IAFV :: Volume #9

#825: exist(ence) in samsara, plays what kind of role now( sought subscription)

The radiant sword light, shatter remote time, washed above Heaven and below Earth probably, not far, domineering peerless. 璀璨的剑光,像是破灭了一片遥远的时间,洗涤天上地下,无远弗届,强势绝伦。 Bang!!! 轰!!! The western Immortal Domain above internal energy was chaotic, under this sword glow, seemed broken out. 西方仙域的上空气机都混乱了,在这道剑芒下,仿佛被劈开了。 The galaxy fault/chasm, innumerable life cultivator, tremble alarmed and afraid in this type of aura, felt that own forehead, was divided to fall by the one sword light, must blast out completely. 星河断层,无数的生灵修士,颤栗惊惧于这种气息,感觉自身的眉心,被一道剑光劈落,要完全炸开。 Their incomparable alarmed and afraid, the feeling is absolutely terrified, this sword light not in view of them, but touches to witness its power and influence, then the divine soul severe pain, must fall from the sky under its glow. 他们无比的惊惧,感觉毛骨悚然,这道剑光并未针对他们,只是触及目睹其威势,便神魂剧痛,要陨落在其芒下。 If true touching to this wisp of sword light, what consequence can be, does not need to think simply. 若是真正的触碰到这缕剑光,会是什么样的后果,简直不需要多想。 even/including Kunxuan Immortal King Dharma Body, was beheaded by a sword, shatter in the nihilities, was much stronger. 连坤玄仙王法身,都被一剑枭首了,破灭在了虚无间,强势得一塌糊涂。 What?” “什么?” Regarding foreign land life, this sword extremely frightening, directly in invincible king their mind, cuts to fall from the clouds. 对于异域生灵来讲,这一剑太过恐怖了,直接将他们心目中无敌的王,从云端斩落。 Kun profound Immortal King, the young life that treats as the belief, does not dare to believe bellows, must go crazy simply. 很多将坤玄仙王,当做信仰的年轻生灵,更是不敢置信地大吼,简直要发疯了。 Why the invincible king recovered, was actually cut to extinguish Dharma Body by a sword as before, in light of this annihilation? 为何无敌的王复苏了,却依旧被一剑斩灭法身,就此湮灭? Naturally, they indeed cannot think through, in their cognition, the pinnacle prestige of this world, is the prestige of Immortal King, sits well in the eternal summit, overlooks the years to alternate, sitting and watching era avalanche. 当然,他们的确是想不通,在他们的认知中,这世间的极致之威,便是仙王之威,端坐于万古之巅,俯瞰岁月更迭,坐观纪元崩塌。 Such exist(ence), how can also easily be so cut to extinguish Dharma Body? 这样的存在,又怎么能被人如此轻易地斩灭法身呢? Even if same level exist(ence), is impossible so easily to achieve. 哪怕是同级的存在,也不可能如此轻易地做到啊。 Absolutely is a young king......” “绝对是一尊年轻的王……” Kun profound Immortal King he ran away, does not dare to arrive to come.” “坤玄仙王他逃走了,不敢降临而来。” The foreign land rushes to True Immortal that comes much, this moment mouth is actually trembling, is a little scared, the whole body feels cold. 异域不少赶赴而来的真仙,此刻嘴巴却是在哆嗦,有点胆寒,浑身发冷。 They are under Immortal King, most invincible that pole number, therefore can feel clearly, a moment ago frightening of that sword, but absolutely instantaneous destruction their ten million times. 他们乃是仙王之下,最无敌的那个极数,所以越发能清楚感受到,刚才那一剑的恐怖,绝对可瞬间覆灭他们千万次。 This is the peerless prestige that they are unable to contend with absolutely, the destruction sea, cuts off the years, even Immortal King Dharma Body does not beat. 这是他们万万无法抗衡的绝世之威,覆灭沧海,斩断岁月,连仙王法身也不敌。 Is the complementary waves that the escape comes, made them probably blast open, the mortal body severe pain, some people depended was very near, even there is a bloodstain to reappear. 仅仅是逸散而来的余波,就令他们要炸裂掉,肉身都剧痛,一些人靠的很近,甚至有血痕浮现。 All foreign land lives before exceedingly high Ancient City, the whole body ice is cold, in same place does not dare to move, for fear that this wisp of internal energy dissipates, making them blast out, marches into that Immortal King Dharma Body footsteps. 通天古城前的所有异域生灵,浑身冰寒,在原地不敢动弹,生怕这一缕气机逸散,令他们炸开,步入那位仙王法身的后尘。 Was too strong, this is what kind of frightening mighty force......” “太强了,这是何等恐怖的伟力……” Mistakenly, this Sir, definitely was my Immortal Domain king, he returned from the origin.” “错不了,这位大人,肯定是我仙域的王,他自起源之界归来了。” In western Immortal Domain is full the unparalleled internal energy, the Immortal King fluctuation that appeared a moment ago, made to be dormant in regional Immortal Domain descendants, was alarmed, with amazement. 西方仙域内充盈着盖世气机,刚才浮现的仙王波动,令很多蛰伏于各地的仙域后裔,都被惊动,骇然至极。 However has not thought, next moment will see that Dao Immortal king Dharma Body, was cut to extinguish by the one sword light, extremely in shocking, unthinkably. 但是不曾想,下一刻会见到那道仙法身,被一道剑光斩灭,太过于震撼,匪夷所思。 If not for personally sees, they estimated that cannot believe all these, stares the big eye stubbornly. 若不是亲眼所见,他们估计不敢相信这一切,不禁死死地瞪大眼睛。 Afterward, across Western Immortal Domain, erupted the sound of cheering was inconceivable. 随后,西方仙域各地,爆发出了难以想象的欢呼之声。 Many Immortal Domain descendants come, swept the past declining tendency, was excited and excited, roared there lowly, is hard to express the inspired rushing state of mind at this moment. 诸多仙域后裔现身,一扫以往的颓势,激动且兴奋,在那里低吼,难以表达此刻的振奋澎湃心绪。 The Gu Changge facial expression has not changed actually, he does not need to resort to other methods now, depending on borrowing realm strength, then fearless so-called Immortal King. 顾长歌神情倒是并没有变化,他如今不需要动用其余手段,光凭借境界实力,便无惧所谓的仙王 Even if Immortal King, was impossible saying that in this level, can not contaminate the causes and effects, contended with Heavenly Dao variable, revised all world paths. 哪怕是仙王,也不可能说,在这个层次,可以不沾染因果,抗衡天道异数,对一切世界轨迹进行修正。 However Gu Changge still at Upper Realm time, can act according to fate one, cancels in the future variable, this is the road, most essential difference. 但是顾长歌尚在上界的时候,就能够根据命数一道,抹去未来异数,这就是所走之路,最根本的区别。 In the final analysis, Gu Changge the law of cultivating, the road, has the predecessor to correspond in one by one. 说到底,顾长歌所修之法、所走之路,都有前身在一一对应。 May let his body, is source real ancestor's that level. 可让他这具身躯,达到本源真祖的那个层次。 Ordinary Immortal King, even contacts the source real ancestor's qualifications not to have, even the cultivate dao innumerable eras, are impossible to arrive that step. 普通的仙王,连接触本源真祖的资格都没有,就算修道无数纪元,也不可能走到那一步。 Only has to contact Transcendence that layer, is variable in variable, can be entitled, sees there. 唯有要接触到超脱那一层数,乃是异数中的异数,才能有资格,看到那里。 It seems like your side Immortal King, chose the avoidance......” “看来你们那边的仙王,选择了退避……” He is actually intelligent, runs very quickly.” “他倒是聪明,也跑得挺快。” Gu Changge stands erect in same place, simple azure silk clothes, seemingly incomparable young, is flowing the light glow, gives up affectation. 顾长歌屹立在原地,简单的青色丝衣,看起来无比的年轻,流淌着淡淡的辉光,返璞归真。 He walks gradually, has swept these lives of foreign land, the tone is very light. 他缓步走来,扫过异域的这些生灵,语气很是平淡。 Hears this saying, these foreign land lives, actually the feeling head must blast out, divine soul must be torn, does not dare to raise the head with Gu Changge looking at each other. 听到这话,这些异域生灵,却感觉脑袋都要炸开了,神魂要被撕裂,根本不敢抬头和顾长歌对视。 Even if Dao Achiever, is trembles, is trembling same place, the cold sweat moistened the whole body. 哪怕是成道者,也是颤栗不已,在原地发抖,冷汗打湿了全身。 Relax, I will not feel embarrassed you.” “放心,我不会为难你们。” For a long time has not come back Immortal Domain, somewhat sees an object and thinks of the owner that's all.” “只是许久未曾回来仙域,有些睹物思人罢了。” Gu Changge says at will, then the vision looks suddenly to the vault of heaven direction, searches conveniently, the earth shook and heavens spun shook, the All Heavens stars are trembling. 顾长歌随意开口说道,然后目光忽然看向天穹方向,随手一探,天摇地动,诸天星辰都在颤栗。 one foreign land True Immortal, discovered panic-stricken, around oneself was imprisoned thoroughly, even if his body has the immortal light to flow, tries to work loose, but is also useless. 一位异域真仙,惊恐地发现,自己周围被彻底禁锢,哪怕他身上有仙光流淌,试图挣脱,但也没有用。 He was yelling panic-stricken, felt oneself turned into the chicken young, a resistance possibly does not have. 他在惊恐地大叫,感觉自己变成了小鸡仔,一点抵抗的可能也没有。 Originally beyond trillion li (0.5 km), is next moment, a pair of frightening big hand racket falls to come, holds him directly. 本来都还在亿万里之外,可是下一刻,一双恐怖大手拍落而来,直接将他抓住。 This made him desperate, alarmed and afraid to pinnacle, cultivate dao for ten million years, first time matter that met such frightening. 这令他绝望,惊惧到了极致,修道千万年来,还是第一次遇到这么恐怖的事情。 this scene, made all foreign land lives of this place, was alarmed and afraid with amazement, never expected that in their eyes already nearly invincible True Immortal. 这一幕,令此地的所有异域生灵,都是惊惧骇然,没想到他们眼中已经近乎无敌的真仙 At this moment so will be pitiful, from remote Star Territory, grasping, degenerated into the fish meat on block. 此刻会那么凄惨,被从遥远的星域外,给抓了过来,沦为砧板上的鱼肉。 Is this aloof and remote True Immortal? Has no difference from the ants simply. 这还是高高在上真仙吗?简直和蝼蚁没有任何区别。 „After Taboo Era, Immortal Domain exactly what happened......” 禁忌纪元之后,仙域到底发生了些什么事情……” Gu Changge looks at this panic-stricken to pinnacle foreign land True Immortal, opens the mouth slowly, the sound does not have the mighty waves, resembles is asking, resembles is sighing lightly. 顾长歌看着这名惊恐到了极致的异域真仙,缓缓开口,声音毫无波澜,似在发问,似在轻叹。 This foreign land True Immortal, the seemingly only has 30-40 years old appearance, the back is growing the golden wing, the immortal light flows, is very holy. 这名异域真仙,看起来只有三四十岁的样子,背后长着金色的羽翼,仙光流淌,很是圣洁。 But now actually trembles unceasingly, probably was grasped firmly the heart by peerless Great Demon, looks pale, the words are shivering. 但现在却不断地发颤,像是被绝世大魔攥住了心脏,面色苍白,话语都在颤抖。 Reply Sir, after Taboo Era,......” “回禀大人,禁忌纪元后……” He tries to explain, making Gu Changge understand, in the sound is completely the fear. 他试图解释,让顾长歌明白,声音里尽是恐惧。 I have not asked you.” “我可没有问你。” However the Gu Changge facial expression does not have the mighty waves as before, but shakes the head, then finds out a hand, the cheekbone that shines from him extends directly. 不过顾长歌神情依旧毫无波澜,只是摇了摇头,然后探出一只手,直接从他发光的颧骨里伸过去。 „......” “啊……” Sir forgives......” “大人饶命啊……” This foreign land True Immortal, called out pitifully panic-stricken, the fearsome ache, making his facial features twist. 这位异域真仙,惊恐地惨叫起来,可怖的疼痛,令他面容都扭曲起来。 Everyone can see, his divine soul, was grasped from crown of the head there, then consults memory for Gu Changge. 所有人都能看到,他的神魂,从天灵盖那里被抓了出来,然后供顾长歌查阅记忆 This process, actually no one dares to disturb, even if foreign land True Immortal of distant place, is trembles to keep, complexion blanch. 这个过程,却无人敢于打扰,哪怕是远处的异域真仙,也是颤栗个不停,面色发白。 Is worried about next moment, even they were also grasped. 担心下一刻,连他们也被抓过去。 This is even/including Kunxuan Immortal King frightened off terrifying existence. 这可是连坤玄仙王都被吓走的恐怖存在 Originally also some so many changes, no wonder......” “原来还有这么多变化,怪不得啊……” Long time, Gu Changge understood finally Immortal Domain these years many changes, sigh with emotion one. 良久,顾长歌似是终于了解了仙域这些年来的诸多变化,感慨一声。 Then next moment, this True Immortal divine soul, spoke thoughtlessly to swallow by him, does not have ignores him to leave. 然后下一刻,这道真仙神魂,被他随口吞下,并没有放任其离开。 After Taboo Era, Immortal Domain and Upper Realm separation, most Immortal Dao exist(ence), escape to Immortal Domain. 禁忌纪元之后,仙域上界分离,绝大多数仙道存在,遁向仙域 And is the head established Immortal Palace these exist(ence) initially, although Immortal Palace has collapsed, but many inheritance actually preserved. 其中为首的就是当初建立仙宫的那些存在,虽然仙宫已然坍塌,但很多传承却是保存了下来。 Therefore Immortal Domain, presented five side Immortal Domain fast, takes Chinese Immortal Domain as the source, toward radiates in all directions, splits up into four directions Immortal Domain. 于是仙域这边,快速出现了五方仙域,以中方仙域为源头,朝着四面八方辐射,分化为四方仙域 Each side Immortal Domain has Immortal King to assume personal command, the Immortal King quantities in some Immortal Domain, even are many. 每方仙域都有仙王坐镇,一些仙域内的仙王数量,甚至还不少。 In addition, Chinese Immortal Domain, initially Immortal Palace several Palace Master, its cultivation base far surpass general Immortal King. 除此之外,中方仙域,还有当初仙宫的几位宫主,其修为远超一般的仙王 Then, Immortal Domain is actually calm and steady for the time being. 如此一来,仙域倒是暂且安稳下来。 But just like the foreign land that side thinks like that a Taboo Era war, just before quantity tribulation, although avoided the quantity tribulation arriving, the big settlement arrived. 但正如异域那边所认为的那般,禁忌纪元一战,刚好在量劫之前,虽然避免了量劫降临,大清算到来。 But the All Heavens avalanche and era cut off, making that years fall into the taboo, actually also caused Immortal Domain and Upper Realm vitality to be depressed, the source was damaged. 诸天崩塌、纪元断绝,令那段岁月陷入禁忌,却也导致仙域上界生机凋敝,本源受创。 Moreover, because of the severing the connection between heaven and earth reason, Immortal Domain degenerates into without the duckweed of root, but Upper Realm also lost the opportunity of promoting a higher domain. 而且,因为地绝天通的缘故,仙域沦为无根之浮萍,而上界也失去了晋升更高领域的机会。 Then, naturally caused the chain-reaction, causes Immortal Domain is the deterioration, gave the foreign land opportunity is not missed. 如此一来,自然就导致了连锁反应,使得仙域更是衰败,给了异域可趁之机。 Therefore several million years ago starts, with Immortal Domain, some Immortal King vitality deterioration, falls into the unclear old age, five fading are difficult to cross. 于是从几百万年前开始,随着仙域这边,一些仙王气血衰败,陷入不详晚年,五衰难渡。 The foreign land invades on a large scale, drives out the Immortal Domain gateway, killed, Western Immortal Domain borders on the foreign land gateway, naturally falls to the enemy immediately. 异域大举入侵,轰开仙域门户,杀了过来,西方仙域接壤异域门户,自然是在第一时间沦陷。 Gu Changge understands these things, was most mainly considering, then oneself, must act in what kind role. 顾长歌了解这些事情,最主要还是在考虑,接下来自己,要扮演处于一个何等角色中。 According to the Gu Qingyi past agreement, said, doesn't need to care about so many? 是依照顾青衣以往的约定,还是说,不必顾及那么多? Only needs to pay attention, time that actually the next quantity tribulation arrives. 在这其中,唯一所需要注意的,其实还是下一次量劫降临的时机。 Next, is the birth of only True World. 其次,便是唯一真界的诞生。 Because only True World is born time, feared that is also among this vast All Heavens True World, these cut down day, will then take an action, cultivates its war sword, kills Nine Heavens. 因为唯一真界诞生的时候,怕也是这浩瀚诸天真界间,那些伐天者,便会有所行动,修其战剑,杀上九天 From another aspect, at the present Immortal Domain, is actually more suitable in Gu Changge 0 另一方面来讲,而今的仙域,其实更适合于顾长歌0 That side foreign land, although goes on an expedition year to year, but True Immortal, and even Immortal King quantity, but are many. 异域那边,虽然常年征战,但是真仙、乃至仙王的数量,可不少。 These sources that Ancient Heavenly Venerate Samsara saves , had been built up by Gu Changge in recent years completely. 轮回古天尊所积攒的那些本源,这些年来,早已被顾长歌炼化殆尽。 To him, these exist(ence), actually good nourishment. 对他来讲,这些存在,倒是上好的养料。 this scene, made foreign land all lives, performed to tremble frightened, never expected that one True Immortal was grasped, searched for the soul directly, then divine soul, was being swallowed directly. 这一幕,令异域所有生灵,尽皆恐惧发颤起来,没想到一位真仙被抓来,直接搜魂,然后连带着神魂,被直接吞噬。 The method, making them one intermittent ill, probably butchered from aloof and remote different Domain Lord all of a sudden, degenerated into the domestic animal, the life and death dignity, regardless. 如此手段,令他们心里一阵阵不适,像是一下子从高高在上的异域主宰,沦为了牲畜,生死尊严不论。 These Immortal Domain descendants, by this scene, shaking unable to speak, has not thought that this Sir, the method was so indifferently brutal. 那些仙域后裔,也是被此景象,给震得说不出话来,没想到这位大人,手段如此残酷冷漠。 However thinks that is True Immortal of foreign land, they all feel relaxed, is very happy. 不过一想到那是异域的真仙,他们又皆释然,无比痛快。 After all when Western Immortal Domain fell to the enemy, many Immortal Domain descendants, but was treated as food by the foreign land life directly...... 毕竟西方仙域被沦陷时,不少仙域后裔,可是被异域生灵直接当做食物的…… Almost all Immortal Domain descendants, treated as Gu Changge from the king who origin goes out, belongs Immortal Domain. 几乎所有的仙域后裔,都将顾长歌当做了自起源界走出的王,所属于仙域这边。 very strong, who is this person?” 好强,此人到底是谁?” But at this moment, in the foreign land of vast length and breadth, Kun profound Immortal King complexion also changed changed. 而此刻,浩瀚广袤的异域之中,坤玄仙王面色也是变了又变。 Was usually indifferent, if in the facial features of ancient cold ice, is appears the surprised color. 素来冷漠若亘古寒冰的面容上,更是浮现惊疑之色。 He has not thought of own that wisp of incarnation, in cuts off with him instantly the relation, directly cutting to destroy completely by the opponent. 他是没想到自己的那缕化身,会在刹那断绝和他之间的联系,直接被对手给斩灭掉。 Including a response opportunity, has not remained. 连一丝的反应机会,也没有留。 This tyrannical frightening, came as a surprise to his thoroughly. 这种强横恐怖,彻底出乎了他的预料。 He thinks, after that is the heaven and earth environment drastic change, the gateway of origin becomes less crowded, causes that world expert, seeks the way, this arrives at Immortal Domain. 他本以为,那是天地环境剧变后,起源界的门户松动,导致那一界强者,寻到路径,这才来到仙域 However has not really thought, will present that fearsome one person. 但是真的没有想到,会出现那么可怖的一人。 He has the premonition, even if oneself is the true body arrives, is not his opponent, it is estimated that will be cut to kill, thorough annihilation. 他有预感,自己哪怕是真身降临,也不是其对手,估计会被斩杀,彻底湮灭。 Arrived Immortal King this level, any instantaneous thought that was not prompted by a sudden impulse, but has an omen, or will be will soon have the premonition of matter to the future, will have the vigilance. 到了仙王这个层次,任何瞬间的念头,都不是心血来潮,而是有所预兆,或者说是对未来即将发生事情的预感,心生警觉。 This does not dread, but after is the sober cognition to oneself does not beat, the instinct that makes deals. 这不是畏惧,而是清醒认知到自己不敌后,所做出的本能应对。 Cannot come to go, this person of body has Great Terror, is not current I can the enemy.” “不可现身而去,此人身上大恐怖,不是目前的我所能敌。” If arrives rashly, can by him the destruction.” “若是贸然降临,会被他所覆灭。” Kun profound Immortal King spans dao field, arrives goes to another (one) foreign land Immortal King dao field, wants business to discuss this matter, deeply feels weak. 坤玄仙王跨越自身道场,降临到另一位异域仙王道场去,要商论此事,深感无力。 His independent person, does not have the odds of success and vitality facing Gu Changge, needs to seek for other Immortal King, goes to face with joint forces. 他单独一人,面对顾长歌毫无胜算和生机,需要寻找别的仙王,合力去面对。 The foreign land area far more than can describe with the vastness, even Immortal Domain and Upper Realm normalizing, some regions are still well below. 异域所处的疆域何止能用浩瀚来形容,就算是仙域上界归一,一些区域也远远不及。 Various place boundless black fog surge, probably one after another vast and gloomy ghost legendary creature. 各处茫茫黑雾涌动间,像是一片片浩瀚而阴森的鬼蜮。 This is many comprised by the gloomy aura contamination ancient universe, inexhaustible, is hard a clear end point. 这是由诸多被阴暗气息沾染的古老宇宙所组成,无穷无尽,难以道清终点。 When do 1.0 friends wake up? Western Immortal Domain appears startled changes, has exist(ence) that in the doubtful samsara regains consciousness to go out, strength frightening, far surpass general Immortal King.” “道1.0友何时醒来?西方仙域出现惊变,有疑似轮回中苏醒的存在走出,实力恐怖,远超一般的仙王。” Needs me and others to hunt with joint forces.” “需要我等合力狩猎。” Kun profound Immortal King big hand tore the universe, arrived at foreign land another (one) Immortal King dao field, exist(ence) of deep sleep will awaken. 坤玄仙王大手撕裂了宇宙,降临到了异域另一位仙王道场,将其中沉睡的存在唤醒。 exist(ence) in samsara?” “轮回中的存在?” Bang!!! 轰!!! This side universe, has the frightening aura to reappear, then has the pupil light the thick fog to tearing, the innumerable foreign land people, submit to its, kotows unceasingly pays homage. 这方宇宙,有恐怖的气息浮现,而后有眸光将大雾给撕裂,无数的异域子民,臣服其下,不断叩首膜拜。 In other dao field, there is foreign land Immortal King to be given to awaken by Kun profound Immortal King, Dharma Body exceeded ten million zhang (3.33 m), condensed appears under the starry sky. 另外的道场中,也有异域仙王被坤玄仙王给唤醒,法身超越了千万丈,凝聚浮现在了星空下。 one after another dark Great Dao spreads to come, rumble makes noise, their steps. 一条条黑暗的大道蔓延而来,隆隆作响,他们踏步而出。 The surroundings black lotus everywhere, the black monster bird dance in the air, boundless heaven and earth is trembling. 周围黑莲遍地,黑色妖禽飞舞,苍茫天地都在颤栗。 „Did the heaven and earth environment change? Western Immortal Domain, does Immortal King save the world at the present?” 天地环境变了吗?西方仙域,而今还有仙王存世?” one is opened the pupil by human form Immortal King that the gray fog covers suddenly, the pupil light is very cold, is very profound, the back is growing a pair of wing. 一位被灰雾笼罩的人形仙王陡然睁开眸子,眸光很冷冽,也很深邃,背后长着一对羽翼。 I and others sought for a long time that gateway to appear, that is the character who goes out of...... is very fearful.” “我等寻找许久的那道门户出现,那是从中走出的人物……很可怕。” I am not his opponent.” “我远不是其对手。” Kun profound Immortal King opens the mouth, stated that this fact, did not think that this is the difficult matter, the tone is very directly light, I and others encircles it with joint forces kills, then arrives at origin.” 坤玄仙王开口,陈述这个事实,并不觉得这是难以启齿的事情,语气很是平淡直接,“我等合力将其围杀,然后降临起源界。” Finally, he arrives at to somewhere by the region that the boundless chaos fog covers, the attitude seems somewhat respectable. 最后,他又降临到某处被茫茫混沌雾霭所笼罩的区域,态度显得有些尊敬。 Here is the vast palace group, is broad and ancient, is flowing brilliance that shines upon All Heavens. 这里是浩瀚的宫殿群,恢弘且古老,流淌着映照诸天的光辉。 After Kun profound Immortal King arrived here, bows to salute to say slightly, has exist(ence) in samsara to regain consciousness, but also looks at the senior and others to plunder for me, feared that has the accident/surprise.” 坤玄仙王来到此处后,微微躬身行礼道,“有轮回中的存在苏醒,还望前辈为我等掠阵,怕有意外。”
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