ICSBAP :: Volume #2

#165: Whole body big solution

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Martial arts day chapter 【武道天章】 Whole body big solution 【周身大解】 Soul Body Splinting Technique 魂体切割术 Martial arts, technique and magic arts. 武道、技艺、法术。 Mind Searching Record excluded totally the redundant distracting thoughts, only leaves behind three types of essence, splendid. 搜神录剔除了一概冗余杂念,只留下三样精华,熠熠生辉。 Luo Yan has immersion, 11 glance through the feeling. 罗阎心生沉浸其中,一一翻阅感受。 The martial arts day chapter, emerges behind Yuan Yiyang family's the bloodlines magical powers Four arm demon god bodies, Is the simplified editions of four arm demon god bodies, can through changing makes the strength rise suddenly. 武道天章,脱胎于袁易阳背后家族的血脉神通【四臂魔神体】,是四臂魔神体的简化版本,可以通过变身使实力暴涨。 This martial arts is broad and profound, spits the breath including Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art and hole empty demon light, Māra games body, the scarlet blood demon mark and demon god numerous martial arts. 这门武学博大精深,包括夺天魔功、洞虚魔光、摩罗体、赤血魔纹、魔神吐息等一众武学 Is an extremely perfect fight method. 是一门极其完善的战斗法门。 But whole body big solution, then contains all sorts of lifeform knowledge, meridians, acupuncture point, bloodlines, variation wait/etc. 而周身大解,则包含种种生物知识,经脉、穴位、血脉、变异等等。 Yuan Yiyang can based on four arm demon god bodies, create to suit the martial arts day chapter that the mortal cultivates, this whole body big solution has lasting achievements. 袁易阳能在四臂魔神体的基础上,创造出适合凡人修炼的武道天章,这周身大解功不可没。 As for final Soul Body Splinting Technique...... 至于最后的魂体切割术…… This is the magic arts, a Yuan Yiyang mortal, is unable to cut own soul. Let alone, but must proclaim to defend in the middle of divine jade each soul body.” “这是法术,袁易阳一个凡人,根本无法切割自己的灵魂。更何况,还要将每份魂体自封进守神玉当中。” Luo Yan thinks Yuan Yiyang that Elder Brother, the Yuan Yiyang soul body nine points, perhaps are not his own method, but is his elder brother's method. 罗阎想到了袁易阳那位哥哥,袁易阳魂体九分,或许不是他自己的手段,而是他那位哥哥的手段。 First, had the confession to the family. 一来,对家族有了交代。 Secondly, saved younger brother's life. 二来,也保全了弟弟的性命。 It may be said that satisfies both sides. 可谓是两全其美。 If Yuan Yiyang that Elder Brother obtains the news that Yuan Yiyang falls from the sky...... 若袁易阳那位哥哥得到袁易阳陨落的消息…… Read and here. 念及此处。 In his heart sinks slightly. 他心中微微一沉。 Hundred years passed by, perhaps, Yuan Yiyang that Elder Brother had fallen from the sky also perhaps.” “百年都过去了,或许,袁易阳那位哥哥早就陨落了也说不定。” Luo Yan is not him to think, takes a fresh look to Mind Searching Record. 罗阎不做他想,重新看向搜神录 His eye pupil burning hot, all wants, but under the limit of Mind Searching Record, actually can only select one to elect. 他眼眸炙热,全都想要,但在搜神录的限制下,却只能择一而选。 The martial arts day chapter, is almost the limit of martial arts, once grasps, in the mortal, he may call invincibly. 武道天章,几乎是武道的极限,一旦掌握,凡人之中,他可称无敌。 However, on him these martial arts, are the half martial arts day chapters. 然而,他身上的这些武学,已经算是半部武道天章。 Even the choice martial arts day chapter, the degree of strengthen is still limited. 就算选择武道天章,变强的程度也有限。 Let alone, if Xu Xiaosu changes the body like that completely, will also have the enormous damage to the body. 更何况,若如徐小粟那般完全变身,还会对身体产生极大的损伤。 But Soul Body Splinting Technique, although is a soul secret technique, but is useless to present him. 魂体切割术,虽是一门灵魂秘术,但对现在的他却毫无用处。 In his pupil reveals the color of thinking, finally clenches teeth, choice Whole body big solution. 他眸中露出思索之色,最终一咬牙,选择了【周身大解】。 Knowledge is the strength. The whole body big solution, can allow me to understand itself, understands the mortal and immortal cultivator difference.” “知识就是力量。周身大解,能让我更了解自己,了解凡人和修仙者的区别。” Bang! 轰! The memory pours into. 记忆灌入。 In the Luo Yan pupil none explodes shoots, is receiving in the whole body big solution fast all knowledge. 罗阎眸中精光爆射,飞快接收着周身大解中一切知识。 Quick, he is then complete the whole body big solution digestion. 很快,他便将周身大解消化完全。 And most makes him be interested, was the acupuncture point said. 其中最让他感兴趣的,就是穴位之说。 Human body has the acupuncture point, stimulates the different acupuncture points, may produce the different results.” “人体有穴位,刺激不同的穴位,可产生不同的效果。” Luo Yan looks to silver needle. 罗阎看向身边的银针。 Before, he was trigged the acupuncture point by Yuan Yiyang, therefore could not move. 之前,他就是被袁易阳制住穴位,所以才动弹不得。 But besides person anchorage, exciting acupuncture point, but may also make the person strength rise suddenly. 而除了将人定住外,刺激穴位,还可让人实力暴涨。 In the martial arts day chapter, the principle of scarlet blood demon mark, is stimulates the acupuncture point, the stimulation potential, displays a stronger strength by this. 武道天章中,赤血魔纹的原理,就是刺激穴位,激发潜能,以此来发挥出更强实力。 However the scarlet blood demon mark law of stimulation is quite conservative, if disregards all consequences, stimulates living dying two holes, opens life and death door, by his nowadays strength, breaks through so-called limit is not a problem. 不过赤血魔纹中的刺激之法较为保守,若不计后果,刺激‘生’‘死’二穴,打开‘生死门’,以他现今的实力,突破所谓的‘极限’不成问题。 Obviously. 显然。 Only is these acupuncture point knowledge, can make Luo Yan enjoy infinitely. 光是这些穴位知识,就能让罗阎受用无穷。 But in the whole body big solution, said besides the acupuncture point, many contents, are actually the related bloodlines and bloodlines transplant. 而周身大解中,除了穴位之说外,更多的内容,却是有关血脉和血脉移植方面的。 Although is useless temporarily, actually also enriched the Luo Yan background. 虽然暂时没用,却也丰富了罗阎的底蕴。 He deeply inspires, the stable mood, looks other three people to the stone chamber. 他深吸一口气,稳定心情,看向石室中其他三人。 Three people are also living. 三人都还活着。 And ancient forest and Xu Xiaosu remain unconscious, but the aura is steady, it is estimated that not long, will regain consciousness. 其中古林和徐小粟昏迷不醒,但气息平稳,估计不用多久,就将苏醒。 But Gu Santong somewhat was troublesome. 古三通则有些麻烦了。 He was thrown by the ancient forest in the corner conveniently, the aura dispirited, is very weak, soon starved to death. 他被古林随手扔在角落,气息萎靡,十分虚弱,快要饿死了。 Luo Yan stood slowly, after moving under somewhat stiff body, arrives at side Gu Santong, squeezes in two grains of real blood pill toward his mouth, preventing it to starve to death. 罗阎缓缓站了起来,活动了下有些僵硬的身子骨后,走到古三通身边,往其嘴里塞入两粒真血丹,防止其饿死。 Then. 而后。 He arrives at side ancient forest and Xu Xiaosu, cautious fumble. 他又来到古林和徐小粟身边,小心翼翼的摸索起来。 Several bottles of compounded drugs, several pages of martial arts day chapters and some yellowing maps...... 几瓶丹药、几页武道天章、一张有些泛黄的地图…… He examines carefully. 他仔细查看。 Discovering the compounded drug is only true qi pill, but several pages of martial arts day chapters have also lost the charm. 发现丹药只是真气丹,而几页武道天章也早已失去神韵。 Actually that map. 倒是那地图。 The Luo Yan careful examination, found Zhou Country above , found the float island. 罗阎仔细查看,在上面找到了周国,也找到了浮游岛。 Zhou Country fingernail size. 周国不过指甲盖大小。 But the float island is one hardly the obvious small sunspot. 而浮游岛是一个几乎不可见的小黑点。 Both nearly paste in the same place, again outward, is the sea area of length and breadth. 两者近乎贴在一起,再往外,则是广袤的海域。 On map, but also drew a route, from the map, has extended leftmost. 地图上,还画出了一条路线,从地图最右边,一直延伸到最左边。 Leftmost, is Zhou Country is then. 最左边,便是周国所在。 But rightmost, is a sea archipelago, is labelling the chaotic demon sea. 而最右边,则是一片海岛群,标注着乱魔海。 Yuan Yiyang had once disclosed that oneself come from the chaotic demon sea.” In the Luo Yan heart moves slightly. “那袁易阳曾透露过,自己就是从乱魔海过来的。”罗阎心中微动。 Reads this map, the chaotic demon sea is away from Zhou Country to be extremely remote. 看这地图,乱魔海距离周国极其遥远。 If goes by boat depart from Baiyue Province, only feared that must spend the last more than half a year time, can resist that chaotic demon sea. 若是从百越府乘船出发,只怕要花上大半年功夫,才能抵挡那乱魔海。 But this is in the situation of bon voyage. 而这还是一路顺风的情况下。 But the sea is boundless. 但大海无边。 From a land farther sea area, the danger is also bigger, including the giant beast, has variation, even terrifying monster. 距离陆地越远的海域,危险也越大,其中有巨兽,有异种,甚至还有恐怖的妖。 In this grade of situation, how possibly bon voyage? 这等情况下,怎可能一路顺风? Although Luo Yan ponders powerful, but also understands own weight/quantity. 罗阎虽自忖强大,但也明白自己的分量。 By his strength, meets the giant beast and variation can also fight, but if meets the monster, then with delivering the vegetable/dish has no difference. 以他的实力,遇上巨兽和异种还能搏斗一番,但若是遇上妖,那跟送菜没什么区别。 Chaotic demon sea is the immortal cultivator domain, in the surroundings sea area the monster beast is definitely numerous.” “乱魔海是修仙者的地盘,周围海域中肯定妖兽众多。” Luo Yan is so thinking, shakes the head. 罗阎这般想着,不由摇了摇头。 He listens to Yuan Yiyang to mention the difference of immortal cultivation world and mortal world. 他听袁易阳说起过修仙界凡世间的区别。 This world has spirit vein. 这世界有灵脉 immortal cultivation world, situated in spirit vein above, the spiritual energy nourishes the myriad things, the monster beast spirit beast is countless. 修仙界,位于灵脉之上,灵气滋养万物,妖兽灵兽不计其数。 But mortal world, situated in being far away from the spirit vein barren land, is large amount of sends the cultivation essence pill's primitive jungle greatly, rare immortal cultivator steps, is hard the birth monster beast and spirit beast. 凡世间,则位于远离灵脉的贫瘠之地,是大宗大派培育精气丹的原始丛林,罕有修仙者涉足,更难以诞生妖兽和灵兽。 Thinks of here. 想到这儿。 His closing up map, forces in the map the bosom, other things put back completely. 他合拢地图,将地图塞进怀中,其余东西全部放回原处。 The so-called gentleman is avaricious, takes being correct. 所谓君子爱财,取之有道。 This map obviously is Yuan Yiyang thing, he can receive. 这地图显然是袁易阳的东西,他可以收起来。 As for other things, the thing returning to rightful owner is wonderful. 至于其他东西,还是物归原主为妙。 After completing all, he looks to three people of remaining unconscious. 做完一切后,他看向昏迷不醒的三人。 In the whole body big solution, law of the acupuncture point stimulation, may awaken the person of stupor forcefully. 周身大解中,有一穴位刺激之法,可强行唤醒昏迷之人。 Perhaps, he should experiment, has a look whether to awaken ancient forest several people. 或许,他应该试验一下,看看能否唤醒古林几人。 If successful, he can win ancient forest and the others the favorable impressions. 若成功,他能博得古林等人的好感。 If failed, considered the accumulation experience. 若失败,就当是积累经验了。 Read and here, he looked for several silver needles, arrived at side the ancient forest. 念及此处,他找来几根银针,走到古林身边。 Sees only his wrist/skill to shake, several silver needle then lasings, proliferate above ancient forest the head. 只见他手腕一抖,几根银针便激射而出,遍布古林脑袋之上。 The law of this silver acupuncture hole becomes effective to be quick. 这银针刺穴之法生效极快。 Shortly. 没多久。 The ancient forest then eyelid trembles, the opening eyes pupil, takes the lead to revive slowly. 古林便眼皮一颤,缓缓睁开眼眸,率先苏醒过来。 „Did senior, you awake?” Luo Yan rushes to open the mouth, the recording tape is respectful. “前辈,您醒了?”罗阎赶忙开口,音带恭敬。 I......” ancient Linshang was somewhat ignorant, after seeing clearly Luo Yan, said vigilantly: “我……”古林尚有些懵,直到看清罗阎后,才警惕道: Was you saved me?” “是你救了我?” He is staring at Luo Yan stubbornly, actually before is the stupor, picture that finally sees, is Yuan Yiyang prepares to seize shed Luo Yan. 他死死盯着罗阎,却是昏迷之前最后看到的画面,就是袁易阳准备夺舍这罗阎 Luo Yan nods, says with a smile: Was not saved the senior, the senior originally the safe/without matter, I awakened the senior in the law of silver acupuncture hole ahead of time.” 罗阎点头,笑道:“算不上救了前辈,前辈本就无事,我只是以银针刺穴之法将前辈提前唤醒而已。” The ancient forest nods, the vigilant pupil light becomes gentle. 古林点头,原本警惕的眸光变得柔和。 As immortal cultivator, he can detect others 's soul aura faintly. 作为修仙者,他隐隐能察觉出他人的灵魂气息。 He is familiar with Yuan Yiyang soul aura, because after looking at two, then saw that Luo Yan had not been really seized the shed. 他对袁易阳的灵魂气息熟悉,因为看了两眼后,便看出罗阎真的没被夺舍。 After staring at two . 凝望两眼后。 He finally is relaxed the one breath, on the face reveals color of being survivor of disaster rejoicing, then struggled to stand. 他终于轻松一口气,脸上露出一丝劫后余生的庆幸之色,然后挣扎着站了起来。 His body had been invaded by Yuan Yiyang too for a long time, a little did not adapt to own body the long time to him. 他的身体已经被袁易阳侵占太久,久到他都有点不适应自己的身体了。 Adapted for a long time, he comes to a stop, even, takes a fresh look to Luo Yan: In any event, wants many thanks you.” 适应了许久,他才站稳甚至,重新看向罗阎:“无论如何,都要多谢你。” The trivial mortal, he did not look in the eye. 区区凡人,他本不看在眼中。 But Luo Yan awakened him, that regards as another matter. 罗阎唤醒了他,那又另当别论。 He are so, having a grudge must report, having the graciousness must recompense! 他这人就是这般,有仇必报,有恩必偿! He wants to thank Luo Yan well, but looks at Gu Santong of not far away, on his face then reveals a tense color. 他想好好感谢罗阎一番,但一看不远处的古三通,他脸上便露出一丝紧张之色。 He arrives at side Gu Santong, stretches out a finger, gently a point on Gu Santong. 他走到古三通身边,伸出一根手指,在古三通身上轻轻一点。 Next second. 下一秒。 Gu Santong then stuffy snort/hum, opened the eyelid slowly. 古三通便闷哼一声,缓缓睁开了眼皮。 Three Contacts, are you all right?” A ancient forest face is tight. “三通,你没事吧?”古林一脸紧张。 I am all right. Uncle, is you?” In his eye brings the tears, the expression is somewhat suffering. “我没事。叔叔,是你吗?”他眼中带着泪光,表情有些委屈。 Is I.” ancient forest Zuipi moves, on the face reveals a apology. “是我。”古林嘴皮动了动,脸上露出一丝歉意。 That named Yuan Yiyang?” Gu Santong also asked, looked at two toward all around. “那个叫袁易阳的呢?”古三通又问,朝四周望了两眼。 He still remembers that Yuan Yiyang method, several silver needles come, he then cannot move. 他犹记得那袁易阳的手段,几根银针过来,他便动弹不得。 This days. 这段日子。 He had almost not starved to death. 他差点没被饿死。 Is good because of him is immortal cultivator, has the playing dead secret technique, reduces own body consumption as far as possible, lived on dishonorably. 好在他是修仙者,有假死秘术,尽量减少自己的身体消耗,苟活了下来。 Died.” The ancient forest patted the shoulder of Gu Santong, in the surface showed the smile. “死了。”古林拍了拍古三通的肩膀,面上露出笑容。 He seizes abandons my time, the soul bewilderedly disappears.” Luo Yan pulls the hair, cracks into a smile. “他夺舍我的时候,灵魂莫名其妙泯灭了。”罗阎抓了抓头发,咧嘴一笑。 Also can like this?” Gu Santong gawked staring, feels unthinkable. “还能这样?”古三通愣了愣,感到匪夷所思。 Our luck is good, the life should not certainly.” “我们运气好,命不该绝。” The ancient forest nods with a smile, however the innermost feelings especially are serious. 古林笑着点头,然而内心却格外沉重。 Yuan Yiyang died. 袁易阳是死了。 But Yuan Yiyang controls in this period of time of his body, stays behind mess that one pile is unable to clean up. 但袁易阳控制他身体的这段时间内,留下了一堆无法收拾的烂摊子。 And most made him have a headache, is the Baiyue Province present tactical situation. 其中最令他头痛的,就是百越府如今的战况。 The blood god army resurge, the situation has become, the defense army live in distress the prefectural city, the destruction near. 血神军死灰复燃,大势已成,守城军困居府城,覆灭在即。 This is his dereliction of duty, he is difficult to escape its fault, after going back, must be punished by Bell Divine Tower unavoidably. 这是他的失职,他难逃其咎,回去之后,免不了要被钟神楼责罚。 In his heart sighed, immediately complexion one austere, looked to Luo Yan, the sinking sound said: Tidies up, we first go to the prefectural city.” 他心中叹息,随即面色一肃,看向罗阎,沉声说道:“收拾一下,我们先去府城。” Although his soul was suppressed in the body deep place, but is also feeling the surrounding all frequently. 他的灵魂虽被镇压在身体深处,但也时刻感受着周围发生的一切。 To the Immortal Ascension Pavilion condition, is not strange. 升仙阁的境况,并不陌生。 Now. 如今。 Immortal Ascension Pavilion already in to become sea isolated island. 升仙阁已成海中孤岛。 Even that calls makes the smoke smoke immortal cultivator to begin twice, but was driven back by Yuan Yiyang temporarily. 甚至那唤做烟烟的修仙者都已经动手两次,只是被袁易阳暂时逼退而已。 His present soul is wounded, the strength reduces greatly, if not leave as soon as possible, waits for that smoke smoke to come again, only fears more unfortunate than fortunate. 他现在灵魂受创,实力大减,若不尽早离开,等那烟烟再来,只怕凶多吉少。 Good.” “好。” Luo Yan rushes to nod. 罗阎赶忙点头。 He arrives at side Xu Xiaosu, according to the bottle gourd picture wooden scoop, several silver needles gets down, Xu Xiaosu then ying warned one, opened the eyelid slowly. 他来到徐小粟身边,依葫芦画瓢,几根银针下去,徐小粟便嘤咛一声,缓缓睁开了眼皮。 slow does Miss, how feel?” He looks to Xu Xiaosu. “徐姑娘,感觉如何?”他看向徐小粟 This Xu Xiaosu was also seized the shed obviously. 徐小粟显然也是被夺舍了。 ...... Was seized the shed by a man, but also control body such. 只是……被一个男人夺舍,还掌控身体如此之久。 If trades to be him, even if lived, innermost feelings inevitably also extremely suffering. 若换作他,纵然活了下来,内心必然也极其煎熬。 Xu Xiaosu is silent, lying down is motionless on the ground, has not paid attention to Luo Yan. 徐小粟沉默着,躺在地上一动不动,没有理会罗阎 Luo Yan sees that also can only shake the head, starts to tidy up. 罗阎见状,也只能摇了摇头,开始收拾起来。 In this Immortal Ascension Pavilion, the good thing to be actually many. 升仙阁中,好东西其实不少。 Ancestor division level martial arts treasured copy, variation flesh, true qi pill, almighty troops sharp weapon...... 宗师级武学秘本、异种血肉、真气丹、神兵利器…… However at this time, he also can only conform to simplicity, picks the ancient Uncle Lin zhi two people to select the remaining thing packs. 不过此时,他也只能从简,捡古林叔侄二人挑剩下的东西打包。 After moment. 片刻过后。 Three people tidy up, before the body, had/left the two burdens. 三人收拾完毕,身前都多出了两个包袱。 Walks, at this time in the early morning, we leave as early as possible.” The ancient forest is brief and to the point. “走吧,此时天刚亮,我们趁早离开。”古林言简意赅。 His wound from the soul, the non- short time can be healed. 他的伤来自灵魂,非短时间能够痊愈。 Therefore he plans first to return to the prefectural city, then requests reinforcements to Bell Divine Tower. 故而他打算先回府城,然后向钟神楼求援。 After this great misfortune, he has to draw back intent, plans to give up Baiyue Province directly. 经此大劫,他心生退意,打算直接放弃百越府 However...... he now is too weak, must make Bell Divine Tower send people to meet him. 不过……他现在太弱了,必须让钟神楼派人来接他。 Otherwise. 若不然。 He only feared that cannot get away far. 他只怕走不了多远。 Good.” “好。” Luo Yan and Gu Santong nod, have the burden, planned that departs with the ancient forest. 罗阎古三通点头,背上包袱,打算跟古林离去。 At this time, Luo Yan looked that also lay down to the one side in ground motionless Xu Xiaosu, selected the brow saying: slow doesn't Miss, you walk?” 这时候,罗阎看向一旁还躺在地上一动不动的徐小粟,一挑眉头道:“徐姑娘,你不走吗?” The ancient forest looks following the Luo Yan vision, knits the brows. 古林顺着罗阎目光望去,皱了皱眉。 A mortal, he does not want to pay attention, but Luo Yan opened the mouth at this time, he also has to bear the temper to open the mouth to explain. 一个凡人,他本不想理会,但此时罗阎都开口了,他也只好耐着性子开口解释。 Her soul was suppressed too for a long time, although now return main body, but in a short time, is very difficult to restore to the control of body.” “她灵魂被镇压太久,现在虽然回归主体,但短时间内,很难恢复对身体的掌控。” This woman is not he. 这女人不是他。 He is immortal cultivator, the soul is powerful, although was suppressed several years, causing the soul to be damaged, but the control body is not difficult. 他是修仙者,灵魂强大,虽被镇压数年,导致灵魂受创,但掌控身体还是不难。 But Xu Xiaosu is only an ordinary mortal, the soul is pure, was suppressed several years, does not disappear directly well even. 徐小粟只是个普通凡人,灵魂淳弱,被镇压数年,不直接泯灭就算是好的了。 So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” Luo Yan nods secretly, is looking at the vision of Xu Xiaosu that somewhat hope, walks simply, her anti- on shoulder. 罗阎暗自点头,望着徐小粟那有些祈求的目光,干脆走过去,将她抗在了肩上。 Yan won't Xiaozi, you have a liking for this woman?” “阎小子,你不会看上这女人了吧?” On the Gu Santong face reveals smiles inexpensively. 古三通脸上露出贱笑。 He looked at Xu Xiaosu, the oval face that the monster flatters, the body delicate boneless, is very indeed attractive. 他看了眼徐小粟,妖媚的瓜子脸,身子柔弱无骨,的确很漂亮。 Only pitifully, is actually a mortal...... that winding in its bustling place evil strength, really makes one sick. 只可惜,却是个凡人……那缠绕在其身上的红尘孽力,实在令人作呕。 Senior chatted, I am only helpful.” Luo Yan is calm. “前辈说笑了,我只是乐于助人罢了。”罗阎语气平静。 Hehe, does not need to explain, I understand.” Gu Santong smiles inexpensively as before. “嘿嘿,不用解释,我懂。”古三通贱笑依旧。 Luo Yan smiles, had not explained again. 罗阎笑了笑,并未再解释。 Ok, walked.” “行了,走吧。” Four people go out of Immortal Ascension Pavilion. 四人走出升仙阁 Just had/left Immortal Ascension Pavilion, the ancient forest complexion instantaneous was then cloudy. 刚出升仙阁,古林脸色便瞬间阴沉下来。 He looked to the distant place chirp called the bird, the whole person to soar to go, flew high unexpectedly directly empty crosses, 32 steps, then appeared above a big tree, held one to want the bird that spread the wings to depart. 他看向远处唧唧叫着的小鸟,整个人腾空而去,竟直接凌空虚渡,三两步,便出现在一颗大树之上,抓住一只正欲展翅离去的小鸟。 Chirp.” “唧唧。” The ancient forest grabs the bird that screamed unceasingly, fell to the ground in slowly, the sound said dignifiedly: This is the red eyes swallow of blood god sect, may share the field of vision with the master, specifically is used to monitor others.” 古林抓着不断尖叫的鸟儿,缓缓落到地面上,声音凝重道:“这是血神宗的红眼玄鸟,可与主人共享视野,专门用来监视他人。” The voice falls, he makes an effort suddenly, pinches one group of blood fog the bird directly. 话音落下,他猛然用力,直接将鸟儿捏成一团血雾。 These blood god army only feared that had known me and other movement, we pick up the speed.” “那些血神军只怕已经知晓了我等的动作,我们加快速度。” Said. 说罢。 His whole person rides the wind, is ordinary just like wind, from the sky has delimited together the curve, skices to go to the prefectural city direction fast. 他整个人乘风而起,宛如风儿一般,在空中划过一道弧度,飞快向府城方向疾行而去。 But Gu Santong follows closely ancient forest behind, is so, from the sky has slid dozens zhang (3.33 m), light falling on the ground, under the foot a point, the whole person will then rise straight from the ground gently, such as the wind glides to go to the distant place. 古三通紧随古林身后,也是这般,在空中滑过数十丈,才会轻飘飘的落在地上,然后足下轻轻一点,整个人又拔地而起,如风般向远处滑翔而去。 Xun trigram wind bloodlines?” “巽风血脉?” Luo Yan thinks of one immortal cultivation bloodlines in whole body big solution. 罗阎想到周身大解中的一种修仙血脉。 This Xun trigram wind bloodlines, are one type only the ordinary bloodlines above innate bloodlines, the inborn own gentle breeze attribute, is the darling of wind. 这巽风血脉,是一种只在先天血脉之上的普通血脉,天生亲和风属性,乃是风之宠儿。 In his heart moves slightly. 他心中微动。 Immediately under the foot, the whole person vertical leaps, pursues toward two people. 随即足下一点,整个人纵跃而出,朝二人追去。 The speed...... compares two people to go beyond. 速度……比二人有过之而无不及。
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