IAFV :: Volume #9

#828: Hopes with the Sir altogether world, is this catches up is delivering the source?( Sought subscription)

Reply Sir......” “回禀大人……” Yue Wang indeed came from a tokharia clan, is southern Immortal Domain most is glorious the ancient family.” 月王的确是来自于月氏一族,乃是南方仙域最为悠久古老的家族。” Before exceedingly high Ancient City, the gold dollar opens the mouth respectfully, when Gu Changge mentioned a tokharia clan, was somewhat surprised. 通天古城前,金元恭敬地开口,在顾长歌提及月氏一族的时候,有些惊讶。 After all this is only the matter that south the Immortal Domain life can know, but Gu Changge just arrived at Immortal Domain obviously, but also has the possibility, he and tokharia clan an ancestor, possibly understanding. 毕竟这只是南方仙域的生灵才会知晓的事情,而顾长歌显然是刚刚才来到仙域,不过也有可能,他和月氏一族的先祖,可能认识。 Thinks of here, the gold dollar is respectful. 想到这里,金元更是恭敬。 Although he is half-step Immortal King, however in front of Gu Changge, feels that type of to cause one/to make one palpitation profound frightening aura as before. 他虽然为半步仙王,但是在顾长歌面前,依旧是感受到那种令人心悸深邃的恐怖气息。 Even if in front of true Immortal King, never has such feeling. 哪怕是在真正的仙王面前,也从未有这样的感觉。 Therefore, the gold dollar is very definite, Kun profound Immortal King of foreign land, indeed was startled, is not because has anything to dread or the reason. 所以,金元很确定,异域的坤玄仙王,的确是被惊走的,并不是因为有什么忌惮或者缘故。 This is the pure sensation to the oneself not present Gu Changge opponent, therefore fast far away from this piece of universe. 这是纯粹感知到自己绝非眼前的顾长歌的对手,所以快速远离这片宇宙。 At the present Yue Wang, actually can only calculate on is a later generation of tokharia clan, inherited remaining of ancestor, takes Immortal King that step, overlooks trim Immortal Domain. 而今的月王,其实只能算的上是月氏一族的后辈,继承了先祖的遗存,才迈出仙王那一步,俯瞰整片仙域 A tokharia clan can be said as the southern Immortal Domain most ancient ethnic group of present. 月氏一族可以说是如今的南方仙域最古老的族群。 As for the bodhisattva king, that is one from mysterious Immortal King that the remote universe comes, it is said is related with Buddhism, the law of passing on , is the Zen principle Buddhist literature. 至于菩王,那是一位自遥远宇宙而来的神秘仙王,据说和佛教有关,所传之法,也尽数是禅理佛经。 Once founded India in southern Immortal Domain, deliver all living things from suffering, even has also handed down the Bodhisattva and momordica grosvenori position, the follower proliferates several pieces of universes, the true strength is a riddle. 在南方仙域曾建立佛国,普度众生,甚至还传下过菩萨、罗汉果位,信徒遍布数片宇宙,真正实力乃是个谜。 Gu Changge nods, although a tokharia clan and perhaps and Yue Mingkong behind Peerless Immortal Dynasty has the relation, but to him, actually not too in a big way affects. 顾长歌点了点头,虽然月氏一族和或许和月明空身后的无双仙朝有联系,但对于他来说,却并无太大影响。 Immortal Domain and Upper Realm, the middle cut off so many eras, once same clan has evolved the development is the different ethnic groups, even Immortal Domain separates is five sides. 仙域上界,中间断绝了那么多纪元,曾经的同族早已演化发展为不同的族群,连仙域都分隔为五方。 Bloodlines type of thing, was thinner. 血脉这种东西,就更是稀薄了。 Moreover, except for a tokharia clan, the Immortal Gu Family, Immortal Wang Family and other Dao Orthodoxy influences, Immortal Domain, actually has with the foot. 而且,除了月氏一族,长生顾家长生王家道统势力,在仙域这边,其实都有着跟脚。 As for in which side Immortal Domain, said already the destruction, or takes root in the foreign land, this is not the matter that Gu Changge must consider. 至于到底在哪方仙域,还是说已经覆灭,或者扎根于异域,这也不是顾长歌所要考虑的事情。 He is not interested, does not care. 他也不感兴趣,并不在乎。 Which Immortal King subordinate are you?” “那你又是哪位仙王的手下?” Gu Changge swept Kim Won-il eyes, the vision falls to his behind these True Immortal, the tone asks at will. 顾长歌扫了金元一眼,目光又落向他身后的那些个真仙,语气随意地问道。 Reply Sir, I am comply with the instruction of Yue Wang to come......” “回禀大人,我是遵从月王的吩咐而来……” 087 gold dollar respectful say/way, he is also half-step Immortal King, from some perspective, even if will be Immortal King also to him slightly politely. 087金元恭敬道,他好歹也是位半步仙王,从某方面来讲,哪怕是仙王也会对他稍微客气一点。 This name, appeared a little too despises hand/subordinate optional. 手下这个称呼,就显得有点太轻视随意了。 However in front of Gu Changge, he does not dare to reveal that own is discontented. 不过在顾长歌面前,他也不敢显露出自己的不满来。 That Yue Wang makes you come, for what? Is it possible that his doesn't oneself have the foot? Said doesn't have courage to appear before me?” “那月王让你过来,又是为了什么?他自己莫非没有脚吗?还是说没胆量出现在我面前?” Gu Changge as before is at will the simple tone, asked superficially. 顾长歌依旧是随意简单的语气,轻描淡写地问道。 But hears his saying, many cultivator lives of this place, no matter Immortal Domain is also good, the foreign land, is gives birth to the intermittent cold sweat, the complexion changes. 而听到他这话,此地的诸多修士生灵,不管是仙域也好,异域也罢,都是生出阵阵冷汗来,面色微变。 From these many actions, they do not talk clearly, which one side Gu Changge stands. 从这诸多举动来讲,他们也说不清,顾长歌到底是站在哪一方的。 Western Immortal Domain many Immortal Domain descendants, at this time, does not know that must say anything, obvious Gu Changge has not helped over them, helping them rally the Western Immortal Domain magnificent plan. 西方仙域的诸多仙域后裔,在这个时候,也不知道要说些什么了,明显顾长歌没有帮他们出头,帮他们重整西方仙域辉煌的打算。 The gold dollar forehead reappearing perspiration mark, the back is the cold sweat streaming. 金元额头浮现汗迹来,后背更是冷汗涔涔。 Others sensation, his actually sensation, in instantly, his heart that the Gu Changge words fall seemed blocked. 旁人感知不到,他却感知到,在顾长歌话语落下的刹那,他的心脏就仿佛被扼住般。 Even if half-step Immortal King, but if speaking incorrectly half a word words, falls entirely to extinguish the fate faced with. 纵然是半步仙王,但若是说错半句话,也是面临身陨俱灭的下场。 Yue Wang she is giving a banquet now, arrival that in southern Immortal Domain congratulated the Sir, therefore told that I came this to greet the Sir......” 月王她如今正在南方仙域设宴,恭贺大人的降临,所以吩咐我来此迎接大人……” Gold/Metal cloud Zhihao braces oneself saying that fearful and apprehensive. 金云只好硬着头皮说道,一阵胆战心惊。 Yue Wang makes him come this, actually to judge the Gu Changge purpose in coming goal, wants to know him whether has the hostility. 月王让他来此,其实是为了判断顾长歌的来意目的,想要知晓他是否有敌意。 Must know at this time, Immortal Domain presents one cultivation base to be immeasurably deep suddenly, mysterious exist(ence) that even Immortal King was startled, mixes Immortal Domain nowadays situation sufficiently. 要知道在这个时候,仙域忽然出现一名修为深不可测,连仙王都被惊走的神秘存在,足以搅动仙域现如今的局势。 But Yue Wang is also the caution and care, is not willing easily to leave her location that side dao field, was worried that encounters the ambushes of other foreign land Immortal King to kill in Western Immortal Domain. 月王也是谨慎小心,不愿轻易离开她所在的那方道场,担心在西方仙域遭遇其余异域仙王的伏击袭杀。 Is such?” Gu Changge smiles lightly, has not mentioned this matter again. “是这样的吗?”顾长歌淡淡一笑,并没有再提及此事。 He asked that also probes that Yue Wang attitude, the no more than so caution and care, does not seem like the one Immortal King attitude. 他这么问也只是试探一下那位月王的态度,不过如此谨慎小心,倒不像是一位仙王的作风。 At the present Immortal Domain, does not say the extreme nervousness, but was also similar. 而今的仙域,不说草木皆兵,但也差不多了。 That Yue Wang does not dare to come to this personally, some reasons were not clear his purpose in coming, does not know is the enemy is a friend, some reasons, in dreading that side foreign land Immortal King. 那位月王不敢亲自现身来此,有部分原因是不清楚他的来意、不知是敌是友,还有部分原因,是在忌惮异域那边的仙王 Southern Immortal Domain other True Immortal, now are also the appearances that long breathes a sigh of relief, will be worried about Gu Changge to their make a move, will be worried about Gu Changge for Western Immortal Domain over. 南方仙域其余真仙,如今也是长舒口气的模样,担心顾长歌会向他们出手,也担心顾长歌会替西方仙域出头。 However, their worries are consider thoroughly obviously, now Western Immortal Domain many descendants , not clear Gu Changge purpose in coming goal. 不过,他们的担心显然是多虑的,如今就连西方仙域的诸多后裔,也不清楚顾长歌的来意目的。 Western Immortal Domain of present, has fallen to the enemy, various Immortal Domain, is occupied by the foreign land, the resources were carved up by various foreign land Royal Family. Why not the Sir steps to us south Immortal Domain, Yue Wang she is willing with the Sir altogether world.” “如今的西方仙域,早已沦陷,各座仙城,也早已经被异域所占据,资源被异域各王族所瓜分。大人何不移步至我们南方仙域,月王她愿意和大人共天下。” Afterward, gold/metal cloud opens the mouth again, proposing Yue Wang is willing to head the southern Immortal Domain incident with Gu Changge together. 随后,金云再度开口,提出月王愿意和顾长歌共同执掌南方仙域一事。 Simultaneously wants through this matter, to inquire about the Gu Changge rumor. 同时想通过此事,来探寻顾长歌的口风。 If Gu Changge in wielding Immortal Domain is interested, then Yue Wang must make some policy-making means to come inevitably. 若是顾长歌对于执掌仙域感兴趣的话,那么月王势必要对此做出些决策办法来了。 After all, besides Western Immortal Domain, other Immortal Domain all has Immortal King to assume personal command, particularly north Immortal Domain, three Immortal King. 毕竟,除了西方仙域以外,其余仙域皆是有仙王坐镇,尤其是北方仙域,更是有三尊仙王 In comparison, south Immortal Domain also on two Immortal King . Moreover the bodhisattva king is quite special, does not meddle the meddle Immortal Domain matter, occasionally will come in India, the followers for India told scrip­tures Great Dao. 相比之下,南方仙域也就两尊仙王,而且菩王还极为特殊,并不插手多管仙域的事情,偶尔会在佛国现身,为佛国的信徒讲述经文大道 In other words, south Immortal Domain actually only then a Yue Wang person controls alone, if the foreign land attacks and occupies to go, was equivalent said that she must face the vast foreign land army, as well as foreign land many Immortal King. 也就是说,南方仙域其实只有月王一人独自掌控,若是异域攻占而去,也相当于说她一人要面对浩瀚的异域大军,以及异域诸多仙王 The result is also naturally no exception, like Western Immortal Domain so. 其结果自然也不会例外,会如同西方仙域这般。 But hears this saying, before exceedingly high Ancient City , the people complexion all changes, never expected that Yue Wang is willing to put forward altogether the condition of the world unexpectedly. 而听到这话,通天古城前众人面色皆是一变,没想到月王竟然愿意提出共天下的条件。 On present five side Immortal Domain, the south Immortal Domain universe is vast, area endless, the resources are bountiful. 就如今的五方仙域来讲,南方仙域可谓宇宙浩瀚,疆域无尽,资源更是富饶。 Moreover, present five side Immortal Domain, can actually analogy for the reduction universe, overall speaking, is a big piece of complete universe. 而且,如今的五方仙域,其实可以类比为缩小的宇宙,从整体来看,也算是一大片完整的宇宙。 Stated differently in this big piece of complete universe, contains the innumerable slightly small universes, can be equivalent to the one after another vast boundless starry sky. 不同的是这一大片完整的宇宙之中,又包含着无数略小的宇宙,可以相当于一片片浩瀚无垠的星空。 Among many universes that southern Immortal Domain governs, ethnic group Dao Orthodoxy are also many, the True Immortal family, and even some were born the Immortal King family to have. 南方仙域所辖的诸多宇宙间,族群道统也不少,真仙家族,乃至一些曾经诞生过仙王的家族皆有。 These family foundations are solid, some are from the Taboo Era time on inheritance since, and even is remote...... 这些家族底蕴深厚,有些是从禁忌纪元时代就传承至今,乃至还有更久远的…… Immortal King of foreign land, drools these background resources. 就连异域的仙王,也垂涎这些底蕴资源。 Present Yue Wang actually planned, divides it, hands over to Gu Changge? 如今的月王却打算,将其划分出去,拱手相让给顾长歌 With my altogether world?” “和我共天下?” Gu Changge expression suddenly somewhat strange, then the corners of the mouth hold are wiping the light happy expression, said, you determined this was Yue Wang said personally?” 顾长歌的表情忽然有些奇异,然后嘴角噙着抹淡淡笑意,道,“你确定这是月王亲口所说?” Indeed was Yue Wang she said personally, will not deceive the Sir.” “的确是月王她亲口所说,不会欺瞒大人。” The gold dollar does not know that Gu Changge this words are what meaning, but always thought that his look brings unusual look, as if has other intention. 金元不知顾长歌这话语是什么意思,但总觉得他的眼神带着异色,似乎有另外的意图。 However in front of this grade of exist(ence), he does not dare to guess absurdly. 不过在这等存在面前,他不敢妄加揣测。 Such being the case, you go back to pass on to Yue Wang, said that makes her wait, prepares, I can take this world.” “既然如此,那你就回去转告月王,说让她等着,准备好,我会来取这片天下的。” If she dares to deceive me, even if a tokharia clan first ancestor recovers, I also let his True Spirit entirely leisurely/scatter, destroy both body and soul.” “若是她敢骗我,纵然是月氏一族始祖复苏,我也让其真灵俱散,形神俱灭。” Gu Changge smiles lightly, the tone is actually passing undeniably. 顾长歌淡淡一笑,语气却透着不容置疑。 The gold dollar complexion changes, the hurried say/way, Sir felt relieved, this words were Yue Wang said personally, heaven and earth may reflect, if broke a contract, that Yue Wang will also be involved by the causes and effects, does not dare easily to deceive the Sir.” 金元面色一变,急忙道,“大人放心,此话乃是月王亲口所说,天地可鉴,若是违约,那月王也会受到因果牵连,不敢轻易糊弄大人。” In his heart fearful and apprehensive, always thought that the Yue Wang this time probe, as if had/left the big problem. 他心中一阵胆战心惊,总觉得月王这一次试探,似乎出大问题了。 At present this, speaks thoughtlessly saying that did the implication make the matter that he scared, does not dare to deliberate to ponder, a first ancestor recovery of tokharia clan? 眼前这位,随口所言,就蕴含一些令他胆寒、不敢推敲细想的事情,月氏一族的始祖复苏? A first ancestor is it possible that this understanding tokharia clan? 莫非这位认识月氏一族的始祖? But a tokharia clan, before is Taboo Era, on exist(ence), at the beginning of the Innate God Queen of night with epoch-making has the greatest connection. 可月氏一族,乃是禁忌纪元之前就存在的,和开天辟地之初的先天神祗月神有莫大关联。 Thinks of here...... the gold dollar, even if one half-step Immortal King exist(ence), has a lingering fear, does not dare to go to think toward below again. 想到这里……金元哪怕是一位半步仙王存在,也是心有余悸,不敢再往下面去想。 The samsara is this world most mysterious thing. 轮回乃是这世间最为玄妙的东西。 Arrived some level, every word and deed will involve the greatest causes and effects. 到了某个层次,一言一行都会牵扯出莫大的因果。 At present this unashamedly mentions a first ancestor of tokharia clan, that can only explain, he not cares a whoop. 眼前这位毫无顾忌地提及月氏一族的始祖,那只能说明,他对此丝毫不在意。 Such origin, was unable to describe with frightening. 此等来历,已经无法用恐怖来形容了。 The people of this place, naturally heard these words, although the short number word, contained many to cause one/to make one to feel the unthinkable news. 此地的众人,自然听到了这些话语,虽然才短短数言,却蕴含了很多令人感觉匪夷所思的讯息。 Many foreign land lives, are the complexion blanches, terrified, waits for Gu Changge to determine their destinies. 诸多异域生灵,更是面色发白,惶恐不安,等待着顾长歌来决定他们的命运。 Bang!!! 轰!!! But at this moment, the dazzling light sweeps across to come from Western Immortal Domain end, that place is a foreign land, whether there is a far aura is blowing. 而就在这时,刺目的光自西方仙域的尽头席卷而来,那个地方是异域,有无远弗届的气息在吹来。 Among heaven and earth has Great Dao to collide, exudes the rumble sound that the universe revolves. 天地间有大道在碰撞,发出宇宙运转的隆隆声。 The frightening momentum, just like the great waves to swat to come, the starry sky in Western Immortal Domain, like the spider web breakage, is resembling is unable suddenly the carrying/sustaining so many supreme aura. 恐怖的声势,犹如浪涛般扑打而来,西方仙域内的星空,都在如蛛网般破裂掉,似一时间无法承载那么多至强的气息。 The billowing thick fog is surging, probably was promoted by a pair of not visible fearful big hand, before Western Immortal Domain that leaf already collapsing ruined Heavenly Gate. 滚滚大雾涌动着,像是被一双看不见的可怕大手推动,朝着西方仙域那扇早已坍塌破败的天门前而来。 rumble!! 隆隆!! Several frightening forms appear towering, probably at the beginning of the vision is indifferent, is epoch-making stands there. 数尊恐怖的身影突兀地出现,目光冷漠至极,像是开天辟地之初就站立在那里。 The chaos mist lets fall, along with rich immortal qi, has astonishing supreme divine might to fill the air, can collapse by pressure, in them behind, has the time fragment to dance in the air, obviously River of Time fuzzy shadow. 混沌雾气垂落,伴随着浓郁的仙气,有惊人的至强神威弥漫,可以压塌古史,在他们身后,更是有时间碎片飞舞,可见时间长河的模糊影子。 Their Dharma Body incomparable big, the starry sky was even opened, the galaxy side them, the mist flows probably, seems tiny. 他们的法身无比的高大,连星空都被撑开,星河在他们身边,像是雾气般流淌,更显得渺小。 This was several Immortal King, simultaneously arrives in Western Immortal Domain the place of border area, with heaven and earth with high, lifted the big hand, the oppression. 这是数尊仙王,齐齐降临在了西方仙域的边疆之地,与天地同高,抬出起大手,压迫而来。 This extinguishes the world scene, heaven and earth was black, the sun and moon stars are all dim, the dao technique rule makes the break sound. 这是灭世般的景象,天地都黑了,日月星辰皆黯淡,道法规则发出断裂声音。 The Great Dao chains spreads, must block that place, but actually cracks immediately. 大道锁链蔓延出来,要将那个地方封锁住,可是却在第一时间崩裂开。 There has the principle sea to bloom, various supreme dao technique deduct, summed up in this palms. 那里有法则海洋绽放,各种至强道法演绎出来,又归结在了这一掌间。 At this moment, as if there is unparalleled demon to come out to extinguish the world, western Heavenly Gate is broken, at the present again the reappearing fissure. 这一刻,仿佛有盖世魔头要出来灭世,西天门残破至极,而今再度浮现裂痕。 This type is the unparalleled Immortal King power and influence alone, making all life cultivator scared terrified, gazed by their vision, oneself imitate , if becoming the ants instantaneously, even Dao Achiever must change to the fragment powder shortly. 这种独属于盖世仙王的威势,让所有生灵修士都胆寒悚然,被他们的目光所注视,自身仿若在瞬间成为了蝼蚁,连成道者都得在顷刻间化作齑粉。 Overwhelmingly superior force. 秋风扫落叶。 Even if in Immortal Dao domain super expert, facing these Immortal King exist(ence), in instantly desperate. 哪怕是在仙道领域的超级强者,面对这些仙王存在,也会在刹那绝望。 Initially when Western Immortal Domain was broken through, Immortal King that arrives, no more than so. 当初西方仙域被攻破时,所降临的仙王,也不过如此。 Immortal King of foreign land......” “异域的仙王……” Moreover fully four.” “而且足有四尊。” „Can they arrive?” “他们都要降临过来吗?” Before exceedingly high Ancient City, the gold dollar cultivator from southern Immortal Domain, the complexion all changed, the scalp rumbles place to blast out. 通天古城前,金元等来自南方仙域修士,面色皆是变了,头皮轰一声地炸开。 They have not thought completely, the foreign land will so drag in lots of people, four Immortal King appear. 他们完全没有想到,异域会如此兴师动众,足足有四尊仙王出现。 Moreover each strength, frightening is all dreadful. 而且每一尊的实力,皆恐怖滔天。 These four Immortal King, the vision is indifferent, stands erect in Western Immortal Domain the place of border area, finds out the big hand, must tear rule dao technique of this territory, the true body arrives in this. 这四尊仙王,目光冷漠,矗立在西方仙域的边疆之地,探出大手,要撕裂这一域的规则道法,真身降临于此。 All Immortal Domain people in western Immortal Domain, the vision becomes frightened, on the day of remembered Immortal King dead in battle, some so many foreign land Immortal King appeared. 西方仙域内的所有仙域子民,目光都变得恐惧起来,想起了仙王战死那天,也是有这么多异域仙王出现。 That fought extremely in frightening, with extinguishing the world described is not overrated, gave to hit to collapse Western Immortal Domain, the mainland and life stars, simultaneously blasting open, flew to various starry sky places. 那一战太过于恐怖了,用灭世来形容也不为过,将西方仙域都给打崩了,大陆和生命星辰,齐齐炸裂,飞向星空各处。 The immeasurable Immortal Domain people, in that war, annihilate silently, change to the ashes, vanishes. 无量的仙域子民,在那一战中,更是无声无息地湮灭,化作灰烬,就此消失。 Was my world Immortal King arrives.” “是我界仙王降临了。” Good, four kings arrived, even other Immortal Domain Immortal King, do not dare to meddle, we could be saved.” “太好了,足足有四王降临,就算是其余仙域仙王,也不敢插手,我们有救了。” Four kings across the sky, present Immortal Domain, who can contend? This is the non-solution bureau!” “四王横空,如今的仙域,谁人可抗衡?这是无解的局!” Many foreign land lives, all cheer, the incomparable excitement, this scene seems like in the darkness must see the light simply, making their state of mind excited. 诸多异域生灵,皆欢呼起来,无比的激动,这一幕简直像是在黑暗之中得见光明,让他们心绪兴奋不已。 After all even if they, few people have seen Immortal King of foreign land. 毕竟哪怕是他们,也很少有人见到过异域的仙王 Let alone is four kings across the sky, the oppression comes, must tear Western Immortal Domain barrier, such as attacks and occupies Western Immortal Domain previous time like that the true body arrives. 更别说是四王横空,压迫而来,要撕裂西方仙域的屏障,如上一次攻占西方仙域那般,真身降临过来。 Such scene, that side foreign land, is very rare, usually in Immortal King, in respective dao field, frequently deep sleep since 1 million years. 这样的景象,在异域那边,也无比少见,平日里各位仙王,都是在各自道场,动辄沉睡百万年起。 However from this situation, may know foreign land various king, regarding attaching great importance to of Gu Changge. 不过从这情形来看,也可知异域诸王,对于顾长歌的重视。 Foreign land four kings?” “异域四王?” Follows in Gu Changge Big Red Bird, the facial expression also changed, this to the line not have what danger for this reason, but visits familiar place, returns to Immortal Domain. 跟随在顾长歌身边的大红鸟,神情也是变了,本以为此行不会有什么危险,只是旧地重游,回返仙域 However four Immortal King, at the present this time, perhaps are certainly the summit strengths. 但是四尊仙王,在而今这个时代,恐怕已经是绝巅战力了。 Even if Gu Changge is very mystical, the strength is immeasurably deep, not necessarily said, can contend with four Immortal King. 哪怕是顾长歌无比神秘,实力深不可测,也不一定说,可以抗衡四位仙王 However it looked at Gu Changge one, sees his facial expression not to have the fluctuation, even the corners of the mouth hold the light smile, has not collected, why does not know, that wisp of worry vanished into thin air. 不过它看了顾长歌一眼,见他神情毫无波动,甚至于嘴角噙着的淡淡笑容,都还没有敛去,不知为何,那缕担心又烟消云散了。 Four Immortal King?” “四尊仙王?” „Is this catches up to deliver the source for me?” “这是赶着来为我送本源吗?” Gu Changge indeed could not bear, exuded the light laughter. 顾长歌的确是没忍住,发出了淡淡笑声。
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