ICSBAP :: Volume #2

#157: Slaughter

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Next day. 翌日。 The team after Taoyuan Village recuperation one night, starts to march forward to the east mountain forest. 队伍在桃源村休整一夜后,开始向东边的山林行进。 After a half hour, the people arrive in the destination, a spacious small hillside, the surroundings and does not have any cover up. 半个小时后,众人抵达目的地,一个空旷的小山坡,周围并没有什么遮掩。 The small hillside topography is high, and all around is spacious. 小山坡地势较高,且四周空旷。 Several thousand black feather health/guard are stationed again, holds the strong bow arbalest, even if Master, is hard to approach. 数千黑羽卫驻扎再次,持强弓劲弩,纵然宗师,也难以靠近。 After reaching the destination, the black feather health/guard remains same place. 到达目的地后,黑羽卫留在原地。 But reckless Meiniang, Gu Xuan, dragon, Shen Biluo adds on Luo Yan again, then leads to search to go to all around. 而胡媚娘、顾轩、龙和、沈碧落再加上一个罗阎,则带队向四周搜索而去。 In some direction mountain forest. 某方向的山林中。 A team is leading the way, falls to the ground silent. 一支队伍正在前行,落地无声。 Luo Yan walks in the strongest side. 罗阎走在最强方。 Yuan Lang follows. 袁朗紧随其后。 But also rear, black feather health/guard with several black armor. 最后面,还跟着几个一身黑甲的黑羽卫。 Yesterday afternoon, Sir bent/tune has sent out many scouts to enter this place, but under these Martial God Sect odd/surplus evil attacks, scout casualty most, therefore had not found the Martial God Sect exact location.” “昨天下午,曲大人已经派出不少探子进入此地,但在那些武神宗余孽的袭击下,探子死伤大半,所以没有找到武神宗的具体位置。” Yuan Lang walks side Luo Yan, at the same time walks, a small sound said: Through the investigation, we has almost locked their hiding place.” 袁朗走在罗阎身边,一边走,一遍小声道:“通过排查,我们几乎已经锁定了他们的藏身之地。” The Luo Yan nod said: That is good.” 罗阎点头道:“那就好。” He looked at the eye with no trace behind six people. 他不着痕迹的看了眼身后六人。 Six black feather health/guard, all are in the middle period of Bone Refinement elite, they grasp the fine blade, shoulders the bow crossbow, is looking at all around vigilantly. 六个黑羽卫,全都是炼骨中期的精锐,他们手持精刀,背负弓弩,正警惕的看着四周。 Yuan Lang.” Luo Yan opens the mouth suddenly. 袁朗。”罗阎冷不丁开口。 What matter, Sir?” Yuan Lang looks to Luo Yan, the sound is respectful. “什么事,大人?”袁朗看向罗阎,声音恭敬。 Sir bent/tune is to make you monitor me, makes you kill me?” Luo Yan shot a look at eye several people, said lightly. “曲大人是让你监视我,还是让你杀我?”罗阎瞥了眼几人,淡淡说道。 hears sound. 闻声。 Six black feather health/guard facial expressions all change. 六个黑羽卫神情皆是微变。 Matter that original everyone is well aware, tacit pretends that does not know was good, Luo Yan brings to light the matter now suddenly, instead hit their one to be caught off guard, suddenly does not know how should respond. 本来一件大家都心知肚明的事情,默契的假装不知道就行了,罗阎如今忽然将事情挑明,反而打了他们一个措手不及,一时间都不知该如何回应。 Young Master Yan what this word?” Yuan Lang has gotten back one's composure immediately, some expression non- natures. “阎公子何出此言?”袁朗马上回过神,表情有些不自然。 You are the trusted subordinate of Sir bent/tune, unclear brewer's yeast Sir to my attitude?” Luo Yan light say/way. “你是曲大人的亲信,难道还不明白曲大人对我的态度?”罗阎淡淡道。 Young Master Yan is feared that Sir bent/tune does begin to you?” “阎公子是怕曲大人对你动手?” The Yuan Lang corners of the mouth curl upwards, are saying with a smile: Actually Young Master Yan is not necessary to be worried. Sir bent/tune mansion protectorate, is powerful, where like that will be narrow-minded.” 袁朗嘴角一翘,笑着道:“其实阎公子大可不必担心。曲大人一府镇守,何等位高权重,哪会那般小心眼。” Right? You really feel like this?” Luo Yan turns head, looks to Yuan Lang, the look somewhat ridicules. “是吗?你真的是这样觉得的吗?”罗阎回头,看向袁朗,眼神有些揶揄。 Brother Yuan said right, Sir bent/tune is not such person.” “袁大哥说得对,曲大人不是那样的人。” Young Master Yan your youth talent so, Sir bent/tune likes also without enough time, how possibly thinking harms you?” “阎公子您这般的青年才俊,曲大人喜欢都还来不及,怎可能想着害你?” Several other black feather health/guard have also gotten back one's composure, laughs, wants to adjust the atmosphere. 其他几个黑羽卫也回过神,一个个哈哈大笑,想要调整气氛。 Luo Yan is listening to several people of laughter that disguises the safe/without matter, shakes the head saying: You follow I, did not fear oneself become the abandoned child, goes to with me?” 罗阎听着几人假装无事的笑声,摇了摇头道:“你们跟着我,就不怕自己成为弃子,和我一起赴死?” Such remarks, the big laughter stops suddenly. 此言一出,大笑声戛然而止。 Several black feather health/guard all are the heart tremble, listening to the mountain forest the branches and leaves to drag the sound, suddenly has the ominous feeling of scalp tingles. 几个黑羽卫皆是心头一颤,听着山林中唰唰的枝叶摇曳声音,忽然有种头皮发麻的不祥之感。 Yuan Lang is also the corner of the eye pulls out, the heart emerges a chill in the air inexplicably. 袁朗也是眼角一抽,心头莫名涌现一股寒意。 Before the journey, Qu Jiuyou has confessed him, making him look at Luo Yan. 在出行之前,曲九幽就交代过他,让他看着罗阎 At that time, he has not thought. 当时,他也没多想。 Only thought that Qu Jiuyou is to make him monitor Luo Yan. 只觉得曲九幽是让他监视罗阎 However hears Luo Yan these words, in his heart actually appears a terrible idea. 然而听到罗阎这句话,他心中却浮现出一个可怕想法。 It is well known. 众人皆知。 He is the Qu Jiuyou trusted subordinate. 他是曲九幽的亲信。 If dead Luo Yan, below will definitely spread the baseless rumor, said that was Qu Jiuyou plotted to murder Luo Yan intentionally. 若死罗阎一个,下面肯定会传出风言风语,说是曲九幽故意谋害了罗阎 But if his trusted subordinate and Luo Yan were killed together...... 但若他这个亲信和罗阎一起被人袭杀…… Young Master Yan chatted, even if Sir bent/tune wants to remove you, will not begin at this time.” The Yuan Lang sinking sound said. “阎公子说笑了,曲大人就算想要除掉你,也不会在这时候动手。”袁朗沉声说道。 He does not believe that Qu Jiuyou will regard the abandoned child him. 他还是不信,曲九幽会将他当成弃子。 As you like.” “随你。” The Luo Yan sound is indifferent. 罗阎声音淡然。 Said, has then turned the head , to continue walks toward the front. 道了一句,便转过头,继续向前方走去。 Yuan Lang and five black feather health/guard stands in the rear area, among looking at each other, the facial expression somewhat are all cloudy. 袁朗和五个黑羽卫站在后方,对视之间,神情皆有些阴沉。 But after the innermost feelings struggle one, was the choice with. 但内心挣扎一番后,还是选择跟了上去。 Brother Yuan, can the Sir when really regards the abandoned child us, lets us and Young Master Yan goes to together?” Has the black feather health/guard to ask Yuan Lang low voice. “袁大哥,大人会不会真当把我们当成弃子,让我们和阎公子一起赴死?”有黑羽卫小声问袁朗 Do not think blindly, the Sir is impossible to do that.” Yuan Lang cold sound scolded. “别瞎想,大人不可能这么做的。”袁朗冷声呵斥。 But......” another black feather health/guard starts to speak but hesitates, in the heart always thought that this duty is strange. “可是……”另一个黑羽卫欲言又止,心中总觉得这次任务怪怪的。 Why the teams leader of other teams are the masters, are they actually Bone Refinement Luo Yan? 为什么其他队伍的队长都是宗师,他们却是炼骨罗阎 Isn't this difference treats? 这不就是区别对待吗? It‘s nothing, but, that is an Sir, is our Baiyue Province protectorate.” Yuan Lang raised the head slightly, looked that trembles to the front eye pupil lightly, the sound is unquestionable. “没什么可是,那可是大人,是咱们百越府镇守。”袁朗微微抬头,看向前方的眼眸轻颤,声音却不容置疑。 That is their Sirs. 那可是他们的大人。 Loves the people such as the child Sir. 爱民如子的大人。 Such Sir, how also to send to bring death his soldier? 那样的大人,又怎会将他的士兵派去送死? He looks out the deep blue sky, in the pupil the rippling ray, that is his for three years the light of faith follows Qu Jiuyou to condense. 他遥望蔚蓝天空,眸子中荡漾光芒,那是他三年来跟着曲九幽所凝聚出的信念之光。 Three years follow, he believes the Qu Jiuyou manner, believes own judgment! 三年跟随,他相信曲九幽的为人,也相信自己的判断! ! 唰! But a round of crossbow bolt air-splitting, passes through its forehead instantaneously, carries off wipes the scarlet blood splash. 一发弩箭破空而至,瞬间贯穿其眉心,带走一抹猩红的血花。 Under the crossbow bolt huge impulse, his body cannot help but flies backward, flew upside down the zhang (3.33 m), fell down layer on layer/heavily, the body shakes several to shake. 弩箭巨大的冲击力下,他的身体不由自主向后飞去,倒飞了丈许,才重重倒在地上,身子震了几震。 He assumes large character face upwards lying down on the ground. 他呈大字仰躺在地上。 The forehead is inserting the arrow arrow, the scarlet blood flows out slowly, making his face especially fierce. 眉心插着箭矢,猩红的血液缓缓流出,使得他一张面庞格外狰狞。 Why?!” “为什么?!” The Yuan Lang eye pupil shivers fiercely, among the facial expressions completely does not dare to believe the color. 袁朗眼眸剧烈颤动,神情间尽是不敢置信之色。 He looks that the deep blue sky gradually turns into the blood-color, in the heart has the big grief and indignation, in great surprise anger. 他看着蔚蓝的天空逐渐变成血色,心中生出大悲愤,大惊怒。 Qu Jiuyou!” 曲九幽!” His throat agitation, the both eyes circle opens the eyes, silent angrily roars. 他喉咙鼓动,双目圆睁,无声怒吼。 Immediately, the appearance in eye is gradually gloomy, head one crooked, then did not have the aura thoroughly. 随即,眼中的神采渐渐暗淡,脑袋一歪,便彻底没了气息。 Enemy raids!” “敌袭!” Careful crossbow bolt!” “小心弩箭!” Died in Yuan Lang flickers. 袁朗死去一瞬。 The remaining five black feather health/guard also complexion great changes, the high fame and profit drinks. 剩下的五个黑羽卫也都脸色巨变,高声利喝。 However the voice falls, rounds of crossbow bolts then from all directions lasing. 然而话音落下,一发发弩箭便从四面八方激射而来。 They also struggle without enough time, was shot the screen by the crossbow bolt, goes backward but actually. 他们还来不及挣扎,便被弩箭射成了筛子,一个个向后倒去。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Hillside camp. 山坡营地。 Has the black feather health/guard to hear the sound, arrives at side Qu Jiuyou, small sound said: Sir, that side has the sound probably.” 有黑羽卫听到响动,来到曲九幽身边,小声道:“大人,那边好像有动静。” He finishes speaking. 他话音刚落。 Then the black feather health/guard catches up in a hurry, the facial expression urgently said: Sir, the Gu Xuan senior discovered ancient temple ruins in the mountain forest. That ancient temple is giant, the surroundings have the monk to act as the informer, seems like Martial God Sect and Hardship Zen Temple odd/surplus evil hiding place!” 便又有一个黑羽卫匆匆赶来,神情急切道:“大人,顾轩前辈在山林中发现了一处古庙遗址。那古庙巨大,周围还有和尚充当眼线,似乎是武神宗苦禅寺余孽的藏身之地!” Good!” “好!” The Qu Jiuyou great happiness, said immediately: Calls the people, along with my depart, I must catch the whole lot in a dragnet that group of odd/surplus evil.” 曲九幽大喜,随即道:“召集众人,随我出发,我要将那群余孽一网打尽。” Said. 说罢。 He turns around to walk toward the team front, only leaves behind the first black feather health/guard, standing there, some facial expression delay. 他转身向队伍前方走去,只留下第一个黑羽卫,愣愣的站在那儿,神情有些呆滞。 ...... …… In mountain forest. 山林中。 The Luo Yan complexion is dignified. 罗阎脸色凝重。 Qu Jiuyou person or Martial God Sect person?” 曲九幽的人还是武神宗的人?” This in all directions, has martial artist, the quantity only fears dozens. 这四面八方,都有武者,数量只怕有数十之多。 Obviously, they entered the encirclement ring. 显然,他们走进了包围圈。 This is one specifically aims at their bending down to kill! 这是一场专门针对他们的伏杀! When the first round of crossbow bolt shoots, he has then induced, vision rapid passing over gently and swiftly all around, recognized a direction immediately, under the foot, then suddenly/violently to launch. 在第一发弩箭射过来时,他便有所感应,目光飞速掠过四周,随即认准一个方向,足下一点,便暴射而出。 ! 唰唰唰唰唰! Crossbow bolts after comes, to coerce the giant fresh breeze. 一根根弩箭从后而来,裹挟着巨大劲风。 Luo Yan organizes to dodge unceasingly, the crossbow bolt surpasses hundred numbers, does not have one to shoot on him! 罗阎不断腾挪闪避,身后弩箭超过百数,却无一根能射在他身上! His five feelings are powerful. 他的五感强大。 Under the powerful sense of hearing, he only need hear the sound that the crossbow bolt came from out of the blue, can distinguish the direction of crossbow bolt. 强大的听觉下,他只需听到弩箭破空而来的声音,就能分辨出弩箭的方向。 In addition his strong controlling force to the body, can make him make various stunners, therefore the crossbow bolt angle is even if cunning behind, he can also easily evade. 再加上他对身体的强大控制力,可以让他做出各种高难度动作,故而哪怕身后弩箭角度刁钻,他也能轻易躲过。 But this. 而这。 Is the spiritual powerful advantage. 就是精神强大的好处。 Front. 前方。 Two Martial God Sect martial artist stand shoulder to shoulder, looks that runs away Luo Yan that comes, the facial expression somewhat ponders. 两个武神宗武者并肩站在一起,看着逃窜而来的罗阎,神情都有些玩味。 That is sovereign confessed Luo Yan that we must remove? He came toward us.” Purple sends the youth opens the mouth. “那就是宗主交代我们要除掉的罗阎?他朝我们来了。”一个紫发青年开口。 His figure is big, is being red the both arms, reveals that fierce muscle, impressively is Bone Refinement later the expert! 他身形高大,赤着双臂,露出那狰狞的肌肉,赫然是一位炼骨后期高手! Is he, on, solves him.” Another youth faint opens the mouth. “就是他,上吧,解决他。”另一个青年淡漠开口。 He has bronze flesh, is red the upper part, the figure is being quite thin. 他拥有一身古铜色肌肤,赤着上半身,身形较为精瘦。 But surprisingly. 但令人惊异的是。 His shoulder blade place, unexpectedly a pair of arm. 他的肩胛骨处,竟然还有一双手臂。 That pair of arm muscle ballooning, the five fingers are thick, compared with common arm thick one time, is flooding the unusual aesthetic sense fiercely. 那双手臂肌肉鼓胀,五指粗大,比一般手臂粗大一倍,狰狞又充斥着异样美感。 The voice falls. 话音落下。 He then flushes away toward Luo Yan. 他便朝罗阎冲去。 The both arms rise slightly, the muscle tightens, the blue vein such as the dragon dragon sways from side to side, the huge strength condenses on that thick five fingers, makes zheng zheng the sound of crack emptying. 身后的双臂微微上扬,肌肉绷紧,青筋如虬龙般扭动,巨大的劲力在那粗大五指上凝聚,发出铮铮裂空之音。 Careful, sovereign said that his strength is extremely strong, the masters may fight.” “小心点,宗主可是说了,他实力极强,宗师都可一战。” Purple sends the youth to open the mouth to remind. 紫发青年开口提醒。 However the expression ponders, in the sound also fills to disdain. 然而表情玩味,音中也充满不屑。 He for military god ten. 他为武神十子。 Most powerful ten Bone Refinement disciples who Martial God Sect selects. 武神宗选拔出的最为强大的十个炼骨门徒。 Ten child one as the military god, he and four arm youth all have the arrogance. 身为武神十子之一,他和四臂青年皆有傲气。 With is Bone Refinement, how can they possibly think weakly in Luo Yan? 同为炼骨,他们怎可可能自认为弱于罗阎 Purple sent the youth saying that similarly flushed away toward Luo Yan. 紫发青年说完,同样朝罗阎冲去。 The people in the midair, on him then appear strange purple veins. 人在半空,他身上便浮现出一条条诡异的紫色脉络。 As purple veins appear, his vitality strength steep time rises suddenly, almost achieves beforehand one time. 随着一条条紫色脉络浮现,他的气血力量陡时间暴涨,几乎达到之前的一倍。 Immediately. 随即。 Accelerates again, flushed just like the shell. 再度加速,宛如炮弹般冲了出去。 Death!” “死!” Purple sends the youth to angrily roar. 紫发青年怒吼。 He jumps high, latter sends unexpectedly first, appears compared with four arm youth in front of Luo Yan quickly, takes a palm of the hand to pat dead Luo Yan. 他高高跃起,竟然后发先至,比四臂青年更快的出现在罗阎面前,要一巴掌拍死罗阎 Is it possible that these do martial arts... come from that martial arts day chapter?” “这些武学…莫非都来自那武道天章?” The Luo Yan eye pupil flashes. 罗阎眼眸闪动。 Immediately wants not to think, directly uses Māra games body. 随即想也不想,直接使用摩罗体。 ! 唰! Only listens to the difficult situation sound to get up, his whole body vitality surges rapidly, the double pupil becomes scarlet, on muscle trembling ballooning. 只听惊涛骇浪声响起,他浑身气血急速涌动,双眸变得猩红,一块块就肌肉震颤鼓胀。 Short flickers, his build then inflates rapidly. 短短一瞬,他的体型便急速膨胀。 Immediately, a palm and that purple sends the youth to collide together. 随即,一掌和那紫发青年碰撞在一起。 Bang! 砰! The air wave surges. 气浪涌动。 The Luo Yan black hair chaotic dance, a clothing flap flap makes noise. 罗阎黑发乱舞,一身衣衫猎猎作响。 But purple sends the youth when seeing Luo Yan changes the body is the complexion big change, without he thinks, then hears sound of the bone split, if immediately were hit hard, such as the rags fly upside down to go backward. 而紫发青年在看到罗阎变身时已是脸色大变,没等他多想,便听到一阵骨裂之音,随即如遭重击,如破布般向后倒飞而去。 !” “噗!” Blood spout. 鲜血喷涌。 The people in the midair, his purple vein then abate fast, the aura of whole person became the dispirited. 人在半空,他身上的紫色脉络便快速消退,连带整个人的气息都变得萎靡了起来。 Be careful, is my Martial God Sect to high giving up study Māra games body!” “小心,是我武神宗的至高绝学摩罗体!” Purple sends the youth to throw down on the ground, the eye pupil trembles, does not dare to believe. 紫发青年摔倒在地上,眼眸震颤,不敢置信。 This Māra games body, but his Martial God Sect to gives up study high, how possibly at present this person of grasping? 摩罗体,可是他武神宗的至高绝学,怎可能被眼前这人掌握? Makes him panic-stricken. 更让他惊恐的。 His blood ghost jade bone, the quality is outstanding. 他一身血煞玉骨,品质卓绝。 Does not think one move to bumping, an arm was abandoned unexpectedly directly, the bone does not know that succeeded in giving up several sections! 不想一招对碰,竟然一条手臂直接被废,骨头不知断成了几截! He is the blood ghost jade bone! 他可是血煞玉骨啊! Māra games body?” Four arm youth complexions change. 摩罗体?”四臂青年脸色微变。 Has not actually flinched. 却也没有退缩。 But is the complexion is ruthless, the direct four arms are uneven! 而是脸色狠辣,直接四臂齐出! Bang! 轰! Air fulmination. 空气爆鸣。 His four arms, two arms are the palms, two arms are the fists, put forth four martial arts unexpectedly simultaneously! 他的四只手臂,两臂为掌,两臂为拳,竟同时使出了四门武学 Four strengths also make. 四道劲力同时打出。 As if can rumble to break to pieces all. 似乎能轰碎一切。 However...... 然而…… At present two fist two palms must fall on Luo Yan. 眼前两拳两掌要落在罗阎身上。 Four arm youth only think at present when a flower, has gotten back one's composure again, before the body, has not seen the Luo Yan trace. 四臂青年只觉眼前一花,再回过神时,身前已是不见罗阎踪影。 His pupil shrinks suddenly, with amazement turn head. 他瞳孔骤缩,骇然回头。 Sees only a Luo Yan several tenths remnant shadow, suddenly, then appears before purple sends the youth body, is very at once ruthless a spicy palm to press down. 只见罗阎几成残影,眨眼之间,便出现在紫发青年身前,旋即无比狠辣的一掌按下。 „!” “啊!” The sad and shrill pitiful yell resounds. 凄厉惨叫响起。 Under the testimonies of dozens Martial God Sect disciples, as the military god ten child one purple sends the youth, the flesh rapid atrophy is withered. 在数十个武神宗门徒的见证下,身为武神十子之一的紫发青年,血肉迅速萎缩干瘪。 In a flash, then becomes a dry corpse. 弹指之间,便成为了一具干尸。 Sees this, surroundings all Martial God Sect disciples inspire, only thinks such as the falling ice cave, cold air from tailbone direct impact crown of the head. 见到这一幕,周围所有武神宗门徒都倒吸了一口气,只觉如坠冰窟,一股凉气从尾椎骨直冲天灵盖。 They attract the person essence and blood by Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art, the achievement oneself body. 他们以夺天魔功吸人精血,成就己身。 But now, others actually cope with them in the similar merit law. 而现在,别人却以同样的功法对付他们。 Looks to become dry corpse purple sends the youth, their sympathize, is panic-stricken simultaneously extremely! 看着成为干尸的紫发青年,他们感同身受,同时惊恐万分! „Who Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art...... are you?” 夺天魔功……你到底是什么人?” Some people benefit to drink, looks that the distant place holds purple sends Luo Yan of youth, does not dare to go forward. 有人利喝,看着远处抓住紫发青年的罗阎,竟不敢上前。 „Who am I?” “我是什么人?” Luo Yan reviews, the evil charm smiles: Naturally kills your people.” 罗阎回眸,邪魅一笑:“当然是杀你们的人。” Finishing barely the words. 话音未落。 Purple sends the body of youth then to be shaken the fragment by him, but his ejection, is ordinary like the remnant shadow, charges into four arm youth. 紫发青年的尸体便被他抖成碎片,而他则弹射而出,如同残影一般,冲向四臂青年。 Sees Luo Yan that towards oneself to/clashes, four arm youth ghosts all brave. 见到朝自己冲来的罗阎,四臂青年亡魂皆冒。 Four arm ballooning, the racket to Luo Yan, loudly shouted simultaneously: Comes at once to help me!” 四臂鼓胀,拍向罗阎,同时大喝道:“速来助我!” ! 唰! Four arm youth behind, other martial artist also responded, all flushed. 四臂青年身后,其他武者也反应过来,全都冲了过来。 But at this time, before Luo Yan has arrived at four arm youth bodies . 而此时,罗阎已经到达四臂青年身前。 He looks at four arms that leisure towards oneself is patting, in the eye appears to laugh, the body turns, then hid, immediately a fist rapid like lightning, latter sends first, instantaneous bang on the chests of four arm youth. 他望着慢悠悠朝自己拍来的四根手臂,眼中浮现嗤笑,身子一扭,便躲了过去,随即一拳迅如闪电,后发先至,瞬间轰在四臂青年的胸膛上。 !” “噗!” Under the terrifying strength, four arm youth eyes suddenly/violently Tu, the chest were pierced directly, even presented the blood jade luster spine to expose, was fierce and ugly. 恐怖的力量下,四臂青年双眼暴突,胸膛被直接洞穿,甚至一根呈现血玉色泽的脊椎骨都暴露了出来,狰狞而丑陋。 Four arm youth hang on the arm of Luo Yan, is brought by Luo Yan, the eye pupil shivers fiercely. 四臂青年挂在罗阎的手臂上,被罗阎带着,眼眸剧烈颤动。 Has not waited for him to have what response. 还不等他有何反应。 A palm presses suddenly on his head. 一只手掌猛然按在他的脑袋上。 „......” Four arm youth eyes hyperemia, do not clench teeth to brandish four arms, the hammer to Luo Yan. “不……”四臂青年眼睛充血,咬牙抡起四臂,锤向罗阎 However in chest pierced situation, he is unable to agitate many inner vigor. 然而胸膛被洞穿的情况下,他根本无法鼓动多少内劲 Four arms brandish on Luo Yan, probably hits the hard rock to be the same, has not caused the least bit to injure to Luo Yan, a absurder theory prevented a outflow of real blood. 四臂抡到罗阎身上,像是击中坚硬的磐石一般,没对罗阎造成半点伤害,更妄论阻止一身真血的流失了。 Short flickers, he then became a dry corpse, did not have the least bit sound again. 短短一瞬,他便成了一具干尸,再无了半点声息。 The Luo Yan arm shakes, shakes the fragment the dry corpse, immediately turn head, vision dense looks to behind one crowd of martial artist. 罗阎手臂一抖,将干尸抖成碎片,随即回头,目光森然的看向身后一群武者 He stands there, the look ridicules. 他站在那儿,眼神揶揄。 But one crowd of martial artist had stopped, entire gods alert, are critical situation. 而一群武者已经停了下来,一个个全神戒备,如临大敌。 What to do?” “怎么办?” In the crowd, there is Bone Refinement later the martial artist opens the mouth. 人群中,有炼骨后期武者开口。 He similarly is the military god ten child one, but saw that purple sent the youth and four arm youth died, in the heart has only remained the fear, did not have the least bit to fight intent again. 他同样是武神十子之一,但看到紫发青年和四臂青年先后死去,心中已只剩恐惧,再无半点战意。 „.” Another person Bone Refinement later martial artist opens the mouth. “等。”另一个人炼骨后期武者开口。 This time kills this person, Martial God Sect altogether sends out four military gods ten, supplements with dozens Bone Refinement elite. 这次袭杀此人,武神宗一共派出四个武神十子,辅以数十炼骨精锐。 They think, this is killing a chicken with an ox cleaver. 他们本以为,这是杀鸡用牛刀。 This person is unexpectedly terrifying in this way, the advantage in population, is useless to this person! 没想到,此人竟然恐怖如斯,人数上的优势,对此人根本没用! Now cannot draw back. 现在不能退。 Once draws back, is one escapes to kill greatly, their being doomed casualty is serious. 一旦退,就是一场大逃杀,他们注定死伤惨重。 They can only wait, in the imposing manner at population, crushes this person, making this person have to dread, then retreats on own initiative. 他们只能等,以人数上的气势,压倒此人,让此人心存忌惮,然后主动退去。 Don't be upset, our people are many, so long as unites a point, he does not dare to come.” Some people open the mouth, stable morale of troops. “不要慌,我们人多,只要团结一点,他不敢过来的。”有人开口,稳定军心。 But he finishes speaking. 可他话音刚落。 Then sees the innumerable throwing knife lasings. 便看到无数飞刀激射而来。 That throwing knife brings the bone-chilling cold sound baseless, is only a blink, then appears before the people. 那飞刀带着凛冽的凭空之音,仅是一眨眼,便出现在众人面前。 Afterward. 随后。 Is the throwing knife pierces the flesh sound. The blood splash four shoot, along with sad and shrill pitiful yells, more than ten Bone Refinement martial artist caused heavy losses instantaneously, loses the resistance ability. 是飞刀洞穿血肉的唰唰声。血花四射,伴随着一声声凄厉的惨叫,十余个炼骨武者瞬间被重创,已是失去反抗能力。 Runs!” “跑!” Some people call out, turn around then to run. 有人暴喝,转身便跑。 But at this time, Luo Yan has crashed in the crowd. 而此时,罗阎已经冲进了人群。 These experience him to use the person who Martial God Sect gives up study, must die! 这些见识他使用武神宗绝学的人,都得死! His look is demented, the potential must this crowd of person complete slaughters completely! 他眼神癫狂,势要将这群人全部屠尽! „!” “啊!” Does not want!” “不要!” Forgives!” “饶命!” Wails, the pitiful yell, the begging for mercy sound continuously, the woods change into the human world scene of carnage, Martial God Sect martial artist drop down unceasingly, then changes into facial expression frightened dry corpses. 哀嚎,惨叫,求饶声此起彼伏,树林化为人间修罗场,武神宗武者不断倒下,然后化为一具具神情恐惧的干尸。
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