IAFV :: Volume #9

#827: Southern Immortal Domain comer, Yue Mingkong behind ethnic group?( Sought subscription)

Western Immortal Domain near foreign land, since 1 million years ago, after western Heavenly Gate was broken through . 西方仙域毗邻异域,自从百万年前,西天门被攻破后。 The foreign land life, can not prevent round trip free. 异域生灵,更是可以毫无阻挡地来去自如。 After west Heavenly Gate is Taboo Era, the gateway that Immortal King builds, has the supreme principle concise, may resist contends with foreign land Immortal King to invade one's territory. 西天门禁忌纪元后,各位仙王修筑的门户,凝练有无上法则,可抵御抗衡异域仙王来犯。 Therefore, 1 million years ago, that gateway was broken through, at the present western Immortal Domain, quite therefore the gateway starts greatly, is unable to stop these foreign land armies again. 所以,百万年前,那道门户被攻破,而今的西方仙域,就相当于是门户大开,无法再阻拦那些异域大军。 Now in various Western Immortal Domain piece of universes, the foreign land ethnic group occupies obviously, the original Dao Orthodoxy influence, was exterminated, even if were Dao Achiever also vanishes. 如今西方仙域各片宇宙中,都可见异域族群占据,原本的道统势力,被清剿一空,哪怕是成道者也绝迹了。 Let alone is these True Immortal exist(ence). 更别说是那些真仙存在 Before exceedingly high Ancient City, the Gu Changge facial expression is tranquil, gives up affectation, body does not have the slight spiritual power fluctuation to fill the air again, probably ordinary mortal. 通天古城前,顾长歌神情平静,返璞归真,身上再无丝毫的法力波动弥漫,像是个普通的凡人。 However in all life cultivator eyes, is very aloof in the peerless, slender tall and straight body, seems the Great Dao trace to be hidden. 但是在所有生灵修士眼中,却很超然绝世,修长挺拔的身躯上,似有大道的痕迹在隐没。 In some Immortal Domain descendants, many young men and women, all are the respect frantically, Gu Changge, has treated as from Immortal King that the origin walks. 一些仙域后裔中,很多年轻男女,皆是崇敬狂热不已,早已将顾长歌,当做自起源之界走来的仙王 At this moment, he is looking at the vault of heaven of distant place, there has the intermittent immortal light to sprinkle, along with glittering and translucent carving golden light Great Dao, delays. 此刻,他望着远处的天穹,那里有阵阵仙光洒落,伴随着一条晶莹剔透的金光大道,一路延展而来。 Among heaven and earth even had the phenomenon, has the Pegasus that the whole body flows the immortal light to pull a cart, hurries along to come toward this place, groom body, has Chaos Qi to be hidden, is Dao Achiever. 天地间甚至生出了异象,有浑身流淌仙光的天马在拉车,往此地赶路而来,马夫身上,同样有混沌气隐没,乃是一尊成道者 In following spirit light one after another, have several a form, is catching up fast, the aura is not all weak, controls spirit rainbow or the auspicious beast. 在后面神光一道道,有数道身影,在快速赶来,气息皆不弱,驾驭神虹或者瑞兽。 , And...... 哧、哧、哧…… They are very aloof, body brings immortal qi, has the aura of immortal to fill the air, with Western Immortal Domain ordinary Immortal Domain clan people, entirely different. 他们很是超然,身上带着仙气,有仙的气息在弥漫,和西方仙域的普通仙域族民,截然不同。 cultivation base has also achieved the boundary of True Immortal. 修为也已达到了真仙之境。 Moreover, in that carriage that in the forefront drives, sits well the form that the Dao Immortal light is winding around impressively, the silk threads Great Dao fragment, interweaves in its surroundings. 而且,在最前面驶来的那辆辇车中,赫然端坐着道仙光缭绕的身影,丝丝缕缕的大道碎片,在其周围交织。 This is half-step Immortal King exist(ence), moreover belongs to Immortal Domain. 这是一尊半步仙王存在,而且属于仙域这边。 However, saw that this crowd of powerful cultivator arrive, many Immortal Domain descendants' facial expressions, have not actually changed, even also brings to be hostile with the indignation. 不过,看到这群强大修士降临,诸多仙域后裔的神情,却没有丝毫变化,甚至还带着敌视和愤慨。 Big Red Bird has slight is startled saying that I also think present Immortal Domain, does not have True Immortal.” 大红鸟有些微怔道,“我还以为如今的仙域,已经没有真仙了。” They are south Immortal Domain cultivator, when our West Immortal Domain was broken through, but also once dispatched expert to come to plunder, wants snatch away our Immortal Domain foundation supreme treasure, but also the intention bribes the remnant bodies of our king......” “他们是南方仙域修士,在我们西方仙域被攻破时,还曾派遣过强者前来掠夺,要夺走我们仙域的根基至宝,还意图染指我们那位王的残躯……” They are like the foreign land, is not the good thing.” “他们和异域一样,根本就不是什么好东西。” Has Western Immortal Domain descendant, recognizes this crowd of arriving cultivator, cannot bear the eye of reveal angry say/way. 有西方仙域的后裔,认出这群降临的修士,忍不住目露愤怒道。 Their eye of bands of light the enormous indignation and hatred, regard as south Immortal Domain the crowd of cultivator with the foreign land are being one group, does not have the slight good complexion. 他们的目光带着极大的愤慨和仇恨,将南方仙域的这群修士视作和异域是一伙的,没有丝毫的好脸色。 Therefore in the Gu Changge front, undisguised explained the fact, hoping Gu Changge can uphold the justice for them. 所以在顾长歌的面前,毫不掩饰地道明事实,希望顾长歌能够替他们主持公道。 But the words that hears this group of Western Immortal Domain descendants, catch up with exceedingly high Ancient City that crowd of cultivator, the complexion all changes. 而听到这群西方仙域后裔的话语,赶来通天古城的那群修士,面色皆是微变。 However, the Gu Changge facial expression is unrelieved, even has not heard the appearance of their words. 不过,顾长歌神情并无变化,甚至一副并没有听到他们话语的样子。 He regarding for Western Immortal Domain over, is an idea does not have. 他对于替西方仙域出头,是一点想法都没有。 This time arrives at Immortal Domain, besides confirming oneself guessed, biggest goal, actually to belong to Immortal Domain to Upper Realm goes. 此次来到仙域,除了验证自身猜测外,最大的目的,其实还是为了将仙域归入到上界去。 The two worlds rule collision fuses, he takes Upper Realm true Host/Master now, naturally can also take over control of Immortal Domain logically. 两界规则碰撞融合,他如今作为上界真正的主人,自然也能顺理成章地接管仙域 Let alone, according to original path situation, he once destruction All Heavens Demon Lord, how also possibly saying that at this time, will have this leisurely mood to help Immortal Domain. 何况,按照原本的轨迹事态来讲,他可是曾经覆灭诸天魔主,又怎么可能说,会在这个时候,有这闲心去帮助仙域 Gu Changge regarding this also indeed is nothing's interest. 顾长歌对此也的确是没有任何的兴趣。 He waits before exceedingly high Ancient City, naturally has the character of right to speak to come for the waiting. 他在通天古城前等候,自然是为了等待有话语权的人物现身。 However southern Immortal Domain Immortal King, is very obviously discrete, after the sensation to his aura, chose waiting and seeing, then dispatches one half-step Immortal King exist(ence) to come. 不过南方仙域仙王,显然很谨慎,在感知到他的气息后,选择了观望,然后派遣出一位半步仙王存在前来。 Has saying that the attitude of so caution and care, made Gu Changge look at one actually much. 不得不说,如此谨慎小心的态度,倒是令顾长歌多看了一眼。 „Before I and others had seen......,...... Sir.” “我等见过……前……大人。” Quick, one after another spirit rainbow descends from the upper air, these several True Immortal, all arrive in front of Gu Changge wear a look of respectfully, opens the mouth to say. 很快,一道道神虹从高空降落,这数尊真仙,皆面带恭敬地来到顾长歌面前,开口道。 They regarding incomparably young Gu Changge, do not know how must call, originally wants to call the senior, but changed a statement, the name was an Sir. 他们对于无比年轻的顾长歌,不知道要如何称呼,本来想叫前辈的,但还是改口,称呼为大人。 In their eyes, the Gu Changge strength is immeasurably deep, even Kun profound Immortal King of foreign land, was startled. 在他们眼中,顾长歌的实力深不可测,连异域的坤玄仙王,都被惊走。 Moreover, the skeletal age is very young, this basis cannot conceal. 而且,骨龄无比年轻,这点根本掩饰不住。 Must know, even if in Immortal Domain, in the extremely prosperous period, several tens of thousands of years of Achieving Dao, could have been the peerless capital. 要知道哪怕是在仙域,在极为繁盛的时期,数万年成道,已经算得上绝世之资。 In these True Immortal aristocratic families and Immortal King aristocratic families, is the talent evildoer/monstrous talent of ranking among the best. 在那些真仙世家、仙王世家,都是数一数二的天才妖孽。 However Gu Changge skeletal age how many? Several hundred that's all. 但是顾长歌的骨龄才多少?数百而已 This in Immortal Domain is also the matter that does not dare to imagine, especially goes out from that depletion principle not entire origin, they have to suspect that Gu Changge is some exist(ence) in samsara regains consciousness. 这在仙域也是根本不敢想象的事情,尤其还是自那枯竭法则不全的起源之界走出,他们不得不怀疑顾长歌是轮回中的某位存在苏醒。 Gu Changge has swept this crowd of True Immortal, the vision is very light, but falls in their eyes, the seems true|really thunder in Knowledge Sea crack, making their souls probably crack, subsequently scared incomparable. 顾长歌扫过这群真仙,目光很平淡,但是落在他们眼中,却似真雷在识海中炸响,令他们的灵魂要崩裂开,继而胆寒无比。 Before one foreign land True Immortal, after Gu Changge searched for the soul is swallowed, that they were away from the remote distance witness, therefore at the present is trembling, was quite scared. 之前一位异域真仙,被顾长歌搜魂之后吞下,那一幕他们可是隔着遥远距离目睹的,所以而今都是战战兢兢,极为胆寒。 No matter how said, Gu Changge goes out from the origin, that more or less, has the relations with Immortal Domain. 不管怎么说,顾长歌从起源之界走出,那或多或少,和仙域都有关系。 If southern Immortal Domain pretends not to know the circumstances of the matter, what will then face? 若是南方仙域对此装作不知情,接下来会面临什么? They actually are also brace oneself to come, in the present time, various Immortal Domain each other separates, does not disturb each other. 他们其实也是硬着头皮而来,在如今的时代,各仙域都彼此分隔,互不干扰。 Since so many eras split up quickly respectively, where will also go to take care other Immortal Domain things? 那么多纪元以来都快各自分化了,哪里还会去管其余仙域的事情? They also a little worried, Gu Changge can because of Western Immortal Domain falling to the enemy incident, but blames them. 他们也有点担心,顾长歌会不会因为西方仙域沦陷一事,而怪罪他们。 Gold dollar sees the oversized person.” “金元见过大人。” That half-step Immortal King on carriage, is comes to go out at this moment. 辇车上的那尊半步仙王,此刻也是现身走出。 His facial features seem somewhat even immature, probably child, but is actually a body of middle-aged man, wears the clean white immortal clothes, the whole body is shining, is winding around the Great Dao fragment. 他面容看起来甚至有些稚嫩,像是孩童,但却是一副中年男子的身体,身着干净洁白的仙衣,浑身都在发光,缭绕着大道碎片。 half-step Immortal King exist(ence), is one of the southern Immortal Domain illustrious supreme expert, beside abatement Immortal King invincible. 半步仙王存在,乃是南方仙域赫赫有名的至强者之一,除却仙王之外无敌。 In southern Immortal Domain, almost does not have cultivator not to know him, many respect called him are the gold/metal kings. 在南方仙域,几乎没有修士不认识他,很多崇敬者都称呼其为金王。 However is away from the boundary of true Immortal King, is actually very far, Immortal King and half-step Immortal King, the disparity may such as True Immortal and Dao Achiever. 不过距离真正的仙王之境,其实还很远,仙王半步仙王,差距可如真仙成道者 Southern Immortal Domain, now who Ruler?” “南方仙域,如今何人主宰?” Gu Changge shot a look at this person of one at will, asked. 顾长歌随意地瞥了此人一眼,问道。 Reply Sir, south Immortal Domain, the present is the bodhisattva king and Yue Wang to revere.” “回禀大人,南方仙域,如今乃是菩王、月王为尊。” The gold dollar respectful opens the mouth said that mentioned bodhisattva king Heyan bright Immortal King time, in the surface has the respect. 金元恭敬开口说道,提及菩王和颜明仙王的时候,面上带着尊敬之意。 Naturally bodhisattva king and Yue Wang, is not its real name, after all exist(ence) of Immortal King this grade of proliferation, the life mentioned its name generally, will have the feeling. 当然菩王和月王,都不是其真名,毕竟仙王这等层出的存在,一般生灵提及其名字,都会有感。 This is only for these years, all living things to its veneration name. 这只是这么多年来,众生对其的尊崇称呼。 Yue Wang? Comes from a tokharia clan?” 月王?来自于月氏一族?” Gu Changge selects the eyebrow, what he thinks is this month clan, perhaps is related with Peerless Immortal Dynasty, because the moon/month surname is very rare. 顾长歌不禁挑眉,他想到的是这个月氏一族,或许和无双仙朝有关,因为月姓很是少见。 If that is right, a that this month clan, is perhaps related with Yue Mingkong behind ethnic group. 若是如此,那这个月氏一族,或许和月明空身后的族群有关。 But at this moment, in another side. 而此刻,在另一边。 Vast endless northern Immortal Domain, compares Western Immortal Domain, is rare peace pure land, without dispute and chaos. 浩瀚无尽的北方仙域,相比于西方仙域来说,是一片难得和平的净土,没有纷争和大乱。 immortal qi is boundless, among various piece of universes is the grand scene, Divine Mountain is big, the immortal waterfall lets fall. 仙气茫茫,各片宇宙间皆是壮阔的景象,神山高大巍峨,仙瀑垂落。 Some immortal island float, has cultivator to communicate, or sits in meditation to comprehend, each other discussed. 一些仙岛悬浮,有修士来往,或是打坐参悟,或是彼此论道。 Here heaven and earth is flooding the auspicious aura, a heart feeling rather. 这里的天地都充斥着祥和的气息,给人一种心宁之感。 Some place immortal fog are very rich, dances in the breeze there, on the mountain peak has the purple multi-colored sunlight to wind around, in some lakes has the auspicious omen birds to cry, launches the pair of wings, hovers in heaven and earth. 一些地方仙雾很是浓郁,在那里飘舞,山峰上有紫色霞光在缭绕,一些湖泊之中有祥瑞鸟兽在啼鸣,展开双翼,翱翔于天地间。 Locates among Immortal Domain respectively, all has the gateway and barrier grand formation is isolating, even if Immortal King, is very difficult to break through, needs to spend the long time and cultivation decodes. 各处仙域间,皆有门户和结界大阵在隔离,哪怕是仙王,也很难攻破,需要花费漫长的时间和道行去破解。 Therefore northern Immortal Domain, is quite peaceful now, like Western Immortal Domain like that does not degenerate into the foreign land occupied area, many Immortal Domain descendants flee in all directions, becomes the blood food of foreign land. 所以北方仙域,如今都极为安宁,并不像西方仙域那般,沦为异域占领地,诸多仙域后裔四处逃窜,成为异域的血食。 In northern Immortal Domain, even may also see that many True Immortal forms appear and disappear, at locates dao field to explain religious doctrine respectively. 在北方仙域,甚至还可看到不少的真仙的身影出没,于各处道场讲道。 Moreover, northern Immortal Domain of present, enough three Immortal King in Ruler, are the most ancient three immortal Wang Family clans. 而且,如今的北方仙域,足足有三位仙王主宰,乃是最古的三个仙王家族。 In addition, many True Immortal family and True Immortal Dao Orthodoxy, the multiplication lives, it can be said that is secluded from the world, does not participate in other Immortal Domain wars. 除此之外,还有不少真仙家族、真仙道统,繁衍生息,可以说是与世隔绝,并不参与其余仙域的大战。 Initially Western Immortal Domain was broken through, once had expert to come to request reinforcements. 当初西方仙域被攻破的时候,曾有强者前来求援。 However was rejected beside northern Heavenly Gate, close, even the guarded invincible force gave suppress and kill, was very indifferent. 但是都被拒绝于北天门之外,靠近者,甚至被镇守的天兵给镇杀了,很是冷漠。 Regarding northern Immortal Domain three Immortal King, they not very big ambition, does not want to meddle other manages Immortal Domain things. 对于北方仙域的三尊仙王来说,他们并无很大的野心,也并不想插手去管其余仙域的事情。 Only thinks that own dao field area, not affected, supports oneself outside ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) bustling place, stay away from scenes of contention. 只想自己的道场疆域,不受影响,自立于万丈红尘外,超然物外 That side Western Immortal Domain, appeared startled changed......” “西方仙域那边,出现了惊变……” Doubtful to origin the gateway reappears, through that exceedingly high Ancient City, may go to that world, has exist(ence) in samsara, from regains consciousness.” “疑似是通往起源之界的门户再现,通过那座通天古城,可前往那一界,有轮回中的存在,自其中苏醒走来。” Three Immortal King dao field, are just situated in the north Immortal Domain three parties. 三位仙王道场,刚好坐落于北方仙域的三方。 Constituted the busy stable triangle, guards northern Immortal Domain, makes its impregnable. 彼此间构成了无暇的稳固三角,镇守北方仙域,使其牢不可破。 At the present, in Ancient City that the boundless immortal fog surges, the brilliant old tree blossoms, the light rain sprinkles. 而今,茫茫仙雾涌动的一座古城中,绚烂的古树开花,光雨洒落。 An old person of white beard white hair, sits cross-legged in the deep place, under dao platform is the inexhaustible chaos fog. 一尊白须白发的老人,盘坐在深处,道台下是无穷无尽的混沌雾霭。 His appearance vicissitudes, the facial expression was gentle, resembles to contain myriad, the makings were profound and aloof, at the present opens the mouth gently, resembles is talking. 他面目沧桑,神情平和,似蕴含了万千的古史,气质深邃且超然,而今轻轻开口,似在和人对话。 rumble!!! 隆隆!!! Is void is shivering, later cracks, reveals the vast boundless starry sky universe. 虚空在颤抖,随后崩裂开,露出浩瀚无垠的星空宇宙。 A form of red hair takes a step, the Great Dao fragment winds around in its week, his appearance is fuzzy, has to collapse by pressure the All Heavens aura to fill the air. 一尊红发的身影迈步而出,大道碎片在其身周缭绕,他面目模糊,有着压塌诸天的气息弥漫。 Even if the origin appears again, has nothing to do with us.” “哪怕是起源之界再度出现,也和吾等无关。” At the present Immortal Domain, has not been formerly, the era avalanche, ten thousand Shicheng ruins, once these exist(ence), have withered away, the thorough mourning extinguishes in the samsara.” “而今的仙域,早已不是从前,纪元崩塌,万世成墟,曾经的那些存在,早已消亡,彻底丧灭在轮回中。” We, even if sets up in the Immortal King domain, is one ripples that's all in that big world mighty current, at all affects slightly.” “吾等纵然立身于仙王领域,也不过是那大世洪流中的一道涟漪罢了,根本不起丝毫作用。” Has this time, might as well drifts along again first, before the quantity tribulation arrives, preparations of many one point of life.” “有这功夫,还不如再苟且一世,在量劫降临前,多一分活命的准备。” The red hair form indifferent opens the mouth, does not pay attention to care matter that Western Immortal Domain that side has. 红发身影冷漠开口,丝毫不理会关心西方仙域那边所发生的事情。 Sits cross-legged the white hair old man under old tree, at this moment sighs one lightly, said, may I always have a sense of discomfort, mysteriously and inexorably, perhaps something must happen.” 盘坐在古树下的白发老者,此刻却是轻叹一声,道,“可我总有种不安之感,冥冥之中,一些事情恐怕要发生了。” As Immortal King exist(ence), still in this domain, stands erect especially for a long time the time, he did not think that the own feeling can make a mistake. 身为仙王存在,尤其还在这个领域,屹立许久时间,他并不觉得自己的感觉会出错。 You said that these can exist(ence) in samsara, return?” “你是说,轮回中的那些存在,要归来?” The vision of red hair form, concentrates slightly, thought of something suddenly. 红发身影的目光,微微一凝,陡然想到了一些事情。 They can cultivate/repair Immortal King this progression, except for own talent certainly, excels by far the peer, since several eras, the child of true destiny, carrying/sustaining various world destiny. 他们能修到仙王这个级数,除了自身天赋强绝,冠绝同辈,乃是数个纪元以来,真正的天命之子,承载诸世气运。 Very big key, they have obtained once these withering away former sage remaining phuctraches. 还有很大的关键,他们得到过曾经那些消亡的前贤的遗存福泽。 True Immortal is common, but Immortal King is not common. 真仙常有,而仙王不常有。 Even if the immortal Wang Family clan, has Immortal King to assume personal command, taught the later generation personally, was very difficult saying that trained Immortal King to come out again. 哪怕是仙王家族,有仙王坐镇,亲自教导后辈,也很难说再培养出一尊仙王出来。 The harshness of condition, is inconceivable simply, unthinkable. 条件之苛刻,简直难以想象,匪夷所思。 They arrive this step, can say that had arrived at the end, is hard to see clearly the road ahead again, where even does not know the road ahead. 他们走到这一步,可以说已经到了尽头了,难以再看清前路,甚至都不知道前路在何方。 Or had consumed all talent and chances. 或者说,已经是耗费了所有的天赋和机缘。 They can remain their law and road, comprehends the learn/study for the later generation, but later generation , to reach their such altitudes, is absolutely impossible. 他们可以将自身的法和路留下来,供后人参悟学习,但是后人若想达到他们这样的高度,是绝对不可能的。 Naturally, their later generation, achievement True Immortal is not difficult, depends on cultivation technique, resources and chance to build, boils through the long time again, naturally can endure this step. 当然,他们的后人,成就真仙并不困难,靠着功法、资源、机缘堆砌,再通过漫长的时间去熬,自然能熬到这一步。 Regarding Immortal Domain these family Dao Orthodoxy, is the time of most not lacking. 对于仙域的这些家族道统来说,最不缺的就是时间。 Has this possibility, after Taboo Era, All Heavens in mountain sea True World extinguishes, at that time I and others, is only small cultivator, follows the elder, goes to Immortal Domain, from now on with origin severing the connection between heaven and earth.” “有这个可能,禁忌纪元之后,山海真界内的诸天消弭,当时我等,也只是小修士,跟随长辈,前往仙域,自此和起源之界地绝天通。” This a blink, the innumerable eras pass by, once these supreme, or vanished, or dies in a sitting posture, I and others also arrived at this progression......” “这一眨眼,无数纪元过去,曾经的那些至强们,或是消失、或是坐化,我等也到了这个级数……” But I and others may easily live so many years, these supreme former sage, how also to wither away with no reason at all?” “可就连我等都可轻易活那么多岁月,那些至强前贤们,又怎么会无缘无故地消亡?” More to this step, I more can feel, perhaps with these former sage disparities...... they in a arrange/cloth shocking general situation, is then waiting for a turning point.” “越到这一步,我越能感受到,和那些前贤们的差距……他们或许在布一个惊天大局,然后在等待一个契机。” This turning point in my opinion, perhaps is these people in samsara, when reappears world.” “这个契机在我看来,或许就是轮回中的那些人,再现世间之际。” The white hair white beard old man shakes the head, in the vision has the ray of wisdom to bloom. 白发白须的老者摇头,目光里有着睿智的光芒在绽放。 Hears this saying, this red hair form, the pupil shrinks, was silent. 听到这话,这尊红发身影,瞳孔不禁一缩,然后沉默了下去。 Actually at the present Immortal Domain, will split is five sides, very big reason, initial these former sage vanished to disappear. 其实而今的仙域,会分裂为五方,很大的原因,还是当初的那些前贤都消失不见了。 Their these later generations, arrived at this realm, then founds the ethnic group, dominant at the present Immortal Domain. 他们这些后辈,走到了这个境界,然后建立族群,统治而今的仙域 If wants to seek for the initial these former sage trails, that must to Immortal Domain, once some evacuation origins the ethnic group, actually perched. 若想寻找当初的那些前贤的踪迹,那还得去往中仙域,曾经一些撤离起源之界的族群,其实都栖息在了其中。 However Heavenly Domain four directions by the chaos Heavenly River isolation, arranged peerless grand formation, already, no matter the matter of outside world, is more aloof than it four directions Immortal Domain. 不过中天域四方以混沌天河隔绝,布下绝世大阵,早已不管外界之事,比之四方仙域还要超然。 Some people guessed that these former sage vitalities dry up dead in a sitting posture in some place, some people guessed, they in the war of Taboo Era, suffered very big wound, cannot heal, behind died. 有人猜测那些前贤气血枯竭坐化在某地,也有人猜测,他们是在禁忌纪元之战中,遭受了很大的伤,根本不能愈合,后面死去。 Because of these former sage, many people were once the unify mountain sea True World All Heavens Immortal Palace row immortals. 因为那些前贤,很多人都是曾经一统山海真界诸天仙宫的列仙。 Moreover, initial Immortal Palace big Palace Master, cultivation base exceeded Immortal King, even a sword compels foreign land the ancestor of Emperor Clan, cession foreign land vast universe, from now on far away from Immortal Domain. 而且,当初的仙宫的大宫主,修为更是超越了仙王,甚至一剑逼得异域的帝族之祖,割让异域浩瀚宇宙,自此远离仙域 Such exist(ence), heard that in Taboo Era that wartime, encountered the wound that was inconceivable, caused heavy losses by that taboo exist(ence) make a move, nearly fell from the sky at the scene depressed. 那样的存在,听说在禁忌纪元那一战时,遭遇到了难以想象的创伤,被那位禁忌存在出手重创,险些当场凋敝陨落。 Behind fell from the sky dead in a sitting posture shortly, however the genuine skeleton where, was actually a riddle life. 后面没多久就陨落坐化掉了,但是真正的尸骨在何处,却是一个谜命。 Immortal Palace disintegrates, when the first day series All Heavens power and influence, disintegrates all, then row immortal, as that era, was hit to collapse burying, following various immortal, arrives at Immortal Domain, here tried to reconstruct initially the magnificence of Immortal Palace. 仙宫分崩离析,当初一诸天的威势,也尽数瓦解,当时的列仙,很多随着那个纪元,一齐被打崩埋葬,后面的诸仙,来到仙域,在这里试图重建当初仙宫的辉煌。 But behind was also defeated...... does not know that touched the reason of what taboo. 但后面也失败了……不知道是触动了何种禁忌的缘故。 Therefore, five side Immortal Domain will be born. 因此,五方仙域才会诞生。
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