经此插曲。Threepeoplesmoothlyreturn to the city.
After entering a city, the ancientforesttwounclenephewsrush to the protectoratemansion, after Luo Yanconsidersapologyone, directlytowardValuable Peace Pharmacywalks.
他走得极快。Shortly, thenentersin the middle of the medicinework place, arrives around the yard.
没多久,便走进药坊当中,来到自己小院附近。At this time, heheardoneselfthatyardentranceto hear the argumentsoundsuddenly.
这时候,他忽然听到自己那小院门口传来争论声。„Zheng Chi, your saying to be atypical, whatwasthiscourtyardhasLord? As far as I know, thiscourtyardvacanttwomonths, was the timeleaps.”
“郑叱,你这话就不地道吧,什么叫这院子有主了?据我所知,这院子已经空置两月有余,也是时候腾出来了。”„Grandsonprostitute, I said that thiscourtyardcannotmove. Or, do youtake away my courtyard?”
“孙娼,我说了,这院子不能动。要不,你把我那院子拿去?”„Yourthissaying said that can Iwant your courtyard?”
“你这话说得,我会要你那院子?”Luo Yanhas not continuedto listen.罗阎并没有继续听下去。Walkeddirectly, shoutstowardZheng Chi: „Zhengmanager.”
直接走了过去,朝郑叱喊道:“郑管事。”Twopeoplealsoturn head.
二人同时回头。„Youcame back, Pill Master Luo.”
“你回来了啊,罗丹师。”SunChangleng, said with a smileimmediately: „Mythisalsoplanned that leapsthisyouryard, nowlooks like, wasmyrash. Reallyembarrassed”
那孙娼愣了下,随即笑道:“我这本还打算把这你小院腾出来,现在看来,是我孟浪了。真是不好意思啊”Hearchedcupping one hand in the other across the chesttowardLuo Yan, thenturned aroundto depart.
他朝罗阎拱了拱手,便转身离去了。Luo Yanhas not felt embarrassedhim, butnodstohim, thenignoresitdeparts.罗阎也没为难他,只是对他点了点头,便放任其离去。Knows that SunChangdeparts, Zheng Chihas gotten back one's composure, lookstoLuo Yan, saidill-humoredly: „Howyougreeteddo not hitone, directdisappearancemore than half a year? Ialsothink that youdid die?”
他语气中颇有些责备。„Has an accident.”Luo Yanis perfunctoryone, immediatelysaid: „Mymaster?”
“出了点事。”罗阎敷衍一句,随即道:“我师父呢?”HeheardthatSunChangto say the courtyarda moment ago the vacanttwomonths.
他刚才听到那孙娼说院子已经空置两月有余。Then since obviously, thesetwomonths, hismasterhas not livedhere.
“他……”Zheng Chifalls intosilent.郑叱陷入沉默。Luo Yanlooks atZheng Chi that starts to speak but hesitates, tranquilsay/way: „Did hedie?”罗阎看着欲言又止的郑叱,平静道:“他死了?”„Yes.”
“是啊。”Zheng Chinods, said: „Twomonths ago somewalksin the evening, walkedis very serene, notbywhatcrime.”郑叱点头,说道:“两个月前的某个晚上走的,走的很安详,并没有遭什么罪。”Said.
The Luo Yanfacial expressionis disappointed, sighedgently.罗阎神情怅然,轻轻叹了口气。Hehas seenshortly after the Ma Laifenglife.
他早就看出马来风命不久矣。Buthears its news of leaving the world when with one's own ears, in the heartunexpectedlyissomewhatsorrowful.
但亲耳听到其离世的消息时,心中竟然还是有些悲痛。„Iburyhimin the Weishuiriver bank, inlonggreen mountain. Waits fortomorrow, Ileadyouto go, bye-byehe.”Zheng Chipatted the Luo Yanshoulder, the comfortsaidin a soft voice.
“好。”Luo Yancomplied with the sound, asked: „Before hewalks, whathadsayswithyou? For examplehislast wishand so on.”罗阎应了声,又问道:“他走前有跟你说什么吗?比如他的遗愿之类的。”„Has.”
“有。”Zheng Chinods, says with a smile: „Before hewalks, drewmeto sayverbosely, saidmost, wasmakesyoutake78wivesquickly.”郑叱点头,笑道:“他走前拉着我絮絮叨叨说了很多,其中说的最多的,就是让你赶快取七八个媳妇。”Luo Yanselects the eyebrow, saidlightly: „He may want disappointedly, thislast wishI may be unable to complete.”罗阎一挑眉,淡淡道:“那他可能要失望了,这遗愿我可完成不了。”„Haha.”Zheng Chilaughs, suddenlyrememberedanything, taps the head saying: „Right, healsokept the thingtoyou. Youwait/etc, my brings.”
“哈哈。”郑叱大笑,忽然想起了什么,一拍脑袋道:“对了,他还留了东西给你。你等等,我这就去取来。”„Whatthing?”In the Luo Yaneyereveals the color of doubts.
“什么东西?”罗阎眼中流露疑惑之色。„I don't know either, the old manis mystical, hidesin a bigwooden box, Ihave not openedlook.”
“我也不知道,那老头神神秘秘的,藏在一个大木箱里面,我都还没打开看呢。”Zheng Chisaidhurriedly, then the turning aroundhalf stepdeparted, goes hometo take the thing.郑叱匆忙道了一句,便转身快步离去,回家取东西去了。
After Luo Yangazes afterZheng Chideparts, slowlyshoves open the yarddoor.罗阎目送郑叱离去后,缓缓推开小院房门。„Creaks.”
The front gatewas shoved open, Luo Yanwalks, sees onlyunder the dryondra, a rocking chairstands there, butabovedid not have the familiarform.
他走过去。Picks up a piece of Chinese parasol treeleaffrom the rocking chair, sighedagain.
从摇椅上捡起一片梧桐叶,再度叹了口气。Hestandsin the institutewaits, thinksMa Laifengto the thing that hekeeps.
他站在院中等待,想到了马来风给他留的东西。„Won't the old fogy, whattreasurehide?”Heis whispering.
仙法?Almighty troopses?
没几分钟。Zheng Chiraises a bigwooden boxto hurry backin a hurry.郑叱就提着一个大木箱匆匆赶了回来。„Luo Yan, isthisbox.”Heis placed the boxon the stone table, in the eyealsohas a curiosity.
那日。Ma Laifengis holdinghishand, thousanddingten thousandto enjointo wanthimto giveLuo Yan the box.马来风可是拉着他的手,千叮万嘱要他将箱子交给罗阎。„Un.”
“嗯。”Luo Yannods, looksto the box.罗阎点头,看向箱子。Thisis a red sandalwoodwooden chest.
The sandalwooditself/Benis a valuablelumber.
紫檀木本就是一种珍贵木材。But the abovepattern is also quite fine, looksstems fromeveryone the hand.
而上面的花纹也颇为精致,一看就出自大家之手。Onlyisthisbox, onlyfearsonvalueseveral hundredtwo.
光是这箱子,只怕就值个几百两。Butthinks of thisgrade of box......
The Luo Yancuriosityeven more, opens the wooden boxslowly.罗阎好奇心越发强烈,缓缓打开木箱。„Inthesejarsis the compounded drugs?”Zheng Chitakes a looktoward the box, sees only the smalljadebottle of fullbox.
“这些瓶子里都是丹药吧?”郑叱朝箱子里一瞅,只见满箱子的小玉瓶。Luo Yanselects the eyebrow, puts out a jadebottle, turns on the stopperto look at carefullycarefully.罗阎一挑眉,拿出一个玉瓶,打开瓶塞仔细端详。Thislooks.
这一看。Hecannot bearsmile saying: „ThisisBlood-Strengthening Pill.”
他就忍不住莞尔道:“这是血壮丹。”„Blood-Strengthening Pill? Isn't that the most preliminarycompounded drug?”Zheng Chigawkedunder.
“血壮丹?那不是最低级的丹药吗?”郑叱愣了下。HethinksMa Laifengsocollectsseriouslywhatgoodthingcanbe, finallythis?
他本以为马来风如此郑重收藏起来的会是什么好东西,结果就这?Helooked at a box.
他又望了眼箱子。AsLuo Yantakes up a jadebottle, the jadebottleundergroundthingalsorevealed.
随着罗阎拿起一个玉瓶,玉瓶地下的东西也露了出来。Impressivelyisspindlesilver ingot, neat of arrangement.
赫然是一锭锭银子,排列的整整齐齐。Hewipedheadsweat, cannot bearopen the mouthto complain: „Thisold fogy, diednotlaw-abidingly, Isaid that soto be how heavy, originallyis the money.”
他擦了擦头上的汗水,忍不住开口吐槽:“这老家伙,死了也不让人安分,我就说怎么这么重,原来都是银子。”Theseruns, hefelt that ownarmmustbreak.
A box of money.
一箱银子。Cannot be heavy?
能不重吗?Luo Yanputs outsilver ingotfrom the box, in the surfacereveals the forced smile.罗阎从箱子中拿出一锭银子,面上露出苦笑。Healsothinks that Ma Laifengwill leave behind the thingtohim, the resultis never expected that bigto expect, unexpectedlyismoneyandBlood-Strengthening Pill......
他也以为马来风会给他留下好东西,没想到结果大出所料,竟然是银子和血壮丹……Moreoverthesemoney, take the paper moneyto tradeprobablyspecially.
而且这些银子,好像还是特意拿银票换的。Is it possible thatMa Laifengthought that thisis very lordly?
莫非马来风觉得这样很气派?Hedoes not lose heart, 11turns on the jadebottle, carefulturnsin the boxlooks for the moment.
他不死心,将玉瓶一一打开,又仔细在箱子里翻找片刻。Finallydiscovered, inbox, only thenmoneyandBlood-Strengthening Pill.
最终发现,箱子里真的只有银子和血壮丹。„Haha, Luo Yan, disappointed?”Zheng Chilaughs.
“哈哈,罗阎,失望了吧?”郑叱大笑。ThesemoneyandBlood-Strengthening Pill, tohimandLuo Yanthisgrade of character, the belt/bringdislike the burden.
这些银子和血壮丹,对他和罗阎这等人物而言,带在身上都嫌累赘。„A little.”
“有点。”Luo Yannods, feelingpersonhemp.罗阎点头,感觉人麻了。Thisis an ordinaryheritage.
这就是一份普通的遗产而已。Naturally, in the Ma Laifengeye, this is extremely perhaps lordly, is extremely valuable.
“哈哈。”Zheng Chilaughs loudly.郑叱捧腹大笑。For a long time, hislaughtersubsided, looked at the eyesomewhatmessy and dirtycourtyard, said: „Somecourtyarddate and timehave not handledyou, a whileIaskedtwoservantsto handletoyou. Walks, firstgoes tomy family, gives you receptionto give a welcoming dinner!”
许久,他笑声平息,看了眼有些脏乱的院子,说道:“院子有些时日没打理你,等会儿我叫两个下人给你打理打理。走,先去我家,给你接风洗尘!”Heis drawingLuo Yan, goes to the home.
不多久。Onetable of food and winehave then gotten up the table.
一桌酒菜便已上桌。„Come, drinks.”Zheng ChitoLuo Yan. the liquor, the facial expressionroused, obviouslymoodexcellentcup
“来,喝酒。”郑叱给罗阎倒了杯酒,神情振奋,显然心情大好。Luo Yancarries the wine glass, sippedone, said: „Your daughter?”罗阎端起酒杯,抿了一口,道:“你女儿呢?”Heremembers that Zheng Chihas a daughter.
他记得郑叱有一个女儿。Is smaller than two years old him, as ifquiterebel.
比他小两岁,似乎颇为叛逆。„Littlehe/sheshewent to the cityimpressedgruel.” The Zheng Chibrowslightlywrinkle, the smile on facevanishes.
“小伊她去城外施粥去了。”郑叱眉头微皱,脸上的笑容消失殆尽。„uses/givesporridge/gruelis the good, whyZheng is managerdepressed?” The Luo Yanshaking the headwine glass, askedwith a smile.
“施粥是善事,郑管事为何闷闷不乐?”罗阎摇了摇头酒杯,笑着问道。„Yeah. Ifsheshowed the kindness of heartalsoeven, the keywasshejoinedthatanythingBlood Cloth Cult, afteruses/givesporridge/gruel, will leadthatgroup of disaster victimsto wave the flag and shout, makingCity Guardsopen the door the surrender, greeted the bloodgodarmyto enter the city. Saidwhatbloodgodarmyare the Saviorand so onwords.” The Zheng Chilookis gloomy.
“哎。若她发善心也就算了,关键是她加入了那什么血衣教,施粥过后,就会带着那群灾民摇旗呐喊,让护城军开门投降,迎接血神军入城。说什么血神军才是救世主之类的话。”郑叱眼神阴沉。Thisseeks the countermatter.
这可是谋逆之事。Because ofthismatter, his daughterhad shut in the prisonseveral times.
因为这事,他那女儿已经数次被关进大牢。Heuses the relations, several timesrescuedit.
听闻此言。Luo Yansipped a liquor, the familiar by facerevealed the color of thinking, after moment, heopened the mouthto console saying: „Zhengbrotherdoes not needextremelyto be worried. Iobtain the news, will not need, City Guardsto open the city gate on several th, greeted the bloodgodarmyto enter the city.”罗阎抿了口酒,面善露出思索之色,顿了片刻后,他开口劝慰道:“郑兄无需太过担心。我得到消息,不用几日,护城军就会打开城门,迎接血神军入城。”Thisisancientforestto the commitment of thatZhang Yanyan.
这是古林对那张烟烟的承诺。Evenwithout the commitment, in his opinion, how long the prefectural citycould not insist.
就算没有承诺,在他看来,府城也坚持不了多久。After all.
毕竟。If the prefectural cityfightsintentto be soaring.
要是府城战意高昂。Daresto seekto go againstlikeZheng Chidaughtertypeblatantly, had been struckto killat the scene, did how to go so far as todetainseveral timesreleasedseveral times?
像郑叱女儿这种敢公然谋逆的,早就被当场击杀了,何至于数次关押数次释放?„Really?” The Zheng Chieyelidtrembles, the liquorwater in handsprinkled.
“真的?”郑叱眼皮一颤,手中的酒水都洒了出来。„Near perfect.”Luo Yannods.
“八九不离十。”罗阎点头。ancientRepresentativeforestGrand Pure Sect, hiswords, no onedoes not dare, since.
古林代表太清宗,他的话,没人敢不从。Let alone the bloodgodarmytake advantage of a situationnowin a big way.
更何况现在血神军本就势大。„Yeah.”Zheng Chisighed.
“哎。”郑叱叹了口气。Thisnewsis very astonishing, makeshimbe hardto accept, hasto plant the feeling of degenerating into the traitor.
这个消息很惊人,也让他难以接受,有种沦为亡国奴的感受。Butchanges mindthinks.
The prefectural citysurrenders, avoided the unnecessarycasualties, his daughterwill not have the dangeragain.
府城投降,既避免了不必要的伤亡,他女儿也不会再有危险。As if, is a good deed?
似乎,又是件好事?Heis just thinking.
他正想着。At this time, the clearyoung girlvoiceconveyedfrom the yardtogether.
这时候,一道清脆的少女声音从小院外传来。„Father, Icame back.”
“父亲,我回来了。”Soundfrom far to near.
声音由远及近。Quick, a somewhattenderyoung girlthenwalked.
The young girlsare roughly 14 or 15-year-old, the looksomewhatwas still immature, but the facial featuresare still permissible, so long as not longremnant, shouldalsobe a not too big nor too smallbeautiful woman.
少女约莫十四五岁,相貌尚有些稚嫩,但眉眼尚可,只要不长残,应该也是个不大不小的美女。She is Zheng Chithatdaughter, callsisZhengXiaoyi.
她便是郑叱那位女儿,唤做郑小伊。„Came back?”
A Zheng Chicheekboard, said: „Has not come upto seeyourUncle Luo.”郑叱面皮一板,道:“还不上来见过你罗叔叔。”ZhengXiaoyilooked atLuo Yan, curls the lip saying: „Hasn't hecompared withmy am two years old, whywantedmeto callhisunclegreatly?”
郑小伊看了眼罗阎,撇了撇嘴道:“他也没比我大两岁,凭什么要我叫他叔叔?”Shehas turned the head, honkmouth, selfishwashed the hands, has not looked atLuo Yanone.
她转过头,嘟着嘴,自顾自的去洗手去了,没多看罗阎一眼。Zheng Chisees that also can only sigh, a faceapologylookstoLuo Yan: „Do not mind, the childis innocent.”郑叱见状,也只能叹了口气,一脸歉意的看向罗阎:“你别介意,小孩子不懂事。”„Un.”
“嗯。”Luo Yannodswith a smile, said: „Iunderstand, rebelperiod.”罗阎笑着点了点头,道:“我懂,叛逆期嘛。”„Whatrebelperiod? Youcompared withme am several years old, pretend to be maturegreatlyinthis.”Complainedto transmitfrom the distant place.
“什么叛逆期?你比我大几岁啊,就在这装成熟。”吐槽声从远处传来。ZhengXiaoyiwashes the hands, arrived at the dining tableto sit downnegligently, gives back to itselfbut actually. the liquorcup
郑小伊洗完了手,大咧咧走到饭桌边坐下,还给自己倒了杯酒。„Respects a pointaboutyourUncle Luo!”Zheng Chipounds on the table, the beard and hairallopens, obviouslywas really angry.
“对你罗叔叔尊重一点!”郑叱一拍桌子,须发皆张,显然真生气了。ZhengXiaoyishows the whites of the eyes, has not saidanything, the selfishstarteats the vegetable/dish.
“没大没小。”Zheng Chicoldly said that took back the vision, lookedtoLuo Yan, a faceapology: „Luo Yan, come, drinks.”郑叱冷冷道了一句,收回目光,看向罗阎,一脸歉意:“罗阎,来,喝酒。”„Come.”
“来。”Luo Yanholds up the wine glass, tosses down.罗阎举起酒杯,一饮而尽。At this time, ZhengXiaoyiopened the mouthsuddenly: „Father, givesme2200.”
这时候,郑小伊忽然开口了:“父亲,给我两千两。”Sheclamped a red-roasted porkto force in the mouth, enunciationunclearsaying.
她夹了块红烧肉塞进嘴中,口齿不清的说道。„A while agodidn't giveyou520?”Zheng Chicoldsound said.
“前段时间不是才给你五百两吗?”郑叱冷声道。„Outsidecityso manydisaster victims. How long can 520support? Money that , ChenXiaobutheypaidare more than me.”ZhengXiaoyispits the mortise.
“城外那么多灾民。五百两能支撑多久?再说了,陈小布他们交上去的钱比我更多。”郑小伊吐槽道。„Theyarethey, youareyou. Whyyoumusthand overare more than them?”Zheng Chiis putting on a serious faceto say.
“他们是他们,你是你。你为何一定要交的比他们多?”郑叱板着脸道。„What do youunderstand? OurBlood Cloth Cultcustom, the contributionis bigger, the positionis higher. ChenXiaobubecameteachto manage, I must try hardto be good.”ZhengXiaoyiis supine the smallfaceto say.
“你懂什么?我们血衣教的规矩,贡献越大,地位越高。陈小布都成教中执事了,我也要努一把力才行。”郑小伊仰着小脸道。„Becoming the deaconto havewhatadvantage?”Luo Yanopens the mouthsuddenly, curiouslookstoZhengXiaoyi.
“好处?”ZhengXiaoyislantingLuo Yan, said: „Are yousosuperficial? Is thinking the advantage? summerElder said that became the deacon, Iam the Blood Cloth Culthigh level, lateralsohas the opportunityto see right in front of one founder. Is thatonetypeis honoredyouto understand?”
郑小伊斜了眼罗阎,道:“你怎么如此肤浅?就想着好处?夏长老说了,成了执事,我就是血衣教的高层,以后还有机会面见教主呢。那是一种荣幸你懂吗?”„Are yourfounderswhat kind ofcharacters? Seeshimto be honoredat the same time?”Luo Yancurioussay/way.
“你们教主又是何等人物?见他一面就是荣幸?”罗阎好奇道。ThisBlood Cloth Cultas if the bloodgodarmyareonegroup, butheindeedhas not listened.
这血衣教似乎和血神军是一伙的,但他的确没听过。„Ourfoundersareimmortal cultivator.”InZhengXiaoyieyesflashes throughcolorproudly.
“我们教主是一个修仙者。”郑小伊眼中闪过傲然之色。„immortal cultivator? IsZhang Yanyan?”Luo Yanasked.
“修仙者?是张烟烟吗?”罗阎问道。„Zhang Yanyan? Has not listened.”ZhengXiaoyishakes the head, immediately the looksaidblurredly: „Ihad once seenfounderoneeyesin the distant place, heis an extremelyhandsomeyouth.”
说着。Shelooked atLuo Yan, said with a smile: „Was more attractive than you.”
她看了眼罗阎,笑道:“比你好看多了。”„Right?”Luo Yansmiled, shakes the headslightly.
“是吗?”罗阎笑了,微微摇了摇头。Reallyis the young girl, allemulateto the face.
果然是少女,一切向脸看齐。Howeveryouthimmortal cultivator?
不过青年修仙者?In the bloodgodarmyalsohassuchimmortal cultivator?
血神军中还有这样一位修仙者?Heburiesthisin the heartcuriously, has not continuedto kiss.
他将这丝好奇埋在心中,没有继续吻下去。ZhengXiaoyilookstoZheng Chi, extends a hand, honk the lip, acts like a spoiled bratto saydirectly: „Father, hurriesto givemoney.”
“哎。”Zheng Chilooksreluctantly.郑叱面露无奈。Butsets out, inward the roomwalks.
但还是起身,朝内屋走去。In a while, broughtonepack of paper moneyto come back.
His suchdaughter, tothisdaughternaturaltreasure, grants every request.
他就这么一个女儿,对这女儿自然宝贝至极,有求必应。„Givesyou, final2200, laterdid not have.” A Zheng Chifacesaidwith deep veneration.
“给你,最后两千两,以后就没了。”郑叱一脸肃然道。„Lovesyou, father.”
“爱你,老爹。”ZhengXiaoyigreat happiness, received the paper money, counted the numbercarefully, thensqueezed in the bosomdirectly.
郑小伊大喜,接过银票,仔细数了数,然后直接塞入怀中。Herfacial expressionis joyful, a pair of long legswaysunceasingly.
她神情喜悦,一双长腿不断晃荡。SeesLuo Yanto look ather, turns the headto looktoLuo Yan, hee heesaid with a smile: „Uncle Luo, first meeting, don't youhave the gift on first meetingto deliverme?”
见罗阎在看她,又转头看向罗阎,嘻嘻一笑道:“罗叔叔,初次见面,您就没有见面礼送我吗?”„Did littlehe/she, whatsay?”Zheng Chiscoldedimmediately.
“小伊,说什么呢?”郑叱立马呵斥。„Might as well.”
“无妨。”Luo Yanbeckons with the hand, lookstranquillytoZhengXiaoyi, asked: „Whatgift do youwant?”罗阎摆了摆手,平静看向郑小伊,问道:“你要什么礼物?”„Uncle Luodeliverswhatmeto like.”ZhengXiaoyiblinks.
“罗叔叔送什么我都喜欢。”郑小伊眨了眨眼睛。Luo Yanthinks,puts out a daggerfrom the bosom, givesZhengXiaoyi: „Thisdeliversyouto defend self the dagger.”罗阎想了想,从怀中拿出一把匕首,递给郑小伊:“这把匕首送你防身。”ThisdaggerishetakesfromImmortal Ascension Pavilion.
这匕首是他从升仙阁中拿出来的。Itis an almighty troopssharp weapon, caneasilycut openprotectingbodytrue qi of grandmaster.
本身就是一把神兵利器,可以轻易切开宗师的护体真气。„Is thisdagger, very valuable?”ZhengXiaoyireceived the dagger, sizes up the twogems on daggercarefully, the looksomewhatis blurred.
“这匕首,很值钱吧?”郑小伊接过匕首,仔细打量匕首上的两颗宝石,眼神微有些迷离。Thatfiery redgem, radiantpureclear, lookedis strikingon the value.
那火红的宝石,璀璨纯澈,一看就价值斐然。„Should.” The Luo Yantonehesitates.
“应该吧。”罗阎语气迟疑。Valuehow muchmoneyhedoes not know, but the thing in Immortal Ascension Pavilion, is not cheapand that's the end.
值多少钱他不知道,但升仙阁中的物件,不便宜就是了。„Hee hee, thanksUncle Luo.”ZhengXiaoyiholds into the dagger the bosom, amongfacial featuresblissfulcolor.
有了这匕首。Sheis teaching the positiondefinitelyto exceedChenXiaobu!
她在教中的地位肯定会超越陈小布!„Luo Yan, youdo not havegreatly is two years old compared withher, whatgiftgivestoher?”Zheng Chishakes the head.
“罗阎,你比她没大两岁,给她送什么礼物?”郑叱摇了摇头。„Might as well, valueseveralmoney.”Luo Yansmiles, thinks otherwiseto say.
“嗯。”Zheng Chinods, immediately the eyeballrotatesslightly, said: „Luo Yan, howthis...... do youlook atmywife and childrenhe/she? Has the opportunityto become a concubinetoyou?”郑叱点头,随即眼珠子微微转动,道:“罗阎,这个……你看我家小伊如何?有没有机会给你当个小妾?”Such remarks.
此言一出。Luo Yanliquorwateralmostspurted.罗阎一口酒水差点喷出来了。ButZhengXiaoyialsostoodimmediately, a faceangrysay/way: „What did fatheryousay? Ido not givehimto become the concubine.”
而郑小伊也登时站了起来,一脸气恼道:“父亲你说什么呢?我才不要给他当小妾。”„Zhengmanager, thiseven, this matterdo not raiseagain.”Luo Yanrushesto say.
“郑管事,这就算了吧,此事勿要再提。”罗阎赶忙说道。„Ialsosaidcasually,Luo Yanyoudo not needto care.”Zheng Chismilesembarrasedly, simultaneouslystaresruthlesslyZhengXiaoyi.
“我也就随便说说,罗阎你不用放在心上。”郑叱讪讪一笑,同时狠狠瞪了眼郑小伊。In his opinion, oneselfthisdaughtercanbecome the concubinetoLuo Yan, isseeks friendships.
在他看来,自己这女儿能给罗阎当妾,已经算是高攀了。ButLuo Yan and daughtersdo not havethismeaning, healso can only extinguishthisidea.
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