IAFV :: Volume #9

#830: Eternal blue sky collapse does open/start, who give your courage?( Sought subscription)

Western Immortal Domain vault of heaven is cracking, particularly close to western Heavenly Gate that. 西方仙域的天穹在崩裂,尤其是靠近西天门的那一处。 All cultivator lives saw the one frightening big crack, spreads there, then one fearful big hand, from finds out. 所有修士生灵都见到了一道恐怖的大裂缝,在那里蔓延开来,然后一只可怕的大手,从其中探出。 The vast energy is surging, the mighty current that bursts a dike simply probably, is unable to prevent from the start. 浩瀚的能量在涌动,简直像是决堤的洪流,压根无法阻挡。 All around Star Territory is exploding broken, too many stars blast open the fragment powder under the complementary waves. 四周的星域都在爆碎,太多的星辰在余波下炸裂成齑粉。 „Not good......” “不好……” Stands erect in heaven and earth end four foreign land Immortal King, the complexion simultaneously change. 屹立在天地尽头的四尊异域仙王,面色齐齐变化。 Originally because of opposite party, has not feared four people, is furious to their make a move on own initiative, thought that received the contempt. 本来还因为对方一人,丝毫不惧四人,主动向他们出手而震怒,觉得受到了轻视。 As Immortal King exist(ence), but also dares so to belittle to despise them from no one, kills solitarily on own initiative to their four kings. 身为仙王存在,可还从没有人敢如此小觑轻视他们,只身一人主动杀向他们四王。 This is the ridicule, is the contempt. 这是嘲弄,也是轻视。 Therefore among them, some people of state of mind have the anger, plans make a move, to a Gu Changge lesson. 于是他们当中,有人心绪生出怒意,打算出手,给顾长歌一个教训。 However this thought just raised, the front looked like mountain sea to burst a dike, the frightening energy of blotting out the sky, must simply the turning round pressure. 然而这个念头刚刚升起,前方就像是山海决堤了般,铺天盖地的恐怖能量,简直要覆压而来。 This person, is above the imagination, indeed cannot be negligent.” “此人之强,超乎想象,的确不能大意。” exist(ence) that in samsara goes out, all has the uncommon place, in once time, was eminent Heaven's Chosen, but sidewise compression peer.” “轮回中走出的存在,皆有不凡之处,在曾经的时代,乃是翘楚天骄,可横压同辈。” We may not negligent careful......” “吾等不可大意小心……” The one Immortal King opens the mouth, the complexion is a little dignified, they are not the stupid generations. 一位仙王开口,面色有点凝重,他们也不是愚蠢之辈。 Also a little suspected Kun profound Immortal King words a moment ago, but at this time, has deeply believed without doubt. 刚才还有点怀疑坤玄仙王的话语,但是这个时候,已经深信无疑。 Perhaps the strength of opposite party, far surpass their imagination, general Immortal King, could not really have blocked this palm. 对方的实力,远超他们的想象,一般的仙王,恐怕还真的挡不住这一掌。 Although many cultivator lives, what visible is only such a palm falls slowly, resembles the palm reason to live to extinguish, holds under Wielding Heavens. 虽然诸多修士生灵,看见的只是这么一掌缓慢地落下,似掌缘生灭,执掌天下。 But in their Immortal King eye, in this palm, contains endless dao technique and order, bounded fresh extinguishes, is representing Supreme, but easily destruction one side big universe. 但在他们仙王眼中,这一掌之中,却蕴含着无尽的道法和秩序,有界生界灭,代表着至高无上,可轻易覆灭一方大宇宙。 Bang!!! 轰!!! Their fast make a move, some people also find out the big hand, must vibrate the palm of Gu Changge, in west Heavenly Gate sky, the entire world is trembling. 他们快速出手,有人同样探出大手,要震动顾长歌的这一掌,在西天门的上空,寰宇在颤栗。 Gu Changge stands erect before exceedingly high Ancient City, the facial expression is light, does not have the mighty waves, but found out a hand. 顾长歌屹立在通天古城前,神情平淡,不起波澜,只是探出了一只手 However around him all life cultivator, including the gold dollar, the soul are actually trembling, the skeleton must disperse, the root home station cannot stand firm. 然而他周围的所有生灵修士,包括金元在内,灵魂却在颤栗,骨架都要散了,根本站立不稳。 They all tremble terrified, completely without thinking, this mysterious young people, a person then contended with foreign land four Immortal King oddly, the domineering. 他们皆是悚然颤栗,完全没想到,这位神秘的年轻人,一人便抗衡异域四尊仙王,强势到了离谱。 Gold/Metal cloud scalp tingles, in the heart the lingering fear, the good oneself attitude has been respectful, knows answers all. 金云头皮发麻,心中后怕不已,还好自己态度一直恭敬,知无不答。 He thinks Gu Changge said a moment ago, is purely these Immortal King, is regarded as the nourishment source. 他想到了顾长歌刚才所说,纯属将这些仙王,当做是养料本源。 This command gold dollar heart trembles, is not only frightened, there is one excitedly excited. 这令金元心头颤栗,既是惊悚,又有一丝激动兴奋。 don't tell me, oneself will witness today, unprecedented frightening magnificent feat? 难道说,今天自己将亲眼目睹,前所未有的恐怖壮举? Originally respects frantic all foreign land lives regarding four king unparalleled, at this moment alarmed and afraid difficult secure, the neck seems like also blocked, cannot speak. 本来对于四王无比崇敬狂热的所有异域生灵,此刻也都惊惧难安,脖子像是被扼住,说不出话来。 This also merely is only the escape, but a wisp of fluctuation, at all not in central zone of Immortal King battle. 这还仅仅只是逸散而出的一缕波动,根本不是在仙王交战的中心地带。 There is chaotic, is flooding all kinds of strange rules, even the Great Dao storm is appearing. 那里已经混乱了,充斥着各种各样的奇异规则,甚至还有大道风暴在出现。 Refers to the surroundings in his palm, the star are innumerable, is the big hand drives from Outer Territory , is very great, the rumble rotation, brings Chaos Qi, is astonishing. 在其掌指周围,星球无数,全都是大手从域外带动下来的,一个又一个,十分宏大,隆隆转动,带着混沌气,非常惊人。 ! 哧! Foreign land Immortal King drinks lowly, the whole body is shining, shattered all around fog, revealed the appearance/portrait, his facial features piece of azure is red, is winding around the flame. 异域一尊仙王低喝,浑身在发光,震裂了四周的云雾,露出了真容,他面容一片青红,缭绕着火光。 Simultaneously the back is growing many wings, this moment these wings, are twining Chaos Qi, probably Imperishable immortal sword, zheng zheng makes noise, cuts, is thicker than the stars, wants the palm of hard anti- Gu Changge. 同时后背长着诸多羽翼,此刻这些羽翼,缠绕着混沌气,像是不朽仙剑般,铮铮作响,哧的一声斩出,比星辰都还要粗大,要硬抗顾长歌的这一掌。 This place, extremely in radiant and bright, spirit light one after another cuts, became piece of sword light sea continuously. 这个地方,太过于璀璨和灿烂了,神光一道又一道地斩出,连绵成了一片剑光的海洋。 At the same time, azure deep Immortal King also in make a move, his back appears dreadful variant beast phantom, the opens the mouth howls, All Heavens as if wanted nirvana. 同一时间,青冥仙王也在出手,他背后浮现滔天的异兽虚影,张口一啸,诸天似乎都要寂灭了。 The group star is trembling, simultaneously crashes, then looks like the meteor to be the same, pounds to fall to that only big hand. 群星在颤栗,齐齐坠落下来,然后像流星一般,直直地砸落向那只大手。 This is the pinnacle of Immortal King level attacks, if ordinary True Immortal by the contact, will blast open shortly, becomes everywhere fragment powder. 这是仙王层次的极致攻伐,普通真仙若靠接触,顷刻间就会炸裂,成为漫天齑粉。 The general big universe, the carrying/sustaining continuously this grade of aura to fluctuate, immediately, collapsed early, was impossible saying that withstood. 一般的大宇宙,都承载不住这等气息波动,早在第一时间,就崩溃了,根本不可能说承受下来。 Only has the universe of Western Immortal Domain this grade of level, can support the Immortal King level the war, but the world barrier, is also trembling lightly. 唯有西方仙域这等层次的宇宙,才能支撑仙王层次的大战,但是世界屏障,也在轻颤。 Even if was once Western Immortal Domain, was broken through by the foreign land army, without is so fearful, such aura, once the charging into surrounding universe, that is extinguishes the world the scene. 纵然是曾经西方仙域,被异域大军攻破的时候,也没有那么可怕,这样的气息,一旦冲向周围的宇宙,那就是灭世的景象。 Will not have the life at this kind of time, but can also survive. 不会有生灵在这种时候,还能存活下来。 These four kings, are indeed extraordinary, worthily after is Taboo Era, Achieving Dao exist(ence), the capital of having god-given wisdom, if in the past time, feared that can also rush to the big reputation......” “这四王,的确非凡,不愧是禁忌纪元成道存在,天纵之资,若是在以往时代,怕也能闯下偌大名声……” Although the Big Red Bird heart trembles with fear, but is also paying close attention to all these, looks at attacking of these four Immortal King, cannot bear said in a low voice. 大红鸟心头虽然惊颤,但也在密切关注着这一切,看着这四位仙王的攻伐,忍不住低声道。 Although it did not have the main body, but should have the eyesight that to have. 它虽然没有了本体,但该有的眼力还是有的。 However what most made its alarmed and afraid was Gu Changge, he stood before exceedingly high Ancient City merely, found out a hand, attacking desirably, has not made four kings be hard to resist. 不过最令它惊惧的还是顾长歌,他仅仅是站在通天古城前,探出一只手,都没有刻意的攻伐,就令四王难以招架。 Nowadays, Gu Changge strength, to what situation? 现如今,顾长歌的实力,到了什么地步? In Upper Realm, he among various clan background characters by All Heavens Myriad Domains refining up on the big medicine, successfully enters into Immortal Realm. 上界的时候,他以诸天万域间的各族底蕴人物炼就大药,成功迈入仙境 However Big Red Bird is clear, Gu Changge has not experienced the true Immortal Dao regular baptism. 但是大红鸟清楚,顾长歌还没有经历过真正的仙道规则洗礼。 The strength that but nowadays, he shows, has exceeded ordinary Immortal King that level. 可是现如今,他所表现出来的实力,已经超过了普通仙王的那个层次了。 Said he has restored the past to be Demon Lord that degree? 还是说他已经恢复了以往属于魔主的那个程度? Thinks of here, Big Red Bird one trembles, finds it hard to believe that is unbelievable. 一想到这里,大红鸟就一阵颤栗,觉得不可思议,难以相信。 These four king indeed are some abilities, what a pity I enter into Immortal Domain, has not extracted true Immortal Dao to boil down the body succinctly, although the absorption swallowed many source dao fruit, supplemented is the Immortal Domain regular factor......” “这四王的确是有些能耐,可惜我才迈入仙域,还没有提取真正的仙道精粹熬炼身躯,虽然吸收吞噬了不少本源道果,又补充了一些属于仙域的规则因子……” But the mortal body has many slight defects.” “但肉身还是有诸多瑕疵。” Gu Changge shakes the head gently, regarding the strength of oneself this palm, is somewhat regrettable. 顾长歌轻轻摇头,对于自己这一掌的实力,有些遗憾。 He indeed is probing, but does not probe the strength of opponent, but is probing oneself this optional palm, implication what kind of prestige energy. 他的确是在试探,不过不是试探对手的实力,而是在试探自己这随意一掌,蕴含何等威能。 Finally is to make him somewhat regrettable. 结果却是令他有些遗憾。 Bang!!! 轰!!! In west Heavenly Gate there, the internal energy was chaotic, there are various energies to spurt thinly, Heavenly River that then so flows in backward, falls directly. 在西天门那里,气机都混乱了,有各种能量在喷薄,然后如此倒灌的天河般,直接倾倒过来。 Surrounding Chaos Qi turns wells up, fierce incomparable, some big stars cannot withstand this fluctuation, is exploding in abundance broken, sends out the dazzling ray. 周围混沌气翻涌,剧烈无比,一些大星承受不住这种波动,纷纷在爆碎,发出刺目之极的光芒。 This seems like extinguishing the world simply, looks from afar, the big star of one after another rotation splits, somewhat is really fearful. 这简直像是在灭世,远远望去,一颗又一颗转动的大星裂开,实在有些可怕。 Gu Changge again make a move, this time is not a simple palm, he holds to refer to has the big dao mark mark to flow, then seems the All Heavens entire world to condense, the black energy is inexhaustible, changes to the prison, four king suppress and kill before toward western Heavenly Gate goes. 顾长歌再度出手了,这一次并不是简单的一掌,他掌指间有大道痕迹在流淌,然后似有诸天寰宇在凝聚,黑色的能量无穷无尽,化作囚牢,往西天门前的四王镇杀而去。 Among heaven and earth has the prison to appear, is linking one, the Great Dao chains winding, then pounds to fall fiercely to four kings, direct production a black energy sea. 天地间有囚牢出现,一座连着一座,大道锁链缠绕,接着猛地砸落向四王,直接形成了一片黑色的能量海。 This is what dao technique......” “这是什么道法……” The azure deep Immortal King facial features change, felt around one received the shackles, originally the speed of extreme speed, resembled to fall into the mud, became slow. 青冥仙王面容变化,感觉自身周围都受到了桎梏,本来极速的速度,也似陷入了泥淖般,变得迟缓下来。 However he is not simple, in the mouth spouts white spirit light, is sacred and radiant, might purify all. 不过他也并不简单,口里喷出白茫茫的神光,神圣且璀璨,似可净化一切。 another (one) Immortal King, the wield weapon, the pitch-dark long spear/gun, is flowing shatter all spirit light, was torn void, chops to these pens. 另外一位仙王,祭出兵器,黑漆漆的长枪,流淌着破灭一切的神光,虚空被撕裂,劈向那些牢笼。 Kun profound Immortal King heart is serious, has not thought of four people with joint forces, is this grade of situation, was very fortunately resolute initially, otherwise the consequence is dreadful. 坤玄仙王心头沉重,没想到四人合力,还是这等情况,还好当初很果决,不然后果不堪设想。 His weapon, is a shining pagoda, seven, shine upon the sun and moon vault of heaven, forms one vast golden Wang Yang in the back, dao rule lets fall like a waterfall, domineering peerless. 他的兵器,乃是一尊金灿灿的宝塔,共有七层,映照日月天穹,在背后形成一片浩瀚的金色王阳,道则如瀑布般垂落,强势绝伦。 Bang! 轰隆! Various dao technique at this place collision, the earth-shattering, in the black energy sea transmit the fearful fluctuation. 各种道法在此地碰撞,天崩地裂,黑色的能量海中传来可怕的波动。 The aura blots out the sky, the smashing vault of heaven, there haziness, the chaos everywhere are. 气息铺天盖地,粉碎苍穹,那里一片迷蒙,混沌到处都是。 Kills!!!” “杀!!!” Another Immortal King, the appearance is indifferent, the form disappears in west Heavenly Gate there, crosses several pieces of Star Territory, before must arrive at exceedingly high Ancient City, plans and Gu Changge true body preying, does not want to contend with dao technique. 另外一尊仙王,面目冷漠,身影在西天门那里消失,越过数片星域,要降临来通天古城前,打算和顾长歌真身搏杀,不想抗衡道法 His great strength lies in the mortal body, is variation before Ancient Immortal, named degenerating really hou. 他的强大在于肉身,乃是一种仙古前的异种,名叫堕落真犼。 The ancestors once ate True Dragon, has the big origin with Qilin. 先祖曾食真龙,更和麒麟有偌大渊源。 Arrived his lineage/vein, the bloodlines once received source one severing yin aura to contaminate, was corroded, becomes degenerates really hou. 到了他这一脉,血脉曾受到本源界的一种绝阴气息所沾染,被腐蚀了,成为了堕落真犼。 May also give him the incomparably tyrannical mortal body, does not fear any ache, the strength is greatly infinite. 可也赋予他无比强横的肉身,不惧任何疼痛,力大无穷。 Although his dao technique is good, what is most tyrannical is the mortal body, initially attacked and occupied Western Immortal Domain time, he is tears down the arm of day Ye Immortal King personally, made other foreign land Immortal King dread powerful. 虽然他道法不俗,但是最为强横的还是肉身,当初攻占西方仙域的时候,他更是亲手将天烨仙王的手臂撕下,强大来令异域其余仙王都忌惮。 Delivers to front of me personally?” “亲自送到我面前?” This big ritual, but is really a little makes me helpless.” “这份大礼,可真是有点让我不知所措啊。” Before exceedingly high Ancient City, Gu Changge sees the form that approaches fast, the corners of the mouth holds the happy expression, seems surprised. 通天古城前,顾长歌看着快速逼近的这道身影,嘴角噙着笑意,似有点惊讶。 Gold dollar and the others, actually quickly by the frightening Immortal King pressure that oppression comes, presses mortal body collapse blasting open, can penetrate this place, sees the foreign land Immortal King main body appearance 0 with own eyes 金元等人,却都快被那压迫而来的恐怖仙王威压,压得肉身崩溃炸裂,可以透过此地,亲眼见到异域这尊仙王的本体模样0 His main body size , is almost big with the calf, is similar to Qilin, but is also entirely different, resembles the dog to have dragon beast, the scale is jet black. 他的本体大小,也就和牛犊子差不多大,类似于麒麟,但又截然不同,似犬有龙兽,鳞片漆黑。 However next moment, he uses Dharma Body directly, stands on the vault of heaven, the surroundings leap the boundless blood-color thick fog. 不过下一刻,他直接动用法身,站立在天穹上,周围腾起茫茫血色大雾。 As can be seen, on the vault of heaven was gloomy, many photostars were passed through by the light of here myriad order, rapid shatter. 可以看到,天穹上暗淡了,不少星体都被这里的万千秩序之光贯穿,迅速破碎 No one can see clearly, because the mist was stronger, even if Mystical Heavenly Eye also looks does not put on. 谁都看不清,因为雾气更浓重了,哪怕天眼通也望不穿。 Said that was near, actually has not known that many ten thousand li (0.5 km), was only it was too huge, can therefore look up. 说是近了,其实还有也不知道多少万里,只是它太庞大了,所以可以仰望到。 Swallows your flesh, could make me go a step further, the be likely future to touch that threshold......” “吞噬你的血肉,或许可以让我更进一步,有望将来触碰到那道门槛……” Informs your origin.” “告知你的来历。” Degenerates really the hou opens the mouth, the sound, if the mighty bell, spreads over this side universe. 堕落真犼开口,声若洪钟,传遍这方宇宙。 The innumerable foreign land life and Western Immortal Domain descendant, all hears this sound clearly, the ear must blast open, penetrates the soul. 无数的异域生灵和西方仙域后裔,皆是清楚地听到这声音,耳朵都要炸裂,穿透灵魂。 He observed closely Gu Changge, can feel that his mortal body, contained the aura of astonishing divinity and source. 他盯住了顾长歌,能感觉到他这具肉身,蕴含了何等惊人的神性和本源的气息。 This made his heart movement, thought that perhaps this will become the own turning point. 这令他心动,觉得这或许将成为自己的契机。 Because his mortal body is quite powerful, even if several Immortal King encircles, but also walks safely. 因为他的肉身极为强大,哪怕是数尊仙王围剿,也可安然而走。 From fight, his also sensation, Gu Changge, although is strong, but, can contend with his mortal body the intensity. 从刚才的交手中,他也感知到,顾长歌虽强,但也强不到,可以抗衡他的肉身的强度。 Degenerating hou Immortal King he was too impulsive, cannot be so negligent.” “堕落真犼仙王他太冲动了,不可如此大意。” Before west Heavenly Gate, Kun profound Immortal King, azure deep Immortal King and the others, has not expected, degenerated really hou at this time, arrived before exceedingly high Ancient City, must fight with Gu Changge. 西天门前,坤玄仙王、青冥仙王等人,也没料到,堕落真犼会在这个时候,降临到通天古城前,要和顾长歌交手。 In their hearts slightly cold, is a little anxious, but also is fast hurries to toward there, tears Star Territory, arrives fast. 他们心中微凛,有点不安,不过也是快速往那里赶去,撕裂星域,快速降临。 Regarding Immortal King exist(ence), this distance , is actually getatable suddenly, but extremely in self-confidence, is easy to have an accident. 对于仙王存在来讲,这点距离,其实也就是眨眼间便可到达,不过太过于自信,也容易出事。 Informs my origin?” “告知我的来历?” You have not matched to know.” “你还不配知道。” Gu Changge smiles, in the facial expression brings unconcerned, the tone is simple and light, resembles an elaboration fact. 顾长歌轻轻一笑,神情里带着不以为意,语气简单且平淡,似阐述一件事实。 Degenerating hou hearing this is not really angry, is only the opens the mouth, seems indifferent, such being the case, that you assign/life the mourning today in this, the mortal body degenerates into my grain ration.” 堕落真犼闻言也并不恼,只是开口,显得冷漠,“既然如此,那今天你就命丧于此,肉身沦为我的口粮。” Mortal body? Happen to my mortal body, but also a little slight defect.” “肉身?正好我的肉身,还有点瑕疵。” Just right that you come actually.” “你倒是来的正好。” Gu Changge shakes the head, has not thought, this degenerates hou so to be really self-confident, can think swallows the own mortal body , helping him go a step further. 顾长歌摇了摇头,也没想到,这堕落真犼如此自信,会想着吞掉自己的肉身,助他更进一步。 Repairs Immortal King this step, was impossible to say stupidly, can only say that degenerated really hou, in the self-confidence, was very extremely confident to the own mortal body. 修到仙王这一步,不可能说愚蠢,只能说堕落真犼,太过于自信,对自己的肉身很有信心。 Said uselessly.” “多说无益。” Degenerates really the hou pupil micro, later indifferent say/way. 堕落真犼瞳孔微缩,随后冷漠道。 He did not know this time, Gu Changge why so calm, since oneself dares to arrive, that naturally has the energy, did not fear the Immortal King level any mortal body. 他不知这个时候,顾长歌为何如此气定神闲,自己既然敢降临,那自然是有着底气,不惧仙王层次的任何肉身。 2.4 bang!!! 2.4轰!!! Degenerated really hou make a move, the entire body is moving, was deducts pinnacle talent, the opens the mouth swallowed, all rays are dissipating. 堕落真犼出手了,整个身躯都在动,乃是演绎到了极致的天赋,张口一吞,所有的光芒都在消逝。 Prehistoric aura headed on, did not seem like a lifeform, seemed like, reappeared livingly! 一股史前气息扑面而来,不像是一个生物,反倒像是一部古史,活生生再现! His mouth, has among All Heavens the law evolutions of various supreme, forms the inexplicable law seal, swallows full power to Gu Changge, before causing exceedingly high Ancient City, trim Star Territory and universe heaven and earth was black. 他的嘴里,有诸天间各种至强的法演化,结成莫名法印,全力吞向顾长歌,导致通天古城前整片星域和宇宙的天地都黑了。 As if all life cultivator, no matter the foreign land or Immortal Domain, were all swallowed by him, the world falls into the absolute darkness and deathly stillness. 仿佛所有的生灵修士,不管是异域还是仙域,皆被他吞下,世界陷入绝对的黑暗和死寂。 The gold dollar is terrified, his whole body cooled, personally sees this to swallow, including all around all lives, was being swallowed, everyone despaired to the pinnacle. 金元悚然,他浑身都冷却了,亲眼见着这一口吞来,连着四周的所有生灵,都被吞掉,所有人都绝望到了极致。 Swallows me?” “吞我?” Who gives your courage?” “谁给你的胆子?” The Gu Changge facial expression does not have the mighty waves, his horizontal hand falls, toward that big mouth detachment. 顾长歌神情却是没有波澜,他横手而落,朝着那张大口劈去。 Clang!!! 锵!!! The endless light blasts out, has the rich black light to flow, then degenerates really hou to send out stuffily. 无尽的光炸开,有浓郁的乌光流淌,然后堕落真犼发出闷哼。 A pair of arm across the sky, eternal blue sky collapse open/start! 一双手臂横空,万古青天崩开! Everyone was startled by this scene, the whole body blood must solidify, then boiled, is how grand, is inconceivable. 所有人都被这种景象骇住,浑身的血液都要凝固,然后又沸腾了,何其壮阔,难以想象。 The Gu Changge facial expression indifferent to the pinnacle, the a hand arm searched directly, collapse open/start the present all, , held main body that degenerates really hou. 顾长歌的神情冷漠到了极致,一只手臂直接探去,崩开眼前的一切,噗的一声,抓住了堕落真犼的本体。 Then the present all scenes are dissipating to collapse, the principle annihilation, heaven and earth restores the pure brightness. 然后眼前的所有景象都在消逝崩溃掉,法则湮灭,天地恢复清明。 You......” “你……” Degenerating the hou look is really unbelievable, passed a fear, the mouth is collapsed, the main body was held by Gu Changge, never expected that oneself strongest talent and mortal body, will easily be broken. 堕落真犼眼神难以置信,透着一丝恐惧,嘴被崩开了,本体被顾长歌抓住,没想到自己最强的天赋以及肉身,都会被轻易破开。
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