IAFV :: Volume #9

#824: The king in foreign land arrives, a sword beheads to cut to fall( sought subscription)

The Gu Changge facial expression is unrelieved, but has swept the present broken mainland, and many foreign land lives of distant place. 顾长歌神情并无变化,只是扫过眼前的残破大陆,以及远处的诸多异域生灵。 He must consider that nowadays, how actually to defer to planned, before the bureau of arrange/cloth relating, thus leakproof slightly flaw. 他现如今所要考虑的,其实还是如何按照原本计划,将之前所布的局给联系起来,从而不漏丝毫破绽。 Immortal Domain happened startled changes, in his expected, has come in Immortal Domain at the present, actually also to confirm the guess, makes itself agree with simultaneously the true Immortal Dao domain. 仙域发生惊变,早就在他的意料之中,而今现身于仙域,其实也只是为了验证猜测,同时使得自身契合真正的仙道领域。 After all his present mortal body level, has not experienced the baptism of Immortal Dao rule, cannot be true immortal ~ body. 毕竟他现在的肉身层次,还没有经历过仙道规则的洗礼,并不能算是真正的仙~躯。 Naturally, Gu Changge is coming to Immortal Domain instantly, the mortal body is swallowing the rich Immortal Dao factor on own initiative, to him, does not need saying that by the so-called immortal tribulation baptism, the mortal body level was being shed naturally- during changes. 当然,顾长歌在现身仙域的刹那,肉身就在主动吞噬浓郁的仙道因子,对他来讲,也不需要说被所谓的仙劫洗礼,肉身的层次在自然而然地蜕-变之中。 Without recovery in the past memory, light by his nowadays strength, does not need to dread that cares about so-called Immortal King. 哪怕没有复苏以往记忆,光是凭借他现如今的实力,也不需要忌惮在意所谓的仙王 Let alone, he in Upper Realm there, walked to the summit, cultivation base went to the immeasurably deep situation certainly, is unable to be guessed. 何况,他是在上界那里,走至绝巅,修为早已达到深不可测的地步,无法被人揣测。 Let alone he also has many methods. 更别说他还有诸多手段。 Just, to plan to provide against contingencies, a lot, must consider are profounder. 只不过,为了计划以防万一,很多事情,都还得思虑得更深远些。 So young, walks from that world, he possibly is the person in samsara......” “如此年轻,从那一界走来,他可能是轮回中的人……” „It is reported that reported my world True Immortal, to origin the gateway reappeared, went out of the doubtful Immortal King young people.” “去禀报我界真仙,通往起源之界的门户再现,从中走出疑似仙王的年轻人。” Different from many joyful excited Immortal Domain clan people, foreign land side many expert, is the panic-stricken vibration, has been sending greetings in secret, plans this matter report/give report to True Immortal of foreign land, making them process. 不同于诸多欣喜激动的仙域族民,异域这方不少强者,则是惊骇震动,已经是在暗中传音,打算将此事禀报给异域的真仙,让他们来处理。 Because only has True Immortal, has the qualifications to contact Immortal King, informs this matter. 因为唯有真仙,才有资格接触到仙王,告知此事。 Dao Achiever before this mysterious young man, with ants not different, perhaps also only has True Immortal, has the qualifications and its conversation, clarifies its purpose in coming and origin. 成道者在这个神秘的年轻男子面前,和蝼蚁无异,恐怕也只有真仙,才有资格和其交谈,弄清楚其来意以及来历。 Moreover, he inquired a moment ago, who the Immortal Domain present king is. 而且,他刚才询问,仙域如今的王是谁。 That said, he does know Immortal Domain Immortal King? 那岂不是说,他是认识仙域仙王的? This thought that gives birth in many foreign land life mind, makes them both terrified and alarmed and afraid, thought of very remote hearsay. 这个念头,在诸多异域生灵脑海之中生出,令他们既悚然又惊惧,想到了很久远的传闻。 Most foreign land lives are not stupid, after knowing Dao Achiever was even patted conveniently, restrained the past rampant domineering, probably is waiting to execute same place general. 绝大多数的异域生灵也并不蠢,在知晓连成道者都被随手拍死后,就收敛了以往的嚣张强势,像是在原地等候处决一般。 A moment ago also in absurdly by origin these foreign land young people, all are the complexion blanches, kept silent. 刚才还在妄论起源之界的那些异域年轻人,皆是面色发白,噤若寒蝉。 After western Immortal Domain falls to the enemy, the foreign land dispatches True Immortal to be stationed to guard in this, does not have Immortal King here, otherwise by that fearful momentum, how Immortal King can not know a moment ago? 西方仙域沦陷后,异域只是派遣真仙在此驻扎镇守,并没有仙王在此,不然凭借刚才那种可怕的声势,仙王又怎么会不知晓? Actually, in instantly, foreign land True Immortal that exceedingly high Ancient City appears, detected immediately. 其实,在通天古城浮现的刹那,异域这边的真仙,就在第一时间察觉到了。 Although they are not vaster than Immortal King divine ability, but also overlooks true extremely strong being, the life exceeded ten million years, and even is longer. 他们虽然不比仙王那么神通浩瀚,但是也是俯瞰一界的真正至强存在,寿元超过了千万年,乃至更久。 Western Immortal Domain is incomplete, but a moment ago that fluctuation, was really fearful, the fluctuation that two worlds collided, had the big universe probably extinguished. 西方仙域残缺,但是刚才那种波动,实在是太可怕了,两界碰撞的波动,像是有大宇宙在其中消弭。 How can they unable to feel? 他们又怎么能感受不到? But after witnessing one Dao Achiever was patted conveniently, was scared, is not stupid, knowing Gu Changge is not they can the enemy, must report Immortal King of report foreign land. 只不过在目睹一位成道者被随手拍死后,都胆寒了,并不愚蠢,知晓顾长歌绝非他们所能敌,必须要禀报异域的仙王 This mysterious young people, cultivation base is immeasurably deep, in present this time, goes out from the origin, even shoves open that leaf, only has the gateway that Immortal King may break, obviously its strength. 这个神秘的年轻人,修为深不可测,在如今这个时代,自起源之界走出,甚至推开那扇,唯有仙王才可破的门户,可见其实力。 Absolutely is Immortal King and even above that level. 绝对是仙王乃至其上的那个层次。 Regarding some True Immortal of foreign land, understood that the truth of many related this world, they have the qualifications to contact that level, therefore knows, the foreign land has been seeking for the origin reason, one aspect is because wants to swallow the that world source, causes mountain sea True World, thorough normalizing. 对于异域的一些真仙来讲,了解不少有关这个世界的真相,他们有资格去接触那个层次,所以知晓,异域一直在寻找起源之界的缘故,一方面是因为想要吞噬那一界的本源,使得山海真界,彻底归一。 Other reason, they are seeking, these people in samsara. 还有另外个原因,他们在寻找,轮回中的那些人。 From the present situation, this mysterious young people, likely are one of samsara these people. 从现在的情形来看,这个神秘年轻人,很可能就是轮回中的那些人之一。 Sir, were you Immortal Domain once king?” “大人,您是仙域曾经的王吗?” Before exceedingly high Ancient City, many Immortal Domain clan people catch up, kneel down here, is lying prostrate in worship to Gu Changge, in the surface brings excitedly, just like facing in the middle of myth god. 通天古城前,很多仙域族民都赶来,伏跪在这里,对着顾长歌顶礼膜拜,面上带着激动,宛若面对神话当中的神祗 And an age looks does not calculate the big young girl, even cannot bear ask, eye of band of light hope and anticipation. 其中一个年纪看起来并不算大的少女,甚至忍不住问道,目光带着希冀和期待。 On this primitive lands, the towering old tree, the big dragon knot, a small crowd of Immortal Domain Human Race descendant, lived here for several thousand years. 这片原始的土地上,古木参天,高大虬结,一小群仙域人族后裔,在此生活了数千年。 They are also only small parts. 他们也只是其中的小部分。 The mainland is quite incomplete, some places the trace of war, the life galaxy of length and breadth, was also hit to collapse obviously initially, was washed away in all directions. 大陆极为残缺,一些地方都还可见当初大战的痕迹,原本广袤的生命星系,都被打崩了,被冲毁在四面八方。 Present these lands, is is very very small some small that's all. 眼前的这些土地,也只是其中很小很小的部分罢了 Gu Changge sweeps these Immortal Domain descendants, the facial expression has not had the mighty waves, without reply, has not shaken the head. 顾长歌扫过这些仙域后裔,神情毫无波澜,没有回答,也没有摇头。 He is looking at the vault of heaven of distant place, in people opinion, resembles calmly is waiting for the king in foreign land to arrive. 他只是望着远处的天穹,在众人看来,似是在静静等着异域的王降临。 The atmosphere of this place seemed like solidified froze, all foreign land lives that before caught up with, no matter what kind of level, all does not dare to move, was alarmed and afraid and scared, did not know the Gu Changge purpose in coming, did not know his origin. 此地的气氛像是被凝固冻结了,之前赶来的所有异域生灵,不管是何等层次,皆是不敢动弹,惊惧而胆寒,不知道顾长歌的来意,也不知道他的来历。 heaven and earth is all static, probably even the space and time hidden went, without interweaving of laws and order, here becomes the absolute peace. 天地皆静,像是连时空都隐去了,没有规则秩序的交织,这里成为绝对的安宁。 Big Red Bird at this moment was also peaceful, does not know that the Gu Changge goal, actually until now, it did not know about Gu Changge, but understands, he causes the Taboo Era chief criminal. 大红鸟此刻也是安静了,不知道顾长歌的目的,其实直到现在,它都对顾长歌丝毫不了解,只是明白,他是导致禁忌纪元的罪魁祸首。 Makes All Heavens all lonesome Demon Lord. 乃是令诸天皆寂的魔主 He plans Upper Realm, buries alive all big ruthless people. 他是算计上界,坑杀一切的大狠人。 Peaceful origin, and unify, is not the kindhearted generation. 清肃了起源之界,并且将之一统,并不是什么良善之辈。 Although treats members of the same family young person, very gentle amiable, what is undeniable, his indifference brutal, made Upper Realm All Heavens scared sufficiently. 虽然对待身边的亲族红颜,很是温柔随和,但不可否认的是,他的冷漠无情,足以令上界诸天胆寒。 ! 哧! The one after another flowing light has delimited the universe universe! 一道道流光划过宇宙天宇! At this moment, the innumerable foreign land lives, from broken western Immortal Domain each region gathering, rush to this piece of universe in abundance. 这一刻,无数的异域生灵,自残破的西方仙域各地汇聚,纷纷赶往这片宇宙。 Is away from very far starry sky, they have not approached, is in the heart has the feeling, detected that piece of heaven and earth environment, had very sweeping change, the whole body sends coldly, had the big matter to happen clearly. 隔着很远的星空,他们还未靠近,却是心中有感,察觉到那片天地的环境,有了很大变化,不禁浑身发寒,明白有大事情发生了。 „Did that leaf of gateway appear? And also went out of doubtful Immortal King young people?” “那扇门户出现了?其中还走出了一尊疑似仙王的年轻人?” In vast foreign land universe. 浩瀚的异域宇宙中。 A piece by dao field of length and breadth in the rich thick fog covers, vicissitudes ancient exist(ence), opened the eye suddenly. 一片被浓郁大雾笼罩的广袤的道场内,一尊沧桑古老的存在,猛然睁开了眼睛。 Since this has been 1 million years, he makes the sound for the first time. 这还是百万年以来,他第一次发出声音。 If his vitality fluctuation Wang Yang, stands erect in the starry sky, Fiendgod before just like Immemorial, frightening to pinnacle. 他的气血波动若王阳,屹立于星空之中,宛如太古前的魔神,恐怖到了极致。 The character as Immortal Dao summit, may be called in the immortal certainly the king, the control vast endless universe, people millions and millions, described with immeasurable sufficiently. 身为仙道绝巅的人物,可称为仙中之王,统御浩瀚无尽的宇宙,子民亿万万,足以用无量来形容。 This world, rarely has the matter, can alarm such exist(ence). 这世间,已经很少有事情,能将这样的存在惊动了。 At this moment, this side universe is trembling, with the recovery of this fearful exist(ence), the vast starry sky like sea rise and fall, the star changes to the fragment powder. 此刻,这方宇宙在颤栗,随着这尊可怕存在的复苏,浩瀚的星空都如海洋般起伏,大片大片的星斗化作齑粉。 Before the foreign land attacks and occupies Western Immortal Domain, west the Heavenly Gate bang will be broken, at the present the barrier vanishes, even if the heaven and earth environment has suppressed regarding foreign land Immortal King, but cannot prevent their arrivals. 异域攻占西方仙域之前,早已将西天门轰碎,而今屏障消失,纵然是天地环境对于异域仙王有所压制,但是并不能阻止他们的降临。 Only needs a thought that can from the endless remote foreign land, arrive to Western Immortal Domain. 只需要一个念头,就能从无尽遥远的异域那一边,降临到西方仙域 This foreign land Immortal King was alarmed, vision two frightening immortal sword, tore the universe, resembling to see clearly that side scene. 这尊异域仙王被惊动,目光似两道恐怖仙剑,撕裂了宇宙,似要看清那边的景象。 Stands erect in Immortal King this realm exist(ence), has been possible to call it omnipotently, even may trek in River of Time, change the causes and effects that some may withstand. 屹立于仙王这个境界存在,已经可称之为无所不能,甚至可于时间长河跋涉,改变一些可承受的因果。 Therefore, he regains consciousness instantly, starts to deduce Western Immortal Domain that side matter, wants to know, appeared that young people with foot origin. 所以,他苏醒的刹那,就开始推演西方仙域那边的事情,想要知道,出现的那个年轻人的跟脚来历。 Bang!!! 轰!!! But at this moment, Western Immortal Domain sky, starts to reappear the frightening internal energy, various fearful phenomenon came out, the Immortal Dao rule must break. 而这一刻,西方仙域的上空,开始浮现恐怖的气机,各种可怕的异象都出来了,仙道规则都要断裂掉。 00 00 The sun and moon stars are shivering, the innumerable mainland collapses, change to the fragment powder under this type of internal energy directly. 日月星辰都在颤抖,无数的大陆崩溃,直接在这种气机下化作齑粉。 The Immortal King internal energy appears, the trim universe therefore trembles, Star Territory of big piece, is unable to withstand this type of internal energy, blasted out directly. 仙王气机浮现,整片宇宙都因此而颤栗,大片的星域,都无法承受这种气机,直接炸开了。 Innumerable cultivator lives, no matter what level, to that place, were kneeling, respects devotionally. 无数的修士生灵,不管是什么样的层次,都对着那个地方,跪了下去,虔诚而崇敬。 Even if the Immortal Domain people, although is not willing to kneel to foreign land Immortal King, but actually cannot support at this moment, the leg and foot is all soft, kneels down directly. 哪怕是仙域子民,虽然不愿跪向异域仙王,但此刻却支撑不住,腿脚皆软,直接跪倒下去。 Does not do obeisance with the king, True Spirit frequently collapses, always becomes extinct. 遇王不拜,真灵动辄崩溃,永世绝灭。 Is Kun profound Immortal King......” “是坤玄仙王……” Good, the my world king the sensation had arrived here all.” “太好了,我界的王已经感知到这里的一切。” Western Immortal Domain many foreign land True Immortal, feels this internal energy, is excited, gets down toward that place kneel down. 西方仙域的不少异域真仙,感受到这一气机,皆是激动不已,朝那个地方伏跪下去。 Even if True Immortal, in front of Immortal King, such as the ants are common, being moved to write off them to be innumerable. 纵然是真仙,在仙王面前,也如蝼蚁一般,动念便可抹杀他们无数次。 That disparity, just like the natural moat, insurmountable. 那种差距,犹如天堑般,不可逾越。 Palatial and broad exceedingly high Ancient City, because this type of internal energy is shivering, blood that in the city wall sprinkled, was sends out the intensely bright ray. 巍峨而恢弘的通天古城,因为这种气机在颤抖,之前城墙上洒落的鲜血,更是发出夺目耀眼的光芒来。 Faint within, there are various phantom of ancient time to reappear, has Immortal Domain True Immortal to bleed in this, Immortal King was besieged to fall from the sky, the celestial pavilion avalanche, Western Immortal Domain debacle, Heavenly Gate cuts off, the vault of heaven weeps blood, all living things lament. 隐隐间,有古老时候的各种虚影在浮现,有仙域真仙喋血于此,仙王被人围攻陨落,天阙崩塌,西方仙域溃裂,天门断绝,天穹泣血,众生哀恸。 Many Western Immortal Domain descendants, in this type of aura, incomparable sorrowful desperate, thinks after western Heavenly Gate was broken through, frigid scenery that perfect square Immortal Domain bursts. 诸多西方仙域后裔,在这种气息,无比的悲痛绝望,想到了西天门被攻破后,整方仙域破裂的惨烈之景。 How many ten thousand years? 多少万年了? Once led the army to enter Western Immortal Domain foreign land Immortal King to reappear, although is only a wisp of internal energy, but frightening was still peerless, no one may keep off. 曾经带着大军杀入西方仙域的异域仙王再现,虽然只是一缕气机,可依旧恐怖绝伦,无人可挡。 Who are you? The person in samsara? Once fled to that world survivor?” “你是何人?轮回中的人?还是曾经逃往那一界余孽?” Can shove open that leaf of gateway, steps into Immortal Domain, pours somewhat uncommonly.” “能够推开那扇门户,踏入仙域,倒有几分不凡。” This foreign land Immortal King, the vision is very indifferent, although is only a wisp of internal energy, stops at nothing as before, is staring at exceedingly high Ancient City front Gu Changge. 这尊异域仙王,目光很冷漠,虽然只是一缕气机所化,依旧无所顾忌,盯着通天古城面前的顾长歌 Finally the vision falls Ancient City in this legend, looks at that gateway. 最后目光又落在这座传说中的古城,看着那道门户。 Through that gateway, he may the sensation to origin that the disseminate vague internal energy, they must seek. 通过那道门户,他可感知到其中传出的若有若无气机,正是他们一直所要寻找的起源之界。 Is only a wisp of internal energy?” “只是一缕气机?” hearing this, Gu Changge looked at eye foreign land Immortal King, the vision not fluctuated. 闻言,顾长歌看了眼这尊异域仙王,目光并无波动。 „A wisp of internal energy, but also suppress and kill you.” “一缕气机,也可镇杀你。” Kun profound Immortal King had not detected that in Gu Changge body Immortal King aura, does not think that he is one stands erect with oneself in same high exist(ence), the vision is indifferent. 坤玄仙王并未在顾长歌身上察觉到仙王的气息,并不认为他是一个和自己屹立在同一高度的存在,目光冷漠无比。 He lifts the palm to pat, the big hand that one Chaos Qi rushes, spans the universe, camouflaged the trim universe, the whole world is covered by him under. 他只是抬掌拍去,一只混沌气澎湃的大手,横亘天宇,遮蔽了整片宇宙,整个世界都被他覆盖在了下方。 Great Dao rumble, All Heavens universe at resonance. 大道隆隆,诸天宇宙都在共鸣。 Western Immortal Domain many laws and order, send out like the knife switch frightening sound, by the steamroll, was easily split open. 西方仙域的诸多规则秩序,更是发出如同闸刀般的恐怖声音,被轻易碾压,而后迸裂掉。 However regarding this, Gu Changge is refers to merely, faces forward to cut superficially. 不过对此,顾长歌仅仅是并指,轻描淡写地朝前斩去。 The one sword light plunders, azure spooky, resembled to pass through, washed the future. 一道剑光掠去,青幽幽,似贯穿了古史,洗涤了未来。 rumble! 隆隆 The vault of heaven shatters, the universe is turbulent, the trim universe seemed the fragment. 天穹震裂,乾坤动荡,整片宇宙都好似成了碎片。 The torrential sword light, is twining the chaos immortal light, passes through all, pressed and covered entire world. 滔滔的剑光,缠绕着混沌仙光,贯穿一切,压盖寰宇。 Radiantly was too dazzling, probably daytime the blue sky, shines eternally. 太璀璨耀眼了,像是白日青天,照耀万古。 Even River of Time hidden went, all laws and order, are crashing dissipates. 甚至连时间长河都隐去了,一切的规则秩序,都在崩塌消散。 Under this sword light, various world at wail. 这道剑光之下,诸世都在哀鸣。 Looks that this sword falls, originally the facial expression has been indifferent, without many Kun profound Immortal King of change, the complexion suddenly changed. 看着这一剑落来,本来神情一直冷漠,没有多少变化的坤玄仙王,面色陡然变了。 The found out great hand , the break collapses, shortly will disintegrate, then the sword light non-stop, a sword falls, beheads him directly, the form rumbles to blast out. 探出的巨手噗一声,断裂崩溃,顷刻间瓦解,而后剑光不停,一剑落下,直接将他枭首,身影轰一声炸开。
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