When the poisonouspersongrabs the bloodstonesnaketo depart.
在毒人抓着血晶蛇离去之际。Luo Yanshakes off the controlinstantaneously, changes the bodydirectly, gave a Xu Xiaosufistruthlessly.罗阎瞬间摆脱控制,直接变身,狠狠给了徐小粟一拳。After a fist, hehas not ceased.
The Hundred Rivers Vigorin additionbehaves the body, leapstodirectlyin the air, by the potential of withstanding great pressure, a palmracketto the head of Xu Xiaosu.百川劲加持己身,直接跃至空中,以泰山压顶之势,一掌拍向徐小粟的脑袋。Thispalmmightis enormous.
这一掌威力极大。Has not approached, Xu Xiaosuis the figureoneshort, the surroundingswater surfacemakes noise.
“你?!”Xu Xiaosustartled and anger, the eyessuddenlybecomescarlet, the thin and smallbodywas also inflatinginstantaneously, the jet blacktracesappearin the body surface.徐小粟又惊又怒,双眼陡然变得猩红,原本瘦小的身子也在瞬间膨胀,更有一条条漆黑的纹路浮现在体表。In a flash, itsvitalityrises suddenlytentimes, is similar to the Luo Yanphase differenceunexpectedly!
转瞬之间,其身上的气血暴涨十倍,竟和罗阎相差仿佛!„Shewill also change the body!”
The Luo Yanpupilshrinkssuddenly, the whole bodyfine hairexplodes.罗阎瞳孔骤缩,浑身汗毛炸起。Clarity that hefeels, Xu Xiaosuchanges the body, belongs to the common originwithhim, butis more perfect than him, is more powerful than him.
“啊!”Xu Xiaosusends outyelledincisively, the terrifyingimposing manneris centered on him, sweeps acrosstoall around.徐小粟发出尖锐大叫,恐怖气势以其为中心,向四周席卷而出。Water dropsputtering.
水珠溅射。Sea leveljust likeebullition.
海面宛如沸腾。IfgeneralBone Refinement, onlyfeared that is close toherbeing difficultcontinually.
若是一般的炼骨,只怕连接近她都难。ButtoLuo Yan, thisimposing manner, althoughterrifying, actuallyalsono more than so.
但对罗阎而言,这气势虽恐怖,却也不过如此。Hiseyenarrows the eyes, the palmcoerces the greatstrength, appearsabove the head of Xu Xiaosuinstantaneously.
他眼睛眯起,手掌裹挟巨力,瞬间出现在徐小粟的脑袋上方。ButXu Xiaosurespondedalsoquickly, both handsdirectlyoverlapping, protectedownhead.
砰!Onlylistens to a dull thumping sound, the palm of Luo Yan, clasheswithboth hands of Xu Xiaosuruthlessly.
After the strengthcounter-balancesmutually, still the partfellonXu Xiaosu, patsinXu Xiaosu the seadirectly, does not know that sinksdeeply.
劲力相互抵消后,仍有一部分落在徐小粟身上,直接将徐小粟拍进海中,不知沉入多深。„Very powerful.”
The Luo Yaneyelidbeatsslightly.罗阎眼皮微微跳动。Heis now powerful.
他现在强大至极。ResemblesGu Xuanordinarygrandmasterlike thatto meet his palmhardly, the armbreaksinevitably, perhaps the headwill be passed throughby the strength, does not diealso the severe wound.
似顾轩那般的普通宗师硬接他一掌,手臂必然断裂,或许头颅都会被劲力贯穿,不死也重伤。ButthisXu Xiaosu......
但这徐小粟……Althoughwas flownby his palmracket, buthehas not actually heard the sound of least bitbone split.
虽然被他一掌拍飞,但他却并没有听到半点骨裂之音。In other words, his palmhas not caused the bigdamagetoXu Xiaosu.
也就是说,他这一掌并没有对徐小粟造成多大伤害。Sure enough.
果不其然。Nextflickers, under the water surfacethentransmits the water currentto well up the soundviolently.
下一瞬,水面下便传来水流激涌声。Xu Xiaosubrokenwater, incomparablyominousoffensekillsdirectlytoLuo Yan.徐小粟破水而出,无比凶戾的直接杀向罗阎。Under the water curtain of lasing, Luo YanandXu Xiaosufightinstantaneouslyhundredmoves, the facial expressionis even more dignified.
After onefights .
一番交手后。Hediscovered that thiswomanis extremely powerful, the fightexperienceisrich.
他发现这女人极其强大,战斗经验更是丰富。Althoughhecanpressthiswomanto hit, butin a short time, is unable to killthiswoman!
他虽能压着这女人打,但短时间内,根本无法将这女人打死!Whatmakeshiswith a heavy heartis.
The poisonousperson in distant placeis unable to control the bloodstonesnake, althoughthatbloodstonesnakeis thin and small, butduringswaying from side to sidecontains the greatstrength, several timesworked loosefrom the poisonouspersonhand, the tenfingers of poisonouspersonhave twistedbreak off.
远处的毒人也无法控制住血晶蛇,那血晶蛇虽然瘦小,但扭动间蕴含巨力,数次从毒人手中挣脱,毒人的十根手指都已经扭曲折断。Even...... the poisonouspersonsqueezes in the mouthto swallowhim, byhisdirectbrokenbody.
甚至……毒人将其塞入口中吞下,都被其直接破体而出。At this time, is swaying from side to side the body, such as a rainbowis common, shootsrapidlytowardXu Xiaosu.
If other bloodstonesnakesapproach......
“只能逃了。”Luo Yanhasto draw backintent, lookedtowardall around.罗阎心生退意,又朝四周看了看。Gu XuanthatoldboypesteredwhilehimandXu Xiaosu, runsfast, has disappearedat this time, does not know that travelledin the deepsea water.顾轩那老小子趁着他和徐小粟纠缠,跑得飞快,此时早已不见踪影,也不知在多深的海水中跑路。Hedeeplyinspires, Xu Xiaosu that a fistwill flushstrikes to fly.
他深吸一口气,一拳将冲上来的徐小粟打飞。Immediately, drills into the watersuddenly, goesto the distant placelasingdirectly.
随即,猛然钻入水中,直接向远处激射而去。Isplansto escapeunexpectedlydirectly!
竟是打算直接逃跑!„Don't run?!”
“别跑?!”Xu Xiaosueyescarletangry roaring.徐小粟眼睛猩红的怒吼。Shewantsto pursue, but in shewas struckflies, the poisonouspersonappearsinherbehind, firmlyheldherwith the both arms, makingher unable to move.
她想追上去,但在她被击飞时,毒人出现在她身后,用双臂牢牢抓住了她,让她动弹不得。Shewhips the poisonouspersonunceasingly.
The venomscatters, both handsdistortionwas shattered, evenheadpoundedpulp.
毒液四溅,双手扭曲破碎,连脑袋都被砸的稀烂。Even but if, the poisonouspersongraspsXu Xiaosufirmly, Xu Xiaosukeepssame place, meticulous the lastduty that completesLuo Yanto leave behind.
“唰!”Luo Yanmaintainsto change the bodyshape, dashes about wildlyin the sea level.罗阎维持变身形态,在海面上狂奔。
The side that herunsis quick.
他跑的极快。Sees only the white wavesto delimitfrom the sea leveltogether, startledinnumerablebirdsandsea-monster.
只见一道白浪自海面划过,惊起无数飞鸟和游鱼。Not far away.
A giantpirate shipgoesslowly.
一艘巨大的海盗船缓缓行驶。Thatblackgreatwhaleflagflies upwardsagainst the wind, impressively is Baiyue ProvincefamousGiant Whale Pirate.
那黑色的巨鲸旗帜迎风飞扬,赫然便是百越府鼎鼎有名的巨鲸盗。Giant Whale Pirate on pirate shipalsodiscoveredthiswhite waves.
海盗船上的巨鲸盗也发现了这道白浪。Theyappearin the gunwale, the shocklooks at the white waves, exudesto call out in alarm.
他们出现在甲板边缘,震惊的看着白浪,发出声声惊呼。„Looksquickly, what is that?”
“快看,那是什么?”„Is it possible thatis the deep seagreatshark?! The goodquickspeed, he...... hecametowardus!”
“莫非是深海巨鲨?!好快的速度,他……他朝我们过来了!”„Quickly, hoists the sails, transfers the direction!”
“快,扬帆,调转方向!”Onecrowd of piratefacial expressionsare startled.
一群海盗神情惊慌。Sees only the white wavesnot to seein the situation of person, theyare unable to distinguishin the white wavesarewhatthings.
只见白浪不见人的情况下,他们根本无法分辨出白浪里面到底是什么东西。Butthatswift and fiercepowerfulimposing manneractuallycannot cheat, thereforetheyplanto yield the wayto avoid.
但那股凌厉强大的气势却做不了假,故而他们打算让道避开。„Giant Whale Pirate?”
“巨鲸盗?”Luo Yanalsosaw the pirate ship.罗阎也看到了海盗船。
The flag that flutterswith the windis freeandconspicuous, the piratealsodevils on deck, lookare not a good person.
他眉头一挑。Now, hewas chased downbyXu Xiaosu , without the timeto solvetheseants.
“唰!”Heacceleratessuddenly, flushes awaytoward the pirate ship.
他陡然加速,直直朝海盗船冲去。Underonecrowd of piratepanic-strickenvision, heis commonjust like a sharp sword, puncturedfrom the pirate shipcenterdirectly, leaves behind a human formholeon the hull.
在一群海盗惊恐的目光之下,他宛如一柄利剑一般,直接从海盗船中央刺了进去,在船身上留下一个人形窟窿。Then, the matterflicked the sleeve, suddenlythenvanishesin the horizon, onlyleaves behindtogethergradually the tranquilwhitewater spray.
The pirate on shipvision is dull, gawkedwelllong time, to recoverfinally, sends outcalls out in alarmheavenshaking.
船上的海盗目光呆滞,愣了好半晌,终是回过神来,发出震天惊呼。„It is not good, the shipbroken!”
“不好,船破了!”„Everyonewas careful, the shipmustsink!”
The skywas also bright.
天又亮了。Luo Yanhas divergedchanges the body, photo of morning sunfromhimcomes, seems directing the road aheadforhim.罗阎早已散去变身,朝阳从他背后照来,似乎在为他指引前路。Hislookis firm and resolute, the machine that unceasingracingline/traverse, seems not aware of fatigueis common.
他眼神坚毅,不断奔行,仿佛不知疲倦的机器一般。How longalsohas not known.
也不知过了多久。Thatfamiliarhorizon, appearsfinallyin his eyes.
那熟悉的地平线,终于出现在他眼中。Looks atthathorizon, hehas mixed feelings, unexpectedlysomewantsto burst into tears.
看着那地平线,他心情复杂,竟有些想流泪。„I, came back.”
The Luo Yanspeedis invariable.罗阎速度不变。Quick, hethenarrives at the shore, thenjumpsto leap, fallson the groundsteadily.
很快,他便来到岸边,然后纵身一跃,稳稳落在地上。Untilat this moment.
直到此刻。Hefeelstiredness on exhausted and physical body in heart.
The both legsjust likefilling the leadare heavy, the bodyworn out and achingis also incapable, the headis murkier, had stoppedobviously, actuallyas ifstilldashes about wildlyto be the same in the sea level.
双腿宛如灌铅般沉重,身子也酸软无力,脑袋更是昏昏沉沉的,明明已经停了下来,却仿佛还在海面上狂奔一样。Hewishes one couldto lie downnow, thensleepswell.
但……„Firstreturns toImmortal Ascension Pavilion.”
“先回升仙阁。”Only theninImmortal Ascension Pavilion, hecanfeelsafely.
念及此处。Heswung the head, dashes about wildlyto gotowardImmortal Ascension Pavilionagain.
他摇了摇脑袋,再次朝升仙阁狂奔而去。Sun setwestern frontier.
日暮西垂。Luo Yanreturns toImmortal Ascension Pavilionfinally, helooks atImmortal Ascension Pavilion, in the heartonlythinkscalmly and steadily, on the faceshows the smile of feeling relieved.罗阎终于回到升仙阁,他看着升仙阁,心中只觉安稳,脸上露出如释重负的笑容。Looking likegoes hometo be the same.
就像是回家一样。Heis dragging the exhaustedbody, steps intoImmortal Ascension Pavilionslowly.
他拖着疲惫的身子,缓缓踏入升仙阁。„Did youcome back?”
“你回来了?”EntersImmortal Ascension Pavilion, Gu Santong on counterlifts the eyelid, looks liketowardhim, somefacial expressionslightlysurprise.
一入升仙阁,柜台上的古三通就抬起眼皮,朝他看来,神情略有些诧异。„Icame back.”Luo Yannods, is difficultto cover the tiredcolor on face.
“我回来了。”罗阎点头,难掩脸上的倦怠之色。„Looks atyourappearance, soto be how distressed?”Gu Santongsits the straightbody, strangelooks atLuo Yan.
“看你的样子,怎如此狼狈?”古三通坐直身子,古怪的看着罗阎。BeforehandLuo Yan, likelyenergeticyoung fellow.
以前的罗阎,像个精神小伙。Butnow, musttake off/escape the strengthto be the sameprobably, said that the nextsecondsudden diesheto believe.
但现在,像是要脱力一般,说下一秒猝死他都信。„Thisduty...... was annihilated. Iamescape.”Luo Yanforced smile, straightforwardsay/way.
闻声。Gu Santongjumpedfrom the stooldirectly.古三通直接从凳子上跳了起来。Hearrives atsideLuo Yan, saying that does not dareto believe: „Yousaidagain.”
他来到罗阎身边,不敢置信的说道:“你再说一遍。”„Three Contactssenior, thatXu Xiaosuseems likeMartial God Sectodd/surplusevil, but alsocontrolledone to control the spiritbeast of others blood, the black featherhealth/guardwas annihilated, Sirbent/tunewas also more unfortunate than fortunate, canescape, besidesme, shouldfew.”Luo Yanas far as possiblebriefsaying.
“三通前辈,那徐小粟似乎是武神宗余孽,还掌控了一头能控制他人血液的灵兽,黑羽卫全军覆没,曲大人也凶多吉少,能逃回来的,除我之外,应该没几个了。”罗阎尽量简短的说道。„Did Qu Jiuyoudie? Cancontrol the spiritbeast of personblood?” The Gu Santongfaceis suddenly dignified.
“曲九幽死了?能控制人血液的灵兽?”古三通面庞陡然凝重起来。Qu JiuyouisBaiyue Provinceprotectorate.曲九幽为百越府镇守。Hedies, the warwas inevitably affected.
他一死,战局必然受到影响。Butthese, evenalsoinvolved the spiritbeast?
而这其中,甚至还牵扯到了灵兽?Is it possible that...... is the ghost who bloodgodarmythatgroup of peopledo?
莫非……是血神军那群人搞的鬼?Helooking pensive, sinkingsound said: „Is important, Icannotdecide. Ileadyouto seemyuncle, youcomewithme.”
“好。”Luo Yanrelaxedtone.罗阎轻松了口气。
The ancientforestiseffective that itis standingbehind, isGrand Pure Secttrue linediscipleBell Divine Tower.
古林才是管事的那个,其身后站着的,是太清宗的真传弟子钟神楼。Ifancientforestacts, behinddid not havehisanythingmatter.
若古林出面,后面就没他什么事了。HefollowsinGu Santongbehind, walkstowardthreebuildings.
他跟在古三通身后,朝三楼走去。„Right, did thatjade pendant, succeed in obtaining?”Gu Santongaskedsuddenly.
“对了,那玉佩呢,到手了吗?”古三通忽然问道。„Inmy here.”Luo Yannods.
“在我这儿。”罗阎点头。„Thatis good, myuncleseesthisjade pendant, shouldnot vent the angeronyou. Waitsto meetyousmartly, ifmyunclegets angrytowardyou, youtake the jade pendant. Got it?”Gu Santongconfessesto say.
“那就好,我叔叔看到这玉佩,应该不会将怒火发泄在你身上。等会你机灵点,若我叔叔朝你发火,你就将玉佩拿出来。明白了吗?”古三通交代道。Hisuncleishonest, but the temperament is very hot tempered.
他叔叔为人正直,但脾气却很暴躁。This time the dutyis annihilated, evenQu Jiuyoudied, definitelywill affect the entireBaiyue Provincewar.
此番任务全军覆没,连曲九幽都死了,必然会影响到整个百越府的战局。Conceivable, hisunclecanbe furious.
可以想象,他叔叔会何等震怒。„Yes.”Luo Yangave a Gu Santonggratefullook.
“是。”罗阎给了古三通一个感激眼神。From the Gu Santongwords, heheard the meaning of concern.
不多时。Two peoplethenwalk up tothreebuildings, before coming to a stone chamber .
两人便走上三楼,来到一座石室前。„Myuncledoes not likecontacting your mortalbustling placeevilstrength, thereforecultivated/repairedthisstone chamber, is usedto isolate the bustling placeevilstrength. Constructs the material of thisstone chamber, is the inundationstone, is harder than mortal worldanymetal.”
“我叔叔不喜欢接触你们凡人身上的红尘孽力,所以修了这石室,用来隔绝红尘孽力。建造这石室的材料,乃沉水石,比凡世间任何一种金属都要坚硬。”Gu Santongspoke thoughtlesslyto explainone, thenshoutedtoward the stone chamber: „Uncle, Ihaveimportant matterreport/givereport.”古三通随口解释一句,便朝石室喊道:“叔叔,我有要事禀报。”Rumble......
轰隆隆……stone dooropens wideslowly.
Among reveals the environment.
露出其内的环境。Luo Yanfixes the eyes onto look, sees onlyin the middle of the gloomystone chamber, a white hairold mansits cross-leggedto siton the rush cushion, the eyesshut tightly, resembleare sitting in meditationto contemplate.罗阎定睛望去,只见阴暗的石室当中,一白发老者盘膝坐在蒲团上,双眼紧闭,似在打坐冥想。
Is thispersonancientforest?
这人就是古林?Inhispupilreveals a curiosity, looks at carefullycarefully, discovered that thisancientLindaoalsobenign countenance, notlikegreatlydeceitfullygreatlywickedgeneration.
他眸中露出一丝好奇,细细端详,发现这古林倒也慈眉善目,不像大奸大恶之辈。Herelaxes, thissomewhatnervousnessis slowly calm, in the heartis thinking the followingexcuse.
他松了口气,本有些紧张的心情缓缓平静下来,心中想着接下来的说辞。Thistimesees right in front of oneancientforest, heis not manyasks.
此次面见古林,他也不多求。Maintaining life.
保命。Thenmustarrive at the Immortal Ascension Pillquotathen.
然后要到升仙丹的名额即可。„Youcame to say.” The ancientforestvoiceis tranquil.
“是。”Gu Santonglooked atLuo Yan, in the heartis somewhat strange.古三通看了眼罗阎,心中有些奇怪。Heremembers before , lead the mortalto come, the unclewill scold, thenkeeps them out the mortal.
他记得以前自己带凡人过来,叔叔都会呵斥一番,然后将凡人拒之门外。Thistime, hethinksoneself must consume an argument, has not thought that the ancientforestmakestwo peoplego indirectly......
这一次,他本以为自己还要耗费一番口舌,没想到古林却直接让两人进去……Matteris goodafter all.
事情终归是好的。Heis nothimto think,bringsLuo Yan, enters the stone chamber.
轰隆隆……stone doorclosesagain.
石门再次关上。Luo Yanlooked ateyebehindclosureslowlystone door, the corner of the eyepulled outslightly.罗阎看了眼身后的缓缓关闭的石门,眼角微微一抽。Whydoes not know, seesstone doorto close, betrays his timehisrelatestoZhou Yuyao.
不知为何,看到石门关闭,他就联想到周玉瑶出卖他的那一次。„Uncle, was the big deal.”Gu Santonggoes forwardonestep, will recount.
“叔叔,出大事了。”古三通上前一步,正要述说。Butat this time.
The ancientforestopening eyespupil, shows a strangesmilesuddenly.
The smileappears.
笑容浮现。Luo Yangawked, at once the ghostallbraves, onlythinkscold airfrom the tailbonedirect impactcrown of the head, the whole personis not good.罗阎愣了一下,旋即亡魂皆冒,只觉一股寒气从尾椎骨直冲天灵盖,整个人都不好了。Suchsmile, suchlook.
这样的笑容,这样的眼神。Hehas also seenonXu Xiaosu......
他在徐小粟身上也见过……Obviouslyistwofaces, twosexes, buthe can actually be assured, two peoplesmile are the same!
明明是两张脸,两种性别,但他却可以笃定,两人的笑容相同!In addition.
再加上。ancientforestat this moment, visiongazeis notGu Santong, butisoneself!
此刻的古林,目光注视的并非是古三通,而是自己!„Why does helook atme?”
The Luo Yancheektwitches, a heartsinks to the valleyinstantaneously.罗阎面皮抽搐,一颗心瞬间沉入谷底。„Uncle......”Gu Santongalso felt not right, justwantsto askanything.
“叔叔……”古三通也感觉到了不对,正想问些什么。Butat this time, ancientforesthas actedoutrageously.
但这时候,古林已是悍然出手。Sees onlyhiswrist/skillto shake, more than tensilver needlethenlasings, appearbefore the Gu Santongbody.
只见他手腕一抖,十余根银针便激射而出,出现在古三通身前。Gu Santongstillrespondedwithout enough time, was hitby the silver needle, immediately the figurestagnates, but after actuallygoes.古三通尚来不及反应,便被银针命中,随即身形一滞,直直朝后倒去。
The Luo Yaneyelidjumpedcrazily, looked ateyeGu Santong.罗阎眼皮狂跳,看了眼身边的古三通。Thesesilver needles, submergemerelyhalf, has not killedGu Santongdirectly, seems like a finger-pressingmethodreverse, imprisonedGu Santongdirectly, makinghimcannot move.
这些银针,没入仅仅一半,没有直接杀死古三通,反向像是一门点穴法门,直接禁锢住了古三通,让他变得动弹不得。„An acupuncture of imprisonedmortal body.”ancientforestSuikou said that looks uptoLuo Yan.
“一门禁锢肉身的针法而已。”古林随口说了一句,抬头看向罗阎。„Who are you?”
The Luo Yanbodyshiversslightly, staresis sittingancientforestonrush cushion.罗阎身子微微颤抖,盯着坐在蒲团上的古林。Thispersonobviouslyis notancientforest.
这人显然不是古林。Ifancientforest, howalsoto starttoGu Santongsuddenly?
若是古林,又怎会忽然对古三通下手?„Haven't yourecognized?”
The strangetunespreadsfromancientLinkou, hiswhole faceridiculesis staring atLuo Yan, seemedcontrolledall.
The Luo Yanfine hairis but actually vertical, allgoose fleshesstoodfrom top to bottom.罗阎汗毛倒竖,浑身上下所有鸡皮疙瘩都立了起来。Thistune, wasXu Xiaosuwithout doubt!
这腔调,是徐小粟无疑了!Inhisheartis very aggrieved.
他心中无比憋屈。Thisthinks that wasescapes the birthday, has not thought that actuallywalked into a trap.
实在是……„Youare notancientforest.”Luo Yansinkingsound said.
“你不是古林。”罗阎沉声道。Nowadays, healso can only as far as possiblemanyset of words, have a lookwhether to find the means and opportunity of escaping.
现今之际,他也只能尽量多套点话,看看能否找到逃生的办法和机会。„Inaturallyam notthatoldboy.” A ancientforestfaceshuts out.
“我当然不是那老小子。”古林一脸嫌弃。Helooked at the eyeskinnybody, just likechicken feetboth hands, despises saying: „Sooldbody, could not enjoy the women, how can Ibehe?”
他看了眼自己干瘦的身体,宛如鸡爪的双手,鄙夷道:“如此苍老的身体,连女人都享受不了,我怎会是他?”Then, helooks uptoLuo Yan, in the pupil the reappearingburning hotray: „At this moment, I might also as welltoldyou, thisoldboy, when the researchdefendeddivine jade, emittedmysoulbody, had been seized the shedbyme.”
说完,他抬头看向罗阎,眸中浮现炙热光芒:“事到如今,我也不妨告诉你,这老小子,在研究守神玉时,放出了我的魂体,早就被我夺舍。”„Now, hissoulwas suppressedbymein the bodydeep place, can only incompetentwild with rage.”
“哈哈。”Hissmileis fierce.
他笑容狰狞。Luo Yan is actually in the heartmoves slightly.罗阎却是心中微动。Defendsdivine jade?
守神玉?Is it possible thatisthathas a martial artsdaychapter of blackjade?
莫非就是那藏有武道天章的黑玉?Thatblackjadeseeminglyhas the martial artsdaychapter, in factactuallyimprisonedthisperson of soulbody?!
那黑玉看似藏有武道天章,实际上却囚禁了这人的魂体?!Inhismind the thoughttumbles, maintains composure, asks: „Do youwantto seizeto abandonme?”
他脑海中念头翻滚,不动声色,开口询问:“你想夺舍我?”„Yes.” The ancientforestnods, conceals nothing whatsoeverownidea.
“是啊。”古林点头,毫不隐瞒自己的想法。Heis sizing upLuo Yanup and down, saying of toneburning hot: „Young, handsome, is also very sturdy. The most important thing is, matcheswithmysoulvery much, isinten thousanddoes not have a waste.”
他上下打量着罗阎,语气炙热的说道:“年轻,英俊,身体也很棒。最重要的是,和我的灵魂很匹配,都是万中无一的废物。”Hiswhole faceintentmoves, immediatelyrubbedrubbing hands, sighs with emotion: „Is just the sameasmybeforehandbody, was too simply appropriate.”
The Luo Yanlooksinks.罗阎眼神一沉。Thisold thing, looks athisbody, lookedunexpectedlyprobablygoodsare common!
这老东西,看他的身体,竟像是看一件物品一般!Hethinks that the beforehandnightmare, the sinkingsoundasked: „Had youseizedto abandonmyonetimebefore? Was defeated?”
The ancientforestnods, looked atLuo Yancareless, the smilepondered: „Yourboysoulis very strong, mytwosoulbodies, cannotsuppressyouunexpectedly, controlyourbody.”
“不过……”At this point, his voicerevolution, said with a smiledensely: „In years past, Iby【Soul Body Splinting Technique】Oneselfsoulwill be divided intonine, concealsindefendingdivine jade, avoidschasing down of my brother.”
说到此处,他话音一转,森然笑道:“昔年,我以【魂体切割术】将自己灵魂分成九份,藏于守神玉中,躲避我哥的追杀。”„In recent years, underdefendingnourishing of divine jade, myeachsoulbody, the intensitystrivesmuch.”
“这些年来,在守神玉的滋养下,我的每份魂体,强度都精进不少。”„However after waiting forninesoulbodiesto combine into one, mysoulintensity, will rise suddenlyhundredtimes.”
“而等九份魂体合而为一后,我的灵魂强度,将会暴涨百倍。”„Bythat time......”
“到了那时……”HisJieJiesmilesstrangely, both eyesjust like the torch, the incomparableburning hot, as ifhave seizedto abandonLuo Yansuccessfully.
他桀桀怪笑,双目宛如火炬,无比的炙热,仿佛已经成功夺舍了罗阎。Twosoulbodies, thencanwithLuo Yansouldeadlockseveral days.
After hissoulbodyunites, suppresses the Luo Yansoul, isn'teasy as pie?
等他魂体合一后,镇压罗阎灵魂,还不是易如反掌?„Seizesto abandonme?”
The Luo Yancorners of the mouthcurl upwards, immediatelyputs out a throwing knife, resists the throat: „Opensstone door, makingmeleave. Otherwise, Icommit suicidetoyoulook!”罗阎嘴角一翘,随即拿出一把飞刀,抵住自己喉咙:“打开石门,让我离开。不然,我就自杀给你看!”Hehas observed.
他观察过。Thisstone chambermaterialis extraordinary, andis airtight, only then a stone doorexit|to speak.
这间石室材料非凡,且密不透风,只有石门一个出口。Hewantsto rushhardly, obviouslyis impossible.
他想要硬闯出去,显然不可能。Butthreaten with deaths, isbestescapingway that hecanthink.
The ancientforestchanges colorinstantaneously, whole facestartledanger.
古林瞬间变色,满脸惊怒。Heis staring atLuo Yan, clenches jaws saying: „Do youdareto commit suicide?”
他盯着罗阎,咬牙切齿道:“你敢自杀?”Thisantsthing, daresto movehisbodyunexpectedly!
这蝼蚁般的东西,竟然敢动他的身体!„Youlook atmeto dare.”Luo Yansneers, the knife pointtoward, punctures the fleshunexpectedlydirectly, flows out a blood.
“你看我敢不敢。”罗阎冷笑,刀尖往里一扎,竟直接刺破血肉,流出一道鲜血。„Do youdare?!”
The angry roaringsoundgets up.
怒吼声响起。Luo Yanonlythinks the headto buzz, a mindblank, even the throwing knife in hand, fallsdirectly, whenfellin the place.罗阎只觉脑袋嗡嗡作响,心神一片空白,甚至手中的飞刀,都直接滑落,哐当一声掉在了地方。Whenherecovers, oneselfhave lain downon the ground, the bodyinserts the fullsilver needle, such asthatGu Santong is the same, is hard the moveslightest!
等他回过神来时,自己已是躺在地上,身上插满银针,如那古三通一样,难以动弹分毫!„How was this......?”
“这是……怎么了?”Hiseyeballrotatesslightly, looksto the one side, sees onlyXu Xiaosuto squatsidehim, both handshold the cheek, a facepureis staring at itself.
他眼珠微微转动,看向一旁,只见徐小粟正蹲在他身边,双手捧着腮帮子,一脸纯真的盯着自己。„Brother Yan, wemet.”
“阎哥哥,我们又见面了。”Xu XiaosubeckonstowardLuo Yan, shows a cutefree of evil intentionsmile.徐小粟朝罗阎招了招手,露出一个可爱无邪的笑容。
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