ICSBAP :: Volume #2

#169: Invitation

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I can strengthen add a https:// 我能强化加点https:// Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art! 夺天魔功 Sees Niu Youdao to turn into the dry corpse, presents martial artist to understand, complexions change. 见到牛有道变成干尸,在座武者都明白过来,一个个脸色微变。 Especially before opened the mouth to aim at Luo Yan that several people, is nervous and uneasy, the whole body tightens instantaneously, is afraid Luo Yan to kill to approach itself. 尤其是之前开口针对罗阎的那几人,更是如芒在背,浑身瞬间绷紧,害怕罗阎杀向自己。 They do not dare to open the mouth, all feared. 他们不敢开口,全都怕了。 One group of dancing girls send out the panic-stricken scream, complexions pallid escapes toward the palace. 一群舞女更是发出惊恐尖叫,一个个脸色煞白的朝殿外逃去。 But on most head, in Valuable Peace King heart one suddenly, when Luo Yan acts, the eyelid also trembled suddenly trembled. 而最上首,宝泰王心中一突,在罗阎出手时,眼皮也猛然颤了一颤。 The Luo Yan speed is too fast, the method monster is too evil. 罗阎速度太快,手段太妖邪。 Even fearful and apprehensive that he, still looks, in the heart has a fear unexpectedly. 即便是他,也看的胆战心惊,心中竟生出一丝恐惧。 He maintains composure, immediately pulls the talking corner/horn, said with a smile forced: 他不动声色,随即扯动嘴角,牵强一笑道: What originally Luo young friend cultivates is Martial God Sect Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art.” “原来罗小友修的是武神宗夺天魔功。” I hear, want to control this martial arts, needs the extremely high will.” “不过我听闻,想要驾驭这门武学,需要极高的心志。” Otherwise, will be operated by the demon merit, becomes monster that an only knowledge slaughters.” “不然,就会被魔功所操纵,成为一个只知杀戮的怪物。” Luo young friend must carefully for wonderful.” “罗小友还需小心为妙。” The Luo Yan corners of the mouth curl upwards, said with a smile lightly: This did not need the prince to be worried.” 罗阎嘴角一翘,轻笑道:“这点就不用王爷担心了。” Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art, is chased by all. 夺天魔功,人人喊打。 But now, Valuable Peace King does not dare saying that his least bit is not, full martial artist, is squeak under the sound does not dare. 但现在,宝泰王不敢说他半点不是,满座武者,更是连吱下声都不敢。 Obviously, this is the benefit that the strength provides. 显然,这就是实力带来的好处。 Haha, it seems like it was I considers thoroughly. Come, takes a seat, we drink wine.” “哈哈,看来是我多虑了。来,入座,我们饮酒。” The banquet continues. 宴席继续。 The Niu Youdao dry corpse was towed by the servant. 牛有道的干尸被下人拖了下来。 Rouses the Chinese zither to sound together, the stringed instruments are intermittent, the dancing girl dances in the palace, the stature is enchanting, long sleeve handsome. 鼓瑟齐鸣,弦乐阵阵,舞女在殿中起舞,身材妖娆,长袖翩翩。 But the atmosphere is not right. 但气氛已然不对。 Presents martial artist, is mostly restless, has no interest in listen to music to look at the dance. 在座武者,大都如坐针毡,无心听歌看舞。 Only has Luo Yan, as usual, appreciates the dance as before, in the eye is revealing the interested color. 只有罗阎,依旧如常,欣赏着歌舞,眼中露出饶有兴趣之色。 This king Tingtong said, Luo young friend does plan to go to the national capital?” Valuable Peace King opens the mouth suddenly. “本王听通儿说,罗小友打算前往国都?”宝泰王忽然开口。 Luo Yan nods, the eye does not look straight ahead, is staring at the dancing girl in main hall as before. 罗阎颔首,目不直视,依旧盯着大殿中的舞女。 This.” “这样啊。” In the Valuable Peace King heart breathes a sigh of relief lightly. 宝泰王心中轻舒了口气。 Originally, he is also thinking leaves behind Luo Yan, making Luo Yan use for oneself. 原本,他还想着留下罗阎,让罗阎为自己所用。 But now, he looks forward to Luo Yan this evil star to hurry to leave. 但现在,他巴不得罗阎这煞星赶紧离开。 This word does not gather, takes the person life, even attracts the person of dry corpse, with him is not a passer-by, even if remains, still can only be a disaster. 这种一言不合,就取人性命,甚至将人吸成干尸之人,和他不是一路人,就算留下来,也只会是个祸害。 He feels relieved, immediately said with a smile lightly: Does not know that Luo young friend before departure, can help this king one slightly busy?” 他如释重负,随即轻笑道:“不知道罗小友在离开前,能否帮本王一个小忙?” Mentioned listens.” Luo Yan is brief and to the point. “说来听听。”罗阎言简意赅。 Is this, later, I will go to outside the city the blood god army camp, negotiated. I want to ask Luo young friend to travel together along with me, protect and sustain 12, how doesn't know under little friend intent?” Valuable Peace King is saying, said with a smile pale: “是这样的,不日之后,我将前往城外血神军营地,进行谈判。我想请罗小友随我同行,护持一二,不知小友意下如何?”宝泰王说着,又淡笑道: Naturally, I will not make the little friend run a fruitless errand. The advantage, deciding however must have the little friend.” “当然,我也不会让小友白跑一趟。好处,定然是少不了小友的。” What advantage?” Luo Yan pupil belt/bring curious looks to Valuable Peace King. “什么好处?”罗阎眸带好奇的看向宝泰王 Hundred grains of true qi pill, in addition variation azure Zen 300 jin (0.5 kg). If the little friend intends, this king may also offer ten beautiful, if the angel young girl, all brings in new blood to have, is skilled in the say/way of albizzia julibrissin.” Saying that Valuable Peace King smiles. “百粒真气丹,再加上异种青禅三百斤。若小友有意,本王还可奉上十名美若天仙的少女,皆换血有成,精通合欢之道。”宝泰王笑眯眯的说道。 Before, he gave the treatment that Luo Yan prepared, was one bottle of true qi pill, in addition 30 jin (0.5 kg) variation azure Zen. 之前,他给罗阎准备的待遇,是一瓶真气丹,外加三十斤异种青禅。 The strength that but now, Luo Yan shows, far exceeds his imagination. 但如今,罗阎表现出的实力,远超他的想象。 This treatment, naturally must raise. 这待遇,自然也要拔高。 Hears Valuable Peace King to the Luo Yan treatment, presents martial artist, all slightly changes countenance. 听到宝泰王罗阎的待遇,在座武者,皆微微变色。 Especially sits in the front several masters, in eye astonished inexplicable, has mixed feelings. 尤其是坐在前方的几个宗师,眼中惊愕莫名,心情无比复杂。 They must go to outside the city to negotiate along with Valuable Peace King, but this advantage, but also Luo Yan 1/5. 他们也要随宝泰王前往城外谈判,但这好处,可还不到罗阎的五分之一。 In their hearts envies, has no alternative. 他们心中嫉妒,却也无可奈何。 But on left head. 而左上首。 After Luo Yan hears the commitment of Valuable Peace King, in the surface reveals the color of hesitation. 罗阎听到宝泰王的承诺后,面上露出沉吟之色。 On him, actually also somewhat variation. 他身上,倒是还有些异种。 However the cultivation resources, who will consider too little? 不过修炼资源,谁会嫌少? true qi pill does not have the city valuably, the azure Zen are by the spirit beast and ordinary beasts hybrid cultivation, but the meat animals, are Baiyue Province top variation, implication extremely huge vitality. 真气丹有价无市,青禅更是由灵兽和普通兽类杂交培育而出的肉畜,为百越府顶级异种,蕴含极其庞大的气血。 Along with Valuable Peace King goes out of town the negotiations, although some risks. 宝泰王出城谈判,虽有些风险。 But in the face of benefit, 但在利益面前, Some risks, are not naturally worth mentioning. After moment, he nods saying: Ok, but I only am responsible for your security. Meanwhile, true qi pill and that azure Zen, but also asked the prince to deliver ahead of time.” 些许风险,自然不值一提。片刻过后,他点头道:“可以,不过我只负责你的安全。同时,真气丹和那青禅,还请王爷提前送过来。” Haha, that settled.” Valuable Peace King is in a good mood, said immediately: true qi pill and azure Zen, two days I have then made one send.” “哈哈,那就这么说定了。”宝泰王心情畅快,当即道:“真气丹和青禅,过两日我便让人送去。” What the negotiations discussed was what? 谈判谈的是什么? It is not the strength. 不就是实力嘛。 But the Luo Yan strength, he has experienced. 罗阎的实力,他见识过了。 Has Luo Yan to follow, when the time comes negotiated, he also had the energy. 罗阎相随,到时候谈判,他也更加有底气。 ...... …… The banquet ended. 宴席结束。 After Luo Yan leaves, there is martial artist to look the indignant color immediately, looks at Valuable Peace King of upward head. 罗阎离开后,有武者顿时面露忿忿之色,看向上首的宝泰王 Prince, did you so let off that Luo Yan?” “王爷,您就这般放过那罗阎了?” He is the Niu Youdao good friend, calls is Miao rain, similarly is a grandmaster. 他是牛有道好友,唤做苗雨,同样是一位宗师。 Luo Yan, does not dare to open the mouth. 罗阎在时,不敢开口。 But now Luo Yan walks, is thinking to want justice for the good brothers. 但现在罗阎走了,便想着为好兄弟讨一个公道。 Otherwise?” Valuable Peace King looked at Miao rain lightly. “不然呢?”宝泰王淡淡看了眼苗雨。 Luo Yan is going to leave Baiyue Province. 罗阎将要离开百越府 Such being the case, why he wages a war, looks for trouble for oneself? 既然如此,他又何必大动干戈,给自己找麻烦? His practicing demon merit, if not kill it, I and others only feared that will also become his firewood.” Miao Yuchen the sound opens the mouth, is serious. “他修行魔功,若不将其打杀,我等只怕也会成为他之薪柴。”苗雨沉声开口,面色肃然。 Such remarks, immediately many people echo. 此言一出,当即有不少人附和。 Miao brother said rational.” “苗兄所言有理。” „A that Luo Yan word does not gather, kills ox the brother, is the prince your surface...... extremely to be really dissolute.” “那罗阎一言不合,就打杀牛兄,还是当着王爷您的面……实在太过放肆。” Yes the prince, ox the brother is not right, has not begun.” “是啊王爷,牛兄再不对,可没动手啊。” I look, that Luo Yan by the demon merit pollution will, had been feared feared he and others acted to me suddenly, fishes one before departure again in a big way.” “我看,那罗阎早已被魔功污染心志,怕就怕他忽然对我等出手,在离开前再捞一笔大的。” Several martial artist open the mouth one after another, all feels the danger. 数位武者接连开口,皆是感受到了危险。 Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art, illustrious, to attract the person essence and blood to expand oneself body. 夺天魔功,赫赫有名,以吸人精血壮大己身。 The side has such martial artist, they do not beat, they naturally feel to dread. 身边有这样一个武者,还是他们所不敌的,他们自然感到畏惧。 How did Nall and others feel supposed?” Valuable Peace King observes the situation, asked calmly. “那尔等觉得该如何?”宝泰王环视一圈,平静问道。 Removes it.” Miao rain said without hesitation. “自是将其除掉。”苗雨不假思索道。 How to remove?” Valuable Peace King looks to Miao rain. “如何除掉?”宝泰王看向苗雨。 This......” Miao rain the expression stagnates, suddenly cannot think of the good way. “这……”苗雨表情一滞,一时间也想不到好的办法。 Or do you go?” Valuable Peace King opens the mouth again. “要不你去?”宝泰王再次开口。 I......” Miao rain the eyelid trembles. “我……”苗雨眼皮一颤。 Does he go? 他去? His strength, with Niu Youdao only about the same, the vitality has started to decline. 他的实力,和牛有道只在伯仲之间,气血都已开始衰落。 He goes, what with delivering the vegetable/dish has to distinguish? He shakes the head immediately, direct rejection. 他去,跟送菜有什么区别?他当即摇头,直接拒绝。 You? Who is willing to remove that Luo Yan?” The Valuable Peace King vision sweeps several martial artist that had opened the mouth a moment ago. “你们呢?谁愿意去除掉那罗阎?”宝泰王目光扫过刚才开口的几个武者 Had been swept by his vision, several martial artist all are lowers the head to make the hesitation shape, either did not say a word, either drank wine to conceal awkwardly. 被他目光扫过,几个武者皆是低头作沉吟状,要么一言不发,要么饮酒掩饰尴尬。 Luo Yan is powerful, the method is cruel. 罗阎强大,手段更是残忍。 Are the rivals? 他们怎是敌手? How also dares to go? 又怎么敢去? Sees one crowd to fall into hand/subordinate silent, Valuable Peace King coldly smiles, said: This world, law of the jungle. That Luo Yan is powerful, is a no restriction of any kind temper, you, if fearless, although oneself begin.” 见一群手下都陷入沉默,宝泰王冷冷一笑,道:“这个世界,弱肉强食。那罗阎强大,又是个百无禁忌的性子,尔等若是无惧,尽管自己动手。” Naturally, before beginning, first withdraws from my Valuable Peace Palace, do not let that Luo Yan calculate the gratitude and grudges on my palace!” “当然,在动手前,先退出我宝泰王府,千万别让那罗阎把恩怨算在我王府头上!” When his look hidden in the shade, has swept that seedling rain, appears unexpectedly a murderous intention. 他眼神阴翳,扫过那苗雨时,竟浮现一丝杀机。 Copes with Luo Yan? 对付罗阎 The successful that's the end of it, failed, Luo Yan definitely calculates above him. 成功便罢,失败了,罗阎肯定都算在他头上。 These people do not fear death, his solemn prince, the big enterprise has lots of assets, may fear death very much. 这些人不怕死,他堂堂王爷,家大业大,可怕死得很。 Hears this saying. 听到这话。 The numerous martial artist complexion concentrates immediately, actually also listens to the Valuable Peace King implication. 武者面色顿时一凝,却也听出宝泰王的言外之意。 At that moment, then has martial artist to open the mouth with deep veneration. 当下,便有武者肃然开口。 You may not annoy to the prince troublesome.” “尔等可千万别给王爷惹麻烦。” „To bring death oneself to go, do not implicate others.” “想送死自己去,别连累其他人。” „After that Luo Yan several days, then must leave Baiyue Province. For several days, if dreads, finds a place to hide directly, after he departs, comes out, no one scolded you are the soft egg. Why to cause complications at this time?” “那罗阎几日后便要离开百越府。短短几日罢了,若是畏惧,直接找个地方藏起来,等他离去后再出来,也没人骂你是软蛋。何必在这时候节外生枝?” Miao brother, ox the brother is aggressive, brings about own destruction, will be extinguished by that Luo Yan kills. I know you am his good friend, but thinks that there you, thinks your hundred room/house wife and concubines. You may not study him......” “苗兄,牛兄咄咄逼人,自寻死路,才会被那罗阎灭杀。我知你是他好友,但想想你那儿子,想想你那百房妻妾。你可千万别学他……” In one crowd of martial artist persuasion under. 在一群武者的‘劝说’下。 The seedling rain smiles embarrasedly, actually also knows oneself annoy Valuable Peace King is not quick, rushes to change a statement: I said casually, does not need to place in the heart.” 苗雨讪讪一笑,却也知道自己惹宝泰王不快了,赶忙改口:“我随便说说而已,诸位不必放在心中。” Said. 说完。 Inexplicable, in his heart is unexpectedly alarmed and afraid. 莫名的,他心中竟然惊惧起来。 If he says tonight passes to that Luo Yan ear, that Luo Yan can come to kill him? 若是他今晚说的话传到那罗阎耳中,那罗阎会不会上门来杀他? Read and here, in his heart regretted constantly, wished one could to give itself a palm of the hand. 念及此处,他心中后悔不迭,恨不得给自己一巴掌。 Without my order, Luo Yan anybody does not permit.” The Valuable Peace King decision, the big hand wields immediately said: “没有我的命令,罗阎任何人都不准动。”宝泰王拍板,随即大手一挥道: Ok, you drew back.” “行了,尔等退下吧。” One crowd of martial artist depart one after another. 一群武者鱼贯离去。 In the main hall, is only left over Valuable Peace King and Zhou Tong. 大殿中,只剩下宝泰王周通 Zhou Tong stands side Valuable Peace King, asked low voice: Father, that Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art, really like that powerful?” 周通站在宝泰王身边,小声问道:“父亲,那夺天魔功,真那般强大?” His expression burning hot, had the extremely strong interest in Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art obviously. 他表情炙热,显然对夺天魔功产生了极其浓烈的兴趣。 Valuable Peace King shakes the head, said: Otherwise. That is an evil merit, and is not powerful.” 宝泰王摇头,道:“不然。那是门邪功,且算不上多强大。” Zhou Tong stares, does not dare to believe saying: How father knows that Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art isn't powerful?” 周通一愣,不敢置信道:“父亲怎知道夺天魔功不强大?” He feels inconceivable. 他感到不可思议。 If Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art is ordinary, that Luo Yan like that will be why powerful? 夺天魔功一般,那罗阎为何会那般强大? Because I have also practiced.” Valuable Peace King hangs the pupil, said one to let the Zhou Tong especially shocking words. “因为我也修炼过。”宝泰王垂眸,说出了一句让周通格外震惊的话。 What?” The Zhou Tong pupil shrinks suddenly. “什么?”周通瞳孔骤缩。 „When I am young, has listened to the Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art hearsay, is hopeful, then sends people to go to the float island, caught Martial God Sect odd/surplus evil. Under several pressed for an answer, odd/surplus evil said Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art the law of practicing.” “我年轻时,就听过夺天魔功的传闻,心生向往之下,便派人前往浮游岛,抓回了一个武神宗余孽。几番逼问下,那余孽就说出了夺天魔功的修行之法。” The Valuable Peace King expression is indifferent. 宝泰王表情淡然。 Is he for the prince, the power and influence so big? 他为王爷,权势何等之大? Wants a family merit law, isn't that simple? 想要一门功法,那还不简单? „But how haven't I seen in the arsenal?” Zhou Tong is stunned. “可我怎么没在武库中见过?”周通愕然。 Because Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art is indeed ordinary . Moreover the future trouble is large, therefore I destroyed directly.” The Valuable Peace King chuckle, turned around to pat the Zhou Tong shoulder, said: “因为夺天魔功的确一般,而且后患颇大,所以我直接销毁了。”宝泰王轻笑,转身拍了拍周通肩膀,说道: I learn that demon merit, attracted several Bone Refinement accomplishments experts, the strength indeed strove much. But I was also killed to read to control, refuse to acknowledge family, goes crazy directly. Even......” “我学会那魔功,吸了几个炼骨大成的好手,实力的确精进不少。但我也被杀念所控制,六亲不认,直接发狂。甚至……” Said here , he in the pupil revealed a pain: Even, wrong killed your mother.” 说道此处,他顿了顿,眸中流露一丝痛苦:“甚至,错杀了你母亲。” What?” The Zhou Tong eye pupil trembles, the complexion becomes pale. “什么?”周通眼眸一颤,面色变得苍白。 When he young, mother then leaves him to go. 他年幼时,母亲便离他而去。 Before, others told his mother dead of illness, does not think, wrong was killed by the father unexpectedly. 之前,旁人都告诉他母亲是病死的,不想,竟然是被父亲错杀的。 His lip sipped sipping, is somewhat painful, somewhat unwilling asking: That Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art, side effect really so huge? How did the father sober afterward?” 他嘴唇抿了抿,有些痛苦,又有些不甘的问道:“那夺天魔功,副作用真的如此巨大?那父亲后来是怎么清醒过来的?” I was seized by your grandfather, locked more than half a year with the iron chain, finally, under your uncle sought one grain to purify the mind pill to take to me, I got rid to kill to read extensively, restore.” “我被你爷爷擒下,以铁链锁了大半年,最后,还是你大伯求来一粒清心丹给我服下,我才恢摆脱杀念,恢复过来。” The Valuable Peace King facial expression is even more painful. 宝泰王神情愈发痛苦。 For that grain purifies the mind pill, his big brother receives 30 years of duty, leaves Grand Pure Sect directly, arrives at Baiyue Province, collects essence pill. 为了那粒清心丹,他大哥接下三十年任务,直接离开太清宗,来到百越府,收集精气丹。 He cultivates Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art, promoted some strengths. 他修夺天魔功,增进了些许实力。 But the price, was actually loves dying and big brother’s of wife say/way way cuts off. 可代价,却是挚爱妻子的死去和大哥的道途断绝。 Often remembers these matters, he will be in deep sorrow. 每每想起这些事,他都会痛不欲生。 Therefore, he then destroyed Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art of that chief criminal directly. 故而,他便直接将那罪魁祸首的夺天魔功销毁了。 Zhou Tong is silent. 周通默然。 The father cultivates Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art, the paid price is nothing less than big. 父亲修炼夺天魔功,付出的代价不可谓不大。 But he somewhat was still unwilling. 但他仍有些不甘。 Father, I thinks that Luo Yan, does not seem affected by anything.” He is hesitating the say/way. “父亲,我看那罗阎,好像没受什么影响。”他迟疑着道。 His will is firm and resolute, could attract two people much. But one day, he will be sooner or later same as same day me, was killed to read the control, goes crazy directly, refuses to acknowledge family.” “他心志坚毅,或许能多吸两人。但迟早有一天,他会和当日的我一样,被杀念控制,直接发狂,六亲不认。” Valuable Peace King sneers. 宝泰王冷笑。 Only then has experienced, has the right to speak. 只有经历过,才有发言权。 He also has to cultivate Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art, Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art has evilly different, he is naturally clear. 他又不是没修炼过夺天魔功,夺天魔功有多邪异,他自然一清二楚。 ...... …… A night of safe/without matter. 一夜无事。 Next day, Luo Yan under the leadership of Zheng Chi, goes to the Weishui river bank, holds a memorial service for Ma Laifeng. 第二天,罗阎郑叱的带领下,前往渭水河畔,祭奠马来风 Returns from the Weishui river bank. 从渭水河畔返回。 Just returned to the yard, saw Gu Xuan sat in the institute by the stone table. 刚回到自己小院,就看到了顾轩坐在院中石桌旁。 Gu Xuan is seeks obviously his, sees him, then welcomed directly. 顾轩显然是来寻他的,一见到他,便直接迎了上来。 Haha, a half year has not seen, little friend strength, was even more astonishing.” Gu Xuan laughs. “哈哈,半年未见,小友这实力,越发惊人了啊。”顾轩大笑。 Quick that on the same day he ran. 当日他跑的很快。 This thinks that facing bloodstone snake and that Xu Xiaosu, Luo Yan is more unfortunate than fortunate. 本以为面对血晶蛇和那徐小粟,罗阎已经凶多吉少。 Actually lived. 没想到,竟然活了下来。 This makes him quite astonished, after knowing the Luo Yan return, then rushes to inquire the Luo Yan dwelling, then comes to visit personally. 这让他颇为惊异,在得知罗阎归来后,便赶忙打探罗阎的住处,然后亲自前来拜访。 Cannot call astonishingly.” “惊人称不上。” The Luo Yan chuckle, sees Gu Xuan to beam with health, high-spirited, then opens the mouth to ask: Looks at senior like this, this period of time passes well?” 罗阎轻笑,见顾轩满面红光,意气风发,便开口问道:“看前辈这样子,这段时间过得不错?” Naturally good. This Baiyue Province folded several masters all of a sudden, my position, natural when production costs rise, prices rise too.” Gu Xuan laughs, immediately a voice revolution, opens the mouth to ask: Actually you, listening to ancient forest the senior saying that you stayed in Immortal Ascension Pavilion in the half year, with two senior together self-tortures?” “当然不错。这百越府一下子折了数位宗师,我这地位,自然水涨船高嘛。”顾轩大笑,随即话音一转,开口问道:“倒是你,听古林前辈说,你这半年都呆在升仙阁中,和二位前辈一起苦修?” In his eye brings a curiosity. 他眼中带着一丝好奇。 After his day flees , went to Immortal Ascension Pavilion, is thinking reports the matter, but was driven away directly by the ancient forest. 他那日逃离后,也去过升仙阁,想着将事情汇报上去,但直接被古林驱赶出去了。 Self-torture? 苦修? Luo Yan gawked under. 罗阎愣了下。 However changes mind thinks, was seized the shed after all is not the honored matter, ancient forest and Gu Santong, should not have to say the truth with Gu Xuan, but was the self-torture was perfunctory. 不过转念一想,被夺舍毕竟不是什么光彩的事,古林和古三通,应该没跟顾轩说出实情,而是苦修敷衍了过去。 So thinking, him is also nodding. 如此想着,他也点了点头。 Two seniors direct, such rapidness that no wonder your strength strives.” “有二位前辈指点,难怪你实力精进的如此之快。” In the Gu Xuan eye flashes through one to envy, immediately also said: Right, I heard that you did kill that Niu Youdao?” 顾轩眼中闪过一丝羡慕,随即又道:“对了,我听说你把那牛有道打死了?” A grandmaster falls from the sky, that is an important matter. 一位宗师陨落,那可是一件大事。 This news, he heard last night, in the heart does not shock is not possible. 这个消息,他昨晚就听到了,心中不震惊是不可能的。 He brings about own destruction.” Luo Yan shakes the head, the facial expression is tranquil. “他自寻死路罢了。”罗阎摇头,神情平静。 That Niu Youdao, but prefectural city established powerhouse, but also by Valuable Peace King handful in position that acts protectorate, the power and influence is astonishing...... you to know, you kill it, caused the big stir in the prefectural city?” Gu Xuan said with a smile. “那牛有道可是府城老牌强者,还被宝泰王捧到了代理镇守的位置上,权势何等惊人……你可知,你将其打死,在府城中引起了多大的轰动吗?”顾轩笑道。 Greatly?” Luo Yan selects the eyebrow. “多大?”罗阎挑眉。 Your Master to become, spreads from my mouth. Therefore they thought that your I relate great.” Gu Xuan looked at Luo Yan, helpless said: “你成宗师,就是从我口中传出的。所以他们都觉得你我关系不浅。”顾轩看了眼罗阎,无奈道: This morning, many people look for me, making me help them recommend you, but until a moment ago, me received that group of people, did you say in a big way?” “今天一早,就有许多人找上我,让我帮他们引荐一下你,而直到刚才,我才接见完那群人,你说有多大?” „Did senior comply?” Luo Yan gawked under. “前辈答应了?”罗阎愣了下。 No, I all rejected.” “没,我全都拒绝了。” Gu Xuan smiles, a voice revolution, said: You must be ready, then, looks your person is not few.” 顾轩一笑,话音一转,又道:“不过你要做好准备,接下来,来找你的人不会少。” Asks me to do really?” Luo Yan asked curiously. “找我作甚?”罗阎好奇问道。 Nothing but benefit two characters. You are in front of Valuable Peace King, massacres Niu Youdao. This on behalf of anything, the discerning people can look. If there are you to work as the backer, in this Baiyue Province, they can ride roughshod?” Gu Xuan smiles to say. “无非利益二字。你当着宝泰王的面,杀掉牛有道。这代表什么,明眼人都能看出来。若是有你当靠山,在这百越府中,他们岂不是能横行无忌?”顾轩笑眯眯说道。 Luo Yan understood. 罗阎懂了。 Likes me being able to strengthen adds the point to ask everyone to collect:() I can strengthen add the refresh rate to be quickest. 喜欢我能强化加点请大家收藏:()我能强化加点更新速度最快。
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