ICSBAP :: Volume #2

#164: Walks into a trap two

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I can strengthen add a https:// 我能强化加点https:// Luo Yan looks desperately. 罗阎面露绝望。 Even Xu Xiaosu came, conceivable, ancient forest that bellows, made him fall into the long-term stupor directly. 徐小粟都过来了,可以想象,古林那一声大吼,直接让他陷入了长时间的昏迷。 It is not the short several seconds. 不是短暂的几秒。 Also is not several minutes. 也不是几分钟。 But is several double-hour, even is several days. 而是几个时辰,甚至是几天。 slow was Miss, putting me good?” His gentle voice opens the mouth, pupil belt/bring tender feeling. “徐姑娘,放了我好不好?”他柔声开口,眸带温情。 Is saying, he while is trying struggling. 一边说着,他一边试着挣扎。 However finally made him desperate, he seemed like the vegetable, can speak besides the mouth, the eyeball can also rotate, other spots, did not have the consciousness totally. 然而结果令他绝望,他像是成了植物人,除了嘴巴还能说话,眼珠还能转动,其余部位,一概没了知觉。 Naturally. 当然。 Is stronger than nearby Gu Santong. 比一旁的古三通还是强一些。 The boy pours in not far away, even the mouth is unable to open, only then two eyeballs keep turning in the bone common. 那小子倒在不远处,连嘴巴都无法张开,只有两颗眼珠子在骨碌碌转个不停。 „Is Brother Yan willing to associate with me now?” “阎哥哥现在愿意跟我交往了啊?” Xu Xiaosu smiles shyly, on the small face reveals wipes the sunset glow, her eye pupil hangs down, the sound is thin, if housefly: „It is not good, I do not want to associate with you now, only wants your body.” 徐小粟羞涩一笑,小脸上露出一抹红霞,她眼眸低垂,声音细若蚊蝇:“不行哦,我现在不想跟你交往了,只想要你的身体。” Snort! Affected, violates inexpensively!” The ancient forest looks unexpectedly, cold sound scolded. “哼!矫揉造作,犯贱!”古林面露不虞,冷声呵斥。 I like.” Xu Xiaosu white ancient forest. “我喜欢。”徐小粟白了眼古林。 Two people one asked questions and other answered, seems like thought aloud. 两人一问一答,却又像是自言自语。 The Luo Yan eyeball rotation, looked at ancient forest of distant place, small sound said: slow isn't Miss, being yourself good? Thinks to look, if nine soul bodies combine, you didn't disappear directly?” 罗阎眼珠子转动,看了眼远处的古林,小声道:“徐姑娘,做你自己不好吗?想想看,若是九份魂体合二为一,你不就直接消失了吗?” Luo Yan tries to instigate Xu Xiaosu. 罗阎试着怂恿徐小粟 However Xu Xiaosu actually remains unmoved, smiling is looking at Luo Yan, smart-alecky say/way: Brother Yan you said anything. I am I, how will I disappear?” 然而徐小粟却不为所动,笑眯眯的望着罗阎,俏皮道:“阎哥哥你说什么呢。我就是我,我怎会消失?” Right, I am I.” Nearby, ancient forest also opens the mouth, the tune such as Xu Xiaosu is ordinary. “没错,我就是我。”一旁,古林也开口,腔调如徐小粟一般。 He looks to Luo Yan, cold sound said: Be not thinking inciting, the character that each soul body inherits although is different, but to self- the cognition cannot a little difference.” 他看向罗阎,冷声道:“别想着挑唆,每份魂体继承的性格虽然不同,但对‘自我’的认知不会有一点差异。” Luo Yan is silent. 罗阎沉默。 At this time, Xu Xiaosu broke off his mouth, forced in two grains of compounded drugs. 这时候,徐小粟掰开他的嘴,塞进两粒丹药。 He wants to spit. 他想吐掉。 Actually discovered oneself simply do not have the consciousness, only felt that the compounded drug enters in the mouth, actually, where went to not to know. 却发现自己根本没有知觉,只感觉丹药进入嘴中,却连之后去了哪里都不知道。 What did you eat to me?” A Luo Yan face is vigilant. “你给我吃了什么?”罗阎一脸警惕。 true qi pill, flesh variation fly wasp.” Xu Xiaosu said truthfully. 真气丹,还有血肉异种蚍蜉。”徐小粟如实说道。 Then, she also shows a faint smile saying: Is the good things, very expensive/noble.” 说完,她还微微一笑道:“都是好东西哦,很贵的呢。” „Do you actually want to do?” The Luo Yan complexion is ugly. “你们到底想干什么?”罗阎脸色难看。 Naturally is to make you grow stronger again a point. Otherwise, how to hold my powerful soul?” Xu Xiaosu curls the lip. “当然是让你再变强一点。要不然,怎么容纳我强大的灵魂?”徐小粟撇了撇嘴。 hears sound. 闻声。 Luo Yan looks suddenly. 罗阎面露恍然。 His complexion was aggrieved, thought of the pig. 他脸色憋屈,想到了猪。 Reared in a pen in the pigsty, eating drinking, after fattening up, a blade butchered again. 被圈养在猪圈里,给吃给喝,等养肥后,再一刀宰了。 Nowadays, is he in Xu Xiaosu and ancient Linyan, a pig? 现如今,他在徐小粟和古林眼中,何尝不是一头猪呢? You are not Xu Xiaosu, is not ancient forest, who are you? Do you name?” Luo Yan does not want to give up as before, wants to understand this person, seeks for this person of flaw. “你不是徐小粟,也不是古林,那你是谁?你叫什么名字?”罗阎依旧不想放弃,想了解这人,寻找这人的破绽。 My name was Yuan Yiyang.” Xu Xiaosu is brief and to the point. “我叫袁易阳。”徐小粟言简意赅。 Mentioned that this name, she as if thinks what not good memory, the eyeground flashes through together the cold light, even the facial features somewhat are fierce. 提到这个名字,她似乎想到了什么不好的记忆,眼底闪过一道冷光,连面容都有些狰狞。 Yuan Yiyang? Legendary character who that establishes Martial God Sect?” The Luo Yan brow selects. “袁易阳?那位创立武神宗的传奇人物?”罗阎眉头一挑。 He has listened to this given name. 他听过这个名号。 The Martial God Sect founder, that wants by martial Faxian peerless Heaven's Chosen. 武神宗的创始人,那位要‘以武伐仙’的绝世天骄。 No wonder Xu Xiaosu meets Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art, meets various types to change the body. 难怪徐小粟又会夺天魔功,又会各种变身。 Originally she is Yuan Yiyang. 原来她就是袁易阳。 Yuan Senior, you wants by martial Faxian the big man, is the legend, is the epic. Your character so, seizes to abandon my such ants, was the pattern too small?” “袁前辈,您是想要以武伐仙的伟大人物,是传奇,是史诗。您这般的人物,夺舍我这样一个蝼蚁,格局是不是太小了点?” Your character so, only then the body of immortal cultivator can be joined to you.” “您这般的人物,只有修仙者的身体才配得上你啊。” Or, you put me, I later followed certainly the lead for you.” “要不,你把我放了吧,我以后一定为你马首是瞻。” On the Luo Yan face reveals the color of worship. 罗阎脸上露出崇拜之色。 Hehe.” “呵呵。” Xu Xiaosu laughed, puts out a hand to pinch the cheek of Luo Yan, ridiculed saying: „ Any big man, anything by martial Faxian, I am a waste of not immortal cultivation bloodlines. 徐小粟嗤笑,伸手捏了捏罗阎的脸蛋,揶揄道:“什么伟大人物,什么以武伐仙,我不过是个没有一丝修仙血脉的废物而已。 As for seizing to abandon immortal cultivator? Sorry, immortal cultivator and my soul do not match, even if seizes the shed , the future is roadless.” ”“至于夺舍修仙者?抱歉,修仙者和我的灵魂并不匹配,纵然夺舍,也前途无路。” Her whole face disdains, rare reveals a self-ridiculing color, was seemingly more normal. 她满脸不屑,难得的露出一丝自嘲之色,看上去正常了许多。 „Aren't martial arts able to cut down the immortal?” Luo Yan asked. “武道无法伐仙?”罗阎问道。 Xu Xiaosu looked at Luo Yan, cold sound said: Martial arts can cut down the immortal, but that is building up body in immortal cultivator system. The body of mortal, by martial Faxian? I along with the mouth sentence boasting, how expect by your mortals am kept firmly in mind, but also shouted so resoundingly the slogan.” 徐小粟看了眼罗阎,冷声道:“武道可以伐仙,但那是修仙者体系中的炼体者。凡人之躯,以武伐仙?我随口吹句牛皮而已,怎料到被你们这些凡人牢记在心,还将口号喊得如此响亮。” She looks unexpectedly. 她面露不虞。 Own past years said carelessly words, was actually presented by the mortal for the classics. 自己当年胡乱说了句话,却被凡人奉为经典。 Often hears these words, she can the cheek have a fever, wishes one could to look for a tunnel to drill. 每每听到这句话,她都会面皮发烧,恨不得找个地洞钻下去。 Also is Luo Yan. 也就是罗阎 If trades to be others, dares before her saying that these words stimulate her, only feared that had been ripped the fragment by her. 若是换作他人,敢在她面前说这句话刺激她,只怕早就被她撕成碎片了。 Luo Yan is silent. 罗阎沉默。 For a long time, asked again: Your Elder Brother? Why does he want to kill you?” 许久,再次问道:“那你哥哥呢?他为何要杀你?” Why? Because I am too weak, is family's shame. My existence, is in itself makes the family feel a matter that loses face.” The Xu Xiaosu expression returns to normal, said one lightly. “为何?因为我太弱,是家族的耻辱。我的存在,本身就是让家族感到丢脸的一件事。”徐小粟表情恢复平静,淡淡说了一句。 Immortal Cultivation family?” In the Luo Yan pupil reveals the curious color. “修仙家族?”罗阎眸中流露好奇之色。 Otherwise.” “不然呢。” On the Xu Xiaosu face reveals the color of recalling, said slowly: My brother is in the clan the bloodlines purest clansman, lives, but four arms, may call Heaven's Chosen. But I, actually am the clean waste that bloodlines degenerate.” 徐小粟脸上露出追忆之色,缓缓道:“我哥哥是族中血脉最精纯的族人,生而四臂,可称天骄。而我,却是个血脉退化的一干二净的废物。” She holds the both arms, on the face has not covering up the color of losing. 她抱着双臂,脸上带着不加掩饰的失落之色。 Annoys the person to take pity on. 惹人怜惜。 Waste how? Thirty years the river goes east thirty years the river goes west, bullies the youngster to be poor not. Aren't you thinking the counterattack?” Luo Yan instigates to say. “废物又如何?三十年河东三十年河西,莫欺少年穷。你就不想着逆袭?”罗阎怂恿道。 Counterattack what?” Xu Xiaosu slanting Luo Yan. “逆袭什么?”徐小粟斜了眼罗阎 He chases down you, harms your soul body nine points, you are not thinking revenging, steps on him ruthlessly in the under foot?!” Luo Yan seems like the sympathize, the say/way of clenching jaws. “他追杀你,害你魂体九分,你就不想着报仇,将他狠狠踩在脚下?!”罗阎似乎感同身受,咬牙切齿的道。 I do not blame my brother.” “我不怪我哥哥。” Xu Xiaosu shakes the head, looks to Luo Yan, tranquil say/way: I can understand him, after all I oppressed to dismember several clansmen, he did not kill me, is unable to report on accomplishments to the family.” 徐小粟摇头,看向罗阎,平静道:“我能理解他,毕竟我凌虐肢解了好几个族人,他不杀我,无法向家族交差。” „Did you dismember several clansmen?” The Luo Yan eyelid jumps, the vision becomes strange. “你肢解了好几个族人?”罗阎眼皮一跳,目光变得怪异。 He thinks that this Yuan Yiyang back family is unreasonable, because Yuan Yiyang is the waste, therefore removes this Yuan Yiyang. Does not think. 他本以为这袁易阳背后的家族不近人情,因为袁易阳是废物,所以才除掉这袁易阳。不想。 This Yuan Yiyang dismembered several clansmen unexpectedly...... 这袁易阳竟然肢解了好几个族人…… If he is this Yuan Yiyang Elder Brother, only feared that will also punish guilty family members. 若他是这袁易阳的哥哥,只怕也会大义灭亲。 I want to take a look, whether to transplant their bloodlines to me on.” Xu Xiaosu knits the brows. “我只是想看看,能否将他们身上的血脉移植到我身上而已。”徐小粟皱了皱眉。 If some elect, who wants to commit a crime. 若有的选,谁想犯事呢。 She has tried to find the solution. 她想过办法。 Immortal Ascension Pill and external force stimulation and awakening medicament...... 升仙丹、外力刺激、觉醒药剂…… However, her really immortal cultivation bloodlines did not have, said that the bloodlines decline are of pleasant to hear, bloodlines variation to become Fanxue is the most appropriate view. 然而,她是真的一点修仙血脉都没了,说血脉衰退是好听的,血脉变异成凡血才是最合适的说法。 The compounded drug, medicament or the external force are exciting, can make the bloodlines awaken rapidly, innate body that the achievement can immortal cultivation. 丹药、药剂或是外力刺激,可以让血脉飞速觉醒,成就能够修仙的先天之体。 But she did not have, but how also to awaken? 但她都没有了,还如何觉醒? The egg can hatch the chicken, the stone actually cannot hatch the chicken, is such truth. 鸡蛋可以孵出小鸡,石头却孵不出小鸡,就是这么个道理。 Her pure every blood. 她这种纯粹的凡血。 Even if places the mortal world, is in ten thousand does not have existence. 即便放在凡人世界,也是万中无一的存在。 After all, mortal who this world law of the jungle, can live, whose ancestor not extravagant? Whose ancestor doesn't have immortal cultivator? 毕竟,这个世界弱肉强食,能够一直活下来的凡人,谁祖上没阔过?谁祖上没出过修仙者 Hehe.” “呵呵。” Luo Yan smiles, said curiously: „Was the senior successful?” 罗阎笑了笑,好奇道:“那前辈成功了吗?” Xu Xiaosu shakes the head: No.” 徐小粟摇头:“没有。” Road endless its long and far. 路漫漫其修远兮。 Although she has not succeeded, but had seen a ray of hope. 她虽然没成功,但已经看到了一丝希望。 Thinks of here. 想到这儿。 She looks again to Luo Yan, in the eye is completely the burning hot: Your issue a little seem many. However is unimportant,...... we will become a body not long.” 她再度望向罗阎,眼中尽是炙热:“你问题似乎有点多。不过不要紧,不用多久……我们就会成为一体。” Her dangling head, pastes on the chest of Luo Yan, exudes two strange laughter. 她垂下脑袋,贴在罗阎的胸膛上,发出两声怪异笑声。 ...... …… The time passes. 时间流逝。 In an instant, six months have passed. 转眼之间,半年过去了。 In the half year, the Baiyue Province situation changes rapidly. 这半年来,百越府的局势飞速变化。 As the Qu Jiuyou body dies, the protectorate mansion survives in name only, all influence clashes over each other to seize power, does not know that many strong presence vanished in a puff of smoke overnight, does not know that many people pour in the pool of blood, exterminated the clan the foreign family/home. 随着曲九幽身死,镇守府名存实亡,各方势力互相倾轧夺权,不知多少强大势力在旦夕间灰飞烟灭,又不知有多少人倒在血泊中,被人夷家灭族。 These. 这其中。 Valuable Peace Palace changes the declining tendency, becomes biggest benefit, clears away the barrier gradually, becomes the prefectural city only king. 宝泰王府一改颓势,成为最大的获益者,渐渐扫清障碍,成为府城唯一的王。 But was soon pursued the Baiyue Province blood god army, then resurges, makes use to attack a city pull Zhai. 而原本快要被驱逐出百越府的血神军,则死灰复燃,趁势攻城拔寨。 The blood god army of resurging sweep away all obstacles, invincible. 死灰复燃的血神军所向披靡,战无不胜。 Short a half year. 短短半年。 Then sweeps across entire Baiyue Province, seized all counties besides prefectural city. 便席卷整个百越府,占领了除了府城之外的所有县城。 The potential , not to be possible to look disdainfully. 其势之甚,无可睥睨。 Now. 如今。 The prefectural city has become the isolated island, falls into under the encirclement of blood god army. 府城已成孤岛,陷入血神军的包围之下。 Some people are tied down by care of one's family, flees Baiyue Province directly, goes to other prefectural cities. 有人拖家带口,直接逃离百越府,前往其他府城。 Also some people turn around to surrender to the enemy, joins the blood god army. 也有人转身投敌,加入血神军。 The blood god army are even more powerful. 血神军越发强大。 But the prefectural city is frightened by the slightest sound, did not see was lively in the past. 而府城则风声鹤唳,再不见往昔繁华。 All these, have nothing to do with Luo Yan. 这一切,与罗阎无关。 He lies down in the Immortal Ascension Pavilion stone chamber as before, but compared six months, his vitality at this moment was strong and powerful, within the body true qi was billowing and fresh, had been fed one lushly pig. 他依旧躺在升仙阁石室中,只是相较半年前,此刻的他气血壮盛,体内真气滚滚而生,已然被喂养成了一只肥美的‘猪’。 Only pitifully. 只可惜。 Luo Yan is unsensible, does not realize great strength at this moment. 罗阎毫无知觉,体会不到此刻的强大。 Brother Yan, tonight, this body was my, what last words did you have?” “阎哥哥,今晚过后,这具身体就是我的了,你有什么遗言吗?” Xu Xiaosu is touching the body of Luo Yan, the look is somewhat blurred. 徐小粟抚摸着罗阎的身体,眼神有些迷离。 For serveral days, she fed true qi pill and flesh to Luo Yan every day variation. 这些天来,她每天给罗阎喂食真气丹和血肉异种。 Now, this body has reached the day after tomorrow the intermediate level, can hold her soul reluctantly. 如今,这具身体已经达到后天中期的水准,勉强能够容纳她的灵魂。 The outside situation is not wonderful. 外边局势不妙。 Seizes the shed, today. 夺舍,就在今日。 Luo Yan closes one's eyes, silent. 罗阎闭着眼睛,沉默不语。 After he dies, all for fabricated, he also has anything to say. 等他死后,一切皆为虚妄,他还有什么好说的。 Sees Luo Yan not to speak, Xu Xiaosu curls the lip, is somewhat senseless, but is quick, laughs, falls into the middle of own joy. 罗阎不语,徐小粟撇了撇嘴,有些无趣,但很快,又嘻嘻一笑,陷入自己的快乐当中。 At this time, ancient forest opening eyes pupil, asked suddenly: Outside situation how?” 这时候,古林忽然睁开眼眸,问道:“外边的情况如何?” How can also, that immortal cultivator named smoke smoke come twice, although was sent by me, but seems like the appearance that will not give up.” Xu Xiaosu replied. “还能如何,那个叫烟烟的修仙者来过两次,虽然被我打发走了,但看上去不会善罢甘休的样子。”徐小粟回答。 Immortal Ascension Pavilion constructs in the suburb, is the Grand Pure Sect influence. 升仙阁建在郊外,是属于太清宗的势力。 That smoke smoke as the Xue Shen Zi subordinate, has regarded as eye-sore Immortal Ascension Pavilion, wishes one could to wipe out directly. 那烟烟身为血神子的手下,早已将升仙阁视为眼中钉,恨不得直接拔除。 The matter cannot be delayed, hurries to seize the shed, then leaves this place.” ancient forest knitting the brows head. “事不宜迟,赶紧夺舍,然后离开此地。”古林皱了皱眉头。 He does not want is too many with the immortal cultivator contact. 他不想和修仙者接触太多。 Let alone, even when his family is most prosperous, compared with that smoke smoke back blood god sect, as before is the glow compared with it bright moon, is no comparison between them. 更何况,即便是他家族最鼎盛时,和那烟烟背后的血神宗相比,依旧是萤火比之皓月,不可同日而语。 Good.” Xu Xiaosu nods. “好。”徐小粟点头。 Two people one asked questions and other answered, thought aloud probably, hearing the person to be absolutely terrified. 两人一问一答,却像是自言自语,听得人毛骨悚然。 But Luo Yan has become accustomed. 罗阎早就习以为常。 His complexion is tranquil, only wants to be walked by oneself as far as possible serenely. 他面色平静,只想让自己走的尽量安详一点。 Come.” “来吧。” His light say/way, the facial expression is serene, is ready. 他淡淡道,神情安详,已是做好准备。 Brother Yan, you walks, I will treasure this body well.” Xu Xiaosu looked, sweet smiles, nods to the ancient forest. “阎哥哥,你走好,我会好好珍惜这具身体的。”徐小粟望了过来,甜甜一笑,又对古林点了点头。 Starts.” “开始吧。” Two people sit cross-legged to sit, close the eyes. 两人盘膝而坐,闭上双眼。 Shortly, two people go backward but actually, as if falls into the middle of the stupor. 没多久,两人就直直向后倒去,似乎陷入昏迷当中。 But in the Luo Yan actually heart stagnates, felt that a terrifying pressure arrived on oneself. 罗阎却心中一滞,感觉到了一股恐怖的威压降临在自己身上。 That came from the soul level pressure. 那是来自灵魂层面的压力。 Made his soul tremble, as if must be ground general. 令他灵魂战栗,仿佛要被碾碎一般。 Obviously. 显然。 Yuan Yiyang other soul bodies were separated from ancient forest and Xu Xiaosu body, will enter his within the body, conducts the final seizing shed. 袁易阳的其余魂体脱离了古林和徐小粟的身体,正要钻进他体内,进行最后的夺舍。 He felt that silver needle starts to shiver, then wiping out, falls on the side baseless. 他感觉身上的银针开始颤动,然后凭空拔除,落在身旁。 The sensation returns. 感知重新回归。 But he is actually incapable of making anything. 但他却无力去做些什么。 Next second. 下一秒。 He is stuffy snort/hum, the eyes turns, the consciousness is direct. 他便闷哼一声,双眼一翻,意识直接沉寂。 Dark. 暗。 Endless darkness. 无尽的黑暗。 As if shut in the middle of the small basket, the surroundings are the endless darkness, but he can only roll up in the corner, feeling that big terrifying is greatly alarmed and afraid, listens respectfully to that type indescribably twittering talks during sleep. 仿佛被关进了小笼子当中,周围是无尽的黑暗,而他只能蜷缩在角落,感受那种大恐怖大惊惧,聆听那种不可名状的呢喃呓语。 This feeling, falls into the nightmare to be similar to that day, actually must be more intense, may not revolt. 这感觉,和那日陷入梦魇差不多,却又要更加强烈,更加不可反抗。 I am also living.” “我还活着。” My consciousness is very sober.” “我的意识很清醒。” But I actually cannot move...... like such that Yuan Yiyang said that the soul was suppressed in body most deep place.” “但我却动弹不得……就像那袁易阳说的那样,灵魂被镇压在身体最深处。” Pitifully, I incompetent wild with rage cannot only achieve probably continually.” “只可惜,我好像连无能狂怒都做不到。” The Luo Yan weak thought flashes. 罗阎微弱的念头闪动。 If his thought can also affect the expression, he is certainly smiling bitterly now. 若他的念头还能影响表情,那他现在一定是在苦笑。 Weak and weak...... 虚弱、无力…… It looks like orphan who is drowned, can only more sink is deeper. 就像是溺水的孤儿,只能越沉越深。 Please give me light.” “请给我一线光明吧。” In his heart twittering. 他心中呢喃。 However at present does not have the light, some are only the endless darkness, is even more rich, is even more terrifying. Gradually. 然而眼前没有光,有的只是无尽的黑暗,越发浓郁,越发恐怖。渐渐的。 He weak thought no longer appears. 他连微弱的念头都不再浮现。 It looks like curtain that drops slowly, even the soul falls into sinks the dormancy. 就像是缓缓落下的帷幕,连灵魂都陷入沉眠。 Squirts!” “唧!” Chirp!” “唧唧!” Squirts chirp!” “唧唧唧!” Also has not known how long, the cry of bird resounded suddenly, spreads to the Luo Yan ear. 也不知过了多久,鸟儿的叫声忽然响起,传入罗阎耳中。 Most starts, the sound some were still not real, but, this sound is slowly clear, just like resounds general in his ear bank. 最开始,声音尚有些不真实,但慢慢的,这声音清晰起来,宛如在他耳畔响起一般。 What sound?” “什么声音?” „Is this...... the cry of bird?” “这是……小鸟的叫声?” The Luo Yan opening eyes pupil sat from the stone bed suddenly, looks to all around. 罗阎猛然睁开眼眸从石床上坐了起来,愣愣的看向四周。 This is a spotless stone chamber, ancient forest and Xu Xiaosu lie down side him, still had the aura, as if stupor in the past. 这是一间一尘不染的石室,古林和徐小粟躺在他身边,尚有气息,似乎昏迷了过去。 But he sits on a stone bed, the side still had several silver needles. 而他则坐在一张石床上,身边尚有几根银针。 He rested probably was very long, long even remembers that somewhat was fuzzy, the surroundings flood this not clear feeling. 他好像睡了很久,久的连记忆都有些模糊,周围更是充斥这不真切之感。 „Is my is having a dream?” “我这是在做梦?” He pinched oneself arm. 他掐了掐自己的手臂。 Sore, is very real, does not seem like the dreamland. 疼,很真实,不像是梦境。 He tries to recall. 他试着去回忆。 The quick, fuzzy memory becomes clear. 很快,模糊的记忆变得清晰起来。 Was, I was seized the shed by a fellow named Yuan Yiyang. But...... was he failed?” Luo Yan pulls the hair, somewhat compels ignorant. “是了,我被一个叫袁易阳的家伙夺舍了。但……他失败了?”罗阎抓了抓头发,有些懵逼。 He looks to himself. 他看向自身。 He is controlling oneself body as before, rather than like that Yuan Yiyang said that the soul was suppressed in body most deep place, can only be an observer, in prison incompetent wild with rage. 他依旧掌控着自己的身体,而不是像那袁易阳说的那样,灵魂被镇压在身体最深处,只能做一个旁观者,在囚牢中无能狂怒。 Obviously. 显然。 Yuan Yiyang failed. 袁易阳失败了。 Perhaps the soul disappeared directly. 或许灵魂都直接泯灭掉了。 Was, seized the shed to have the risk, Yuan Yiyang strongest time, was not immortal cultivator, how possibly the laws of percentage hundred safe seizing sheds?” “是了,夺舍有风险,那袁易阳最强的时候,都不是修仙者,怎么可能会百分百稳妥的夺舍之法?” He is so thinking, cracks into a smile, on the face reveals one to rejoice. 他这般想着,咧嘴一笑,脸上露出一丝庆幸。 But quick. 但很快。 In his heart moves, calls Mind Searching Record. 他心中又是一动,唤出搜神录 During the intention rotations, Mind Searching Record turns to the last page. 心念转动间,搜神录翻到最后一页。 There, has form together, before is not, these concentrate the solid design, but together somewhat illusory soul body. 那里,有一道身影,并非是之前那些凝实的图案,而是一道有些虚幻的灵魂体。 That is a look somewhat ordinary youth. 那是一个相貌有些普通的青年。 Luo Yan has not seen, can actually be assured. 罗阎没见过,却能笃定。 This person, is seizes to abandon his Yuan Yiyang! 这人,就是夺舍他的袁易阳! „Did he, walk into a trap?” “他,自投罗网了?” Likes me being able to strengthen adds the point to ask everyone to collect:() I can strengthen add the refresh rate to be quickest. 喜欢我能强化加点请大家收藏:()我能强化加点更新速度最快。
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