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【乱神刀】【Part of great bearprotectsbody】
The Luo Yanmindsinks.罗阎心神沉入。
The chaoticdivine bladeis the knife skill, practicessends, a bladeleaves, true qimaymelttenzhang (3.33 m)bladeastral, sweeps away all obstacles, hasto disrupt the effect of mind, maykeep offwithboundaryno one.
乱神刀为刀法,练至极致,一刀出,真气可化十丈刀罡,所向披靡,有扰乱心神之效,同境界无人可挡。HoweverQu Jiuyouhas not practiced the pinnaclethisknife skill.
不过曲九幽并没有将这刀法练到极致。Hislimit, cutsthreezhang (3.33 m)bladeastral.
他的极限,也就是斩出三丈刀罡。Limited tooneselfstrengthis a reason, anotherreasonis the knife skillpracticesis not proficient.
受限于自身实力是一个原因,另一个原因就是刀法练的不到家。But the part of great bearprotects the body, notleakswith the Shi JianPure Yangalmost, is a defensemystique.
After displaying, mayformoneto protect the shieldin the body surfacefirmly.
施展之后,可在体表形成一层坚固护盾。As fortown/subduesprisonvigor.
至于镇狱劲。Thenislaw of the catching up, maydisplay the extremelystrongstrength.
则是一门发力之法,可发挥出极强劲力。„Inmyhandtwograndmastermartial artsrare books, hisfierceYangpalm, anotheritself/Benisthis dayastralprotects the body.”
“我手中两门宗师武学秘籍,其一烈阳掌,另一本就是这天罡护体。”„It seems like, astralprotects the bodyon this dayis not some are in sole possession.”
他眸光微微闪动。Thatrare book in hishand, seeksfrom the poisonouspersoncave mansion.
他手中的那本秘籍,是从毒人洞府中寻到的。Hethinks,isZhouis in sole possession.
他本以为,是周家独有。Does not think,thisQu Jiuyoualsocultivatedthislawunexpectedly.
不想,这曲九幽竟然也修炼了此法。Readandhere, hewas nothimto think, the direct selectionastralof this dayprotected the body.
The true qiapplication, protects the changemethod of shieldsize, thicknessandintensity......真气的运用方式,护盾大小、厚度、强度的变化手段……
The shortmoment, heis right【Part of great bearprotectsbody】Thenunderstands clearlyinchest/heart, the sleep/feltis only moved, thencandisplaythismartial arts.
短短片刻,他对【天罡护体】便了然于胸,只觉动念之间,便能施展出这门武学。„Hadastralof this dayto protect the body, even ifinten thousandarmyclumps, I can also take the enemy the severed head.”
“有了这天罡护体,纵然万军丛中,我也能取敌将首级。”Luo Yanis well satisfied, divergesMind Searching Record.罗阎心满意足,散去搜神录。
A handstretches outin the waterwhile convenient, drawingdrew the pants, blocks from the wound on leg.
没多久。Hethenreturned to the large shipwith the Gu XuanrecklessMeiniangthreepeople.
他便和顾轩胡媚娘三人回到了楼船上。„Came backfinally.”Gu Xuantransports/fortunestrue qi, evaporation the clothes, on the facehasoneto have a lingering fear the color.
“总算回来了。”顾轩运起真气,蒸干衣服,脸上带着一丝心有余悸之色。recklessMeinianglooked atHua FeihuaandShen Biluo, is surprised the different way: „Youalsocame back.”
胡媚娘则是看了眼花非花和沈碧落,诧异道:“你们也回来了啊。”„Qu Jiuyou?”Hua Feihuashot a look atthreepeople of one, coldsoundopens the mouth.
“曲九幽呢?”花非花瞥了三人一眼,冷声开口。Hiscomplexioniceis cold, obviouslyis not quite happy.
他面色冰寒,显然心情极为不好。At that timethatcrowd of Martial God Sectmartial artistdropped from the clouds.
当时那群武神宗武者从天而降。Runsmostquickly, isQu Jiuyou.
跑得最快的,就是曲九幽。„Does not know.”Gu Xuanshakes the head.
“不知道。”顾轩摇头。„Hasn't Sirbent/tunecome back?”Luo Yanselects the brow, somefacial expressionsurprise.
“曲大人还没回来?”罗阎一挑眉头,神情有些诧异。„Heafter all is mansionprotectorate, staredmostlybythatMartial God Sect.”Shen Biluodelicate eyebrowsslightlypressed.
The peopleare silent.
众人沉默。After a while, aboutGu Xuanlooks aroundtwo, said: „Di Qianzhanganddragonandhave not come back.”
过了一会儿,顾轩左右张望两眼,又道:“狄千丈和龙和也没回来。”recklessMeiniangalsosaid: „Theseblack featherhealth/guardshouldalsosomepeoplebe ableto fortunately survive.”
胡媚娘也道:“那些黑羽卫应该也有人能幸存下来。”„Does not needto waitagain, keepstwoshipstothem, as for our, hoists the sailsto set sailinstantly, returns to the prefectural city.”Hua Feihualooked ateyeblack featherhealth/guardto command, the unquestionableinstructionsaid.
“无需再等,给他们留两艘船,至于我们这艘,即刻扬帆起航,返回府城。”花非花看了眼身边的黑羽卫统领,不容置疑的吩咐道。Qu Jiuyounot.曲九幽不在。Heismostpowerhouse on ship.
他就是船上的最强者。At this timeheopens the mouthto speak, the black featherhealth/guardnaturallydoes not dare, since.
The black featherhealth/guardthenraised the ship's sail.
黑羽卫便将船帆扬了起来。„Did somepeoplecome?”
“又有人过来了?”At this time, Shen Biluoopened the mouthsuddenly, lookstowhite waves of distant place.
这时候,沈碧落忽然开口,看向远处的一道白浪。Peoplehearsword, turns the headto looktowardthatwhite waves.
众人闻言,都转头朝那白浪望去。As the white wavesis closerapidly, the peoplesaw clearlyfinallycame the person.
The statureis petite, black hairthrows over after behind, the slenderfairboth armspaddleunceasingly, seems likeextremelydiligently, makingonelove dearly...... impressivelyisXu Xiaosu.
身材娇小,一头青丝披在身后,纤细白皙的双臂不断划动,看上去极为努力,令人心疼……赫然是徐小粟。„IsXu Xiaosu.”recklessMeiniangselects the brow.
“是徐小粟。”胡媚娘一挑眉头。Shealmostforgotthislittle miss.
她都差点忘记这小姑娘了。Luo Yanlooksto go all outroamingto comeXu Xiaosu, a browslightlywrinkle.罗阎看着拼命游来的徐小粟,眉头微微一皱。
Hasn't thiswoman, howdied?
这女人,怎么还没死?Under the gaze of people.
在众人的注视下。Xu Xiaosujumpedon the shipquickly, sheshakes the head, throws offwater stain on hair, immediatelysmilingbeckonedtoward the people: „Hello.”徐小粟很快就跳到了船上,她摇了摇头,甩掉头发上的水渍,随即一脸微笑的朝众人招了招手:“你们好呀。”„Youactuallyalsolived.”recklessMeinianglooked atXu Xiaosu, the eyegroundflashed through a jealousy feeling.
“你竟然也活下来了。”胡媚娘看了眼徐小粟,眼底闪过一丝妒意。At this time.
此时。Xu Xiaosuhas not worn the mask, reveals an oval face that fox charmactually the innocence.徐小粟并没有戴着面具,露出一张狐媚却又童真的瓜子脸。
That white and tenderwatersleek/moistsmallface, contrastswith, is really makesoneenvy.
那白嫩水润的小脸,和自己对比起来,实在是令人嫉妒。„Ok, set sail.”Hua Feihuacoldsoundordered.
The voicefalls, looked atXu Xiaosutwo.
话音落下,又多看了徐小粟两眼。Thisyoung girllookwas not only beautiful, attractsas if made by Heaven, under the wetbody, the staturewas also learnedunexpectedly.
这少女不仅相貌绝美,魅惑天成,湿身之下,身材竟也十分有料。No wonderbeforemustwear the mask.
难怪之前要戴着面具。Reclamationvision that hisheartsuddenly, somequiteburning hots, maintain composureimmediately.
A Bone Refinementlittle miss.
一个炼骨的小姑娘罢了。Heslightlyexecutes the sub-total, thencanreceive the harem.
他略施小计,便能收入后宫。Cannotbe too flagrant.
只是,不能太明目张胆。He is so thinking, justwantsto go forwardto helpXu Xiaosudry the clothes, Xu Xiaosuactuallytakes the leadto open the mouth.
他这般想着,正想上前帮徐小粟烘干衣服,徐小粟却率先开口了。„Did thisgo back? Idiscoveredon the island the Martial God Secttreasure house, listening totheseMartial God Sectdisciples saying that in the middle of the treasure househid the wealth that Martial God Sectsavedin the past, went nonstop to the innategiving up studymystique.”
“这就回去了吗?我在岛上发现了武神宗的宝库,听那些武神宗弟子说,宝库当中藏了武神宗当年积攒下来的财富,还有直通先天的绝学秘法。”Hervoiceis tranquil.
她声音平静。Buton the ship the people, all the complexionchanges.
而船上众人,全都脸色微变。Hua Feihuadid not haveto helpXu Xiaosudry the thought of clothes, the sinkingsoundpursuesasks: „You the news where fromcancome?”花非花没了帮徐小粟烘干衣服的念头,沉声追问道:“你从哪得来的消息?”„Ihear.”Xu Xiaosucrookedhead, a purity of face.
“我听到的。”徐小粟歪了歪脑袋,一脸的纯真。„Snort, even ifthere is a treasure house, was still plunderedbythatcrowd of Martial God Sectmartial artistearlycleanly, but alsoturnsto obtainus?”recklessMeiniangsneers.
“哼,就算有宝库,也早被那群武神宗武者搜刮干净,还轮得到我们?”胡媚娘冷笑。„No. Ilistened tothatcrowd of Martial God Sectmartial artist saying that the treasure housewas coveredby the strategy, theyslaughtered the black featherhealth/guard, wantsin the law of blood sacrifice, to break the defensestrategy beyond treasure house, opened the treasure house.”Xu Xiaosublinksto say.
“没有哦。我听那群武神宗武者说,宝库被阵法笼罩,他们屠杀黑羽卫,就是想以血祭之法,破掉宝库外的防御阵法,打开宝库。”徐小粟眨了眨眼道。„Hasn't opened?”
“还没打开?”Hua Feihuaand the othersin the eyenoneexplodesflashes.花非花等人眼中精光爆闪。In years past, Martial God Sectwas powerful, evenwent beyondcompared with the profoundYinfaction.
The wealth of theaccumulating, called that may the enemynot be overratedrichly.
其所积累下来的财富,称上一句富可敌国都不为过。Let alone.
更何况。Xu Xiaosuadded that in the treasure househasto go nonstop to the innatelaw.徐小粟还说宝库中藏有直通先天之法。Innate.
先天。Regardinganymartial artist, istogether the hard-to-passnatural moat.
对于任何一个武者而言,都是一道难以逾越的天堑。Ifreallyhas the innatelaw, even if dangerous, they must spellto spell.
若真有先天之法,哪怕再危险,他们也要拼上一拼。„Has not opened.”
“没打开呢。”Xu Xiaosunods, thenspits the tongue, said: „TheseMartial God Sectmartial artiststrengths are very actually ordinary, theyuse the mystiquestrengthen, killed off the black featherhealth/guard, nowis in the weaktime. Wepassnow, shouldnot be dangerous.”徐小粟点头,然后吐了吐舌头,说道:“那些武神宗武者的实力其实很一般,他们利用秘法变强,杀光了黑羽卫,现在正处于虚弱期。我们现在过去,应该不会太危险。”Hersoundis lively, inexplicablepersuasiveness.
她的声音轻快,莫名的让人信服。Hua Feihua, Gu XuanandrecklessMeiniang, evenis the surroundingblack featherhealth/guard, in the eyeappears the color of intentmoving. „Whatyousaidisreal?”Hua Feihuais staring atXu Xiaosu, repeatedlyconfirmed.花非花、顾轩、胡媚娘,甚至是周围的黑羽卫,眼中都浮现意动之色。“你说的是真的?”花非花盯着徐小粟,再次确认道。„Naturally, Ipersonallysee, hearswith one's own ears.”Xu Xiaosuis saying, licked the lip, in the pupil seems the differentlightto reappear, making one cannot help but, believe.
“当然,我亲眼所见,亲耳听到的。”徐小粟说着,舔了舔嘴唇,眸中似有异光浮现,让人不由自主,更加信服。„Good, wenowon the past.”
“那好,我们现在就过去。”Hua Feihuaand the others the pupillightburning hot, as ifhad seen the wealth of piling upandgoes nonstop to the innatemystique.花非花等人眸光炙热,仿佛已经见到堆积如山的财富和直通先天的秘法。Theyhave not discoveredoneselfdifferenceslightly.
他们丝毫没发现自己的异样。Turns aroundthento move toward the gunwale.
人群骚动。recklessMeiniang, Gu Xuan, Shen Biluo, are the black featherhealth/guard.
胡媚娘、顾轩、沈碧落,然后是一个个黑羽卫。Saw with own eyeswith more than tenblack featherhealth/guard, Hua Feihuaimmediatelycoldsnort/hum, scolded: „Did your Bone Refinementwastehold backin the past?”
眼见跟上来了十余个黑羽卫,花非花当即冷哼一声,呵斥道:“你们这些炼骨的废物过去拖后腿吗?”Inhissoundhas the meaning of withering.
他音中带着肃杀之意。hearssound, with the black featherhealth/guardbodyshakes, in the heartwas coveredfrightened, thisstopped the idea that goes to the arsenalto try one's luck, keeping silentafterretreats.
The peoplestandin the gunwale, is preparingto jump, returns to the floatisland.
众人站在甲板边缘,正准备跳下去,返回浮游岛。At this time.
这时候。Xu Xiaosulookedstands one's ground steadfastlyLuo Yan that suddenlyto the distant place, brittlesound said: „Doesn't Brother Yan, yougo?”徐小粟忽然看向远处岿然不动的罗阎,脆声道:“阎哥哥,你不去吗?”Hersmile, is still very delightful.
她的笑容依旧,十分甜美。Luo Yanshakes the head, tranquilsay/way: „Mystrengthis too weak.”罗阎摇头,平静道:“我实力太弱,就不去了。”„Goes.”Xu Xiaosuacts like a spoiled bratsweetly.
“去嘛。”徐小粟甜甜撒娇。„Does not go.”Luo Yanshakes the headagain.
“不去。”罗阎再次摇头。„No, youmustgo.”Xu Xiaosusoundsuddenlycold, without a trace that the smile on smallfacevanishes, becomingice-coldandwooden.
“不,你一定要去。”徐小粟声音陡然冷了下来,连带小脸上的笑容都消失的无影无踪,变得冰冷而木然。„Whyslow does Missforce someone to do something against his will?”Luo Yanis looking atXu Xiaosuindifferently.
“徐姑娘何必强人所难?”罗阎漠然望着徐小粟。Thiswoman, is not extremely right.
这女人,极不对劲。Treasure house?
宝库?Hedid not feel,thisisreal, rather thanXu Xiaosupicturepie.
他可不觉得,这是真的,而不是徐小粟画的大饼。Let alone, evenreallywhy not?
更何况,就算真的又何妨?Ifhisneed, waits fortheseperson of triumphant returns, hetakesagainis not late.
若他需要,等这些人胜利归来,他再去取也不迟。Whyalsoto violate the dangerby the body?
又何必以身犯险?„No, no, no, youmustgo, mustgo!”Xu XiaosuhearsLuo Yannot to go, seems unable to accept, is swinging the smallheadcrazily, simultaneouslyhatredis staring atLuo Yan.
“不,不,不,你一定要去,一定要去!”徐小粟听到罗阎不去,似乎无法接受,疯狂摇着小脑袋,同时怨毒的盯着罗阎。Herlookhidden in the shade, wants the crazyto be the sameprobably, lookedLuo Yanis absolutely terrified.
The hatred on herfacethenvanishes, thenshows the beautifulsmile, sweetis smilingtoLuo Yan, sidevivaciousarrivingLuo Yan, thenstands on tiptoes the tip of the toe, as ifmustbe attached to the Luo Yanearto sayanything.
The fragrantwindcaresses the face.
香风扑面。Brings the impertinence of young girl.
然而。Herredliphas not gatherednear the Luo Yanear, the feelinglower abdomentransmits the severe pain.
她红唇还没凑到罗阎耳边,就感觉小腹传来剧痛。Immediately, the bodybecomes the sun-dried shelled shrimpcurved, unexpectedlydirectlyafterflies upside downto go!
The Xu Xiaosucomplexiontwistsinstantaneously, the personin the midair, the bloodspurtscrazily, has not actually thought that Luo Yanwill acttohersuddenly.徐小粟脸色瞬间扭曲,人在半空,鲜血狂喷而出,却是没想到罗阎会忽然对她出手。„Don'tclose tome.”
The Luo Yanbrowwrinklesslightly.罗阎眉头微微皱起。
The speed that thiswomanturns hostileis too fast, the strangefacial expressionmanner is to make himfeel sick.
这女人变脸的速度太快,怪异的神情举止更是令他作呕。Then, looked downeyeownfist, in the heartwas somewhat astonished.
His fist, used90%strengths.
他这一拳,使用了90%力量。GeneralBone Refinementmartial artist, onlyfeared that is heldto put onorkillbyhisfist, butthisXu Xiaosu, onlyspat a bloodunexpectedly, nobigsickness.
一般的炼骨武者,只怕早已被他的拳头捅穿或是打死,但这徐小粟,竟然只吐了口血,没什么大恙。Obviously, thisXu Xiaosustrengthis extremely strong, goes beyondcompared withrecklessMeiniangGu Xuanand othergrandmasterweakchickens.
这一幕。Shocked the surroundingpeople.
惊呆了周围众人。Hua Feihuabrowslightlywrinkle, coldsound said: „Luo Yan, are youdoing?”花非花眉头微皱,冷声道:“罗阎,你在干什么?”„Sheclose tome.”Luo Yanshot a look atHua Feihualightly, saidownexplanation.
“你?!”InHua Feihuaeyereappearingcold light.花非花眼中浮现寒光。Because ofclose togivesothers a fist?
因为靠近,就给别人一拳?If not the Xu Xiaosumanneris truly strange, hemustteachthisLuo Yanone is not possible.
若非徐小粟举止确实怪异,他非得教训这罗阎一顿不可。Hedeeplyinspires, depresses the anger in heart, looked that tolying downXu Xiaosu that twitchesin the deck, said: „slowMiss, hedid not goeven, were manyhis is not many, is short ofhismany, several of usfoot.”
他深吸一口气,压下心中的愤怒,看向躺在甲板上抽搐的徐小粟,道:“徐姑娘,他不去就算了,多他一个不多,少他一个不少,我们几个足矣。”recklessMeiniangand the othersalsolooknot to bear.
胡媚娘等人也面露不耐。ThisXu Xiaosuwas strange, is subject to changing moodsalsoeven, at this timecoulddrawLuo Yanto doreally?
这徐小粟性格怪异,喜怒无常也就算了,这时候非得拉着罗阎作甚?Is it possible thatlikedthisLuo Yan?
莫非喜欢上了这罗阎?Then, theylook at carefullyLuo Yantwo, assuredownguess.
The Shen Biluoblackeyebrowslightlywrinkle, the visioninspectsbetweenLuo YanandXu Xiaosuback and forth, silentdoes not say a word.沈碧落黛眉微皱,目光在罗阎和徐小粟之间来回巡视,默然不做声。„No, Brother Yanmustgo.”
“不,阎哥哥一定要去。”Xu Xiaosuhas not paid attention toHua Feihua.徐小粟没有理会花非花。Shesatfrom the deck, wipes off the blood of corners of the mouth, rubbed the smallbelly, pitifullookingtoLuo Yan: „Brother Yan, youmustgowithme, youdo not gowithme, Ican the Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Artmattersayyou.”
Her timestudywas clever.
她这次学乖了。Notclose toLuo Yan, butpasses messagedirectlyintodensely, saidto the Luo Yanhear.
没有靠近罗阎,而是直接传音入密,说给罗阎听。Luo Yanselected the brow.罗阎挑了挑眉头。„Whywantsmeto go?”Hepasses messagesimilarlydenselyinto.
“为何非要我去?”他同样传音入密。„Hee hee. Iwantto makeBrother Yangrow strongera bit faster, theyallwereIgive the material that Brother Yanprepared, Brother Yanattractedthem, the strengthcan the strengthenbe many.”Xu Xiaosusitsin the deck, shows a cutesmiletowardLuo Yan.
“嘻嘻。我想让阎哥哥快点变强啊,他们全都是我给阎哥哥准备的材料,阎哥哥吸了他们,实力又能变强不少哦。”徐小粟坐在甲板上,朝罗阎露出一个可爱笑容。„What?! Yousaid that youturned toMartial God Sect, mustdeceive the floatislandthem, thenslaughterscompletely?!” The Luo Yanpupilshrinkssuddenly, calls out in alarm the opens the mouth.
“什么?!你说你投靠了武神宗,要将他们骗去浮游岛,然后屠杀殆尽?!”罗阎瞳孔骤缩,惊呼开口。Such remarks, the smile on Xu Xiaosufacesolidifiesinstantaneously.
此言一出,徐小粟脸上的笑容瞬间凝固。ButHua Feihuaand the otherschanged the complexion, alllookstoXu Xiaosu.
而花非花等人都变了脸色,全都看向徐小粟。„Ido not have, youspoke irresponsibly.”Xu Xiaosuwas somewhat breathless.
“我没有,你乱说。”徐小粟有些气急败坏了。ThisLuo Yan, shouldbe threatenedbyherobviously, is obedientwithher the floatisland, howto press the repertoireto play a card?
这罗阎,明明应该被她威胁,然后乖乖跟她去浮游岛啊,怎么不按套路出牌?„slowMiss, what's the matter?” The Hua FeihuacalmfacelookstoXu Xiaosu.
“徐姑娘,到底怎么回事?”花非花沉着脸看向徐小粟。„Xu Xiaosu, yousaidmeto talk nonsense, youfirstput outin the floatislandto have the evidence of thatanythingtreasure houseactually.”
“徐小粟,你说我胡说,你倒是先拿出浮游岛上有那什么宝库的证据。”Xu Xiaosuhad not replied,Luo Yanistakes the leadto open the mouth.徐小粟还没回答,罗阎已是率先开口。Histonewas indifferent, looked atShen Biluoand the others, thensaid: „Doesn't find itstrange? Xu Xiaosuopened mouth a saying, without the least bitevidence, yourentireletter/believes.”
他语气淡然,看了眼沈碧落等人,接着道:“诸位就不觉得奇怪吗?徐小粟张嘴一说,没有半点证据,你们就全信了。”„Perhaps, the buried treasureattractiveis a reason, but have you thought that could also became under the influence of somemystique?”
“或许,宝藏诱人是一个原因,但你们想没想过,也有可能是受到了某种秘法的影响?”Heis calm, is well-founded.
他沉稳淡定,有理有据。ButHua Feihuaand the others a thinking, allexcitedlylook changes.
而花非花等人一番思索,全都勃然色变。Luo Yansaidright.罗阎说的没错。They, are the experienced and carefulgenerations, howpossiblybecause ofotherslighta few words, to accept as true, underhastydoingdecided? „Misleads?”
他们这些人,都是老谋深算之辈,岂可能因为别人轻飘飘的一句话,就信以为真,仓促的做下决定?“蛊惑?”Hua Feihuaand the otherslookedtoXu Xiaosu, the lookthoroughlychanged.花非花等人看向徐小粟,眼神彻底变了。HoweverXu Xiaosutoseveralpeople of ice-coldvisionimitates, ifhas not thought,shestares atLuo Yanto be somewhat stunned, but also is somewhat suffering.
然而徐小粟对几人冰冷的目光仿若未觉,她只是盯着罗阎有些错愕,还有些委屈。Immediately, shestoodslowly.
随即,她缓缓站了起来。„Doesn't Brother Yan, I, whyyoucoordinatemefor your own good?”
随着她的声音响起。Inhersleeve, drillsonelike the rubasessmallsnake.
The steeptime, Luo Yanwantsnot to think,turns aroundto run.
陡时间,罗阎想也不想,转身就跑。Buthehad just turned around, the bodybecomescannot move.
可他刚转过身,身子就变得动弹不得。Heinducescarefully, discoveredunexpectedly the whole bodybloodwas uncontrolled, is decidedprobablysame placeingeneral!
他仔细感应,竟发现浑身血液不受控制,像是被定在了原地一般!„Do youmeet the magic artsunexpectedly?!”Luo Yanchanges colorwith amazement, the eyelidjumpscrazily.
“你竟然会法术?!”罗阎骇然变色,眼皮狂跳。„Icannot move!”recklessMeiniangbellowsflustered.
“我动不了了!”胡媚娘慌张大吼。„Was bad, the blood... was controlled.”Gu Xuanis also struggling.
“糟了,血液…被控制住了。”顾轩也在挣扎。ButHua FeihuaandShen Biluoso, theircomplexionis also ugly, stares atXu Xiaosu of distant place, in the lookhaspanic-strickenreappearing.
而花非花和沈碧落同样如此,他们脸色难看,盯着远处的徐小粟,眼神中有惊恐浮现。Has not actually thought that thisXu Xiaosu, unexpectedlythisgrade of method!
却是没想到,这徐小粟,竟然还有这等手段!„Brother Yan, mynotmagic arts, thisis the spiritbeast that Iraiseuses.”Xu Xiaosutouched the bloodstonesnake, on the faceshows the simple-heartedsmile.
The Luo Yanheadbuzzes, the thoughtflashes, sends out the advantageto drinksuddenly: „Begins! Herspiritbeastcould not controleveryone, shotherwith the arrow!”罗阎脑袋嗡嗡作响,念头闪动间,猛然发出利喝:“动手!她的灵兽控制不了所有人,用箭射她!”hearssound.
The surroundingblack featherprotects a tumult.
周围黑羽卫一阵骚动。Theyindeedhad not been controlled, butsaw with own eyes that Hua Feihuaand the otherswere controlled, theyare naturally afraid.
他们的确没被控制,但眼见花非花等人都被控制了,他们自然心生畏惧。At once, alllookshesitant, hesitates.
一时之间,全都面露犹豫,踌躇不前。„Alsois gawkingdoing, hasn't put the arrowto shoother?!”
“还愣着干什么,还不放箭射她?!”Until the Hua Feihuaangry roaringsoundgets up, the black featherhealth/guard on decksets firm resolve.
The steeptime, several hundredadvantagearrowssuch as the raindropis common, coversXu Xiaosu.
陡时间,数百利箭如雨点一般,将徐小粟覆盖。Likesmebeing ableto strengthenadds the pointto askeveryoneto collect:() Icanstrengthenadd the refresh rateto be quickest.
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