ICSBAP :: Volume #2

#166: Retreat

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Luo Yan keeps the constant velocity, follows after the ancient forest two people. 罗阎保持恒定速度,跟在古林二人身后。 Is rushing to the lines, the distant place hears the sound of footsteps, and erect quick nearness. 正奔行间,远处传来脚步声,且正飞快的靠近。 He fixes the eyes on to look, saw only one group of people to graze to come from the distant place, to block their way. 他定睛看去,只见一群人从远处飞掠而来,挡住了他们的去路。 Comes the person to be powerful. 来人强大。 The strength is weakest, is the masters! 实力最弱,都是宗师! Giggle, ancient forest, does not see some time, were you so how weak?” “咯咯,古林,一段时间不见,你怎么这般虚弱了?” Is the female of head takes the lead to open the mouth. 为首的女子率先开口。 Her black hair throws over after the shoulder, the look is beautiful, the stature is attractive. 她一头青丝披在肩后,相貌美艳,身材诱人。 In addition plays musical instruments the fair skin that may break, the sexy hot bright red lip, as well as that operates the vent extremely high long skirt. 再加上吹弹可破的白皙皮肤,性感火辣的鲜红嘴唇,以及那开衩极高的长裙。 Anybody saw, in the mind will reappear the seductress two characters. 任何人见了,脑海中都会浮现出妖女二字。 This is a female who has the seduction, pitifully, the future is only bad. 这是一位极具诱惑的女子,只可惜,来者不善。 Luo Yan stares at the female, in the heart is sinking slightly. 罗阎盯着女子,心中微微一沉。 This female is extremely strong, it is estimated that is that calls makes the smoke smoke immortal cultivator. 这女子极强,估计就是那位唤做烟烟的修仙者 But it behind, is standing 78 vitality astonishing martial artist. 而其身后,更是站着七八个气血惊人的武者 Each, is a divisional-level terrifying character, within the body has true qi to past. 每一个,都是宗师级的恐怖人物,体内有真气在流转。 Zhang Yanyan, rich/forgive Renchu, and rich/forgive people. Baiyue Province, I can give you, only hopes that you can put me and others to depart.” ancient forest Chensheng said. 张烟烟,得饶人处且饶人。百越府,我可以让给你,只希望你能放我等离去。”古林沉声说道。 This woman similarly is immortal cultivator. 这女人同样是一个修仙者 If he most flourishing, but easily defeats it. 若他全盛,可轻易将其击败。 But at this time, his soul caused heavy losses, a strength can only display ten 12, is actually the strength falls short. 但此时,他灵魂被重创,一身实力只能发挥十之一二,却是力有不逮。 Joke, I want Baiyue Province, but also needs you to let?” Zhang Yanyan sends out euphonious laughing. “笑话,我要百越府,还需要你让?”张烟烟发出银铃般的嗤笑。 Her charming white ancient forest, said lightly: You do not think, in 32 cats depending on prefectural city, you also has the opportunity of overturn?” 她妩媚的白了眼古林,淡淡道:“你不会以为,凭府城中的三两只小猫,你还有翻盘的机会吧?” Her recording tape is contemptuous, obviously has not placed in the ancient forest the eye. 她音带轻蔑,显然没将古林放在眼中。 Nowadays, her blood god army situation has become, takes the final prefectural city, is only sooner or later matter. 现如今,她血神军大势已成,拿下最后的府城,只是迟早之事。 Why also to want ancient Linxiang to let? 又何必要古林想让? I can make them open the city gate, making you take over control of the prefectural city smoothly, reduces the casualties and loss.” The ancient forest opens the mouth again. “我可以让他们打开城门,让你顺利接管府城,减少伤亡和损失。”古林再次开口。 This saying. 这话一出。 The Gu Santong facial expression is tranquil. 古三通神情平静。 Luo Yan actually surprise looked at ancient forest, immediately continues remains silent. 罗阎却诧异的看了眼古林,随即继续保持沉默。 Zhang Yanyan shakes the head, faint say/way: Dies some mortals, with me is also the loss?” 张烟烟摇头,淡漠道:“死上些凡人,与我而言也算是损失?” She looks at ancient forest, the facial expression is ridiculing. 她望着古林,神情揶揄。 Immediately. 随即。 Lifts the thigh, forwarded slowly one step. 抬起大腿,缓缓向前走了一步。 Bright emit light of that slender both legs under sunlight, noticeable. 那纤细双腿在阳光下熠熠生光,惹人注目。 Like this, I cultivate/repair the red kite Daoist scripture, happen to also needs several cauldron furnaces. Was inferior that you and your nephew remain, how accompanies me several late?” Her eye pupil passes, flatters intent completely to reveal. “这样,我修红鸢真经,正好还需几个鼎炉。不如你和你那侄儿留下来,陪我几晚如何?”她眼眸流转,媚意尽显。 When coordinates that to raise legs fair skin that reveals faintly. 配合那抬腿时隐隐露出的白皙皮肤。 Suddenly, as if in the air presented the rouge aura. 一时间,仿佛空气中都出现了红粉气息。 The ancient forest and Gu Santong throat shrug, swallow the saliva, the vision is staring at Zhang Yanyan stubbornly, as if delay generally. 古林和古三通喉头耸动,吞咽口水,目光死死盯着张烟烟,仿佛呆滞了一般。 „It is not good!” “不好!” The Luo Yan complexion sinks, is actually felt not right. 罗阎脸色一沉,却是感觉到了不对。 Always he of ancient well without ripples, in the heart ascended at this time unexpectedly an extremely intense desire. 一向古井无波的他,此时心中竟然升腾起了一股极其强烈的欲念。 Causes at that desire urging, he cannot bear look to Zhang Yanyan that snow white place, simultaneously bloodlines Ben Zhang, seems arriving at the body to be tangled up with this person unexpectedly! 在那欲念催使下,他忍不住看向张烟烟那雪白之处,同时血脉贲涨,竟仿佛在和此人抵身缠绵一般! ! 唰! He uses the part of great bear Chinese cynomorium merit hastily, avoids making a boner. 他连忙使用天罡锁阳功,避免出丑。 Meanwhile, looked at Gu and Lin with no trace. 同时,不着痕迹的瞄了眼古林二人。 Sees only two people to look at Zhang Yanyan stubbornly, did not say a word, was only left over the loud breathing. 只见二人死死看着张烟烟,一言不发,只剩下粗重的呼吸声。 Also after several seconds, two people of then trembles, as if finished up. 也就几秒过后,二人便一阵哆嗦,似乎完事。 Only then, ancient forest the complexion big change, startled gets angry: Zhang Yanyan, do you dare to plot against me?” 直到此时,古林才脸色大变,惊怒道:“张烟烟,你竟敢暗算我?” His complexion becomes flushed, almost distortion. 他脸色涨红,几乎扭曲。 Is responds, knows oneself were inhaling the Zhang Yanyan red kite aura a moment ago. 却是反应过来,知道自己刚才在不知不觉间吸入了张烟烟的红鸢气息。 The red kite aura can make the person desire surge upward. 红鸢气息能让人欲念高涨。 If before, his soul were powerful, naturally can resist. 若是以前,他灵魂强大,自然可以抵挡。 But now...... 但如今…… Thinks own ugly performance, his face black like bottom of the pot, even the beard is shivering. 想到自己刚才的丑态,他一张脸黑如锅底,连胡须都在颤抖。 But side him, the Gu Santong similar complexion is ugly, the look will be ashamed, wishes one could to dig a tunnel to bury. 而他身边,古三通同样脸色难看,眼神羞愧,恨不得挖个地洞将自己埋起来。 Zhang Yanyan behind, numerous martial artist sends out to laugh, in the vision completely despises. 张烟烟身后,一众武者发出嗤笑,目光中尽是鄙夷。 Old thing, does not take the mirror photo oneself. You, with working as the cauldron furnace of smoke smoke Sir?” “老东西,也不拿块镜子照照自己。就你,也配当烟烟大人的鼎炉?” Smoke smoke Sir jokes with you, won't you take seriously?” “烟烟大人跟你们开玩笑的,你们不会当真了吧?” Laughs hand/subordinate. 手下嗤笑。 Zhang Yanyan covers the red lip, the smiled flowering branch shivers all over. 张烟烟则捂住红唇,笑的花枝乱颤。 For a long time, she is quiet, contemptuously looked at ancient forest, later waves, said lightly: On, kills them.” 许久,她才平静下来,轻蔑的看了眼古林,随后挥了挥手,淡淡道:“上,打死他们。” Yes!” “是!” Numerous martial artist replied, goes forward slowly, grins fiendishly to walk toward the Luo Yan three people. 武者回答,缓缓上前,狞笑着朝罗阎三人走来。 Breaks through.” The ancient forest complexion is ugly, coldly puts out two characters. “突围。”古林脸色难看,冷冷吐出两个字。 At this time, homicide intent surges upward, wishes one could periphery everyone to extinguish completely kills. 此时,他杀意高涨,恨不得将周围所有人全部灭杀。 The voice falls. 话音落下。 Also does not see him to have what movement, before the body, then reappearing several azure wind edges. 也不见他有何动作,身前便浮现数道青色风刃。 That wind blade has the greatest prestige energy, as if can separate all general, after his body revolves two, suddenly accelerates, changes into together the azure light, cuts toward blood god army martial artist. 那风刃带着莫大的威能,仿佛能割裂一切一般,在他身前旋转两圈后,猛然加速,化为一道青光,朝血神军武者斩去。 Be careful, this is his wind blade technique.” Zhang Yanyan opens the mouth to warn, the sound is very tranquil. “小心,这是他的风刃术。”张烟烟开口警告,声音却很平静。 Although the ancient forest is strong, but was too weak. 古林虽强,但却太虚弱了。 With wind blade technique, not only the might reduces greatly, quantity, there is a little. 用出来的风刃术,不仅威力大减,数量,也有些少了。 Wind blade technique?” “风刃术?” Several martial artist eyes narrow the eyes, have a mind to slander this magic arts, but has scruples behind Zhang Yanyan, without choice opens the mouth, but shows the contemptuous expression. 几个武者眼睛一眯,有心诋毁一下这法术,但顾忌身后的张烟烟,没有选择开口,只是露出轻蔑的表情。 This wind blade technique, was too slow. 这风刃术,太慢了。 Slow they are disinclined first to move aside. 慢的他们都懒得第一时间去躲闪。 If this is the magic arts, that immortal cultivator is also mediocre. 若这就是法术,那修仙者也不过如此。 However in the meantime, several wind edges, accelerate unexpectedly again, almost becomes not a obvious remnant shadow. 然而就在此时,几道风刃,竟再次加速,几乎成为一道不可见的残影。 Quite quick!” “好快!” That cuts the air the faint fulmination, making several blood god army martial artist fearful and apprehensive, agitated true qi and strength hastily, moved aside to go to one side. 那切割空气的隐隐爆鸣,令几个血神军武者胆战心惊,连忙鼓动真气和劲力,向一旁躲闪而去。 But already without enough time. 但已经来不及。 The wind blade hits instantaneously their bodies, separates their flesh, carries off several to wipe the scarlet blood splash. 风刃瞬间命中他们的身体,割裂他们的血肉,带走几抹猩红血花。 How possibly?!” “怎么可能?!” Several human eye pupils shiver. 几人眼眸颤抖。 In front of that wind blade, their protecting body true qi is ordinary just like the flimsy, was torn into shreds instantaneously. 在那风刃面前,他们的护体真气宛若薄纸一般,被瞬间撕碎。 Is good because, they moved aside strongly, avoided the strategic point, what injured was only the arm the unimportant places. 好在,他们竭力躲闪,避开了要害,受伤的只是手臂等不要紧的地方。 Opposite. 对面。 The ancient forest sees that in the heart sinks suddenly. 古林见状,心中猛然一沉。 His original strength, endures compared with innate, after waving to extinguish kills these, heaven sect master. 他本来的实力,堪比先天,挥手便可灭杀这些后天宗师。 But now, he acts strongly, actually also only creates to these martial artist merely troublesome some. 但如今,他竭力出手,却也仅仅只对这些武者造成一些麻烦。 „The degree that strength declines, imagines me is higher.” “实力衰落的程度,比我想象中更高。” The ancient forest look was dignified, shot a look at eye Gu Santong and Luo Yan, the sinking sound said: I use the card in a hand to drive back them, then breaks through together.” 古林眼神凝重,瞥了眼身边的古三通罗阎,沉声道:“我用底牌逼退他们,然后一起突围。” Un.” “嗯。” Luo Yan rushes to nod. 罗阎赶忙点头。 Next second. 下一秒。 Sees only the ancient forest to fish out rune/symbol Lu from the bosom, grins fiendishly to blood god army martial artist that is approaching slowly. 只见古林从怀中摸出一张符箓,对着缓缓逼近的血神军武者狞笑一声。 Then, directly rune/symbol Lureng in hand. 然后,直接将手中的符箓扔了出去。 rune/symbol Lu appears in blood god army martial artist in an instant at present, sees only rune/symbol writing bright red rune/symbol writing to glitter. 符箓转眼出现在血神军武者眼前,只见符文艳红符文闪烁。 Next flickers, the blazing flame blooms in Luo Yan at present, at once is the fluctuation of energy of incomparable terrifying. 下一瞬,炽热的火光在罗阎眼前绽放,旋即是无比恐怖的能量波动。 Only is instantly, in the flame then resounds several sad and shrill pitiful yells. 仅是刹那,火光中便响起数道凄厉惨叫。 But in the meantime, Luo Yan carries Xu Xiaosu, flushes away toward one side suddenly. 而就在此时,罗阎扛着徐小粟,猛然朝一侧冲去。 „To walk? Death!” “想走?死!” Having hair dishevelled middle-aged martial artist flushed from the flame, appears before the Luo Yan body, his blue vein complete(ly) present, the whole person is common just like the ominous beast, holds a black long blade. 一个披头散发的中年武者从火光中冲了出来,出现在罗阎身前,他身上青筋毕现,整个人宛如凶兽一般,持着一把黑色长刀。 Sees Luo Yan to clash, his look is ruthless, the direct blade cuts. 见到罗阎冲来,他眼神狠辣,直接一刀斩下。 Extinguishes the divine blade!” “灭神刀!” Bang! 轰! Black blade astral takes shape instantaneously, cuts toward Luo Yan. 黑色刀罡瞬间成型,朝罗阎斩来。 That blade astral length approximately five zhang (3.33 m), have the incomparably bone-chilling cold aura, near body, the terrifying fresh breeze has not been raids, blows the Luo Yan black hair backward to fly upwards. 那刀罡长约五丈,带着无比凛冽的气息,尚未近身,恐怖的劲风已是袭来,吹得罗阎黑发向后飞扬。 The Luo Yan eye narrows the eyes. 罗阎眼睛微眯。 Under the foot, the terrifying strength leaves behind a small pit in the ground, but he borrows potential vertical to leap, an acceleration, then evaded this blade, similarly approaches to present middle-aged martial artist rapidly. 足下一点,恐怖的力量在地面留下一个小坑,而他则借势纵跃而出,一个加速,便躲过了这一刀,同样飞速向眼前的中年武者逼近。 Death!” “死!” That martial artist angrily roars, blade astral leaves behind together small pit after the ground, unexpectedly horizontally cuts to come, resembling to cut off Luo Yan directly. 武者怒吼,刀罡在地面留下一道小坑后,竟横斩而来,似要将罗阎直接从中斩断。 Snort.” “哼。” Luo Yan cold snort/hum, the left leg steps on the ground, the whole person soars. 罗阎冷哼,左脚一踩地面,整个人腾空而起。 Cuts to flicker in that blade astral horizontally, he who comes steps on unexpectedly suddenly, blade astral steps on the smashing at the same time, oneself borrow the strength to spring, appears above that martial artist top of the head instantaneously. 在那刀罡横斩而来的一瞬,他竟猛然一脚踩下,将刀罡踩成粉碎的同时,自身则借力弹出,瞬间出现在那武者头顶上方。 His expression indifferently, right hand five extend, makes the sound of bone exploding at the same time suddenly, the vigorous strength and true qi also gather instantaneously. 他表情漠然,右手五根猛然一伸,发出骨爆之音的同时,雄浑的劲力和真气也瞬间汇聚。 Immediately, a palm pats with amazement! 随即,一掌骇然拍下! Bang! 轰! Air fulmination. 空气爆鸣。 That martial artist complexion changes, hasty, also can only the horizontal blade keep off. 武者脸色微变,仓促之下,也只能横刀去挡。 A palm blade, instantaneous collision. 一掌一刀,瞬间碰撞。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Bang!” “砰!” The sound and the dull thumping sound sound metal disruption almost also resound. 金属碎裂之音和闷响声几乎同时响起。 That martial artist maintains is lifting the posture of blade, motionless standing in same place, in the look, has an unequalled stunned color. 武者保持举着断刀的姿势,一动不动的站在原地,眼神中,带着一丝无与伦比的错愕之色。 His eyeball on lifts slightly. 他眼珠微微上抬。 Only felt that the sky increased. 只感觉天空变大了。 Actually is the head above eyes, was patted by a Luo Yan palm of the hand directly shrivelled. 却是双眼之上的脑袋,被罗阎一巴掌直接拍瘪了。 The Luo Yan facial expression is ruthless, the right hand changes the palm is the claw, puts forth Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art. 罗阎神情狠辣,右手变掌为爪,使出夺天魔功 In a flash, then a suck dry middle age martial artist essence and blood, on the face appears wipes the red light. 转瞬之间,便吸干中年武者一身精血,脸上浮现一抹红光。 But at this time, another martial artist has appeared in his body side. 而这时候,另一个武者已是出现在他身侧。 Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art?!” 夺天魔功?!” That is one leaves leeway two to cast aside the thin old man of beard. 那是一个留有两撇胡须的精瘦老头。 Sees Luo Yan suck dry middle age martial artist, ascends the time complexion great change, turns around to run to Zhang Yanyan. 罗阎吸干中年武者,登时间脸色巨变,转身就向张烟烟跑去。 But Zhang Yanyan stands in the distant place, looks at Luo Yan, in the pupil appears wipes the extraordinary splendor. 张烟烟站在远处,看着罗阎,眸中浮现一抹异彩。 This common person, strength unexpectedly such, really surprises her. 这不起眼之人,实力竟如此之强,实在让她意外。 She hides the palm in sleeve to revolve slightly, a blood-color pointed cone condenses slowly. 她藏于袖中的手掌微微旋转,一根血色尖锥缓缓凝聚。 But at this time, near her ear, resounded together the young girl voice suddenly. 但这时候,她耳边,忽然响起一道少女声音。 Un?” “嗯?” The Zhang Yanyan black eyebrow slightly wrinkle, diverges the palm painstaking care awl slowly. 张烟烟黛眉微皱,缓缓散去掌心血锥。 But distant place. 而远处。 Luo Yan, has not actually gone to pursue that thin old man, but looks to Gu and Lin. 罗阎,却也没有去追那精瘦老头,而是看向古林二人。 During sees only ancient forest to be besieged by several martial artist, falls into struggles hard, but that Gu Santong, under the converging attack of two martial artist, comes under attack unceasingly, the mouth spits the blood, was soon killed. 只见古林被几个武者围攻,陷入苦战之中,而那古三通,更是在两个武者的夹攻下,不断挨打,口吐鲜血,快要被打死了。 The Luo Yan eyelid jumps. 罗阎眼皮一跳。 His also planned that relies upon these two people to withdraw. 他本还打算仰仗这二人脱身。 Does not think, immortal cultivator unexpectedly such weakness. 不想,修仙者竟如此之弱。 ancient forest, at least was still also struggling hard even. 那古林也就算了,至少还在苦战。 But that Gu Santong, the strength arrives simply lowly make the blood boil, this several breath, the mouth has spat the blood, same was devastated by the portrait/people looks like sandbag. 但那古三通,战力简直低到令人发指,这才几个呼吸,就已经口吐鲜血,被人像沙包一样蹂躏了。 He looked at the eye also in Zhang Yanyan that the one side sees a play. 他看了眼还在一旁看戏的张烟烟 Clenches teeth, directly flushed, keeps off before the Gu Santong body. 一咬牙,直接冲了回去,挡在古三通身前。 His hand finds out suddenly, in the process of finding out, the muscle then high ballooning, instantaneous and martial artist collides one time, drives back that martial artist. 他一只手猛然探出,在探出的过程中,肌肉便高高鼓胀,瞬间和一个武者碰撞一次,将那武者逼退。 But at this time, another martial artist sword light has bloomed in his eyes. 而这时候,另一个武者的剑光已是在他眼中绽放。 This sword light is radiant, resembling to tear all. 这剑光璀璨,似能撕裂一切。 However the Luo Yan look does not have the least bit to be flurried, after driving back one person, his palm shakes suddenly, the golden part of great bear protects the shield then before he holds takes shape. 然而罗阎眼神却无半点慌乱,在逼退一人后,他手掌猛然一抖,金色的天罡护盾便在他掌前成型。 The golden light raids, causes to protect shield one to ripple, actually cannot protecting the shield cuts broken. 金光袭来,使得护盾一阵荡漾,却未能将护盾斩碎。 Two martial artist see that in the surface reveals to dread the color, suddenly hesitated unexpectedly, stopped the attack. 两个武者见状,面上露出忌惮之色,一时间竟都踌躇不前,停止了进攻。 Luo Yan has turned the head, looks to behind Gu Santong: „Are you all right?” 罗阎转过头,看向身后的古三通:“你没事吧?” After having experienced the Gu Santong strength, he does not want to shout the seniors. 见识过古三通的实力后,他连前辈都不想喊了。 I am all right.” “我没事。” Gu Santong scratched the bloodstain of corners of the mouth, gave a Luo Yan grateful vision. 古三通擦了擦嘴角的血迹,给了罗阎一个感激目光。 He is the scar, the flesh flutters at this time, had caused heavy losses. 他此时身上都是伤痕,血肉翻飞,已然被重创。 If not Luo Yan catches up, he only fears that now is more unfortunate than fortunate. 若非罗阎赶来,他现在只怕已经凶多吉少。 At this time. 这时候。 The ancient forest also depended, his aura dispirited, the chest probably worn-out bellower is even more common, whistling fluctuates unceasingly. 古林也靠了过来,他气息越发萎靡,胸膛像是破旧的拉风箱一般,呼呼不断起伏。 Obviously, the short fight, is to make him border on the limit. 显然,短暂的战斗,已是令他濒临极限。 But surrounding blood god army martial artist also stopped, encircles not to attack, combative is staring at the most central three people. 而周围的血神军武者也停了下来,一个个围而不攻,杀气腾腾的盯着最中央的三人。 Senior, now what to do?” Luo Yan looked at surrounding martial artist, the split vision was looking at ancient forest. “前辈,现在怎么办?”罗阎望着周围的武者,余光瞄了眼古林。 If other ancient forest cards in a hand, he cannot only make a move full power, broke through alone. 若古林没有其他底牌,那他也只能全力出手,独自突围了。 The ancient forest is silent, similarly is staring at surrounding blood god army martial artist. 古林沉默,同样盯着周围的血神军武者 So under condition, except for waiting for death, he also has no other means. 如此境况下,除了等死,他也没有任何其他办法。 Sees its expression, in the Luo Yan heart sinks, prepares to begin. 见其表情,罗阎心中一沉,就准备动手。 But at this time. 但这时候。 The Zhang Yanyan red lip opens, opened the mouth unexpectedly. 张烟烟红唇微启,竟开口了。 ancient forest, seven in the future, the Kaesong gate, welcomes me to enter the prefectural city, got it?” “古林,七日后,开城门,迎我入府城,明白了吗?” Her tone is indifferent, leaves behind a few words, then shouts toward several blood god army martial artist: We walk.” 她语气淡然,留下一句话,便朝几个血神军武者喊道:“我们走。” Several blood god army martial artist facial expressions compel ignorant, but also can only depart with Zhang Yanyan. 几个血神军武者神情懵逼,但也只能跟张烟烟离去。 Same place, is only left over the Luo Yan three people. 原地,只剩下罗阎三人。 Three people look back that Zhang Yanyan and the others departed, some expression doubts. 三人看着张烟烟等人离去的背影,表情都有些疑惑。 Uncle, he does not promise you from the beginning, doesn't want to play tricks on to beat our one?” Gu Santong complexion ugly/difficult to look at saying. “叔,他一开始不答应你,不会就是想戏弄殴打我们一顿吧?”古三通脸色难看的说道。 The ancient forest dried out and wrinkled cheek pulled out pulling out slightly. 古林干皱的面皮微微抽了抽。 Coming under attack is not anything, but loses face...... 挨打不算什么,但出丑…… His look somewhat is gloomy, cold sound said: We walk.” 他眼神微有些阴郁,冷声道:“我们走。” Three people continue to start off. 三人继续上路。 Walked a while, ancient forest turns head suddenly, looks to Luo Yan: A moment ago, many thanks you.” 走了一会儿,古林忽然回头,望向罗阎:“刚才,多谢你。” Luo Yan cracks into a smile, has not said anything. 罗阎咧嘴一笑,没说什么。 Gu Santong looked at Luo Yan, rushes saying: Uncle, Yan Xiaozi he wants Immortal Ascension Pill, can you help him make?” 古三通看了眼罗阎,赶忙道:“叔,阎小子他想要升仙丹,你能帮他弄来吗?” Immortal Ascension Pill?” The ancient forest selects the brow. 升仙丹?”古林一挑眉头。 Properly speaking, each prefectural city, has a grain of Immortal Ascension Pill quota, some of his also powers decide the ownership of this grain of Immortal Ascension Pill. 按理说,每座府城,都有一粒升仙丹的配额,他也有权力决定这粒升仙丹的归属。 Now his. 只是,如今他都这样了。 He hesitates little, said slowly: Does not have the issue.” 他迟疑少许,缓缓道:“没问题。” Saying. 说着。 He looked at Luo Yan to continue saying: I will write a letter to Bell Divine Tower, let he sends people to meet my at the same time, Immortal Ascension Pill also delivers.” 他又看了眼罗阎继续道:“我会给钟神楼写信,让他派人接我的同时,将升仙丹也送过来。” Gu Santong is surprised the different way: Uncle, makes people deliver Baiyue Province to come Immortal Ascension Pill directly?” 古三通诧异道:“叔,直接让人把升仙丹百越府来啊?” Otherwise?” The ancient forest sneers, said: „If not deliver to Baiyue Province to come, by the strength of this boy, even if I give him the quota, he can attain Immortal Ascension Pill?” “不然呢?”古林冷笑,说道:“若不送到百越府来,以这小子的实力,就算我把配额给他,他能拿到升仙丹?” Hears this word. 听闻此言。 Nod of Gu Santong quite approval. 古三通颇为赞同的点了点头。 In the middle of national capital these powerful family foundations are solid, powerhouse, countless, has the complicated relation about immortal cultivator. 国都当中的那些世家大族都底蕴深厚,其中强者,不计其数,更合修仙者有千丝万缕的联系。 If makes Luo Yan go to the national capital to take this grain of Immortal Ascension Pill, the inevitable ratio ascends to heaven difficultly. 若让罗阎去国都取这粒升仙丹,必然比登天都还难。 Many thanks senior.” Luo Yan cups one hand in the other across the chest hastily, respectful of face. “多谢前辈。”罗阎连忙拱手,一脸的恭敬。 Meanwhile, gratitude looked at Gu Santong, actually understands, this is Gu Santong is helping him. 同时,感激的看了眼古三通,却是明白,这是古三通在帮他的忙。
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