【Ilive foreverincultivation world】【】
【我在修仙界长生不死】【】Jiajing Province.嘉景府。City gate.
The on dutysoldiersare relying on the wallto doze off, suddenly the eartransmitsrumble the sound, the under footgroundis shocked.值守兵卒正倚着墙打瞌睡,忽然耳边传来轰隆隆声响,脚下地面感到震动。Awakensswiftly, raised the headto seeseveral hundredsto rideblackfrom far to near.
倏然惊醒,抬头望见数百黑骑由远及近。Is the person of headwears the black gauze, throws over the purplish redcloak, onembroiders the flood dragondragon soaringcloud chart.
" Person in Dongchang! "
The team being startledsoundwas screaming,shoos away the common people who enter a cityhastily, emptiescompletely the city gate, scolded the sluggishsoldiersto stand, musttake the vigor of joyred chamberto stand guard.
队正惊声尖叫,连忙轰赶进城的百姓,将城门完全空出来,又呵斥懒散的兵卒站好,必须拿出去怡红楼的劲儿站岗。Dongchangresponsibilityis the supervisionmeasured the land, aftercliquecase, there is a power of supervisorygovernment official.
东厂原本职责是监察丈量土地,自朋党案之后,又有了监察官吏的权力。Iflooked that whichsoldiersare not pleasing to the eyes, fasten a dereliction the hat, checksblackmails the common peopleand so on chargeagain, littlesaid that is also confiscates family's propertyto exile.
After the moment .
片刻后。Rides the lineblackto the city gateoutside, Zhou Yi shot a look at a teamto be positive, has not paid attentionbreaks in the citydirectly.
黑骑行至城门外,周易瞥了眼队正,没有理会直接冲入城中。Several hundredsrideto followblack, each onemalignant influencesare steaming.
数百黑骑紧随其后,个个煞气腾腾。Especiallyfather-in-lawwarmand otheroldcourt eunuches, manyyearshave not hadCapital City, turnmountainGuoshuiall the way, onlythought that the strongly fragrantair/Qi of accumulationdiverged.
" My12annual incomeSecretary of Internal Affairs, 30yearsdo not have the palace, whichdaysilentpassing awaywere thinking. "
「咱家十二岁入内侍司,三十年没出过宫,本想着哪天无声无息的老死。」WarmTongzhisaidwith a smile: " Thanks tosuperintendent, after enteringSupervision Department, went tovariousin the capitalplacefunboundary, nowsees the Jiangnanscenery, verticaldiedalsonotregrets! "
温同知笑着说道:「托了督公的福,入了监察司后,也去了京中各处好玩儿的地界,如今又见了江南风光,纵死也无憾了!」Zhou Yi asked: " Wheremisterfamily/home, maymake the later generationcomeSupervision Departmentto be on duty. " 周易问道:「先生家在哪里,可让后辈来监察司当值。」WarmTongzhideeplooked atZhou Yi one, decideshas investigatedmein the back: " Northwestmyancestor, turned over/stood upby the Land Dragonin the past, nine generationsremainingour! "
" Unexpectedlyisso. "
「竟然是这般。」InZhou Yi heartdoubtful, butSupervision Departmenthas not truly soughtfather-in-lawwarm the clansman, the hesitationmomentsaid.周易心中半信半疑,不过监察司确实未寻到温公公族人,沉吟片刻说道。
" Misterseeksadopted son, in the futurewill take care of parentstoyou, mewill givehimto arrange the future, will studyhappilyis the civil official, will practice martial artshappilyis the general. "
" ArticlenotChengwu, ourDongchangsomeare not the positions, from now onMr.warmwill begenealogyp. 1! "
「文不成武不就,咱东厂有的是位置,自此温先生就是族谱第一页!」WarmTongzhilooksintentto move, hissubordinatehasseveraladopted son, butisin the palaceimperial servant, can only in the ordinary dayserveanddirect, does not doto be passed from generation to generation.
" The superintendentsoobligation, memeet a cruel deathby the report! "
「督公如此大恩,咱家粉身碎骨以报!」No onecanreject the genealogyself-, but the beginning, the clansmanwill inherit the multi-younger generationsin the future, at holidays when ancestor worship, mustconsecrate the incense and candle, talked over a first ancestorkindness. The peopleare doomed dead, but the namecanspread, maylastfor the alternative.
When speech.
说话时。Ridesacrossseveralstreetsblack, arrives atoutside the mansionyamen.
黑骑穿过数条街道,来到府衙门外。Zeng ResidenceYinLvlingmansionalley and subordinatecounty citygovernment official, has awaited respectfullyin the alleyentrance, the solemntwohigh-ranking officialbows the body, on the faceis revealingto flatter the happy expression.
" Lower officialZeng Zhiyuan, pays a visitSirsuperintendent! "
唏律律!Zhou Yi tautnessreins, before the horses , the hoofraises high, almoststeps on Zeng ResidenceYinTouding.周易拉紧缰绳,马匹前蹄高扬,几乎踩在曾府尹头顶。Zeng ResidenceYinMiansechanges, at oncerestores the smile, pats the training ground: " Sirsuperintendent the equestrian skillis seriously wise! "
" Sironcedoes not needso, meandyou is not a system. "
「曾大人不必如此,咱家与你并非一个体系。」Zhou Yi is overlookingZeng ResidenceYinimmediately: " Your majestyhas said that the government officialdoes not accept bribesandis not illegal, doesn't needto fearSupervision Department, can it be thatSironceto havewhatmatter? " 周易在马上俯视曾府尹:「陛下说过,官吏不贪墨、不违法,就无需惧怕监察司,曾大人莫不是有什么事?」Having the matteris all rightis notSupervision Departmentdecides!
有事没事不就是监察司说了算!This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
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【我在修仙界长生不死】【】InZeng ResidenceYinheartunstated criticism, being an officialwherecannot have the issue, even if the world-famousbighonest official, according to the regulationaims atseverely, is contrary to the action of system.
" superintendentchatted, the lower officialnon-fears, butrespectsaboutyouvery much! The prefectural cityMaoweaponryemperor's relatives, seize and occupy the fieldswantonly,
The lower officialsdo not dareto manage. " " Supervision Departmentreportedyour majestyitluckily, the entire familyexiledLingnan, this actrescuesdid not knowmanycommon people! "
" Thisis the job. "
「此乃分内之事。」Zhou Yi turns over/stands updismount: " Methis timecheckSky Sword Gateto rebel, Sironcewas a benevolent official, something needto understand12. " 周易翻身下马:「咱家此番来查天剑门逆贼,曾大人身为父母官,有些事需要了解一二。」
" superintendentinvited! "
「督公请!」Zeng ResidenceYinGongsheninfront
曾府尹躬身在前面Leading the way, in the appearancestance and palaceimperial servantnot the slightest difference.
The court eunuchesserve the honored person, the lower officialserve the boss, the twoare nondistinctive.
太监伺候贵人,下官伺候上司,二者并无区别。Thesescholarsscolded the eunuch cliqueto be flatterydaily, howevercompared with the repertoire of writergovernmentpats the horse, all kinds ofmyriad, imperial servantthatwasgoes all out unable to catch up.
那些读书人天天骂阉党溜须拍马,然而比起文人官场拍马的套路,五花八门名目繁多,内侍那是拼了命也赶不上。Mansionalleyback room.
Before the half a month, Zeng ResidenceYinlearns of the news, immediatelyseeks the artisanto transform, specificallyis usedto entertainDongchangto come the person.
When Zhou Yi passing through the gate, saw that the maidservantis serving food.周易进门时,见到侍女正在上菜。
The delicacies of every kinddo not needto describe, whatis rareisinthisinlandprefectural city, invarioustypeseas the foodcanremainfresh.
" Sironcehad a mind! "
「曾大人有心了!」DongchangfromCapital City, caught up withonemonth of distance, did not determine that whichday arrived here, thereforewantsto ship in the freshfoodevery day, satcalmly.
东厂自京城出发,赶了一个多月的路程,并不确定哪天到这里,所以要每日运来新鲜食材,坐好了静等。Zhou Yi onedaydoes not come, wasteonetable of banquets.周易一日不来,就浪费一桌宴席。
" Thisis the lower officialjob. "
「这是下官分内之事。」Zeng ResidenceYinJiangZhou Yi directs the supremehead, abouttwobeautiful appearancefemalespour out wineto serve food, oneselfdraw backservinghou temperatureTongzhiandinQianshiand otherimperial servant.
曾府尹将周易引至上首,左右两个美貌女子斟酒布菜,自个退下又伺候温同知、于佥事等内侍。Oneshouldimperial servantserve, outside letsgovernment officialpassing through the gate that awaits respectfully, takes a seatunderSupervision Department the seat.
The mansionalleyback room is quite luckily spacious, worked overtimeto change to the feasthallby the artisan, just nowcanentertain more than hundredpeoplesimultaneously.
幸好府衙后堂极为宽敞,经工匠加班加点改为宴厅,方才能同时招待百余人。Zhou Yi sits on head, a mouthhundredyears of good wine, the visionhad swept a government official.周易坐在上首,品了口百年佳酿,目光扫过一众官吏。
" When Supervision DepartmentcopiesMao, resulted inmanyaccount booksandcorrespondence, deliversexamineswithme, writeswhateveryone to be clear. "
The voicefalls, in the hall the government officiallooks palemost likely.
话音落下,堂中官吏十之八九面色苍白。Zeng ResidenceYinis most terrified, Imperial Courtwhodoes not know,Dongchangsuperintendentmostlikescatching the governor-generalandcounty magistrate, underpassingsentences the standardgovernment officialand so oninsteadmanylets off.
曾府尹最为惶恐,朝中谁不知道,东厂督公最喜欢抓府尹、县令,之下的通判典吏之类的反而多有放过。According to the superintendentoriginal words, graspscatches the member, mustbe a scapegoatwith the assistanceofficialgovernment officialnot!
" Meam the heartam friendliest, covered upthis matter, reportedwithyour majesty, everyonereceived the pressure of thatimperial concubineimperial concubine, unavoidablilyindulgedMao! "
" Thanks politelysuperintendent. "
「拜谢督公。」Zeng ResidenceYinrespondedrapidly, left ranksto kneel downdirectlyin the great hall, not caring a whoopcolleaguestrangelook.
曾府尹反应最为迅速,直接出列跪倒在大堂,丝毫不在意同僚怪异眼神。Otherencircle the fieldcaseconcernedpersonalso to leave rankswithMao, kneelon the groundthank politely, thisknelt downall of a suddenmost likely (80%)government officials, onlyhadfewsixstillto sitin the home position.
其他与毛家圈田案有关的人也不得不出列,跪在地上拜谢,这一下子跪倒了八成官吏,仅有寥寥六个仍坐在原位。Zhou Yi nodsslightly, the visionlooksto the othergovernment officials.周易微微颔首,目光看向余下官吏。Does not needto speak, immediatelyfrightensthemto be streaming with sweat, such sceneis inevitable.
无需说话,顿时吓得他们汗流浃背,此等情景已然无可选择。Todaydaresnot to kneel, does not needSupervision Departmentto act, the Jiajing Provincecolleaguecanpush aside dead them, let aloneZeng ResidenceYinis the immediate superior.
" Thanks politelysuperintendent! "
「拜谢督公!」This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
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【我在修仙界长生不死】【】Sixpeopledo not give up the black gauze capeventually, leaving a seatkneel down.
六人终究是舍不得乌纱帽,离座跪倒在地。Zhou Yi satisfactionwaves, variousgovernment officialsreturn to the seat.周易满意挥手,诸官吏回到座位。
" Sironce, how manysoldiers does Jiajing Provincehavenow? don'tmustreporttheseimaginary numbers, mesoldier who needs to go to war! "
The placemansionsoldier the erosioncould not have withstood, thisis the matter that is altogether known by everybody, the reasonis quite complex.
地方府兵早已糜烂不堪,这是共所周知的事,其中缘由颇为复杂。According to the reigning dynastyrules and regulations, place of mansionshouldhave5000soldiers, howeverexcepteatingspatialpayas well asold, weak, sick, and disabled, canfightingbe have 3000isgood.
" ReplySir, Jiajing Provinceininland, on the peacefulyear's harvest, the mansionalleycannot raiseso manysoldiers...... "
「回禀大人,嘉景府地处内地,又正逢太平年景,府衙养不起那么多兵卒......」Zeng ResidenceYinXunthreepassablereasons: " Nowcanfighting, be counted the city gateandwarehouseto reportand other soldiers, approximatelycanhave...... 2000? "
曾府尹寻了三个说得过去的理由:「如今能战者,算上城门、仓禀等兵卒,大约能有......两千?」Becausedoes not determine the truenumber, turns the headto looktounderXie Youji.
由于不确定真正数目,转头看向下方谢游击。Xie Youjisaid: " superintendent, just when the busy farming seasonseason, the soldiersgoes hometo farmnow, can only collect1000. " 谢游击说道:「督公,现在正值农忙时节,兵卒多回家种田,只能凑齐一千。」
" Snort, deliberately creates troubleseriously! " ,
「哼,当真是胡闹!」,Zhou Yi did not investigate why returned the busy farming season in September, told: " Half a month later, do mewantto see5000youngsoldiers, Sironcecanaccomplish? " 周易也不去追究,为何九月了还农忙,吩咐道:「半个月后,咱家要见到五千青壮兵卒,曾大人能不能办到?」
" Can, certainenergy! "
「能,一定能!」Zeng ResidenceYinLixiawritten pledge to fulfill a military order: " Does not needhalf a month, fivedays of lower officialcancollect. "
曾府尹立下军令状:「无需半月,五天下官就能凑齐。」So long as the yamenis willingto disburse money, 5000youngaccommodatevery much
衙门只要舍得出钱,五千青壮很容Easyto collect, does not needto recruitlet alonemassively, callsmale servantyard protector that variousJiajing Provincelarge clansraise, numberenoughmost probably.
易凑齐,更何况无需大规模招募,将嘉景府各大族养的家丁护院叫来,数目就够了大半。Theseyard protectorusuallyin the dancespear/gunmakes the stick, the physiqueis much better than the mansionsoldier, slightly the trainingis the crack troops!
" Sironce, youwere very good. "
「曾大人,你很不错。」Zhou Yi arrives at the mansionalleyoriginally, finallyrevealed the happy expression: " Next year the Ministry of Appointmentsinspection, decidinghoweverisinarmor, ifCapital Citybecomes vacant, methencanwithyouwithtowardbe an officer! " 周易自来到府衙,终于露了出笑意:「明年吏部考核,定然是甲上,如若京城出缺,咱家便能与你同朝为官!」Zeng ResidenceYinGanji: " The graciousness of superintendentleading by the hand, the lower officialwill remember for the rest of one's life, ifin the futuresomeinstruction, will decidewhole-heartedly. "
曾府尹感激道:「督公提携之恩,下官没齿难忘,日后若有吩咐,定全力以赴。」Zhou Yi received the good wine that the maidservantoffers, lifts up high the cupto say.周易接过侍女奉上的美酒,高举杯子说道。
" Gentlemen, drinkhold! "
......Daysword mountain.
天剑山。Situated inJiajing Provincesouth.
The plainhas the butte, itsshapelike the sword, the highthreehundreds of zhang (333 m)has.
平原起孤峰,其形如剑,高三百丈有余。Whenlate autumn.
The Manshanmaple leafis popular , under the setting sunshines uponsuch as the bloodlike the fire.
The entranceon dutydisciple, sees the bigpiececrowdfrom afar, gallopsfromnorth.
More than 5000peoplegather the same place, cannot see the boundarydensely.
五千余人汇聚一起,黑压压看不到边际。ComespersonmostwearFubing systemclothing, a small number ofwearblack clothesvigorattires, including more than 500cavalries, hoofbeatlikethunder.
" Castrated the dogto come! "
The disciplesrecognize the black clothesorange-redto ride, immediatelyscreamedmakes noise, in the flusteredgoinggatenotified.
The mansionsoldierstops at the foot of the hill, is divided intofivearmy, such assemicircleSky Sword Gatesurrounding.
" Medo not understandarmy, alljunctionsare directedbyXie Youji. "
「咱家不懂军阵,一切交由谢游击指挥。」Zhou Yi said; " This timeexterminatesSky Sword Gate, is the important matter of returning to normalrebel, Xie Youji, ifcancompletely the merit, mydirection detectionyour majestyask higher authoritiesforyou. " " superintendentfelt relieved. " 周易说道;「此番剿灭天剑门,乃平复叛逆的大事,谢游击若能尽功,咱家定向陛下为你请功。」「督公放心。」Xie Youjiis confident: " Sky Sword Gatehigh and low300, 5000soldiersencircle, even if the martial artsgrandmasteralso can only escape. " 谢游击信心满满:「天剑门上下不过三百,五千兵卒围剿,纵使武道宗师也只能逃命。」
A martial artsexpertcaneasilykilltensoldiers, however the soldiersshapeforms an army, martial artsexpert who mayeasilystrangle to death11numbers.
一个武道高手可以轻易杀死十个兵卒,然而兵卒形成军阵,可轻易绞杀十一之数的武道高手。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
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【我在修仙界长生不死】【】Xie Youjisaid,Le Masentersarmy.谢游击说罢,勒马进入军阵。Enters the mansionalleyfromZhou Yi , over the past month, 5000soldiersafter the simpletraining, had known the flagcommand.
" Kills! Kill! Kills! "
「杀!杀!杀!」Firsteven/includingthreeshout out, fivesideJunzhenkillstoSky Sword Gate.
The stepsomewhatis slightly chaotic, butcanmaintain the formation, looks has the imposing manner.
步伐稍稍有些混乱,不过能维持阵型,看起来颇有气势。Zhou Yi ridesinimmediately, looks at a armyrush, is somewhat choked up with emotions.周易骑在马上,看着军阵冲杀,不禁有些心潮澎湃。
" Then5000mansionsoldiers, north sidethatsupports the soldierit is said300,000, iswhat kind ofpower and influence? Thatpulled the bannerrebellionseriously, Daqingevennotbut actually, can still injure the foundation! "
The thoughtsrevolve like lightning, howZhou Yi ponders over to useZhenbei King, toachieveowngoal.
心思电转,周易琢磨如何能用上镇北王,以达到自己的目的。In the worlddoes not haveforeverenemy, immediatelyZhou Yi in view of the north side, allfor the Emperor Zhengtongneed, whichdaydoes not needoron the dragonchairchanges players, can definitely collaboratewithZhenbei King.
When is pondering, nearbyZeng ResidenceYinWendao.
" superintendent, why did your majestymakeyouextinguishSky Sword Gate? "
「督公,陛下为何让您灭了天剑门?」This timeSupervision Departmentgoes south, flauntednaturallyis the Emperor Zhengtongbanner, moreover mustbeyour majestyorders, otherwisemobilizes soldiersis suspectedto plot a rebellion.
" Sironce, your sayingspoke incorrectly, your majestydoes not letmydestructionSky Sword Gate...... "
「曾大人,你这话说错了,陛下并非让咱家覆灭天剑门......」Zhou Yi referred to a day of sword mountainsaying: " The did mountain that Sky Sword Gateoccupies, pay taxes? " 周易指了指天剑山说道:「天剑门占的这山,交税了吗?」Zeng ResidenceYinYihuosaid: " Fromdoes not have, after allin the rivers and lakes the personquarrying a mountainverticalfaction, neverhadpaying taxesto say. "
" According to the reigning dynastyregulation, mustpay taxes! "
「按照国朝律法,必须交税!」Zhou Yi coldsound said: " MeextinguishedSky Sword Gate, thentootherSectchoices, the little darlingmakes a paymenteither, either the royal governmentreclaims the land. " " So that's how it is. " 周易冷声道:「咱家灭了天剑门,便是给其他宗门一个选择,要么乖乖交钱,要么朝廷收回土地。」「原来如此。」
The Zeng ResidenceYinbrowstightwrinkle, said: " superintendent, thisSecttaxdoes not receiveeasily. "
The rivers and lakesSectmartial artsstrengthis tyrannical, the tax collectordoes not dareto climb mountainsto ask for money, could not say that crashes into the cliffaccidentally/surprisingly, orfedin the mountain the dholeevildoersleopard.
" JieJieJie...... "
「桀桀桀……」Zhou Yi smilesseveralstrangely: " Meandyour majestyinvited a decree, ifsomeSectreported that whichrefuses payment of taxes, thencanexempt the taxes of samenumberland. " 周易怪笑几声:「咱家与陛下请了个旨意,若有宗门举报哪家抗税,便能免去同等数目土地的税赋。」Rivers and lakesSectnotof one mind, various factionssee onlyhave the murder casemuch, let aloneeviltwobitter enemies.
江湖宗门并非齐心,各门各派只见多有血案,更别说正邪两道的世仇。Thiscustompromulgates, reportedenemySectinevitablymutually.
这个规矩颁布出去,必然互相举报仇家宗门。Evensomepeopleappealed that does not usejointly, the human natureisselfishandgreedy, in any eventwill move towardreportedmutually.
" superintendentis wise! "
「督公英明!」Zeng ResidenceYinZaixithinks, even morethought that thislawis excellent: " Does not know whether the lower officialcan profit from12? "
曾府尹仔细思索,愈发觉得此法绝妙:「不知下官能否借鉴一二?」Zhou Yi asked: " How does profit from the law? " 周易问道:「怎么个借鉴法?」
" superintendent, the clearquantityfieldsare beset with difficultiesimmediately, theserich peopledo everything possibleto go into hiding. The placegovernment officialnumberis limited, the investigationprocessed is quite troublesome, makingmanypeopleconceal the truth. "
「督公,当下清量田亩困难重重,那些大户人家想尽办法隐匿。地方官吏数量有限,调查处理起来极为麻烦,让不少人瞒了过去。」Zeng ResidenceYinsaid: " Lower officialwrites a memorial to the emperortoyour majesty, such assuperintendentlike that everythingreportedconcealmentfields, mayavoid the payment of taxes of correspondingquota. "
曾府尹说道:「下官向陛下写个奏折,如督公那般,凡是举报隐匿田亩者,可免除相应额度的赋税。」Zhou Yi shakes the head saying: " Thislawdoes not may! " 周易摇头道:「此法万万不可!」Zeng ResidenceYinYihuosaid: " Why is this? "
" The mountainous region that schooloccupiesdid not have the payment of taxes, the royal governmentmore or lessreceives, is the additional income, moreoverin the rivers and lakes the personis aggressive, cannotforceis too tight. "
「门派占据的山地本就无赋税,朝廷或多或少收上来,都属于额外收入,而且江湖中人凶悍,不能逼迫的太紧。」Zhou Yi said: " Thisreportingfieldsavoid the payment of taxes, someinevitablypeopletake advantage of loopholes, finallycausesmanyfieldsto be exempted from tax, lost the original intention of quantityfield!周易说道:「这举报田亩免除赋税,必然有人钻空子,最终造成许多田亩免税,也就失去了量田的初衷!This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
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【我在修仙界长生不死】【】Zeng ResidenceYintouches own ears and cheeks saying: " Lower officialis dull-witted, but alsoaskedsuperintendentto advise. "
曾府尹抓耳挠腮道:「下官愚钝,还请督公指教。」Zhou Yi cast a sidelong glancethisboyeyes, worthilyis the scholarfamily background, will speakcompared with the Secretary of Internal Affairscourt eunuch, byZeng ResidenceYin'smind, howpossiblynot to have the law of improvement.周易睨了这厮一眼,不愧是读书人出身,比内侍司的太监会说话,以曾府尹的头脑,怎么可能没有完善之法。
" Sironce, youwill reportreduces the taxes, changes to the concealmentfieldsto converge the reporterallthen!
「曾大人,你将举报减免税赋,改为将隐匿田亩归为举报者所有即可!Then, the reporteris competitive, the royal governmentwill not little receive the taxes.
" superintendentis wise, the lower officialis less than the eventuality. "
「督公英明,下官不及万一。」Zeng ResidenceYinLianshengpats the horse: " Returns to the mansionalley, the lower officialreportsimmediately, decided the name of superintendentonendbureau, stated clearlythisreigning dynastybrilliant planorigin. "
" No need. "
「不必。」Zhou Yi shakes the head saying: " Meam unsuitableto intersectwith the royal courtier, Sironcerememberedthis matter, next yearwent toCapital Cityassignment, butmustremembermygood. " 周易摇头道:「咱家不便与朝臣相交,曾大人将此事记下,明年去了京城任职,可要记得咱家的好。」Emperor Zhengtongimperturbablequantityfields, Zeng ResidenceYinZoushucomes up, decideswill dramatically speed up the advancement.正统帝一心清量田亩,曾府尹奏疏上去,定会大大加快进程。Alsocanfind outmanyconcealmentfields, it may be said thatcenter the emperorheart, Zeng ResidenceYinDingranwill rise highnext year, greatlypossiblyentersMinistry of Revenueto be on duty.
The governor-generalbridges overthiskeyonestep, in the futureor may become a cabinet minister!
府尹跨过这关键一步,将来或可能入阁!Recommendationmetropolisbiggodolduses/givesnew book:
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