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The bloodsurges, gallopsjust like the rivers and streams, surging forward.
The heartbeatsrapidly, every seems like the mighty bellbig drum, might jumpgeneralfrom the chest.
心脏急速跳动,每一下都像是洪钟大鼓,像是要从胸膛中跳出来一般。Will have the feeling of thisBenZhang , because the body of Luo Yanwill tend to the limit.
会出现这种贲涨之感,是由于罗阎的身体趋于极限。HemaintainsMāra games body is too long, althoughdepends uponSeizing Heaven Demon Secret Art, has not consumedmanyvitalities, butlong-termhigh-intensityfight, caused the enormousburdento the body.
念及此处。Herushesto divergeMāra games body.
他赶忙散去摩罗体。Ineyescarletretrogression, the musclerelaxation of ballooning, slightly the somewhatfiercefacial featuresalsoslowlyrestore the ancient well without ripples.
眼中猩红消退,鼓胀的肌肉松弛,略有些狰狞的面容也慢慢恢复古井无波。For a long time.
The feeling of bloodlinesBenZhangabatesgradually.
The Luo Yanpupillightlifts, looksto the front, the remainingninepeople, run awaywithout a trace.罗阎眸光微抬,看向前方,剩下九人,早已逃得无影无踪。This timeslaughters.
此番杀戮。Moststarts, hewantsto break throughto escape.
最开始,他只是想突围逃跑。But after massacringpurplesends the youthandfourarmyouth, heseems like the quilt** the controlis ordinary, launched the slaughter of disregarding all consequencesunexpectedlydirectly.
但杀掉紫发青年和四臂青年后,他像是被**支配一般,竟直接展开了不计后果的屠杀。Althoughheis powerful.
他虽然强大。But the enemyis numerous, after scattering in all directionsflees, even ifhegoes all outto chase down, is unable completely to uniteeveryonecertainly.
但敌人众多,四散逃离后,他纵然拼命追杀,也无法将所有人尽皆戮绝。„Theseperson of Martial God Sectodd/surplusevilbend downto killmeinthisplace......”
“这些人武神宗余孽在此地伏杀我……”Hefalls intohesitates.
他陷入沉吟。TheseMartial God Sectmartial artistcome preparedobviously.
这些武神宗武者显然有备而来。Hedid not feel,oneselfwill stare by Martial God Sect.
他不觉得,自己会被武神宗盯上。Then the reasononly hasone......
那么原因只有一个……„Is it possible that Qu Jiuyouand did Martial God Sectcolludeinone?”
“莫非,曲九幽和武神宗勾结在了一起?”He is so thinking, the lookbecomesgloomy.
他这般想着,眼神变得阴沉起来。If so, hegrasps the news that Martial God Sectgives up studydefinitelyto be knownbyQu Jiuyou.
若真是如此,他掌握武神宗绝学的消息必然会被曲九幽知晓。ButonceQu Jiuyouknows, canassuredQu Xiaobe killedbyhim.
而曲九幽一旦知晓,就能笃定曲箫是被他所杀。Bythat time.
到了那时。Qu Jiuyouoccupies the principle of righteousness, by the prefectural cityprotectoratenameissuewarrant for arrest, inthisBaiyue Province, heonlyfearsagaindifficult.曲九幽占据大义,再以府城镇守的名义发布通缉令,在这百越府中,他只怕寸步难行。„Was somewhat troublesome.”
“有些麻烦了。”Luo Yansigh.罗阎叹息。Althoughimmortal cultivatordid not ask the human affairs, cared about nothingtoall, butwas the Zhou Countryinfluenceafter all.修仙者虽然不问世事,对一切都毫不在乎,但毕竟属于周国势力。ButQu JiuyouasZhou Countrymansionprotectorate, ifoccupies the principle of righteousnessagain, beginstohim, immortal cultivatoronlyfeared that will not treatagainsees itself.
而曲九幽身为周国一府镇守,若再占据大义,对他动手,修仙者只怕也不会再待见自己。As forQu Jiuyou and matter of Martial God Sectcolluding......
至于曲九幽和武神宗勾结之事……Byunderstanding of Luo YanthatGu Santong.
以罗阎对那古三通的了解。Gu Santongwill not care aboutthese, hewill only care aboutthatGe Yanjade pendant.古三通才不会在乎这些,他只会在乎那块葛炎身上的玉佩。Thinks of the jade pendant, in the Luo Yanheartmovesslightly.
想到玉佩,罗阎心中又微微一动。Ifhecanobtain the jade pendant, gives toancientforest in Immortal Ascension Pavilionagain, all these, whenis easily solved.
若他能得到玉佩,再献给升仙阁中的古林,这一切,当迎刃而解。Hedecides, is preparingto hide, acts according to circumstances.
他打定主意,正准备躲藏起来,见机行事。Butat this time.
The fronttransmits the soundsuddenly.
前方忽然传来动静。Helookswith rapt attentionforward,seeing only the Shen Biluofacial expressionis panic-stricken, the figureis distressed, is raisingpeach, runs awayin the wooded mountainsrapidly, suddenly, thenarrives in front ofhim.
他凝神向前看去,只见沈碧落神情惊恐,身形狼狈,提着桃儿,在山林间飞速逃窜,眨眼之间,便来到他面前。Helookstopeach, sees only the little misseyesto shut tightly, as iffaints.
他看向桃儿,只见小姑娘双眼紧闭,似乎昏了过去。„ShenMiss, what's the matter?” The Luo Yanfacial expressionis curious, asks.
“沈姑娘,怎么回事?”罗阎神情好奇,开口询问。SeesLuo Yan, Shen Biluois startledslightly, immediatelyreminded: „Run, the black featherhealth/guardrout, theseMartial God Sectodd/surplusevilmustpursueimmediately.”
看到罗阎,沈碧落微微一怔,马上提醒道:“快跑,黑羽卫大败,那些武神宗余孽马上就要追上来了。”„What?” The Luo Yanlookis astonished.
“什么?”罗阎眼神惊异。Is preparingto askanything.
正准备问些什么。Buthehad not askedwith enough time, the distant place, thenpresentstwocourage vigorastonishingMartial God Sectmartial artist.
可他还没来得及问,远方,便出现两个血气惊人的武神宗武者。TwoMartial God Sectmartial artistboth eyesare scarlet, vicious tendenciesare astonishing, after seeinghim, immediatelygrins fiendishly, turns the headto clashtowardhim.
两个武神宗武者双目猩红,一身戾气惊人,看到他之后,当即狞笑一声,转头朝他冲来。„Youpursuethatwoman, remembersto keep the living witness, will waitto enjoywell. As forthisboy, givesme!”
唰!Finishing barely the words.
话音未落。Andmartial artistappearsbefore the Luo Yanbodyinstantaneously, jumpshigh, leaps up.
The Luo Yanlooknarrows the eyes.罗阎眼神一眯。Thisfootspeedis extremely fast, the mightis also large.
这一脚速度极快,威力也颇大。Butin his eyes, was not only somewhat slow, isfull of holes.
但在他眼中,不仅有些慢了,更是破绽百出。Heis quick of eye and hand, withdraws the step, evadesthisfoot, immediatelyputs out a handto pull out, grasps a thatperson of thighunexpectedly.
他眼疾手快,一个后撤步,躲过这一脚,随即伸手一掏,竟生生抱住那人一条大腿。Histhatperson of thighanti-onshoulder,
他一手将那人大腿抗在肩上,Anotherhandpressesto approachthatperson of headsuddenly. „What?!”
另一只手猛然按向那人脑袋。“什么?!”Unexpected, thatmartial artistbodyloses the balanceall of a sudden.
猝不及防之下,那武者身体一下子失去平衡。Butherespondedalsoquickly, taking advantage of the shoulder of strengthLuo Yan, the bodyinin the airturned, anotherlegthenejection, kickedto the head of Luo Yan.
The Luo Yanfacial expressionis tranquil.罗阎神情平静。Takes backaccording to the palm of thatperson of head, after the bowingstandardkeeps offthisfoot, the backhandpulls out, holdsthisthighruthlessly.
收回按向那人脑袋的手掌,屈膝格挡下这一脚后,反手又是一掏,将这条大腿也狠狠抓住。Then, the both armscatch up, ripsruthlessly.
“啊!”Kills the pigpitiful yellsoundto get up.
杀猪般的惨叫声响起。Thatmartial artistboth legsbystraight that Luo Yandraws, at this timeonly the sleep/feltsplits the common, painfuleyesturnswhite, the consciousnesstends to befuzzy.
那武者双腿被罗阎拉的笔直,此时只觉裂开一般,痛的双眼翻白,意识都趋于模糊。Luo Yansneers, does not pay attention tostruggling of thisperson, loosens an arm, anotherarmbrandishes the fist, toward this person of crotchunderis a fist.罗阎冷笑,不理会此人的挣扎,松开一只手臂,另一只手臂抡起拳头,朝着此人裆下就是一拳。„!”
The soaringpitiful yellresounds.
更加高昂的惨叫响起。Thatmartial artisteyessuddenly/violentlyTu, the blood threadsis densely covered.
那武者双眼暴突,血丝密布。Coversownpants crotch, in the eyeis flowing outtwocleartears.
捂着自己的裤裆,眼中流出两道清泪。Heis opening mouth, is holding breathunceasingly the cold air/Qi.
他微张着嘴,不断倒吸着冷气。Buthas not waited forhimto hurtfromthisegghas gotten back one's composure, thenfeltoneselflift offsuddenly, thendescendsrapidly.
可还没等他从这蛋疼中回过神,便感觉自己猛然升空,然后又飞速降落。Was actually being brandished a thighbyLuo Yan, poundstoward the grounddirectly!
The groundtrembles, stonesplash.
地面震颤,土石飞溅。For several seconds, hewith the groundclose contactdozenstimes, covered with blood, isair admissionfewair ventsis then many.
短短几秒,他便和地面亲密接触了数十次,血肉模糊,已是进气少出气多。All these.
这一切。Just likeelectric lightflint.
宛如电光火石。Shen BiluoandanotherMartial God Sectmartial artistlookeddull.沈碧落和另一个武神宗武者都看呆了。Whentheyrecover, Luo Yanisdiscardsin the handcovered with blood, stillmaintainscovers the eggposture the corpse, grins fiendishlyis lookingtoanotherMartial God Sectmartial artist.
等他们回过神来时,罗阎已是丢掉手中血肉模糊、依然保持捂蛋姿势的尸体,狞笑着看向另一个武神宗武者。Thatmartial artistseesLuo Yanto look, the bodyshakesslightly, onlyfeels a pants crotchchill.
那武者见罗阎望来,身子微微一抖,只感觉裤裆一阵恶寒。Butquick, hisconsciousnesswas then occupiedby the vicious tendencies of wreaking havocagain, discardsShen Biluo, turns aroundto charge intoLuo Yan.
唰!Heis fully sharp, entiresuddenly/violentlyto launch, charges intoLuo Yandirectly.
The Luo Yanlookmoves slightly, looksMartial God Sectmartial artist that straighttowards oneselfto/clashes, immediately, jumps out.罗阎眼神微动,看着直直朝自己冲来的武神宗武者,随即,一脚窜出。Bang!
这一脚快如闪电。Thatmartial artistrespondedradicallywithout enough time, the whole personthenbloodspurtscrazily, flying upside down.
那武者根本来不及反应,整个人便鲜血狂喷,倒飞而出。Hislookis panic-stricken.
The vicious tendenciesretreat.
戾气退却。Has the meaning of escapingunexpectedly.
竟然生出逃跑之意。Buthas not waited forhimto get back one's composurefrom the stamina of thisfoot, Luo Yanhas appearedinhistop of the head, the corners of the mouthare fierce, a footsteps onruthlessly.
砰!FliesMartial God Sectmartial artistinmidair unable to revolt, by a Luo Yanfoot, fromin the airwas stepped on the groundforcefully. The headlikewatermelonrupturing, the thing of red-whitescatters.
飞在半空中的武神宗武者根本无法反抗,被罗阎一脚,从空中硬生生踩到地上。脑袋如西瓜般爆裂,红白之物四溅。Heassumes the large characterto lie downon the ground, the bodyis still twitchingslightly.
他呈大字躺在地上,身子还在微微抽搐。Has crossed for severalseconds, thoroughlyis tranquil, becomes a corpse.
一直过了几秒,才彻底平静下来,成为了一具尸体。Only then.
直到此时。Luo Yanis calm and composed even in press of workreceived the foot, lookstranquillytoShen Biluo of one sidefacial expressiondelay: „Whatsituation?”罗阎才好整以暇的把脚收了回来,平静望向一旁神情呆滞的沈碧落:“到底什么情况?”„?”
“哦,啊?”Shen Biluohas gotten back one's composure, rushes saying: „WediscoveredHardship Zen TempleandMartial God Sectodd/surplusevilin an ancient temple.”沈碧落回过神,赶忙道:“我们在一处古庙中发现了苦禅寺和武神宗的余孽。”„Sirbent/tuneleadsusto turn out in full strength, wantsto exterminatetwogroups of odd/surplusevil, buttheseMartial God Sectmartial artistdo not know that cultivatedwhatmartial arts, endurescompared with the grandmaster. Wedo not beat, the routescapes.”
“曲大人带着我们倾巢而出,想要剿灭两帮余孽,但那些武神宗武者也不知修炼了何种武学,一个个堪比宗师。我们不敌,溃败而逃。”„When Irun away, several thousandblack featherhealth/guardalreadycasualtymost, as for the present......”
“我逃窜时,数千黑羽卫已经死伤大半,至于现在……”Shelooks the forced smile.
After theyenter the ancient temple, from the beginningis quite smooth, theseevilssimplydo not have many strength of resistance, orwas killed, was grasped.
她们进入古庙后,一开始极为顺利,那些余孽根本没有多少反抗之力,或是被杀,或是被抓。Butafterward, dozensMartial God Sectmartial artistjumped downfrom the cliff.
但后来,数十个武神宗武者从悬崖上跳下来。Thesemartial artistvitalitiesare astonishing, althoughnon-grandmaster, the strengthactuallyendurescompared with the grandmaster.
那些武者气血惊人,虽非宗师,实力却堪比宗师。Gets down, such as the wolfenters the flock of sheep, easily accomplished, washed out the defenselineup of black featherhealth/guardinstantaneously.
一下来,就如狼入羊群,摧枯拉朽,瞬间冲散了黑羽卫的防御阵形。Andseveral, evenenduresto compareQu JiuyouandHua Feihua.
其中有几个,甚至堪比曲九幽和花非花。Then, is the lopsidedslaughter......
而后,就是一面倒的屠杀……Buttheirthesemasterssmell there is something wrong, the direct selectionruns away.
其他宗师逃跑的较为顺利。Only thenshe, becauseis good-looking, was chased downbytwoMartial God Sectmartial artist, evenalsonon-fractureflower......
只有她,由于长得漂亮,被两个武神宗武者一路追杀,甚至还不断口花花……Thinks ofhere, shefeels gratefullooked atLuo Yan.
The Luo Yanvisionflashes.罗阎目光微闪。
Is Martial God Sectsounexpectedly powerful?武神宗竟然如此强大?
Do Qu Jiuyouthatgroup of people who cankillflee to the wilderness?
The informationdid not sayMartial God Sect, only then do twoaverage-performingmasters, collapse at the first blow?
情报不是说武神宗只有两个实力一般的宗师,不堪一击吗?Hissomesurprise, butsomewhatis also joyful, askedagain: „Qu Jiuyouthey?”
他有些诧异,但也有些喜悦,再度问道:“曲九幽他们呢?”„Theyescapedinotherdirections.”Shen Biluoreturnsimmediately.
她看得清楚。Qu Jiuyourunsis quicker.曲九幽跑的更快。Jumps downfewsecondsintheseMartial God Sectmartial artist, ranonturning around of uttering a word.
在那些武神宗武者跳下来没几秒,就一声不吭的转身就跑了。Thissubvertedher the impressiontoQu Jiuyou.
这颠覆了她对曲九幽的印象。Inheroriginalimpression, thisQu Jiuyouis the blood and ironman, indomitable, died in battlewill not retreat.
在她原本的印象中,这曲九幽是个铁血汉子,百折不挠,战死也不会退却。Unexpectedlycanrunis quicker than her.
没想到,竟然会跑的比她还快。„Thatjade pendant? Was the jade pendantobtainedbywhom?” The Luo Yanvisionflashes.
“那玉佩呢?玉佩被谁得到了?”罗阎目光一闪。„OnGe Yanthatjade pendant? Hewas killedbyHua Feihua, butonhimdoes not havethatjade pendant.”Shen Biluosaid.
After Hua FeihuakillsGe Yan, recklessMeiniangGu Xuanand othermasterstried to find outon the Ge Yancorpsegood, not to have found the jade pendant.花非花打死葛炎之后,胡媚娘顾轩等宗师都在葛炎尸体上摸索了好一阵,均没有找到玉佩。„No?”Luo Yanselects the eyebrow.
“没有?”罗阎挑眉。„Possiblywas taken awaybyMartial God Sectthatgroup of people. After all, their group of peopleonthisfloatisland, lives under subjugation.”Shen Biluoguessed.
“可能被武神宗那帮人拿走了吧。毕竟,他们这群人在这浮游岛上,也是寄人篱下。”沈碧落猜测道。hearsword, in the Luo Yanheartsinks.
闻言,罗阎心中一沉。According towords that thisShen Biluospoke, the Martial God Sectobviousterrifying, hecannotbe a worthy opponent.
按照这沈碧落说的话,武神宗显然恐怖至极,非他所能匹敌。If the jade pendantinMartial God Sectthatcrowd of personhands, hedefinitelycould not attain.
若玉佩在武神宗那群人手中,他肯定是拿不到了。Hesighed, said: „Thatpresentwhat to do? Whatthat did Qu Jiuyousay?”
他叹了口气,又道:“那现在怎么办?那曲九幽说什么了吗?”Shen Biluotolooks aroundbehind, said: „Hisanythinghad not said. ButIthink,thistimemisplaces the Martial God Sectstrengthto rout, heshouldonlywantto hurryto flee from the floatisland. Thereforeheshouldgo toseashoreand otherships.”沈碧落向身后张望一眼,道:“他什么都没说。但我想,此次错估武神宗实力而大败,他应该只想赶紧逃离浮游岛。所以他应该去海边等船了。”„Wealsogo.”Luo Yansaidimmediately.
“我们也去。”罗阎马上道。Evencannot attain the jade pendant.
即便拿不到玉佩。That can only silence a witness of crime.
那就只能杀人灭口了。„Un.”Shen Biluonods.
“嗯。”沈碧落点头。Luo Yanafterseveralpeopletry to find outone, thenruns awayto goto the seashorewithShen Biluo.罗阎在几人身上摸索一番后,便和沈碧落向海边逃窜而去。Two peoplelead the wayin the wooded mountainsunceasingly.
两人在山林间不断前行。Shen Biluois raisingpeach, lookstosidelooktranquilLuo Yan, in the heartsomewhatis shocking.沈碧落提着桃儿,看向身边神色平静的罗阎,心中微有些震惊。ThattwoMartial God Sectmartial artistare powerful, althoughshefearless, butwantsto defeat, mustengage in fierce battleunavoidably, costsmanytime.
那两个武神宗武者实力强大,她虽然无惧,但想要战胜,免不了要鏖战一番,耗费许多时间。ButLuo Yanactuallynearlyoppressesgeneral, for several seconds, thensolvedtwopeople.
但罗阎却近乎凌虐一般,短短几秒,便解决掉了二人。Thisgrade of strength, is obviously more terrorist than her.
这等实力,显然比她更恐怖。Butsheremembersclearly, six months ago, thisLuo Yan was also not the opponent.
可她记得清楚,半年之前,这罗阎都还不是自己对手。„Thenhalfdouble-hourhas not seen, hisvitalityfluctuation, was more astonishing.”
The Shen Biluovisionflashes, felt not right.沈碧落目光微闪,感觉到了一丝不对。ButLuo Yan.
The mindissinks to the middle ofMind Searching Record, is inspectingownharvest.
The harvestis extremely numerous.
The homicide more than 30people, canchoose more than 30martial arts.
他杀了三十多人,足足能挑选三十多门武学。Mostmartial arts, are minimaltohisfunction, increasessomeround of vigorskillsat most, optimizeshisHundred Rivers Vigor.
大部分武学,对他的作用已经微乎其微,顶多是增加些发劲技巧,来优化他的百川劲。Butthese, hediscoveredthreequiteuniquemartial arts.
【赤血魔纹】【Demongodexpiration and inspiration】
【魔神吐纳】Fourarmsfight the bodyfromthatfourarmyouth, cultivating is quite troublesome, needsto conduct the fleshto transformto the body, transplants a pair of armonownshoulder blade.
四臂战体来自那四臂青年,修炼起来颇为麻烦,需要对身体进行血肉改造,移植一双手臂在自己的肩胛骨上。Aftertransformation, fights the methodconnectionbloodlines in bodybyfourarms, supplements with the catching upwayagain, mayachievesuch as the armto refer, evendisplayscompared with a primaryarmstrongerstrength.
同时。Fourarmoperationsare free, will not have the least bitjerkyandis uncoordinated.
只可惜。Luo Yanis not an exhibitionism, withoutinterestdailystripped, althoughthereforechooses, plan that has not actually practiced.罗阎不是暴露狂,没兴趣天天光着膀子,故而虽然选择,却并没有修炼的打算。As for【Scarletblooddemonmark】, Purplesends the youthfromthat.
至于【赤血魔纹】,则来自那紫发青年。Iseruptionmartial arts of stimulationvitalitystrength.
是一种激发气血力量的爆发武学。Theprincipleandburns the bloodphase differenceto be similar.
其原理和燃血相差仿佛。Onceuses, the bloodcanfaint, forms the scarletblooddemonmarkin the body surface.
一旦使用,血液会晕开,在身体表面形成赤血魔纹。But the scarletblooddemonmarkcanstimulate the acupuncture point, stimulates the potential, comparesinRanxue, not only the consumptionis lower, simultaneouslycanachieve a strongereffect.
The scarletblooddemonmarkis unstable.
只是赤血魔纹并不稳定。Mustcontrolwith rapt attention, oncehas come under the strongexternal forceattack, by the striking backoriginal form, the demonmarkwas dissipatedvery mucheasilydirectly.
需凝神去控制,一旦受到过强的外力攻击,很容易被打回原形,魔纹直接消散。Comparesfights the bodyinfourarms, thisscarletblooddemonmark, makingLuo Yanpalpitate with excitement.
相较于四臂战体,这赤血魔纹,令罗阎怦然心动。If notShen Biluoin the side, hedefinitelywill attempt, having a look atthisscarletblooddemonmark to increase a oneselfseveraltenthsstrength.
若非沈碧落就在身边,他必然会尝试一番,看看这赤血魔纹能增加自己几成实力。Butlast【Demongodexpiration and inspiration】, Is an expiration and inspirationlaw.
而最后一门【魔神吐纳】,是一门吐纳法。Withimmortal cultivator【Expiration and inspirationtechnique】Compared with, this【Demongodexpiration and inspiration】After the improvement, during the breath, maytransfer the vitality, strengthens the fleshphysique, is not the air intakemethod, butrefining up the bodymethod.
和修仙者的【吐纳术】相比,这【魔神吐纳】经过改良,呼吸之间,可调动气血,强化血肉筋骨,并非纳气法门,而是炼体法门。„Thismartial artsis actually wonderful, martial artistsince the day after tomorrow, even if the courage vigorsurges upward, the mortal bodyintensityalso can only enhanceslowly, generally the needat least20years, canreach the limit, thenstartto declineslowly.”
“这门武学倒是神妙,武者进入后天,纵然血气高涨,肉身的强度也只能慢慢提高,一般需要至少二十年,才能达到极限,然后开始慢慢衰落。”„Butthisdemongodexpiration and inspiration, can actually through the expiration and inspiration, by the vitalitydrivingstrengtheningfleshphysique.”
“但这魔神吐纳,却能通过吐纳,以气血主动强化血肉筋骨。”„In other words, the mortal bodyintensitycanenhancefast, onestepreacheslimitearly‚’.”
The human bodyhas the limit.
人体有极限。Even iftraded the realblood, even ifbecameten thousandgold metallurgybones.
纵然换了真血,纵然成了万炼金骨。Can the strength of carrying/sustaining, have the limitas before.
能够承载的力量,依旧有极限。Thislimitwill be higher than martial artist of achievementjadeboneiron bone.
只是这极限会比成就玉骨铁骨的武者更高罢了。Moreover, generally speaking, only thencompletedBone Refinementmartial artistbefore age 30, canreach the limit.
而且,一般来说,只有在30岁前完成炼骨的武者,才能达到极限。Because the martial artistlifeis limited, after beingcertainage, the vitalitywill then startto decline.
因为武者寿元有限,达到一定年纪后,气血便会开始衰落。Butonce the vitalitydeclines, the mortal bodystrength will also naturally also decline, did not haveagainso-called‚limit’.
这是不可避免的。Luo Yanfeelsthisdemongodexpiration and inspiration, is moved, startsto breathe.罗阎感受这魔神吐纳,动念之间,开始呼吸。Heshoutedattractsbecomesprolonged.
他一呼一吸变得绵长。But the vitalitystartsto surge, with the breath, was compressedin the middle of the flesh.
The effectis minimal, is not obvious.
效果微乎其微,并不明显。Butconceivable, is betterthan the growth of allowing nature to take its courseonmany.
不知不觉。HeandShen Biluo, arrive at the seashore.
他和沈碧落,已是来到海边。However the seashoredoes not have the ship.
The shipin the extremelyfarsea area, almostbecomes a smallsunspot . Moreover, is far away fromthisislands.
船在极远的海域,几乎成为了一个小黑点,而且,正在远离这座岛屿。According torule.
按照规律。Theyneedto wait tilltomorrow morning, when the shipreturns to the shorecancome up.
或者……„Martial God Sectonlyfeared that alsoknowsrule that the shipapproaches shore. Or, do weswim?”Luo YanlookstoShen Biluo.
“武神宗只怕也知道船靠岸的规律。要不,我们游过去?”罗阎看向沈碧落。Likesmebeing ableto strengthenadds the pointto askeveryoneto collect:() Icanstrengthenadd the wonderful brushpavilionrefresh rateto be quickest.
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