IAFV :: Volume #9

#829: They indeed are not in luck, who is hunts who?( Sought subscription)

Big Red Bird was startled, suspected that quickly oneself misunderstood, later responded, Gu Changge this saying to be not cracking a joke. 大红鸟怔住了,都快怀疑自己是不是听错了,随后反应过来,顾长歌这话并不是在开玩笑。 He really these four foreign land Immortal King that arrives at to come, is regarded as the source nourishment. 他是真的将这四尊降临而来的异域仙王,当做是本源养料。 This made Big Red Bird think Gu Changge when Upper Realm, extinguished kills many background characters, to plan entire Upper Realm All Heavens indifferent brutal. 这让大红鸟想到了顾长歌上界时,灭杀诸多底蕴人物、算计整个上界诸天时的冷漠无情。 At that time, Gu Changge may also probably jump over ruthlessly spicy, regarded as heaven and earth all living things is the own nourishment, how many Dao Orthodoxy universes destruction? 那个时候,顾长歌可还要越的狠辣,将天地众生都视作为自己的养料,覆灭多少的道统宇宙? Immeasurable common people cultivator, radically innumerable, let alone therefore indirect ethnic group that but the destruction falls. 无量的苍生修士,根本就数不清,更别说因此间接而覆灭掉的族群。 Let alone, it knows Gu Changge other single layer status. 更何况,它还是知道顾长歌的另外一重身份。 Extinguishes world Demon Lord. 灭世魔主 Until the present, Big Red Bird does not know, before Taboo Era, exactly had anything, will cause Gu Changge make a move, hits to collapse Immortal Palace, making All Heavens crash, becomes in the later generation eye absolutely the dark taboo years. 直到如今,大红鸟也不知道,禁忌纪元前到底是发生了什么,会导致顾长歌出手,打崩仙宫,令诸天崩塌,成为了后世眼中绝对黑暗的禁忌岁月。 Although it cuts down Artifact Spirit of Sky Sword as Gu Xian'er now, follows side Gu Changge, returns to Immortal Domain, former home grounds ~ revisit. 虽然它现在是身为顾仙儿伐天剑的器灵,跟随在顾长歌身边,返回仙域,故地~重游。 May not be fully correct and ponder over the airtight Gu Changge thoughts as before. 可依旧猜不透、琢磨不透顾长歌的心思。 „, It is not right, Immortal King-, hides in secret.” “哦,并不对,还有一尊仙王-,藏在暗中。” Gu Changge opens the mouth again, the facial expression is unrelieved, the corners of the mouth hold the light happy expression as before, looks out the vault of heaven end of distant place. 顾长歌再度开口,神情毫无变化,嘴角依旧噙着淡淡的笑意,遥望远处的苍穹尽头。 The darkness covers from there like surging tides sweeps across to come, during heaven and earth falls into the flash is dim. 黑暗自那里如潮水般笼罩席卷而来,天地在一刹那就陷入昏暗之中。 Many Star Territory are simultaneously trembles, must crash, the sun and moon stars must collapse, various Shigui ruins, eternal as at wail. 诸多星域更是齐齐颤栗,要坠落下来,日月星辰都要崩溃掉了,诸世归墟,万古似在哀鸣。 Immortal King?” “还有一尊仙王?” Big Red Bird trembles, in other words, the present foreign land, five Immortal King arrive. 大红鸟更是不禁发颤,也就是说,如今的异域,足足有五尊仙王降临。 From a moment ago south Immortal Domain half-step Immortal King, is in the gold dollar words, it also knew, even if south Immortal Domain, on outwardly also only then two Immortal King exist(ence). 从刚才南方仙域半步仙王,也就是金元话语之中,它也得知了,哪怕是南方仙域,明面上也只有两尊仙王存在 And did not hear the human affairs, sets up bodhisattva king in an India. 其中一尊还是不闻世事、立身于佛国的菩王。 Present Immortal Domain, feared that really does not have any which one side Immortal Domain, the strength does contend with five Immortal King? 如今的仙域,怕是真的没有任何哪一方仙域,还有力量抗衡五尊仙王 Treats as the nourishment source...... Immortal King......” “把……仙王当做养料本源……” Stands in Gu Changge front gold dollar respectfully, at this moment also being startled all over the body lives coldly by this saying, the scalp must blast out simply. 恭敬站在顾长歌面前的金元,此刻也被这话给惊得遍体生寒,头皮简直要炸开般。 He suspects the own ear quickly, finds it hard to believe that all these were said. 他都快怀疑自己的耳朵,难以相信这一切是被人说出来的。 Regards as the source nourishment Immortal King, this is the big tone, takes a broad view at this eternal All Heavens, the endless era, who dares to speak? 仙王视作本源养料,这是好大的口气,放眼这万古诸天,无尽纪元,有谁敢这么说话? But under the Gu Changge superficial tone, he actually does not dare to suspect the genuine and fake of these words. 可是在顾长歌轻描淡写的语气下,他却不敢怀疑这些话语的真假。 Even before thinking, Gu Changge lifts the palm to grasp comes one True Immortal of foreign land, searches for the soul later swallowing scene. 甚至想到了之前,顾长歌抬掌抓来异域的一位真仙,搜魂之后一口吞掉的场景。 His vision suddenly by the awe, becomes frightened. 他的目光陡然间由敬畏,变得恐惧起来。 As half-step Immortal King, his moment whole body is actually trembling, in heart alarmed and afraid anxious, is not natural a moment ago. 身为半步仙王,他此刻浑身却是在颤栗,心中惊惧不安,早已不似刚才那么自然。 Bang!!! 轰!!! The endless light eruption, the principle is turbulent like the desert. 无尽的光爆发,法则如瀚海般在汹涌。 Western Immortal Domain heaven and earth in collapse open/start, in 1 million years, were attacked and occupied by the foreign land army, without that frightening. 西方仙域天地在崩开,哪怕是在百万年,被异域大军攻占时,也没有那么恐怖 Four unparalleled Immortal King stand erect in the place of border area, before resembling is epoch-making, on the exist(ence) specters. 四尊盖世仙王矗立在边疆之地,似开天辟地前就存在的魔影。 Their vision is indifferent, lifts the palm to fall toward the front slow pressed, trim must cave, Dharma Body has surpassed this piece of heaven and earth to be able the limit of carrying/sustaining. 他们目光冷漠,抬掌朝着前方缓慢地压落,整片古史都要塌陷,法身已经超过了这片天地所能承载的极限。 The starry sky of top of the head splits, appears innumerably like the spider web crack. 头顶的星空裂开,出现无数如同蛛网般的裂缝。 The fearsome astral wind, runs out from these cracks, mixes with Chaos Qi also to have the torrential light beam, if simply extinguishes the world autumn wind, must make western Immortal Domain of present, falls into again depressed. 可怖的罡风,自那些裂缝中冲出,夹杂着混沌气还有滔滔的光束,简直如灭世秋风,要令如今的西方仙域,再度陷入凋敝。 Foreign land Immortal King, this is must extinguish the world......” “异域仙王,这是要来灭世吗……” Who saves us, Immortal Domain once king, your present people, was being slaughtered by foreign land Immortal King......” “谁来救救我们啊,仙域曾经的王啊,你们如今的子民,正在被异域仙王所屠戮啊……” Innumerable western Immortal Domain descendants, look at such a, trembles alarmed and afraid, the whole body trembles. 无数的西方仙域后裔,看着这样一幕,惊惧而颤栗,浑身发抖。 Many people were shouting, full is desperate. 很多人都是在大喊,满是绝望。 1 million years ago, Western Immortal Domain gateway, was broken through by the foreign land army. 百万年前,西方仙域的门户,被异域大军所攻破。 At that time had Immortal King make a move of foreign land, across the sky however came, the big hand divided to fall, the trim universe is cracked, then western Heavenly Gate collapsed. 当时就有异域的仙王出手,横空而来,大手劈落,整片宇宙都在龟裂,然后西天门就坍塌了。 Finally even Western Immortal Domain king, died in battle there, by the bloodstained tattered flag, seat Guo was being brought back to Western Immortal Domain. 最后连西方仙域的王,都战死在了那里,被染血的破烂旗帜,席裹着带回西方仙域 Several million years passed by, once that can could it be perform again? 数百万年过去了,曾经的那一幕,难道又要再度上演了? Originally also because of the origin the appearance, excited excited western Immortal Domain descendant, performs for this reason at the present is desperate and terrified. 本来还因为起源之界出现,为此激动兴奋的西方仙域后裔,而今尽是绝望、惶恐。 Four kings across the sky, the enemy, look disdainfully nothing which is not eternally, lives forever.” “四王横空,无所不敌,睥睨万古,永世长存。” But the foreign land life, is cheering excitedly, is lying prostrate in worship to that direction, kotows unceasingly. 而异域生灵,皆在欢呼激动,对着那个方向顶礼膜拜,不断叩首。 above Heaven and below Earth densely and numerously almost is the person's shadow, in various starry skies may also hear the vast respect sound and prayer sound. 天上地下密密麻麻几乎全是人影,各处星空内也可闻浩大的崇敬声、祷告声。 „Is that mysterious person who Kun is unreliable you to dread?” “那就是坤玄你所忌惮的那个神秘人?” The heaven and earth end, Immortal King of on the back grows black both wings in the opens the mouth, looks out Western Immortal Domain deep place simultaneously. 天地尽头,一尊背生黑色双翅的仙王在开口,同时遥望西方仙域的深处。 His whole body is winding around the jet black mist, cannot see clearly the appearance/portrait, the rich thick fog is covering, all around is winding around the chaos fog, domineering peerless. 他浑身缭绕着漆黑的雾气,看不清真容,浓郁的大雾笼罩着,四周缭绕着混沌雾霭,强势绝伦。 Only stands erect there, trim universe carrying/sustaining under its true body, is only not wisp of hair can collapse by pressure the one side world on heavy/thick as. 光是屹立在那里,整片宇宙似都承载不下其真身,光是一缕发丝就厚重似能压塌一方世界。 This is the king in foreign land, named azure deep Immortal King, cultivation base dao technique is profound, achievement Immortal King fruit position before many eras. 这是异域的王,名叫青冥仙王,修为道法高深,于诸多纪元前成就仙王果位。 Azure deep is this one strange beast in world, the main body unmanned obvious, it is said may exhaust this world's most remote place, reaches higher authorities azure deep, to Nine Serenities, therefore acquires fame. 青冥乃是这世间的一种奇兽,本体无人可见,据说可穷尽这世界最为遥远之地,上达青冥,下至九幽,因此得名。 Azure deep Immortal King, is controlling extreme speed one of this world, even exceeded the time. 青冥仙王,更是掌控着这世间的极速一道,甚至超越了时光。 His facial features are fuzzy, only has the cold spooky pupil, resembles two azure bright moonlight, hovering in the heaven and earth end, is overlooking under. 他的面容模糊,唯有冷幽幽的眸子,似两轮青色明月,悬停在天地的尽头,俯瞰着下方。 At this moment although he has restrained dao technique, but the big dao mark mark appears as before, in clashes with surrounding other Immortal King. 此刻他虽然已经收敛了道法,但大道痕迹依旧浮现,在和周围的其余仙王发生碰撞。 Accurate, one side universe birth one Immortal King, is dao technique can the limit of carrying/sustaining. 确切来讲,一方宇宙诞生一位仙王,已经是道法所能承载的极限。 Although western Immortal Domain comprised of many universes, Immortal King that but arrives at this moment, has four. 西方仙域虽然是由诸多宇宙所组成,但是这一刻所降临的仙王,足足有着四尊。 Indeed is he, his autobiography said that gateway walks, is only Dharma Body that is moved then to cut me to arrive, almost following the line of causes and effects, seeks my true body.” “的确是他,他自传说中的那道门户走来,仅是动念便斩去我降临的法身,差点顺着因果之线,寻到我真身。” If not I withdraw promptly, feared that already by its heavy losses, this person of strength is immeasurably deep, absolutely is exist(ence) in samsara.” “若非我退避及时,怕早已被其重创,此人实力深不可测,绝对是轮回中的存在。” Even is the character before Taboo Era...... azure is possibly deep you is not possible to belittle negligently.” “甚至可能是禁忌纪元前的人物……青冥你不可大意小觑。” Kun profound Immortal King sinking sound says. 坤玄仙王沉声开口说道。 His vitality is vast, if Wang Yang, wears the Daoist robe, looking from the outside, is very difficult to relate for Immortal King of foreign land, even probably Supreme Existence of Taoism. 他气血浩瀚若王阳,身着道袍,从外表来看,很难联系为异域的仙王,甚至像是道家的无上存在 Azure deep Immortal King vision supreme divine sword, must break through this piece of heaven and earth shackles, tears the Great Dao shackles, falls to Western Immortal Domain there. 青冥仙王目光似无上神剑,要冲破这片天地的桎梏,撕裂大道枷锁,落向西方仙域那里。 Whether such as you said that but also after must witness, can know.” He opens the mouth saying that the tone is light. “是否如你所言,还要亲眼目睹之后,才能知晓。”他开口道,语气平淡冷漠。 Kun profound Immortal King nods, does not talk too much, knows only has azure deep Immortal King and the others, after having experienced frightening of that young people personally, they can understand that oneself said not empty. 坤玄仙王点头,并不多言,知晓唯有让青冥仙王等人,亲自经历过那个年轻人的恐怖后,他们才能明白自己所言非虚。 As Immortal King exist(ence), can arrive at this, is each era the child of destiny. 身为仙王存在,能走到这一步者,皆是每个纪元的天命之子。 Their carrying/sustaining crosses the destiny, kills from innumerable of the same generation Heaven's Chosen , the talent is peerless, dao heart is very firm, not possible because of few words, but influence on the own disposition. 他们承载过天命,自无数的同辈天骄中杀出,才情绝世,道心无比坚定,不可能因为三言两语,而影响到自己的心性。 Western Immortal Domain Great Dao cannot suppress me and others, the true body arrives, is not difficult.” “西方仙域大道压制不住我等,真身降临过去,并不困难。” Another two Immortal King similarly indifferent opens the mouth, they have not revealed the appearance/portrait, but complements in the thick thick fog. 另外两尊仙王同样冷漠开口,他们并没有显露真容,只是掩映在浓浓的大雾中。 Hears the summon of Kun profound Immortal King, they recover from respective dao field. 听闻坤玄仙王的呼唤,他们自各自道场中复苏。 one aspect indeed is because that gateway in exceedingly high Ancient City, is important, related to origin exact location. 一方面的确是因为通天古城内的那道门户,事关重大,涉及到起源之界的确切位置。 another aspect, is because the ancestor of Emperor Clan ordered, must seek that world, the passing over gently and swiftly source, involves important matter that mountain sea True World united. 另一方面,也是因为帝族之祖下令,要寻到那一界,掠过本源,涉及了山海真界合一的大事。 Even if they as Immortal King, however before eternal Imperishable the ancestor of Emperor Clan, must lower the head to bow the head, respectfully by right. 哪怕他们身为仙王,但是在永恒不朽帝族之祖面前,也得低头俯首,恭敬以对。 Regarding the ancestor of Emperor Clan below order, must observe, does not dare to violate. 对于帝族之祖所下的命令,也得遵守,不敢违背。 From the now of foreign land birth, the ancestor of Emperor Clan is eternal Imperishable, is true Ruler of foreign land, has experienced Taboo Era, and even the remote time. 自异域诞生之今,帝族之祖便永恒不朽,乃是异域的真正主宰,经历过禁忌纪元、乃至更久远的时代。 Even has the view, the ancestors at the present these Emperor Clan, are actually epoch-making on birth Innate God, can therefore achieve that step. 甚至有说法,而今的那些帝族之祖,其实是开天辟地就诞生的先天神祗,所以才能达到那一步。 Also possibly is other True World stowaways, or in cuts down day of former sage that under once quantity tribulation lives...... also or source powerful Ruler. 也可能是其余真界的偷渡者,或者是在曾经的量劫下活下来的伐天前贤……亦或是本源界的强大主宰 Otherwise road completely Immortal King, is the limit, even if in them the outstanding person, was stopped before that threshold, forever is unable to step over. 不然路尽仙王,便是极限,哪怕是他们之中的佼佼者,也被阻拦在那道门槛前,永远无法迈过。 But what does the ancestor of Emperor Clan mean? 帝族之祖意味着什么? Read can decide that the All Heavens destruction, repeated the chaos, even before tracing was eternal, does not fear River of Time, the retrogradation causes and effects, true Imperishable did not extinguish. 一念便可决定诸天的覆灭,重演混沌,甚至追溯万古之前,不惧时间长河,逆反因果,真正不朽不灭。 Even if in Immortal Domain is quite prosperous, control All Heavens Immortal Palace, facing foreign land Emperor Clan, does not have any means that need the peace to deal. 哪怕是在仙域极为繁盛之时,统御诸天仙宫,面对异域帝族,也没有任何办法,需要和平应对。 Has the bright king senior and others to plunder for me, why must also to care, the bright king senior once by the ancestor of Emperor Clan has praised exist(ence), his strength has obtained the approval of ancestor of Emperor Clan.” “有明王前辈为我等掠阵,又何须在意,明王前辈可是曾被帝族之祖夸赞过的存在,他的实力得到过帝族之祖的认可。” The one Immortal King opens the mouth, making Kun profound Immortal King not need to be worried, because besides their four Immortal King present extra mundanes, the bright king is plundering in secret, to guard unexpected appearance. 一位仙王开口,让坤玄仙王不必担心,因为除了他们四尊仙王现世外,还有明王在暗中掠阵,以防意外出现。 Bright king from the Taboo Era then exist(ence) character, although at that time his also not achievement Immortal King fruit position, but after that and other dark years, his dao technique cultivation base, is not their these later generations may compare. 明王是自禁忌纪元便存在的人物,虽然当时他还未成就仙王果位,但经过那等黑暗岁月,他的道法修为,绝非他们这些后辈可比。 Mentioning is also.” “说来也是。” Kun profound Immortal King nods, felt relieved. 坤玄仙王点了点头,放下心来。 Bang!!! 轰!!! Immortal Domain Great Dao is sending out to thunder, then blasts open, under four Immortal King joint efforts attack. 仙域大道在发出轰鸣,而后炸裂开来,在四尊仙王的合力攻伐下。 There presented the fearsome big hole, can carrying/sustaining their true bodies enter, will not receive Immortal Domain Heaven and Earth Rules to suppress. 那里出现了可怖的大窟窿,可以承载他们的真身进入,不会受到仙域天地规则所压制。 Four foreign land Immortal King, take a step to enter Western Immortal Domain simultaneously, the true body is very big, stands erect in the heaven and earth end, the vision is cold, does not have any emotion. 四尊异域仙王,同时迈步进入西方仙域,真身无比高大,矗立在天地尽头,目光冷幽幽,没有任何的情感。 The vision institute and place, the vitality is depressed, all seem like the end to sweep across. 目光所及之处,生机凋敝,一切都像是末日般席卷。 In this moment, the life of whether it is foreign land, is the Immortal Domain descendant clan people, even if in other slightly far universe, all induces this type of vast aura, trembling, the soul is trembling. 在这一刻,不论是异域的生灵,还是仙域的后裔族民,哪怕是其余稍远一些的宇宙中,皆是感应到了这种浩瀚气息,战战兢兢,灵魂在颤栗。 This is the Immortal King power and influence, domineering peerless. 这是仙王的威势,强势绝伦。 Close to these Immortal Domain descendants in place of western Heavenly Gate, was the mortal body must collapse, the skeleton is trembling, the leg is becoming tender, knelt down directly on the ground. 靠近西天门之处的那些仙域后裔,更是肉身都要崩开了,骨架在颤栗,腿在发软,直接跪倒在了地上。 They desperately, facing true Immortal King, even if described them with the ants, favored. 他们绝望不已,面对真正的仙王,哪怕用蝼蚁来形容他们,也是抬举。 „The Immortal Domain aura, several million years has not felt......” “久违的仙域气息,数百万年未曾感受到了……” Last one time the time of arriving at this World, was killed Western Immortal Domain king, right, probably day of Ye Immortal King.” “上一次降临此界的时候,还是击杀了西方仙域的王,对了,好像是天烨仙王。” At that time his arm, was crushed by me.” “当时他的手骨,还是被我击碎的。” Covers the foreign land Immortal King opens the mouth in black thick fog, the tone is very indifferent, at the statement matter, however the words actually from west Heavenly Gate there, passed on. 笼罩在黑色大雾中的异域仙王开口,语气很是冷漠,在陈述件事情,然而话语却自西天门那里,传了过去。 All Immortal Domain descendants who hear this saying, is the complexion is all sorrowful, has the hatred. 所有听到这话的仙域后裔,皆是面色悲痛,带着仇恨。 Exceedingly high Ancient City is very long from western Heavenly Gate location, to several pieces of Star Territory, can see with one's own eyes the scene before exceedingly high Ancient City there them. 通天古城距离西天门所在很久,相距不过数片星域,在那里他们能亲眼看到通天古城前的场景。 Four kings including Kun profound Immortal King, are all sizing up Gu Changge, looks at this incomparably young man, its skeletal age made them exclaim in surprise. 包括坤玄仙王在内的四王,皆在打量顾长歌,看着这个无比年轻的男子,其骨龄令他们惊叹。 Even if foreign land Emperor Clan successor, not possible in several hundred years on Achieving Dao. 纵然是异域帝族传人,也不可能在数百年就成道 Let alone in this grade of age, has to make the Immortal King anxious alarmed and afraid strength. 更别说是在这等年纪,就拥有令仙王不安惊惧的力量。 It seems like Kun said unreliably right, he indeed from the person who in the samsara walks, in addition, does not have any explanation can show, his present strength.” “看来坤玄所说没错,他的确是自轮回中走来的人,除此之外,没有任何解释可以说明,他如今的实力。” He even again mysterious, possibly is not I and other opponent.” “不过他就算再神秘,也不可能是我等的对手。” Azure deep Immortal King says, the tone is very directly simple, after determining the Gu Changge origin, then has determined its result. 青冥仙王开口说道,语气很是简单直接,在判定了顾长歌的来历后,便已确定了其结果。 If that is right, I and others hunted with joint forces he, or the permission captures his blessings left by predecessors.” “若是如此,我等合力狩猎他,或许可夺得他的遗泽。” Perhaps that is his so age, then achievement Immortal King secret.” “没准那才是他如此年纪,便成就仙王的秘密。” Greedy that the another (one) Immortal King opens the mouth, in the vision passing over gently and swiftly was difficult to cover, because they knew, from the character who in the samsara returned, will all carry some once supreme treasure. 另一位仙王开口,目光里掠过难掩的贪婪,因为他们知晓,许多自轮回中归来的人物,皆会携带曾经的一些至宝 But these supreme treasure contain many mysterious secrets, may help its fast growth. 而那些至宝蕴含诸多玄妙秘密,可助其快速成长。 Some foreign land Immortal King, can arrive this step, actually some reasons, have obtained these blessings lefts by predecessors. 异域一些仙王,能够走到这一步,其实还有部分原因,就是得到过那些遗泽。 Sir...... Sir......” “大人……大人……” These four kings are Kun profound Immortal King and azure deep Immortal King of foreign land...... their all Achieving Dao before several eras......” “这四王乃是异域的坤玄仙王、青冥仙王……他们皆成道于数个纪元前……” Before exceedingly high Ancient City, gold/metal cloud under this type of aura, nearly suffocates, but is trembling, is Gu Changge explains the origins of these four kings. 通天古城前,金云在这种气息下,也近乎窒息,不过还是微颤着,为顾长歌解释这四王的来历。 Facing four kings' aura oppressions, half-step Immortal King he, almost the disintegration comes, let alone was the ordinary life. 面对四王的气息压迫,半步仙王的他,也差点崩碎开来,更别说是普通生灵了。 „Before originally is several eras , the achievement Immortal King fruit position, I also think, perhaps possibly bumps into knows my person.” “原来都是数个纪元前成就仙王果位的,我还以为,可能碰到或许认识我的人。” They indeed are not in luck......” “他们也的确不走运……” Gu Changge is smiling, the words that said lightly makes the gold/metal cloud scalp tingle with numbness, does not dare to ponder the origin. 顾长歌淡淡地笑着,说出的话令金云头皮更是发麻,已经不敢去细想去来历了。 But in instance that this saying said that Gu Changge on make a move. 而在这话说完的瞬间,顾长歌出手了。 He stands erect before exceedingly high Ancient City, the form is unrelieved, but a hand falls toward several pieces of Star Territory remote western Heavenly Gate. 他屹立在通天古城前,身影并无变化,只是一只手朝着数片星域遥远的西天门落去。 At this moment, the heaven and earth shock, the universe must be subverted! 这一刻,天地剧震,乾坤要被颠覆了! heaven and earth again collapse open/start, in west Heavenly Gate sky, is obviously the one deeply not obvious big crack appearance. 天地再度崩开,在西天门的上空,更是可见一道深不可见的大裂缝出现。 What......” “什么……” He facing our four kings, but also dares initiative make a move?” “他面对吾等四王,还敢主动出手?” this scene, made azure deep Immortal King and the others, some complexion changes, resembled have not thought, originally was the bureau that they hunted with joint forces, will turn into the opposite party lord to begin. 这一幕,令青冥仙王等人,面色都有些变化,似没想到,本来是他们合力狩猎的局,会变成对方主动手。 However next moment, their facial colors changed. 不过下一刻,他们的面色都变了。 Bang!!! 轰!!! That strength is extremely fearful, is fuzzy can see, in their frontline, has the one big hand to find out from the jet black vault of heaven big crack slowly, arrived. 那种力量太过可怕,模糊间可以看到,在他们的最前方,有一只大手从漆黑的苍穹大裂缝中缓缓探出,真实降临了。 This palm appears from the midair slowly, and falls to their four king rackets slowly, is away from several pieces of remote Star Territory, the domineering and peerlessness. 这一掌从半空中缓缓出现,并向他们四王缓缓拍落,隔着数片遥远的星域,强势且绝伦。 In an instant, on the vault of heaven the countless big stars are crashing, explodes broken in void. 刹那间,天穹上数不尽的大星在坠落,在虚空中爆碎。 The vast fluctuation, pushes All Heavens to fall simply probably, making four king Mianse change suddenly. 浩瀚的波动,简直像是推着诸天在落下,令四王面色骤变。
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