Icanstrengthenadd a https://
我能强化加点https://„Theyhope that could fail, several days later, Imustgo to the national capitalalong with the ancientforestsenior.”Luo Yanis saying with a smile.
“那他们希望可能要落空了,再过几日,我就要随古林前辈去国都了。”罗阎笑着道。„Goes to the national capital?”
“去国都?”Gu Xuanstares, suddenlythinks ofanything, lowers the sound saying: „Did youobtainthatgrain of Immortal Ascension Pillquota?”顾轩一愣,忽然想到什么,压低声音道:“你得到那粒升仙丹的配额了?”Luo Yansmiles, does not have the direct reaction.罗阎笑了笑,没有直接回答。„Youare really lucky.”Gu Xuanlooksto understand clearly, the eyegroundflashes through an admiringcolor.
“你真幸运啊。”顾轩面露了然,眼底闪过一丝艳羡之色。Howeverquick, healsosaid: „Resulted inImmortal Ascension Pill, canjoinGrand Pure Sectmostly. But......”
不过很快,他又道:“得了升仙丹,多半能加入太清宗。但……”Hestarts to speak but hesitates.
他欲言又止。Luo Yansees that says with a smile: „Attends to the senior, has the wordsto speak frankly.”罗阎见状,笑道:“顾前辈,有话直说。”„InmyZhou Countryhistorical , many portraits/people looks likeyou are the same, obtainsImmortal Ascension Pill, joinsGrand Pure Sect.”
“在我周国的历史上,也有不少人像你一样,得到升仙丹,加入太清宗。”„Over the news that butaccording tomeobtains, thesepeople, nocanmix.”
“但根据我得到的消息,那些人,没一个能混出头。”„Youandthey are the same, even ifjoinsGrand Pure Sect, the bigprobabilitystill can only waste timefirst, was difficultday of raising one's head.”
“你和他们一样,就算加入太清宗,大概率也只能蹉跎一世,难有出头之日。”„But if remains, byyourstrength, the glory, splendor, riches and honor, enjoysnot, whatwants?”
“但要是留下来,以你的实力,荣华富贵,享之不尽,要什么没有?”Gu Xuanstrikes one's chest, saidhigh-spirited: „Youhave a look atme, onegeneration of masters, the positionis honored, inthisBaiyue Province, I am the day!”顾轩一拍胸脯,意气风发道:“你看看我,一代宗师,地位尊贵,在这百越府,我就是天!”Luo Yancould not bear, smilesto make noise.罗阎没忍住,笑出声。Hesizes upto reappearup and downtwo, teasedwith a smile: „The meaning of seniorIunderstand, but the seniorhas a look at himself, the wrinkle that yousmile, cangrip the leaf.”
他上下打量浮现两眼,笑着调侃道:“前辈的意思我懂,但前辈看看自己,你笑起来的皱纹,都能夹住树叶了。”„Senior the strengthis now strong, mayenjoy the glory, splendor, riches and honor, butwaitsagain for 20years?”
“前辈现在实力强劲,可享荣华富贵,但再等二十年呢?”„Onlyfeared that graduallyold, movescontinuallydifficultly.”
“只怕垂垂老矣,连动弹都难。”Listened to his saying, the Gu Xuanpupillightto flashslightly, becamedim.
听他这一说,顾轩眸光微微一闪,变得黯淡起来。Luo Yansaidright.罗阎说的没错。Inthismortal world.
在这凡世间。No matter whatyourwhat kind ofHeaven's Chosen, in the face of the years, is overshadowedas before, waits for hundredyearsto cross, finallyonepouloess.
任你何等天骄,在岁月面前,依旧黯然失色,等百年一过,终不过一抔黄土。Hismouthmoves, the forced smilesaid: „Iwas old, butyouare different, ifyouremain, at leastmayenjoy the sixty year cycleglory, splendor, riches and honor.”
他嘴巴动了动,苦笑道:“我年纪大了,但你不同,你要是留下来,至少可享一甲子荣华富贵。”„Sixty year cycle......”
“一甲子……”Luo Yanmuttered..罗阎喃喃。。
The sixty year cycle, 60years, indeedisa long time, some people finallyitslifealsosixty year cycles.
一甲子,六十年,的确是很长的一段时间,有些人终其一生也不过一甲子。Ifheremains, inthisBaiyue Province, onlyfearsto be ableonto be similar to the emperorlife.
...... The emperordo not worry about the world, he only need lead a life of comforton the line.
不……皇帝还要操心天下,他只需享乐就行。Byhisstrength, the sybaritismis how good.
他目光渐渐变得坚定。Thatday, is nothewantsto have, pleasure in average maneyes, him, is actually suffering, cannot bring a joy.
那种日子,不是他想要过得,常人眼中的享乐,于他而言,却是一种折磨,带不来一丝快乐。Gu Xuanlooks atLuo Yanto be lost in thought.顾轩看罗阎陷入沉思。Immediatelysmiles , to continue to persuade: „Immortal Cultivationto be ableincrease life is not false, butIhave asked that is better thanthatancientforest, the longevityis abouthundredyears, and others were like me. Therefore, even ifyouimmortal cultivation, Zengshou'spossibilityis still minimal.”
当即一笑,继续劝说道:“修仙可以增寿不假,但我问过,强如那古林,寿也不过百年,和我等一样。所以,就算你去修仙,增寿的可能性也微乎其微。”„Luo Yan, youconsideredagaincarefully,reallymustforillusoryincrease life, butgives up the extremely easy to obtainpower and influence and position?”
“罗阎,你再仔细考虑考虑,真要为了虚无缥缈的增寿,而放弃唾手可得的权势和地位吗?”Luo Yansprinkleshoweversays with a smile: „Fightswith the day, endless enjoyment.”罗阎洒然一笑道:“与天斗,其乐无穷。”Gu Xuanunderstood, in the heartsomewhatloses.顾轩明白了,心中有些失落。Hewantsto makeLuo Yanremain, hasownselfishness, there is his reason.
他想让罗阎留下来,有自己的私心,也有他的理由。First, Luo Yanremains, even after hedied, canhelp the family that helooks afterhimto be.
其一,罗阎留下来,纵然他死去后,也能帮他照看他所在的家族。Second, hethought that remainsto be better, becausecomparesillusoryimmortal cultivation, enjoys the presentposition and power and influenceis safer.
其二,他觉得留下来更好,因为相较虚无缥缈的修仙,享受如今的地位和权势更加稳妥。But the Luo Yanintention to leavehas decided that healso can only choose the blessing.
但罗阎去意已决,他也只能选择祝福。At this time.
这时候。Outside the front gate, broadcasts the voice of servantsuddenly: „Pill Master Luo, someout of the doorpeopleseek an interview.”
院门外,忽然传来下人的声音:“罗丹师,门外有人求见。”„Who?”Luo Yanasked.
“谁?”罗阎问。„IsI.”Transmitsfromout of the doorjust like the clear springsound.
“是我。”宛如清泉般的声音从门外传来。Luo Yanlooked at the past, saw onlyShen Biluoto bring the maidservantsmallpeachto walk.罗阎看过去,只见沈碧落带着侍女小桃走了进来。Shehas dressed upobviouslycarefully, the appearance makes one unable to move the visionsimple and beautiful, the statureisproud, underoutlining of whiteskirt, reveals the beckoningoutline.
她显然精心打扮过,容貌清丽的让人挪不开目光,身材更是傲人,在白裙的勾勒下,显露出令人心动的轮廓。„ShenMiss?” The Luo Yaneyegroundflashes throughshocking.
“沈姑娘?”罗阎眼底闪过一丝惊艳。ThisShen Biluo, seriouslyisattractive, the skinis glittering and translucent carving, probably the waterdoes is the same.
这沈碧落,当真是漂亮,皮肤晶莹剔透,像是水做的一样。„Young MasterLuo, what kind of, is my familyyoung ladyverypretty?”
“罗公子,怎么样,我家小姐是不是很漂亮?”Shen Biluobehind, the smallpeachgrinningopens the mouth, thentakes undeserved creditsaying: „My familyyoung lady, forseesyou, light/onlydresses up, butspent a double-hour.”沈碧落身后,小桃笑嘻嘻的开口,然后邀功似的说道:“我家小姐为了来见你,光是打扮,可就花了一个时辰哦。”Thissayingexits.
这话出口。Shen Biluothatclearearlobeinstantaneouslybecomesred.沈碧落那晶莹的耳垂瞬间变得通红。Herstaringsmallpeach, turn the headto lookimmediatelytoLuo Yan, tranquilsay/way: „What kind of? How my does dress up?”
她瞪了眼小桃,随即转头看向罗阎,平静道:“怎么样?我这身打扮如何?”Hercomplexionfeels hot, is somewhat shy, butis pinching the skirt, is in front ofLuo Yanto smilepretty.
她面色发烫,有些羞涩,但还是捏着裙角,当着罗阎的面娇俏一笑。„Attractive.”Luo Yannods.
“漂亮。”罗阎点头。ThisShen Biluosmiles, indeedhadthattaste.
这沈碧落笑起来,的确有那味了。Shen Biluoputs down the skirt, before arriving at the Luo Yanbody, directauthorities: „Young MasterLuothinksobtainsImmortal Ascension Pillquota?”沈碧落放下裙角,走到罗阎身前,直截了当道:“罗公子想必已经得到升仙丹的的配额了吧?”„Un.”Luo Yandirectacknowledgment.
“嗯。”罗阎直接承认。„Congratulations.”Shen Biluosmiles, said: „Hearingoutside the city the peach blossomis just bright, does not know that the young mastermayhave the time, tomorrowwill accompany the blue skyto go out of townto playtogether?”
“恭喜。”沈碧落嫣然一笑,又道:“听闻城外桃花正灿烂,不知公子可有时间,明日陪碧落一起出城游玩?”Luo Yanhearsword, gawked.罗阎闻言,愣了一下。ThisShen Biluo, is quite bold, is quite straightforward.
这沈碧落,好大胆,好直白。Inhisheartastonished, andsomewhatadmiring, butunder the gaze of Shen Biluo, turns downwith a smile: „TomorrowmustaccompanyValuable Peace Kingto go out of town the negotiations, does not have the time.”
他心中惊异,并有些钦佩,但在沈碧落的注视下,还是笑着婉拒:“明天要陪宝泰王出城谈判,没有时间。”„Thatday after tomorrow?”Shen Biluogoes forwardonestep, the lookburning hot.
“那后天呢?”沈碧落上前一步,眼神炙热。„......”Luo Yandoes not lower the headto hesitate.
“唔……”罗阎低头沉吟。Immediatelylifts the pupil, directauthorities: „ShenMiss, myimmortalsaidwholeheartedly, todeep love between man and womanreallynointerest.”
随即抬眸,直截了当道:“沈姑娘,我一心仙道,对儿女情长实在没什么兴趣。”Such remarks.
此言一出。Gu Xuanlookedprobably the foolseesLuo Yan.顾轩像是看傻子一眼看着罗阎。
The smallpeachstamp the feet, anxiousresembleslike ants on a heated pan.
小桃更是跺了跺脚,急的像热锅上的蚂蚁。Herfamily/homeyoung lady, is so with great difficulty driving, result does Luo Yanopen the mouthto rejectunexpectedly?
她家小姐,好不容易这般主动,结果这罗阎竟然开口拒绝?Does not know that admiresherfamily/homeyoung lady'smanlining up to circleZhou Country?
难道不知道爱慕她家小姐的男人排队能绕周国一圈?„This.”Shen Biluosuddenly, on the face the happy expressionactuallydoes not reduce.
“这样啊。”沈碧落恍然,脸上笑意却不减。Shehas inquiredLuo Yan, knows the Luo Yancharacter, the Luo Yanrejection, earlyas she expected.
她打听过罗阎,知道罗阎的性格,罗阎拒绝,早在她预料当中。Butshehas not actually thoughtgiving up.
但她却没想过放弃。Her fatherlikesgivingherto arrange the object, heroneselfselectone, waits foryou can't unscramble an egg, looked that her fatheralsohasanythingto say.
她父亲喜欢给她安排对象,那她就自己挑一个,等生米煮成熟饭,看她父亲还有什么好说的。ButthisLuo Yan, is very good.
而这罗阎,就很不错。Sheis staring atLuo Yan, the redlipopens, opens the mouthagain: „Immortalroadis endless, snugglesmutually, reporting the groupwarms upto be how could it not be better?”
她盯着罗阎,红唇微启,再度开口:“仙路漫漫,互相依偎,报团取暖岂不更好?”Luo Yanshakes the head, said: „Climbimmortal said that such asascending to heavenstep, whentakes undivided attention, unprecedented.”„ShenMisspositionis honored, prettylikeflower. Whyto chooseme?”罗阎摇头,道:“攀登仙道,如登天阶,当心无旁骛,一往无前。”“沈姑娘地位尊贵,又貌美如花。何必选择我?”Shen Biluoshakes the head, the visionsaidfirmly: „Ichooseyou.”沈碧落摇头,目光坚定道:“我就选择你。”Shegoes forwardagainonestep, raised the headwithLuo Yanlooking at each other.
她再度上前一步,抬头与罗阎对视。Two peoplealmostpastein the same place.
两人几乎贴在一起。Luo YancansmellonShen Biluothatdelicate fragrance, evenlowers the head, canfeel the fieryaura between Shen Biluolips and teeth.罗阎能闻到沈碧落身上的那股清香,甚至低下头,就能感受到沈碧落唇齿间的火热气息。Helooks the forced smile.
他面露苦笑。Thiswoman, is very indeed hard to deal with.
这女人,的确十分难缠。Butis goodbecause, heis a rejection of understanding, andwillfirm and resolutegeneration.
但好在,他是一个懂的拒绝,且心志坚毅之辈。Helooks atShen Biluo, tranquilsay/way: „Truthyoutold that Ido not likeyouthis type, youchooseme is also useless.”
他看着沈碧落,平静道:“实话跟你说吧,我不喜欢你这种类型的,你选择我也没用。”„What do youlike?”Shen Biluofeelsangry, is somewhat ashamed and resentful.
“那你喜欢什么样的?”沈碧落感到气恼,又有些羞愤。„Youwere too young.”Luo Yanlowered the headto look at the eye, hypocriticalsay/way.
“你太小了。”罗阎低头瞄了眼,口是心非道。„Is young ladylittle?!”
“小姐还小?!”Nearby, the smallpeachcannot bearsend outto call out in alarm, simultaneouslylooked ateye.
一旁,小桃忍不住发出惊呼,同时看了眼自己。If the young ladiesare little, she is about equal tonot having?
若小姐都小,她岂不是约等于无?Shen Biluolooks down, the complexionsomewhatfeels hot.沈碧落低头看着自己,面色有些发烫。Inherheartashamed and resentful, a willow eyebrowsvertical stroke, looks uptoLuo Yan.
她心中羞愤,柳眉一竖,抬头望向罗阎。Seeing onlyLuo Yanvisionpureclear, andis firm, as ifreallycannot have a liking for itself.
只见罗阎目光纯澈且坚定,似乎真看不上自己。Sheis nipping the silvertooth, high and lowsizes upLuo Yanone, immediatelysaidbitterly: „Youare waitingtome.”
说罢。Sheturns arounddirectly, outwardwalks.
她径直转身,朝外走去。„Young lady, waits forme.” The smallpeachstareLuo Yan, rushedto pursue.
“小姐,等等我。”小桃瞪了眼罗阎,赶忙追了出去。Same place, is only left overLuo YanandGu Xuan.
原地,只剩下罗阎和顾轩。„Luo Yan, youreallydislikeShenMissto be young.” The Gu Xuanlookis complex, looks atLuo Yan, like looking at an alternative.
“罗阎啊,你真嫌沈姑娘小啊。”顾轩眼神复杂,看罗阎,就像在看一个另类。„Seniordoes not needsoto look atme, Ifind an excusecasually.”Luo Yantouches the nose.
“前辈不必如此看我,我随便找个借口罢了。”罗阎摸了摸鼻子。„Is sheyoung?”
“那她小吗?”„Big.”Luo Yanforced smile.
“不小。”罗阎苦笑。Healsomade up wild stories a excuseat that timewhile convenient.
他当时也就顺便胡诌个借口。Cannotsay,yourbigtoo, Ican't bear?
总不能说,你的太大,我受不了吧?„Ireallycannot think through, whyyourejectShenMiss. ButShenMissfatherShenTuo, existence under person. Althoughheis only a mortal, can actually affectimmortal cultivator. IfyoucanwithShenMissin the same place, be ableto be of helpfromhiminevitablyenormously.” The Gu Xuanoldgod was saying.
“我真想不通,你为何拒绝沈姑娘。沈姑娘的父亲可是沈拓,一人之下的存在。他虽然只是凡人,却能影响修仙者。你若是能和沈姑娘在一起,必然能从他那儿得到极大助益。”顾轩老神在在道。„Is seniorthisinstigatesmeto live by pimping?”Luo Yanlooked atGu Xuan.
“前辈这是怂恿我吃软饭吗?”罗阎看了眼顾轩。„Isn't softfoodfragrant? Otherswantto eatcould not have eaten.”Gu Xuanthinks otherwise.
“软饭不香吗?别人想吃还吃不到呢。”顾轩不以为然。„Even iflives by pimping, that can still firstbe familiar withher? Until now, Ihave seenherboth sides.”Luo Yanis helpless.
“就算吃软饭,那也要先熟悉她吧?直到现在,我才见过她两面。”罗阎无奈。Hedoes not know why thisShen Biluohas a liking for itself.
他也不知这沈碧落为何看上自己。Reallygrewleadson the line?
真就长得帅就行了?„Seesboth sides, shesoboldindicates the affectiontoyou?”Gu Xuanwas startled, in the looksomewhatadmiresunexpectedly.
The Shen Biluostatus, maybe more honored than Luo Yan.
要知道,沈碧落的身份,可比罗阎尊贵不少。Canmakesuch a femaleactivelypursue, the Luo Yancharm, can be inferred.
能让这样一位女子主动追求,罗阎的魅力,可见一斑。„Womanis the perceptualanimal.”Luo Yanthinks ofanything, explainedonelightly, immediately the corners of the mouthcurled upwards, said:
“女人是感性动物。”罗阎想到什么,淡淡解释一句,随即嘴角一翘,道:„What's wrong, attended to the seniornot anticipatingby the woman?”
“怎么,顾前辈没被女人追过?”„I......”Gu Xuanis unable to say, the expression, somewhatis embarrasedly awkward, is somewhat angry.
“我……”顾轩无法可说,表情讪讪,有些尴尬,又有些气恼。ThisLuo Yan, the speechmayreallyoffend somebody!
夜。If the wateris deep.
如水般深沉。Luo Yansits cross-leggedto sit, is feelingtrue qi in within the body. true qiis rich, forms the trickle, surgesin the meridians, surging forward, just like the difficult situation, the implicationmortalis hard the fearsomestrength of imagining.罗阎盘膝而坐,感受着体内的真气。真气浓郁,形成涓涓细流,在经脉中涌动,汹涌澎湃,宛如惊涛骇浪,蕴含凡人难以想象的可怖力量。In the middle ofhismeridians, true qiis saturated, approacheswithstands the limit.
他的经脉当中,真气已经饱和,逼近承受极限。Buthisflesh, is actually still continue producetrue qi.
但他的血肉,却还在继续产生真气。„The day after tomorrow...... does not have the dantian, true qithenonly to preservein the middle of the meridians. Then, howalsoto have the qualitative change?”Luo Yanknits the brows.
“后天……没有丹田,真气便只能储藏在经脉当中。如此一来,又如何产生质变?”罗阎皱眉。The day after tomorrowandinnatedifference.
后天和先天的区别。Andis most obvious, whether there is the dantian.
其中最明显的,就是有无丹田。In the middle of the hearsay, the dantianis the place of mustardXumi, maypreservenotmeasurestrue qi.
传闻当中,丹田是芥纳须弥之地,可储藏无量量真气。Had the dantian, thencansavetrue qi, evenmadeitsqualitative change, transformedas the supernatural power in legend.
有了丹田,便能积蓄真气,甚至令其质变,转化为传说中的法力。Butdoes not have the dantian.
When likeLuo Yanso, the courage vigoris strong and powerful, maycontinuouslyproducetrue qi, actuallynowhereimposition.
就像罗阎这般,血气壮盛时,可源源不断产生真气,却无处安放。Once the courage vigorstartsto decline, true qireduceddid not say, evenpossiblycould not delivertrue qiagain.
“咤!”Luo Yanopens mouth, pure whitetrue qigoestogetherair-splitting, pierces the wallthreezhang (3.33 m) away instantaneously, leaves behind a finger-thickpinholeon the wall.罗阎张嘴,一道纯白真气破空而去,瞬间洞穿三丈外的墙壁,在墙体上留下一个手指粗细的小洞。Thisis the holeemptydemonlight.
这是洞虚魔光。Makesbytrue qi, speedquickerat the same time, the mightalsogoes a step further.
The brightmoonlightby the pinhole, illuminatesin the room.
皎洁的月光透过小洞,照进屋内。Luo Yanlooks at the moonlight, the intentionmoves, scarletsex fiendmarksappearinhisbody surfacerapidly.罗阎看着月光,心念一动,一道道赤色魔纹在他体表迅速浮现。Compared before, the presenttrace, hasdifferentlysome.
相较于之前,现在的纹路,已经有了些许不同。Thisisheacts according to the whole bodybigsolutionto reviseto come, to obtainimposesto holdat the same time, damagestooneselfalsobecomessmaller.
A Luo Yanattempt, after consumingpart of true qi, helplessto the endgoes off.罗阎一番尝试,消耗一部分真气后,无奈倒头睡去。Waits fortomorrow.
等明日。Alsomustgo tooutside the cityto negotiatealong withthatValuable Peace King.
还需随那宝泰王去城外谈判。Likesmebeing ableto strengthenadds the pointto askeveryoneto collect:() Icanstrengthenadd the refresh rateto be quickest.
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