ICSBAP :: Volume #2

#158: Bloodstone snake

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When Luo Yan launches the slaughter. 罗阎展开屠杀之际。 Above the summit, Chen Tianxing brings one crowd of Martial God Sect martial artist somewhere, is just long-drawn-out is looking at the war below mountain valley. 某处山巅之上,陈天星带着一群武神宗武者,正悠哉的望着下方山谷中的大战。 Sovereign, these Hardship Zen Temple monks only feared that has a dream cannot think, will be betrayed by us?” A Martial God Sect disciple sends out to sneer. “宗主,这些苦禅寺的和尚只怕做梦都想不到,会被我们出卖吧?”一个武神宗弟子发出冷笑。 Snort! After these monks hide here comes, eats our with our, but also dares to shout and wrangle with us. Their this dies, using temporarily as repays us, did some contributions to us.” Another martial artist also sneers. “哼!这些和尚躲这儿来以后,吃我们的用我们的,还敢跟我们大呼小叫。他们这一死,权当是报答我们,为我们做些贡献了。”另一个武者同样冷笑。 Chen Tianxing hangs the pupil not to speak. 陈天星垂眸不语。 Cooperation between he and Qu Jiuyou, these disciples do not know totally. 他和曲九幽之间的合作,这些门徒一概不知。 They only think that this is his idea of escaping, discards Monk Hardship Zen Temple and some useless disciples, preserves Martial God Sect most strengths. 他们只觉这是他的金蝉脱壳之计,舍弃苦禅寺和尚和一些无用的弟子,保全武神宗大部分力量。 As everyone knows, this was he and Qu Jiuyou has discussed the good matter. 殊不知,这是他和曲九幽早就商议好的事。 He takes 1000 black feather health/guard , helping in his gate later period of dozens elite achievement Bone Refinement. 他要一千黑羽卫,帮他门中数十精锐成就炼骨后期。 But Qu Jiuyou results in the jade pendant, turns over in full two groups of odd/surplus evil, attains greatly successfully, results in the merit again. 曲九幽得玉佩,又清缴两帮余孽,大获成功,再得功绩。 To him and Qu Jiuyou, this is the win-win action. 对他和曲九幽而言,这是双赢之举。 What lost is only that 1000 black feather health/guard and under this crowd of Hardship Zen Temple monk. 输的只是那一千黑羽卫和下方这群苦禅寺的和尚罢了。 He is staring below ancient temple. 他盯着下方古庙。 A lopsided massacre has started. 一场一面倒的大屠杀已经开始。 Facing Qu Jiuyou and several thousand black feather health/guard, Hardship Zen Temple odd/surplus evil and Martial God Sect who low rank disciple keep does not have the strength of resistance, is calling out pitifully, poured in the middle of the pool of blood rapidly. 面对曲九幽和数千黑羽卫,留下来的苦禅寺余孽和武神宗低阶弟子毫无反抗之力,一个个惨叫着,迅速倒在了血泊当中。 That Ge Yan angrily roars again and again, actually cannot support, at this time retreats in defeat again and again, withdraws to the ancient temple deep place. 葛炎怒吼连连,却也支撑不住,此时节节败退,向古庙深处撤去。 But this ancient temple is located in the mountain valley, three precipices, where does he have to remove to goes? 但这古庙位于山谷当中,三面绝壁,他有能撤到哪去呢? Only has the dead end. 唯有死路一条罢了。 Chen Tianxing look narrows the eyes, shot a look at the eye with no trace behind an numerous excited Martial God Sect disciple. 陈天星眼神微眯,不着痕迹的瞥了眼身后一众兴奋的武神宗弟子。 These people, think oneself lived. 这些人,以为自己活了下来。 As everyone knows, not long, they by the blood sacrifice, will be helped him open the Martial God Sect treasure house. 殊不知,不用多久,他们就将被血祭,助他打开武神宗宝库。 Martial God Sect sovereign... this title, he has shouldered was too long. 武神宗宗主…这一头衔,他已经背负了太久。 However this title, not only cannot boost to him, instead makes him timid and hesitant, becomes existence that is chased by all. 然而这一头衔,不仅未能给他助力,反而让他束手束脚,成为了人人喊打的存在。 Also is the time, discarded this title. 也是时候,舍弃这一头衔了。 He is so thinking, only the sleep/felt pressed in a heart great lycopodium, the mood somewhat was joyful. 他这般想着,只觉压在心头的一块巨石松了下来,心情不由有些愉悦。 But at this time, he felt that anything, turn head, to looked suddenly behind. 但这时候,他感觉到了什么,忽然回头,向身后望去。 Sees only a female who wears the rabbit face mask from woods, at the back of both hands, is light-footed, as if strolls in own back garden is ordinary, in the eye does not have the least bit nervousness. 只见一个戴着兔脸面具的女子从树林中走了出来,背着双手,脚步轻快,仿佛漫步在自家后花园一般,眼中没有半点紧张情绪。 Xu Xiaosu that has not then made an appearance impressively for a long time! 赫然便是许久未露面的徐小粟 „Are you Martial God Sect present age sovereign?” The clear sound passed from the Xu Xiaosu mouth. “你就是武神宗当代宗主?”清脆的声音从徐小粟口中传了出来。 hears sound. 闻声。 All Martial God Sect disciples gawked under. 所有武神宗弟子都愣了下。 You who?” “你谁啊?” Trivial Bone Refinement , with our sovereign speech?” “区区炼骨,也配跟我们宗主说话?” Most disciples complexions strange is staring at Xu Xiaosu, remains silent, but also two look unexpectedly, immediately opens the mouth to scold. 大部分弟子都脸色古怪的盯着徐小粟,保持沉默,但也有两个面露不虞,当即开口呵斥。 Chen Tianxing facial expression is faint, puts out a hand to prevent the subordinate, looks female who is walking slowly, tranquil say/way: „Am I Martial God Sect sovereign Chen Tianxing, who the little miss you am?” 陈天星神情淡漠,伸手阻止手下,望着缓缓走来的女子,平静道:“我就是武神宗宗主陈天星,小姑娘你又是谁?” The matter leaves must have the monster unusual. 事出反常必有妖。 This young girl dares so to speak to him, has own energy inevitably. 这少女敢这般跟他说话,必然有自己的底气。 In his heart the doubt, does the energy of this young girl come from where? 只是他心中狐疑,这少女的底气从何而来? Xu Xiaosu has not replied him. 徐小粟并没有回答他。 High and low sizes up his two eyes, is somewhat disgruntled: The day after tomorrow initial period of boundary, you were also too weak.” 上下打量他两眼,有些不悦道:“才后天境初期,你也太弱了。” She complained one, immediately lifted the chin, was languid: From now on, Martial God Sect sovereign works as by me.” 她吐槽一声,随即微抬起下巴,懒洋洋道:“从现在开始,武神宗宗主由我来当。” Such remarks, Martial God Sect all disciples all fly into a rage. 此言一出,武神宗所有弟子全都勃然大怒。 You are anything! Also with, when we sovereign?” “你算什么东西!也配当我们宗主?” Yellow mouth young child, dares to bluster. Lowered the head to have a look at your hair Changqi?!” “黄口小儿,也敢口出狂言。低头看看你毛长齐了没?!” Two Martial God Sect disciples who before opened the mouth opened the mouth to scold again. 之前开口的两个武神宗弟子再度开口呵斥。 Chen Tianxing looks similarly unexpectedly, sinking sound said: Little miss, I do not know the energy where you come thinks, when my Martial God Sect sovereign, but relied on your Bone Refinement strength, only fears insufficiently.” 陈天星同样面露不虞,沉声道:“小姑娘,我不知道你哪来的底气想当我武神宗宗主,但是凭你炼骨的实力,只怕不够。” The voice falls. 话音落下。 He hides the palm in sleeve robe flings gently, silver ingot then shoots at Xu Xiaosu of distant place air-splitting. 他藏在袖袍中的手掌轻轻一甩,一锭银子便破空射向远处的徐小粟 Holds in the true qi in addition. 真气的加持下。 Money speed quickly to pinnacle, several tenths remnant shadow. 银子速度快到极致,几成残影。 However Xu Xiaosu head to side one crooked, then evades this silver ingot. 然而徐小粟脑袋向旁边一歪,便躲过这锭银子。 She puts out a token, shook shaking before Chen Tianxing, said: Depending on this token enough?” 她拿出一枚令牌,在陈天星面前晃了晃,道:“凭这块令牌够了吗?” martial God command?” Chen Tianxing pupil micro. “武神令?”陈天星瞳孔微缩。 That token, submits a written statement to the military god two characters, impressively is their Martial God Sect sovereign faith token martial Shenling. 那令牌,上书武神二字,赫然是他们武神宗的宗主信物武神令。 Their Martial God Sect has a custom. 他们武神宗有一个规矩。 martial God making, is Martial God Sect sovereign. 得武神令者,便是武神宗宗主。 At this time this young girl grasps martial Shenling, said that wants, when Martial God Sect sovereign, calculates to be well-founded. 此时这少女手持武神令,说要当武神宗宗主,也算有理有据。 . 只是。 He remembers, as the Martial God Sect destruction, martial Shenling has then lost. 他记得随着武神宗覆灭,武神令便已遗失。 This young girl, martial Shenling who can come from where? 这少女,是从何处得来的武神令? . 身后。 One group of Martial God Sect disciples talked in whispers. 一群武神宗弟子窃窃私语。 They have not listened to what martial Shenling, sees Xu Xiaosu to take a token, is puzzled, the look somewhat compels ignorant. 他们可没听过什么武神令,见徐小粟拿着个令牌,都一脸疑惑,神色有些懵逼。 This token, where can the miss from come?” Chen Tianxing stares at martial Shenling, the sinking sound is asking. “这令牌,姑娘是从哪得来的?”陈天星盯着武神令,沉声问道。 Naturally is in the treasure house brings.” Xu Xiaosu careless reply. “当然是宝库里面拿来的。”徐小粟漫不经心的回答。 Treasure house?! Did you enter the treasure house?!” Chen Tianxing only thinks buzz one, some head slightly blanks. “宝库?!你进了宝库?!”陈天星只觉嗡的一声,脑袋微有些空白。 The treasure house in young girl mouth, obviously is his Martial God Sect treasure house. 少女口中的宝库,显然就是他武神宗宝库。 His these years hide the float island, endure endure all alone, for what? 他这些年藏身浮游岛,忍受孤寂忍受一切,为的是什么? Doesn't leave behind for Martial God Sect in this place treasure house? 不就是为了武神宗遗留在此地的宝库吗? In the middle of the treasure house, hides the enormous wealth that Martial God Sect was saving in the past, extremely martial arts. 宝库当中,藏着武神宗当年积攒下来的巨额财富,绝顶武学 What a pity, the treasure house was covered by big. 可惜,宝库被大阵笼罩。 But the method of eradicating has been lost. 而破除的方法早已失传。 He consumes dozens years of time, inquires the ancient book , is immortal cultivator has to do, finally found means. 他耗费数十年功夫,又是查询典籍,又是和修仙者打交道,终于找到一个的办法。 That is the blood sacrifice. 那就是血祭。 By the martial artist real blood, eradicates a mark, the strategy can collapse of itself. 武者真血,破除阵纹,阵法便可不攻自破。 However. 然而。 He cultivates dozens Bone Refinement later the subordinate, has not come and gone to the blood sacrifice to eradicate the strategy. 他才培育出数十个炼骨后期手下,还没来及去血祭破除阵法。 The treasure house, some unexpectedly people advanced? 宝库,竟然有人先进去了? Yes.” Xu Xiaosu nods. “是啊。”徐小粟点头。 She went to the treasure house yesterday, then rested for night. 她昨天就去了宝库,然后在其中歇了一夜。 How do you open the treasure house?” Chen Tianxing lip shivers, does not dare to believe. “你如何打开宝库的?”陈天星嘴唇颤抖,不敢置信。 Naturally opens with the hand.” Xu Xiaosu blinks, pondered looks at Chen Tianxing. “当然是用手打开的。”徐小粟眨了眨眼睛,玩味的看着陈天星。 With hand? 用手? Chen Tianxing gets angry instead smiles extremely. 陈天星怒极反笑。 He investigates lifetime, the treasure house that wants to open, was opened with hand unexpectedly. 他究极一生,想要打开的宝库,竟然被人‘用手’打开。 Is this is taunting him? 这是在嘲讽他吗? Snort! Let me have a look, you have what kind of strength, dares to bluster before me unexpectedly.” Chen Tianxing deeply inspires, immediately sleeve robe one volume, coerces vigorous true qi, dashes to go toward Xu Xiaosu. “哼!让我看看,你到底有何等实力,竟然敢在我面前口出狂言。”陈天星深深吸气,随即袖袍一卷,裹挟雄浑真气,朝徐小粟飞奔而去。 His speed quickly to pinnacle. 他速度快到极致。 Suddenly, then appears in front of Xu Xiaosu, under an overhead direction. 眨眼之间,便出现在徐小粟面前,当头一指点下。 This finger/refers of might is enormous, holds in the true qi in addition, brings the imposing sound air-splitting, has not approached, Xu Xiaosu mask then with a crash shatter, reveals small face that under the mask that monster different fox charm. 这一指威力极大,在真气的加持下,带着凛然的破空之音,尚未临近,徐小粟的面具便砰然破碎,露出面具下那张妖异狐媚的小脸。 The Xu Xiaosu corners of the mouth curl upwards, black hair dances in the air backward. 徐小粟嘴角微翘,一头青丝向后飞舞。 She looks at one finger/refers that Chen Tianxing is selecting, in the pupil appears a excitement, then the head goes to the one side slightly. 她望着陈天星点来的一指,眸中浮现一丝兴奋,然后脑袋微微向一旁偏去。 Hiss ~ “嘶~” Has the sound that the snake sticks out the tongue to resound. 有蛇吐信子的声音响起。 Chen Tianxing stares, immediately the pupil shrinks, was in the field of vision presented a small snake. 陈天星一愣,随即瞳孔一缩,却是视野中出现了一条小蛇。 That small snake presents the clear red, probably the rubases are common, are glittering the beautiful ray. 那小蛇呈现晶莹的红色,像是红水晶一般,闪烁着妖艳光芒。 Especially that eye, is more common just like the bright ruby, tall and pleasing to the eye, not human world all. 尤其是那双眼睛,更是宛如剔透的红宝石一般,美轮美奂,不似人间所有。 This is one as attractive as the pinnacle small snake. 这是一条漂亮到极致的小蛇。 However Chen Tianxing only thinks the whole body to be icy cold, heart secretly thought/passage is not wonderful. 然而陈天星只觉浑身冰凉,心头暗道一声不妙。 Bloodstone snake?” His eyelid jumps crazily. “血晶蛇?”他眼皮狂跳。 This bloodstone snake, is Martial God Sect first sovereign, pet that threatened to by person of martial Faxian. 这血晶蛇,乃是武神宗第一位宗主,那位扬言要以武伐仙之人的宠物。 In the middle of the hearsay, the bloodstone snake can control others within the body blood, even during being moved, can separate to empty others within the body blood absorption completely, is overbearing than Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art, is stranger! 传闻当中,血晶蛇能够控制他人体内血液,甚至动念之间,就能隔空将他人体内血液吸收殆尽,比夺天魔功更霸道,更诡异! The thought flashes through. 念头闪过。 He then wants to withdraw. 他便想要后撤。 But already without enough time. 但已经来不及了。 Sees only in the bloodstone snake eye the monster different red glow to flash, his whole body blood loses the control instantaneously, the whole person stops in same place, is hard to move again! 只见血晶蛇眼中妖异红芒一闪,他浑身血液瞬间失去控制,连带整个人都停在原地,再难以动弹! This blood suppressed feeling, making him quite uncomfortable. 这种血液被压制的感觉,令他极为难受。 But he actually does not dare the move slightest. 但他却不敢动弹分毫。 Because he knows, if he moves forcefully, was not the person is decided the body, but was the whole body blood pulls out leaves! 因为他知道,若他强行动弹,就不是人被定身了,而是全身血液被抽离! He has read the ancient book, understands the great strength and strangeness of bloodstone snake profoundly! 他看过典籍,深刻明白血晶蛇的强大和诡异! Past Martial God Sect was powerful, the day after tomorrow are innumerable, innate have several the position. Never expected that says goodbye today, is only left over your gangs of lowlifes unexpectedly. Even, sovereign, unexpectedly only then day after tomorrow initial strength.” “昔日武神宗何等强大,后天无数,先天都有数位。没想到今日再见,竟然只剩下你们这些臭鱼烂虾。甚至,一个宗主,竟然只有后天初期的实力。” Xu Xiaosu shakes the head, among the facial features completely disdains. 徐小粟摇头,眉眼间尽是不屑。 What sorcery are you?” “你这是什么妖法?” Lets loose us quickly sovereign!” “快放开我们宗主!” One crowd of Martial God Sect disciple courage want to crack, is actually saw that Chen Tianxing was trigged, in the color commands the common perilla, does not dare to go forward. 一群武神宗弟子肝胆欲裂,却是看出陈天星被制住,一个个色令内荏,不敢上前。 Dissolute! This is my Martial God Sect sovereign Sir, you hasn't seen sovereign?” “放肆!这是我武神宗宗主大人,尔等还不见过宗主?” Xu Xiaosu has not spoken, Chen Tianxing is takes the lead to open the mouth, he scolded one, immediately looked to Xu Xiaosu, respectful say/way: Subordinate has seen sovereign, but also please the sovereign Sir do not cross the villain, forgives the subordinate to have eyes but fail to see, offends the sovereign matter.” 徐小粟还没说话,陈天星已是率先开口,他呵斥一句,随即看向徐小粟,毕恭毕敬道:“属下见过宗主,还请宗主大人不记小人过,原谅属下有眼无珠,冒犯宗主之事。” Plans dozens years of arsenal to act swiftly to get there first. 谋划数十年的武库被人捷足先登。 The sovereign position was also seized. 宗主之位也被人夺了去。 Even...... is so submissive. 甚至……还这般低声下气。 His heart in drop blood, but to maintain a livelihood, it had to be. 他心头在滴血,但为了活命,也只能如此。 Other Martial God Sect martial artist saw with own eyes that Chen Tianxing admitted defeat, among looking at each other, rushes to submit to submissively: Pays a visit sovereign.” 其他武神宗武者眼见陈天星都服软了,对视之间,也赶忙拱手臣服:“拜见宗主。” Exempted.” “免了。” Xu Xiaosu puts out a hand to touch the head of bloodstone snake, then arrives at the cliff, looks to below mountain valley. 徐小粟伸手摸了摸血晶蛇的脑袋,然后走到悬崖边上,看向下方的山谷。 She looked at one, the eye narrowed the eyes, told: Got down, killed them.” 她看了一阵,眼睛微眯,吩咐道:“下去,杀了他们。” „?” “啊?” One crowd of Martial God Sect martial artist were shocked. 一群武神宗武者都愣住了。 After responding, they all looked hesitant, hesitated. 等反应过来后,他们全都面露犹豫,踌躇不前。 Below, but Baiyue Province elite, several masters, several thousand black feather health/guard. 下方的可是百越府的精锐,数位宗师,数千黑羽卫。 But they? 而他们呢? Dozens Bone Refinement, a grandmaster. 几十个炼骨,一个宗师。 Puts together, only dozens people, if, with bringing death no difference. 加在一起,也不过区区几十人,若冲下去,跟送死没什么区别。 Sovereign, our strength is insufficient.” Chen Tianxing's cautious saying. “宗主,我们实力不够啊。”陈天星小心翼翼的说道。 Really is one crowd of waste.” Among the Xu Xiaosu facial features reveals one is not quick, she touched the bloodstone snake. “真是一群废物。”徐小粟眉眼间露出一丝不快,她摸了摸血晶蛇。 Next flickers. 下一瞬。 The bloodstone snake opens mouth spits, dozens blood lines go air-splitting. 血晶蛇张嘴一吐,数十道血线破空而去。 Martial God Sect numerous martial artist has not responded, the forehead had been punctured by the blood line. 武神宗武者还未反应过来,眉心已是被血线刺破。 The next second, these martial artist eyes become scarlet, within the body blood wells up violently, muscle is the rapid ballooning. 下一秒,这些武者双眼变得猩红,体内血液激涌,身上的肌肉更是飞速鼓胀。 For several seconds, their vitality intensity then jump several times. 短短几秒,他们的气血强度便跃升数倍。 Vicious tendencies are astonishing, the vitality surges crazily, has endured compared with the grandmaster powerhouse! 一个个戾气惊人,气血疯狂涌动,已是堪比宗师强者! Goes, below these person of slaughters completely, do not leave behind.” Xu Xiaosu holds appreciatively the bloodstone snake, in the eye is reappearing the unequalled exciting color. “去吧,将下面这些人屠尽,一个都别留下。”徐小粟把玩着血晶蛇,眼中浮现无与伦比的兴奋之色。 She liked appreciating the death and slaughtering. 她喜欢欣赏死亡和杀戮。 Especially likes listening respectfully to others 's wailing and pitiful yell. 尤其喜欢聆听他人的哀嚎和惨叫。 These sounds, can make her joyful, making her joyful even/including soul tremble. 这些声音,能让她愉悦,让她愉悦的连灵魂都会战栗。 Yes!” “是!” Dozens martial artist were transformed by the bloodstone snake, as if mental was polluted continually, murderous aura full wild, in the heart is only left over to slaughter and destroy the desire. 数十个武者被血晶蛇改造,似乎连心智都被污染,一个个杀气盈野,心中只剩下杀戮和破坏欲望。 They complied with one, then jumps down from the cliff, in the ancient temple toward the valley flushes away. 他们应了一声,便从悬崖下一跃而下,朝谷中古庙冲去。 On cliff. 悬崖上。 Chen Tianxing is cold, looks to the Xu Xiaosu vision, thorough changed. 陈天星冷汗津津,望向徐小粟的目光,彻底的变了。 If before, he is also thinking empty with winding, waits for the opportunity, then flees directly, or the sneak attack gets rid of this Bone Refinement young girl. 如果说之前,他还想着虚与委蛇,等有机会,便直接逃离,或是偷袭干掉这炼骨少女。 But now, in his heart is only left over the awe. 但现在,他心中只剩下敬畏。 This method, is extremely really unthinkable, probably the method of immortal is ordinary. 这种手段,实在太过匪夷所思,像是仙人的手段一般。 He can feel. 他能感觉的到。 After being injected the bloodstone snake blood line, these originally only then the disciple of Bone Refinement boundary, the strength rises suddenly instantaneously, is not unexpectedly weaker than him! 在被注入血晶蛇血线后,那些原本只有炼骨境的弟子,实力瞬间暴涨,竟然不比他弱! He stands in Xu Xiaosu behind, looked into below mountain valley, in the heart said silently the sentence was sorry. 他站在徐小粟身后,眺望下方的山谷,心中默默道了句抱歉。 He is not willing to offend Qu Jiuyou. 他不愿得罪曲九幽 Has not thought must get rid of Qu Jiuyou. 更没想过要干掉曲九幽 Because two people are not the first cooperation, but cooperation has been very happy. 因为两人不是第一次合作,而合作的一直都很愉快。 But...... at this moment, he is also involuntary, has no alternative. 但……事到如今,他也是身不由己,更是无可奈何。 Xu Xiaosu looks that tended to the tranquil ancient temple to be again chaotic, resounds the pitiful yell and wailing, roused applause, showed the joyful facial expression. 徐小粟看着原本趋于平静的古庙再度混乱,响起惨叫和哀嚎,不由鼓了鼓掌,露出愉悦神情。 But quick. 但很快。 She turned the body anxiously. 她又不安的扭了扭身子。 She wrinkled the nose. 她皱了皱鼻子。 The body of this woman, but also is not really easy-to-use. 这女人的身体,还真是不好用呢。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Luo Yan leaps forward in the mountain forest rapidly, seeks for Martial God Sect martial artist that the front runs away. 罗阎在山林中飞速跃进,寻找前方逃窜的武神宗武者 One slaughters, he has killed 33 Martial God Sect martial artist. 一番杀戮,他已经杀死三十三个武神宗武者 Is only left over, final ten! 只剩下,最后十个! Final ten!” “还有最后十个!” In his heart meditated, cannot bear lick the lip. 他心中默念,忍不住舔了舔嘴唇。 For several minutes, he is then easily accomplished, suck dry dozens Bone Refinement martial artist essence and blood. 短短几分钟,他便摧枯拉朽,吸干了数十个炼骨武者的精血。 At this moment, his courage vigor surges upward, even felt that faint trace true qi is born among the flesh. 此刻,他血气高涨,甚至感到一丝丝真气自血肉间诞生。 That is the flesh as powerful as the performance of pinnacle! 那是血肉强盛到极致的表现! In Luo Yan heart joyful, but, is somewhat vigilant. 罗阎心中愉悦,但同时,又有些警惕。 Because he felt that improper, with his suck dry dozens people of essence and blood, he felt oneself slaughters the desire to surge upward, body in excited, is trembling, even is separated from the control gradually. 因为他感觉到了不妥,随着他一口气吸干数十人的精血,他感觉自己杀戮欲望高涨,身体在兴奋,在战栗,甚至在渐渐脱离掌控。 He knows. 他知道。 Cannot continue to attract. 不能在继续吸下去了。 He must stop, calm some time. 他必须停下来,冷静一段时间。 ! 唰! He accelerates suddenly. 他陡然加速。 Soon, crosses the number hundred zhang (333 m). 不多时,就越过数百丈。 The body that but at this time, he led the way rapidly stagnated suddenly, the whole person stopped with a strange stance under a big tree. 但这时候,他急速前行的身体猛然一滞,整个人以一种诡异的姿态停在了一个大树下。 Immediately. 随即。 Looks up to the crown. 抬头看向树冠。 On the crown, Martial God Sect martial artist shrinks in the branches and leaves, looks Luo Yan that stops suddenly, the heart shrinks suddenly, several want to be choked to death. 树冠上,一个武神宗武者缩在枝叶间,看着陡然停下来的罗阎,心脏骤然一缩,几欲窒息而死。 He discovered me.” “他发现我了。” His look was panic-stricken, turns very quiet, in the heart still had luckily. 他眼神惊恐,屏住呼吸,心中仍存有侥幸。 Does not try our luck is not good, because he knows, even if he jumps to run, not possible to flee from the Luo Yan hand. 不心存侥幸也不行,因为他知道,就算他跳出来跑,也不可能从罗阎手中逃离。 Luo Yan raised the head, looks at the pupil of that pair of tremor, the corners of the mouth goes up slightly, then under the foot, the whole person then lifts off straightly, on that person toward the tree explodes shoots to go. 罗阎抬头,看着那双颤动的眸子,嘴角微微上翘,然后足下一点,整个人便直线升空,朝树上那人爆射而去。 „... Do not kill me! The big brother asked......” that person of startled sound to beg for mercy. “不…不要杀我!大哥求……”那人惊声求饶。 However the words only told only half, he then felt the head seems like the crumb is been common, the pain to being hard to breathe. 然而话只说到一半,他便感觉脑袋像是被人捏碎一般,痛到难以呼吸。 Luo Yan is pinching his head, in the eye the scarlet ray twinkle. 罗阎捏着他的脑袋,眼中猩红光芒闪烁。 He constrains the desire in heart strongly. 他竭力压抑心中的欲望。 But finally, could not bear, used Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art again. 但最终,还是没忍住,再次使用了夺天魔功 He narrowed the eye satisfied, on the skin appeared blood light. 他惬意的眯了眯眼睛,皮肤上浮现一道道血光。 Soon, the corpse in hand then became the dry corpse, was thrown by him on the ground conveniently. 不多时,手中的尸体便成了干尸,被他随手扔在地上。 He maintains the posture, enjoys this joyfulness. 他保持姿势,享受这种愉悦。 Has crossed for more than ten seconds, this sense of joy removes gradually, the eye that narrows opens again. 一直过了十几秒,这种愉悦感才渐渐褪去,微眯的眼睛再度睁开。 But at this moment. 而此刻。 His complexion has changed. 他脸色已是大变。 Cannot continue again, otherwise, I must turn into the monster is not possible.” The Luo Yan heart startles greatly. “不能再继续下去了,要不然,我非得变成怪物不可。”罗阎心头大骇。 He felt that oneself head is beating rapidly, as if must explode general. 他感觉自己的脑袋在急速跳动,仿佛要爆炸一般。 And has the sound to resound unceasingly, urged that he slaughters, blood sucking. 其中更是有声音在不断响起,催促他去杀戮,去吸血。 Obviously. 显然。 He came under the enormous impact. 他受到了极大的影响。 He closes the eye, deeply inspires, represses the impulsion that continues to slaughter, this opens the eye, reveals the incomparably dignified look. 他闭上眼睛,深吸一口气,按捺住继续杀戮的冲动,这才睁开眼睛,露出无比凝重的眼神。
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