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“好。”Shen Biluonods.沈碧落点头。Escapetime, naturallycan ignoreso many.
逃命的时候,自然顾不了那么多。Becauseshedoes not haveto hesitateexcessively, arrives at the peachback conducts the back, moves toward the sea, swims awayto the smallsunspot of remoteplace.
因为她没有过多犹豫,将桃儿背到背上,走向大海,向遥远处的小黑点游去。Herwaistsways from side to side, althoughcarriedindividual, butalsoswamquitequickly.
她腰肢扭动,虽背了个人,但也游得颇快。Howeverturns head, actuallysees the white wavesto well upbehindtogetherviolently.
然而一回头,却看见身后一道白浪激涌而来。Soon, thensurpassedher, such asfliesto leap upgenerallytoward the distant place.
“游得好快。”Sheis secret.
她暗暗惊讶。Immediatelyno longercares about the deportment, the slenderboth legscatch upsuddenly, pursuedtowardLuo Yan.
随即不再顾及仪态,修长的双腿猛然发力,朝罗阎追了过去。Twowhitecapsin tandem, fastvanguardinsea.
两道白浪一前一后,在海洋中快速前行。Even ifShen Biluogoes all out the roaming, fromwas still pulled openquickly.
纵然沈碧落拼命去游,距离依然很快被拉开。Luo Yanreviews, lookstobehindmore and morefarShen Biluo, cannot bearshake the head, swamsimply.罗阎回眸,看向身后越来越远的沈碧落,忍不住摇了摇头,干脆游了回去。„ShenMiss, you give mepeach.”Luo YanroamingtoShen Biluoside, calmsaying.
“沈姑娘,你把桃儿给我。”罗阎游到沈碧落身边,语气平静的说道。Heplanned that delivers to thesetwowomen the ship.
他打算把这两个女人送到船上。TheninterceptsQu Jiuyou.
然后去拦截曲九幽。Looked that canget rid ofQu Jiuyouin the sea.
看能不能在海中干掉曲九幽。Qu Jiuyouis powerful.曲九幽强大。Perhapsifin the ground, hisstrengthfalls short, butin the sea, hehas90%assurances to get rid ofQu Jiuyou.
若地面上,他或许力有不逮,但大海中,他有90%把握能干掉曲九幽。„Does not use, Iswamwas OKin the past.”Shen Biluoshakes the head.
“不用,我自己游过去就可以了。”沈碧落摇头。Wet the black hairstickson the forehead, the appearanceis still simple and beautiful.
她自己能游。WhywantsLuo Yanto assist?
为何要罗阎相助?Let alone, the men and womengive and receivedo not kiss.
更何况,男女授受不亲。Sheopens the mouthto reject.
她开口拒绝。Howeverfinishes speaking, shefelt that bearsonelightly, peachhad been entrainedbyLuo Yan.
然而话音刚落,她就感觉背上一轻,桃儿已经被罗阎拽了过去。Then, Luo Yancatchesherarm, toward conducting the backto tow.
而后,罗阎更是拽住她手臂,朝背上拖了过去。Sheis unable to reject, was drawnto conduct the backbyLuo Yandirectly, thenlived in the thighby a Luo Yanhandband, is firmly fixed.
随即。Luo Yangets awayunexpectedly, standson the water surface, is raisingpeachsingle-handedly, holdsto conduct the backShen Biluo.罗阎竟拔身而起,站在水面上,一手提着桃儿,一手将沈碧落托在背上。Then, steps on the sea waterdirectly, shootsto gotowardlarge shipwhirlwind.
The speed... unexpectedlywas faster than twotimesto continuebefore!
速度…竟然比之前快了两倍不止!Is the martial artsgives up studyimpressively, aquaticfloats!
To step on the water surfacenot to fall, toown the control of strengthandbodymustfinein every way possible.
想要踩踏水面而不落下,对自身力量和身体的控制必须精细入微。Meanwhile, needs the strongexplosive force, steps on the water surfaceruthlessly, instepping onflickers, thenjumpswith the strength, proceedswhirlwindto go.
同时,需要强大的爆发力,狠狠踩踏水面,在踩踏的一瞬,便借力跃起,往前飚去。So long as the oversight, will a little dropin the water.
这其中只要有点疏漏,就会跌落水中。Shen BiluoliesonLuo Yan.沈碧落趴在罗阎身上。Felt that ownsoftpressure conducts the backafterLuo Yansolid, complexionslightlyonered.
After shewants, supine.
她想要后仰。But the Luo Yanspeedwas too fast.
After sheattempts, supineonesecond, the strong winds that was raidedby the fronthas almost not blownto fly.
她尝试后仰了一秒,差点没被前方袭来的狂风吹飞。Unavoidablily, she can only flutter the Luo Yanneckwith the handhastily, simultaneously the whole personsticks to the back of Luo Yanstubbornly.
触感归来。Inherheartsurges, even the earlobebecomesred.
她心中激荡,连耳垂都变得通红。Butmakesmatter that shehas not thought.
而令她没想到的事。Luo Yandetected that after shewas almost blownby the strong windsflies, the big handunexpectedlyupwardmoves, supportedherbuttocksdirectly.罗阎察觉她差点被狂风吹飞后,大手竟然往上一挪,直接托住了她的臀部。Is feeling that onlypowerfulbig hand, herheartbeatthump thumpjumps, as ifmustjumpgeneralfrom the chest, simultaneouslyturned the bodyanxiously.
感受着那只有力的大手,她心跳怦怦直跳,仿佛要从胸膛中跳出来一般,同时不安的扭了扭身子。„Do not move.”
“别动。”Luo Yancoldsoundscolded.罗阎冷声呵斥。Thiswoman, conducted the backinhimlies downwellwas not being good, has moved heedlessly, affectshisspeed, he but who alsoalmostharmedlost the balance, fell into the water.
这女人,在他背上好好躺着不就行了,一直乱动,影响他速度,还差点害的他失去平衡,掉进水中。Hearsto scold.
听到呵斥。Shen Biluodoes not dareto move.沈碧落不敢动了。Buries the headinLuo Yansimplybehind, whenhad the turtle.
干脆将脑袋埋在罗阎身后,当起了缩头乌龟。InLuo Yanheartcoldsnort/hum.罗阎心中冷哼。
After adjustingone, catches upagain, runsfasttoward the large ship.
也就十来分钟。Heran up tonear the large ship.
“什么人?!”On the large ship, there is a black featherhealth/guardto call out in alarm.
随即。Over a hundredblack featherhealth/guardarrive at the parapet, shocklooks that runs the person's shadow that from the distant place.
The nextsecond, several hundredarbalestsaimed atLuo Yan in sea level.
The faintsoundreverberation, a Luo Yanback of the handShen Biluo, is raisingpeachsingle-handedly,
淡漠的声音回荡,罗阎一手背着沈碧落,一手提着桃儿,Is stepping on the hull, goes easily and freely. 32steps, thentolarge shipabove.
砰!Hefalls to the groundsteadily, discardspeach that in the handremains unconsciousconveniently, places the groundShen Biluo, thenlookstranquillytoonecrowd of black featherhealth/guard, asked: „Did others come back?”
他稳稳落地,随手扔掉手中昏迷不醒的桃儿,又将沈碧落放在地上,然后平静看向一群黑羽卫,问道:“其他人回来了吗?”„Are you?”
A black featherhealth/guardfacecompelsignorant.
黑羽卫一脸懵逼。Theydo not knowLuo Yan, onlyknowsLuo YanShen Biluo.
他们不认识罗阎,只认识罗阎身边的沈碧落。If this is not the case, theyhad beguna moment ago.
若非如此,他们刚才就已经动手了。„Heis a yama.”Shen Biluoreorganizedunder the somewhatdisorderlyclothes, explainedin the one side.
“他是阎王。”沈碧落整理了下有些凌乱的衣服,在一旁解释。Hercomplexionslightlyred, has actually restoredcalmly.
她脸色微红,却已经恢复镇定。Saying, could not bearlooked atLuo Yansecretly.
说着,忍不住偷偷看了眼罗阎。„OriginallyisYoung MasterYan.”
“原来是阎公子。”black featherhealth/guard of guardingonlarge shipcommandsto relax, lookstoLuo YanandShen Biluo, puzzledasking: „Young MasterYan, ShenMiss, youswimson the ship, is it possible thatin the islandhad an accident?”
驻守在楼船上的黑羽卫统领松了口气,又看向罗阎和沈碧落,一脸疑惑的问道:“阎公子,沈姑娘,你们游回船上,莫非岛上出事了?”„Un.”Shen Biluonods.
“嗯。”沈碧落点头。ButLuo Yanaskedagain: „IandShen are Missfirstcomes back?”
“嗯。”Luo Yannods, lookstoShen Biluo, said: „Ihave a look atSirbent/tunethey, youstayon the ship, careful, Ifeared that Martial God Sectthatgroup of peoplepossibly can also come.”罗阎颔首,看向沈碧落,道:“我去看看曲大人他们,你呆在船上,小心一点,我怕武神宗那群人可能也会过来。”„Good, Iwill be careful.”Shen Biluorushesto nod.
The voicefalls.
话音落下。Shethenhearspūpassesone, isLuo Yanhas actually jumped in the sea, swamtoward the floatislandin the past.
她便听到噗通一声,却是罗阎已然跳进海中,朝浮游岛游了过去。„Thisperson is really a careless person.”Shetouches the somewhatsorebuttocks, in the heartcomplainedone, thentakes back the vision, lookstolying downpeachindeck.
“这人真是个粗人。”她摸了摸自己有些疼的屁股,心中吐槽了一句,便收回目光,看向躺在甲板上的桃儿。Comparesher, peachis more distressed.
The clothingdisorderlydid not say, an attractivesmallfacewas blown the mouth and noseto be crooked.
衣衫凌乱不说,一张漂亮的小脸都被吹得口鼻歪斜了。Ifwakes upto seeownface, musthave a scaremay not.
若是醒来看到自己的脸,非得吓一大跳不可。Shesighed, arrived atside the smallpeach, thentransportedtrue qi, startedto comb the vitalityfor the smallpeach, restored the appearance.
她叹了口气,走到小桃身边,然后运起真气,开始为小桃梳理气血,恢复容貌。Another side.
另一边。Luo Yanchanges intotogether the white waves, swims awaytoward the floatislandfast.罗阎化为一道白浪,快速朝浮游岛游去。Comparesinaquaticfloats, helikesswimming.
相较于水上漂,他更喜欢游泳。Becauseaquaticfloatsto needstrictlyto controlownstrength and body, but the swimmingdoes not haveso manyrequests, relatively speakingis simpler.
他游得飞快。Simultaneously the lookis sharp, is staring at the sea level of distant place.
同时眼神锐利,盯着远处的海面。Quick, hesees a person's shadow.
很快,他就看到一个人影。ThatisHua Feihua, hepourslost/carryingboth hands, steps on the water surface, the physiqueis natural, the speed is also quite fast, is hurrying totoward the large ship.
那是花非花,他倒负双手,踩踏水面,身姿潇洒,速度也颇快,正朝楼船赶去。Luo Yansees that the visionflashes.罗阎见状,目光一闪。Sneaksin the watersimply, actuallydoes not wantto contactwiththisperson. Hesneaksin the water, hidesinto the underwatertenzhang (3.33 m), thendisplaysto lock the bloodmerit, hidden the vitalityto fluctuate.
干脆潜入水中,却是不想和此人接触。他潜入水中,躲入水下十丈,然后施展锁血功,隐藏自身气血波动。Soon, the feelingnot far awaysea leveltransmitstramples the sound.
不多时,就感觉不远处海面传来践踏声。Tramples the soundfrom far to near, from near to far, after shortmoment, vanishesthoroughlydoes not see.
践踏声由远及近,又由近至远,短短片刻后,彻底消失不见。Luo Yanwaited for oneminute.罗阎又等了一分钟。Thenfloats the water surface, finds out a head, firstlooked at the eyeto turn into the smallsunspotbehindHua Feihua, then lookedto the floatislanddirection.
这才浮上水面,探出一个脑袋,先是看了眼身后已经变成小黑点的花非花,然后便向浮游岛方向望去。Withouthow long.
就又有人过来了。IsQu Jiuyou!
是曲九幽!He is the same likeHua Feihua, displaysaquaticfloats, the physiqueis natural, rapidadvance.
The Luo Yaneyenarrows the eyes, sneaksin the wateragain.罗阎眼睛一眯,再度潜入水中。Hestaysin the water, firstusesMāra games body, the muscleballooning, the vitalityis soaring, strengthsuddenlysudden riseseveral times.
他呆在水中,先是使用摩罗体,肌肉鼓胀,气血高昂,力量陡然暴涨数倍。Then, uses the scarletblooddemonmark.
而后,使用赤血魔纹。Purpletracesappearinhisbody surface, continuouslystimulateshisacupuncture point, stimulateshispotential.
The astonishingstrengthselected for promotion30%again.
本就惊人的力量再度拔升30%。Hehidesin the water, lookstwofeet that the distant placeis close torapidly, inheartsilentlyreciprocal.
他躲在水中,望着远处飞速接近的两只脚丫子,心中默默倒数。„Three, two, one!”
“三,二,一!”From the bottomnulling operation.
His both legsswayed, catches upsuddenly.
The whole personis similar to the flying arrowto be common, shootsto gotowardthatfootwhirlwind.
整个人如同离弦之箭一般,朝那脚丫子飚射而去。Onwater surface.
水面上。Qu Jiuyou felt not right.曲九幽感觉到了不对。Hiseartrembleslightly, actuallyheardunder waterbelowsound.
他耳朵轻颤,却是听到了水底下的声音。Thatis the fluentrapidlymobilesound, has probably any fiercething, is raidinggeneraltohim.
“鲨鱼?”Inhisheartmoves slightly.
随即冷冷一笑。Happen, hethis timerouts, the moodis extremely bad, justwantsto vent.
正好,他此番大败,心情极差,正想发泄。If is really the shark, thissandbagis also big, thisfoodis also fresh!
若真是鲨鱼,这沙包也大,这食材也新鲜!However the nextsecond, hethenchanges colorwith amazement, facial expressionpanic-strickentopinnacle.
然而下一秒,他便骇然变色,神情惊恐到了极致。Comeat all is not the shark.
来的根本不是鲨鱼。Butispair of a monsterdifferentarm that covers entirely the purpletrace.
而是一双布满紫色纹路的妖异手臂。Thatarmis thick, contains the greatstrength, when hesees, thatarmholdshisboth legs, dragssuddenlytoward the water.
The greatstrengthis astonishing.
巨力惊人。Hasty, herevoltswithout enough time, was drawnin the water.
“什么人?!”Hegets angrystarestoLuo Yan, powerfultrue qigushes out, even the sea waterwas repelled, toall aroundwells upcrazily.
他怒瞪向罗阎,一身强悍真气喷薄而出,连海水都被排斥,向四周狂涌。Howeverthatpair of armis actually entirely still, grabshisleg, continuouslytowarddeeperseaundertow.
The sea wateris piercing.
The Qu Jiuyoulookis flurried, martial arts that hemostexcels, oneis【Chaoticdivine blade】, A bladeleaves, true qimaychange into several feetbladeastral, murdersastonishingly.曲九幽眼神慌乱,他最擅长的武学,一为【乱神刀】,一刀出,真气可化为数丈刀罡,杀伐惊人。Twois【Part of great bearprotectsbody】, Agitatestrue qi, mayform a defensive powerastonishingpart of great bearto protect the shieldwith the whole body.
然而现在。Hesituated in the seabed, the chaoticdivine bladeis hardto put forth.
他处于海底,乱神刀难以使出。Alsowas grasped the thighpersonal, the part of great bearprotects the body unable to use.
又被人贴身抱住大腿,天罡护体也用不出来。In other words, he can only hold itselfby the true qiin addition, thenuses the brute force, ties downownpersonfightwiththis!
他眼眸颤动。true qieruption.真气爆发。Andrefers to the blade, then a bladecutstoLuo Yan.
并指成刀,然后一刀斩向罗阎。Sees onlyitspairto refer toturnoverquietpurplebladeastral, althoughonly hasthreecuns (2.5 cm), but the pointis sharp, incomparablybone-chilling cold.
只见其双指上吞吐幽紫色刀罡,虽只有三寸,但锋芒锐利,无比凛冽。Bladeastralbrings the sound, cutsrapidlyto the Luo Yannape of the neck.
“哼!”Luo Yancoldsnort/hum.罗阎冷哼。WhenQu Jiuyouandrefers to the blade, heissuch as the loachis common, slipped intoQu Jiuyoubehind.
The Qu Jiuyoueyelidjumpscrazily, only the beam energy spreadgoes tobladeastral, rushesto turn the body.曲九幽眼皮狂跳,也只能散去刀罡,赶忙扭身。Heknows that cannotletLuo Yantohimbehind.
他知道不能让罗阎到他背后。However the both legswere heldbyLuo Yan, althoughheexhausts the whole bodystrength, butslowonestep, was held the both legsbyLuo Yanagain, sinksto the seabed.
“该死!”InQu Jiuyouheartfear.曲九幽心中恐惧。
The surroundingsare getting more and more dark, the sea watereven moreis also piercing.
周围越来越暗,海水也越发刺骨。Hisstronglyfull power , can only control itselfreluctantly.
他竭力全力,也只能勉强掌控自身。Butheiswhohas not actually seen clearly the enemy, onlyknows that human bodyis huge, the bodyproliferates the strangepurpletrace.
The Luo Yancorners of the mouthgo up.罗阎嘴角上翘。FeelsQu Jiuyou that is strugglingunceasingly, turns over/stands upsuddenly, appearsinQu Jiuyoubehind, the both legsmakes an effortimmediately, grips the waist of Qu Jiuyou.
感受着不断挣扎的曲九幽,猛然一个翻身,出现在曲九幽身后,随即双腿用力,夹住曲九幽的腰部。At this moment.
此刻。Hesitsby69typeson the waist of Qu Jiuyoubut actually, a handis breaking off a Qu Jiuyouleg, anotherhandbrandishesto make the fist, a fistthenhammerstowarditscrotchsection.
他以六九式倒坐在曲九幽的腰上,一只手掰着曲九幽一条腿,另一只手抡做拳头,一拳便朝其裆部锤去。All thesequicklytopinnacle.
这一切快到极致。WhenQu Jiuyouresponded, the painhas arrived.
“啊!”Qu Jiuyousends out the silentpitiful yell, foreheadblue veinsuddenly/violentlyTu, in the mouth the raisinginnumerablebubble.曲九幽发出无声惨叫,额头青筋暴突,口中升起无数泡泡。Ascends the time, thenswallowedseveralice-coldsea water.
登时间,便吞了几口冰冷的海水。ButcomparesinQiangshui, the one whomakeshimuncomfortablywithfrightenedispain.
但相较于呛水,更让他难受和恐惧的是身上的痛楚。Althoughthere is a sea waterto weaken the strength, thatfallsonhisstrengthis still astonishing.
虽然有海水减弱力道,那落在他身上的力量依旧惊人。Hefelt,has broken to pieces, evenhad been mashed!
The turning very quietbreath that the complexionbecomes flushed, does not letownholding breathcold air/Qi.
脸色涨红的屏住呼吸,不让自己倒吸冷气。Meanwhile, true qistarts the rebellion, a strongrepelling forceis centered on him, takes away as many things as possibletoall around.
The surroundingwater currentmakes noise.
A direct productionsmallwater spout.
直接形成一道微小的水龙卷。HoweverLuo Yanis actually entirely still, the corners of the mouthare fierce, are brandishing the fist, under a fistanotherfistunceasinghammer.
然而罗阎却纹丝不动,嘴角狰狞,抡着拳头,一拳又一拳不断锤下。Qu Jiuyoueyessuddenly/violentlyTu, mustfallprobablygeneralfrom the eye socket.曲九幽双眼暴突,像是要从眼眶中掉出来一般。Hewieldsboth handssimilarly, thrashesLuo Yanto grip the both legs of hiswaistunceasingly.
他同样挥动双手,不断捶打罗阎夹住他腰部的双腿。Luo Yanboth legsbeatendripping with blood, butclampsis getting more and more tight, bites the waist of Qu Jiuyoustubbornly, the least bitloosens the tracenot to have.罗阎双腿被捶的鲜血淋漓,但夹得却越来越紧,死死咬住曲九幽的腰部,半点松开痕迹都没有。Qu Jiuyouis struggling, the lookarrivesagainpanic-strickentobegging for mercyfrompanic-stricken.曲九幽挣扎着,眼神从惊恐到求饶再到惊恐。Hewantsto open the mouthto beg for mercy, butopens mouth, the sea waterwill then well upto enterviolently.
他想开口求饶,但一张嘴,海水便会激涌而进。He can only thrash the Luo Yanboth legs.
他只能捶打罗阎的双腿。AttemptingLuo Yancanloosen the both legs, putshimto depart.
企图罗阎能松开双腿,放他离去。Strengthastonishment that frommoststarts, tofinalfatigue.
力道从最开始的惊人,到最后的有气无力。Has not insisted for oneminute, itsabdomenalreadylikemud, thenbodyonesoft, did not have the aurathoroughly.
没坚持一分钟,其腹部已如烂泥,然后身子一软,彻底没了气息。Luo Yanmaintains the posture, is entirely still.罗阎保持姿势,纹丝不动。UntilopensMind Searching Record, after seeing the Qu Jiuyoudesign, heloosens the both legs, pulls the Qu Jiuyoucorpseis coming, thentries to find out.
直到打开搜神录,看到曲九幽的图案后,他才松开双腿,将曲九幽的尸体扳正过来,然后摸索起来。Paper money, compounded drug, jade pendantfaith token, black feathertokenandprotectorategreat seal......
很快。Hetouchestotogether the jade pendant.
“竟然在他身上!”In the Luo Yaneyeappears a happy expression.罗阎眼中浮现一丝喜色。Healsothinks,thisblackjadeinMartial God Sectthatgroup of personhands, will not have thoughtunexpectedlyonQu Jiuyou. Thisunexpected happiness, makinghismoodjoyful.
他原本还以为,这黑玉会在武神宗那帮人手中,没想到竟然在曲九幽身上。这意外之喜,令他心情愉悦。He the jade pendantandinseveralbottles of compounded drugincomebosoms, otherthings, discardstotally.
他将玉佩和几瓶丹药收入怀中,其他东西,一概舍弃。Hadthisjade pendant.
有了这玉佩。Hethencango backto report on accomplishments.
他便能回去交差。ThatImmortal Ascension Pillquota, will fallabovehimmostly.
那升仙丹的名额,多半会落在他头上。Readandhere, hecracked into a smile, thenfloatsto the sea level.
很快。Hethenfloats the sea level, seesrecklessMeiniangandGu Xuanexactlyfromdistant placeroamingto come.
他便浮到海面,恰好看见胡媚娘和顾轩从远处游来。„Isn't thatLuo Yanthatboy?”Gu XuanseesLuo Yanfrom afar, immediatelywavestowardLuo Yan, greets.
“那不是罗阎那小子吗?”顾轩远远看到罗阎,当即朝罗阎挥了挥手,打了个招呼。„Luo Yan?”recklessMeiniangseesLuo Yan, gawkedslightly, the quickthenbloomingbeautifulsmile, said: „Youhow here?”
她心中奇怪。Obviouslybeforealsono one.
明明之前还没人的。Howto bravesuddenly?
怎么忽然冒了出来?Like thisthinking, herandGu Xuantogether, swims awaytowardLuo Yan, quickroamingtoLuo Yanside.
这样想着,她和顾轩一起,朝罗阎游去,很快游到罗阎身边。„Idivefromunder water.”Luo Yanpulls the hair, smiles.
“我从水底潜过来的。”罗阎抓了抓头发,憨厚一笑。„You here and the others? Isn'tI?”recklessMeiniangeyespupilslightlybright, throws out the chestsimply.
Her timeclothingis completely wet, reveals the happyoutline, poursalsosomewhat the graceful bearing.
她此时衣衫尽湿,露出美好轮廓,倒也有几分风韵。„Is.” The Luo Yantoneis perfunctory, turns aroundto lookto the large ship of distant placeantsize, said: „Walks, wehurryto embark.”
“嗯。”recklessMeiniangdoes not seem to hearbeing perfunctory in Luo Yanmouth, gave a Luo Yancoquettish look.
胡媚娘似乎没听到罗阎口中的敷衍,给了罗阎一个媚眼。„Yes, embarksimportantly.”
“是啊,上船要紧。”Gu Xuanas ifthinks that Martial God Sectthatgroup of people, the complexionis all of a sudden cloudy.顾轩似乎想到武神宗那群人,脸色一下子阴沉下去。Then.
然后。FollowsinLuo Yanbehind, swims awayto the large ship.
跟在罗阎身后,向楼船游去。Luo Yanhas not paid attention totwopeople, the mindsinks toMind Searching Recordbehind, examinesownharvest.罗阎没有理会身后二人,心神沉入搜神录,查看自己的收获。Likesmebeing ableto strengthenadds the pointto askeveryoneto collect:() Icanstrengthenadd the refresh rateto be quickest.
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