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The Xu Xiaosusoundis gloomy.徐小粟声音阴郁。Although the bloodstonesnakecancontrol the blood, butalsohas the shortcoming.
血晶蛇虽能控制血液,但也有缺点。First, fromis farther, the effect of controlis weaker, ifovertenzhang (3.33 m), is directly beyond control.
首先,距离越远,控制的效果越弱,若超过十丈,则直接无法控制。Next, is unable to control the toomulti-objectivessimultaneously, the class/flow of grandmasterBone Refinement, controls more than tenpeoplesimultaneouslyis the limit.
其次,无法同时控制太多目标,宗师炼骨之流,同时控制十余人就已是极限。At this moment.
此刻。AlthoughshecontrolledLuo Yanand othermostpowerhouses, is actually not ableto goto manage the surroundingblack featherhealth/guard, can only lookhelplesslyarrowraintowards oneselffalls.
她虽然控制了罗阎等几个最强者,却无法去管周围的黑羽卫,只能眼睁睁的看着箭雨朝自己落下。„Snort, blamesyou.”
“哼,都怪你。”Shemoves asidein the arrowrainunceasingly, simultaneouslyhatredlookstoHua Feihua.
她在箭雨中不断躲闪,同时怨毒的看向花非花。Alsodoes not seeherto havewhatmovement, a Hua Feihuafacethenbecomes flushedsuddenly.
也不见她有何动作,花非花一张脸便猛然涨红。Hiseyepupilshivers, the facial expressionfears, the mouthopened, but alsoopens the mouthto beg for mercywithout enough time, tinybloodlinesthendrillfromhiswithin the body, is ordinaryjust like the curtain of rain, rinsesto fallin the deck.
他眼眸颤动,神情恐惧,嘴巴张了张,还来不及开口求饶,一道道细小血线便从他体内钻出,然后宛如雨幕一般,漱漱落在甲板上。Thismadepersonscalp tingles.
这一幕令人头皮发麻。Hiswhole bodyblood, inpulled outinstantaneously.
他浑身鲜血,在瞬间被抽了出来。Onlyis left over a dry corpse, is still bringing the panic-strickencolor, goesbackwardbut actually.
来自玄阴派的长老。Bone Refinementlatepowerhouse.炼骨后期强者。Does not have the resistance.
毫无反抗。Took the lead dead in battle!
“啊!”Somepeoplescreamed,was scared.
有人尖叫,被吓坏了。In the Luo Yanheart the iceis cold, thismethod...... unthinkable.罗阎心中冰寒,这种手段……匪夷所思。Thatspiritbeast, obviouslyisexistence that andimmortal cultivatoris equal, perhapsGu Santongis more powerful than hehas seen!
不可敌!Inhisheart the alarm bellerupts, the subconsciousnesswantsto start running away at once.
他心中警铃大作,下意识想拔腿就跑。Howeverrecovers, discoveredoneselfwere controlled in same place, is unable to move.
然而回过神来,才发现自己被控制在原地,根本无法动弹。Sees with own eyes unable to escape, hequicklyrestorescalmly.
他念头急转。Hua Feihuawill die, obviouslyisbecausehetalked too much, letblack featherhealth/guardFangjian.花非花会死,显然是因为他多嘴,让黑羽卫放箭。Butalsoletblack featherhealth/guardFangjian, that takes the leadto open the mouth......
可自己也让黑羽卫放箭,还是率先开口的那个……Xu XiaosuonlykillsHua Feihua, has not actually movedhim.徐小粟只杀花非花,却没有动他。In addition.
再加上。Howthiswomanwantshimtogether the floatisland.
这女人怎么都要他一起去浮游岛。Obviously, toXu Xiaosu, heis valuable, needsto live.
念及此处。Luo Yanrelaxedtone, startsmeans that thinks deeply aboutto escape.罗阎轻松了口气,开始思索逃跑的办法。Xu Xiaosuthatpet, whatcontrolis the blood.徐小粟那宠物,控制的是血液。Butifdidn't have the bloodalready the puppet who dried up?
但若是没有血液早已枯竭的傀儡呢?Inhiseyenoneflashes, in the heartsummoned the poisonousperson, making the poisonouspersoncometo escorta bit faster.
The greenskinperson's shadowthendrills the jungletogether, immediatelyjumpshigh, crossesdozenszhang (3.33 m)directly, pūpassesoneto plunge into the sea.
然后。Changes intotogether the white waves, shootstowardpositionwhirlwind who Luo Yanis atrapidly.
化为一道白浪,飞速朝罗阎所在的位置飚射而来。Onhimhas the token.
他身上有令牌。In the heartmeditates, thencancommunicate the poisonousperson.
心中默念,便能沟通毒人。But the tokenis the bestlocalization, will not make the poisonouspersonlose the direction.
The poisonouspersonindaresto comerapidly.
The Xu Xiaosulookhidden in the shade, dodges the arrowarrow that shootsunceasingly.徐小粟眼神阴翳,不断躲闪射来的箭矢。Shehas the bloodstonesnake, maycontrol others blood.
她有血晶蛇,可操控他人血液。Ifone-on-one, even if facesinnatealsofearless.
若单对单,纵然是面对先天也无惧。Butat this time, onso many black featherhealth/guardfacing the ship, was divertedon the contrary.
但此时,面对船上如此多的黑羽卫,反倒是被牵制住了。Ifcopes with the black featherhealth/guard, Luo Yanand the otherswill then shake off the control.
若去对付黑羽卫,罗阎等人便会摆脱控制。Ifstays in same place, is equivalent totogether the target, can only come under attack.
若呆在原地,又相当于一块靶子,只能挨打。Inherheart the short of breath, cannot bear the crazyshout: „! Daresto shootmeagain, Ikilledyou.”
她心中气急,忍不住疯癫嘶吼:“啊!再敢射我,我就杀了你们。”Shegot angry, moves sideways, appearsinrecklessMeiniangbehind, takesrecklessMeiniangbodyto act asshielddirectly.
她怒了,一个闪身,出现在胡媚娘身后,拿着胡媚娘的身体直接充当挡箭牌。„Do not shootme!”recklessMeiniangyelledpanic-stricken.
“不要射我!”胡媚娘惊恐大叫。However an numerousblack featherhealth/guardkillsintentto decide, crossbow boltsas ifdo not ask for moneygeneral, falls in torrentsunceasingly.
然而一众黑羽卫杀意已决,一根根弩箭仿佛不要钱一般,不断倾泻下来。AlthoughXu Xiaosuis powerful, andtookrecklessMeiniangto work asshield, buton the leg an arrow, called out pitifullyimmediately, the painyelled.徐小粟虽实力强大,且还拿了胡媚娘当挡箭牌,但腿上还是中了一箭,当即惨叫一声,痛苦大叫。„Ikilledyou.”
“我杀了你们。”Heraccording to recklessMeinianghead.
她一手按在胡媚娘的脑袋上。Was shot the recklessMeiniangbody of screento shake, the blooddries upfast, had been absorbed the clean, beautifulfacial featuresbyXu Xiaosuis instantaneous.
本就被射成筛子的胡媚娘身子一抖,血液快速枯竭,已是被徐小粟吸收干净,姣好的面容瞬间破败。Xu Xiaosukeepssame place the bloodstonesnake.徐小粟将血晶蛇留在原地。
The slenderarmflings, the strengthis astonishing, shoots the dry corpse in handdirectly, poundsto the black featherhealth/guardmost centralizedplace.
然后。Captures the arrowarrow on foot, under the foot, was screamingcharges into the black featherhealth/guard.
拔掉脚上的箭矢,足下一点,尖叫着冲向黑羽卫。„It is not good, shecame!”
“不好,她过来了!”„Shewill be evil the law, fiercely competes and successfully competes, runs!”
“跳水!”Onecrowd of black featherhealth/guardsaw with own eyes that the Xu Xiaosuimposing manneris astonishing, ten thousand menenemy, in the jumping downseaswithout hesitation, escapesunexpectedlydirectly.
一群黑羽卫眼见徐小粟气势惊人,万夫莫敌,一个个毫不犹豫的跳下海中,竟直接逃命。Butalsohas the smartperson.
但也有机灵之人。Fires into a sidemurderwhileXu Xiaosu, shoots at the bloodstonesnake on that armorboarddirectly.
趁着徐小粟冲向一方杀人,直接射向那甲板上的血晶蛇。However the bloodstonesnakedefenseis astonishing, the arrowarrow that theyshoot, is unable to eradicate the defense of bloodstonesnake, causesanydamageto the bloodstonesnake.
然而血晶蛇防御惊人,他们射出去的箭矢,根本无法破除血晶蛇的防御,对血晶蛇造成任何伤害。Does not see thatwonderfully, theyalso can only plunge into the sea, fleesdirectly.
见状不妙,他们也只能跳入海中,直接逃离。All aroundresounds the enteringsound of water that pūpassesunceasingly.
四周不断响起噗通的入水声。ButXu Xiaosualsoin the slaughterkeeps the black featherhealth/guard on deck.
而徐小粟还在屠杀留在甲板上的黑羽卫。Simplyhad not discovered, although the bloodstonesnakereturns safe and sound, actuallyunder the action of arrowarrow, swam the zhang (3.33 m)toone side.
下一秒。With a lightsound, the entiredeck, was coveredby the thicksmog.
The Gu Xuansoundresounds.顾轩的声音响起。Actuallywasheshook off the control of bloodstonesnake, used the smoke shell!
The smogjustraised, heaims atXu Xiaosuin the direction, shootsseveraldayplain-clothed security policemensuddenly.
烟雾刚一升起,他又瞄准徐小粟所在方向,猛然掷出几颗天雷子。Immediatelydoes not return, plunges into the seadirectly.
The bellowis unceasing.
轰鸣声不断。Immediatelyispitiful yellcontinuously, has the black featherhealth/guard, there isXu Xiaosu, the soundis incisive, makingpeople not cold, butmillet.
随即是此起彼伏的惨叫,有黑羽卫的,也有徐小粟的,声音尖锐,令人不寒而粟。Whatis more terrifyingis.
更恐怖的是。Under the hugemight, the entirelarge shipwas exploded a hole, unexpectedlytoone sideslowlycrookedpast.
The large shipwill soon tilt.
The thick smokeis in addition billowing.
An entiredeckconfusion.
整个甲板一片混乱。At this time, Luo Yanalsoshook off the control.
这时候,罗阎也挣脱了控制。Hewantsnot to think.
他想也不想。Coverswith the aid of the smog, plunges into the waterdirectly, thensinkstounder water.
借助烟雾笼罩,直接跳入水中,然后向水底沉去。Hestaresfocusesgreatly, in the heartis pleasantly surprised.
他瞪大着眼,心中又惊又喜。Startledisbecause before , was controlled.
惊是由于之前被人操控。Buthappilywasescapes the birthday, entered the sea, henceforthseaextravagantdepending onfish dive, whichwantsto goto go.
而喜则是自己逃出生天,入了大海,从此海阔凭鱼跃,想去哪儿就去哪儿。Hejustplunged into the water, thensaw the Gu Xuanform.
他刚跳入水中,便看到了顾轩的身影。Gu Xuansidehim, after seeinghim, tohimsmiles, thenwavestowardhim, greets.顾轩就在他身边,见到他后,对他笑了笑,然后朝他挥了挥手,打了个招呼。Luo Yanreturnsto his gratefullook.罗阎回给他一个感激眼神。Thanks tothisGu Xuan, thisGu Xuansmoke shell and dayplain-clothed security policeman, heonlyfeared that could not shake off the control of thatspiritbeast.
多亏这顾轩,要不是这顾轩的烟雾弹和天雷子,他只怕挣脱不了那灵兽的控制。Hereferred to the positiontowardBaiyue Province, swims awaytowardBaiyue Provincedirectly. Actuallyisplansto swimBaiyue Provincedirectly.
他朝百越府所在方位指了指,直接朝百越府游去。却是打算直接游回百越府。But after Gu Xuanunderstands the meaning of Luo Yan, nothesitant, followsdirectlyinhimbehind.
而顾轩明白罗阎的意思后,也没有犹豫,直接跟在他身后。Two peoplebody and spiritis powerful.
The one breathsuppresses the integerminute is not a problem.
一口气憋个数分钟不成问题。Thereforetwo peoplejust like the sea-monster, have jumped out more than tenli (0.5 km), floats the water surface.
After Gu Xuantraded the tone, hurriedandsank.顾轩换了口气后,赶忙又沉了下去。Luo Yanturn headlooked atone.罗阎则回头望了一眼。Seeing only the large shipwhite smokeis billowing, has submergedmost.
只见楼船白烟滚滚,已经沉没大半。Is bustling and filled with people, sketchynumber, black featherhealth/guardoverhundrednumbers of escape.
身后更是人头攒动,粗略一数,逃命的黑羽卫就超过百数。„Whatthing is the woman?”
“那女人到底是什么玩意?”Luo Yanbrowslightlywrinkle.罗阎眉头微皱。MeetsSeizing Heaven Demon Secret Art.
会夺天魔功。Alsohaving mystical powersbeast.
还有灵兽。Is it possible thatis relatedwithMartial God Sect?
莫非跟武神宗有关?Hethought deeply aboutonethento divergethisthought.
他思索一会便散去了这一念头。Theseare unimportant, whenhegoes back, thenmatterreporting that thisplacehas.
这些不重要,等他回去,便将此地发生的事情上报。Then, lets the forest and Gu Santongheadachegoes.
而后,就让古林和古三通头痛去。After all, the spiritbeastisexistence that andimmortal cultivatoris equal, naturallymusthandlebyimmortal cultivator.
毕竟,灵兽是和修仙者等同的存在,自然要由修仙者去处置。He is so thinking.
他这般想着。Sneaksin the wateragain, with the Gu XuanroamingtoBaiyue Province.
再次潜入水中,和顾轩一齐游向百越府。Thisroamingis a double-hour.
这一游就是一个时辰。Two peopleswamseveral hundredli (0.5 km), finallyslowed down the speed, Fushan the water surface.
两人游了数百里,终于放缓速度,浮山了水面。„Yeah, cannot think that Xu Xiaosusowill be unexpectedly terrorist.”Gu Xuansighed, a facewas sad.
“哎,想不到那徐小粟竟会如此恐怖。”顾轩叹息,一脸忧愁。„Herstrengthis not strong, isin the handthatspiritbeast......”Luo Yanshakes the head.
“她实力不强,就是手中那灵兽……”罗阎摇头。IfXu Xiaosu, after hechanges the body, does not use for fiveseconds, canitssolution.
当然。Thisisunder the premises of otherXu Xiaosunotcards in a hand.
这是徐小粟没有其他底牌的前提下。„Spiritbeast......”in the Gu Xuaneyerevealsoneto yearn.
“灵兽……”顾轩眼中露出一丝向往。Compared with the spiritbeast, hissuper craftsmanshipdivine creative force, looking likepile of trashis ordinary.
只可惜。Thatis the thing that immortal cultivatorcancontact, hissomartial artist, canhave a liking forone, has been most honored.
那是修仙者才能接触的东西,他这般武者,能看上一眼,已是三生有幸。Inhiseye the rayis slightly gloomy, lookstoLuo Yan, said: „Luo Yan, yousaid that Xu Xiaosuhaving mystical powersbeast, canbeimmortal cultivator?”
他眼中光芒微微暗淡,看向罗阎,道:“罗阎,你说那徐小粟有灵兽,会不会是一位修仙者?”„It is not.”Luo Yanshakes the head.
“不是。”罗阎摇头。Hissensationis keen, canfeeldifference of Xu XiaosuandGu Santong.
他感知敏锐,自是能感觉的出徐小粟和古三通的不同。ThatXu Xiaosuis onlyonesoongives birth totrue qiBone Refinementmartial artist.
那徐小粟只是一个快要生出真气的炼骨武者而已。„Should shebe concernedwithimmortal cultivator?”Gu Xuanalsosaid.
“那她应该跟修仙者有关吧?”顾轩又道。„Possibly.”Luo Yannods, inheartalsodoubt.
“可能吧。”罗阎点头,心中也狐疑。Two peopleare silent.
两人沉默。immortal cultivator, is extremely remotefromthem, madeoneyearnmystically.修仙者,距离他们太过遥远,神秘而令人向往。Crossedfor a long time.
过了许久。Gu Xuansighed, opened the mouthagain: „Thisduty, Iand others were almost annihilated. Hua Feihuawas killedbythatXu Xiaosuconveniently, Sirbent/tuneonlyfearsalsomore unfortunate than fortunate.”顾轩才叹息一声,再度开口:“这趟任务,我等几乎全军覆没。花非花被那徐小粟随手杀了,曲大人只怕也凶多吉少。”„ThisBaiyue Province, onlyfeared that mustcloud over.”
“这百越府,只怕要变天喽。”protectoratefalls from the sky.镇守陨落。Among the grandmaster, Hua Feihuadied, Shi Jiandied, recklessMeiniangdied.
宗师当中,花非花死了,石坚死了,胡媚娘死了。RemainingQu Jiuyou, Di Qianzhang, dragonandknowing the outcome, it is estimated thatalsomore unfortunate than fortunate.
剩下的曲九幽、狄千丈、龙和不知所终,估计也凶多吉少。Shen Biluoloses the trail, did not knowto escapefrom the large ship.沈碧落失去踪迹,不知从楼船上逃出来了没有。Canbelieve firmly that lives.
能够确信活下来的。Onlyis left overhimandLuo Yan.
The Baiyue Provincehigh-levelstrength, almostfalls from the skycompletely, butthesehigh-levelstrengthsbehind, involved the innumerableinfluences and aristocratic families.百越府的高层战力,几乎陨落殆尽,而这些高层战力身后,更牵扯了无数势力和世家。Conceivable.
可以想象。When the death newsfeed inBaiyue ProvinceHua Feihuaand the others.
等他们将花非花等人的死讯传回百越府。Baiyue Provincewill definitely be in upheaval, moreoverisseveral hundredyears of rarehugeturbulence.百越府必然会陷入动荡之中,而且是数百年都难得一见的巨大动荡。Luo Yandid not speak.罗阎不语。
The influencealternatesalsowell, the power and influencecompetes.
势力更迭也好,权势争夺也罢。Eventuallyis the battle between mortals, struggledalsonothing butis the unwarranted reputation and smalladvantage that immortal cultivatordoes not spare a glance.
终究是凡人之间的争斗,争的也无非是修仙者不屑一顾的虚名和小利。Byhispresentstate of mind, smallBaiyue Province, could not have accommodatedhim.
以他如今的心境,小小的一个百越府,早已容不下他。Hebasesimmediately, has actually been looking into the distance.
他立足当下,却已在眺望远方。Hewants the retrogradationinnate, hemustimmortal cultivation!
他要逆反先天,他要修仙!„Was annihilatedalsoeven. Thatjade pendantdid not have the trace, after going back, Immortal Ascension Pavilionthattwoonlyfeared that will lower the anger of thunder.” The Gu Xuansmileis bitter and astringent.
“全军覆没也就算了。那玉佩也了无踪影,等回去后,升仙阁那两位只怕会降下雷霆之怒。”顾轩笑容苦涩。Baiyue Provinceclouds overhimnot to fear.百越府变天他不怕。Influencebattle, whatinvolvedis the followingperson.
势力争斗,受牵连的是下面的人。Heas the grandmaster, frommayhave no more worries, will have the innumerable influences on flatter his survivalgrandmaster.
他身为宗师,自可高枕无忧,甚至会有无数势力来巴结他这位幸存宗师。Hefearstwoimmortal cultivator in Immortal Ascension Pavilion.
他就怕升仙阁中的两个修仙者。Originallyis the easyduty, actuallyends in failure, cannotbring back the jade pendant that the ancientforestneeds.
并且。Thisloss, will also affect the frontfront.
The must know, inthisBaiyue Province, the conditionis quite clear.
The defensearmyalmostheldBaiyue Provincealldomains, soonexpelledBaiyue Province the bloodgodarmy.
守城军几乎占据了百越府所有地盘,快要将血神军赶出百越府了。Inthiscrucial point, protectoratedied, several thousandblack featherhealth/guardelitealsocasualtiescompletely.
The bloodgodarmywill definitely seize the opportunity, whilecounter-attacksrandomly.
血神军必然会抓住机会,趁乱反扑。Ifreallymakes the bloodgodarmysilkbloodoverturn......
若是真让血神军丝血翻盘……Hequickly grasps the meaning of something, the directbodyis icy cold.
他一个激灵,直接身子冰凉冰凉。Luo Yanmaintains composure.罗阎不动声色。Jade pendantonhim, buthedoes not wantto say.
It is not does not believe that the Gu Xuanmoral behavior, hedoes not wantto test the Gu Xuanmoral behavior.
The life-saving efforts, heengraves on mind.
救命之恩,他铭记在心。Has the opportunity, hewill repay.
有机会,他会报答。Without the opportunity, hewill prayforit.
没机会,他会为其祈福。Actuallydoes not need to testitsmoral behaviorat this momentagain.
却也不必在此刻再对其人品进行考验。„Yeah, thisis far, do wereallygo backonsuchroaming?” The Gu Xuancheekwrinkled the wrinkle, looked that has spreadto the frontto the sea water of horizon.
“哎,这还多远啊,我们真就这样游回去?”顾轩面皮皱了皱,看向前方一直蔓延到地平线的海水。„Quick.”Luo Yancomfortswith a smile.
“很快的。”罗阎笑着安慰。„How longwants?”Gu Xuanasked.
“要多久?”顾轩问道。„Atourpresentspeeds, twodayswas similar.”Luo Yansaid.
“以我们如今的速度,两天差不多了。”罗阎道。Theirsuchmasters, the body and spiritis powerful, the roamingprevious for two days and two nights, was notwhatdifficult matter.
他们这样的宗师,体魄强大,游上两天两夜,不算什么难事。„Yeah.”Gu Xuansigh.
“哎。”顾轩叹息。Soakstwodaysin the sea water, hethinksto feel the pain.
泡在海水中两天,他想想就感觉痛苦。„Attending to the seniordoes not needto sigh, Iand othersrouted. The roaminggoes back, using temporarily aswastoourpenalties.”Luo Yansmile.
“顾前辈无需叹息,我等大败。游回去,权当是对我们的惩罚了。”罗阎微笑。„Yes, the roaminggoes back, the totalratiolostlife.”
“是啊,游回去,总比丢了性命强。”Gu Xuanthinks,alsotakes easy, in the surfaceshowstries to find pleasure amidst suffering the smile.顾轩想了想,也想开了,面上露出苦中作乐般的微笑。Butat this time, suddenlybroadcaststogether the familiaraudio singing.
但这时候,身后,忽然传来一道熟悉的尖锐声音。„Brother Yan, Isawyou, haha!”
The dementedbiglaughtertransmits.
癫狂的大笑声传来。Luo Yanhearsthissound, onlythinksabsolutely terrifiedly, wantsnot to think,then a both legstread, plans the firepowerfull, acceleratesto run away.罗阎听到这声音,只觉毛骨悚然,想也不想,便双腿一蹬,打算火力全开,加速逃窜。Butheonlymakes the stretching the legsmovementwith enough time.
The body, againis then uncontrolled, the directsolidificationon the spot.
身子,便再次不受控制,直接凝固在原地。„Luo Yan, shepursued, weended.”
The Gu Xuandesperatesoundresoundsin the one side.顾轩绝望的声音在一旁响起。Hewas also controlled, can becomehowever can not.
The Luo Yancomplexionis dignified, felt that twoslenderarmstie down the neck.罗阎脸色凝重,感觉到两条纤细的手臂缠住自己脖子。Thatslidesmildly the tendertouch, makingoneindulge in fantasy.
那温润滑嫩的触感,令人想入非非。Butinhisheartdoes not haveleast bitQito read, someare dignified and regret. HeandGu Xuanwithroaming, therefore the speedis not fast.
可他心中却没有半点绮念,有的只是凝重和后悔。他和顾轩同游,故而速度不快。Ifhe alone, does not know that which, thisXu Xiaosuhow to catch up?
若他一个人,早就不知到哪儿了,这徐小粟又怎追得上?Washeis lax!
是他松懈了!Hewarned himself: Laterescapes, hasrunsquickly, many runsfar, cannotsuch asthistime be the same, tries our luckagain!
他告诫自己:以后再逃命,有多快跑多快,有多远跑多远,绝不能如这次一样,再心存侥幸!„Brother Yan, met, did youthinkme?”
“阎哥哥,又见面了,你想我了吗?”Xu Xiaosuis pasting the face of Luo Yan, fromslidbehind, in the lookhascrazy, ponders.徐小粟贴着罗阎的脸,从身后滑了出来,眼神中有疯狂,还有一丝玩味。„How do youwant?” The Luo Yansinkingsoundasked.
“你想怎么样?”罗阎沉声问道。„Howdoes not want, to be...... wantsto makeyougrow stronger a point.”Xu Xiaosuhonk the mouth, drewseveralcirclecircleson the Luo Yanchest.
“不想怎么样,就是……想让你变强一点。”徐小粟嘟了嘟嘴,在罗阎胸膛上画了几个圈圈。Immediatelycracks into a smile, smart-aleckysay/way: „Brother Yan, startsfromthisold man.”
随即咧嘴一笑,俏皮道:“阎哥哥,就从这老头开始吧。”Hersmileis pureandfree of evil intention, butLuo Yanonlythinksfiercely.
The meaning of Xu Xiaosuis very obvious.徐小粟的意思很明显。Lethimattract a Gu XuanrealbloodbySeizing Heaven Demon Secret Art.
让他以夺天魔功吸掉顾轩一身真血。Hefelt that an ownhandcanmove, buthehas not actually begun, butis staring atXu Xiaosu, coldlysaid: „Makesmegrow stronger? Isn't thisyourtruegoal?”
他感觉自己一只手能够动弹了,但他却没有动手,只是盯着徐小粟,冷冷道:“让我变强?这不是你真正的目的吧?”„Brother Yanis really intelligent.”Xu Xiaosupraisedone, swallows the tonguetowardLuo Yan, in the surfacerevealsshylysome: „ButIwantto makeyougrow stronger.”
“阎哥哥真聪明。”徐小粟夸赞一句,朝罗阎吞了吞舌头,面上露出些许羞涩:“但我就是想让你变强而已嘛。”„Othersintentions, haven't youunderstood?”
“人家的心意,你还不懂吗?”Shehangsfocuses on the pupil, the longeyelashshiversslightly, somewhatis indeed shy.
她微垂着眼眸,长长的睫毛微微颤动,的确有些羞涩。Luo Yancanfeel the aura that inhermouthputs out.罗阎能感受到她口中吐出的气息。
The aurais fragrant.
气息香甜。Buthisonlysleep/feltfeels sick.
但他只觉作呕。Heis silent.
他沉默着。Immediatelyshouted abuse: „Iunderstandyourmother!”
哗啦啦!In the meantime, the mutationlivessteep.
就在此时,异变陡生。Sees only the greenskinformto drillfrom the seabedtogethersuddenly, in the Xu Xiaosustunnedvision, directonerobs the bloodstonesnakefromitssleeve.
只见一道绿皮身影猛然从海底钻出,在徐小粟错愕的目光当中,直接一把从其袖中抢走血晶蛇。Thenturns aroundto run.
The smile on Xu Xiaosufacestops suddenly.徐小粟脸上的笑容戛然而止。Has not waited forherto get back one's composure.
The lower abdomenthentransmits the severe pain, probablywas heldto put ongenerally.
小腹便传来剧痛,像是被人捅穿了一般。Likesmebeing ableto strengthenadds the pointto askeveryoneto collect:() Icanstrengthenadd the refresh rateto be quickest.
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