vermilionQi said that alsosmilestowardLuo Yandensely.
朱岐说完,又朝着罗阎森然一笑。Thatvisionis threatening, probablyeatsto decideLuo Yanto be the same, has a condescendingplaying tricks onflavor.
那目光逼人,像是吃定罗阎一般,带着一股居高临下的戏弄味道。Luo Yanpursing the lipslip, withoutresponse.罗阎抿了抿嘴唇,没有回应。Onlysits cross-leggedto sit down, conserves strength, recovers the energy.
只盘膝坐下,养精蓄锐,恢复体力。„Luofellow daoist, vermilionQiZhipastared atyou, youwere careful.”Sun Zhuopasses on the sound said.
“罗道友,那朱岐只怕盯上了你,你要小心。”孙卓传音道。„Might as well.”Luo Yansaid.
“无妨。”罗阎道。Hispresentnet worthis rich.
他如今身家丰厚。Stares athim , to continue inevitablythisvermilionQi.
盯上他的,必然不止这朱岐一个。ThereforecomparesinrevealeddirectlymaliciousvermilionQi, heinsteaddreaded that othermaintainsilenthave the member of ideatohim.
因而相较于直接显露恶意的朱岐,他反而更忌惮其他保持静默却对他有想法的修士。Hereturned toSun Zhuoone, passes messageasks: „Uncle Lihad mentionedbefore the means of dealing with the ghosttide?”
The Sun Zhuohesitationmoment, passes message saying: „No, onlysaid that the ghosttideadvancesfrom the surrounding, finallywill arrive atthisflameisland, staysonthisisland, temporarilywill compare the security.”孙卓沉吟片刻,传音回道:“没有,只说鬼潮从外围推进,最后才会来到这火焰岛,呆在这座岛上,暂时会比较安全。”Luo Yanselects the brow, is surprised the different way: „Doesn't Uncle Lihave the means?”罗阎一挑眉头,诧异道:“黎叔没办法?”Sun Zhuosaid: „Does not know,possiblyhas the means that butis hiding the truth fromus.”孙卓道:“不知道,可能有办法,只是瞒着我们。”Luo Yannods, the pupillightflashesslightly.罗阎点头,眸光微微闪动。Onegroup of peoplegatheronthisflameisland, is not definitely waiting for death.
一群人聚在这火焰岛上,肯定不是在等死。Definitelyhas the means.
肯定有办法。Knows the person who meansis not willingto say.
但……Inthisisland, thatseveralstrengthsstrongestdefinitelyknows the means.
这岛上,那几个实力最强的一定知道办法。Monster Hunter PavilionUncle Li.猎妖阁的黎叔。Hua familyHua Jinfeng.火家的火金凤。In additionthatominousprestigeillustriousmonsterguarantees the memberhundredpoisonousold men.
再加上那凶威赫赫的妖保修士百毒叟。So long asheis staring atthesethreepeople, can definitely know that crossed the ghosttide the means.
他只要盯着这三人,肯定能知道渡过鬼潮的办法。He is so thinking, decidesto act according to circumstances.
他这般想着,决定见机行事。Alsochattedtwowith the Sun Zhuothreepeople, is studying the people, closed the doublepupil, startedto sit in meditation.
又和孙卓三人闲聊两句,便学着众人,闭上双眸,开始打坐。Butatthis time.
可就在这时候。Suddenly the personwalks.
身后,忽然有一人走来。Thatis a one-eyedman.
The figuretall and strong, wavered hairthrows overis conducting the back, the remainingone-eyedjust like the dark redgem, are only floodingbluntvicious tendencies.
身形魁梧,波浪般的红发披在背上,仅剩下的独眼宛如暗红的宝石,充斥着一股不加掩饰的戾气。Luo Yanfeels the sound of footsteps that approachesgradually.罗阎感受到渐渐靠近的脚步声。Reviewslooked,immediately the visionflashes.
回眸一看,当即目光一闪。Red hairandred eyes.
红发、红眼。Is the Hua familyappearancecharacteristics.
都是火家外貌特征。Obviously, thispersonisDugu Wufang in Huang Chanmouth.
显然,这人就是黄婵口中的独孤无方。In the Luo Yanheartsinks, thinkingDugu Wufangmustaskhimto trouble.罗阎心中微沉,以为独孤无方要找他麻烦。Howeverwhatmadehisaccidental/surprisedis, Dugu Wufanglooked that has not looked athisoneeyes, insteadlookedtocrowdcentralUncle Li.
然而了令他意外的是,独孤无方看都没看他一眼,反而望向了人群中央的黎叔。„Sun Li, the young ladyaskedyouto pass.”
“孙黎,小姐叫你过去。”„Hua Jinfeng?”
“火金凤?”Uncle Lilooked at the eyetowardHua Jinfengin the direction, thenlookstoDugu Wufang, in the surfacereveals a strangeness:
黎叔朝火金凤所在方向看了眼,而后看向独孤无方,面上露出一丝古怪:„Why does Hua Jinfengmakeyoucallme?”
“火金凤为何让你来叫我?”„I thought that yourDugu Wufang was also the Hua familyperson, butwas expelledHua familyafterward, hid here, tookkilling peopleto seize the treasure to live.”
“我想起来了,你独孤无方原本也是火家人,只是后来被逐出火家,才躲到这儿,以杀人夺宝为生。”„ButIheard, when youwere expelledHua familyinitially, did not threatento bully the youngsterto be poornot, canmakeHua familyregret?”
“可我听说,你当初被逐出火家时,不是扬言莫欺少年穷,要让火家后悔吗?”Uncle Lisaid.
The wordsmeaning of laughingnot covers up, making the Dugu Wufangcomplexioninstantaneouslybecomegloomy.
话中的嗤笑之意不加掩饰,令独孤无方面色瞬间变得阴沉。Dugu Wufangis staring atUncle Li, deeplyinspires, depressesin the heart the anger, the sinkingsoundsaid: „Young lady'swordsIbring, goingisyour ownmatter.”独孤无方盯着黎叔,深吸一口气,压下心中愤怒,沉声说道:“小姐的话我已带到,去不去是你自己的事。”Said.
说完。Heturns around, walkstowardanother.
他转身,又朝另一处走去。Monster Hunter Paviliononegroup of peoplegaze afterDugu Wufangto go far away.猎妖阁一群人目送独孤无方远去。Luo Yanis looking at the Dugu Wufangback, looked atUncle Li, inheartlooking pensive.罗阎望着独孤无方的背影,又看了眼黎叔,心中若有所思。ThisUncle Li, opens the mouthto provokeDugu Wufangunexpectedly, is really not as he expected.
这黎叔,竟然开口挑衅独孤无方,实在出乎他的意料。Howeverhe is not too after all ripewiththisUncle Li, thusonlyremainssilent, does not wantto mix.
不过他毕竟跟这黎叔不算太熟,因而只保持静默,并不想掺和进去。Hedoes not mix.
他不掺和。Has the personto mix.
自有人掺和。vermilionQiYanzhurotates, saidin a low voice: „Uncle Li, thisboyalsoverycanendurebut actually. Hua familylike thattohim, henowalsonotHua Jinfengmanagement.”
朱岐眼珠转动,低声道:“黎叔,这小子倒也挺能忍啊。火家那般对他,他现在还未火金凤办事。”Uncle Lisneers saying: „Naturallymustendure, butthatHua JinfengHua familydirect descendant, fireislandLordbeloved daughter. Do you believe that so long ashera few words, Dugu Wufangcanre-enterHua family.”
黎叔冷笑道:“当然要忍,那火金凤可是火家嫡系,火蛮岛主的掌上明珠。你信不信,只要她一句话,独孤无方就能重回火家。”„Uncle Liyou......”vermilionQieyegroundreveals the doubt.
“那黎叔你……”朱岐眼底露出狐疑。Uncle Liknows that Dugu Wufangmayreturn toHua family, why can also speak the ridicule?
“哼!”Uncle Lileng,
黎叔冷哼,Directauthorities: „Monsterguarantees the member, everybody has the right to punish. HisDugu WufangkilledmyMonster Hunter Pavilionsomanymembers, nowencountered, how will Ilet offhim?”„Does Uncle Liwantto begintoDugu Wufang?”
直截了当道:“妖保修士,人人得而诛之。他独孤无方杀了我猎妖阁如此多会员,今遭遇上了,我岂会放过他?”“黎叔要对独孤无方动手?”Onegroup of peoplealllook the surprise.
一群人全都面露诧异。Has the thoughtsdetachablegeneration, looksfrom afartoHua Jinfeng, the eyegroundflashes throughalarmed and afraid.
有心思活络之辈,更远远望向火金凤,眼底闪过一丝惊惧。Hua Jinfengis young, 15-16 years old.火金凤年岁不大,也就15-16岁。Thisgrade of age, mostattaches importance to face.
这等年纪,最好面子。No matterfor what reason, Hua JinfenggatheredDugu Wufang is not false, Dugu Wufangnowis the Hua Jinfengperson.
不管出于何种目的,火金凤招揽了独孤无方不假,独孤无方现在是火金凤的人。IfUncle Limakes a moveto cope withDugu Wufang, thatis equalis hitting the face of Hua Jinfeng.
若黎叔出手对付独孤无方,那就等同于在打火金凤的脸。With the Hua Jinfengtemper, looks did oneselfhit the face?
以火金凤的性子,会看着自己被打脸?Facingvision that the peoplehave doubts, Uncle Lismiles, withoutexplanation, buttovermilionQisay/way: „Walks, along withmepasses, pays a visitMissHua Jinfeng.”
面对众人疑惑的目光,黎叔神秘一笑,没有解释,而是对朱岐道:“走,随我过去,拜见火金凤小姐。”Hesets out, is walkingtowardHua Jinfeng.
他起身,朝火金凤所在走去。vermilionQithinks, similarlywith.
朱岐想了想,同样跟了上去。Reads the letter/believesticketinUncle Li of grasping, Luo Yanand the otherslookswith rapt attention, wantsto peep the outcome.
看着信券在握的黎叔,罗阎等人凝神望去,想要一窥究竟。Sees onlyHua Jinfengandseveralpowerfulmembergathers together, low voicediscussion.
只见火金凤和几个强大修士聚在一起,小声议论。Alsodoes not know that Uncle LisaidanythingtoHua Jinfeng.
没多久。Thenisin an uproar, the surroundingsmemberdispersestoboth sides, keeps a stretch of open area.
便是一片哗然,周围修士向两旁散开散开,留出一片空地。ButUncle LiandthatDugu Wufangstandingare one of them, mutuallooking at each other, at daggers drawn.
Was thismusthit?
这是要打起来了?InLuo Yanheartcurious.罗阎心中好奇。By chanceat this time, the sideresoundstogether the sound.
恰巧此时,身边响起一道声音。„Liu Mao, didn't youcultivate/repair the dayearto pass? What did Uncle LisaytoHua Jinfenga moment ago?”SideLuo Yan, there is a memberMonster Hunter Pavilionto asklow voice.
“刘茂,你不是修了门天耳通吗?刚才黎叔跟火金凤说了什么?”罗阎身边,有猎妖阁修士小声问道。„Uncle Lihas not saidanything, said that Dugu Wufangis tyrannical, carries the countlessblood debt, thensoldundermiserable, Hua Jinfengwas angry, mustrid the people of an evil, executesDugu Wufang.”
“黎叔没说什么,就说独孤无方暴虐无道,身负累累血债,然后卖了下惨,火金凤就生气了,要为民除害,处死独孤无方。”Thatcallsis the Liu Maomemberto touch the nose, sees the peopleto have doubts, continues saying:
那唤做刘茂的修士摸了摸鼻子,见众人还是疑惑,又继续道:„ThatDugu Wufangnaturallybegs for mercy, pulledunder the glib lipswithUncle Li, then, hadthisduel.”
人群呆滞。Some little time, somepeoplehave gotten back one's composure, say with a smile: „MissHua Jinfengis awe-inspiring, the realityisour generationmodel.”
好一会儿,才有人回过神,笑道:“火金凤小姐正气凛然,实乃我辈楷模。”Somepeopleecho the nod, sobbed: „Ithink that MissHua Jinfengkeeps aloof, looks down upon our grade of floormember. Does not think, the righteous qi, upholds the justiceforusunexpectedlyfilled with.”
有人附和点头,唏嘘道:“我本以为火金凤小姐高高在上,瞧不起我们这等底层修士。不想,竟然满腔正气,为我们主持公道。”„Walks, wealsopass!”
“走,我们也过去!”At this moment.
此刻。Somemanymemberhad encircled, preparesto see a play.
已经有不少修士围了上去,准备看戏。Luo Yanmixesinonegroup of memberMonster Hunter Pavilion, similarlydepended.罗阎混在一群猎妖阁修士中,同样靠了过去。Sees only a center.
只见场中央。Uncle LiandDugu Wufanglook at each othermutually.
黎叔和独孤无方互相对视。Uncle Lirecited backwards from the endboth hands, the facial expressionwas tranquil, is calmandcalm.
黎叔倒背双手,神情平静,从容而淡定。ButDugu Wufangis stern-faced, the whole bodyspiritstrengthdrastic fluctuation, completed the combat readiness.
而独孤无方则一脸凝重,周身灵力剧烈波动,做好了战斗准备。„Thesemember who Sun Li, Ikill, do not have the least bitto relatewithyou, why can youforthemover?”Dugu Wufangdeeply frowned, in the heartis somewhat puzzled.
“不。”Uncle Lishakes the head, tranquilsay/way: „Theyare concernedwithme, ismymemberMonster Hunter Pavilion.”
黎叔摇头,平静道:“他们与我有关,都是我猎妖阁修士。”„Monster Hunter Pavilion?”Dugu Wufanglaughs, coldsound said:
“猎妖阁?”独孤无方嗤笑,冷声道:„Turning intenspirit stonesisyourmemberMonster Hunter Pavilion, that said that no matter who, so long ashands overtenspirit stonestoyou, Ican'tmovehim?”
“交上十块灵石就是你猎妖阁修士,那岂不是说,不管是谁,只要给你交十块灵石,我就不能动他?”„Sun Li, youthink that who you are?!”
“孙黎,你以为自己是谁?!”Facingshouting a question of Dugu Wufang.
面对独孤无方的喝问。Uncle Lishakes the head saying: Valley
黎叔摇头道:谷„Monsterguarantees the member, everybody has the right to punish. Withoutmeeting, Iwill perhaps not manage. Buttodaymeets......”
“妖保修士,人人得而诛之。若没遇上,我或许不会管。但今天遇上了……”„ThatwantsSun Li to tidy upyou!”
“那要孙黎就要收拾你!”Hiseyenarrows the eyes, soundjust likemighty bellbig drum, inpeopleearbankcrack.
The surroundingshear a bravo.
周围传来一片喝彩声。„Good! Sunfellow daoistsaidwell, the monsterguarantees the member, everybody has the right to punish!”
“好!孙道友说得好,妖保修士,人人得而诛之!”„When Dugu Wufang, youwith the name of monsterinsurance, the murderseizes the treasureeverywhere, has thoughttoday? Howto drop, would-beyoukill peopleto seize the treasure, doesn't permit the grandsonfellow daoistto cope withyou?”
“独孤无方,你以妖保之名,四处杀人夺宝之时,有想过今天没有?怎滴,就准你杀人夺宝,不准孙道友对付你?”„Haha, Dugu Wufang, you have today!”
周围修士。Guarantees the memberto hate to the marrow of the bonesto the monstermostly.
大都对妖保修士恨之入骨。At this momentseesoversomepeople, copes with the monsterto guarantee the member, in the naturalheartrouses, feelshappy.
此刻见到有人出头,对付妖保修士,自然心中振奋,感到开心。„Snort! Oneflock of bullying the weak and fearing the strongants, dareto cope withme, howto cope withhundredpoisonousold men?”Dugu WufangcoldChi, the lookridicules, the whole facedisdains.
The monsterguarantees the memberto continuehe.
妖保修士又不止他一人。Thatis crueler, running amucktimelongerhundredpoisonousold menalsostand here frankly and uprightly.
那更加残暴,横行时间更久的百毒叟也光明正大的站在此处。ThisSun Li.
这孙黎。Disregardshundredpoisonousold men.
A designationsurnamecopes withhim.
指名点姓对付他。Does not visithim, only thenrefiningnine, think that atehim?
不就看他只有炼气九层,以为吃定了他吗?„Dugu Wufang, youhave nothing to dowithmewith the gratitude and grudges of thisold thing, do not mixme.”
“独孤无方,你跟这老东西的恩怨与我无关,你别把我掺和进来。”Hundredpoisonousold menare an old man of greyartillery.
百毒叟是一个一身灰炮的老头。Is short, the appearanceYinoffense, a pair of sleeverobeballooning, has the insectwhining noiseto resoundfaintly.
身材矮小,模样阴戾,一双袖袍鼓胀,隐隐有虫鸣声响起。Onhisfaceis exudingsneering, looked atDugu Wufang, is holdingboth hands, a security of face.
他脸上泛着冷笑,看了眼独孤无方,抱着双手,一脸的有恃无恐。„Dugu Wufang, idle talka few, youare the younger generation, Imakeyoufirstmake a move, so as to avoidperson of same beliefsaid that Ibully the weak.”
“独孤无方,废话少数,你是晚辈,我让你先出手,免得诸位同道说我以大欺小。”Uncle Liis not willingto sayobviously.
黎叔显然不愿多说。Said that thiswords, closes the eyesdirectly, waits for the attack of Dugu Wufang.
说完此话,直接闭上双眼,等待独孤无方的进攻。„Dugu Wufang, is quickeracts, does not act, youdiedirectly.”Nearby, Hua Jinfengsits wellon the chair, is curling upwards the fairboth legs, is waitingto watch the good play.
“独孤无方,快些出手,再不出手,你就直接去死吧。”一旁,火金凤端坐在椅子上,翘着白皙双腿,正等着看好戏。Sheseestwopeoplenot to begin, a fine jadenosewrinkle, in the foreheadsappears the impatientcolor.
她见二人迟迟未动手,琼鼻一皱,眉宇间浮现出不耐烦之色。Dugu Wufangdeeplyinspires, is staring atfrontSun Li.独孤无方深吸一口气,盯着前方的孙黎。Nextflickers.
下一瞬。Hispalmonegroup of scarletfireballscondense.
他掌心一团赤红火球凝聚。Has not waited the peopleto respond,hispalmfireballthenchanges intotogether the scarletray, howlsis goingtoward the Uncle Lilasing.
还未待众人反应过来,他掌心火球便化为一道赤红光芒,呼啸着朝黎叔激射而去。Luo Yanstandsin the crowd, the eyegroundflashes through an astonishment.罗阎站在人群中,眼底闪过一丝惊异。Thisfireballis unusual.
这火球非同一般。Compared withworld of mortalsflamefearfulmany, mightalsobigmany.
比凡间火焰可怕的多,威力也大的多。Thatfeared that is separated bydozenszhang (3.33 m), hecanfeel that the ambient temperaturelifted off.
那怕相隔数十丈,他都能感觉到周围温度升空了一丝。Fireball'stemperature, is extremely inevitably scary!
It is not a fireball.
并非是一个火球。Sees onlyDugu Wufangboth handsto wield.
只见独孤无方双手挥动。Shortflickers, more than tenfireballsthencut the sky, goestoward the Sun Lilasingfrom the differentangles.
The peopleeyespupilshivers.
众人眼眸颤动。Butfaces directly the fireballSun Li, finallyopens the eyes, shows the dignifiedexpression.
而直面火球的孙黎,终于睁开双眼,露出凝重表情。„Hears the fireballtechniqueto be unusualearly, todaysees, reallyso!”
“早听闻火球术非同一般,今日一见,果然如此!”„Pitifully, yourcultivation base is too only low.”
“只可惜,你修为太低。”Sun Lifirstacclaimsone, thenlooksto regret.孙黎先是赞叹一句,而后面露惋惜。Heis lookingtowardfireballs that heshoots, extends an armcalmly, the in the airfireballgraspsdirectlyupwards.
A supernatural powerbig handtakes shapeinstantaneously.
一只法力大手瞬间成型。Thatbig handpresents the translucentcolor, condensesfor the puresupernatural power.
The big handfinds out.
大手探出。Onlyoneracket, fireballsthenblast open the annihilation, changes into the ignitionlight, fallsto the ground.
只一拍,一个个火球便炸裂湮灭,化为点点火光,落向地面。„Refiningten, onlyhaveonestepfromDao Foundation. Thisgrade of cultivation basemember, the supernatural poweralmostarrives at the limit of refiningboundary, light/only by within the bodysupernatural power, may the steamroll below tenmember.”
The Luo Yandistant placeobserves, makes the summarysilently.罗阎远处观战,默默做出总结。Butinfield.
而场中。Dugu Wufangsees the fireballto keep off, the facial expressiondoes not have the least bitsurprise.独孤无方见火球被挡下,神情也无半点诧异。
His fireballtechniqueis onlyprobe, simplyhas not been thinkingcanmassacreSun Li.
他这火球术本就只是试探之用,根本没想着能杀掉孙黎。Thereforeunder the fireballblasting openannihilation, hisdirectboth handsgrasps, startsto displaytogether the supernatural power.
因而在火球炸裂湮灭后,他直接双手一握,开始施展下一道法力。„Sun Li, the fireballtechniqueyoucanreceive, my fire dragontechnique?”
The Dugu Wufangsoundis loud and clear.独孤无方声音洪亮。Itfinishes barely the words, thenseesitswithin the bodysupernatural powerto startto surge, terrifyingaurasincehisbodyascends, aroundcommandeveryoneheartonecold, looks askancedirectly.
Under the peopleobserve the situation.
众人环视之下。Sees only the Dugu Wufangclothingflap flapto make noise, a red hairdances in the airtowardon.
The nextsecond, the heat wavesoars, ascomesis the redflame.
下一秒,热浪腾空,随着而来的是赤色的火焰。Thatflamesweeps acrossinitsback, sways from side to side, risesto raiseunceasingly.
The heat wavesweeps across.
热浪席卷而出。Allmemberchanged the complexion.
所有修士都变了脸色。By the high temperature that the flamesends outis forced, to hurryafterretreats.
被火焰散发出的高温逼迫,赶忙朝后退去。Eventhatsits wellHua Jinfeng that sees a play, in the scarletpupilappears a surprise.
The Dugu Wufangcorners of the mouthgo up, facial expressionrecklessly.独孤无方嘴角上翘,神情肆意。Hisrampantis staring atSun Li, ferocioussound said: „Getting down that Sun Li, youmeet?”
The flamesweeps across, ascends, fire dragonthatfire dragon that fromhimbehindchanges intoheadagezhang (3.33 m)permitsChanghas the terrifyinghigh temperature, the aurais very astonishing.
火焰席卷,自他背后升腾,化为一头数丈许长的火龙那火龙带着恐怖高温,气息无比惊人。EvenLuo Yan of distant place, the eyepupiltrembles, in the heartsomewhatfearsintent.
即便是远处的罗阎,都眼眸一颤,心中有几分惧意。Thishigh temperature......
这高温……Ifhewere hitby the fire dragon, onlyfeared that mustbecome a hard cokedirectly!
若他被火龙命中,只怕要直接成为一具焦炭!„Cannot think,yourwas expelledHua familystray cur, meets the fire dragontechniqueunexpectedly.”
The Sun Lipupilbelt/bringis astonished, is serious.孙黎眸带惊异,面色凝重。Hisbodyundertune, the pupilis producing an inverted imageslightly the fire dragon of thatDugu Wufangtop of the head, is calm: „Pitifully, is those words, yourcultivation base, was too low!”
他身子微微下曲,眸子倒映着那独孤无方头顶的火龙,镇定道:“可惜,还是那句话,你的修为,太低了!”„Killsyouto be enough!”
The Dugu Wufangangerhowls.独孤无方怒啸。Nextflickers, the fire dragonroared, coerces the terrifyinghigh temperature, took away as many things as possibletowardSun Li.
, The sand beachhas melted.
一路所过,沙滩融化。Butfaces directlySun Li of fire dragonextremelyto be tranquil, hestares at the fire dragon that is sweeping acrossto come, liftsboth handsunexpectedly, proceedsto pushdirectly.
“嗡!”At the same time the hugesupernatural powerprotects the shieldto condenseinstantaneously, thencollideswith the fire dragon.
一面巨大的法力护盾瞬间凝聚,而后与火龙碰撞。Seeing onlythatprotects the shieldfluctuationto be unceasingly stave, butis also rapidcondensesstably.
只见那护盾不断波动破碎,但又飞速稳固凝聚。But the fire dragonextinguishesrapidly.
而火龙则飞速消弭。Fromdragon's head, toDragon's Tail.
从龙头,到龙尾。Alsoonthreebreathtime, the fire dragonthenvanishes, onlyleaves behind the flame of star point, splashes downon the ground, stillburntin the sand beach.
也就三息时间,火龙便消失殆尽,只留下星点的火苗,溅落在地上,仍在沙滩中燃烧。„I said that yourcultivation base, was too low!”
“我说了,你的修为,太低了!”Sun LisoundZhenghowever, every single word or phrase.孙黎声音铮然,一字一句。Heis staring atfacial expressionshockingDugu Wufang, diverges the supernatural powerto protect the shield, is then densesmiles, said: „Youfired off. Now, this/shouldIacted.”
“唰!”Finishes barely the words, thenseesinhishandto presenttogether the snow whitelong blade.
The bladelightlike the waterfall, bloomsin people's eyes.
刀光如瀑,在众人眼中绽放。Thisblade, radiantlytopinnacle.
More than tenzhang (3.33 m)terrifyingbladelight from downward, a bladecut, resembling to be divided intotwo halvesto be the same the world.
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