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After liquorsating the appetitefoot, the Luo Yantowards oneselfyardwalks.
酒饱饭足后,罗阎朝自己小院走去。Justarrived at the instituteentrance, saw that a youthstoodbefore the gate.
刚来到院门口,就看到有个青年站在门前。SeesLuo Yan, the youthwelcomedimmediately, saidsubmissively: „Is seniorLuo Yan?”
“是我?”Luo Yansizes upyouthoneeyesup and down, saidcareless: „Are youwhich?”罗阎上下打量青年一眼,漫不经心道:“你是哪位?”Heobservesthisyouthbrocadeclothesto decorate the jade, the vitalityis powerful, the strengthtoBone Refinement, has stemmed from the prestigious familyprominent familymostly.
他观这青年锦衣缀玉,气血强大,实力已至炼骨,多半出自名门望族。„Below Zhou Tong.”Zhou Tongsmiledsaying with a smile.
“在下周通。”周通笑了笑道。Hisvoiceis respectful, is difficultto covermeaningproudly.
他声音恭敬,却难掩傲然之意。Luo Yanlookssuddenly.罗阎面露恍然。Zhou Tongthisnamehehas listened, Valuable Peace Palaceheir apparent, Zhou YuyaoElder Brother.周通这名字他听过,宝泰王府的世子,周玉瑶的哥哥。ThisZhou Tongas the palaceheir apparent, at this momentactuallysorespectfuldefendingbefore the front gate, but alsocalledhissenior.
这周通身为王府世子,此刻却如此恭敬的守在院门前,还叫他前辈。Mostly, isheard that hehas become the grandmaster.
多半,是听说他已经成为了宗师。Hemaintains composure, tranquilsay/way: „Originallyis heir apparent? Do the heir apparentsaskmeto havewhatimportant matter?”
他不动声色,平静道:“原来是世子?世子找我有何要事?”„Isthis. Now the seniorMasterto become, has continuedto stayinthismedicinework place, ratherextremelyuses a talented person in an insignificant position. Thereforemy fathersendsmeto come, takesyouto go to the palaceto live.”
“是这样的。如今前辈已成宗师,继续呆在这药坊,未免太过大材小用。故而我父亲派我过来,接您去王府居住。”Zhou Tongis considering the sentence, the expressionis respectful, is neither arrogant nor servile: „Palacehad leaptCloud Billow Pavilion, youmoved on.”周通斟酌着语句,表情恭敬,却又不卑不亢:“王府已经将云澜阁腾了出来,就等您入住了。”Hisexpressionis self-confident, actuallydoes not believe that Luo Yanwill reject.
他表情自信,却是不相信罗阎会拒绝。Cloud Billow Pavilionis a Valuable Peace Palacepavilioninstitute, occupies the entirepalace1/10.云澜阁是宝泰王府的一座阁院,占据整个王府十分之一。OnlywasconstructsCloud Billow Pavilion, money of expendituresurpassed1.002 million.
光是建造云澜阁,花费的银子就超过了百万两。Theluxuriousdegree, goes beyondcompared withitimperial palace, the interiorwasgathersto raisedoes not know that manyyoungprettysinging girldancing girl, loved to talk aboutby the prefectural citycommon people, is called the sonheaven.
To comeinhim, without the man, canrejectthisCloud Billow Pavilion.
在他想来,没有男人,能拒绝这座云澜阁。Luo Yanhas naturally heardthisCloud Billow Pavilion.罗阎自然听说过这云澜阁。Hehas not thought,Valuable Peace Kingplansto give itselfthispavilioninstituteunexpectedly...... because is a grandmaster?
他没想到,宝泰王竟然打算将这座阁院送给自己……就因为自己是宗师?Howeverchanges mindthinks, the bloodgodarmywill soon enter the city.
After how manydays, will the Valuable Peace Palacethingalso belong toValuable Peace Palace?
几日后,宝泰王府的东西还会属于宝泰王府吗?Sothinking, inhisheartmanyintention that understoodthisZhou Tong.
这般想着,他心中多少明白了这周通的意图。Helooked that toZhou Tong that waiting foroneselfreplied, shakes the head saying: „After a period of time, Imustleave the prefectural city, goes to the national capital. The good intention of princeIdeclined with thanks, moved inexempts.”
他看向等待自己回答的周通,摇了摇头道:“过段时间,我就要离开府城,前往国都。王爷的好意我心领了,入住就免了。”Waits forBell Divine Towerto send, he must go to the national capitalwithancientforestand the others, waits for an opportunityto joinGrand Pure Sect.
“这……”Zhou Tongfacial expressionembarrasedly.周通神情讪讪。Luo Yanbecomes the grandmaster, ishis fatherhearsfrom the Gu Xuanmouth.罗阎成为宗师,是他父亲从顾轩口中听说的。
The grandmaster who justbroke through, naturallyis unworthyhisZhouto offerCloud Billow Pavilion.
一个刚刚突破的宗师,自然不值他周家献上一座云澜阁。Butnow, the bloodgodarmyenter the cityto near.
但如今,血神军入城在即。Buthis fatherdoes not wantto give up the baseindustry of Baiyue Province.
而他父亲又不想放弃百越府的基业。Therefore, can only negotiatewith the bloodgodarmy.
His act, is the planties upLuo Yanonownchariot.
他此举,是打算把罗阎绑在自己战车上。Luo Yanafter all is a grandmaster, canincrease the strength, butstrength, the probability of successful negotiation is also naturally higher.罗阎毕竟是一位宗师,能增加己方实力,而己方实力强,谈判成功的概率自然也越高。Hehas not thought,Luo Yanwill flatly refuseunexpectedly.
只是他没想到,罗阎竟然会一口回绝。Hesmilesforced, said: „Since the seniormustleave, thateven, but the palacegives a banquettonight, the receptiongives a welcoming dinnerto the senior, the seniormayprobablycome.”
他牵强一笑,说道:“既然前辈要离开,那就算了,不过王府今晚设宴,给前辈接风洗尘,前辈可一定要来。”„My fatherhas also been talking overyou, wantsto experience your youngsterHeaven's Chosenwith own eyes.”
“我父亲也一直念叨着您,想要亲眼见识见识您这位少年天骄。”Luo Yanshakes the headdirectly the rejection: „Gave a banquetto exempt, I and princehave usually not worn a mask, when can not so the treatment.”罗阎直接摇头拒绝:“设宴就免了,我和王爷素未蒙面,当不得这般待遇。”On the Zhou Tongface the smilestagnates, in the heartis somewhat angry.周通脸上笑容一滞,心中有些气恼。Hissolemnheir apparent, invitedpersonally.
他堂堂世子,亲自相邀。Givesfullythisperson of face.
已是给足了这人面子。Does not think, beginningthispersonMasterto become, is so then arrogant, rejectshimunexpectedlyagain and again, rathertoodid not givehim the Valuable Peace Palaceface.
不想,这人初成宗师,便这般高傲,竟两次三番拒绝他,未免也太不给他宝泰王府面子了。Hefelt bad, insurface, the smiledoes not reduce: „Senior, youweremyValuable Peace Pharmacypillmaster, the medicinework placehaveyoursuchoutstandingafter all, my fathermustreceive. Otherwise, the bystandermustsay that myValuable Peace Palacedoesn't understandto treasure the talent?”
The Luo Yanbrowslightlywrinkle, thinks,said: „ Good,罗阎眉头微皱,想了想,道:“那好,Yougo backto tellValuable Peace King, Ifeasttonightinevitablyon time. ” „Such being the case, thatlater, the younger generationsends peopleto meet the senioragain.”Zhou Tonglooks the happy expression.
你回去告诉宝泰王,我今晚必然准时赴宴。”“既然如此,那等晚些时候,晚辈再派人来接前辈。”周通面露笑意。Hesaw that Luo Yanis unhappy.
他看出罗阎不开心。Unhappyis unimportant, so long asis willingto feaston the line.
After waiting forinto the feast, experiencetohisValuable Peace Palacestrength, somewill be unhappy, decideshoweverwill vanish into thin air.
等入宴之后,见识到他宝泰王府的实力,些许的不开心,定然会烟消云散。After all, asQu Jiuyoufalls from the sky, nowhisValuable Peace Palaceis the Baiyue Provinceday, in the middle ofthisprefectural city, but alsono onedaresto opposewithhisValuable Peace Palace.
毕竟,随着曲九幽陨落,现在他宝泰王府就是百越府的天,在这府城当中,还没人敢跟他宝泰王府作对呢。He is so thinking, archedcupping one hand in the other across the chesttoLuo Yan, thenturns aroundto depart.
The Luo Yaneyenarrowednarrowing the eyes.罗阎眼睛眯了眯。Thisworld, must always havetroublesome.
这世间,总少不了麻烦。Sometimes, the avoidance, troublesomeonlywill be constantly getting more and more.
有些时候,一味躲避,麻烦只会越来越多。Would rather, exposes the strengthdirectly, makestroublesomenot dareto look for itselfagain.
倒不如,直接展露实力,让麻烦不敢再找上自己。Hecrookedtilting the head, turns aroundto enter the yard.
The nightfalls.
夜幕降临。Valuable Peace Palace.宝泰王府。In the middle ofsomemain hall.
某大殿当中。Onecrowd of martial artistminutes/sharessitby the main hall, drink wine, whileenjoy the dance.
一群武者分坐于大殿两旁,正一边饮酒,一边赏舞。Main hallcenter.
大殿中央。Onecrowd of dancing girlphysiquedrag, makingonebe hardto move out of the way the vision.
一群舞女身姿摇曳,令人难以挪开目光。Butonmost the head, Valuable Peace Kingsits wellthere, quitesomewhatdoes not get angryfrom the color of prestige.
而最上首,宝泰王端坐那儿,颇有几分不怒自威之色。Hisaboutunderhead, thensitsnumerousmartial artist, is the palacebackbone.
其左右下首,则坐着一众武者,皆是王府骨干。Badly is also the Bone Refinementmid and lateexpert, have several a grandmaster, the imposing manneris astonishing.
最差也是炼骨中后期的高手,其中更有数位宗师,气势惊人。„Prince, youcallmeand otherstonight, forthatis called the Luo Yanboy? Is the boy worth sowaging a war?”
“王爷,您今晚叫我等来,就为了那叫做罗阎的小子?那小子值得您如此大动干戈吗?”At this time, had the martial artistopens the mouth.
这时候,有武者开口了。Thatis a veterangrandmaster, is one of the palacestaff, may be calledleft and right arms of Valuable Peace King.
那是一位老牌宗师,是王府幕僚之一,堪称宝泰王的左膀右臂。„Ihave investigatedthatboy, is about20 years old, thenachievementthe day after tomorrowboundarygrandmaster. The talent, is really so astonishing.”Valuable Peace Kingsipped the tone, saying that ifhas referred.
“我调查过那小子,不过二十岁,便成就后天境宗师。这般天赋,实在惊人。”宝泰王抿了口气,若有所指的说道。„After being 20-year-old, heaven sect master?”
“20岁的后天宗师?”martial artist in main hallallhas a scare, whispers, talks in whispers.
大殿中的武者全都吓了一大跳,一个个交头接耳,窃窃私语。Generally speaking.
一般而言。martial artistcanbecome the grandmasterbefore age 30, cansay that startledcertainlycolorful, is a mansionHeaven's Chosen.武者能在30岁前成为宗师,便可称惊才绝艳,为一府天骄。But20-year-oldgrandmaster, hundredyears ago Martial God Sect that haven't theyheard?
而20岁的宗师,除了百年前武神宗的那位,他们还从没听说过?„Prince, is thatpersonreallyonly20 years old?”Somepeopleare unable to believe that askedagain.
“王爷,那人真才二十岁?”有人无法置信,再次问道。„Takes seriously. Moreoverthatperson of upward18generations, notprominent, has not had the immortal.”Valuable Peace Kingnarrows the eyesto focusto say. „, Isn't thatperson the bloodlinesrecovery?”martial artiston the scenesomewhatis stunned.
“当真。而且那人往上十八代,未曾显赫过,更未曾出过仙人。”宝泰王微眯着眼道。“如此说来,那人不是血脉复苏?”在场武者都有些愕然。„ThisIdo not know.”Valuable Peace Kingsaid with a smile.
“这我就不知道了。”宝泰王笑道。„20-year-oldgrandmasteris not common. The princeknowswhathecultivatesiswhatZhonggong? Alsothere is what kindfortuitous encounter?” The peoplecame the interest, immediatelyfacecuriousasking.
“20岁的宗师可不一般。王爷知道他修的是何种功法?又有过何等奇遇吗?”众人来了兴趣,当即一脸好奇的问道。18generationshave not had the immortalupward, the possibility that the bloodlinesrecoverare minimal, that can only be the meritlaw and fortuitous encounter.
往上十八代未曾出过仙人,血脉复苏的可能性微乎其微,那就只能是功法和奇遇了。Valuable Peace Kingsmiles saying: „Hecame, do youaskhimnoton the line?”宝泰王笑眯眯道:“等他来了,你们自己问问他不就行了吗?”„Feared that heis not willingto say.”Has the martial artistcoldsoundopens the mouth.
“就怕他不愿说。”有武者冷声开口。„Might as well, Iand otherseducated with reason, appeal, heshouldrelent.”
“无妨,我等晓之以理,动之以情,他应该会松口的。”Has the old manto laugh, looks all around, highsound said: „After all, thisisbenefitseveryone'sgood deed.”
有老者大笑,环顾四周,高声道:“毕竟,这是造福大家的好事嘛。”„Haha, whatox the brothersaidis.”
“牛前辈此言在理。”Numerousmartial artistopens the mouthto echo, alllooks the happy expression.
众武者开口附和,全都面露笑意。Ifcanpress for an answerthatLuo Yansecret, comestothem, is a good deed.
若能逼问出那罗阎的秘密,对他们而来,也是件好事。At this time.
The voice of servantoutside the main hallbroadcasts.
大殿外传来的下人的声音。„Luo YanYoung MasterLuo!”
The soundconveys, the main hallis quietimmediately, allmartial artistlookto the main hallentrance.
声音传来,大殿登时静谧,所有武者都看向大殿入口。Saw only a azure clothesyouthto walkslowly, the abundantgodwas handsome, has an imposing appearance.
只见一位青衣青年缓缓走了进来,丰神俊朗,器宇轩昂。Ifhispupil the stars, have swept the peoplelightly.
The peoplehad been sweptbyitsvision, onlythinks that the breathstagnates, in the hearthas a tremblingfeelingunexpectedly, slightlychanges countenance.
众人被其目光扫过,只觉呼吸一滞,心中竟有种战栗之感,不由微微变色。ThisLuo Yan, actuallyimaginescompared withthemonstrongmany.
The Luo Yanfacial expressionis indifferent, enters the main hall, archedcupping one hand in the other across the chesttowardValuable Peace King, tranquilsay/way: „Luo Yanhas seen the prince.”罗阎神情淡然,走进大殿,朝宝泰王拱了拱手,平静道:“罗阎见过王爷。”„Haha.”
“哈哈。”Valuable Peace Kinglaughedto stand, said: „Luo Yan, come, sitshere.”宝泰王大笑着站了起来,道:“罗阎,来,坐这儿。”Hereferred tonear the left handunder the firstposition, madeonefeel quite at home the smilewear a look.
他指了指自己左手边下首第一个位置,面带令人倍感亲切的笑容。„Many thanksprince.”
“多谢王爷。”Luo Yan said that the Yuedancing girl, walkstoward the seat that Valuable Peace Kingknew.罗阎道了一句,越国舞女,朝宝泰王所知的位子走去。Two sidesmartial artistallvisithim, sizes upcarefully.
两边武者皆看着他,仔细打量。Theythink, beginningthisLuo YanMasterto become, the strengthis inevitably ordinary.
他们本以为,这罗阎初成宗师,实力必然一般。Howeversawpersonal, felt that fearfulness of Luo Yan, the courage vigor of thatwithin the body, is ordinaryjust like the forthcomingvolcano.
然而切身见了,才感觉到罗阎的可怕,那体内的血气,宛如即将爆发的火山一般。Theysitin the distant place, canfeelunexpectedlylightpressure that heads on.
他们坐在远处,竟然都能感觉到那扑面而来的淡淡压力。Obviously, thischildis extremely strong, will not be the commonday after tomorrowinitial periodgrandmaster!
显然,此子极强,绝非一般的后天初期宗师!„Ilooked that Luolittle brothercourage vigoris strong and powerful, true qiis turbulent, the air/Qifield that forms, the old menhad even been inferior,likedoes not enter the appearance of grandmasterinitially. May I ask, whatLuolittle brothercultivatesiswhatZhonggong?”
“我看罗小兄弟血气壮盛,真气汹涌,所形成的气场,连老夫都有所不如,不像初入宗师的样子。敢问,罗小兄弟修的是何种功法?”Luo Yanjustsat well, somepeopleopened the mouth.罗阎刚坐定,就有人开口了。Thatis a gray-hairedthinold man, the aquiline nose, the phoenixeye, sitsin the Luo Yanopposite, in the surfacehas the curiousandpuresmile.
那是一个头发花白的精瘦老者,鹰钩鼻,丹凤眼,坐在罗阎的对面,面上带着好奇而纯真的笑容。„Are you?”Luo Yanlooked at an old man, carelesssay/way.
The old maneyesnarrow the eyes, the complexiondoes not change, loud and clearsay/way: „Old manfull nameNiu Youdao, Princeveiledregards as important, the shameactsprotectorateforthisBaiyue Province.”
老者眼睛一眯,面色不改,掷地有声道:“老夫全名牛有道,蒙王爷看重,忝为这百越府代理镇守。”On the head, the Valuable Peace Kingfacial expressionis tranquil, Zhou TongstandsinValuable Peace Kingbehind, the lookreveals the color of interestedseeing a play.
上首,宝泰王神情平静,周通站在宝泰王身后,眼神露出饶有兴趣的看戏之色。But, numerousmartial artistcould not sit stillfinally.
而下方,一众武者终于坐不住了。„Luo Yan, didn't youroxbrothersknow?”
“罗阎,你连牛兄都不认识?”„Goodseniorachievementgrandmaster more than 30years, the meteorpursues the moon/monthNiu Youdaogiven name, likes thunder reverberating in one's earsinentireBaiyue Province, haven't youactuallylistened? Jumping of whichlumpfromcomes out?”
“牛前辈成就宗师三十余年,流星追月牛有道的名号,在整个百越府如雷贯耳,你竟然没听过?从哪个疙瘩的蹦出来的?”„Youare young, oxbrother'sbeforehanddeedshas not listenedexcusable, butoxbrotheroneyear ago, a person of sword, the facts of brokenbloodgodarmyten thousandpeople of strategic places have youalways listened?”
“你年纪小,牛兄以前的事迹没听过情有可原,但牛兄一年前,一人一剑,破血神军万人重镇的事迹你总听过吧?”„Alsoorsaid,Luo Yanyouhave listened to the given name of Masterox, plays tricks onMasteroxinthisintentionally?”
“亦或是说,罗阎你听过牛宗师的名号,故意在此戏弄牛宗师?”As the last few wordspass on, the air of entiremain hallseemsbecomesdignified.
随着最后一句话传出来,整个大殿的空气好似都变得凝重起来。„Originallyis the Niu Youdaogoodsenior.”
“原来是牛有道牛前辈。”Luo Yannods, lookssuddenly, to askimmediately: „Goodseniorwantsto knowmeritlaw that Iamend?”罗阎颔首,面露恍然,随即问道:“牛前辈想知道我所修的功法?”„Youare young, canhavethisachievement, the meritlegalhoweveris not common. Ihope,youcantaketo giveperson of same beliefto observe and emulate12, good, makingmeand othersbe able the common progress.”Niu Youdaosinceresay/way.
“你年纪轻轻,就能有此成就,功法定然不一般。我希望,你能拿出来给诸位同道观摩一二,也好,让我等能够共同进步。”牛有道正色道。„Yes, puts outto come to see, whyour does sweeptake care of oneself?”
“是啊,拿出来看看,何必敝扫自珍?”„BrotherLuo Yan, you , if willingand othersto share your meritlawwithme, youareI and otherobligationperson, Iand othersdecidedhoweveram deeply grateful.”
“罗阎兄弟,你要是愿意与我等分享你那功法,你就是我等的大恩人,我等定然感激不尽。”„The road of martial arts, upwardmore difficultline. Luolittle brother, youhelps, letourcommon progress.”
“武道之路,越往上越难行。罗小兄弟,你就帮帮忙,让我们共同进步嘛。”In the main hallothermartial artistalsoopen the mouthto echo, visionburning hotis looking atLuo Yan.
The Luo Yaneyenarrowed the eyes, sweptnumerousmartial artist, thenturned the headto look atValuable Peace King of upwardhead: „Does the princealso want to take a look atmymeritlaw?”罗阎眼睛一眯,扫了眼众武者,然后转头看向上首的宝泰王:“王爷也想看看我的功法?”Valuable Peace Kinglooks the color of hesitation, severalseconds, were saying with a smile: „Ifyouwant, thatkingnaturallywantsin the view a view. After all, my prince, takesvariationas the fooddaily, the strengthprogressivespeeddoes not haveyouto be fast.”宝泰王面露沉吟之色,顿了几秒,笑着道:“若你愿意,那本王自然要观上一观。毕竟,我这王爷,天天以异种为食,实力进步的速度都没你快。”Luo Yannods, expressed.罗阎点头,表示懂了。Hisboth handsone, saidtruthfully: „Iamend the meritlaw, the bringing in new bloodstage, is the duplicateseamerit, hammers the bonestage, isten thousandrefining up the golden body. Thesetwomartial arts, are very actually ordinary, perhapshas not presentedgood.”
他双手一摊,如实道:“我所修功法,换血阶段,是覆海功,锻骨阶段,是万炼金身。这两门武学,其实都很一般,说不定还没在座诸位身上的好。”„Myboundarycanselect for promotionrapidly, withmeritlawirrelevant, whatdependedismy owneffort,...... large amounts ofresources.”
“我境界能飞速拔升,跟功法无关,靠的是我自己的努力,还有……大量的资源。”Numerousmartial artiststares.
众武者一愣。Huge resources?
大量资源?„Luosenior, youstem fromBao'an County, even/includingmy impoverished familyjuniorscannot call. whatto comehuge resources?”On the head, Zhou TongstandssideValuable Peace King, knits the browsto ask.
“罗前辈,你出自宝安县,连寒门子弟都称不上。何来的大量资源?”上首,周通站在宝泰王身边,皱眉发问。„Luo Yan, is it possible that are youperfunctorymeand others?”Niu Youdaocoldsnort/hum, pats , before suddenlyaltar.
“罗阎,你莫非在敷衍我等?”牛有道冷哼一声,猛然一拍身前供桌。Luo YanlookstoNiu Youdao, tranquilopens the mouth: „Why did goodseniorsaylike this? Youaskedme, Iansweredtruthfully, hadto saymeto be perfunctory, how did the seniorwantme?”罗阎看向牛有道,平静开口:“牛前辈为何这样说?你问我,我如实答了,有说我敷衍,前辈到底要我怎样?”„What's wrong?”
“怎样?”Niu Youdaocoldlysmiles, coldreprimand: „Yousaid, your large amounts ofresources, from wherehowevercomes?”牛有道冷冷一笑,冷斥道:“那你说说,你那大量的资源,从何而来?”„MythatresourcesfromImmortal Ascension Pavilion. InImmortal Ascension Pavilion, allBone Forging Pill, were consumedbymecompletely.”Luo Yansaidwithout hesitation.
“我那资源来自升仙阁。升仙阁中,所有的锻骨丹,都被我一人消耗殆尽。”罗阎不假思索道。Such remarks, the crowdin an uproar.
此言一出,人群哗然。InImmortal Ascension Pavilion the resourcesare numerous, if using Bone Forging PillsuppliesLuo Yanoneperson, butalsoindeedmaymakethisLuo Yancompleteto hammer the bonein a short time.升仙阁中资源众多,若倾尽锻骨丹供给这罗阎一人,但也的确有可能在短时间内让这罗阎完成锻骨。But, why does Immortal Ascension PaviliongiveyouBone Forging Pill?
但,升仙阁凭什么将锻骨丹都给你?„Luo Yan, why can immortal cultivator in thatImmortal Ascension PaviliongiveyouBone Forging Pill?”Has the martial artistcuriousopens the mouth. Luo Yanlooked atthatperson of one, said: „Thisis the secret, the no comment.”
“罗阎,那升仙阁中的修仙者为何要将锻骨丹给你?”有武者好奇开口。罗阎看了那人一眼,道:“这是秘密,无可奉告。”„Ithought that youcouldn't find out the excuse?”
The Niu Youdaocomplexionis cold, stooddirectly, drinksto ask: „Brings in new bloodto hammer the bonenot to raisefor the time being. Iaskedyou, after hammering the bone, suchrapid why yourstrength can also promote?”牛有道面色冷然,直接站了起来,喝问道:“换血锻骨暂且不提。我问你,锻骨之后,你实力为何还能提升的如此迅速?”
The Luo Yanair/Qiinsteadsmilesextremely, said: „Goodseniorthisisplanned that breaks the earthenware cooking potto ask the bottom?”罗阎气极反笑,说道:“牛前辈这是打算打破砂锅问到底?”
The martial artsmeritlaw, is the foundations of various factions, as long assomepeopleare truant, being ableto wantcompletelyall means that the person of being truantto extinguishkills.武学功法,都是各家各派的根基,但凡有人偷学,都会想尽一切办法,将偷学之人灭杀。Now, thesepeoplelick the faceto forcehimto share the meritlawunexpectedly, but also did beautifulsayitscommon progress?
如今,这些人竟然舔着脸逼迫他分享功法,还美曰其名共同进步?„What's wrong?”Niu Youdaogoes forwardonestep, the complexionice-cold: „Don't youhope?”
“怎么?”牛有道上前一步,面色冰冷:“你这是不愿?”Hisvisionjust like the sharp sword, has the fearfuloppression, is staring atLuo Yanstubbornly.
他目光宛如利剑,带着慑人压迫,死死盯着罗阎。Luo Yananditslooking at each other.罗阎与其对视。Butsurroundingmartial artist, is all anxious, the eyewinkslooks attwopeople that.
而周围武者,全都紧张起来,眼睛一眨一眨的看着二人。They want to take a look, thisLuo Yansaid that didn't say?
After severalseconds .
数秒后。Luo Yantakes the leadto be defeated, the visionhangs down, both handsonesaid: „Does goodseniorreallywantto know?”罗阎率先败下阵来,目光低垂,双手一摊道:“牛前辈真想知道?”„Said!”
“说!”Niu Youdaocoldlyputs out a character, does not wantagainwithLuo Yanempty and winding.牛有道冷冷吐出一个字,不想再跟罗阎虚与委蛇。
唰!Hisvoicefalls, thenseesLuo Yanto change totogether the remnantshadow, appearsbeforeowninstantaneously.
他话音落下,便见罗阎化作一道残影,瞬间出现在自己身前。Hisghostallbraves, a fine hairset upright, blows upprotectsbodytrue qiat the same time, toucheshastilyto the bodysidesword hilt.
他亡魂皆冒,一身汗毛都竖了起来,鼓起护体真气的同时,连忙摸向身侧的剑柄。However, hispalmjustbumped into the sword hilt, the top of the headtransmits a dull thumping sound.
然而,他手掌刚碰到剑柄,头顶已是传来一声闷响。Hisbodytremblessuddenly, even the groundshookshaking, the seven orificesflowed out the motleybloodinstantaneously.
他身体猛然一颤,连地面都震了震,七窍更是瞬间流出斑驳血液。Thesebloodjust the class/flowcame out, rapiddry.
The Niu Youdaowhole person, is changing into a dry corpseinstantaneously, faceShangyoubringsoneto fearandstunned.
连带牛有道整个人,都在瞬间化为一具干尸,脸上犹自带着一丝恐惧和错愕。Niu Youdaodied.牛有道死了。In the Luo Yansurfaceappearswipes the red light, discards the dry corpse in handconveniently.罗阎面上浮现一抹红光,随手扔掉手中的干尸。Immediately the visionmoves, looks atValuable Peace King of upwardhead: „Old fogywantsto know,Imakehimhave a look.”
随即目光微移,看向上首的宝泰王:“老家伙想知道,我就让他看看。”„Prince, do youalsowantto know?”
“王爷,你也想知道吗?”Likesmebeing ableto strengthenadds the pointto askeveryoneto collect:() Icanstrengthenadd the wonderful brushpavilionrefresh rateto be quickest.
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