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天才一秒记住本站地址:[爱笔楼]https://最快更新!无广告!Eunuch Yuanhearsto rid the people of an evil, almostsmilesto make noise.圆公公听到为民除害,差点笑出声。UsuallyinenviesZhou Yi to abuse poweroutside the palace, enviesquite, todaysaw the knightassassination, immediatelywas comfortable.
平日里羡慕周易在宫外作威作福,好生羡慕,今日见了侠客刺杀,顿时顺气了许多。What a pity the knightskillis bad, ifkilledZhou Yi at the scene is too good!
" Eunuch Yiloses one's tempernot by any means that smallheartachefoundation! "
「易公公切莫动怒,小心伤了根基!」Eunuch Yuanrepressesin the heartjoyful, said: " Mythiswhereaboutsyour majestyreport/givereport, Sky Sword Gaterebels, daresto assassinate the royal governmenthigh-ranking court official, mustpunishsurelyquite. " 圆公公按捺心中喜悦,说道:「咱家这就去向陛下禀报,天剑门的乱臣贼子,竟敢行刺朝廷重臣,定要好生惩治。」
" Eunuch Yuansaidwithyour majesty,meam seriously injured, for the time beingcannotsaluteto send respects. "
「圆公公与陛下说,咱家身受重伤,暂且不能行礼问安了。」Zhou Yi signals with the eyes, high-interest loan with daily paymentsslight nod, on the roadhas arrangedmoney.周易使了个眼色,小印子微微点头,在来的路上已经打点了银子。
" Thanks for the compliment. "
「好说好说。」Eunuch Yuandoes not likeZhou Yi thisperson, is actually willingfor the Zhou Yi management.圆公公不喜欢周易这个人,却愿意为周易办事。Does not havehim, onlynatural!
无他,惟大方尔!Leaves the palace, spokeseveralwords, several thousandtaels of silverstart, comparesmany that thesemeritexpensive/noblelarge clanfamilies/homeannounce an imperial decreeto give back, thinks that hereis hopingZhou Yi lives for severalyears.
The high-interest loan with daily paymentsbowedto pack offEunuch Yuan, in the rotationroomhits the tale.
" Adoptive father, thisboy was also too corrupt, every timeasks formoney, the numberwas shorthad not handled matters! "
" Youunderstandanything. "
「你懂什么。」Zhou Yi shot a look atone, the high-interest loan with daily paymentsspeechmanagement, compares not the too smallsongto be intelligentby far, however the personalattendantdoes not need the topability, whatis more importantis the centeris reliable.周易瞥了一眼,小印子说话办事,远远比不过小曲子聪慧,然而贴身随侍不需要顶尖能力,更重要的是中心可靠。
The smallsongwent to the Jiangnan, actuallycommunicatedwith the aristocratic familyin private, mustblame the adoptive fatherbeing stingyondon't!
" safe and secure, yousaid why medo deliverEunuch Yuanso much money? "
" The father, childthinksreplymoneywere many easy to domatter, so long asEunuch Yuanattended to carry outcompleted, moneytentimes of hundredtimes of coming back that delivered. "
「回禀爹爹,孩儿认为银子多了好办事,只要圆公公将事办成了,送出去的银子十倍百倍的回来。」Zhou Pingan, continuedto sayat this point: " Furthermore, thesemoneydepositinEunuch Yuan, in the futurewill take carry backon the line, perhaps can also have the interest! " .周平安说到这里,顿了顿继续说道:「再者,那些银子是寄存在圆公公家,将来拿回来就行,兴许还能有利息!」。
" JieJieJie...... "
「桀桀桀……」Zhou Yi smilesseveralstrangely,周易怪笑几声,Thenscolded: " Childspoke irresponsiblyanything, meandEunuch Yuanwere the junctions of negligible, was deeply loved, seriouslyis the hand and footbrotherstoloving the relatives and friends! "
转而呵斥道:「小孩子乱说什么,咱家与圆公公乃是微末之交,感情深厚,当真是手足兄弟至爱亲朋啊!」Good that Zhou Pingan said that butshould notsay.周平安说的不错,只是不该说出来。Inside the palacestrugglereallygovernment, is always life and death, Zhou Yi deliverstens of thousandstwoseveral hundred thousandtwotoEunuch Yuan, otherswill not read, insteadwill keep thinking aboutyourlife.
宫里边的斗争更甚官场,从来都是你死我活,周易送几万两几十万两给圆公公,人家都不会念好,反而会惦记你的性命。Youdied, allmoneyaremy!
你死了,所有银子都是咱家的!Zhou Pinganbows saying: " Childlistens to reason, in the futurewill decideto think that thensaid. " 周平安躬身道:「孩儿受教,日后定三思而后说。」
The high-interest loan with daily paymentsseesthissituation, in the eyeflashes throughenvies the envy.
小印子见此情形,眼中闪过羡慕嫉妒。Dongchangsuperintendentfixed18adopted son, in the palacecall it18diamond, outside the palaceis called18hells, malicious ghostswait/etc, howevertheseadopted sonhadself-knowledge, wasadoptive father'stool.
东厂督公固定十八个干儿,宫中称之为十八金刚,宫外称为十八地狱、恶鬼等等,然而这些干儿都有自知之明,就是干爹的工具而已。Smallsong that mostwas once favored, has not hadinstructing earnestly!
The high-interest loan with daily paymentsthoughtsfluctuate, in the futuremustpay attention tothisquite, ifthere is a skillto be possible, to depend onjointly, if no skillto seek an opportunityto deliverhim dead.
小印子心思变幻,日后须好生注意此子,若有本事可联手、倚仗,若无本事寻个机会送他去死。Zhou Yi crawlsstep by stepfromadopted son, wherecannot be fully correct the high-interest loan with daily paymentsthoughts, buthas not saidanything.周易就是从干儿子一步步爬上来,哪能猜不透小印子心思,不过并没有说什么。Dongchangsuperintendentadopted son, broughtmay the continuingpower and influence, numerousdangerous!
东厂督公的义子,带来的可不止权势,还有重重危险!Zhou Pingandoes not have the skillto live, thatisfate willed it so, worldobtainedallhas the price, the road of ownchoicedo not blame god and man.周平安没本事活下来,那就是命该如此,世间所得皆有代价,自己的选择的路就不要怨天尤人。
" High-interest loan with daily payments, meetsSupervision Departmentto pass onmeto order. "
「小印子,会监察司传咱家命令。」Zhou Yi told: " InvestigatesSky Sword Gateallnews, includinggatelordanddisciplenine generations, whenmerecovered, mustconfiscate family's propertyto exterminate the clanitsurely! " 周易吩咐道:「调查天剑门所有讯息,包括门主、弟子的九族,待咱家养好了伤,定要将其抄家灭族!」
The high-interest loan with daily paymentsbows saying: " Adoptive fatherfelt relieved, a Sky Sword Gatechickendogcannot escape. "
小印子躬身道:「干爹放心,天剑门的一只鸡一条狗都跑不了。」Lin Fusaid: " When superintendent, the lower officialinterrogates, the assassinboasted,Sky Sword Gateis the rivers and lakesillustriousschool, the inheritanceis remote, andis on good termswithmanycorrect pathbigfactions. " 林甫说道:「督公,下官审讯时,那刺客吹嘘,天剑门乃江湖赫赫有名的门派,传承久远,且与许多正道大派交好。」
" Onegroup of motley crew, depends the military force, bullies the common people. "
「一群乌合之众而已,也就仗着武力,欺负欺负平民百姓。」Zhou Yi coldsound said: " No matter whathiswhatschool, but can also resistinadequatelywith the royal government? " 周易冷声道:「任他什么门派,还能与朝廷对抗不成?」
" Thatnaturallydoes not dare. "
「那自然不敢。」Lin Fureminded: " Whatlower officialworriesistheseexperts, acts out of desperationassassinatesagain, last nightwas the Sky Sword Gatejunior, has madesuperintendentbe injured. ThatSky Sword Gatelord, is the rivers and lakesextremelyexpert, but alsoneedsmanyguards! " 林甫提醒道:「下官担忧的是那些高手,狗急跳墙再来行刺,昨晚不过是天剑门小辈,已经令督公受伤。那天剑门主,乃江湖绝顶高手,还需多加防范!」Sincediscardedto do obeisanceintounderZhou Yi , Lin Fubecame the academyrebel, despisedfor the scholar.
自从舍弃了拜入周易麾下,林甫就成了书院叛徒,为读书人所不齿。NowLin Fu can only a roadarriveblack, is hopingZhou Yi livessomeage, whenoneselfcrawlto the Supervision Departmenthigh leveldiesagain, when the time comesis powerfuldoes not needto care aboutothersview.
" Extremelyexpert? Comesmanymeto killmany! "
「绝顶高手?来多少咱家杀多少!」Zhou Yi disdainsto the rivers and lakesexpertvery much, the reputations of thesefellowsare all resounding, whatsworddivine swordSaintswordimmortaland so on.周易对江湖高手很是不屑,那些家伙的名头个个响亮,什么剑神剑圣剑仙之类。
The boastdifferenceimperial groundsare easy, except for the youth, someextremelyfewpeopledaresto rush to the imperial palaceactually, in the Buddhist scripturespavilionincluded the innumerablerare books, does not see the rivers and lakesexpertto dareto steal.
" , Carefulalwaysright?? "
The Zhou Yi hesitationmomenttold: " Adjuststwohundredimperial servantfromZhidianjian, changes the Supervision Departmentforeignerclothing, the attendantaboutme. " 周易沉吟片刻吩咐道:「从值殿监调两百内侍,换上监察司番子衣衫,随侍咱家左右。」true qi that the Zhidianjianimperial servantpracticingcanna flowerprecious book, the consumptionlife spantrades, there isin a Buddhist scripturespavilion the innumerablemeritlawrare book, placingon the rivers and lakeseach oneis the experts.值殿监内侍修行昙花宝典,消耗寿命换来的真气,又有藏经阁中无数功法秘籍,放在江湖上个个都是高手。
" superintendentis wise. "
The Lin Fuslightlylooseheart, superintendentwas the power and influenceis puzzledseriously, lostdiscretely, thatthis/shouldsought the backersoonerin addition.林甫稍稍松心,当真督公为权势所惑,失了谨慎,那就该早些另寻靠山了。So-calledloyal, inSupervision Departmentis a joke!
所谓忠心,在监察司就是个笑话!Supervision Departmentfor the power and influence, gatherswhensuperintendentup and downall, whichday of Zhou Yi thistree, changedbut actuallyinevitablyflees helter-skelter, orbut actuallyflewrespectively.监察司上下无不是为了权势,才汇聚在督公麾下,哪天周易这棵树倒了,必然化作鸟兽散,或者将倒未倒时就各自飞了。Zhou Yi is well aware, actuallydoes not care.周易对此心知肚明,却也不甚在意。
" Medo not need some people of loyalty, does not believe that whowill be loyal! "
......Imperial palace.
勤政殿。Eunuch Yuanknelton the ground, the reportlast night the experience.圆公公跪在地上,汇报昨晚所见所闻。
" Eunuch Yi and parentalclansmanreunites, received the adopted son of inheritanceincense and candle, did not control selfto eat the liquor, making the assassinorganicallybe possibleto take advantage...... "
「易公公与父母族人团聚,又收了传承香火的养子,不自禁吃多了酒,让刺客有机可趁......」Soundsfair , the diagnosisevidences of someDr.Liu, no onecan pick up the issue.
听起来合情合理,又有刘太医的诊断佐证,谁也挑不出问题。Emperor Zhengtongasked: " Therefore, Little Yi was really seriously injured? " 正统帝问道:「所以,小易子真的身受重伤了?」Eunuch Yuanreturnssaid: " That's true. " 圆公公回道:「确实如此。」
" Rivers and lakesthief, whenexecutes! "
「江湖贼人,当诛!」Emperor Zhengtongsaid: " Therapyspirit herbfromimperial treasury, deliverstakeswithLittle Yi, andpasses onOurdecree, mayact in own discretion. " 正统帝说道:「从内帑去疗伤灵药,送与小易子服用,并传朕旨意,可便宜行事。」
" Obeys the aim. "
「遵旨。」In the Eunuch Yuaneyeflashes throughpanic-strickenlywithenvying, your majestysaidacts in own discretion, falling under is the power that the promptline, takes action first and explains laterspecially, whomwantsto killto killanyonein brief.圆公公眼中闪过惊骇与羡慕,陛下所说便宜行事,落在下面就是机断专行、先斩后奏的权力,简而言之就是想杀谁就杀谁。WhenEunuch Yuanwithdraws fromoutside the palace, Emperor Zhengtongsaidsuddenly.
" Mr.Wei, youoncefoughtwithLittle Yi, this time is heinjured is really fake? "
「魏先生,你曾与小易子交手,此番他受伤是真是假?」Father-in-lawWei the formmoves fast, suddenlyappearsin the palace, bowsto return: " The Eunuch Yinatural talentextremely, true qilike the sea, the strengthendurescompared withinnate, the assassindecideshowevernearly can not the body. "
" Thereforeisfalse. "
「所以是假的了。」Emperor Zhengtongbrowslightlywrinkle, evensomeguesses, deceivestill the heartto haveearly not quicklytosubordinateofficial.正统帝眉头微皱,即使早有猜测,对麾下臣子欺骗也心有不快。
" The Little Yimanagementis always resolute, even the cloud platformacademydared the slaughter, this timeassigned/lifehimto go to the northern borderinvestigation, actuallypretended injured to turn down, the north sidebecame the dangerous spotseriously! "
「小易子办事从来果决,连云台书院都敢屠了,此番命他去北疆查案,竟然假装受伤婉拒,北边当真成了龙潭虎穴!」Emperor Zhengtongspookysigh: " Is thisnorthern border, the territory of Daqing? " 正统帝幽幽叹息:「这北疆,还是大庆的领土么?」Father-in-lawWeiis silent, now the northern borderhas become the newtrouble in the border regions.
魏公公沉默不语,如今北疆已经成了新的边患。In the past the Zhenbei Kingsoldierencircledwolfkinggolden tent, late sovereignspreadsextinguishes the decree that the countryconferred the title of prince upon, father-in-lawWeihad doubtsvery much.
当年镇北王兵围狼王金帐,先皇传出灭国封王的旨意,魏公公对此很是疑惑。late sovereign said that heisknowsdifferentsurnamed Wangwill affect the reigning dynastyto be calm and steady, howeverdid not confer the title of prince upon, wolfkinggolden tentcannot breakforever, the alien racetrouble in the border regionswill also never finish.先皇解释说,他自是知晓异姓王会影响国朝安稳,然而不封王,狼王金帐就永远破不了,异族边患也永远不会结束。Changes an emperorto be possiblenot to attend to the frontlinewar, coaching change, recallsCapital CityMarshalstretch/open.
换个皇帝或许会不顾前线战事,临阵换帅,将张元帅召回京城。late sovereignoncerecognizedwolfkingWeifu, regardingthisis the lifeshame, ratherconfers the title of prince upon the vacillationreigning dynasty, mustwipe out the daywolfcountry.先皇曾认狼王为父,视此为一生耻辱,宁肯封王动摇国朝,也要将天狼国扫灭。
" , The Little YimanagementaboutOurintention, tradesgoes to the north sideto checkpersonally. "
「罢了,小易子办事合朕心意,换个人去北边查一查。」Emperor Zhengtongknows, tradesindividualanything unable to check, decideshoweverreports the northern bordernot to have the war, thencompilesseveralnature and man-made disasters, cutsseveralgovernment officialheads, explainedclearly the Capital Cityrefugees.正统帝自是知晓,换个人什么都查不出来,定然上报北疆无战事,然后编造几个天灾人祸,砍几个官吏头颅,将京城流民解释清楚。Government official who thesedie, orupright and never stooping to flattery, eitheris loyal toDaqing.
那些死的官吏,或者刚正不阿,或者是忠于大庆。Emperor Zhengtonginsteadbecame the Zhenbei Kingknife, taking advantage ofchecking the matter of refugee, the northern borderopposed that owngovernment officialcleans upcleanly.正统帝反而成了镇北王的刀子,借查流民之事,将北疆反对自己的官吏清理干净。
" Heard that the common peoplediscussed the emperor, saidanythingwishes coming true, be smooths sailing in everything, howeverwhoknewOurdifficulties. Knew perfectly well that the northern borderhaschaotic, actuallymustfeign ignorance, good to reform the taxescalmly and steadily! "
「听说百姓谈论皇帝,说什么心想事成,事事如意,然而谁又知道朕的苦衷。明知北疆有乱,却要假装不知,好能安稳改革税赋!」Father-in-lawWeisinkingsound said: " Your majestycan the innatelaw, assign/lifeEunuch Yito rush to the northern border, by the Supervision Departmentpower, ought to delayZhenbei King. "
魏公公沉声道:「陛下可以先天之法,命易公公奔赴北疆,以监察司权力,应能拖延镇北王。」AlthoughZhenbei Kingcontrolnorthern bordermilitary administration, there is a fiefdom that late sovereigngrants, howeverin name was still the royal governmentofficial, the non-necessitywill not really send out troopsto plot a rebellion.镇北王虽掌控北疆军政,又有先皇赐予的封地,然而名义上仍然是朝廷臣子,非必要不会真的举兵谋反。Northern bordersoldiersagainhowtyrannical, difficultandentireDaqingcontends, in the Emperor Zhengtonghandhasto extinguish the Western Expeditionarmy of prestige of countrylet alone.
" Mr.Wei, Little Yiandyourmartial artsare wholeheartedly different, heeyefulis the power. Since Wehad checkedLittle Yito enter the palace, allhad said that has done the matter, cansay the timeis pondering overcrawlsupwardly. "
「魏先生,小易子与你一心武道不同,他满眼都是权力。朕查了小易子入宫以来,所有说过做过的事,可以说时刻在琢磨向上爬。」Emperor Zhengtongshakes the head saying: " Thisgrade of temper, breaks throughagaininnate, Weam not goodto control! " 正统帝摇头道:「这等性子,再突破先天,朕也不好掌控!」Simply put, the knifecannotbe too sharp, whichdaywantsto break off the knife, so as to avoidlacerates the hand!
言下之意,刀子不能太锋利,哪天想将刀子折断,免得割破手!Father-in-lawWei the browslightlywrinkle, suchdoes***coldheart of Eunuch Yi, butthinks ofthreeCommanderSiandDongchangsuperintendentauthority, your majestydoesnothingwrong.
The seafather-in-lawandfathers-in-lawWei'spositionin the palaceare lofty, your majestycalls it the mister, howeverdoes not havereallyto have the real power.
海公公、魏公公在宫中地位崇高,陛下都称之为先生,然而却没有真的掌握实权。Except for the personal bodyguard, othertimespracticesone after anotherwith concentration, explorationdeductioninnateaboveboundary.
除了轮番贴身护卫陛下,其他时候都潜心修行,探索推演先天之上的境界。Father-in-lawWeireminded: " Your majestyis careful, Eunuch Yiun-promoteinnatecanfight to a drawwithme, such martial artsevildoer/monstrous talentwill not be resignedto be strandedin the day after tomorrow, orwill seek the law of breakthroughin addition. "
" Misterdoes not needambiguousvague, inthispalaceexcept fortwogentlemen, has the law of breakthroughonher. "
「先生不必含糊隐晦,这宫中除了二位先生,也就她有突破之法。」In the Emperor Zhengtongeyeflashes through the haze: " Last yearCuiGuirenfor no reasonmiscarriage, We, althoughis proofless, can actually guess correctly that issheacts, falls into the cliquecaseonCui...... " 正统帝眼中闪过阴霾:「去年崔贵人无故小产,朕虽无证据,却能猜到是她出手,又恰逢崔家陷入朋党案......」
" Inthisworldwill never have the coincidence, ifthere are, decidingis the person with high aspirationsdesigns! "
" Your majestycould rest assured that hasmewith the seafather-in-lawpersonal bodyguard, no onecanapproachyour majestythreezhang (3.33 m). "
「陛下放心,有咱家与海公公贴身护卫,无人能靠近陛下三丈。」Father-in-lawWeiis not willingto commentthis matter, haremthatrescuedyour majestyentire familyin the past, byinnatereveresto marry the exileprisoner, it may be said thathugemerit of following dragon.
The riskis high, investsin a big way, asks is not naturally ordinary!
" A matterneedsexhaustedMr.Wei. "
「还有件事需劳烦魏先生。」Emperor Zhengtongsaid: " Tonightleaves the palaceto tellEunuch Yi, musthideinSupervision Departmentnot, soonerprocessesrivers and lakesSect, thisbelongs to the mountainspaddies of royal governmentto receive! " 正统帝说道:「今晚出宫告诉易公公,莫要躲在监察司,早些处理江湖宗门,将本属于朝廷的山川田地收回来!」
" Obeys the aim. "
「遵旨。」Father-in-lawWeiunderstands,frontwarnsEunuch Yi, matter that behindmusthandle.
魏公公明白,前面是警告易公公,后面是要办的事。Generallyisyour majestyknows that youpretendto be poisoned, looked that did not revealin the pastmerit, resulted in the sobigkindness, hasn't handled mattersquickly?
大抵就是陛下知道你假装中毒,看在往日的功劳上不揭穿,得了这般大的恩德,还不快去办事?Meanwhile, makingfather-in-lawWeipass on the aim, there is a meaning of warning!
……Zhengtong 4.
In August.
八月。Supervision Department.监察司。Raisedonemonth of wound, Zhou Yi saton the large round-backed wooden armchair, read the Sky Sword Gatenewscarefully.
" Officialdisciple more than 300people, recording a nameare thousands, is found innearbycounty cityvillages and small towns...... Kunshanto change nameasdaysword mountain, seriouslyis the bigcourage! "
After Sectoccupies a side, usuallywill change name, this is also the rivers and lakesunspoken rule.宗门占据一方后,通常都会改名,这也算是江湖潜规则。Lin Fu that sideservessaid: " superintendent, the mountainsare the bigQing Stateearth, the Sky Sword Gatereform of private entrepreneursgiven name, obviously is to separatesidecracks a earthborder, on suspicion ofseekingcounterbigcrime! "
" Good that thishatbuckles. "
「这个帽子扣的好。」Zhou Yi told the petty clerk: " , The chargewanted the circularworldafterward. " 周易吩咐书吏:「记好了,事后罪名要通传天下。」Zhenbei King of genuinecrackearthborder, Zhou Yi does not dareto manage, day of thisfalserebellion
真正裂土封疆的镇北王,周易不敢管,这假造反的天Jianmen, is happen to usedto exterminate an entire familyto set up the prestige!
剑门,正好用来灭门立威!WarmTongzhisaid: " Sky Sword Gateis the rivers and lakescorrect path, bythischargeextermination, will makeotherSectshare a common hatredonly, the followingmatterdidon the trouble. "
温同知说道:「天剑门是江湖正道,单以此罪名灭门,会让其他宗门同仇敌忾,后面的事做起来就麻烦多了。」Zhou Yi nodsslightly, publicizes the rebellionalsoto deceive the common people, otherSectknow that isfalsely accusesto frame by planting stolen goods on.周易微微颔首,宣扬造反也就骗骗百姓,其他宗门知道是诬陷栽赃。
" Whatscheme can misterhave? "
「先生可有什么计谋?」Sky Sword Gateis very easyto process, howevertenhundredcorrect pathSectunions, even if not the royal governmentopponent, should still createtoZhou Yi muchtroublesome.
一家天剑门很容易处理,然而十家百家正道宗门联合,即使远不是朝廷对手,也会给周易造成不少麻烦。Your majestyrequestisto reclaim the land, making the factionpay the taxes, the head/number of people of rather thankillingis billowing.
陛下的要求是收回土地,让帮派缴纳税赋,而不是杀的人头滚滚。WarmTongzhisaid: " DestructionSky Sword Gateat the same time, allcatchesSupervision Departmentnearbydemon and ominousperson, thendecides as the Sky Sword Gatediscipleit, this matteroncewere publicized, Sky Sword Gatebecame the demonic pathevilfaction! "
The royal governmentdestructionevilfaction, rivers and lakesSecthave no reasonto obstruct, responded that vigorouslysupports.
" JieJieJie...... "
「桀桀桀……」Zhou Yi smilesseveralstrangely, said: " Memakepersoneliminate demondefend traditional moral principles, sodoesthenmakes the worldpersonhave a look, whois the genuinedemonic path! " 周易怪笑几声,说道:「咱家让人除魔卫道,这般做便让天下人看看,谁才是真正的魔道!」According to the Supervision Departmentforeignerinvestigates, Sky Sword Gatetrulyis the correct path, has the severesect rule.
按照监察司番子探查,天剑门确实是正道,定有严苛门规。In the gate the disciplehas the oppressioncommon peopleoccasionally, does not need the yamento send peopleto seize, Sky Sword Gatewill punishaccording to the sect rule, by the Sectatmosphere.
门中弟子偶尔有欺压百姓,不用衙门派人抓捕,天剑门就会自行按门规严惩,以正宗门风气。However, whois the correct pathwhois the demon, completelybyvictorwriting!
然而,谁是正道谁是邪魔,完全是以胜利者书写!For example the matter of sect rule, in the Supervision Departmentpetty clerkwriting, turneddefied the placecounty administration, the hindrancereigning dynastyregulation, privatepunishmenthallwait/etccharges, enoughwent toCaishikouto behead.
" Remembers that prints the charge, mecome back, immediatelyposts the dissemination! "
「记得将罪名刊印,咱家回来,立刻四下张贴传播!」Zhou Yi toldone, set outto walktowardout of the door.周易吩咐一声,起身向门外走去。Father-in-lawwarmandfathers-in-lawinand other oldcourt eunuchesfollowbehind, aboutteneightadopted soncrowding around, threatensto be domineering and tyrannical. This timedestructionSky Sword Gate, cansay that touched the Supervision Departmentmostexpert, tofullyface.
温公公、于公公等老太监跟随身后,十八干儿簇拥左右,气势汹汹横行霸道。此番覆灭天剑门,可以说触动了监察司大半高手,给足了脸面。Going out.
出了门。Had the foreignerto prepare the horsesearly, wasridespitch-blacklikeblack ink, fourhoovessnow white.
早有番子准备好了马匹,为首一骑乌黑如墨,偏偏四蹄雪白。Thisis the thousand li (500 km)famouscolt, the dark cloudstrolls in the snow.
此乃千里名驹,乌云踏雪。Zhou Yi turns over/stands upto start, true qistimulationhorsesdoublerib, before lawlaw , the hoofraiseshigh.周易翻身上马,真气刺激马匹双肋,唏律律一声前蹄高高扬起。
" ! "
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