ICSBAP :: Volume #2

#159: 3 martial arts

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The blood surges, gallops just like the rivers and streams, surging forward. 血液涌动,宛如江河奔腾,汹涌澎湃。 The heart beats rapidly, every seems like the mighty bell big drum, might jump general from the chest. 心脏急速跳动,每一下都像是洪钟大鼓,像是要从胸膛中跳出来一般。 Will have the feeling of this Ben Zhang , because the body of Luo Yan will tend to the limit. 会出现这种贲涨之感,是由于罗阎的身体趋于极限。 He maintains Māra games body is too long, although depends upon Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art, has not consumed many vitalities, but long-term high-intensity fight, caused the enormous burden to the body. 他维持摩罗体已经太久,虽然依靠夺天魔功,并没有耗费多少气血,但长时间的高强度战斗,也对身体造成了极大负担。 Read and here. 念及此处。 He rushes to diverge Māra games body. 他赶忙散去摩罗体。 In eye scarlet retrogression, the muscle relaxation of ballooning, slightly the somewhat fierce facial features also slowly restore the ancient well without ripples. 眼中猩红消退,鼓胀的肌肉松弛,略有些狰狞的面容也慢慢恢复古井无波。 For a long time. 许久。 The feeling of bloodlines Ben Zhang abates gradually. 血脉贲涨之感才渐渐消退。 Ran nine.” “跑了九个。” The Luo Yan pupil light lifts, looks to the front, the remaining nine people, run away without a trace. 罗阎眸光微抬,看向前方,剩下九人,早已逃得无影无踪。 This time slaughters. 此番杀戮。 Most starts, he wants to break through to escape. 最开始,他只是想突围逃跑。 But after massacring purple sends the youth and four arm youth, he seems like the quilt ** the control is ordinary, launched the slaughter of disregarding all consequences unexpectedly directly. 但杀掉紫发青年和四臂青年后,他像是被**支配一般,竟直接展开了不计后果的屠杀。 Although he is powerful. 他虽然强大。 But the enemy is numerous, after scattering in all directions flees, even if he goes all out to chase down, is unable completely to unite everyone certainly. 但敌人众多,四散逃离后,他纵然拼命追杀,也无法将所有人尽皆戮绝。 These person of Martial God Sect odd/surplus evil bend down to kill me in this place......” “这些人武神宗余孽在此地伏杀我……” He falls into hesitates. 他陷入沉吟。 These Martial God Sect martial artist come prepared obviously. 这些武神宗武者显然有备而来。 He did not feel, oneself will stare by Martial God Sect. 他不觉得,自己会被武神宗盯上。 Then the reason only has one...... 那么原因只有一个…… Is it possible that Qu Jiuyou and did Martial God Sect collude in one?” “莫非,曲九幽武神宗勾结在了一起?” He is so thinking, the look becomes gloomy. 他这般想着,眼神变得阴沉起来。 If so, he grasps the news that Martial God Sect gives up study definitely to be known by Qu Jiuyou. 若真是如此,他掌握武神宗绝学的消息必然会被曲九幽知晓。 But once Qu Jiuyou knows, can assured Qu Xiao be killed by him. 曲九幽一旦知晓,就能笃定曲箫是被他所杀。 By that time. 到了那时。 Qu Jiuyou occupies the principle of righteousness, by the prefectural city protectorate name issue warrant for arrest, in this Baiyue Province, he only fears again difficult. 曲九幽占据大义,再以府城镇守的名义发布通缉令,在这百越府中,他只怕寸步难行。 Was somewhat troublesome.” “有些麻烦了。” Luo Yan sigh. 罗阎叹息。 Although immortal cultivator did not ask the human affairs, cared about nothing to all, but was the Zhou Country influence after all. 修仙者虽然不问世事,对一切都毫不在乎,但毕竟属于周国势力。 But Qu Jiuyou as Zhou Country mansion protectorate, if occupies the principle of righteousness again, begins to him, immortal cultivator only feared that will not treat again sees itself. 曲九幽身为周国一府镇守,若再占据大义,对他动手,修仙者只怕也不会再待见自己。 As for Qu Jiuyou and matter of Martial God Sect colluding...... 至于曲九幽武神宗勾结之事…… By understanding of Luo Yan that Gu Santong. 罗阎对那古三通的了解。 Gu Santong will not care about these, he will only care about that Ge Yan jade pendant. 古三通才不会在乎这些,他只会在乎那块葛炎身上的玉佩。 Thinks of the jade pendant, in the Luo Yan heart moves slightly. 想到玉佩,罗阎心中又微微一动。 If he can obtain the jade pendant, gives to ancient forest in Immortal Ascension Pavilion again, all these, when is easily solved. 若他能得到玉佩,再献给升仙阁中的古林,这一切,当迎刃而解。 He decides, is preparing to hide, acts according to circumstances. 他打定主意,正准备躲藏起来,见机行事。 But at this time. 但这时候。 The front transmits the sound suddenly. 前方忽然传来动静。 He looks with rapt attention forward, seeing only the Shen Biluo facial expression is panic-stricken, the figure is distressed, is raising peach, runs away in the wooded mountains rapidly, suddenly, then arrives in front of him. 他凝神向前看去,只见沈碧落神情惊恐,身形狼狈,提着桃儿,在山林间飞速逃窜,眨眼之间,便来到他面前。 He looks to peach, sees only the little miss eyes to shut tightly, as if faints. 他看向桃儿,只见小姑娘双眼紧闭,似乎昏了过去。 Shen Miss, what's the matter?” The Luo Yan facial expression is curious, asks. “沈姑娘,怎么回事?”罗阎神情好奇,开口询问。 Sees Luo Yan, Shen Biluo is startled slightly, immediately reminded: Run, the black feather health/guard rout, these Martial God Sect odd/surplus evil must pursue immediately.” 看到罗阎,沈碧落微微一怔,马上提醒道:“快跑,黑羽卫大败,那些武神宗余孽马上就要追上来了。” What?” The Luo Yan look is astonished. “什么?”罗阎眼神惊异。 Is preparing to ask anything. 正准备问些什么。 But he had not asked with enough time, the distant place, then presents two courage vigor astonishing Martial God Sect martial artist. 可他还没来得及问,远方,便出现两个血气惊人的武神宗武者 Two Martial God Sect martial artist both eyes are scarlet, vicious tendencies are astonishing, after seeing him, immediately grins fiendishly, turns the head to clash toward him. 两个武神宗武者双目猩红,一身戾气惊人,看到他之后,当即狞笑一声,转头朝他冲来。 You pursue that woman, remembers to keep the living witness, will wait to enjoy well. As for this boy, gives me!” “你去追那娘们,记得留活口,等会好好享受享受。至于这小子,交给我!” ! 唰! Finishing barely the words. 话音未落。 And martial artist appears before the Luo Yan body instantaneously, jumps high, leaps up. 其中一个武者瞬间出现在罗阎身前,高高跃起,一脚蹿下。 The Luo Yan look narrows the eyes. 罗阎眼神一眯。 This foot speed is extremely fast, the might is also large. 这一脚速度极快,威力也颇大。 But in his eyes, was not only somewhat slow, is full of holes. 但在他眼中,不仅有些慢了,更是破绽百出。 He is quick of eye and hand, withdraws the step, evades this foot, immediately puts out a hand to pull out, grasps a that person of thigh unexpectedly. 他眼疾手快,一个后撤步,躲过这一脚,随即伸手一掏,竟生生抱住那人一条大腿。 His that person of thigh anti- on shoulder, 他一手将那人大腿抗在肩上, Another hand presses to approach that person of head suddenly. What?!” 另一只手猛然按向那人脑袋。“什么?!” Unexpected, that martial artist body loses the balance all of a sudden. 猝不及防之下,那武者身体一下子失去平衡。 But he responded also quickly, taking advantage of the shoulder of strength Luo Yan, the body in in the air turned, another leg then ejection, kicked to the head of Luo Yan. 可他反应也很快,借力罗阎的肩膀,身子在空中一扭,另一条腿便弹射而出,踢向罗阎的脑袋。 The Luo Yan facial expression is tranquil. 罗阎神情平静。 Takes back according to the palm of that person of head, after the bowing standard keeps off this foot, the backhand pulls out, holds this thigh ruthlessly. 收回按向那人脑袋的手掌,屈膝格挡下这一脚后,反手又是一掏,将这条大腿也狠狠抓住。 Then, the both arms catch up, rips ruthlessly. 然后,双臂发力,狠狠一撕。 „!” “啊!” Kills the pig pitiful yell sound to get up. 杀猪般的惨叫声响起。 That martial artist both legs by straight that Luo Yan draws, at this time only the sleep/felt splits the common, painful eyes turns white, the consciousness tends to be fuzzy. 武者双腿被罗阎拉的笔直,此时只觉裂开一般,痛的双眼翻白,意识都趋于模糊。 Luo Yan sneers, does not pay attention to struggling of this person, loosens an arm, another arm brandishes the fist, toward this person of crotch under is a fist. 罗阎冷笑,不理会此人的挣扎,松开一只手臂,另一只手臂抡起拳头,朝着此人裆下就是一拳。 „!” “啊!” The soaring pitiful yell resounds. 更加高昂的惨叫响起。 That martial artist eyes suddenly/violently Tu, the blood threads is densely covered. 武者双眼暴突,血丝密布。 Covers own pants crotch, in the eye is flowing out two clear tears. 捂着自己的裤裆,眼中流出两道清泪。 He is opening mouth, is holding breath unceasingly the cold air/Qi. 他微张着嘴,不断倒吸着冷气。 But has not waited for him to hurt from this egg has gotten back one's composure, then felt oneself lift off suddenly, then descends rapidly. 可还没等他从这蛋疼中回过神,便感觉自己猛然升空,然后又飞速降落。 Was actually being brandished a thigh by Luo Yan, pounds toward the ground directly! 却是被罗阎抡着一条大腿,直接往地上砸! Bang! 砰! Bang! 砰! Bang! 砰! The ground trembles, stone splash. 地面震颤,土石飞溅。 For several seconds, he with the ground close contact dozens times, covered with blood, is air admission few air vents is then many. 短短几秒,他便和地面亲密接触了数十次,血肉模糊,已是进气少出气多。 All these. 这一切。 Just like electric light flint. 宛如电光火石。 Shen Biluo and another Martial God Sect martial artist looked dull. 沈碧落和另一个武神宗武者都看呆了。 When they recover, Luo Yan is discards in the hand covered with blood, still maintains covers the egg posture the corpse, grins fiendishly is looking to another Martial God Sect martial artist. 等他们回过神来时,罗阎已是丢掉手中血肉模糊、依然保持捂蛋姿势的尸体,狞笑着看向另一个武神宗武者 That martial artist sees Luo Yan to look, the body shakes slightly, only feels a pants crotch chill. 武者罗阎望来,身子微微一抖,只感觉裤裆一阵恶寒。 But quick, his consciousness was then occupied by the vicious tendencies of wreaking havoc again, discards Shen Biluo, turns around to charge into Luo Yan. 但很快,他的意识便再次被肆虐的戾气所占据,舍弃沈碧落,转身冲向罗阎 ! 唰! He is fully sharp, entire suddenly/violently to launch, charges into Luo Yan directly. 他足尖一点,整个暴射而出,径直冲向罗阎 The Luo Yan look moves slightly, looks Martial God Sect martial artist that straight towards oneself to/clashes, immediately, jumps out. 罗阎眼神微动,看着直直朝自己冲来的武神宗武者,随即,一脚窜出。 Bang! 砰! This foot quickly like lightning. 这一脚快如闪电。 That martial artist responded radically without enough time, the whole person then blood spurts crazily, flying upside down. 武者根本来不及反应,整个人便鲜血狂喷,倒飞而出。 His look is panic-stricken. 他眼神惊骇。 The vicious tendencies retreat. 戾气退却。 Has the meaning of escaping unexpectedly. 竟然生出逃跑之意。 But has not waited for him to get back one's composure from the stamina of this foot, Luo Yan has appeared in his top of the head, the corners of the mouth are fierce, a foot steps on ruthlessly. 可还没等他从这一脚的后劲中回过神,罗阎已经出现在他头顶,嘴角狰狞,一脚狠狠踩下。 Bang! 砰! Flies Martial God Sect martial artist in midair unable to revolt, by a Luo Yan foot, from in the air was stepped on the ground forcefully. The head like watermelon rupturing, the thing of red-white scatters. 飞在半空中的武神宗武者根本无法反抗,被罗阎一脚,从空中硬生生踩到地上。脑袋如西瓜般爆裂,红白之物四溅。 He assumes the large character to lie down on the ground, the body is still twitching slightly. 他呈大字躺在地上,身子还在微微抽搐。 Has crossed for several seconds, thoroughly is tranquil, becomes a corpse. 一直过了几秒,才彻底平静下来,成为了一具尸体。 Only then. 直到此时。 Luo Yan is calm and composed even in press of work received the foot, looks tranquilly to Shen Biluo of one side facial expression delay: What situation?” 罗阎才好整以暇的把脚收了回来,平静望向一旁神情呆滞的沈碧落:“到底什么情况?” ?” “哦,啊?” Shen Biluo has gotten back one's composure, rushes saying: We discovered Hardship Zen Temple and Martial God Sect odd/surplus evil in an ancient temple.” 沈碧落回过神,赶忙道:“我们在一处古庙中发现了苦禅寺武神宗的余孽。” Sir bent/tune leads us to turn out in full strength, wants to exterminate two groups of odd/surplus evil, but these Martial God Sect martial artist do not know that cultivated what martial arts, endures compared with the grandmaster. We do not beat, the rout escapes.” “曲大人带着我们倾巢而出,想要剿灭两帮余孽,但那些武神宗武者也不知修炼了何种武学,一个个堪比宗师。我们不敌,溃败而逃。” „When I run away, several thousand black feather health/guard already casualty most, as for the present......” “我逃窜时,数千黑羽卫已经死伤大半,至于现在……” She looks the forced smile. 她面露苦笑。 After they enter the ancient temple, from the beginning is quite smooth, these evils simply do not have many strength of resistance, or was killed, was grasped. 她们进入古庙后,一开始极为顺利,那些余孽根本没有多少反抗之力,或是被杀,或是被抓。 But afterward, dozens Martial God Sect martial artist jumped down from the cliff. 但后来,数十个武神宗武者从悬崖上跳下来。 These martial artist vitalities are astonishing, although non- grandmaster, the strength actually endures compared with the grandmaster. 那些武者气血惊人,虽非宗师,实力却堪比宗师。 Gets down, such as the wolf enters the flock of sheep, easily accomplished, washed out the defense lineup of black feather health/guard instantaneously. 一下来,就如狼入羊群,摧枯拉朽,瞬间冲散了黑羽卫的防御阵形。 And several, even endures to compare Qu Jiuyou and Hua Feihua. 其中有几个,甚至堪比曲九幽花非花 Then, is the lopsided slaughter...... 而后,就是一面倒的屠杀…… But their these masters smell there is something wrong, the direct selection runs away. 而他们这些宗师见势不妙,直接选择逃窜。 Other masters escape quite smooth. 其他宗师逃跑的较为顺利。 Only then she, because is good-looking, was chased down by two Martial God Sect martial artist, even also non- fracture flower...... 只有她,由于长得漂亮,被两个武神宗武者一路追杀,甚至还不断口花花…… Thinks of here, she feels grateful looked at Luo Yan. 想到这儿,她感激的看了眼罗阎 The Luo Yan vision flashes. 罗阎目光微闪。 Is Martial God Sect so unexpectedly powerful? 武神宗竟然如此强大? Do Qu Jiuyou that group of people who can kill flee to the wilderness? 能杀的曲九幽那帮人落荒而逃? The information did not say Martial God Sect, only then do two average-performing masters, collapse at the first blow? 情报不是说武神宗只有两个实力一般的宗师,不堪一击吗? His some surprise, but somewhat is also joyful, asked again: Qu Jiuyou they?” 他有些诧异,但也有些喜悦,再度问道:“曲九幽他们呢?” They escaped in other directions.” Shen Biluo returns immediately. “他们往其他方向逃了。”沈碧落马上回到。 She sees clearly. 她看得清楚。 Qu Jiuyou runs is quicker. 曲九幽跑的更快。 Jumps down few seconds in these Martial God Sect martial artist, ran on turning around of uttering a word. 在那些武神宗武者跳下来没几秒,就一声不吭的转身就跑了。 This subverted her the impression to Qu Jiuyou. 这颠覆了她对曲九幽的印象。 In her original impression, this Qu Jiuyou is the blood and iron man, indomitable, died in battle will not retreat. 在她原本的印象中,这曲九幽是个铁血汉子,百折不挠,战死也不会退却。 Unexpectedly can run is quicker than her. 没想到,竟然会跑的比她还快。 That jade pendant? Was the jade pendant obtained by whom?” The Luo Yan vision flashes. “那玉佩呢?玉佩被谁得到了?”罗阎目光一闪。 On Ge Yan that jade pendant? He was killed by Hua Feihua, but on him does not have that jade pendant.” Shen Biluo said. 葛炎身上的那块玉佩吗?他被花非花打死了,但他身上没有那块玉佩。”沈碧落道。 She looks carefully. 她看得仔细。 After Hua Feihua kills Ge Yan, reckless Meiniang Gu Xuan and other masters tried to find out on the Ge Yan corpse good, not to have found the jade pendant. 花非花打死葛炎之后,胡媚娘顾轩等宗师都在葛炎尸体上摸索了好一阵,均没有找到玉佩。 No?” Luo Yan selects the eyebrow. “没有?”罗阎挑眉。 Possibly was taken away by Martial God Sect that group of people. After all, their group of people on this float island, lives under subjugation.” Shen Biluo guessed. “可能被武神宗那帮人拿走了吧。毕竟,他们这群人在这浮游岛上,也是寄人篱下。”沈碧落猜测道。 hears word, in the Luo Yan heart sinks. 闻言,罗阎心中一沉。 According to words that this Shen Biluo spoke, the Martial God Sect obvious terrifying, he cannot be a worthy opponent. 按照这沈碧落说的话,武神宗显然恐怖至极,非他所能匹敌。 If the jade pendant in Martial God Sect that crowd of person hands, he definitely could not attain. 若玉佩在武神宗那群人手中,他肯定是拿不到了。 He sighed, said: That present what to do? What that did Qu Jiuyou say?” 他叹了口气,又道:“那现在怎么办?那曲九幽说什么了吗?” Shen Biluo to looks around behind, said: His anything had not said. But I think, this time misplaces the Martial God Sect strength to rout, he should only want to hurry to flee from the float island. Therefore he should go to seashore and other ships.” 沈碧落向身后张望一眼,道:“他什么都没说。但我想,此次错估武神宗实力而大败,他应该只想赶紧逃离浮游岛。所以他应该去海边等船了。” We also go.” Luo Yan said immediately. “我们也去。”罗阎马上道。 Even cannot attain the jade pendant. 即便拿不到玉佩。 That can only silence a witness of crime. 那就只能杀人灭口了。 Un.” Shen Biluo nods. “嗯。”沈碧落点头。 Luo Yan after several people try to find out one, then runs away to go to the seashore with Shen Biluo. 罗阎在几人身上摸索一番后,便和沈碧落向海边逃窜而去。 Two people lead the way in the wooded mountains unceasingly. 两人在山林间不断前行。 Shen Biluo is raising peach, looks to side look tranquil Luo Yan, in the heart somewhat is shocking. 沈碧落提着桃儿,看向身边神色平静的罗阎,心中微有些震惊。 That two Martial God Sect martial artist are powerful, although she fearless, but wants to defeat, must engage in fierce battle unavoidably, costs many time. 那两个武神宗武者实力强大,她虽然无惧,但想要战胜,免不了要鏖战一番,耗费许多时间。 But Luo Yan actually nearly oppresses general, for several seconds, then solved two people. 罗阎却近乎凌虐一般,短短几秒,便解决掉了二人。 This grade of strength, is obviously more terrorist than her. 这等实力,显然比她更恐怖。 But she remembers clearly, six months ago, this Luo Yan was also not the opponent. 可她记得清楚,半年之前,这罗阎都还不是自己对手。 Then half double-hour has not seen, his vitality fluctuation, was more astonishing.” “这才半个时辰未见,他身上的气血波动,更惊人了。” The Shen Biluo vision flashes, felt not right. 沈碧落目光微闪,感觉到了一丝不对。 But Luo Yan. 罗阎 The mind is sinks to the middle of Mind Searching Record, is inspecting own harvest. 心神已是沉入搜神录当中,正在检查自己的收获。 The harvest is extremely numerous. 收获极多。 The homicide more than 30 people, can choose more than 30 martial arts. 他杀了三十多人,足足能挑选三十多门武学 Most martial arts, are minimal to his function, increases some round of vigor skills at most, optimizes his Hundred Rivers Vigor. 大部分武学,对他的作用已经微乎其微,顶多是增加些发劲技巧,来优化他的百川劲 But these, he discovered three quite unique martial arts. 但这其中,他还是发现了三门颇为独特的武学 Four arms fight body 【四臂战体】 Scarlet blood demon mark 【赤血魔纹】 Demon god expiration and inspiration 【魔神吐纳】 Four arms fight the body from that four arm youth, cultivating is quite troublesome, needs to conduct the flesh to transform to the body, transplants a pair of arm on own shoulder blade. 四臂战体来自那四臂青年,修炼起来颇为麻烦,需要对身体进行血肉改造,移植一双手臂在自己的肩胛骨上。 After transformation, fights the method connection bloodlines in body by four arms, supplements with the catching up way again, may achieve such as the arm to refer, even displays compared with a primary arm stronger strength. 改造过后,以四臂战体中的法门接驳血脉,再辅以其中的发力方式,可做到如臂所指,甚至发挥出比原初手臂更强的力量。 Meanwhile. 同时。 Four arm operations are free, will not have the least bit jerky and is uncoordinated. 四只手臂操纵自如,不会有半点生涩和不协调。 Only pitifully. 只可惜。 Luo Yan is not an exhibitionism, without interest daily stripped, although therefore chooses, plan that has not actually practiced. 罗阎不是暴露狂,没兴趣天天光着膀子,故而虽然选择,却并没有修炼的打算。 As for Scarlet blood demon mark, Purple sends the youth from that. 至于【赤血魔纹】,则来自那紫发青年。 Is eruption martial arts of stimulation vitality strength. 是一种激发气血力量的爆发武学 The principle and burns the blood phase difference to be similar. 其原理和燃血相差仿佛。 Once uses, the blood can faint, forms the scarlet blood demon mark in the body surface. 一旦使用,血液会晕开,在身体表面形成赤血魔纹。 But the scarlet blood demon mark can stimulate the acupuncture point, stimulates the potential, compares in Ranxue, not only the consumption is lower, simultaneously can achieve a stronger effect. 而赤血魔纹能刺激穴位,激发自身潜力,相较于燃血,不仅消耗更低,同时能发挥出更强的效果。 The scarlet blood demon mark is unstable. 只是赤血魔纹并不稳定。 Must control with rapt attention, once has come under the strong external force attack, by the striking back original form, the demon mark was dissipated very much easily directly. 需凝神去控制,一旦受到过强的外力攻击,很容易被打回原形,魔纹直接消散。 Compares fights the body in four arms, this scarlet blood demon mark, making Luo Yan palpitate with excitement. 相较于四臂战体,这赤血魔纹,令罗阎怦然心动。 If not Shen Biluo in the side, he definitely will attempt, having a look at this scarlet blood demon mark to increase a oneself several tenths strength. 若非沈碧落就在身边,他必然会尝试一番,看看这赤血魔纹能增加自己几成实力。 But last Demon god expiration and inspiration, Is an expiration and inspiration law. 而最后一门【魔神吐纳】,是一门吐纳法。 With immortal cultivator Expiration and inspiration technique Compared with, this Demon god expiration and inspiration After the improvement, during the breath, may transfer the vitality, strengthens the flesh physique, is not the air intake method, but refining up the body method. 修仙者的【吐纳术】相比,这【魔神吐纳】经过改良,呼吸之间,可调动气血,强化血肉筋骨,并非纳气法门,而是炼体法门。 This martial arts is actually wonderful, martial artist since the day after tomorrow, even if the courage vigor surges upward, the mortal body intensity also can only enhance slowly, generally the need at least 20 years, can reach the limit, then start to decline slowly.” “这门武学倒是神妙,武者进入后天,纵然血气高涨,肉身的强度也只能慢慢提高,一般需要至少二十年,才能达到极限,然后开始慢慢衰落。” But this demon god expiration and inspiration, can actually through the expiration and inspiration, by the vitality driving strengthening flesh physique.” “但这魔神吐纳,却能通过吐纳,以气血主动强化血肉筋骨。” In other words, the mortal body intensity can enhance fast, one step reaches limit early ‚’.” “也就是说,肉身强度能快速提高,早一步达到‘极限’。” The human body has the limit. 人体有极限。 Even if traded the real blood, even if became ten thousand gold metallurgy bones. 纵然换了真血,纵然成了万炼金骨。 Can the strength of carrying/sustaining, have the limit as before. 能够承载的力量,依旧有极限。 This limit will be higher than martial artist of achievement jade bone iron bone. 只是这极限会比成就玉骨铁骨的武者更高罢了。 Moreover, generally speaking, only then completed Bone Refinement martial artist before age 30, can reach the limit. 而且,一般来说,只有在30岁前完成炼骨武者,才能达到极限。 Because the martial artist life is limited, after being certain age, the vitality will then start to decline. 因为武者寿元有限,达到一定年纪后,气血便会开始衰落。 But once the vitality declines, the mortal body strength will also naturally also decline, did not have again so-called limit. 而气血一旦衰落,肉身力量自然也会随之衰落,再没了所谓的‘极限’。 This is inevitable. 这是不可避免的。 Luo Yan feels this demon god expiration and inspiration, is moved, starts to breathe. 罗阎感受这魔神吐纳,动念之间,开始呼吸。 He shouted attracts becomes prolonged. 他一呼一吸变得绵长。 But the vitality starts to surge, with the breath, was compressed in the middle of the flesh. 而气血开始涌动,随着呼吸,被压缩进血肉当中。 The effect is minimal, is not obvious. 效果微乎其微,并不明显。 But conceivable, is better than the growth of allowing nature to take its course on many. 但可以想象,比顺其自然的增长还是要好上不少。 Unknowingly. 不知不觉。 He and Shen Biluo, arrive at the seashore. 他和沈碧落,已是来到海边。 However the seashore does not have the ship. 然而海边并没有船。 The ship in the extremely far sea area, almost becomes a small sunspot . Moreover, is far away from this islands. 船在极远的海域,几乎成为了一个小黑点,而且,正在远离这座岛屿。 According to rule. 按照规律。 They need to wait till tomorrow morning, when the ship returns to the shore can come up. 他们需要等到明天早上,船回到岸边时才能上去。 ...... 或者…… Martial God Sect only feared that also knows rule that the ship approaches shore. Or, do we swim?” Luo Yan looks to Shen Biluo. 武神宗只怕也知道船靠岸的规律。要不,我们游过去?”罗阎看向沈碧落 Likes me being able to strengthen adds the point to ask everyone to collect:() I can strengthen add the wonderful brush pavilion refresh rate to be quickest. 喜欢我能强化加点请大家收藏:()我能强化加点妙笔阁更新速度最快。
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