ICSBAP :: Volume #2

#160: In the water preys

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I can strengthen add a https:// 我能强化加点https:// Good.” “好。” Shen Biluo nods. 沈碧落点头。 Escape time, naturally can ignore so many. 逃命的时候,自然顾不了那么多。 Because she does not have to hesitate excessively, arrives at the peach back conducts the back, moves toward the sea, swims away to the small sunspot of remote place. 因为她没有过多犹豫,将桃儿背到背上,走向大海,向遥远处的小黑点游去。 Her waist sways from side to side, although carried individual, but also swam quite quickly. 她腰肢扭动,虽背了个人,但也游得颇快。 However turns head, actually sees the white waves to well up behind together violently. 然而一回头,却看见身后一道白浪激涌而来。 Soon, then surpassed her, such as flies to leap up generally toward the distant place. 不多久,便超过了她,如飞一般朝远处蹿去。 Swims well quickly.” “游得好快。” She is secret. 她暗暗惊讶。 Immediately no longer cares about the deportment, the slender both legs catch up suddenly, pursued toward Luo Yan. 随即不再顾及仪态,修长的双腿猛然发力,朝罗阎追了过去。 Two whitecaps in tandem, fast vanguard in sea. 两道白浪一前一后,在海洋中快速前行。 Even if Shen Biluo goes all out the roaming, from was still pulled open quickly. 纵然沈碧落拼命去游,距离依然很快被拉开。 Luo Yan reviews, looks to behind more and more far Shen Biluo, cannot bear shake the head, swam simply. 罗阎回眸,看向身后越来越远的沈碧落,忍不住摇了摇头,干脆游了回去。 Shen Miss, you give me peach.” Luo Yan roaming to Shen Biluo side, calm saying. “沈姑娘,你把桃儿给我。”罗阎游到沈碧落身边,语气平静的说道。 He planned that delivers to these two women the ship. 他打算把这两个女人送到船上。 Then intercepts Qu Jiuyou. 然后去拦截曲九幽 Looked that can get rid of Qu Jiuyou in the sea. 看能不能在海中干掉曲九幽 Qu Jiuyou is powerful. 曲九幽强大。 Perhaps if in the ground, his strength falls short, but in the sea, he has 90% assurances to get rid of Qu Jiuyou. 若地面上,他或许力有不逮,但大海中,他有90%把握能干掉曲九幽 Does not use, I swam was OK in the past.” Shen Biluo shakes the head. “不用,我自己游过去就可以了。”沈碧落摇头。 Wet the black hair sticks on the forehead, the appearance is still simple and beautiful. 湿了的青丝粘在额头上,容颜依旧清丽。 She can swim. 她自己能游。 Why wants Luo Yan to assist? 为何要罗阎相助? Let alone, the men and women give and receive do not kiss. 更何况,男女授受不亲。 She opens the mouth to reject. 她开口拒绝。 However finishes speaking, she felt that bears one lightly, peach had been entrained by Luo Yan. 然而话音刚落,她就感觉背上一轻,桃儿已经被罗阎拽了过去。 Then, Luo Yan catches her arm, toward conducting the back to tow. 而后,罗阎更是拽住她手臂,朝背上拖了过去。 She is unable to reject, was drawn to conduct the back by Luo Yan directly, then lived in the thigh by a Luo Yan hand band, is firmly fixed. 她根本无法拒绝,直接被罗阎拉到背上,然后被罗阎一只手箍住大腿,牢牢固定。 Immediately. 随即。 Luo Yan gets away unexpectedly, stands on the water surface, is raising peach single-handedly, holds to conduct the back Shen Biluo. 罗阎竟拔身而起,站在水面上,一手提着桃儿,一手将沈碧落托在背上。 Then, steps on the sea water directly, shoots to go toward large ship whirlwind. 然后,直接踩踏海水,朝楼船飚射而去。 The speed... unexpectedly was faster than two times to continue before! 速度…竟然比之前快了两倍不止! Is the martial arts gives up study impressively, aquatic floats! 赫然是武道绝学,水上漂! To step on the water surface not to fall, to own the control of strength and body must fine in every way possible. 想要踩踏水面而不落下,对自身力量和身体的控制必须精细入微。 Meanwhile, needs the strong explosive force, steps on the water surface ruthlessly, in stepping on flickers, then jumps with the strength, proceeds whirlwind to go. 同时,需要强大的爆发力,狠狠踩踏水面,在踩踏的一瞬,便借力跃起,往前飚去。 So long as the oversight, will a little drop in the water. 这其中只要有点疏漏,就会跌落水中。 Shen Biluo lies on Luo Yan. 沈碧落趴在罗阎身上。 Felt that own soft pressure conducts the back after Luo Yan solid, complexion slightly one red. 感觉自己的柔软压在罗阎坚实的后背上,脸色微微一红。 After she wants, supine. 她想要后仰。 But the Luo Yan speed was too fast. 罗阎的速度太快了。 After she attempts, supine one second, the strong winds that was raided by the front has almost not blown to fly. 她尝试后仰了一秒,差点没被前方袭来的狂风吹飞。 Unavoidablily, she can only flutter the Luo Yan neck with the hand hastily, simultaneously the whole person sticks to the back of Luo Yan stubbornly. 不得已,她只能连忙用手勾住罗阎脖子,同时整个人死死贴住罗阎的后背。 Touch return. 触感归来。 In her heart surges, even the earlobe becomes red. 她心中激荡,连耳垂都变得通红。 But makes matter that she has not thought. 而令她没想到的事。 Luo Yan detected that after she was almost blown by the strong winds flies, the big hand unexpectedly upward moves, supported her buttocks directly. 罗阎察觉她差点被狂风吹飞后,大手竟然往上一挪,直接托住了她的臀部。 Is feeling that only powerful big hand, her heartbeat thump thump jumps, as if must jump general from the chest, simultaneously turned the body anxiously. 感受着那只有力的大手,她心跳怦怦直跳,仿佛要从胸膛中跳出来一般,同时不安的扭了扭身子。 Do not move.” “别动。” Luo Yan cold sound scolded. 罗阎冷声呵斥。 This woman, conducted the back in him lies down well was not being good, has moved heedlessly, affects his speed, he but who also almost harmed lost the balance, fell into the water. 这女人,在他背上好好躺着不就行了,一直乱动,影响他速度,还差点害的他失去平衡,掉进水中。 Hears to scold. 听到呵斥。 Shen Biluo does not dare to move. 沈碧落不敢动了。 Buries the head in Luo Yan simply behind, when had the turtle. 干脆将脑袋埋在罗阎身后,当起了缩头乌龟。 In Luo Yan heart cold snort/hum. 罗阎心中冷哼。 After adjusting one, catches up again, runs fast toward the large ship. 调整一番后,再度发力,飞快朝楼船跑去。 Also ten minutes. 也就十来分钟。 He ran up to near the large ship. 他就跑到了楼船边上。 What person?!” “什么人?!” On the large ship, there is a black feather health/guard to call out in alarm. 楼船上,有黑羽卫惊呼。 Immediately. 随即。 Over a hundred black feather health/guard arrive at the parapet, shock looks that runs the person's shadow that from the distant place. 上百黑羽卫来到栏杆边,震惊的看着从远处跑来的人影。 The next second, several hundred arbalests aimed at Luo Yan in sea level. 下一秒,几百张劲弩对准了海面上的罗阎 Is I.” “是我。” The faint sound reverberation, a Luo Yan back of the hand Shen Biluo, is raising peach single-handedly, 淡漠的声音回荡,罗阎一手背着沈碧落,一手提着桃儿, Is stepping on the hull, goes easily and freely. 32 steps, then to large ship above. 踩着船身,如履平地。三两步,便到了楼船之上。 Bang! 砰! He falls to the ground steadily, discards peach that in the hand remains unconscious conveniently, places the ground Shen Biluo, then looks tranquilly to one crowd of black feather health/guard, asked: „Did others come back?” 他稳稳落地,随手扔掉手中昏迷不醒的桃儿,又将沈碧落放在地上,然后平静看向一群黑羽卫,问道:“其他人回来了吗?” „Are you?” “您是?” A black feather health/guard face compels ignorant. 黑羽卫一脸懵逼。 They do not know Luo Yan, only knows Luo Yan Shen Biluo. 他们不认识罗阎,只认识罗阎身边的沈碧落 If this is not the case, they had begun a moment ago. 若非如此,他们刚才就已经动手了。 He is a yama.” Shen Biluo reorganized under the somewhat disorderly clothes, explained in the one side. “他是阎王。”沈碧落整理了下有些凌乱的衣服,在一旁解释。 Her complexion slightly red, has actually restored calmly. 她脸色微红,却已经恢复镇定。 Saying, could not bear looked at Luo Yan secretly. 说着,忍不住偷偷看了眼罗阎 Originally is Young Master Yan.” “原来是阎公子。” black feather health/guard of guarding on large ship commands to relax, looks to Luo Yan and Shen Biluo, puzzled asking: Young Master Yan, Shen Miss, you swims on the ship, is it possible that in the island had an accident?” 驻守在楼船上的黑羽卫统领松了口气,又看向罗阎沈碧落,一脸疑惑的问道:“阎公子,沈姑娘,你们游回船上,莫非岛上出事了?” Un.” Shen Biluo nods. “嗯。”沈碧落点头。 But Luo Yan asked again: I and Shen are Miss first comes back?” 罗阎则再度问道:“我和沈姑娘是第一个回来的?” Yes.” That commands nods hastily. “是啊。”那统领连忙点头。 Un.” “嗯。” Luo Yan nods, looks to Shen Biluo, said: I have a look at Sir bent/tune they, you stay on the ship, careful, I feared that Martial God Sect that group of people possibly can also come.” 罗阎颔首,看向沈碧落,道:“我去看看曲大人他们,你呆在船上,小心一点,我怕武神宗那群人可能也会过来。” Good, I will be careful.” Shen Biluo rushes to nod. “好,我会小心的。”沈碧落赶忙点头。 The voice falls. 话音落下。 She then hears passes one, is Luo Yan has actually jumped in the sea, swam toward the float island in the past. 她便听到噗通一声,却是罗阎已然跳进海中,朝浮游岛游了过去。 This person is really a careless person.” She touches the somewhat sore buttocks, in the heart complained one, then takes back the vision, looks to lying down peach in deck. “这人真是个粗人。”她摸了摸自己有些疼的屁股,心中吐槽了一句,便收回目光,看向躺在甲板上的桃儿。 Compares her, peach is more distressed. 相较于她而言,桃儿更加狼狈。 The clothing disorderly did not say, an attractive small face was blown the mouth and nose to be crooked. 衣衫凌乱不说,一张漂亮的小脸都被吹得口鼻歪斜了。 If wakes up to see own face, must have a scare may not. 若是醒来看到自己的脸,非得吓一大跳不可。 She sighed, arrived at side the small peach, then transported true qi, started to comb the vitality for the small peach, restored the appearance. 她叹了口气,走到小桃身边,然后运起真气,开始为小桃梳理气血,恢复容貌。 Another side. 另一边。 Luo Yan changes into together the white waves, swims away toward the float island fast. 罗阎化为一道白浪,快速朝浮游岛游去。 Compares in aquatic floats, he likes swimming. 相较于水上漂,他更喜欢游泳。 Because aquatic floats to need strictly to control own strength and body, but the swimming does not have so many requests, relatively speaking is simpler. 因为水上漂需要严格控制自身的力量和身体,而游泳则没有那么多要求,相对而言更加简单一点。 He swims fast. 他游得飞快。 Simultaneously the look is sharp, is staring at the sea level of distant place. 同时眼神锐利,盯着远处的海面。 Quick, he sees a person's shadow. 很快,他就看到一个人影。 That is Hua Feihua, he pours lost/carrying both hands, steps on the water surface, the physique is natural, the speed is also quite fast, is hurrying to toward the large ship. 那是花非花,他倒负双手,踩踏水面,身姿潇洒,速度也颇快,正朝楼船赶去。 Luo Yan sees that the vision flashes. 罗阎见状,目光一闪。 Sneaks in the water simply, actually does not want to contact with this person. He sneaks in the water, hides into the underwater ten zhang (3.33 m), then displays to lock the blood merit, hidden the vitality to fluctuate. 干脆潜入水中,却是不想和此人接触。他潜入水中,躲入水下十丈,然后施展锁血功,隐藏自身气血波动。 Soon, the feeling not far away sea level transmits tramples the sound. 不多时,就感觉不远处海面传来践踏声。 Tramples the sound from far to near, from near to far, after short moment, vanishes thoroughly does not see. 践踏声由远及近,又由近至远,短短片刻后,彻底消失不见。 Luo Yan waited for one minute. 罗阎又等了一分钟。 Then floats the water surface, finds out a head, first looked at the eye to turn into the small sunspot behind Hua Feihua, then looked to the float island direction. 这才浮上水面,探出一个脑袋,先是看了眼身后已经变成小黑点的花非花,然后便向浮游岛方向望去。 Without how long. 没等多久。 Some people came. 就又有人过来了。 Is Qu Jiuyou! 曲九幽 He is the same like Hua Feihua, displays aquatic floats, the physique is natural, rapid advance. 他如花非花一样,施展水上漂,身姿潇洒,飞速前进。 The Luo Yan eye narrows the eyes, sneaks in the water again. 罗阎眼睛一眯,再度潜入水中。 He stays in the water, first uses Māra games body, the muscle ballooning, the vitality is soaring, strength suddenly sudden rise several times. 他呆在水中,先是使用摩罗体,肌肉鼓胀,气血高昂,力量陡然暴涨数倍。 Then, uses the scarlet blood demon mark. 而后,使用赤血魔纹。 Purple traces appear in his body surface, continuously stimulates his acupuncture point, stimulates his potential. 一条条紫色纹路出现在他体表,不断刺激他的穴位,激发他的潜力。 The astonishing strength selected for promotion 30% again. 本就惊人的力量再度拔升30%。 He hides in the water, looks two feet that the distant place is close to rapidly, in heart silently reciprocal. 他躲在水中,望着远处飞速接近的两只脚丫子,心中默默倒数。 Three, two, one!” “三,二,一!” From the bottom nulling operation. 倒数归零。 His both legs swayed, catches up suddenly. 他双腿一摆,猛然发力。 The whole person is similar to the flying arrow to be common, shoots to go toward that foot whirlwind. 整个人如同离弦之箭一般,朝那脚丫子飚射而去。 On water surface. 水面上。 Qu Jiuyou felt not right. 曲九幽感觉到了不对。 His ear trembles lightly, actually heard under water below sound. 他耳朵轻颤,却是听到了水底下的声音。 That is the fluent rapidly mobile sound, has probably any fierce thing, is raiding general to him. 那是水流急速流动的声音,像是有什么凶猛东西,在向他袭来一般。 Shark?” “鲨鱼?” In his heart moves slightly. 他心中微动。 Immediately coldly smiles. 随即冷冷一笑。 Happen, he this time routs, the mood is extremely bad, just wants to vent. 正好,他此番大败,心情极差,正想发泄。 If is really the shark, this sandbag is also big, this food is also fresh! 若真是鲨鱼,这沙包也大,这食材也新鲜! However the next second, he then changes color with amazement, facial expression panic-stricken to pinnacle. 然而下一秒,他便骇然变色,神情惊恐到了极致。 Come at all is not the shark. 来的根本不是鲨鱼。 But is pair of a monster different arm that covers entirely the purple trace. 而是一双布满紫色纹路的妖异手臂。 That arm is thick, contains the great strength, when he sees, that arm holds his both legs, drags suddenly toward the water. 那手臂粗大,同时蕴含巨力,他看到时,那手臂已是抓住他双腿,猛然往水中拖去。 The great strength is astonishing. 巨力惊人。 Hasty, he revolts without enough time, was drawn in the water. 仓促之下,他来不及反抗,就被拖进了水中。 What person?!” “什么人?!” He gets angry stares to Luo Yan, powerful true qi gushes out, even the sea water was repelled, to all around wells up crazily. 他怒瞪向罗阎,一身强悍真气喷薄而出,连海水都被排斥,向四周狂涌。 However that pair of arm is actually entirely still, grabs his leg, continuously toward deeper sea undertow. 然而那双手臂却纹丝不动,抓着他的腿,一直往更深的海底拖去。 The sea water is piercing. 海水已经刺骨。 The Qu Jiuyou look is flurried, martial arts that he most excels, one is Chaotic divine blade, A blade leaves, true qi may change into several feet blade astral, murders astonishingly. 曲九幽眼神慌乱,他最擅长的武学,一为【乱神刀】,一刀出,真气可化为数丈刀罡,杀伐惊人。 Two is Part of great bear protects body, Agitates true qi, may form a defensive power astonishing part of great bear to protect the shield with the whole body. 二为【天罡护体】,鼓动真气,可与周身形成一层防御力惊人的天罡护盾。 However now. 然而现在。 He situated in the seabed, the chaotic divine blade is hard to put forth. 他处于海底,乱神刀难以使出。 Also was grasped the thigh personal, the part of great bear protects the body unable to use. 又被人贴身抱住大腿,天罡护体也用不出来。 In other words, he can only hold itself by the true qi in addition, then uses the brute force, ties down own person fight with this! 也就是说,他只能以真气加持自身,然后使用蛮力,与这缠住自己的人搏斗! His eye pupil shivers. 他眼眸颤动。 true qi eruption. 真气爆发。 And refers to the blade, then a blade cuts to Luo Yan. 并指成刀,然后一刀斩向罗阎 Sees only its pair to refer to turnover quiet purple blade astral, although only has three cuns (2.5 cm), but the point is sharp, incomparably bone-chilling cold. 只见其双指上吞吐幽紫色刀罡,虽只有三寸,但锋芒锐利,无比凛冽。 Blade astral brings the sound, cuts rapidly to the Luo Yan nape of the neck. 刀罡带着嗤嗤之音,飞速斩向罗阎的脖颈。 Snort!” “哼!” Luo Yan cold snort/hum. 罗阎冷哼。 When Qu Jiuyou and refers to the blade, he is such as the loach is common, slipped into Qu Jiuyou behind. 曲九幽并指成刀时,他已是如泥鳅一般,滑到了曲九幽身后。 The Qu Jiuyou eyelid jumps crazily, only the beam energy spread goes to blade astral, rushes to turn the body. 曲九幽眼皮狂跳,也只能散去刀罡,赶忙扭身。 He knows that cannot let Luo Yan to him behind. 他知道不能让罗阎到他背后。 However the both legs were held by Luo Yan, although he exhausts the whole body strength, but slow one step, was held the both legs by Luo Yan again, sinks to the seabed. 然而双腿被罗阎抓住,他虽然用尽全身力量,但还是慢了一步,再次被罗阎抓住双腿,向海底沉去。 Damn!” “该死!” In Qu Jiuyou heart fear. 曲九幽心中恐惧。 The surroundings are getting more and more dark, the sea water even more is also piercing. 周围越来越暗,海水也越发刺骨。 His strongly full power , can only control itself reluctantly. 他竭力全力,也只能勉强掌控自身。 But he is who has not actually seen clearly the enemy, only knows that human body is huge, the body proliferates the strange purple trace. 而他却连敌人是谁都没看清,只知道那人体型庞大,身上遍布诡异的紫色纹路。 The Luo Yan corners of the mouth go up. 罗阎嘴角上翘。 Feels Qu Jiuyou that is struggling unceasingly, turns over/stands up suddenly, appears in Qu Jiuyou behind, the both legs makes an effort immediately, grips the waist of Qu Jiuyou. 感受着不断挣扎的曲九幽,猛然一个翻身,出现在曲九幽身后,随即双腿用力,夹住曲九幽的腰部。 At this moment. 此刻。 He sits by 69 types on the waist of Qu Jiuyou but actually, a hand is breaking off a Qu Jiuyou leg, another hand brandishes to make the fist, a fist then hammers toward its crotch section. 他以六九式倒坐在曲九幽的腰上,一只手掰着曲九幽一条腿,另一只手抡做拳头,一拳便朝其裆部锤去。 All these quickly to pinnacle. 这一切快到极致。 When Qu Jiuyou responded, the pain has arrived. 曲九幽反应过来时,痛楚已是降临。 „!” “啊!” Qu Jiuyou sends out the silent pitiful yell, forehead blue vein suddenly/violently Tu, in the mouth the raising innumerable bubble. 曲九幽发出无声惨叫,额头青筋暴突,口中升起无数泡泡。 Ascends the time, then swallowed several ice-cold sea water. 登时间,便吞了几口冰冷的海水。 But compares in Qiangshui, the one who makes him uncomfortably with frightened is pain. 但相较于呛水,更让他难受和恐惧的是身上的痛楚。 Although there is a sea water to weaken the strength, that falls on his strength is still astonishing. 虽然有海水减弱力道,那落在他身上的力量依旧惊人。 He felt, has broken to pieces, even had been mashed! 他感觉,已经碎了,甚至已经被捣烂了! In his heart sends coldly. 他心中发寒。 The turning very quiet breath that the complexion becomes flushed, does not let own holding breath cold air/Qi. 脸色涨红的屏住呼吸,不让自己倒吸冷气。 Meanwhile, true qi starts the rebellion, a strong repelling force is centered on him, takes away as many things as possible to all around. 同时,真气开始暴动,一股强大的排斥力以他为中心,向四周席卷而去。 The surrounding water current makes noise. 周围的水流嗤嗤作响。 A direct production small water spout. 直接形成一道微小的水龙卷。 However Luo Yan is actually entirely still, the corners of the mouth are fierce, are brandishing the fist, under a fist another fist unceasing hammer. 然而罗阎却纹丝不动,嘴角狰狞,抡着拳头,一拳又一拳不断锤下。 Qu Jiuyou eyes suddenly/violently Tu, must fall probably general from the eye socket. 曲九幽双眼暴突,像是要从眼眶中掉出来一般。 He wields both hands similarly, thrashes Luo Yan to grip the both legs of his waist unceasingly. 他同样挥动双手,不断捶打罗阎夹住他腰部的双腿。 Luo Yan both legs beaten dripping with blood, but clamps is getting more and more tight, bites the waist of Qu Jiuyou stubbornly, the least bit loosens the trace not to have. 罗阎双腿被捶的鲜血淋漓,但夹得却越来越紧,死死咬住曲九幽的腰部,半点松开痕迹都没有。 Qu Jiuyou is struggling, the look arrives again panic-stricken to begging for mercy from panic-stricken. 曲九幽挣扎着,眼神从惊恐到求饶再到惊恐。 He wants to open the mouth to beg for mercy, but opens mouth, the sea water will then well up to enter violently. 他想开口求饶,但一张嘴,海水便会激涌而进。 He can only thrash the Luo Yan both legs. 他只能捶打罗阎的双腿。 Attempting Luo Yan can loosen the both legs, puts him to depart. 企图罗阎能松开双腿,放他离去。 Strength astonishment that from most starts, to final fatigue. 力道从最开始的惊人,到最后的有气无力。 Has not insisted for one minute, its abdomen already like mud, then body one soft, did not have the aura thoroughly. 没坚持一分钟,其腹部已如烂泥,然后身子一软,彻底没了气息。 Luo Yan maintains the posture, is entirely still. 罗阎保持姿势,纹丝不动。 Until opens Mind Searching Record, after seeing the Qu Jiuyou design, he loosens the both legs, pulls the Qu Jiuyou corpse is coming, then tries to find out. 直到打开搜神录,看到曲九幽的图案后,他才松开双腿,将曲九幽的尸体扳正过来,然后摸索起来。 Paper money, compounded drug, jade pendant faith token, black feather token and protectorate great seal...... 银票、丹药、玉佩信物、黑羽令牌、镇守大印…… Quick. 很快。 He touches to together the jade pendant. 他就摸到一块玉佩。 Unexpectedly on him!” “竟然在他身上!” In the Luo Yan eye appears a happy expression. 罗阎眼中浮现一丝喜色。 He also thinks, this black jade in Martial God Sect that group of person hands, will not have thought unexpectedly on Qu Jiuyou. This unexpected happiness, making his mood joyful. 他原本还以为,这黑玉会在武神宗那帮人手中,没想到竟然在曲九幽身上。这意外之喜,令他心情愉悦。 He the jade pendant and in several bottles of compounded drug income bosoms, other things, discards totally. 他将玉佩和几瓶丹药收入怀中,其他东西,一概舍弃。 Had this jade pendant. 有了这玉佩。 He then can go back to report on accomplishments. 他便能回去交差。 That Immortal Ascension Pill quota, will fall above him mostly. 升仙丹的名额,多半会落在他头上。 Read and here, he cracked into a smile, then floats to the sea level. 念及此处,他咧嘴一笑,便向海面浮去。 Quick. 很快。 He then floats the sea level, sees reckless Meiniang and Gu Xuan exactly from distant place roaming to come. 他便浮到海面,恰好看见胡媚娘和顾轩从远处游来。 „Isn't that Luo Yan that boy?” Gu Xuan sees Luo Yan from afar, immediately waves toward Luo Yan, greets. “那不是罗阎那小子吗?”顾轩远远看到罗阎,当即朝罗阎挥了挥手,打了个招呼。 Luo Yan?” reckless Meiniang sees Luo Yan, gawked slightly, the quick then blooming beautiful smile, said: You how here?” 罗阎?”胡媚娘见到罗阎,微微愣了一下,很快便绽放明媚笑容,道:“你怎么在这儿?” In her heart strange. 她心中奇怪。 Obviously before also no one. 明明之前还没人的。 How to brave suddenly? 怎么忽然冒了出来? Like this thinking, her and Gu Xuan together, swims away toward Luo Yan, quick roaming to Luo Yan side. 这样想着,她和顾轩一起,朝罗阎游去,很快游到罗阎身边。 I dive from under water.” Luo Yan pulls the hair, smiles. “我从水底潜过来的。”罗阎抓了抓头发,憨厚一笑。 You here and the others? Isn't I?” reckless Meiniang eyes pupil slightly bright, throws out the chest simply. “你在这儿等人?不会是我吧?”胡媚娘眼眸微亮,干脆挺了挺胸。 Her time clothing is completely wet, reveals the happy outline, pours also somewhat the graceful bearing. 她此时衣衫尽湿,露出美好轮廓,倒也有几分风韵。 Is.” The Luo Yan tone is perfunctory, turns around to look to the large ship of distant place ant size, said: Walks, we hurry to embark.” “算是吧。”罗阎语气敷衍,转身看向远处蚂蚁大小的楼船,道:“走吧,我们赶紧上船。” Un.” “嗯。” reckless Meiniang does not seem to hear being perfunctory in Luo Yan mouth, gave a Luo Yan coquettish look. 胡媚娘似乎没听到罗阎口中的敷衍,给了罗阎一个媚眼。 Yes, embarks importantly.” “是啊,上船要紧。” Gu Xuan as if thinks that Martial God Sect that group of people, the complexion is all of a sudden cloudy. 顾轩似乎想到武神宗那群人,脸色一下子阴沉下去。 Then. 然后。 Follows in Luo Yan behind, swims away to the large ship. 跟在罗阎身后,向楼船游去。 Luo Yan has not paid attention to two people, the mind sinks to Mind Searching Record behind, examines own harvest. 罗阎没有理会身后二人,心神沉入搜神录,查看自己的收获。 Likes me being able to strengthen adds the point to ask everyone to collect:() I can strengthen add the refresh rate to be quickest. 喜欢我能强化加点请大家收藏:()我能强化加点更新速度最快。
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