IAFV :: Volume #9

#826: Before Taboo Era, perhaps on the exist(ence) bright king, can be an acquaintance( sought subscription)

This region floods the boundless chaos fog, one wisp after another is letting fall, then floats unceasingly flows. 这片区域充斥着茫茫的混沌雾霭,一缕又一缕地垂落,然后不断地漂浮流动。 The horizon is dreary, probably the place of vigorous sign of life extinction. 天际更是惨淡不已,像是一片生机绝灭之地。 The broad and vast palace group, pulls out stands, stands erect in the deep place of this region, is flowing glow that shines upon All Heavens. 恢弘且浩瀚的宫殿群,拔地而立,屹立在这片区域的深处,流淌着映照诸天的辉光。 Even if True Immortal arrives at this place, will feel that the organism must blast out, collapse annihilation under this type of internal energy. 哪怕是真仙来到此地,也会感觉肌体要炸开,在这种气机下崩溃湮灭。 „The origin of ancient handing down, opens the gateway again, the person in samsara, walks from that road, now Western Immortal Domain.” “古老相传的起源之界,再度打开门户,轮回中的人,自那条路走来,如今正在西方仙域。” I am not his opponent, is worried to have the accident/surprise, but also looks at senior come into the world, and others plundered for me, in order to avoid this person runs away.” “我远不是其对手,担心出现意外,还望前辈出世,为我等掠阵,以免此人逃走。” A stance of Kun profound Immortal King younger generation, has several points of humble respect, arrives to this region, to the front vast palace group opens the mouth. 坤玄仙王一副晚辈的姿态,带着几分谦卑尊敬,降临到这片区域,对着前方的浩瀚宫殿群开口。 Immortal King as foreign land, brags is present age invincible, may overlook all lives, sits well at the end of vault of heaven, is ignoring all, 1 million years running water, will not give birth to the mighty waves in his eyes. 身为异域的仙王,自诩当世无敌,可俯瞰一切生灵,端坐于天穹之端,漠视着一切,百万岁月不过流水,不会在其眼中生出波澜。 However facing that exist(ence) of this palace group, Kun profound Immortal King stance, is actually puts very lowly, holds the ritual of younger generation. 不过面对这片宫殿群的那位存在,坤玄仙王的姿态,却是放得很低,执晚辈之礼。 Although with is Immortal King, but cultivation cultivation base, has the vast gap, even is the gap hard-to-pass gully. 虽然同为仙王,但是道行修为,也有着巨大差距,甚至是鸿沟般难以逾越的沟壑。 To him, when he in addition is also small cultivator, this senior is Immortal King, wields all living things to vanish, trillion Star Territory ups and downs. 对于他而言,在他还尚且是个小修士的时候,这位前辈就已经是仙王了,执掌众生幻灭,亿万星域沉浮。 So many years passed by, he also from once that small cultivator, becomes aloof and remote Immortal King. 这么多年过去了,他也从曾经的那个小修士,成为了高高在上仙王 May before this grade of senior, respect as before humbly, knows the opposite party 10 to write off oneself, is very relaxed. 可在这等前辈面前,依旧谦卑尊敬,知晓对方十想抹杀自己,很是轻松。 This is cultivation base realm as well as cultivation, that frightening like the natural moat gap disparity, is unable to overstep at present. 这是修为境界以及道行,那恐怖如天堑般的鸿沟差距,目前无法逾越。 Naturally, in the vast foreign land of length and breadth, probably at present this senior general Ancient Existence, many, but they extremely in mysticalness, even if as Immortal King, is hard to figure out that knows the place of its seclusion deep sleep. 当然,在广袤的浩瀚异域中,像是眼前这位前辈一般的古老存在,还有不少,不过他们太过于神秘,纵然是身为仙王,也难以确定知晓其闭关沉睡之地。 These Ancient Existence, even has experienced other True World drastic changes, when has from the mountain sea True World birth on exist(ence), there are these to come from other True World, survives under the quantity tribulation, escapes this World, the choice cannot shun the world. 那些古老存在,甚至经历过其余真界的剧变,有自山海真界诞生时就存在的了,也有那些来自于其余真界,在量劫之下存活下来,逃逸来此界,选择避世不出的。 In brief, in this vast boundless foreign land universes, even if Kun profound Immortal King, does not dare extremely in the rampancy, for fear that to provoke these to live Old Monster of innumerable era. 总之,在这浩瀚无垠的异域宇宙间,哪怕坤玄仙王,也不敢太过于嚣张,生怕招惹到那些活了无数纪元的老怪物 Immortal King is not the realm end point, even is away from high, has the extremely remote road that he knows to walk. 仙王并不是境界的终点,甚至距离他所知晓的至高,都还有着极为遥远的路要走。 Bang!!! 轰!!! As Kun profound Immortal King words fall, the region that this piece is flooding the boundless chaos fog, appears suddenly the shocking momentum. 而随着坤玄仙王话语落下,这片充斥着茫茫混沌雾霭的区域,陡然浮现惊天声势。 Vault of heaven rumble shivers, these Star Territory all around, in rustle tremble, as if must crash. 天穹隆隆颤抖,周遭的那些星域,都在簌簌而颤,仿佛要坠落下来。 A frightening breathing, resounds in the surrounding all cultivator life mind, heaven and earth but therefore rise and fall gets up. 一种恐怖的呼吸声,在周围所有修士生灵心神间响起,天地都因此而起伏起来。 Who calls me to wake up?” “何人唤吾醒来?” The vicissitudes ancient sound, brings indifferently, here resounds through, reverberates in the trim universes. 沧桑古老的声音,带着冷漠,在这里响彻,在整片宇宙间回荡。 Kun profound Immortal King attitude, is even more respectable, opens the mouth saying that younger generation Kun is unreliable, has seen the senior.” 坤玄仙王的态度,越发尊敬,开口道,“晚辈坤玄,见过前辈。” Immortal King that other directions come, after arriving here , is quite surprised, the attitude in abundance is later respectful. 其余方向闻讯而来的仙王,来到这里之后,也极为吃惊,随后态度纷纷恭敬下来。 Even if incomparably proud indifferent, back is growing that Immortal King of black wing , the restraining aura, awaits respectfully here. 哪怕是无比自傲冷漠、背后长着黑色羽翼的那位仙王,也收敛气息,在这里恭候。 This universe length and breadth, held the one Immortal King aura very much and said, is very difficult, but has not actually clashed at this moment, has planting the tranquility that is inconceivable. 这片宇宙很是广袤,本来容纳一位仙王的气息和道,已经很困难了,但是此刻却没有发生碰撞,有种难以想象的宁静。 I and others had seen the senior.” “我等见过前辈。” These Immortal King, understand that this place means anything, in this one front, they are the younger generation, cultivation base dao technique is far less than the opposite party entirely absolutely. 这些位仙王,都明白此地意味着什么,在这一位的面前,他们通通都是晚辈,修为道法绝对远不如对方。 With is the Immortal King domain, wants to decide the victory and defeat, is very difficult, but these established Immortal King are different, regarding the control of dao technique and source, far far surpass their understanding. 同为仙王领域,想要决出胜负,很困难,但是这些老牌仙王却不一样,对于道法和本源的掌控,远远超乎他们的理解。 „Does the origin of ancient handing down reappear?” “古老相传的起源之界再现?” Muttered the old sound, in this place reverberation, rich thick fog dispersing, wore the black long gown later, appeared the rickets form to appear, his facial features were covered up by the fog, cannot see clearly. 一句喃喃般的苍老声音,在此地回荡,随后浓郁的大雾散开,一个身着黑色长袍,显得佝偻的身影出现,他的面容被雾霭所遮掩,并不能看清。 However the surroundings actually fill the air are making the fearsome aura that Great Dao thunders, this heaven and earth resembling being hard carrying/sustaining. 但是周围却弥漫着令大道都轰鸣的可怖气息,这片天地都似难以承载。 Reply bright king senior, very much so, 1 million years ago I and others broke through Western Immortal Domain, once tried to seek for that entrance, but failed......” “回禀明王前辈,正是如此,百万年前我等攻破西方仙域,曾试图寻找那界入口,但是失败了……” Has not thought that recently that gateway appeared again, the light covers eight sides, goes out of the king in one doubtful samsara, is very young, I am not his opponent.” “不曾想近日那道门户再度浮现,光盖八方,从中更是走出一位疑似轮回中的王,无比年轻,我不是他的对手。” Kun profound Immortal King says, the spoken language respect, makes a long story short the matter, was cut to extinguish the incident including his Dharma Body by the opposite party one sword light. 坤玄仙王开口说道,言语尊敬,把事情简单说来,包括他的法身被对方一道剑光斩灭一事。 If not he were prompt divine sense at that time extracts, perhaps will also be damaged heavily. 若非他当时及时将自身神念抽出,恐怕还会受到不轻的损伤。 From the king who in the samsara does go out of?” “自轮回中走出的王?” The old man named bright king, in the vision projected two fearsome sword glow suddenly, must break out the universe simply. 名叫明王的老者,目光中陡然射出了两道可怖的剑芒,简直要将宇宙劈开。 His state of mind is volatile, before is unable to look like again, is revenging like that tranquilly. 他的心绪动荡起来,无法再像之前那般报仇着平静。 „, This life can also meet exist(ence) in samsara, perhaps also meets had seen in the past the acquaintance.” “没想到,今世还能遇到轮回中的存在,没准还会是往昔所见过的熟人。” The bright king opens the mouth slowly, the big sleeve flings, the present universe thunders, rips open directly, takes with stride, goes toward Immortal Domain location. 明王缓缓开口,大袖一甩,眼前的宇宙轰鸣,直接撕开,大步迈出,往仙域所在而去。 Hears this saying, Kun profound Immortal King and the others, the state of mind is turbulent, knows this senior, before Taboo Era, on existed, then follows in its behind, enough four Immortal King follow. 听到这话,坤玄仙王等人,心绪皆是动荡,知晓这位前辈,禁忌纪元前就存在了,然后跟随在其后面,足足四尊仙王跟随。 They are Ruler that the present foreign land deserves, all wields the number side universe, clan people millions and millions, the independence is Royal Family, aloof and remote. 他们乃是如今异域当之无愧的主宰,皆执掌数方宇宙,身后族民亿万万,自立为王族,高高在上 From the status, they are the lords of Royal Family, at the present time, the life can also describe with the inexhaustibleness, may overlook the era to alternate. 从身份来讲,他们乃是王族之主,在而今的时代,寿元也可以用无尽来形容,可俯瞰纪元更迭。 However today actually sends out, goes toward Immortal Domain, rips open the big tunnel between universes. 但是今天却一齐出动,往仙域而去,撕开宇宙间的大隧道。 This matter initiates the enormous mighty waves in the foreign land, major Royal Family all dispatch True Immortal to follow, kills together to Western Immortal Domain. 此事在异域引发极大的波澜,各大王族皆派遣出真仙跟随在后,一起杀向西方仙域 But at this moment, in Western Immortal Domain, the mighty waves is still uneven. 而此刻,在西方仙域,波澜依旧不平。 All arrives to arrive at the foreign land cultivator life before exceedingly high Ancient City, trembles, does not dare the move slightest. 所有降临来到通天古城前的异域修士生灵,都颤栗不已,不敢动弹分毫。 Witnessed Gu Changge indifferent brutal, even if True Immortal also feels scared, does not dare to act rashly. 亲眼目睹了顾长歌的冷漠残酷,纵然是真仙也感觉胆寒,不敢轻举妄动。 On the contrary is many Immortal Domain descendants, feels excitedly, personally sees the foreign land people so to fear the anxious appearance, the innermost feelings carefree. 反倒是许多仙域后裔,感觉激动非常,亲眼见着异域众人如此恐惧不安的模样,内心畅快不已。 Until now, the Immortal Domain descendant hides everywhere, was worried that was looked by the foreign land life, after experiencing 1 million years ago that war, Western Immortal Domain can say that has disintegrated. 一直以来,仙域后裔四处躲藏,担心被异域生灵找上,经历百万年前的那场大战后,西方仙域可以说已经分崩离析。 Now Supreme Realm cultivator, had vanished, let alone is Dao Achiever and True Immortal. 如今至尊境修士,已经绝迹了,更别说是成道者真仙 Initial most expert, escaped other Immortal Domain, Western Immortal Domain degenerated into the place of abandoning, was seized by various foreign land clans. 当初的绝大多数强者,都逃亡去了其余仙域,西方仙域沦为废弃之地,被异域各族所占领。 Not long, Western Immortal Domain is prosperous, various clans stand in great numbers, under Immortal King control, full of vitality, is safely tranquil. 曾几何时,西方仙域繁盛至极,各族林立,仙王统御之下,生机勃勃,安然宁静。 1 million years ago that disaster, ruined Western Immortal Domain, destroyed all these peacefully, causes all Immortal Domain descendants, degenerates into the target of universal detestation, flees in all directions. 百万年前那场灾祸,毁掉了西方仙域,也摧毁了这一切安宁,使得所有仙域后裔,沦为过街老鼠,四处逃窜。 Many people, can only arrive at the barren mountains and wild hills, multiplies to drift along in this. 很多子民,只能来到荒山野岭,在此繁衍苟且。 Does not know that this Sir, was which Immortal King once?” “就是不知道这位大人,是曾经的哪位仙王?” Even foreign land that Immortal King, was startled, the strength is absolutely immeasurably deep.” “连异域那位仙王,都被惊走了,实力绝对深不可测。” Origin is very mystical, perhaps besides this Sir, other expert. If they come to come, can expel the foreign land life absolutely.” “起源之界无比神秘,或许除了这位大人外,还有别的强者。若是他们都现身而来,绝对可以将异域生灵都赶走的。” Western Immortal Domain restored in the past the prosperous peace scene, was just round the corner.” “西方仙域恢复以往繁盛和平景象,指日可待。” At this moment, many Immortal Domain descendants, all cannot bear give free reign to the imagination this scenery, the state of mind are hard to contain to rush to be excited. 这一刻,诸多仙域后裔,皆忍不住畅想到此景,心绪难以遏制地澎湃激动起来。 Gu Changge is listening to these Immortal Domain descendants' discussions, the complexion is very tranquil, does not have the slight mighty waves. 顾长歌听着这些仙域后裔的谈论,面色无比平静,没有丝毫波澜。 He calmly is looking at Heavenly Domain, can feel to have the vast fluctuation, is arriving from the remote region. 他静静地望着天域,能感受到有浩瀚的波动,正在自遥远的区域降临。 However, that is not the direction of foreign land, but is other directions Immortal Domain. 不过,那并不是异域的方向,而是其余方向的仙域 Other Immortal Domain, should have Immortal King exist(ence)......” “其余仙域,应该还有仙王存在……” They should also the sensation come here fluctuation, wants to come to peep.” “他们应该也感知到这里的波动,想要前来一窥。” Big Red Bird cannot bear say, although he once as Gu Xian'er Artifact Spirit, but exist(ence), but does not mean that he has not experienced. 大红鸟忍不住开口说道,他曾经虽然只是作为顾仙儿器灵存在,但是并不意味着他没有见识。 Must know it as cutting down Sky Sword time, cuts Immortal King exist(ence) that falls, it may be said that is innumerable. 要知道它作为伐天剑的时候,斩落的仙王存在,可谓是数不胜数。 Gu Changge nods, the corners of the mouth show the vague happy expression suddenly, said, mentioned also laughably, 663 they also only dare to make an appearance at this time, usually, even if knew perfectly well that many descendants in this territory, were slaughtered by the foreign land life, only dares to hide in the respective dao field domain.” 顾长歌点了点头,嘴角忽然露出若有若无的笑意,道,“说来也可笑,663他们也只敢在这个时候露面,平日里哪怕明知此域的诸多后裔,被异域生灵杀戮,也只敢躲在各自道场领域。” This is the Immortal Domain king at the present.” “这就是而今仙域的王。” He shakes the head gently, not ridiculed, but found it very ridiculous. 他轻轻摇头,并无嘲弄,只是觉得挺好笑的。 Since this had been Gu Qingyi in the past, has wanted Immortal Domain that maintains to bless. 这就是顾青衣以往以来,一直想要维护庇佑的仙域 But nowadays, Gu Changge has not known where Gu Qingyi places. 只不过现如今,顾长歌还不知道,顾青衣身处何地。 As mountain sea True World True Spirit, can say this World many clan people, including Immortal Domain and foreign land, birth breeding under her testimony witness. 作为山海真界真灵,可以说此界的诸多族民,包括仙域、异域,都是在她的见证目睹下诞生孕育。 She as this World True Spirit, the exist(ence) significance, is actually undifferentiated with Heavenly Dao, just the True Spirit form, means that she was born the will, can in the form of life, arrive at this world. 她作为此界真灵,存在的意义,其实和天道并无差别,只不过真灵的形式,意味着她诞生了意志,可以以生灵的形式,来到这世间。 The battle expedition of foreign land and Immortal Domain, just like the Yin-Yang and actual situation exist(ence), is the Heavenly Dao fate, plays each other withering away shackles, maintains the balanced function. 异域和仙域的厮杀征战,正如阴阳、虚实的存在,乃是天道命数,起到彼此消亡桎梏,维持平衡的作用。 However, Gu Qingyi takes True Spirit, obviously has to favor to Immortal Domain this side. 不过,顾青衣作为真灵,明显对仙域这方有着偏袒。 However Immortal Domain this side, has not been under her favoring asylum obviously, has improved, is internal fight is quite on the contrary serious. 但是仙域这方,显然并没有在她的偏袒庇护下,有所改善,反倒是内斗颇为严重。 Otherwise these five side Immortal Domain, how also to come? 要不然这五方仙域,又是如何而来? Without so many things, how the foreign land can defeat it one by one? 若是没有那么多事情,异域又怎么能将其逐一击破呢? Although has that side the foreign land, some ethnic group lives, colluded other True World exist(ence) in secret, or has the related reason with source. 虽说有着异域那边,有些族群生灵,暗中勾连了其余真界存在,亦或和本源界有所联系的缘故。 But since 1 million years, Immortal Domain has deteriorated, even is far less than Upper Realm. 但才百万年,仙域就已衰败至今,甚至远不如上界 Gu Changge thinks the decision that initially Gu Qingyi and he discussed that can only shake the head in the heart gently. 顾长歌想到了当初顾青衣和他所商议的决策,只能在心头轻轻摇头。 He by the Demon Lord status, stood in the Immortal Domain opposite came up, only the hand hit collapse various to have with the plan of Gu Qingyi layout, but never did not have his own selfish desire to be one of them. 他以魔主的身份,站立在了仙域的对立面上去,只手打崩诸有和顾青衣布局的打算在,但何尝没有他自己的一点私欲在其中。 This decayed ruined Immortal Domain, withers away earlier, perhaps can also breed the new vitality. 这腐朽破败的仙域,早点消亡,或许还能孕育出新的生机。 Then, before cuts down next time a day of war arrives, perhaps can also be born 1-2 variable. 如此一来,在下一次伐天之战降临前,也许还能诞生1-2异数 Perhaps these 1-2 variable, can help his plan. 这1-2异数,没准还能帮助到他的计划。
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