„Goodwith a wish to incriminate, to have no lack of a pretext.”
“好一句欲加之罪,何患无辞。”„Youcould rest assured that beforefindingevidence, Ihave not governed the plan of yourcrime.”
“不过你放心,在找到证据之前,我没有治你罪的打算。”Qu Jiuyoudeeplylooked atLuo Yan, thentakes back the vision , to continue stand forth.曲九幽深深看了眼罗阎,便收回目光,继续向前走去。Heafter all is Baiyue Provinceprotectorate.
The statusis honored, the positionis special.
身份尊贵,地位特殊。Does anything, mustrest on principle.
做任何事,都必须讲原则。At least, is working asseveral hundredblack featherhealth/guardandShen Biluoand the others the surface, needsso.
至少,当着数百黑羽卫和沈碧落等人的面的时候,需要如此。Hiseyegroundflashes throughtogether the cold light, immediatelyhighsound said: „Picks up the speed!”
“是!”black featherhealth/guardresponsewith one voice.
The smallinterludepasses.
The Luo Yanfacial expressionis tranquil, probably the safe/without matter happened.罗阎神情平静,像是无事发生。Butin the heart, slightlysomewhatis heavy.
但心中,却微微有些沉重。Hefelt the surroundingsblack featherhealth/guard the visionchanged, has the suspicion, bringsalienation.
他感受到周围黑羽卫的目光变了,带着怀疑,带着疏远。Obviously, hehad gotten the Martial God Sectodd/surplusevilsymbolbytheseblack featherhealth/guard, even if no evidence.
“这下麻烦了。”In the Luo Yanheartsighed.罗阎心中叹息。Has not actually thought that Qu Jiuyouwill so aim athim.
The teamleads the wayrapidly.
很快。Onegroup of peoplethenenterinTaoyuan Village.
一群人便走进桃源村中。Sees onlyblack featherhealth/guardlying downon the ground, facial featureswithered, the bodyis withered, a suck dryessence and blood, had become a dry corpse.
只见一个个黑羽卫躺在地上,面容枯槁,身躯干瘪,已然被人吸干一身精血,成了一具干尸。Luo Yancareful observation.罗阎仔细观察。Peripherydiscoverynotmanyfighttraces.
发现周围并没有多少战斗痕迹。Obviously, facing the enemy, theseblack featherhealth/guardis incapable ofrevoltingradically, easily accomplished, was defeated.
显然,面对敌人,这些黑羽卫根本无力反抗,摧枯拉朽,就被击败。„ThisTaoyuan Village, reallyreceived the attack of Martial God Sect.”
“这桃源村,果然受到了武神宗的袭击。”Luo Yanlooks under footcorpses, the complexionis particularly dignified.罗阎看着脚下一具具尸体,脸色分外凝重。„Di Qianzhang? Seeshiscorpse?”Qu Jiuyoucomplexionicecoldasking.
“狄千丈呢?看到他的尸体没有?”曲九幽面色冰寒的问道。„No.”Yuan Langshakes the head.
“没有。”袁朗摇头。„Heshouldnot die.”Qu Jiuyou is so saying.
“那他应该还没死。”曲九幽这般说着。Hefinishes speaking, thensaw that distant placeperson's shadowwhirlwindshootstogether.
The peoplefix one's gaze onto look.
众人凝眸望去。Discovered that the personimpressively is thatDi Qianzhang.
发现来人赫然便是那狄千丈。Di Qianzhangis bold, appearsbefore the peoplequickly, the facial expressionis ugly, the figureis distressed.狄千丈兔起鹘落,很快出现在众人面前,神情难看,身形狼狈。„Dibrother, are youall right?”Qu Jiuyouasked.
“狄兄,你没事吧?”曲九幽问道。„Might as well.”Di Qianzhangbeckons with the hand, immediatelyclenches jaws saying: „Ismell there is something wrongfortunately, runenoughquickly. Otherwise, onlyfeared that is like theseblack featherhealth/guard, has become a dry corpse.”
“无妨。”狄千丈摆了摆手,随即咬牙切齿道:“还好我见势不妙,跑得够快。要不然,只怕和这些黑羽卫一样,早就成了一具干尸。”Onhisfacebringsto have a lingering fear the color.
When hehearscalling out in alarm of black featherhealth/guard, thenwithout hesitation, turns aroundto run, thereforelivesassigns/life.
之后。Hethenhidesin the distant place, is spying onthisTaoyuan Village.
他便躲藏在远处,窥探着这桃源村。Lookswith own eyesMartial God Sectmartial artistslaughtersTaoyuan Village, lookswith own eyesthatgroup of peopledepart.
亲眼看着武神宗武者屠杀桃源村,又亲眼看着那帮人离去。Untilsaw that Qu Jiuyouand the othersarrived, hedaresfromhidingon the big tree, returns tothisTaoyuan Village.
直到看到曲九幽等人到来,他才敢从躲藏的大树上下来,回到这桃源村。„Thatcrowd of personstrengthshow?”Hua Feihuashot a look atDi Qianzhang, askedlightly.
“那群人实力如何?”花非花瞥了眼狄千丈,淡淡问道。„Very strong.”
“很强。”Di Qianzhanglooked atHua Feihua, the sinkingsound said: „DozensBone Refinement, twomasters.”狄千丈看了眼花非花,沉声道:“数十个炼骨,还有两个宗师。”Twomasters?!
The crowdis astonished.
人群惊异。Hua Feihuasneers saying: „It seems like, thatgroup of Martial God Sectodd/surplusevilturned out in full strength.”花非花冷笑道:“看来,那群武神宗余孽是倾巢出动了。”„Yes.”
“是啊。”Qu Jiuyounods, looksagaintoDi Qianzhang: „Dibrother, youmaynotice that theycomefrom where, goesfrom where?”曲九幽点头,再次看向狄千丈:“狄兄,你可看到他们从何而来,又从何而去?”Di Qianzhangsaid: „When comesisthatdirection, when departing is also thatdirection.”狄千丈道:“来时是那个方向,离去时也是那个方向。”Heputs out a handeast side the direction.
“东方?”Everyonelooksto the East.
所有人都看向东方。Hua Feihuafeels the chin, speculates saying: „, Theirhiding places, in the middle of the eastthatmountain forest.”花非花摸着下巴,推测道:“如此说来,他们的藏身之地,就在东边的那片山林当中。”Thatmountain forestis not big, againin the pastsome, were small fisherman village of seashore.
那片山林并不大,再过去些,便是海边的小渔村。Goes tosmall fisherman villagefromTaoyuan Village, evenby, halfdouble-hourstillachievessufficiently.
从桃源村去小渔村,就算靠走的,半个时辰也足以达到。Nod of Qu Jiuyouquiteapproval, is planningto sayanythingtime.曲九幽颇为认同的点了点头,正打算说些什么的时候。
The pupilshrinkssuddenly.
瞳孔猛然一缩。Actuallyisin the sky of distant place, raisesagainonegroup of giantwhite smokes.
却是远处的天空中,再次升起一团巨大白烟。„Thatdirection, issmall fisherman village!”Somepeoplecall out in alarm.
“那个方向,是小渔村!”有人惊呼。„Did small fisherman villagealsoreceive the attack?”
The Hua Feihuastartledanger happened simultaneously.花非花惊怒交加。TheseMartial God Sectodd/surplusevil, just the slaughterended a Taoyuan Village, does not stand stillunexpectedly, begantosmall fisherman village?
这些武神宗余孽,刚屠完一个桃源村,竟然毫不停歇,又对小渔村动手了?„Sir, what to do? Mustgo tosmall fisherman village”Yuan Langto scratchheadcold sweat.
“大人,怎么办?要去小渔村吗”袁朗擦了擦头上的冷汗。Theycatch upto come toTaoyuan Village.
他们赶来桃源村。small fisherman villagehas an accident.
小渔村又出了事。Iftheyhurry tosmall fisherman villagenow, othervillageswill have an accident?
若他们现在赶去小渔村,其他村子是否又会出事?Readandhere, hewas then fearful and apprehensive.
念及此处,他便胆战心惊。„Wepassnow, seenalso can only be the same tothisTaoyuan Village, is a dry corpse of place. Wecannotlead by the nosebyMartial God Sectodd/surplusevil, firstgathersallstrengthsiswonderful.”Qu Jiuyouknits the browsto say.
闻声。Nod of Yuan Langalsoquiteapproval, said: „Sirbent/tunesaidright, now, issticking togetheris quite good.”袁朗也颇为赞同的点了点头,说道:“曲大人说得对,当今之际,还是抱团比较好。”Qu Jiuyoulooks atthatgroup of white smokes, the sinkingsound said: „Ifirstcall, will wait fortomorrow, wewill then enterthatmountain forest, will seek for the Martial God Sectodd/surpluseviltrail.”曲九幽看着那团白烟,沉声道:“我先把人都召集过来,等明日,我们便进入那片山林,寻找武神宗余孽的踪迹。”
烟花升空。Thistimeis not the white smoke of request assistance, butconvenes the fireworks of people.
这次并非是请求支援的白烟,而是召集众人的烟花。Lights the fireworks.
放完烟花。Qu JiuyoulookstoYuan Lang, the sinkingsoundtells: „Youbring a team, goes to the east sideto have a look, whetherMartial God Secttheseodd/surplusevilkept the clue.”曲九幽又看向袁朗,沉声吩咐道:“你带一队伍,去东边看看,武神宗那些余孽是否留了线索。”„Others, put body in coffin the corpse. Remember, theyare the heroes, mustmakethembe laid to rest.”
“是!”As the fireworkslifts off, in a while, Gu Xuanand othermastersandblack featherhealth/guardthen as centralizedasone.
仅仅第一天。Theircasualtyis then serious, the black featherhealth/guard of deathwas overthousandpeople.
他们便死伤惨重,死亡的黑羽卫超过千人。Fortunately, twomasters, recklessMeiniangandDi Qianzhangalllived.
幸运的是,两位宗师,胡媚娘和狄千丈全都活了下来。Is the night.
是夜。With a bright moon and few stars.
月明星稀。Taoyuan Village, insomegiantroom.
桃源村,某间巨大的房间中。Onegroup of peoplesit in a circle the same place, is formulating the strategy.
一群人围坐一起,正在制定策略。But the strategy, nothing buttakes the mountain forestmidpointas the foothold, toall aroundrugsearch.
而策略,无非是以山林正中央为据点,向四周地毯式搜索。In order toavoidunnecessarypersonnelbuckle.
The Qu Jiuyoudecision, the black featherhealth/guardguardingfoothold, the grandmastertakesseveralBone Refinementelite, with the pattern of squad, entersvariousmountain forestplaces, searches for the Martial God Sectodd/surpluseviltrail.曲九幽拍板,黑羽卫驻守据点,宗师则带上几个炼骨精锐,以小队的模式,进入山林各处,搜寻武神宗余孽的踪迹。Later, is the personnelallocated proportions of varioussquads, withsearchregion.
之后,便是各小队的人员配比,和搜索区域。ButLuo Yan, lined upto be longbysecuredirectly.
而罗阎,被直接安排成了队长。Regarding this, hisalsoknowledgeisQu Jiuyouin view ofoneself, butQu Jiuyouhemay the enemygrandmaster, makehimbe speechless, is unable to reject.
The conferenceendedquickly.
大家各自散去。Qu Jiuyousitsin the room, after everyonediverges, suddenlywalksoutward.曲九幽坐在房间中,等所有人都散去后,忽然向外走去。
The side that hewalksis quick.
他走的极快。Shortly, thenappearsin a cave.
没多久,便出现在一个山洞中。Butat this time, in the cavehasformtogether.
而此时,山洞中已经有一道身影。Thatis a seeminglyroughly 30-year-oldman.
The men'sstraight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwardsbrighteye, is impressive, wears a blackovercoat, impressively is Martial God Sectmostpowerhouse, Chen Tianxing.
男子剑眉朗目,气度不凡,身披一件黑色大氅,赫然便是武神宗的最强者,陈天星。No onethinks.
The commander-in-chief who prefectural cityprotectorate, turns over in fullodd/surplusevil, a Martial God Sectmostpowerhouse, two peoplewill stiraboutunexpectedlyin the same place.
一个府城镇守、清缴余孽的总指挥官,一个武神宗的最强者,两人竟然会搅合在一起。But, thisis the reality.
但,这就是现实。IfmakesLuo Yanknow,Qu JiuyouunexpectedlyandMartial God Sectcolludes, onlyfeared that directstartledwill fall downclose to.
若是让罗阎知道,曲九幽竟然和武神宗勾结,只怕会直接惊掉下巴。„desolateErdied.”Qu Jiuyouenters the cave, the lookis threatening, stares atChen Tianxing.
“萧儿死了。”曲九幽走进山洞,眼神逼人,凝视陈天星。„Qu Xiao? What's wrong, did hedie?”Chen Tianxinglooks stunned.
“曲箫?怎么,他死了?”陈天星神情错愕。„Isn't the hand that youmove?” The Qu Jiuyouvisionflashes.
“不是你们动的手?”曲九幽目光一闪。Hehas been staring atChen Tianxing, looks atitsexpression, as ifQu Xiao is really not the person of Martial God Sectkills.
他一直盯着陈天星,看其表情,似乎曲箫真不是武神宗之人杀的。„Chenbrother, my personfollowsIto sneak attackTaoyuan Villageandsmall fisherman villagetoday, wherehas the timeto gotoQu Xiaoto begin?”
“陈兄,今天我的人都跟着我偷袭桃源村和小渔村,哪有时间去对曲箫动手?”Chen Tianxingselects the eyebrow, is surprised the different way: „What's wrong, did Qu Xiaoreallydie?”
陈天星一挑眉,诧异道:“怎么,曲箫真死了啊?”Heknows that Qu Jiuyouhas a precious son.
他知道曲九幽有一个宝贝儿子。Has not actually thought,will loseunexpectedlyinthisfloatisland.
却没想到,竟然会折戟在这浮游岛。„Right, besideshisone, a grandmaster, nearHuagang Village, was attracted the dry corpsebySeizing Heaven Demon Secret Art.” The Qu Jiuyoulookis quiet, frequentlypays attention toChen Tianxing'sexpression.
“没错,除了他一位,还有一个宗师,在花港村附近,被人以夺天魔功吸成了干尸。”曲九幽眼神幽冷,时刻注意陈天星的表情。„Youdetermined that theywere attracted the dry corpsebySeizing Heaven Demon Secret Art?”Chen Tianxingeyelidjumps, in the pupilreveals the inconceivablecolor.
“你确定他们是被夺天魔功吸成了干尸?”陈天星眼皮一跳,眸中露出不可思议之色。Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Artis extremely difficultto cultivate.夺天魔功极难修炼。EventheirMartial God Sect, stillonly thendozenselitepractice successfully.
这数十精锐今天又都跟在他身边。„Naturallydetermined, Chen Tianxing, youthought that Iwill misread?” The Qu Jiuyoucomplexionis gloomy.
“当然确定,陈天星,你觉得我会看错?”曲九幽脸色阴沉。„bent/tunebrother, Icanguarantee,the one whokillsyour sonis notmyperson.” A Chen Tianxingfaceis sincere, explains: „Myhanger-onallcultivates the person of Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Art, stayssideme, simplydoes not have the time and opportunitykillsyour son.”
“曲兄,我可以保证,杀死令郎的绝不是我的人。”陈天星一脸诚恳,解释道:“我门下所有修炼夺天魔功之人,都呆在我身边,根本没有时间和机会去杀令郎。”„Let alone, youhad remindedmeyesterday, makingmedo not acttoHuagang Village, how do Ipossiblyalsosend peopleto go toHuagang Village?”
“更何况,昨天你就提醒过我,让我不要对花港村出手,我怎可能还派人去花港村?”HeandQu Jiuyouhave the cooperationearly.
要不然。Howhis does Martial God Secteliterun amuckinBaiyue Province, seizesmartial artistto cultivateSeizing Heaven Demon Secret Art?
他武神宗精锐如何在百越府横行,抓捕武者修炼夺天魔功?Howhis does Martial God Sectsurviveinthisbarrenfloatisland?
他武神宗如何在这贫瘠的浮游岛生存下来?Even, thisso-calledturning over in fullodd/surplusevil, actuallyalso a timeishisMartial God Secthundredyearsgluttonoustigrand feast.
甚至,这次所谓的清缴余孽,其实也是他武神宗百年一次的饕鬄盛宴。Theseblack featherhealth/guard.
这些黑羽卫。ThenishisMartial God Sectbloodfood, with helphisMartial God Secttraina number ofelite.
便是他武神宗的血食,用以帮他武神宗培养出一批精锐。Butall these, arehereach an agreementwithQu Jiuyoubeforehand, andobtainsconnivance and coordination of Qu Jiuyou.
而这一切,都是他跟曲九幽事先商量好,并且已经得到曲九幽的默许和配合。„Have youlistened to a personnamedLuo Yan?” The Qu Jiuyouvisionflashes, askedagain.
“那你听过一个叫罗阎的人吗?”曲九幽目光一闪,再次问道。Chen Tianxinghesitateslittle, shakes the head saying: „Has not listened.”
陈天星沉吟少许,摇头道:“没听过。”Qu Jiuyoulowers the headto be lost in thought.曲九幽低头陷入沉思。Inhishearthas a strongfeeling, thatLuo Yan, is the murderer who killshis son.
他心中有种强烈感觉,那罗阎,就是杀死他儿子的凶手。„Tomorrow, Icanhave the black featherhealth/guardto walk into the mountainto search foryourhiding places. Iwantyouto helpmeremoveoneperson.”Qu Jiuyoucoldsound said.
“明天,我会带着黑羽卫进山搜寻你们的藏身之处。我要你帮我除掉一人。”曲九幽冷声道。„Who? ThatnamedLuo Yan?”Chen Tianxingselects the eyebrow.
“谁?那个叫罗阎的?”陈天星挑眉。„Right. IsthatLuo Yan.”Qu Jiuyounods, startsto describe the Luo Yanfigurecharacteristics: „ThatLuo Yan......”
After the moment .
A Chen Tianxingovercoat, takes the leadto depart.
陈天星一袭大氅,率先离去。Hislookis gloomy.
他眼神阴郁。Actuallythought of the Qu Jiuyouwords.
却是想到了曲九幽的话。„Will causeSeizing Heaven Demon Secret Art, maykillmartial artist of grandmaster... giving up study of myMartial God Sect, was controlledby the bystanderunexpectedly, is a powerfulbystander.”Inhisheartheavy.
“一个会使夺天魔功,可杀宗师的武者…我武神宗的绝学,竟然被外人掌控了,还是一个如此强大的外人。”他心中沉重。Butquick, hecoldlysmiles.
但很快,他又冷冷一笑。Seizing Heaven Demon Secret Artis nothingtogether, whenheopens the Martial God Secttreasure house, has been hiddenininnatelaw, hisMartial God Sect, will certainlyriseagain!
一道夺天魔功算不了什么,等他打开武神宗宝库,得到藏在其中的先天之法,他武神宗,必将再度崛起!Chen Tianxing.
陈天星。Qu Jiuyoustaysin the caveas before.曲九幽则依旧呆在山洞中。Helooks at the direction that Chen Tianxingdeparts, puts out a piece of blackjadefrom the bosom.
他看着陈天星离去的方向,从怀中拿出一块黑玉。„IfknowsdesolateEr dead early, Iwill not comply withChen Tianxingthistransaction.”
His andChen Tianxing'stransaction.
他这次和陈天星的交易。By the lives of 1000black featherhealth/guard, received exchange for the blackjade that thisancientforestneeds.
就是以一千黑羽卫的性命,换取这块古林需要的黑玉。Hewas thinking, givesancientforest the blackjade, received exchange forgrain of Immortal Ascension Pillforownson.
他本想着,将黑玉交给古林,为自己儿子换取一粒升仙丹。Does not think.
The blackjadesucceeded in obtaining, but the sondid not have.
黑玉是到手了,但儿子却没了。Hegripsin the tighthandslowly the jade pendant, the facial featuresgraduallybecomefierce: „desolateEr, youwantsthatLuo Yan dead, Ithenmakehimdie! No matter, heis a murderer!”
The Luo Yanhouse, came an unexpected visitor.罗阎房屋,来了一位不速之客。„Qu Jiuyouwill not let offyour.”Shen BiluositsinLuo Yanmany, the facial expressionis very tranquil.
“曲九幽不会放过你的。”沈碧落坐在罗阎多面,神情很是平静。„Iknow.”Luo Yannods.
“我知道。”罗阎点头。Fromtoday'sQu Jiuyouthatpicture, hecanlisten toQu Jiuyoutohiskillingintent.
从今天曲九幽那番画中,他就能听出曲九幽对他的杀意。„Haven't yourun?”Shen Biluostrangelooked atLuo Yan.
“那你还不跑?”沈碧落古怪的看了眼罗阎。„Whycanrun?”Luo Yanshakes the head, „ Ido not run, is only the suspect. Onceran, thatonsolidmeisn't the murderer?
“为何要跑?”罗阎摇头,“我不跑,只是怀疑对象。一旦跑了,那不就坐实了我是凶手了吗?Qu Jiuyoulooks forward tometo escapenow, goodfrank and uprightbeginstome. ”曲九幽现在巴不得我逃跑,好光明正大的对我动手。”„Bright that youlook atactually.”In the Shen Biluopupilrevealscolor of the surprise.
“你倒是看的剔透。”沈碧落眸中露出一丝诧异之色。„Weighs the advantages and disadvantages.” The Luo Yanforced smileshakes the head.
“只是权衡利弊罢了。”罗阎苦笑摇头。Then, helookstoShen Biluo, sighed: „Isyou, if notyoumustsearch formybodyyesterday, IwhybythatQu Xiaoenvy? Whyto starebyQu Jiuyou?”
说罢,他又看向沈碧落,叹息道:“都是你,若非你昨日非要搜我身,我何故会被那曲箫嫉妒?何故会被曲九幽盯上?”„Does thisalsoblameme?”Shen Biluoselects the eyebrow.
“这也怪我?”沈碧落挑眉。„Naturallyblamesyou. Guessedbyme, yesterday evening, Qu Xiaowrote the correspondence, makingQu Jiuyousend peopleto cope withme. Otherwise, why will Shi Jianappear there? Did Iaim by Qu JiuyouforHe Pingbai?”
The Luo Yancomplexionis bitter and astringent, carries the teacup, sippedonegently.罗阎面色苦涩,端起茶杯,轻轻抿了一口。Hearsthissaying, the Shen Biluoshort of breath.
听到这话,沈碧落气急。Shelooks atLuo Yan that silentlytea, sneers saying: „, Do Ialsowantto apologizewithYoung MasterLuo?”
她看着默默饮茶的罗阎,冷笑道:“如此说来,我还要跟罗公子道歉喽?”„Apologyis not necessary. You only need tellme, howthatcharm amuletusedon the line.”Luo Yanshows a faint smileto say.
The Shen Biluofacial expressionstagnates, thinks that yesterdayLuo Yandeceived his true qipillandcharm amuletmatter , the air/Qidoes not hitone.沈碧落神情一滞,又想到昨天罗阎诓骗他真气丹和护身符之事,气就不打一处来。Shedeeplyinspires, saidill-humoredly: „Was attacked when fatallywill trigger.”
她深吸一口气,没好气道:“受到致命攻击时就会触发。”„Auto-induction?”Luo Yanshock.
“自动感应?”罗阎震惊。„Otherwise?”Shen Biluoasked back.
“不然呢?”沈碧落反问。„Effecthow?”Luo Yanalsoasked.
“效果如何?”罗阎又问。„Withinthreeminutes, the latterheaven sect master, no onemaybreak.” The Shen Biluotoneis faint.
“三分钟之内,后天宗师,无人可破。”沈碧落语气淡漠。In the Luo Yaneyeappears a pleasant surprise.罗阎眼中浮现一丝惊喜。Thischarm amuleteffectsuchcolor, reallymadehimexcited.
这护身符效果如此之色,实在令他激动。Shen Biluolooks atbe with smile on the faceLuo Yan, the hesitantseveralseconds, saidsuddenly: „Wantsmeto helpyoulook forQu Jiuyouto ask for leniency?”沈碧落看着面带喜色罗阎,犹豫几秒,忽然说道:“要我帮你去找曲九幽说说情吗?”„Do youhelpmeask for leniency?”
“你帮我说情?”Luo Yangawked, surpriselooked atShen Biluo, said: „Whichpoint did youhave a liking formy? Ichange, ok?”罗阎愣了,诧异的看了眼沈碧落,道:“你看上我哪一点了?我改,行吗?”„You?!”
The Shen Biluoair/Qiinsteadsmilesextremely.沈碧落气极反笑。Shethinks, after Luo Yanhearsherwords, will be grateful.
她本以为,罗阎听到她的话后会感恩戴德。Does not think,actuallysaidsuchwords, reallymadeherbe madandsmile.
不想,竟然说出这样一番话,实在让她又气又笑。Sheis staring atLuo Yan, bites the silvertooth saying: „Don't youreallywantmeto helpyouask for leniency? PerhapsIasked for leniency, thatQu Jiuyouwill not aim atyouagain.”
她盯着罗阎,咬着银牙道:“你真不要我去帮你说说情?或许我说说情,那曲九幽就不会再针对你。”Luo Yanshakes the head, puts down the teacup, sinceresay/way: „Ok, Qu Jiuyouseesyouto ask for leniency, will be only discontentedwithme. After all, his sonlikesyour.”罗阎摇头,放下茶杯,正色道:“算了吧,曲九幽见你去说情,对我只会更加不满。毕竟,他儿子可是喜欢你的。”„Good, yourselfare careful.”
“那好吧,你自己小心吧。”Shen Biluoset out, looked atLuo Yan, thenwalkeddirectlyoutward.沈碧落起身,看了眼罗阎,便直接朝外走去。Luo Yansitson the chair, looksback that Shen Biluodeparts, selected the browslightly.罗阎坐在椅子上,看着沈碧落离去的背影,微微挑了挑眉头。Thiswoman, looks forhimunexpectedlyon own initiative, but must ask for leniencytohim.
这女人,竟然主动找他,还要给他说情。Is it possible that reallysomewhatfeltaboutoneself?
莫非,真对自己有些感觉?Hetouches the chin, immediatelynods.
他摸了摸下巴,随即点了点头。Mostly, should, yes?
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