【Ilive foreverincultivation world】【】
【我在修仙界长生不死】【】Sky Sword Gate.天剑门。
The leadershearto castrate the dogto raid, pulls out the scarletrainbowswordto shout loudly.
" Iand other correct pathpeople, shoulduphold justice, put to deathsycophant, but alsoworldcommon peopleringinguniverse! "
「我等正道人士,理应匡扶正义,诛杀女干佞,还天下苍生一个朗朗乾坤!」In the gatedisciplehearsword, the painstaking carerushesimmediately.
The elder who usuallyinreceivestaught,thendoes not hesitateoneselfbodyfor the correct pathenterprise, todayday of the unity of knowledge and action, verticaldies the rivers and lakesalsoto leave leeway the legendin the future.
平日里受的长辈教导,便是为正道事业不惜己身,今日正是知行合一之日,纵死日后江湖亦留有传说。Mixes the rivers and lakesmanydisregards the life and death, onebowl of liquorseveralwords, thencanforitsshedlife.
混江湖的多将生死置之度外,一碗酒几句话,便能为其舍命。Thinksis the sense of justiceandloyalty, fallingoutsidein the personeyesisstupid.
The leadersbringin the gate the disciple, overshootsfrom the mountain, engages in hand-to-hand combatwithroyal governmentsoldiers.
掌门带着门中弟子,从山上冲下来,与朝廷军卒短兵相接。Initially when depends on the martial artsto be tyrannical, 32swordsthencancutto killsoldiers, the bloodscatters, insteadstimulated the beastly nature of will of the peoplebottom, abandonedfear of heartthoroughly.
" Killsto castrate the dog! "
" Executessycophant...... "
The leaderslisten tosay/wayto shout loudly, look the happy expression, in the ordinary daydid not teachin vainquite, ifSky Sword Gatecancross the tribulation of today, the rivers and lakesprestigecanreachto the peaksurely.
" Looks at the sword! "
The leadersstimulate to movementtrue qifull power, uses the town/subduessectmystiquedaysword technique, true qitows the scarletrainbowsword, was separated fromboth handsunexpectedly, revolvesin a whole bodytwochi (0.33 m)rangerapidly.
The soldiersare irresistible, to cutto kill more than 20peopleinstantaneously.
The Sky Sword Gatediscipleseesthissituation, immediately the imposing mannerrises sharply, displaysin the gateabsolute technique, repetitivebeing repulsed that the soldiershit.天剑门弟子见此情形,顿时气势大涨,纷纷施展门中绝学,将兵卒打的连连败退。Behind.
后方。Xie Youjisaw that the soldierswere slaughtered, the complexionis slightly invariable, wavesto say.谢游击见到兵卒遭到屠戮,面色丝毫不变,挥手道。
" Puts the arrow! "
The archersalvothreerounds, the dense and numerousarrowarrowsfallon a armyfront, the Sky Sword Gatediscipledo not have to avoid, can only display the qing gongavoidance, orrevolutiontrue qiresistshardly.
The soldiersstrangle to deathwhilethisopportunity, more than tenlong-barrelled gunsheld the past, the martial artsexpertwas also killed violentlyat the scene.
兵卒趁此机会绞杀,十几根长枪捅过去,武道高手也当场毙命。Onlythisoneround, Sky Sword Gatedied more than 50people.
只此一回合,天剑门死了五十余人。Naturally, the royal governmentsoldierscasualty500numbers, nearlyare the enemytentimes of numbers.
当然,朝廷兵卒死伤五百之数,近乎是敌人十倍之数。Xie Youjialsoordered: " Againcome. " 谢游击又下令:「再来。」Anotherround of arrowrainfalls, Sky Sword Gateis injuredagaindozens.
The leadersstimulate to movementtrue qito shout outloudly: " Entersin the army, thencannot fear the bow and arrow. "
The disciplediscipleclearlybecomes awareimmediately, displays the qing gong, plunges into the middle ofarmyto slaughter, the opposite partyarcherwill not always kill the people on one's own side.
后方。Xie Youjidespises saying: " Onegroup of military personbarbarians, thisgeneralhas not tempted the enemy, oneselfjumpunexpectedly. " 谢游击鄙夷道:「一群武夫蛮子,本将军还未诱敌,竟然自己跳进去。」Alsoorders, the military officersat all levelswield the signal flag, soldierschange the circle formation.
The shieldencircles the circleto be one of them sleepily the Sky Sword Gatedisciple, grips the long spear/gunin all directions, firsteven/includingholdsseveraltimes, the groundon the remainingbloodbottle gourds, dyingcannotdieagain.
After killing the enemy, soldierssupportsothercircle formations.
杀死敌人后,军卒又支援其他圆阵。Being in inverse proportion, the Sky Sword Gatedisciplecasualtyis serious, operates independentlyhow, the same sidediedmanynot to know.
此消彼长,天剑门弟子死伤惨重,奈何各自为战,连同门死了多少都不知晓。Centerarmy, more than 200soldiersform the circle formation, siegesin which the Sky Swordleader.
The leadersare the rivers and lakesfamous elder, true qiadhere to stick cohere the scarletrainbowswordworthily, cuts off the iron-coveredshieldforcefullyaround the middle, however the frontsoldiersdied, immediatelyalsosomepeoplehold the shieldto withstand/top.
掌门不愧是江湖名宿,真气附着赤虹剑,硬生生将铁皮盾牌拦腰斩断,然而前面的兵卒死了,立刻又有人持盾顶上。Killedcontinuously45, true qihad consumedmost.
The leadersseethissituation, knowscannotcontinue the dogfightto get down, immediatelydisplays the qing gongto soar.
掌门见此情形,知晓不能继续缠斗下去,当即施展轻功腾空而起。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
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" JieJieJie...... "
「桀桀桀......」Severalsmilestrangelyinarmytransmits, father-in-lawwarm the figurelike the ghosts and demons, the five fingerssuch as the clawpulls outto the leaderback of the body.
几声怪笑在军阵中传来,温公公身形如鬼魅,五指如爪掏向掌门后心。Hasto do mental arithmeticto have no interest, most flourishingsneak attacktrough.
The leadersfrom the skyevadenot to be possibleto evade,
掌门在空中避无可避,Revolutiontrue qiprotectsforcefullyback, the resulthas no effectiveness, a handfrom the later generationacross the chest, lowers the headto see the bloodyheart. " Mythisdemonsilver, brokenprotectsbodytrue qispecially. "
强行运转真气护住背部,结果并无任何效用,一只手从后辈穿过前胸,低头看到血淋淋的心脏。「咱家这魔银手,专破护体真气。」Father-in-lawwarmsaidwith a smile: " Studied independentlyday, neverhadhas displayed the opportunity, todayfinallyapplies, youdiedwas not injust! "
" Castrates...... the dog...... "
The leadermouthspits blood, did not have the aurain a flash.
掌门嘴里嗬嗬嗬吐血,转瞬没了气息。Father-in-lawwarmtwists the head, thisis the banditing suppressionmilitary exploit, operated to giveadopted sonshadeMilitary Officer.
" The Sky Swordleaderhas died, fastis without a fight! "
The true qistimulation of movementsoundpasses on the four directions, struggleddesperatelyinJunzhen the discipledisciple, immediatelyreleased the frame of mind. Except thata fewwould rather die thanto fall, mostlyabandons the long sword, lifts up highboth handsto kneel down.真气催动声传四方,本就苦苦挣扎于军阵的门人弟子,顿时泄了心气。除了少数宁死不降,大多都扔下长剑,高举双手跪倒在地。Father-in-lawwarmalsosaid: " The superintendentbigwill of the people are good, must not exposed to some people of Yin-Yangtwoseparate, allkilledthemwent tobelow and same sidereunites. "
" Castrating the dogdamn! "
" Forgives! "
" Do not killme, I have the parentalwife and children...... "
「不要杀我,我还有父母妻儿……」Father-in-lawwarmwas sharp-eared, hearssomepeopleto speakthissaying, immediatelyreturned to the covered passageway.
" Relax, yourparentalwife and children, canget downto accompanyyou, mewill not makeyoulonely! "
「放心,你的父母妻儿,也会下去陪你,咱家可不会让你孤独!」soldiershears the order, the long spear/gunholdsto the Sky Sworddisciple of kneelingplace, quickexecutesallcertainly.军卒听到命令,长枪捅向跪地的天剑弟子,很快就尽数诛绝。
山下。Zhou Yi inhorselooks out, is sharpsoundto praiseto sigh.周易驻马瞭望,尖着声音赞叹道。
" Meam mistakenseriously, Xie Youjiisunderstands the marchingset up formation, can it be that does the ancestorhave the inheritance? "
" Good that superintendentsaid. "
「督公说的不错。」Zeng ResidenceYinsaid: " The Xie Youjiancestorleftoversized, with the great ancestorwill once fight up and down the country, attains a Beiping , Tianjing, latterrelated tocertain the matter, did not exilethreegenerations, withpardonsidealso! "
曾府尹说道:「谢游击祖上出过大将,曾随太祖南征北战,获封平津,后涉及某些不可言之事,流放三代,遇大赦方还!」Zhou Yi nodsslightly, does not needto settle that however when was the thronealternatedstandsmistakenly the team.周易微微颔首,不用说定然是皇位更迭时站错了队。
" After the prestigious family, outstanding! Mepresentyour majestyto assign/lifeto trample flatrivers and lakesSect, is lackingperson of the seriessoldierdispatch, Xie Youjilookswell. "
The seriessoldierset up formation, is the extremelycomplexmatter.
统兵布阵,乃极复杂之事。Zhou Yi one of us knowsfrom the family affairs, the coming upchaoticdirectionwill only hold back, the specializedmatterwill give the specializedpersonto dosimply, the biggestmeritwill belong to itselfin any case.周易自家人知自家事,上去乱指挥只会拖后腿,索性将专业的事交给专业的人去做,反正最大的功劳会归于自己。
The othermeritshare benefit, canwin overcivil and militarygovernment official who has the skillin large numbers.
" superintendentfelt relieved, the lower officialandXie Youjialways remember the obligationsurely. "
「督公放心,下官与谢游击定铭记大恩。」Zeng ResidenceYinlooks the happy expression, heandXie Youji in Jiajing Provincefor the officer, will go toCapital Cityalso to take care in the futuretogether.
The oldsoundconveysfrom the windtogether.
" Old mantravels day and night, was still comeslate! "
" Who? "
" Protectssuperintendent! "
More than hundredblack clothesforeignersallare the martial artsexpert, the reaction speedare far from the commonpersoncancompare, hear the soundto encircleZhou Yi immediatelyinmiddle.
百余黑衣番子皆是武道高手,反应速度远非寻常人能比,听到声音当即将周易围在当中。Zhou Yi goesfollowing the prestige, saw that an old manwalksslowly.周易循声望去,见到个老者缓缓走来。Having hair dishevelled, the facial featuresare old, wear the hempen garments, the waist conduct the arm the rootiron bar, the left handare carrying a bloodyhead.
披头散发,面容苍老,身穿麻衣,腰间挎着根铁条,左手拎着颗血淋淋的头颅。Both feetis well-groundednakedly, stepslowalsoquick.
双足赤裸着地,步履似慢还快。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
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When the soundfalls, has arrived at about tenzhang (3.33 m), is away from the black clothesforeignerandZhou Yi looks at each other.
声音落下时,已经来到十丈开外,隔着黑衣番子与周易对视。Zhou Yi inducesto the old manswift and fierceswordair/Qi, immediatelyshows the temperaterespectablesmile.周易感应到老者凌厉剑气,顿时露出温和尊敬的笑容。
" Elderly man, does not know that doeswhatcomes? "
" IsSky Sword Gatecomes. "
The old menthrow the headon the ground, the bonehappen torollto the foreignernearbycommon: " Old manoncereceived the former generationSky Swordleaderto direct the sword technique, knew that Sky Sword Gatehas the tribulation, instantlygoes toCapital Cityto verify the truth! "
老者将头颅扔在地上,骨碌碌正好滚到番子跟前:「老夫曾受上代天剑掌门指点剑术,得知天剑门有劫,即刻前往京城查明真相!」Zhou Yi hearsis the enemy, the complexiongraduallygloomy and cold.周易听到是敌人,面色渐渐阴冷下来。
" Meamroyal governmentofficial, Sky Sword GatediscipleXiao Yunlate at nightassassinate, inmybodyviolently poisonous, does not plot a rebellion, whattruthbut can also have? "
" , The old manis so speechlessseriously. "
The old menrefer tobeing well-grounded the head saying: " Thispersonis the Xiao Yunbest friend, is it may be said that sincere, tells one another everything, can superintendentoncerecognizehim? "
老者指着地上头颅说道:「此人是萧云的至交好友,可谓推心置腹,无话不谈,督公可曾认得他?」Zhou Yi both eyesconcentrate: " Mereside in the palaceyear to year, neverknows the rivers and lakesmatter, howto recognize! " 周易双目微凝:「咱家常年居于宫中,从来不知江湖事,如何认得!」..
" Hesaid that recognizessuperintendent. "
The old mensaid: " Old maninquiredknew,thispersonhas become the Supervision Departmentsecret agent, oncenumber/count
The timereportedXiao Yuncursed angrilysuperintendent, after the liquor, evenhad saidwords that rid the people of an eviland so on. "
" Me thought that reallyhadsuchindividual. "
「咱家想起来了,确实有这么个人。」Zhou Yi coldsound said: " Myheartis friendly, is broadminded, after the liquor, scoldedseveralnot to care, tradednarrowmindedhas graspedintoSky Prisonto torture! " 周易冷声道:「咱家心善,对人宽宏大量,酒后骂几句并未放在心上,换个气量小的早就抓入天牢上刑了!」
" superintendentknows the Xiao Yunintentionassassination, non-does not kill, butkeepshimto use...... "
The old mentold: " Thatdaysuperintendentgoes home, after the hypocrisyis drunk, sends peopleto pass on a messagethisboy, is informedXiao Yunbyhimagain , the stimulationprovokesseveralintentionally. "
" Xiao Yunhated the wicked as if they were personal enemies, the tempersomewhatis also irritable, immediatelyentersZhou Residenceto assassinatethoroughly. superintendenttaking this opportunity, the falsemakes the severe wound, sought the exterminationexcuse! "
" JieJieJie...... "
「桀桀桀......」Zhou Yi smilesseveralstrangely, applaudsto praiseto sigh: " Storysoundsgood, butyou have whatevidence, is this mattermecontrols? " 周易怪笑几声,鼓掌赞叹道:「故事听起来不错,只是你又有何证据,此事是咱家操控?」
" Old manandXiao Yunget to know each other well, hissword techniquetalentis extraordinary, is actually not skilled in the qing gong. "
The old mensaid: " Alsotoexempthisfalling to the enemyrivers and lakes, the old manpassed onhisRoaming Dragon Meritspecially, after the self-torture , can only besecond-class, howso the qing gongpossiblypasses throughDongchangforeigneron duty, the matters of line of assassination? "
" This is also onlyyourspeculation! "
「这也只是你的臆测而已!」Zhou Yi coldsound said: " Not to mentionspeculates the genuine and fake, Xiao Yunbypersonseveralstimulation, thenassassinates the imperially appointed official, withplotting a rebellionwhatstrange/different? " 周易冷声道:「姑且不说臆测真假,萧云只是受人几句刺激,便行刺朝廷命官,又与谋反何异?」
The old mensaid: " Old manknows the Xiao Yunmistake, will therefore not revenge, so long assuperintendentforgives the Sky Sword Gatedisciplenine generationsthen. "
" JieJieJieJie...... "
「桀桀桀桀......」Zhou Yi as ifheard the hugejoke, " your boycheek is also very thick, youdo not revengeunexpectedly, treat astomytolerance, but alsowantsmeto cut the grassnon-root? " 周易仿佛听到了天大的笑话,「你这厮面皮也忒厚,竟然你不报仇,当做对咱家的宽容,还要咱家斩草不除根?」
The old mensaidslowly: " superintendentwill complysurely! "
老者缓缓说道:「督公定会答应的!」During the speechesswordintent is also swift and fierceseveralpoints, nearlyconcentrates the essence, punctures the Zhou Yi eyesto pain.
" Actually are youwho? "
" Old manpractices the swordwholeheartedly, practicedto forget, namelessnot to have the surname the name, the rivers and lakesperson of same beliefthencalls the old manfornameless! "
" Swordgod! "
「剑神!」This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
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【我在修仙界长生不死】【】Zhou Yi raised the soundsuddenly, both eyeswas staringstubbornlynameless, such as the deep poolsuch asseatrue qicongealed the gas hoodto cover the whole body.周易陡然拔高了声音,双目死死盯着无名,如渊如海的真气凝成气罩笼罩周身。In the rivers and lakesuses the person of swordto be most, is only naturalcharming, thenexceedsotherweapons.
江湖中用剑的人最多,只潇洒、帅气便胜过其他所有兵器。Were manywith the person of sword, compared withswordnaturallyalsomany, thereforemixes the rivers and lakesto want " sword " characternickname, is an extremely not easymatter.
用剑的人多了,比剑的自然也多,所以混江湖想要得个「剑」字诨号,是件极其不易的事。Amongall previousrivers and lakesswordsman, such assworddivine swordimmortalswordcrazysworddemonand so ongiven name, innumerable, even the unifiedtimehasseveralmore than tenswordgods.
历代江湖剑客当中,诸如剑神剑仙剑痴剑魔之类的名号,数不胜数,甚至统一时代有几个十几个剑神。Such asJiangnanswordgodandOuter Mongoliaswordgod, somemansionandsomemountainJianshen, becauseno onecancalltrulyreveres, does not have the meansto cancelothersswordgodgiven name.
诸如江南剑神、漠北剑神,以至于某府、某山剑神,由于无人能真正称尊,也就没办法抹去别人剑神名号。However, the present agerivers and lakesonlyswordgod, is nameless.
" Prettytrue qi! "
「好俊的真气!」Namelesssees the translucentgas hood, in the eyeflashes throughastonishedly: " Onrivers and lakeshas spread, the truepeerlessexpertin the imperial palace, coming the dayold men to search the depthsurely. "
" Bigcourage! "
「好大的胆子!」Zhou Yi scoldedsternly: " Suchevildoer, intentplans to be strongerto rush to the imperial grounds, seeks the counterbigcrime, the generalheseizestogether! " 周易厉声呵斥:「此等贼子,意图强闯宫禁,乃谋逆大罪,一起上将他擒下!」
" Compliant. "
The Dongchangforeignershear the swordgodgiven name, has frightenedfearful and apprehensive, howeverdoes not darenot to listen to the order.
东厂番子听到剑神名号,早已吓得心惊胆战,然而也不敢不听命令。Preyswith the swordgod, oneselfdiedat most.
与剑神搏杀,顶多自己死了。Defies the superintendentorders, the Sky Sword Gatefateis close at hand!
" Blackeagle claw, native of Outer Mongoliaslaughter, threeYinolddemons, crouching tigerviewLord...... "
「黑鹰爪,漠北人屠,三阴老魔,伏虎观主......」Namelesslooks at the foreigner who killstranquilly, recognizesitsrivers and lakesgiven name, is the well-knownominouspeople.
" Old manuses the swordtoday, for...... cutsevilly! "
「老夫今日出剑,是为......斩邪!」Finishes barely the words, the waistiron barsoars, leaves the bodythreezhang (3.33 m) away giventrue qi, shuttles back and forthin the foreignerback and forth, cut off78people of napes of the neckinstantaneously.
话音未落,腰间铁条腾空而起,在真气牵引下离身三丈远,在番子中来回穿梭,瞬间割断了七八人脖颈。Otherforeignersfrightenagain and againback up, the technique of suchtrue qigoverningsword, alreadyindeityflyingswordresemblingwithlegend.
其他番子吓得连连倒退,此等真气御剑之术,已经与传说中的神仙飞剑相类。How the mortalscancontendwith the deity!
" Stillremembers for 50years ago, the Sky Swordleaderpasses on the old mandaysword technique, has not thoughtto displaytodayagain, Sky Sword Gate the destruction, seriouslyispeople are just the victims of fate.
「犹记得五十年前,天剑掌门传老夫天剑术,未曾想今日再次施展,天剑门已然覆灭,当真是造化弄人。Namelesswavesto recall the iron bar, abovesoakedcompletely the dark redblood.
" superintendent, whetherto accept the old mancondition? "
" Mecomply certainly...... "
「咱家当然答应......」Zhou Yi said: " Is only the swordgodmustask that undermesoldiers, are theywillingto comply, Xie Youji, belowlookedyour. " 周易说道:「只是剑神得问问咱家麾下兵卒,他们愿不愿意答应,谢游击,下面就看你的了。」
" Takesthisrebels, meguaranteeyouto restore the ancestortitle! "
" Meancompliant. "
「卑下遵命。」Xie Youjiis wild with joy, immediatelytransmitted orders, soldiersfromfour sidestonamelessencirclementin the past.谢游击欣喜若狂,立刻传令,兵卒从四面向无名合围过去。Namelessseesthissituation, is difficultto maintain the windlightcloudDanappearance, anyrivers and lakesmilitarycannotby an enemyseveral thousands, inalsomix the expertto sneak attacklet alone, cannot bearscold.
" Despicable, shameless, superintendentdoes not have the lofty and unyielding characteracting of military! "
" Meam notnonsensemilitary! "
「咱家可不是什么狗屁武者!」Zhou Yi despises saying: " Meamyour majestytrusted aide, a royal governmenthigh-ranking official, Dongchangsuperintendent, in the palacethreeCommanderSi, how can the trivialmilitary personbarbariancompare? " 周易鄙夷道:「咱家乃陛下心腹,朝廷一品大员,东厂督公,宫中三司提督,区区武夫蛮子怎么能比?」
" Military personactuallymaykillyou! "
「武夫却可杀你!」Namelessshot a look at the eyeto encircle the soldiersstill more than hundredzhang (3.33 m)distances, the handgrasped the iron barto say.
" Uses the sword...... to execute the demon! "
The figurelike the lightning, such aswisp of light smokeacross the foreigner, wields a swordto killquicklytoZhou Yi .
身形快如闪电,如一缕青烟穿过番子,挥剑杀向周易。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
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" Sironce, measksyou. "
「曾大人,咱家问问你。」Zhou Yi confidentsaying: " According to the reigning dynastyregulation, assassinates the royal governmentone, howto sentence? " 周易不疾不徐的说道:「按国朝律法,刺杀朝廷一品,会怎么判刑?」
" Naturallyexecutes the nine generations! "
「当然是诛九族!」Zeng ResidenceYinlooks pale, hehas not heard the swordgodgiven name, howeverthatwonderfulgoverningsword techniqueis truescary, butmustsayfollowing the superintendentwords,not being able to win a promotiondyingis more fearful.
" So-callednine generations, are from the great-great grandfatherunderto the great-great-grandson, and motherthreeclans, drawtoCaishikouallbehead...... "
The iron barcuts the gas hood, swingsripples.
铁条斩中气罩,荡起一圈圈涟漪。Zhou Yi just nowleftnearsaw clearly, the redrusty stain of thatiron barsurface, clearlywas the overlappingblood coagulation, does not know that the swordgodkilledmanypeople.周易离得近了方才看清,那铁条表面的红色锈迹,分明是层层叠叠的血液凝结而成,不知剑神杀了多少人。
" Does swordgod, how my protect oneselfastralair/Qi? "
" superintendenttrue qilike the sea, the old manis well below. "
「督公真气如海,老夫远远不及。」Namelessboth eyesgraduallybyblack and whiteare changed toscarlet, the soundbecomeshoarsesad and shrill: " Old mancalls a halt, butwantsto tell a superintendentmatter, 30years ago waspromoteinnate, cultivated/repaired the extinctionswordsecret art! "
" Thisswordsecret artunfeelingextinguishing, wanting the accomplishmentmustexecute the nine generations, thereforedid not needexhaustedsuperintendentto begin. "
「此剑诀绝情灭性,欲大成须自诛九族,所以无需劳烦督公动手了。」During the namelessspeeches the aurarises suddenly, in the hand the iron barsurges the vibration, congealsto crush the mist and dustin the superficialbloodstain, revealsitoriginallyfamousswordradiance.
" Uses the sword, extinguishes the sentiment! "
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