good method, to seek immortal unexpectedly.” 他豁然抬头,瞪向宝泰王,冷声道:“王爷好手段,竟然能寻来仙物。” The maidservant is the Zhang Yanyan maid. 那侍女是张烟烟的婢女。 Told him a moment ago. 刚才跟他说。 Zhang Yanyan makes him send out several senior generals, with the subordinate competition of Valuable Peace King, if defeated, then accepts the Valuable Peace King condition. 张烟烟让他派出几员大将,和宝泰王的手下比试,若败了,便答应宝泰王的条件。 But Zhang Yanyan so , because Valuable Peace King offered an immortal iron! 张烟烟会如此,是因为宝泰王献上了一块仙铁! This Zhou Yuanheng, unexpectedly on social climbing Zhang Yanyan! 周元恒,竟攀附上了张烟烟 Hears this word. 听闻此言。 One crowd of martial artist looks somewhat are curious, does not understand that immortal is anything. 一群武者眼神都有些好奇,不明白仙物是什么。 Luo Yan similarly so. 罗阎同样如此。 He is deliberately considering, after going back, then asks Valuable Peace King. 他寻思着,等回去后,便问问宝泰王 How Tao did brother say?” Valuable Peace King shows the calm smile. “陶兄怎么说?”宝泰王露出从容笑容。 He looks at the clear situation early. 他早看明白局势。 Without the energy, how dare to step into the blood god army camp, negotiated? 若没有底气,怎敢踏入血神军营地,进行谈判? But his energy. 而他的底气。 Immortal iron that then sought together long ago! 便是一块早年寻来的仙铁! Yesterday, he then sought that Zhang Yanyan, his original intention, naturally was makes Zhang Yanyan give him to work as the backer. 昨日,他便寻上那张烟烟,他的本意,自然是让张烟烟给他当靠山。 However Zhang Yanyan rejected, only proposed the competition. 然而张烟烟拒绝了,只提出比试。 But, he also can only comply, and hasty under makes Luo Yan make a move. 无奈之下,他也只能答应,并且仓促之下让罗阎出手。 Is good because , the odds of success is large. 好在,胜算颇大。 You want to compare, then on ratio.” In Tao Qian heart aggrieved. “你想比,那就比。”陶谦心中憋屈。 He knows that Valuable Peace King dares to propose the competition, has been ready inevitably. 他知道宝泰王敢提出比试,必然已经做好准备。 But the Zhang Yanyan opens the mouth, he is not naturally able to reject. 张烟烟开口,他自然无法拒绝。 Let alone, he is abundance of capable people, also has the odds of success. 更何况,他手下人才济济,也不是没有胜算。 He swept Luo Yan and the others, cold sound said: Comes with me.” 他扫了眼罗阎等人,冷声道:“跟我来。” One group of people follow in Tao Qian behind. 一群人跟在陶谦身后。 In a while, then arrives in the spacious developing martial stage. 没过多久,便来到空旷的演武场中。 At this time, developed in the martial stage still many blood god army martial artist to boil practices the strength, saw that Tao Qian and the others arrived, rushes to retreat to the surroundings, let the location. 此时,演武场中尚有不少血神军武者在熬练力气,见到陶谦等人到来,赶忙向周围退去,将场地让了出来。 How?” “怎么个比法?” After two groups of people stand firm, Tao Qian coldly looks to Valuable Peace King. 两帮人站定后,陶谦冷冷看向宝泰王 Naturally selects only.” “自然是单挑。” The Valuable Peace King facial expression is calm, from channel: I only have one person, on your casual several people are all right, so long as my person lost, then calculates that I defeat.” 宝泰王神情从容,自信道:“我只出一人,你随便上几人都没事,只要我的人输了,便算我败。” My Zhou Yuanheng from, when leaves, henceforth no longer steps into Baiyue Province one step certainly.” “我周元恒自当离开,从此绝不再踏入百越府一步。” His look is sharp, has the oppression. 他眼神锐利,极具压迫。 Now the Zhou Country tactical situation, a Grand Pure Sect side is even more weak. 如今周国战况,太清宗一方越发不支。 Perhaps does not need for several years, Zhou Country to degenerate into the 's in the bag of blood god sect. 或许不用几年,周国就将沦为血神宗的囊中之物。 However...... 然而…… Information that according to his knowledge arrives, even if Zhou Country becomes the dependent country of blood god sect, Zhou Country still as before is Zhou Country, the week royal family also as before is the Zhou Country ruler! 据他了解到的情报,就算周国成为血神宗的附庸国,周国也依旧是周国,周王室也依旧是周国的统治者! Such being the case, he naturally wants to fight over a struggle with this Tao Qian. 既然如此,他当然要与这陶谦争一争。 Again bad, wants the chamber to resist. 再不济,也要分庭抗争。 Such as, he and Baiyue Province beforehand protectorate Qu Jiuyou is the same. 就如,他和百越府之前的镇守曲九幽一样。 As for backer... 至于靠山… Although Tao Qian has the blood horse merit, but he is also of feasible the say/way bribe, cultivating true virtue who flatters the blood god sect! 陶谦虽有血马功劳,但他也可行贿赂之道,讨好血神宗的修真者! The Tao Qian look is gloomy. 陶谦眼神阴沉。 The vision inspects in Valuable Peace King behind several martial artist, especially looked at two on two day after tomorrow intermediate stage martial artist. 目光在宝泰王身后的几个武者间巡视,尤其在两个后天中期武者身上多看了两眼。 As for Luo Yan, because the utilization locked the blood secret art to hide the vitality fluctuation, has not brought to the attention of Tao Qian. 至于罗阎,由于运用锁血诀隐藏了气血波动,并没有引起陶谦的注意。 Whom do you send to get up?” Tao Qian cold sound opens the mouth. “你派谁上?”陶谦冷声开口。 In the heart is very resentful. 心中无比愤懑。 Zhou Yuanheng this act, is clearly shaming him. 周元恒此举,分明是在羞辱他。 He is not clear, where is this Zhou Yuanheng energy at? 只是他不明白,这周元恒的底气在哪? Two do look at one in extremely ordinary day after tomorrow intermediate stage martial artist? 两个一看就极为普通的后天中期武者中的一位? Naturally is Luo young friend.” “当然是罗小友。” Valuable Peace King nods to behind Luo Yan, is saying with a smile: Luo young friend, by you.” 宝泰王对身后的罗阎点了点头,笑着道:“罗小友,靠你了。” The Luo Yan facial expression is indifferent. Goes forward one step, held the fist in the other hand to cup one hand in the other across the chest toward Tao Qian and the others: Luo no talent, is willing to ask for advice senior good idea.” 罗阎神情淡然。上前一步,朝陶谦等人抱拳拱手:“罗某不才,愿领教诸位前辈高招。” Baby?” “小娃娃?” Tao Qian and other blood god army masters were shocked. 陶谦等血神军宗师都愣住了。 They see clearly, this Luo Yan age , about 20 years old, figure, although is big, but the facial features somewhat are immature. 他们看得清楚,这罗阎的年纪,也就二十岁左右,身形虽然高大,可眉眼都还有些稚嫩。 Zhou Yuanheng, you are earnest?” 周元恒,你是认真的吗?” Tao Qian brow slightly pressed. 陶谦眉头微蹙。 This baby age such small, even if starts to practice martial arts from mother 's womb, the strength can strong? 这小娃娃年纪如此之小,就算从娘胎里开始练武,实力又能有多强? Sir, making me make a move, kills him.” Tao Qian behind, a day after tomorrow intermediate stage martial artist opens the mouth. “大人,让我出手,打死他吧。”陶谦身后,一个后天中期武者开口。 His surface flood grins fiendishly, being ready to fight, fighting intent is soaring. 他面泛狞笑,摩拳擦掌,战意高昂。 The Tao Qian look doubts, should not under. 陶谦眼神疑惑,并没有应下。 Actually saw from the Valuable Peace King expression self-confidently. 却是从宝泰王的表情中看到了自信。 Obviously, in this Valuable Peace King mouth Luo young friend strength is quite strong, the vitality seems like does not reveal, in fact is actually playing the role of the pig to eat the tiger. 显然,这宝泰王口中‘罗小友’实力极为强劲,气血看似不显,实际上却是在扮猪吃老虎。 His non- fool. 他非蠢人。 Is naturally impossible to let bring death hand/subordinate. 自然不可能让手下去送死。 Therefore, after he considers one, under will plan to open the mouth, lets a day after tomorrow intermediate stage grandmaster who will most be good at defending on first, will probe the details of this person. 故而,他斟酌一番后,打算开口,让麾下最擅长防御的一个后天中期宗师先上,试探一下此人的底细。 But when he is going to open the mouth. 可就在他将要开口之际。 Practicing martial arts outside, broadcasts together the sound suddenly distantly. 演武场外,忽然遥遥传来一道声音。 Sir holds on a minute, this person and I have to kill the enmity of child, but also asked the Sir to permit me to act, killed this person, avenged a grievance!” The hatred astonishing sound resounds together suddenly. “大人且慢,此人与我有杀子之仇,还请大人允我出手,打死此人,报仇雪恨!”一道恨意惊人的声音骤然响起。 At once then sees a middle-aged man to be bold, several rises, then appeared developing the martial stage center. 旋即便见一个中年男子兔起鹘落,几个起落,便出现在演武场中央。 Luo Yan gawked, looks toward that person, happen to welcomed that person of incomparable hatred look. 罗阎愣了下,朝那人望去,正好迎上那人无比怨毒的眼神。 Impressively is the old acquaintance in Bao'an County, Qiao Gang Qiao tiger! 赫然是宝安县的老熟人,乔帮的乔虎! : :
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